God Still Speaks // How Does God Speak To Us? // Anchored // Michael Todd

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it is 2021 and you made it i made it thank god we are here my question is what are you doing to prepare for this year at transformation church we do 21 days of prayer and fasting every year not just years in the middle of a pandemic but every year because we want to hear what god has to say about our lives our families and our purpose and i'm asking you to join me yeah yeah i know what you're thinking like fasting like giving up something i promise you anytime you give up something pleasurable and deny your flesh you are doing it to get closer to god spiritually and you never give up something for god that he doesn't return to you in the way that you need it most so i'm telling you we're going to help you we're going to resource you we even teamed up with the youversion bible app and we have a plan that's going to walk you through every day that you can do we have noonday prayer we're going to be meeting on youtube every night at six i'm telling you you can make this year the best year but it will only be the best year if it's your best year spiritually join us in 21 days of prayer and fasting oh come on wherever you are can we give god a big shout of praise he's worthy oh y'all not saying that and you're looking at me right now but let's give god a huge shout of praise glory to god is anybody excited to be in your house of the lord today y'all missed it i said your house of the lord because wherever the spirit of the lord is there is freedom and i don't know who needs to hear this right now but right where you are god is there somebody say here it's holy you missed it see because some of you are in a situation right now that does not seem like it's a good thing but god says if i am there with you right in that moment you might be going through a divorce but here is holy you might be on the verge of making some decisions that change your entire friend group but right here is holy somebody say here is holy and i need you to hear that because all of this year i've just really been asking god to take me from events that bring you glory we're missing the worship nights and the and and the big conferences and i said god take me from the events that bring you glory and give me a life that brings you glory and what his response to me was is every step that you take is holy like in the frustration holy in the pain it's still it's still god's sovereignty he's still good and i just want somebody to know that's watching that the fact that you're in this moment right now watching this this is a holy moment because god through something is going to speak to you he might speak through something i say he's gonna definitely speak through his word he may speak through the person that's sitting next to you and makes a side comment while you were going open up your ears to hear that god is still speaking and so today we just want to give god an opportunity to do what nothing has been able to do all week satisfy your job didn't satisfy you this week you might have got a paycheck but it didn't satisfy you it didn't fill you up your marriage some of y'all think is going to satisfy you but they are just to help be a conduit to point you towards god but the only thing that can satisfy is god and today that's what we want to do we want to give you the word so i don't know where you're watching from right now but i'm excited to hear is anybody excited to be in the actual building and is anybody excited to be in the virtual building right now hey i need to know where you're watching from if you're if you're watching from somewhere i need you to type it in the chat come on i need you to do that as you get your bibles everybody may be seated in the room i need to get right into preaching because i got a bunch to say and um i i see people watching from florida and there's people that are watching from from overseas there's people watching from maryland and minnesota and there's people watching from chicago and new york i am so glad that our church in the middle of a pandemic has grown anytime the enemy tries to suppress something it spreads out and god does a lot of amazing work and i'm just grateful that you would allow me and my wife to pastor you um through one of the hardest seasons in human history i don't take it lightly and i count it as a privilege that you tune in every sunday that many of you partner financially that many of you share and send this to your friends and evangelize your family and and and really are the ministers in the area that you are i believe 2021 as a church is going to be our best year ever and i believe that's because we are going to be aware of what god wants to do through our life somebody say my life is his now for some of you you just lied because your life is committed to your preference and not his purpose but i heard god say if you're going to commit to my purpose this year then you're going to have to become everybody shot at me anchored shout it like you mean it say it with your chest this year we will be anchored and i do believe that the prophetic word that god gives us every year in a vision type of way is something that marks our lives and is able to refine us so today i thought what i would do as i come into week two of this series about being anchored and y'all i'm so excited to preach this message right now i thought i would walk us through how i got here okay so so we are officially starting get your notepads ready get your smartphones and your dumb phones get everything that you got ready because we are in week two of a series we're calling help me anchor all right now this is going to be a series that shapes your whole year yeah yeah so i want you to plan right now on coming back to this series every month how many notebooks do you have filled the notes and how many things do you have on your phone and emails that you have of notes that you never use god's saying if you're going to be anchored you got to remember my words mark my words that's what we talked about last week he's saying remember them so that in a season that you didn't know you needed it i already gave you the answer i dare say to some people right now the very answer you're looking for god already gave you just for god this is one of the things that god is challenging us to do is not just be consumers be studiers of his word and in this series i think it is my position to not just come as the man of god and and god gave me this word you know how people do and they act like they the only one here from god and they they don't sleep on an actual bed and don't use the actual toilet somehow it just comes out of them and they're purified and like it's just all these things and that's the furthest thing from the truth i want you to know i am a human hue man that is submitted to god and anything that happens in my life can happen in your life if you make the same type of type of sacrifices and dedications and devote yourself take your vote away god i don't want to do that but i'm devoted i don't have a vote no more i i don't want to do prayer and fasting but i'm devoted i'm going to take my vote away and you can see these outcomes in your life and so today i wanted to start it start this whole thing by telling you how i got to the word anchored i don't like the word anchored let's start there let's start that when god gives you a word he does not consult your feelings when god speaks prophetically he doesn't look at what you want he looks at what you need and god somehow stepped outside of eternity and saw transformation church in this year and said the word they need to center around gather their faith around give around is the word anchor and so let me start off by saying this is not my favorite word i would have preferred tons of other words explosion the blow up the next level any of those could have worked god and i pray about it because when god starts to show me something or hear something and the reason i'm walking us through this because i saw a couple comments and i got a few emails that raised my pastor up this this week that said god don't be speaking to people like that whoa you see he's just over here talking about how god talks to him there's nowhere in the bible that it talks about god speaking to people really so i thought today that i'm not just going to give you fish i'ma teach you how to fish and let you know that god is still speaking and he wants to do something so special in your life so every summer if you've been around transformation church there's about a a a month and a half that me and pastor natalie disappear from the scene and i go on sabbatical from the very first year of me being in ministry we we take this time and on that sabbatical i intentionally intentionally make a space for god to speak to me so i literally go to a random hotel where only my security and my wife know where i'm at and i sit there and i just pray and ask god what i'm supposed to do and pace around the room and admit i don't know nothing and i asked god like why did you choose me there's a whole nother year that people are going to come every sunday and you know the funny thing about sundays they come every sunday and i don't know what to do and i just lay before god and i ask him for vision and direction every year when i make this space god meets me in these times and what ends up happening is out of that time i bring the word to the year to our staff first and i usually share it with them in september or october at staff advance because it's hard to lead somebody a place you've never gone before and so this team we pray and we fast and we talk about the word of the year so this staff and this team the reason why anchorage is coming off so smooth to us because we've been walking this thing out for about four or five months and then at the beginning of the year i share it with our church because it's not just for this house the organization it's for somebody say my house god does not speak anything in this house that he does not want duplicated in your house he doesn't want this church blessed and your marriage not blessed he doesn't want this church to be influential and you not be influential god uses this church as an example of what he wants to do everybody say through me and so when i went on sabbatical the main thing that i write down in my journal is god i want to hear you i want to hear you and god i will listen and when i said that um to somebody this week talking to them through like god still speaks god told me he said michael people are deceived hearing me hearing god's voice is normal for the believer he said if you don't hear me who are you hearing if you're not hearing me somebody's speaking to you can i prove it to you because in john 10 4 5 he said that my sheep follow me they know my voice and a stranger they will not follow but they will flee from him for they know not the voice of a stranger who's ever talking to you if it ain't god who is it and i really begin to think about that because god said i'm still speaking but culture's speaking too finances are speaking too your favorite motivational speaker is speaking too and you've confused their good idea with my voice and the problem that's happening right now is because it takes a sacrifice to get into the presence of god a sacrifice to live a life that's holy enough a sacrifice so many of y'all would rather take a cheap counterfeit than actually have the authentic voice of god speaking in your life i'm already doing too much right now michael wu saw but 2021 will not be the year that you will be able to blame god for not speaking to you 2021 will not be the year that you talk about he's just so far away from me no no no no your ears are closed and you're walking around like and god says i'm speaking but you can't hear me because you're listening to the stranger's voice we talk about stranger things let me tell you about stranger things stranger things is hearing from people who do not have the heaven's mind for your life stranger things is listening to a friend group that feels like they're more successful than you so maybe i should listen to them they don't know the purpose of god for your life they don't know the plan that god has for your marriage they do not know what god has already ordained for you you better stop listening to the stranger's voice [Applause] i have small children right now that love answering the door they love bing bong they ah knock knock they love answering the door but the one thing that i've had to teach my daughters and my son is when somebody's at the door the first thing they ask is what who is it and the problem is so much stuff has been showing up at the door of your life and you've stopped asking who is it you're just opening the door some of y'all took the door off the hinge and they can come in and go as they please but today it's time oh i feel this thing it's time to put a barrier back up and when you hear something you need to ask who is it [Applause] and the only way i know who it is is if they speak their voice authenticates who it is and very very easily now my daughter says who is it and i say it's your daddy she stay her reaction who is it it's charles oh uncle charles who is it it's auntie bree she knows how to give access to people she's familiar with their voice but when she says who is it and it's a stranger's voice she doesn't respond audibly she daddy somebody's at the door and i'm unfamiliar with their voice daddy are you expecting somebody are you expecting this relationship are you expecting this business deal see daddy should be talked to either way it's either him at the door or i'm running to him because the stranger i didn't this ain't even my message but all i'm saying to you today is that god is speaking and many of us are missing him because we've been we've been conned by the stranger and i don't know what the strange voice is that has been speaking to you the strange voice of insecurity the strange voice of comparison the strange voice of depression and anxiety and perversion they've been speaking to you and god's saying hey my sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not adhere they won't listen they will not submit to and god's saying i'm speaking somebody say god speaks i want you to say it like you mean it god speaks and now make it personal god will speak to me i'm declaring that over your life if you've never ever thought so well my my old denomination didn't believe that welcome baby to the full gospel of jesus christ somebody needs to know that god will speak to me who give you direction about the business he'll give you direction about let me stop i'm i think i just need to do it charles can i just tell him how god speaks um the first thing i need to let you know that malachi 3 6 tells us um the character of god it shows that he's an anchor it shows that he's reliable and dependable and it says for i am the lord and i don't change so the first thing you got to understand is that god is an anchor that does not change uh he is something that is going to be the same and he has been the same and he will be the same so if god spoke in the bible days and he said he don't change he's still speaking today so let me tell you 11 ways i just got to flow through this i'm gonna have to maybe do an instagram live or do something on this later because i really feel that people need to hear this but god speaks somebody shouted me god speaks god speaks in an audible voice now this is getting more and more um rare but this is how god has spoken and i do believe how god still speaks to some people in certain situations from adam and eve to moses in the burning bush the reason that god speaks in an audible voice is to get somebody's full attention and this has never happened to me but i'm not saying because it hasn't happened to me that it hasn't happened and some of us are so prideful to think that because you've not experienced something somehow that limits god he's god if you believe or not he's god there's a word in the bible and it's a cuss word for some but this is the thing that really gives god an unexplainable title he's sovereign he does what he wants when he wants to and i know that's not sexy language in 2021 because we want everything to make sense and have a reason and be able to logically understand it and god says you can want all that but i ain't got to do all that i'm sovereign and i believe that god still speaks in an audible voice that's why hebrews 13 8 says jesus christ is the same yesterday today and forever so that's one way that god speaks let me give you a second way that god speaks through angelic visitations now i know this is way above a lot of y'all's pay grade but the way that mary knew that she was pregnant with jesus is an angel came to her this is the thing that i really do believe that angelic hosts what we talk about we believe they can sing holy holy holy all around the throne but we don't believe they can fight for us but i look at uh there are different types of angels there are ministering angels there are guardian angels and there are warring angels and some of you have put your angels at bay because you don't believe that these things are real but god speaks through angelic visitation i can't even go number three he speaks through dreams and visions this is the one that we want all the time but this is not all how all the times how he comes but this is a way that he speaks he speaks through signs and miracles god will speak to somebody who does not believe he will speak to them that's what he says the miracles are for the unbelievers when somebody who was this way is standing there watching skeptical and god touches them and they get healed they'll be like hold on now tell me again how that happened god said that the reason miracles have to come into 2021 is because the world is getting dimmer and dimmer and they can't believe but when they see my light when they see cancer dry up on the inside of somebody when they see somebody who was addicted and couldn't function without pills and alcohol i feel my help coming on it is a miracle for the unbeliever and god speaks through signs and miracles i believe that god speaks through coin i'm hype god speaks to coincidences i heard albert einstein say coincidences are god's way of remaining anonymous it was a coincidence i ran into you at the that was god oh it's such a coincidence i had a dream about this and then somebody started singing the song in office that happened this week coincidence somebody said that's god he's speaking when you thought it was have you ever been somewhere and said something told me stop dumbing down to something the something has a name his name is jesus oh okay i don't know why i feel so preachy today i whoa it must be this lime green strip i don't know which one i like okay so god speaks through coincidence he speaks through his written word this is in the greek called the logos the bible it is the main way listen to what i'm saying this is the main way that god speaks to us the problem is is if you do not open up the bible you are void of the main way that god speaks to people there has been time after time that i needed an answer for something that was happening in my everyday life and i opened up my bible for devotion man not wanting to read can it can i be honest with you the pastor don't always want to read his bible i don't want to ah matthew mark luke or john yeah but as i open up the living word god starts reading me see because the bible is the only book that you read it but it reads you back my attitude is off and god says yeah right there that's why i'm gonna get you and this is why i want you to understand that in 2021 for you to be anchored you cannot be anchored without the word of god your instagram post scripture is not studying the word of god nobody's gonna say it so i think i just have to say yes you posted it with lilies and flowers and it works with your aesthetic but it did not go to your heart it went on your page but it missed your heart and what god is saying to you right now is you gotta hide yourself in my word because i'll speak to you somebody said god speaks that's six ways the other way he speaks is through the living word jesus says in john 6 63 the words or the rhema that's the right now word that i speak to you are spirit that's there's something that's in them and they are life see this is the thing that you got to understand i don't understand how people live without the holy spirit functioning in their life because that is the living word jesus literally says it's better disciples because they was tripping if you if you if you let me go because if i go and do my father's business i'm gonna send you the holy spirit and when i send you the holy spirit he's gonna be your comforter he is gonna walk with you he's going to talk with you and he's going to lead you into all truth everybody say truth and the fact is that there's a lot of lies going on right now and we need truth and god's saying that when i give my word through the holy spirit it's a specific word for a specific time for a specific need and when you live like this god speaks everybody say god speaks this is the one you're not going to like god speaks to other people that's good dang see because we wish we could judge the type of people that god allows us to speak through but the person you don't like god can speak through them the person who've been on your nerves at your job the problem is some of your enemies have been speaking the most truth to you but because you won't even listen and see is there anything that god has to say in the midst of that you have now shut off the answer to the very thing you've been praying for somebody shout at me god speaks i could go all day on all of this one on this one god speaks through media god literally will speak the bible talks about him declaring things to all nations and how does things get to all nations right now through media through social media through television through all of this stuff god is using media right now to speak okay some of y'all got real religious not the media not the how would you be hearing the word of god right now unless god was using technology and media i honestly believe and i say this that we have never been fully positioned as the body of christ to do the great commission go into all the world and make disciples of every nation how can i do that and still keep up what god says about being the man of the house and being stewarding in first timothy and being a leader and having how can i do that and take care of my home unless there's a vehicle that god divinely uses to spread the gospel and i can give my babies baths at night how can i still be and god's saying i'm giving you a tool that i speak through somebody say god speaks god speaks through creation and nature you want to know is god real go outside just go outside and look up yeah yeah go go outside if you near ocean we we land locked in tulsa we only got ponds that don't have full water in them but if you buy an ocean go look at the ocean and tell me that god does not speak through creation when i tell you when we watch every season no matter the economic downfall or the economic rise in every season the flowers still bloom no matter who's in office or who's out of office the birds and the bees still pollinate no matter what is going on through every age and every kingdom rising every empire fall bear still hibernate god is speaking and the last way i'm going to talk about that god speaks is through our conscience there are things that my body's about to do that my conscience says no don't do it now i'm already in the act my my my flesh has already decided and then the holy spirit just invades my conscience and say this is going to delay you they're a setback have you ever walked in a place about to put the money down and say that's bad this ain't your house that ain't your mate at the engagement party you ain't getting that money back but you'll have your life i'm telling you right now god is trying to help somebody do not ignore when the holy spirit jumps in your conscience he's trying to speak somebody say god speaks and and the key is we have to learn how to recognize his voice because sometimes the bible tells us he stop talks in a still small voice and some of us are too busy to hear the small voice of god i i want to normalize silence i need you to you don't always have to have something going i want to a normalize meditation not in no weird like like the bible all these other religions are biting the bible this is not new he says meditate on my word day and night this is this is what i need you to do and some of us are so busy setting atmospheres that we don't hear answers the candle's right the mood's right i have my my my mood music and the vibe is right and i've done this and god's saying like just sit down just spend that extra five minutes in the car turn the radio off turn instagram off one of the most spiritual things you may do is turn your notifications off of your phone i had to do this three years ago i'm trying to be very practical i don't get a ding every time somebody hits my social medias because it was my invitation for interruption god could be speaking to me you don't think the enemy will help somebody text me you don't think he'll help somebody like yeah yeah don't send it right now and at the moment god's about to give a word i don't know what all your sounds are but they start happening and and even if i ignore them they have now taken up space i didn't answer it but now it's taking up room if you're gonna be anchored this year you got to make space for god to speak and i believe there's puzzle pieces to this this is the one thing of how i got to the word anchored this year and i just feel like teaching i feel like being your pastor this morning i feel like just giving you like just practical things that will help you be anchored if you want to be anchored in your life anchored in your spiritual life i told you all a few weeks ago this will be your best year ever if it is your best year spiritually that was not for likes or comments that is a true statement that is going to take you having to sacrifice some things to get the best thing and the best thing you can get is a word from god somebody shout at me god speaks and this is how you get those puzzle pieces to come together the first thing that happens when i go to get vision and this is how we got to anchored as i get in god's presence you never get a word from god without him actually being there his presence it's not a gift he sends in the mail it's a gift he gives as he's there with you it is his presence my wife loves gifts that i get her but she would take back every purse and every piece of shoe and every gift i would ever for my actual presence and i feel like the church has been so enamored with gifts well they seem good the gifts they preach good that they have settled for gifts instead of his presence if the note is off and he's there it's all good you see they don't want that one because at the minute we might sacrifice excellence but we get his presence do you know some of the most amazing times i've had with god had no led screens attached to it had no good sound the times when god checked me and changed me and transform me i wasn't in a ritz called and i was at a best western 79 99 do you unders i'm just trying to say that if you do not put value on his presence you're missing a piece of the puzzle and for you to be anchored this year you're going to have to get in his presence that's why we're spending 21 days praying and fasting and i'm encouraging everybody that's still tuned in because some of people tuned off because the appetite went up we just went from mcdonald's into ruth crist and some of y'all have had an appetite spiritually for fast food and what god is saying is i'm about to change your palate i'm about to bring you up to steak potatoes shrimp and lobster and some people can't eat that all the time because they've been used to eating things that are processed but i'm coming to give you the actual organic word of god and what god has for you will not come without his presence and honestly you should be ignorant enough to say i'm not good enough without his presence so if your presence is not with me i won't go [Applause] let me stop i'm encouraging somebody these last seven days of praying fasting get on this join us 170 000 plus people have downloaded this youversion bible app but 170 000 people haven't done it i can bet that i'll bet my own life on it because we would rather have the appearance of god doing something in our life than actually his power moving in our life and the only way that changes is through his everybody say presence and so when i went away and i got in god's presence this has been a number two thing you need to the puzzle piece is a pattern see i want to be super practical right now as a lot of people get in his presence but they have not made it a pattern yet so it's so sporadic that god's trying to get on your calendar like can i get okay no i blessed him too much he ain't got time for me okay um so can i oh no they just got no relationship okay so i was gonna say okay and if you do not make it a pattern to make time to spend with god then you miss the nuances of the pattern that god wants to give you the reason that my staff and my team know that we're going to have a word every year is since 2015 it has been a pattern why is pastor might got to go for a month and a half two months because he has a pattern with god that the rest of our year is different because he keeps to the pattern some of you in your marriage need to have a pattern of a date night your children are suffering because the love in your house is sucked out because you only are business partners now and god says it's because you do it without my presence and you lost the pattern and i'm just asking you practically where are the areas in your life that you have drifted away from the pattern remember 2020 is the year of the anti-drift and i'm gonna talk about that next week but i gotta lay this foundation that we need his presence but we need a pattern and as i go away for that week and just ask god what he's trying to say i do another pattern that's under my pattern of going away i always ask god for wisdom this is one of the things that i don't care who you are and if you just joined the faith today that god says that as you are one of his children you can ask for wisdom james 1 5 and 6 says if any one of you lacks wisdom let him ask god not google wrong g [Music] some of y'all are so quick to ask the wrong g about your situation it says ask god watch this who is faster than a search engine and gives it generously to all without reproach he doesn't factor in your past he doesn't factor in the last time you didn't listen to him he doesn't factor in any of that he says he'll give it willingly without reproach and it will be given it will be given him but let him ask there's a caveat with faith with no doubting for the one who doubts is like a wave ooh sounds like they need an anchor the one who asks that doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind god's saying if you're going to ask me drop your anchor in faith and know that if you ask me for wisdom i'll give you wisdom for your marriage i'll give you wisdom for the business i'll give you wisdom for what house and neighborhood to live in yeah it looks depreciated right now but you don't know the city's talking about redoing this area and the reason i told you to buy the house now and it seems cheaper than what you want because it'll be three times that two years from now if you would just listen i'm telling you i'll give you wisdom but wisdom comes from his presence and a pattern so as i went to that hotel this year and i asked god for wisdom then i want to give you the third puzzle piece to really getting a word from god a vision from god getting anchored in your own life is it will be practical god does not live up in this ethereal realm he says that i work in the details of my children's life so his presence creates a pattern that will come out practically and i know this is not the teacher because every pastor wants you to feel like they smarter than you let me tell you very clearly i'm not smarter than y'all i'm i don't have many of you have more actual knowledge more things in your head than i ever will the one thing most people can't mess with me on is that i am practically looking for god everywhere you might know about him i know him i can see him at ihop i can see him i can see him as i'm walking down the street i can see him and a homeless person i can see him in a beat i can see him in a movie i can see him in a camera i can see him the whole earth is the lord's and most of y'all look for him on sunday [Applause] and i see him in everything so when god gave me his presence and i had a pattern god spoke to me and he said michael open your eyes and look i'm going to speak something in your conscience and i i want to show y'all i thought it would be better today to show you how we're here and what god wants to do than just to talk to you about it it was in august august 7th i woke up and i pulled out my phone and i just typed this down i'd never seen this before but god spoke to me because i had made room in his presence i had a pattern and then he made it real practical this is all he said the word for 2021 is anchored august 8th 2020 at 1 52. this is my real phone i literally practical i need everybody to understand this is not mystical or spooky or oh yeah no no practical i hit the word anchored and there's a thing on the iphone that says look up word and i looked up the definition of anchor and this would have said a person or thing that provides stability and confidence in an otherwise unpredictable situation and god said he whispered this one sentence to me and i marked his word what you are tied to is more important than where and then i this is how i left it up here just like this because i was supposed to say where you are but it was unfinished because i got distracted what you were tied to is more important than where my goal that's personality what you are tied to is more important than where daddy and i left this up here to let you know that even the people that are supposed to be the closest to god have the opportunity to be to be distracted but what god had me do is go back to his presence and i had a pattern and he finished this word of me and that's why i can finish it for you what you are tied to is more important than where you currently are and that was a practical thing and i said okay god so so so so what are you telling me he said michael any time you do anything get in my presence get the pattern i'll make it pra practical proverbs 3 5 and 6 says trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding i did not understand why you wanted it to be anchored i did not understand what 2021 hold because i didn't have god's view on it but he did so he said anchored and he said in all your ways acknowledge this is me that's why i had the audacity to put it in my phone because i acknowledged this wasn't me this was god and he said if you will do that i will direct your path and i don't know who i'm talking to right now but i'm giving you practical ways that you can hear for your family and your god how to be anchored in this year you got to get the puzzle piece of his presence and his pattern and it has to be practical and this is the thing that i love about god is that when god speaks something he will be persistent do y'all know how many times i tried to change the word tried to maybe like maybe this was what god was saying and god's saying is i'm the same i gave it to you and if you don't like it it don't matter the truth is not affected by the opinion your opinion of what god is doing has nothing to do with the truth of what he's doing and he said whether you tell the church or not 2021 you need to be anchored and he said and i'll give you confirmation and this is the beautiful thing with walking and talking and knowing that god speaks is that you will begin to get confident that god will give confirmation i expect confirmation my life is too in the balance to not hear god say this is definitely it and let me give somebody freedom right now god is not offended by you asking for confirmation can you go to judges chapter 6 verse 36 i want i want you to show you this small story about gideon gideon was the least of the least the worst tribe nobody knew anything about him he was scary he was i mean gideon was the weakest person you can think of and god through an angel spoke to him and said mighty man of valor and getting like who are you talking to and then in a further passage then gideon is like all right he's experienced the presence and and and now it's coming to be practical you want me to save israel and look and gideon said to god um hey god this is hey man this has been great all the signs that you've done but um if you are truly going to use me to rescue israel as you promised now i didn't really want this like this wasn't part of my plan i just wanted some bread and that's why i was doing this at the bottom of the uh threshing floor but if you want me to rescue them as you promised i don't know how to say this but um prove it to me and and then okay he might smite me but i i mean i'ma die either way i need to really know could you not just prove it to me but prove it to me in this specific way so so this one i'm gonna do i'm gonna put a wool fleece on the threshing floor tonight and if the fleece is wet with due in the morning but the ground around it is dry then i will know that's that yeah that'll be it i'll know that you're going to help me rescue israel as you promised he already said it but gideon was bold enough to ask for confirmation and i think that sometimes we play god like he's intimidated by our request and he literally asked him can you prove it to me in this specific way and look what it said it says that 38 and that is just what happened when gideon got up early the next morning he squeezed the fleece and rung out a whole bowl full of water didn't get he and said to god god you know what that was great wow i mean did y'all see whoa only god could do that um um but just one more thing um just real quick please don't be angry with me but my life is in the balance like i i can't this deciding who i marry even if we get divorced they take a piece of me like like there's children in the balance there's there's there's generational wealth in the balance there's my heart in the god don't be angry with me but let me make just one more request let me use the fleece in one more test this time let the fleece remain dry while the ground around it is wet with dew so that night god did as gideon as and the fleece was dry in the morning but the ground was covered with dew do you know how big our god is that when he speaks it to you and believe it in faith then he'll confirm it he'll confirm it over and over and over and over again and what ended up happening in me figuring out that this was the word for this year i was like god anchored i don't even know okay like that's what you want to do and he said yeah i'll prove it to you so me and my wife and a couple of our friends went on a vacation in august and august 25th we're going to this i'm i'm i am one of those people that when you go on a vacation especially in a different country the first place i want to go is to the grocery store because i want to know how american is this place i want to know can i find doritos can i find oreos and can i find some sprite because if anything goes wrong i'll be able to survive on those i don't know judge me if you want but this is how i do when i go to other countries and so we're on our way walking from this nice hotel to like the hood corner store and as i'm watching over my back to see if i'm gonna have to shank somebody i um walk up on this picture that i want to show you right here that god said that he would confirm his word to me i'm walking and out of nowhere comes this 12 foot anchor and i literally look at this anchor and i'm like what in the world is that you just told me that the word is anchored and now i don't even think it was 19 days later he presents to me an anchor when i saw this it stopped me in my tracks because it was god practically confirming what he told me privately i want to let you know that god will confirm publicly and practically what he told you everybody say privately and i know some of y'all like well i've already got everything figured out and all this other stuff but god literally put a 12-foot anchor in my view and said i'm speaking i'm speaking and my question to you is what has god put in your view that you thought was just scenery [Music] god's speaking he's trying to show you he's trying to develop you he's trying to engage you right now somebody said god speaks i see this 12-foot anchor august 25th 2020. here it is and my wife is like what are you doing i said i got to go take a picture of this i ain't even told natalie yet and i just take a picture of the anchor and i'm like all right god but you remember that story in judges when gideon asked twice don't be mad at me but if i'm about to tell hundreds of thousands of people that we're supposed to anchor this can't be cute cause i'ma have people telling me i'm a false prophet and i might have people disconnected from the church and i'm a happy god i don't want the problems i just want to hear from you and god said i'll confirm it so later on we get on the boat and go to this little private beach area and we've been there like two or three days in a row little flamingos walking around when i want to hear god i go to the beach y'all hear me and i just be looking just letting all my cellulite hang out and everything i just i just we working on it we about to get anchored in the name of jesus but but i was sitting there and we're on our way to catch the boat back and god said he whispered looked to your right and i looked to my right and saying nothing to the right and god said yes it is this is what was to my right could you please put it on the screen a 30-foot anchor i said oh like you really now this is the funny thing i asked my wife and my sister who went on the trip with us i said did y'all see this anchor every day they said we haven't seen it one day but because we passed it over and over it was there the whole time but when i looked when god whispered to my heart i then saw a confirmation to what god had already told me privately he wanted me to know that he was with me publicly so i took a picture next to this big anchor and i said god i'm going to teach anchored this year that was back in august you know when time goes by from when god says something to you if you get a little it could be a little shaky like i don't i don't seen a lot of things god's done something maybe the word for year is forgive because we did the whole fu series and god was like i didn't change i didn't i didn't lose my spot i gave you what i wanted you to do then i gave it to you there and i need you to obey me now [Applause] i'm just trying to help somebody anchor so i went back to him one more time hey lord it's the end of the year i just could you please just confirm i've been in your presence i got a pattern you made it really practical and and you've been persistent and telling me this is exactly what you want me to do but i just want to know you're still with me and i don't think that god looks at that as a bad thing when you ask him in faith because my concern is i just don't want to do nothing without you like i don't i don't wan i don't want to cross this line if you're not over the line and god said i got you son me and natalie go to a restaurant to have breakfast this has never happened to me ever and this is what happened on december 30th take a look at your screen look i can't make this stuff up at the bottom of my cup look at that is a what oh they need to clean this cup but it's a what it's an anchor at the bottom of my cup oh god is speaking tc he's speaking and you look good glory to god glory to god i go to take a sip and i look at i don't never look at the bottom of my cup and god placed an anchor at the bottom of my cup so if anybody has a question about the what the word of the year is for tc go find another church go find a dick but the one thing i know is that when god spoke that we were supposed to be anchored because i got in his presence i found a pattern it was practical he was persistent the thing that i get to stand here next year at this time and do is i get to prove it see the last part of god doing what he does is it's proven the reason i stand in confidence today is because i don't have to make this word come to pass i just have to obey it every step of the way and it's proven it was proven when god told us to maintain and to sustain it was proven when he said go beyond it was proven when he said to stride it was proven when he said it was the year of release it was proven last year when he said we would get stronger and now it will be proven because me and you are gonna get what [Applause] i thought it was important to demystify how god speaks luke 7 35 it says yet wisdom is proven right by its results stop calling people wise because they know stuff call people wise when they can prove stuff everybody's a pastor everybody's a prophet with instagram facebook and all that other stuff say it if you want to show me the proof because wisdom is proven by its results so our word this year is to be anchored let me give you the definition and then we're going to close because i got too much more to preach and i think somebody this week needed to practically be able to be anchored in knowing god speaks because i'm not going to do all of the things that god has called me to do i'm not going to sign the record contract and i don't know that god spoke to me oh i forgot you're into opportunities instead of assignments oh i forgot that's what culture sells us on oh if they call i never thought they would call okay they did did god say to do it if your dream job called and god said no would you obey if the person that you want to date said they want to date you and god says that he don't want you to be in that relationship at this time would you obey if you got the money for the house and god says no house this whole year well my credit is approved and i have the down payment and i know this is the neighborhood i want to live in and god says not yet would you obey now i i forgot you're about opportunity and not assignment the thing about god's kingdom is when you start walking in the favor and the blessing of god there will be opportunity around you all day the thing that you have to delineate is what did god say and what do i want and whenever you figure out you know what what i want doesn't line up with what god says you have to divorce it but there is a beautiful place that god can align your desires with his desires and what you want and what he wants is the same thing and it begins to make this beautiful harmony see harmony is when two separate things are working together to make something very beautiful and what god wants to do with you in 2021 is he wants you and his will for your life to be in harmony he wants you to walk with people that when you talk about stuff the notes aren't clashing they're not making different sounds and different ideas and different things he wants it to be in harmony and the only way it's in harmony is if you hear from him today you being anchored to god's word is more important than anybody else's word i have so much more to preach like charles is looking at my notes right now i'm on page one but i just feel like there's a holy moment right here god speaks and if you've ever doubted maybe your prayer from now on the rest of these seven days of prayer and fasting god speak to me god god will you speak to me just say it out loud god speak to me now don't look for him to speak in the way you desire it look for him to speak i gave you 11 ways that god speaks some of you he's speaking to you right now some of them he used a person to just speak to you and now this is the most beautiful thing any way that god speaks he wants to clarify it for you too but what do you got to do go back to his presence do you have a pattern of getting in his presence do you have a pattern of being with god is it such a pattern that it can happen in practical places like the shower and your car and as you're talking to your husband or your wife or why you're making some vegan tacos like like that's how practical it is and more than anything i desire you not to be connected to a ministry or a man i desire for you to be connected to the god who speaks and some of you this year you've been tossed to and fro because you didn't have an anchor of god's word what he said what he said in the bible what he said through your pastor or your leader what he said to your friends in your community you need an anchor and today i'm going to pray for the entire congregation of transformation nation that this week god would speak i mean like that's that's exactly what i feel here like i had a plan but god literally interrupted my plan to let you know he wants to speak to you speak to my heart lord give me your holy word if i can't hear from you then i'll know what to do said i won't go up i'm not stepping without you i'll never go on my own just let your spirit go he's speaking and let your word about say that speak to my heart come on lift your hands everywhere say give me your holy word if i can't hear or i feel that thing say then i know what to do say i won't go i'm not going into this job i'm not going into this relationship cause i can't go on my own just let your spirit god we're gonna sing that one more time will you stand up and just say speak to my heart somebody say give me your holy word god we need to hear from you if i can [Music] just let your spirit guide and let your word say speak to my heart [Music] somebody say speak speak to my heart that's what god wants to do that's what he wants to do in every area speak for my career for my business speak directly from my feelings i feel that god wants to speak to you not past the mic like let me divorce that i am just a servant of somebody who's way better than me and there's so many people i like the way president like dresden the way he talked let me help you tomorrow i might not have all my faculties this may shut down but the thing that has lasted in every season every eight the bible says it like this the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of god stands everybody say forever [Music] today if you want god to speak to you i feel this so strongly if you want god to speak to you would you just lift your hands all over this is just god i just want it i i need clarity i need you to do it for everything there are situations i don't need them in one or two situations i need god in every situation of my life and i'm going to pray for you right now i'm going to pray for you not doubting in faith that the god of the universe is so omnipresent that he can speak to me and speak to amberly and speak to will and speak to dylan and speak to of every person that is under the sound of my voice and we're declaring it this week father i praise you because you're a good father and you say father if we need wisdom for anything we can boldly come and ask father god you gave our church a word to be anchored but you are a living word that means you are continuing to speak for whatever we need whenever we need it at what time we need it so holy spirit i'm asking you i'm putting your reputation on the line and i'm asking you to be a big god and speak to your children father i'm i'm praying for the skeptic and the doubter [Music] i'm praying for the person who was raised steeped in religion and they use god speaking as manipulation i tear that down in the name of jesus and i declare and i believe father god that there is about to be a revival or resurgent of people hearing your voice and a stranger they will not listen to father how will we be anchored if we don't have a word that withstands speak to our hearts lord and i'm asking you right now that the testimonies i hear it will start ringing out that god will begin to confirm his word he's going to be persistent i even hear god saying the old things the things that you thought were dead he said i'ma speak to you again i must speak to you again i'm gonna show you i'm so good i'll confirm it look for me god says [Music] and god today we are honored to remember that you aren't just a god who did it you're a god who does it somebody say god speaks he's not just a god who did it he's a god who does it speak to us to my heart i feel that things [Music] just one more time i'm sitting in this moment you're in his presence right now you better ask him right now to give me about my marriage about my fiance about my kids about their schooling about my future about my about my retirement god i need you to speak you're welcome here lord you're welcome here you're welcome here you're welcome here you're welcome here you're welcome here said holy spirit you are welcome hey come fly this place and [Music] [Music] [Music] in my friendship you're welcoming everybody everywhere and can meet god [Music] god we want to see you god you are still speaking god anger not the words of men not the words of others [Music] let us become [Applause] god make us aware let us see what's already there let us see what you're trying to do [Music] come right here we god you god we need your glory [Applause] [Music] give me your holy word if i can't hear from you somebody's making a decision to be anchored with god this year [Music] i want to talk to everybody that needs to tie your anchor to jesus see i'll talk about it more next week but an anger is not about something that's sexy it's about something that saves you in a storm the reason you need an anchor is because in the midst of the storm it saves you and a lot of people want something sexy from god they want a blessing i want a miracle i want you to enlarge my territory yeah all that's good but the first thing that an anchor is to do is to save you and today there's somebody that's watching that your anchor has not been tied to something that is steady and the the rock of our salvation is jesus and today i want to give you the opportunity to tie your life to someone who will never fail your anchor has a name and his name is jesus and it's so crazy i i got to show you this as i was looking at a picture of an anchor this week i was just studying this picture and god said i am your anchor michael [Music] i sent jesus to be your anchor and i kept looking at this cross and i said god what are you trying to show me and just out of the blue it popped up and i saw that the anchor is the very symbol of what our savior stretched out his arms on the cross is an anchor because jesus is our anger and today if jesus is not your anchor i don't want you to go another day i don't want you to go alone i don't want you to work this week without jesus being your anchor i don't want you to try to be nice to people because in yourself you can't do it i need you to have jesus as your anchor and it's so simple according to romans 10 9 and some of y'all on the third sunday of 2021 are about to dedicate your life and anchor to jesus and i'm telling you all heaven is sitting on their the edge of their seats waiting for this moment to happen everything in your life has led to this moment i don't know who i'm talking to but you're watching this on accident and god said ain't nothing on accident this is me i've been planning this moment for your whole life and today you're gonna receive me and i know religion tells you you need to change this and do this and become that and jesus says that ain't what i'm asking you to do all i need you to do is believe that jesus my son came to die for you and he rose again with all power so that you could be redeemed and in this moment right now i'm telling you the power of god is coming to your household to you on the track to you on the call right now and somebody's even going to rededicate their life and say i want to be anchored not to my business not to my career not to this relationship but i want to be anchored to jesus and today i'm telling you in just a moment we're going to pray that this will be the greatest decision you ever make it's the decision that took me from being a liar somebody who was addicted to pornography somebody who was manipulative in everything that i did and it brought light into my heart and it didn't make me a perfect man but it made me a progressing man and today god because of what he did as our anchor on a cross i'm never gonna forget this picture that allows me to see my anchor my hope is in jesus and today i want to offer that to you i got good news that everything that has happened in your life jesus came to redeem restore and revive but all you have to do is accept him and if that's you whether you're in this building you're watching online or you're watching on rebroadcast today is the day of salvation and god is saying you don't have to go alone i'll speak to you if that's you on the count of three i just want you to boldly raise your hand in the air i don't care who's around you i don't care who you came with i don't care if your girlfriend or boyfriend or what y'all did listen i don't care nothing about that today right now this moment is your moment of salvation one you're making the greatest decision of your life two i'm proud of you but forget that god is so proud of you three just slip your hand up in the air right now come on there are hundreds if not thousands of hands going up all over the world you can put your hand down and i'm not gonna ask you to confess to me because god was there when it happened you don't have to jump through some hoops to prove you deserve this i said all have sinned and fallen short of the glory but today you're making a decision to make jesus your anchor you will be saved transformation church you know how we do this we're all about to pray together because eternity is turning around right now and we're praying for the benefit of those who are coming to christ all together can we say out loud god thank you for sending jesus as our anchor today i believe he lived he died and he rose again with all power just for me today i repent i surrender my life change me renew me transform me i'm yours in jesus name amen can i tell you that everybody who just decided that jesus would be their lord heaven and this room and people all over the world are turning up hear me yo that's why our church exists this is all i'm asking you to do is i want you to text the number on the screen because we want to help you we want you to get in a good bible-based church listen transformation church is always going to be here to help feed you spiritually but if you need something where somebody can see you right now as we're not able to meet go find a church in your area get in community get around other believers get away from people who are going to take you down or distract you from getting in his presence and developing a pattern and understanding what he wants to do in your life practically i'm telling you god is about to do something so crazy in your life cause think about it now you're anchored tc i'm promising you this year i'm not gonna preach anything to make you feel happy and if if you need to go somewhere else and get teaching from somewhere else that's cool i'm i'm promising to teach you so that when the storm comes you'll be anchored we don't need another instagram follower we don't need anybody else to give god has been more than good to us but i will be judged on what i did to equip you not how many views on youtube this had it's to equip you to be able to live a life that's anchored so this week guess what's going to happen he's going to speak to your heart i'm promising you if you desire he'll speak to your heart whoa i feel that thing i'm feeling 92 in here speak to my heart [Music] god we want to hear from you [Music] i declare that this will be the best week of your life this last seven days of prayer and fasting god you're gonna speak there is strength coming from on high god we will listen and obey father our relationships are getting better our mind is being renewed are changing we are changing from the inside out and today we give you glory we give you honor and we give you praise in jesus name everybody say we agree amen go out and live a transformed life let's give god some praise thank you so much for watching this message if this has impacted you in any way i'm asking you to do a couple of things first thing join transformation nation subscribe and make sure to join us right here every single sunday gather your friends your family and be a part of not just this moment but this movement the second thing i would ask is that you would share this share it with your friends your co-workers all of the people that are around you because transformation is just one click away the last thing i would ask is that you would consider partnering with us financially if this ministry has impacted your life and is transforming you listen we want you to pray about it see what god would say that you would give to this ministry so that this message can go to the whole world i want you to know that we love you and your best days are right in front of you this week go out and live a transformed life we'll see you next week
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 792,531
Rating: 4.9527779 out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Represent, Michael Todd, Mike Todd, Transformation Church Worship, Charles Metcalf, Sunday Service, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, how does god speak, 11 ways god speaks to us, 11 ways god speaks to me, 11 ways god speaks to you, god speaks to me, how do i know its god, god is that you, anchored, transformation church latest sermon, sermon on god speaking, sermon on gods communication, is god talking to me, god still speaks
Id: W65PdAEKfHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 43sec (4723 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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