Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, I Want More Presence - December 22th, 2019

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sometimes you ought to be shouting to yourself while you are in the middle of something that you gotta tell the enemy you think this hurt was this your best shot wait and see what God does in my life when I come out of this y'all ain't saying nothin to me no pain no gain I sing because I'm happy I sing because I'm free yes is on the sparrow I gotta give a memo to these church people when you see me shout me it don't mean I give in with nothing cuz I know that's a that I can't be destroyed what I'm dealing with [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Psalm 16 I'm reading this morning from the New King James Version just one verse verse 11 Psalm 16 verse 11 once you found a one to say I have it if you can't find it say lord help me Psalm 16 verse 11 let's read it together with uplifted voices you will show me the path of life in your presence is the fullness of joy come on let's read it again with a little bit more enthusiasm and zeal you will show me the path of life you may be seated david wrote in Psalm 16 verse 11 you will show me the path of life in your presence is fullness of joy at your right hand are pleasures forevermore I want to preach for a little while this morning using as a subject I want more presence one more presence the story is told of a rambunctious young man sauntered into the living room one night his father was engrossed in television and he raised up the nerve to ask his father daddy how much do you make in an hour the father feeling offended replied in righteous indignation there's none of your business as a child why would you be asking me such a thing the son undeterred insisted daddy I'm just curious please would you tell me how much you make an hour the father / grudgingly responded I make $100 an hour feeling defeated the son meekly asked can I borrow $50 the father feeling furious bellowed if the only reason you asked was so you could borrow money go buy some games get some food in the food court get some tennis shoes you got another thing coming your attitude is inexcusable after the way that I make sure that you have everything you need you're gonna ask me that son sheepishly returned to his room shut the door and retired for the evening after some time he lapsed the father calm down he began to ruminate as to what was really going on with his son and he thought maybe he had been too harsh with him he crept into his son's room and tapped him on the shoulder and says son I repent I shouldn't have been so harsh with you here's the $50.00 you asked me for the boy jumped up reached under his pillow found some crumpled dollar bills father got more irate more upset saying you already had money now you got the nerve to ask me for money and the son retorted I asked you because I didn't have enough I didn't have enough then but now I do proudly the son announced daddy I now have $100 can I buy an hour of your time after you come home from work can you at least play basketball with me can you sit with me play a video game can we go on a ride can you just give me an hour I got $100 now the father uncontrollably sobbed he repented realizing new birth he had brought a lot of gifts but hadn't given any presents in the blog the melanin goddess calm there's a piece entitled the presence / presence it outlines for us three reasons why presence is important number one presence is important I want you to write this now presence is important number one for memories presence is important for memories children can forget expensive gifts but they'll always remember rich experiences at five they won't remember Jordans but they'll finally remember joy rides and conversations over ice cream your spouse will relish having your ear more than any pair of expensive earrings the aging parent would rather a visit over you buying a new TV set I want to ask you how can you forget what the Lord has done for you you need presents number one for memories number two you need presence over materialism the American Psychological Association after an exhaustive poll discovered that 51 percent of women and 42 percent of men said purchasing and giving gifts add to their distress social media has curated a culture of capitalistic competition that has reduced passion to what can be posted we're demanding labels from somebody who won't give you a title you demand a bag from somebody who won't invest in your business and here you are with your crazy self redecorating an apartment when you could have used it for a down payment for a house don't be a well dressed beggar or be so flat that you never get off the ground this is the season where you've got a transition from style to substance you need presents over presents number one you need it for what come on talk back to me class you need it for what number two you needed to beat what number three you need it for mindset you need it for mindset John Lennon deceased a frontman of the Beatles once told a reporter that when he was five his mother told him that happiness was the key to life and then he went to kindergarten and when he went to kindergarten the teacher asked him what did he want to be when he grew up John Lennon told his kindergarten teacher I want to be happy the kindergarten teacher scolded him and said you don't understand the assignment to which at five years old John Lennon said you don't understand life something is to be said when there's so many of you who don't understand that your happiness is not contingent on what somebody buys you but you've got to find the happiness on the inside of you this joy that I have the world didn't give it and the world can't take it away I'm telling you as much as you are complaining there are 50 people who were rather be in your shoes I know summer you all don't feel that way but in spite of what is or is not under the tree if you are happy with how God has blessed you this year a day to just give God glory right there come on if you had to buy your own stuff if you hit the treat yourself had to celebrate yourself would you just give God jewelry that what you need you can't get from Macy's Nordstrom Saks Target Walmart but something within me that huh if the ring when we think about joy we picture laughter smiles good vibrations but Hebrews 12 and 2 sheds different light fixing our eyes on Jesus the Pioneer and the perfecter of faith for the joy set before he endured the cross scorning its shame to sit on the right hand of the Father the jollywood Hebrews chapter 12 verse to say it is that Jesus had joy here this thinking about the cross his joy was not when he got off the cross sometimes you ought to be shouting to yourself while you are in the middle of something that you got to tell the enemy you think this hurt it was this your best shot wait and see what God see in my life when I come out of this y'all ain't saying nothing to me no pain no gain I sing because I'm happy I sing because I'm free yes I is on the sparrow I gotta give a memo to these church people when you see me shelter you don't mean I dealing with nothing cuz I know there's a call on my life that I can't be destroyed in what I'm dealing with David extends in Psalm 16:11 a revelation about joy that is predicated on location David helps us understand joy that is based off of where you are sister Williams already told you I've been here a year for a year I've been looking for somewhere to live in Atlanta my realtor wants to break up with me and I want to break up with her it's for a whole year we were looking for somewhere to live I'll go online scouring the internet looking for a domicile that fits my lifestyle I send it to him by the time she gets back to me somebody else already got to be it on it the ones I like end up being too far or being too high the perfect combination becomes daunting trying to find where I can live that'll make me happy finally I thought I found the perfect place had the right price so I thought and then I kept looking on the internet and couldn't find anything because the last one fell apart and one before that fell apart and one before that fell apart finally I thought I'd found the perfect home but it was no price listed say contact the owner [Applause] send it over to my realtor said it's not too big I won't be able to hear my own echo ain't too small I won't become close to phobic and in 24 hours she called back and gave me the price and I almost blacked out I asked why was it so high she said it's not the size it's the location it's six blocks from the governor's mansion because you so close to that place of power the cost is higher some of y'all miss what I'm trying to tell you when you live in the presence of God if the enemy even thinks about attacking you he understands because of where I am in relationship with God you better be careful when you mess with me there's a high price associated with my name I am NOT up for sale why I've been bought with a price is there anybody who knows in his presence is the fullness of joy happiness is the product of a condition while joy is the product of location so some people are only happy based off of what's going on in their life so they're happy when they get a raise happy when they get proposed to happy when they graduate happy when the bills are paid but when you've got joy it don't have nothing to do with the condition I got joy because of my location and so I get joy when I think about what she's done for me look at the person beside you tell them if I didn't have God come on look at him tell him if I didn't have God I'd beat the press I'd be stressed up I'd be losing my mind but because God's heya is even when I don't have all the money can smile ever - I can speak to the folk that don't like me I can break for those they wanted to see me so in order for me to have more joy I need more prisons I think I lost you I said in order for me to have more joy I need more presence I don't know how many of you need the presence of God but the presence of God don't always show what why you're in the sanctuary you will find the presence of God in the most unlikely places can I find a witness right through here come here Shadrach Meshach and Abednego said pass the rod let me tell Newberg where I found his presence there was no quiet there was no praise team there was no liturgical dancers but I was in a fiery furnace but when I begin to bless God in the fire yes Bassets begin to show up there's somebody in this room that's going to something right now which you worship God hey be seated all I want is this presence we didn't look at your neighbors and don't you let me shop by myself if I just shed lack in the furnace but sadly I had two other people miss Shack and a bender God God said is so much glory on you that when you begin the fast in my presence not only am I don't deliver you but a dilemma who stuck with you wow you are in there's some a little worship God let your two best friends are getting ready to get delivered the people closest to you open dog all I need is this presence I need to feel God before I do something crazy I gotta feel God before I say something crazy I just need this presence and God told me to take the same glory that you feel in this church right now is don't be a your living room this week can you know about it he said this is for my worship us if you do a summation to our sanctuary that you can feel the presence in your house if you need his presence that's what I want all I want for Christmas is this presence and then here watches out in that boot sack and an egg coach needs yes presence some of y'all don't want to I get it but for 3,000 of you that just need his presence hallelujah I'm giving you just 60 seconds to get in this face let us know how desperately you need them I don't care what you gotta do to get in this presence this is your moment to make a mandate of the glory of God that hand is lifted that mouth is open I don't care if you got a deal that you'll see if you gotta lay prostrate at the altar if you gotta walk whatever you gotta do to get in the process of God I want you to make a mandate for me but what I need is his presence I'm telling you the glory of God is voice-activated if you don't need nothing don't say nothing but if you know you need him more than anything that he is the air I breathe in the air my live in here my and yeah I had my very ba you to get in this presence come on lift up that hand open up your mouth I just want to get in this presence [Applause] [Music] [Music] we are standing on holy ground [Applause] Oh [Music] let us praise Jesus Jenna jeez we [Music] big crowd Oh as significant is standing every person is standing I'd rather have Jesus then silver or gold I don't know where is that you are you're in this room and you want the presence of God to occupy your life you're the presence of God to invade your family you're the presence of God to shift the atmosphere wherever it is that you are I am not ashamed to tell you that I want to be your pastor I'm telling you I got no tricks up my sleeve I want you to be a part of New Birth nation I'm believing by faith that you're coming today will ensure that your name is written in the book of life wherever it is that you find yourself in this place you're saying pastor you don't even know you're talking to me I need his presence I need his presence in my life wherever it is that you are don't worry about these people looking at you all of us have to take that walk whether you find yourself in this room would you excuse yourself would you come meet me at this altar please new birth would you give God glory as they come [Music] come on they still coming y'all ain't clapping juice his family comin come on Jesus now [Music] his presence listen the way that my faith is set up I'm believing God for ten more people to come I'm believing that they gonna make their way to this altar in the next two minutes on the way you are but I want you to know I'm not too proud to bear what an amazing testimony you're gonna have is that before Christmas I got the gift of salvation I can't yeah I thought y'all would be excited about that before Christmas came I found the church that was custom tailor made with me and my family in mind give God glory [Music] and each other shout but his mother and Sons cometh [Music] I'm thankful for you sir listen there's some people who are in the honeycomb hideout they trying to not be seen they thought they'd get to a big church and just hide as if their gift would not be revealed as if their gift would not be exposed I'm telling you new birth is a good church new birth is a good church but when you join we gonna be a great Church you are the only thing that our church is missing if I could just get you to come new bro come on let's go to work they chime to play hard to get would you move from where you are find somebody who's avoiding eye contact find somebody who's avoiding eye contact ask them are they saved ask them do they have a church home ask them have they given their life over to God if you're here today I so desperately want to see you come down that aisle I want you to come give us your hand more than anything I want you to give God's your heart new birthday coming but y'all not clapping the other made my day thank you come on I'm waiting on five of you come on runaway slaves come on you'd have made it to the promised land wherever it is that you I'm waiting on you're just four more of you that need to come would you do a spin 360 for me real quick as a person on your left on your right in front of you behind you hey you need me to walk you down there oh you sure you saved come on talk to him for me please talk to him if you're here today I need you I'm holding up the whole service waiting for you to come [Music] [Applause] that's one best too I told you I was waiting on five where are you come on all I need is three more if you're in this room I need you to come those of you who are watching online and you want to be a part of our church we so welcome you I don't care whether you're living in Carolina whether you're living in Colorado whether you're living in Canada I want you to please come and be a part of what it is that God is doing no matter wherever it is that you are we are a local church making a global impact God is gonna bless you even if you don't live it in Georgia come on this three I'm waiting on two more I'm waiting on two more wherever it is that you are I'm waiting on two more to come young old male female sister brother friend hater co-worker celebrator wherever it is that you are need you to come please here they come [Music] [Applause] and not known come on here comes somebody else give God glory now stretch a right hand to faith repeat after me you're in the right place at the right time hold on hold on musicians hold on one minute it's still somebody else I can't even give peace I'm waiting on you I don't even know where you are my spear don't lie to me come on come on give God the Lord for this beautiful family come on I need y'all to give God glory for this mother [Applause] bless his name thank you I'm out finished I just need listen if I just get one more brother to come I'm telling you that's gonna do something for me I need one last brother I'm telling you I'm the weirdest man yes I don't know where this young man is but I need you at this altar please sir please sir I need you to come if there's a brother near you would you ask him is he saved and said man does he have a church home if he's saved he won't be offended by you asking give God some praise for these sisters coming [Applause] [Music] alright let's try it one more again here he comes come on give God some Lord for this brother coming yelling don't shout about it hello all right let's get it your right hand to faith right hand if a 4-peat after me repeat after me you in the right place at the right time chillin in the right church serving only God and I've noticed right show your right bless the look you may be seated right where you are both of you who are at the altar if you'll follow us this way real quick new buff make some noise make some noise [Applause] [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 32,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PCj7JcgMI50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 48sec (2088 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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