Dr. Frank E. Ray - Ephesians 6:10 - 11

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members take on the spirit [Music] let me get started [Music] ephesians chapter 6 verse tn at 11. finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might put on the whole arm of god that you may be able to stand against the wilds of the devil thank you so much there is a difference between the gospel writers and the epistles the gospel writers teach us how to be saved but the epistles teaches us how to behave sometimes when people are saved and have bad behavior it looked like they are not saved he opened this verse by saying finally this is a church word that people wait like you are now to hear this word finally that you have been sitting here from sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday at the end of the service you're waiting to hear the last preacher say finally it it it's a word that that most members wait for on sunday they have sit through uh sunday school devotional service long praise and worship service and singing of the choir offering a long preacher long sermon we wait to hear this word finally i thought that's what paul had in mind when he penned this in this passage especially being the last part of the book of ephesians when he says finally but the greek word for finally is loipon in this text does not mean finally in the sense that it is over but finally in the sense that he is saving the best for the last i had some problems with that because of what he had covered in the other passages in the book of ephesians because if you notice in the book of ephesians he deals first in chapter one with the privilege of the believers and then he goes on and in chapter two he deal with the pardon of the believer chapter three he deals with the power of the believer chapter four he deals with the practice of the believer in chapter five he deal with the purity of the believers and then in chapter 6 the persistence of the believer i mean just chapter 1 is enough to blow your mind because they deal with this matter of being chosen and the word chosen is in our tenth which meant that he acted alone without a board of director without a supreme court he made the choice by himself it's not only in irritant but it's in milivoice which means he acted by himself but for himself in other words i was chosen by him but for him and then even in chapter one he deal with this matter of election predestination i mean the list could go on he deal with this matter of the seal of the spirit the honors of the spirit chapter two he deal with this matter that we have been pardoned we have been set aside for a holy use he deal with this matter of being saved by grace through faith unto good works and i thought how could it get any better after all he has accomplished and gone through in chapter one but but but then i discovered that the ephesian church was an unusual church it was the mega church of that particular day because of the persons that had pastored the church in acts chapter 19 it says that the church was set up by the apostle paul but then later on his young son timothy pastored this ephesian church apollos and peter came to preach that priscilla and aquila did evangelistic work at the ephesian church john the beloved disciple that penned the book of revelation was a charter member of the ephesian church and you remember after jesus died wherever john went he carried the mother of jesus with him which meant that jesus mother was a member of this church can you imagine being a member of the church where the apostle paul set up and then his young son timothy served as pastor apollo did some preaching there the great preacher peter preached priscilla and aquila the evangelistic crusades there and john that penned the book of revelation was the superintendent of sunday school and then the mother of jesus was the president of the mother ministry it was an unusual church one of the things that happened when churches have key preacher key pastors and people that have been there for a while sometimes we get caught up and sometimes we think we're more than what we are but because of who our pastor is and because of the notoriety of the church sometimes we get beside ourselves and a little pride jumps out when we just announce where we're members of talk to me somebody there and so the apostle paul's and listen out of all the stuff that you have encountered and because of your leadership and because of your academical knowledge he said listen i see some problems he said because in ephesians chapter 4 verse 25 he said i've discovered that you start doing some lying he says in ephesians 5 26 he says not only you're lying he's you're staying angry too long and then he's in verse 27 ephesians chapter 4 he said you're giving place to the devil he's in verse 28 you have started to steal him talk to me somebody he's in verse 29 he's you getting too bitter he said you're cussing too much you're allowing corrupt communication to come out of your mouth he said because you have been lying and giving place to the devil and started to stealing and cursing he's in verse 30 you grieve in the holy spirit he's in verse 31 you've got bitter talk to me somebody he said i see some problems and so he says finally and then he said my brethren the greek word is artifacts for the word brethren it come from the word meaning from the same wound in other words we are connected by whom you see there are five births in the bible that's what you call the soil birth the surgical birth the sac birth the saints birth the savior's birth genesis 2 7 he formed man from the dust of the ground that's soil birth after he made man he put him to sleep and performed surgery took a real made woman that's surgical birth after adam new eve impregnated her she brought cain and abel she carried the babies in a sack every woman they have to carry that baby in a sec that's sac birth the holy spirit leaps upon mary impregnated her and she brings forth the savior of the world that's the savior's birth the holy spirit bring us from darkness to the marvelous light give us new inspiration new aspirations start looking with new observations counted with new calculation that's the saints birth and when we're born again we are considered as brethren that mean we have the same hurts we have the same problems we deal with the same situations we are brethren we should rejoice with a brother that's rejoicing we should moan with one that moan because we're in the same family he said finally my brethren he said be strong in deuteromaya in the greek for the word strong in in mean exactly what it said that he need some container to put what he need to put in he need a body to use as a container talk to me somebody romans 12 and one i beseech you therefore brother and by the mercies of god that you present yo body a living sacrifice first corinthians 6 18 know you're not that you're not your own you have been bought with a price therefore glorify god in your body the bible actually tell you what to do with every member of your body with my eyes i'll take psalms 121 verse 1 and lift them toward the heels from which cometh my hip my help comes from the lord when my ears i take matthew 11 and 15 he that have ears to hear let him with my mind i take philippians 2 and 5 let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus with my heart and mouth i take romans 10 and 10 for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness with the mouth confession is made unto salvation my hand i take ecclesiastic 9-10 whatsoever without hand fine to do do it without might for there's no work no device nor wisdom no knowledge in the grave where thou go with when my with my knees i'll take philippians to intend at the name of jesus every niche should bow with my feet i take hebrew 12 and one laying aside every weight and seeing which do it so easily beside us and let us run he is concerned about the container talk to me somebody he need a container to deposit the now watch it y'all got a moment now number one the word strong is in the plural form that means you be strong am i gonna have to do this by myself you see we want others to be strong but the text says you've got to be strong is in the present tense which means it's in process that means it's it's continuing in process not just strong on sunday you got to be strong on monday got to be strong on tuesday strong on wednesday come on talk to me it's it it's the plural form present tenth is in the imperative mood which means it is a command that he's not just recommending that i'd be strong he is commanding that we be strong [Applause] i i needed to talk with paul about this matter of being strong and so why do you want me to have so much strength he should read verse 11. he said put on the whole arm of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil the word wise in the greek text is is is methodium the word methodia is where you get the word method the devil has his methods don't ever think the devil is dumb he is organized matter of fact he is so organized until he take the same verse to use his mission statement that jesus uses for himself john 10 10 the thief commit [Applause] not foot but to steal kill destroyed that's his mission statement the laws in the same verse i come preach remark that you might have life [Music] and have it more the devil has his method second corinthians 2 and 11 he said be not ignorance of the devices of the devil word device is noemia the word noemi come from the word word noeo the word nowhere else come from woodwork root word noose which means mine the devil is after your mind oh i'll be through here in a moment he he he's after in other words he's trying to play mine games with you and the best way for him to get you is he can get in your mind remember in genesis 3 the bible says the serpent was more seldom than the beast of the field which the lord god had made and he said unto the woman now he messed up right there because he violated his ship preached remember he didn't say to the man he said unto the woman now now you see women and men that's a different makeup between us whether you like it or not we ain't the same men make decisions based upon reason what you see women make decisions based upon emotions how they feel ain't got a hip maybe i need to go down another street man get ready to buy a suit he go into a store take 10 minutes bye get it and walk out woman get ready to go to buy a suit should go to every store and go to every rack come on talk to me and then go all the way back to the first racks you got to get what you want man man think his woman is cheating on him he picked the phone up why she's on the other end he go to the one and listen he asks a bunch of questions follow where you going to the store what stone what time go he's trying to see something and women don't follow men like me and follow women they do this they say i got this good feeling somebody gonna help me here and they will divorce you on a good feeling [Applause] do i alone a witness the devil instead of him dealing with adam he dead with the mind of eve [Applause] that's right now where i was at and when the devil was talking he was right beside her they were both into god but he dealt with her mind because he liked to play [Music] a matter of fact the word the name word for the word devil is diabolos in the greek dias help me somebody the word diaz means yeah it mean to to to to penetrate uh uh balo mean truth and what the devil is he's always throwing something to try to get it to penetrate through you old testament name for the devil is b olsenburg beelzebug me the god of the flies now fly won't hurt you but he will make you hurt yourself you will you will you you you wreck your car with just a fly in there you will tear mirrors and furniture with flies come on talk to the devil really can't hurt you because he lost his strength at cabaret but he will make you hurt yourself new testament name bill's a bug is called god of the dog here that mean god of manure the devil is called the god of manure i don't know if you know it manure stinks it has an odor and it is worse when you stir [Applause] but but my my mother had a way of dealing with manure she would have us to go get it out of the barn and take it and put it in containers around the house and she would set out tomato plants she would set out sweet potato vine she would take the stuff that was nasty and turn it into something that would be fertilizer and would help vegetables grow now if mama knew how to handle manure what do you think about my god do i have a witness oh i'm gonna take my time if y'all take y'alls i'ma take romans romans 8 28 says and we know romans 8 26 said and we know not and now paul do we know a do we don't know he's in roman 8 28 we know that all things work together for good to them that love god and to them who are the call according to his purpose but in romans 8 26 says we know not what we ought to pray for as we ought but the spirit happens the little word hepatitis greek text it sounds like it's a big word till you cut it up is soon on t lombatama now it's a triune compound word the word soon mean together it means that once you're saved you go in partnership with the law that you're never by yourself anymore you in partnership with the father the son and the spirit unt mean over against when i'm at home i'm i work out in the gym i got gym at my house i have an ex-football player that come and train with me three days out of the week and he's always trying to get me to live something i can't live he he he he i'm on my back and i got all these weights on me and he's saying reverend you can do it but my mind said i can't do it he said so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna spot you come on talk to me some and while i'm pushing he's above me pulling and i got two witnesses in this house he he's pulling and what i can't make it no more long bottomed by the third part where it mean to take that means he take the load off of me and he give me credit for lifting the loads [Applause] do i have a witness finally my brother and strong i told you it's in it's in the plural form in the passive voice imperative move but but watch this the passive voice mean this made he tell me to do something i can't do it myself he said now i'm commanding you to be strong y'all don't like me but you can't be strong on your own [Applause] that's why the other piece is in this verse is to finally be strong watch this in now this word in is what you call in locative tense that means what to work it's got to be in something y'all don't like me yeah you know i was in california preaching every morning wherever i am i try to study from about six to twelve every day i don't play no golf i ain't got time to do that i need to spend some time because i can't learn as fast as y'all can and and i'm studying every morning got up that morning to do my morning meditation sit at the desk great big old room suite platinum tv bed in two rooms big old couch refrigerator you know stove and but i'm concerned about where i'm going to read i sit at the desk to turn the light on it wouldn't come on call down the front desk and listen send somebody up here get all this room ain't got no lights here i need my life he came up little fella came up flipped the light it didn't come on he bowed on his knees and looked under the desk and just plugged it in [Music] and the light came on it was there all the time [Applause] just wasn't plugged in have i gotta with this no no no now watch this i won't hold you along jude 24 says now normally now in the bible is an adverb in luke 14 come all things are now ready yeah isn't that verb but in june 24 instead of being an adverb is a conjunction now conjunction connect what has just happened with what's getting ready to happen am i here by myself and the reason it's connected is because it said in verse 22 verse 23 you got to keep yourself but verse 24 he said you need some help to be kept yeah he said now and then he said unto unto is a preposition a preposition as a pre-position which means where i am now is not where i'm going to end up where i'm now is a comma and not a period that means i supposed to pause talk to me somebody instead of stop it he said now unto him him is a pronoun but it is an objective pronoun that under him that is also a pronoun but it's a subjective pronoun in the english language normally you don't add an objective and subject it together come on talk to me so i had to ring jude and said jude you need to help me out i'm in columbus ohio i'm preaching and that's second baptist i need you to tell me why you put an object and subject it together jesus first of all preacher i'm just writing what the holy spirit dictated to me to write he said that's number one he said but second i'm not the first one that made this statement i said what you mean he said you remember in the book of exodus when god said to moses go down and tell pharaoh to let my people go i said i remember he remember what moses said because he was passing african-americans he said you need to tell me who sent you he said when you go just tell them i am talk to me somebody he said what if he asks for a last name if he asks for last name tell him i am [Music] that i i am y'all hear me don't you but then when i looked at the verse in the greek text the word that is not in there it relate this unto him abel y'all don't hear me in other words what jude was saying is that him anybody here know that him [Music] you see what messes up here what messes up is that we forget who we're working for talk to me somebody it's not about me not about you it's about john 1 3 all things was made by him and without him was not anything made that was made john 1 and 4 in him was life life was the light of men john 3 16 said for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life romans 10 9 that if thou shalt confess with the mouth the lord jesus shall believe in thine heart that god raised him from the dead thou shall acts 17 28 in him we live in him we move and in him we have our being romans 11 36 said for by him through him to him all things exist that means everything came from him everything got to go through him and everything got to come back to him that means him is the source [Music] him is the course him is the force let me get out of here it said finally my brother and be strong watch this in the curios be strong in the hell may say in the lord in other words i got to be in yeah the lord in order to be strong and then he said in the power i'm almost through y'all but power saying please say a word about me you see there are several powers in the bible that's ex-arcia in matthew 28 18 and jesus came and spoke to them said all power ex-arseah that's power of authority but then acts 1 and 8 says you shall receive power that's dunamis that's explosive power but then there's this power in the text it's kratos power now kratos power is a little different from xrc it's a little different from dunamis this is what you call demonstrative power let me give y'all what you want in a moment let me say demonstrative power you remember when they got ready to arrest jesus and they walked up to him and said are you the christ and jesus respond by saying i am and when it said i am kratos power took over and knocked all of them down you ain't going to hit me that crate y'all would hit me though that kratos powers the power that god used to raise jesus from the dead now here's what he's trying to say to us i want to put in you the same power that i used to get my son up from the dead now let me tell you what that will do when you get kratos in you you don't have to sing about i beat the devil running because the devil will start running from you have i got a witness here yeah thank god for that great power anybody here know about the power of the lord there's one more little word and i'll beat you goodbye he says be strong in the lord and in the power of his might his costs in the greek for the word might now the word might describe another kind of power it really describe yeah a muscle build person it describe a hulk hogan an untreated giant talk to me somebody when he walk in you can look at his muscles and tell he got power well what paul is doing he's not describing himself he's describing god he said maybe you don't know it but my god power have i got a witness here anybody know that my god is a god of power he can do what he want to do whenever he get ready to do it have i got a witness here several years ago we built a new facility and then built apartments uh right across the street it cost 17 million dollars and we wanted to to put a strip between the house of god and the apartments uh so that the members that lived in the apartments could come straight across into the church yard but i had neighbors that didn't want us there they went downtown and pack the coathouse to try to get us not to put the strip there they said that's a historical tree and you know white folk love and see trees is a historical tree we will not allow you to cut the tree down because the tree was right in the way or where we needed to make the drive but we went in prayer and had a meeting with the lord the lord came down the street where the church was for some reason that oak tree was in the way of the lord he cut the tree down have i got a witness here stored it all up in down parkway because my god is a god of power have i got a witness here i'm through i've held you long enough a couple of years ago i went to norfolk virginia to do a one-day crusade they had other speakers to come the joyce miles uh noel jones uh paula white and myself we all flew in the same little airport joyce miles uh had a long entourage with her to sell the books uh to keep folks from being bothered with her noah jones flew in the on his own private jet had security had armor bearers with him paula white had a long train with her but when i got off i wasn't going to be there but one night i didn't have nothing but my bible in my hand one of the chauffeurs i said what are you waiting on the she's our man of god we're waiting on your security we've known your armor barrel uh we're waiting on the folk that's with you i said listen sister the ones with me won't need an extra seat in the limousine the ones with mia won't need an extra table a plate at the table uh you ain't got to worry around about getting an extra room for them since i don't understand i said let me explain it to you i've got god the father behind me i've got god the sun ahead of me i've got god the holy ghost on the inside i've got goodness on one side i've got mercy on the other if they can't handle it it cannot be handler i'm through it y'all tell somebody the god i serve he walks with me he talks with me he tells me i am is all and the child do whatever here the child who we share and retire right there [Music] anybody anybody know he's all right anybody in the house no my god is all right just shake one hand say neighbor i know he's all right [Music] it was one friday night [Music] revival was over a pastor had preached every night [Music] but like most pastors when they get through preaching they're ready to go home pastor said to his daughter i'm tired but i need to go home he said daughter i'm gonna sit over here on the passenger side and go to sleep you drive dead at home they took out that night and ran into a storm [Music] the daughter said daddy it's getting bad out here do you want me to pull over the father said no baby keep on driving [Music] it kept driving it got worse it got so bad until the 18 wheelers pulled over and paul the daughter said daddy you got to wake up i can't see don't you want me to pull over and park no baby keep on driving and while it got so bad until every car on the street pulled over and parked the daughter said listen daddy ain't nobody out here but us don't you want me to pull over and talk the daddy said no baby keep on driving after a while they ran out of the stone and the father said daughter pull over [Music] she said i don't understand it all during the storm you told me to keep on driving and when he made it through the storm you're now telling me to pull over he said let me explain baby get out of the car and turn and look behind you you see everybody that pulled over is still in the storm but because you kept on going you made it too shake somebody's head say neighbor whatever you do don't pull over whatever you do keep on driving one day [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Inspiration Station
Views: 53,580
Rating: 4.7415385 out of 5
Keywords: frank ray, frank e ray, frank ray move upstairs, what do i do next frank ray, jasper williams, al patterson, ralph west, terry k anderson, lily grove baptist church, freddy haynes, national baptist convention, timothy flemming, ge patterson
Id: bboKaiRLB0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 3sec (2583 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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