"Favorite Moments From The Mount" feat. Dr. Tellis Chapman

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this is the day that the lord has made be real with yourself be glad in it if you know god's been good to you put some hearts on the screen put some lights on the screen and let us talk to his name let us praise him and you love to praise the name of the lord here we go old song feel free to click your hands and shut your feet here we go [Music] says [Music] i love to pray [Music] i love to put my hands together and pray [Music] [Music] i know [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] even if you pay clerk put some house on the street if you know god's been good to you and you're not ashamed about it [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Music] you [Music] and help us [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] hallelujah [Music] thank you [Music] oh so i said [Music] you need to lift your hands right here [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] anybody [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] is [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] i love to pray [Music] there is no secret what you can do you gonna bring us out you gonna bring us out you said not to be weary either [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] is [Music] give thanks [Music] well god bless you malzahn thank you so much for tuning in to our midweek service we're so excited and of course as i share with you this is going to be such a unique time so we're going to be dealing with the best of series all month i want to thank god for all of you and i want you to follow me social media follow my wife i'm joseph walker she's dr steph walker we would love to be connected to you it's going to be an amazing time and i'm excited about it now listen we're going to prepare our hearts to just connect and give we at mount zion we're just a liberal people we just believe that this is good ground so right here all the giving platforms whether it's text to give melee and do it now let's saw a liberal seed and while you're doing that i want to make sure you remember on tomorrow to connect with me on virtual connect i'd love to chat with you connect with you we'll talk about tonight's service it's gonna be amazing i promise you so i want you to do that right now now listen what are we gonna do we're gonna go and hear a word we're gonna hear a song and we're going to come back and i want to thank god as we prepare our hearts to receive a tremendous word from the lord from pastor telus chapman what an extraordinary leader he was and is he ministered to the mount zion church too and take me back revival and it was amazing so i'm gonna take you back into that service cause we're gonna be blessed so after this song i want you to be blessed let's go back pastor tell us chapman greatest thy faithfulness oh lord my father there is no shadow of turning within thou is not thy compassions they fail not for as thou has been [Music] [Music] to cheer and to guide [Music] hope for tomorrow [Music] blessed are they [Music] greatest i think [Applause] [Music] new mercies [Music] is [Music] great is night faithfulness morning by morning new mercies [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] aah [Applause] wow [Music] [Applause] i don't know if anybody else in here feels like i do but when i needed a healing [Music] has provided [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i gotta get [Music] he's been faithful even when i have been unfaithful god was yet he's faithful to keep his [Music] [Applause] you you you you yay [Music] [Music] mercies i didn't get what i deserved so every head bowed god our father we thank you now for another day thank you for that peace that surpasses all understanding thank you for bringing us across this day we are now far removed from the throes of the day we've embarked upon holy and hallowed grounds now that we are here under the auspices of revival i pray that as your word goes forth that you will yet enlighten us and inspire us that once we shall have left this mountain we will have the wherewithal and inspiration to deal with our valid dilemmas we're not here for shape show form fashion name fame or claim but we gather for kingdom calls touch your house tonight grant us your word the essentials to deliver it the capacity to receive it and the ability to make it practical we're already committed to give you the praise therefore this is our prayer we pray in the strong and saving name of jesus the people of god said amen if you have your bibles come with me to the 11th chapter of the book of our lord's gospel as recorded by john and when you get in the privacy of your own praying ground read that entire chapter for the sake of context and reference i'll begin reading however at the 32nd verse and a few the following the book of john the 11th chapter beginning with the 32nd verse here's how it reads in the new king james version then when mary came where jesus was and saw him she fell down at his feet saying to him lord if you had been here my brother would not have died therefore when jesus saw her weeping and the jews who came with her weeping he groaned in the spirit and was troubled and he said where have you laid him they said to him lord come and see jesus wept then the jews said see how he loved him and some of them said could not this man who opened the eyes of the blind also have kept this man from dying then jesus again groaning in himself came to the tomb it was a cave and a stone lay against it jesus said take away the stone martha the sister of him who was dead said to him lord by this time there is a stench for he has been dead for days jesus said to her did i not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of god then they took away the stone from the place where the dead man was lying and jesus lifted up his eyes and said father i thank you thank you that you have heard me and i know that you always hear me but because of the people who are standing by i said this that they may believe that you sent me now when he had said these things he cried with a loud voice lazarus come forth and he who had died came out bound hand and foot with grave clothes and his face was wrapped with a cloth jesus said to them lose him and let him go that's enough turn to your neighbor left or right if you're not anti-social shake a hand tell them these words neighbor whatever happens it's for the glory of god now give him praise for what he's getting ready to tell you now it's fall the glory of god god knows what he's doing god knows how to do what he's doing and whenever god does whatever he does whenever he does it however he does it has nothing to do with you whenever god does whatever he does however he does it for whomever he does it it is always for his own individual self-deserved praise you are benefited by it you are helped by it you're lifted by it you're delivered by you're rescued by you're saved by salvaged by preserved by promoted by mended by lifted by it but all of it is for him god is not stuck on himself god is not tripping god is not egocentric god is not self-centered god is not conceited god is not narcissistic god is not nefarious god is not cerebrally protruded god does not have an over expensive upper torso god has never bent on his gardeners god is always satisfied sealed and secure in his own self-godliness he's not worried he's not offended he is not insecure to any degree about the imposing of any other entity that may be ever hailed as god god is all right just being god [Applause] and whenever god moves in history whenever god moves and whatever god has done historically whatever god is doing existentially and whatever god will do with the capacity propensity and proclivity whereby he is able to perform anything that he's ever promised to do futuristically is all for him i thank god for it because while it is for him i benefit in the process [Applause] therefore in the event of god's indulgence of his own agenda in the event of god working his own will is for his own glory even when it doesn't look like glory you didn't feel me in most cases whenever god does what he does it will never stand to human logic god will never make sense to you he adds by subtracting he multiplies by dividing he gives by taking he raises you up by pulling you down he puts you ahead by making you get behind he helped you see by making you go blind he gives you victory by causing you to have defeat god is not going to make sense to you but i declare even though that you can't trace god's hand you can trust god's heart and by the time god is finished moving his own hand you're going to give him some glory [Applause] even when it doesn't look like glory bishop walker it didn't look like glory when moses and israel were pinned against the lapping waves of the red sea by the marching chariots of pharaoh's army but god engineered a sidewalk in the middle of the sea allowed the saints to cross over on dry ground and turn the same seed that became a sidewalk into a sarcophagus for those who pursued the saint and killed those that pursued the saints and got his glory [Applause] dr kimber it didn't look like glory when daniel was on the dinner menu for a dean of hungry lions as an enemy of the state having been thrown into the den of hungry lions but overnight the lions that were supposed to have been hungry went on a crashed diet and what was supposed to have been a dinner party turned out to be a sleepover and the next morning god got his glory [Applause] it didn't look like glory when paul and silas were on death row in a philippian jail had nothing but a wing and a prayer no influence with the judicial body in jerusalem didn't have jewish prudence nor the wherewithal to file for an injunction to get a judge to rule in their behalf no lawyer to argue their case and plead in their behalf but at the stake of midnight paul and silas had a prayer meeting and the prayer meeting was so powerful the ground got happened and the ground got so happy shook jail sales a loose chains fell off of prisoners and preachers and god got his glory [Applause] it didn't look like glory when nelson madiva mandela had to give up 27 years of his life in a south african prison system but as an enemy of the state god took 27 years of his life and tore down an apartheid government and moved him from prison to the presidency of the same nation that put him in prison in the first place and got his glory it didn't look like glory that night which was a bad night for president barack hussein obama who had a bad night of debate with billionaire mitt romney and as he was losing ratings in the poll as a bad night of debate dr kimba having heard around the nation that mitt romney had a binder full of women but little did we know that while barack obama was losing ratings in the polls for fear of losing an election god too had a binder full of women one by the name of sam dick sent her up the east coast after hurricane season and forced an anti-obama governor and mayor to have no choice but to depend on obama to help them get out of a quagmire and god got his glory and one friday a man with a dream had nailed pinned palms and a spike riveted feet and a thorn crushed brow and a spear-pierced side and a dehydrated throat and a blood matted body with a cold and darkened grave waiting on him for temporary housing but that was friday it was so rough they called it bad friday but three days later bad friday became good friday and jesus come to death held a great sin and satan stood up with all power in his hand and god got his glory help me appreciate anybody on your road and tell them i don't care what happens you didn't tell them come to the one on the other side and tell them i don't care what happens god is gonna get his glory now now sister walker whatever it is that you have to contend with if you really want to make some sense out of your suffering and get some reasoning and rationale as to why the ranks of the righteous and religious often have it rough if you want to get gather gain and galvanize and glean some perspective as to why we have pressure like peril plain and precarious predicament walk with me through the gestures and gyrations of jesus as he works with the case crisis and condition of a man named lazarus mourned by his two sisters martha and mary a soul brother who got sick and it was said that he was one who was loved by jesus but he took sick they sent for jesus he didn't come didn't send a get well card didn't send the notation of encouragement or inspiration and eventually lazarus died jesus didn't come to the funeral didn't send a telegram didn't send a male gram didn't post anything on instagram didn't text didn't tweak didn't post anything on facebook didn't send any flowers no notation of condolence and almost a week after the funeral alone come jesus and had the nerve to say i'm glad it happened in verse four jesus having gotten word that lazarus was sick he said that it was not unto death but for the glory of god between verse 4 and 15 lazarus dies and at the point of lawrence's death jesus finally decides to show up in bethany the city where laras and mary and martha his sisters live and when he gets there he says i'm glad it happened for your sake because now you get a chance to see a sign of god that you never would have seen had i showed up when you wanted me to show up and in my black color african-american negro baptist preaching eased up in imagination i heard somebody ask jesus why would you say you're glad it happened and jesus responded by saying now god can get some glory watch this over what i'm getting ready to do [Applause] whoever you are whatever you're dealing with whatever you're contending with and by the way it really does not matter how saved you are sanctified you are i know you've already been born again blood bought blood washed blood clean heaven bound feet wrapped on the glory hand wrapped up in the wind and chained already been to the water already been baptized already been converted soul feeling all right but you can catch some hell sometimes watch this dr walker's gonna bless you and sometimes the hell you catch leads to the death of the stuff you've got let me turn my right side death is the cessation of life and the factors contributing there to in irreversible fashion it is classified in such categories as algomars liver martyrs and eventually rigor martyrs which is a stage of status of death and demise that it is said of that that has died that it is all over let church say home it means that some stuff can happen to you that will cause things to die while you still alive [Applause] love god relationship died marriage died dream died hulk died career died job died income died friendship died and some churches too and god has the egregious gall to say i'm glad it happened because now you get a chance to see a side of me that you never would be able to see had i come when you called me you want to see the real glory of god it was einstein the great scientist who said on one occasion dr kimber i want to know the mind of god and the rest is detailed now that we know that god has glory on his mind what are the details i'm glad you asked me to ask you to ask me the question because i'm just itching to answer [Music] because somebody here tonight though you're praising god like everyone else you're blending in just like everyone else waving a chocolate hand like everybody else doing a holy cutted rug like everybody else moving and rocking with the rhythm of zion's songs as you lean shoulder to shoulder with your fellow choir member in the kuala lumpur underneath the skin you dying [Applause] and while you're wrestling with it might i suggest to you that god is going to get his glory just like he did in bethany by reminding us that his delay is never his denial i need to hear somebody shout delay is not denial you know what beloved i know that we live in contemporary times wherein the contemporaries clergy caller is always telling you that all you got to do since you hooked up with heaven is name it claim it blabber grab it see it receive it call it haul it god's got it go get it and then they rub a little all on your head blow the breath in your face knock you out tell you give an offering call it a blessing not realizing that if you had the offering you were already blessed god can move in words of the late dr caesar of the walter clark quicker than right now god can move sooner than at once matter of fact the greeks dr thomas had what they call a chiratic expression god can be where he is on his way to where he's going but by the time he gets to where he's going he's already arrived before he gets there and by the time he gets ready to get back he's still in the same place he was before he ever left and then he bumps into himself while he's in transition because there is nowhere where there is a where where god is not [Applause] god can be there when you want don't have a witness yet but sometimes while we consider ourselves waiting on the lord in all actuality the lord is waiting on us [Applause] i had a revival meeting in denver colorado on one occasion i called up delta airlines the reservation agent received my call i told him who i was what i had to do what time i had to fly what time i had to be in denver the reason for the revival what time service started and she was so patient with me and when she let me finish she said sir are you done i said yes ma'am she said i understand who you are where you gotta be what time you gotta be there what the name of the revival is she said but if you're gonna fly with delta you gotta fly according to our schedule you didn't feel me we always attempt to bend god's will towards our wish when what needs to be done when you pray and seeking god to help you need to blend your will into god's wish [Applause] and you need to blend your wish into god's will because if you're gonna ride with him you gotta fly according to his schedule you still don't feel me the lord is not we are not always waiting on the lord and the lord puts us in delay because he knows that our faith is underdeveloped and your faith the evidence of your faith being undeveloped is the same as that of mother and mary who believed that since they knew jesus that lazarus wasn't supposed to die you still didn't feel me did you that's why they said if you had been here our brother would not have died i was in the spawn one occasion working out i saw this big brother wearing this sweatshirt that read too blessed to be stressed i began to theologize with it for a while and some of you are guilty of saying the same thing or reciting that quote can i help somebody here tonight i'm blessed and i'm stressed anybody in here feel like i feel you can be blessed and still be sick you can be blessed and still don't have a job you can be with jesus and lose everything you got you can be with jesus and your car will still be repossessed you can be with jesus and still your property is forecast you can be with jesus and still lose your loved ones but here is the shouting side of it i'd rather go to court and be with jesus then go to court and a judge don't know who he is i'd rather have a doctor cut on me with jesus than to have somebody operate on me and not know who he is now my question is is there anybody in the house tonight who's blessed and stressed but you still know who the lord is can i tell you when god's gonna move [Applause] jesus came from wherever he was to bethany but he didn't come into bethany he waited on the outskirts of bethany and john says when martha and mary arrived where jesus was you didn't feel me the text says jesus didn't go into bethany he came to the outskirts of bethany while waiting on the outskirts of bethany martha and mary came to where he was you gonna catch it in a minute jesus didn't come into bethany he came to the outskirts of bethany and while waiting on the outskirts of bethany martha and mary came to where he was help me preach to the person sitting next to you your faith is not developed by god always coming to you your faith is developed when you get where he is jesus asks mama and mary show me where you laid but jesus was not in a in need of a gps unit a global positioning like nor a north star system that helped him locate lazarus this was the co-creator of the cosmos this is the one who scooped out the oceans and shaped the shaggy head mountain this was the one who kissed the sky and caused the clouds to rain to quest the thirst of a partier this is the one who bespangled stars against the black bosom of an air in the sky he didn't need anybody to help him locate lazarus this is going to bless your heart jesus did not want them to show him where they buried lazarus he wanted them to take him so he could show them where they buried their faith [Music] and whenever you see people forever morbid and in a mood of melancholy always sitting on the pew as a sad sucking circle of sorrow that's somebody who has buried their faith but you got people in this church tonight they're catching hell don't have money to pay bills don't have the bills with which to pay the bills that they got to pay family catching hell almost about to be put outdoors but they're in the house of god tonight praising like everything is all right waving their hand in the air like they just don't care that somebody who says i will not bury my [Applause] pain [Applause] and god is going to keep you in delay which helped your faith develop are you listening to me sometimes you gotta wait i know that the bible tells us isaiah 40 31 day that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount upon wings like eagles they shall walk and not get weary they shall run and not get weary they shall walk and not faint job chapter 14 verse 14 says if a man dies shall he live again but in all the days of my opponent time i'll wait until my change shall come psalm 27 14 says wait are you praying with me on the lord and be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart the old wood floor church the one without carpet on the floor cushion on the pew powerful pa system then shining chandeliers and faceted windows and stained glass here is the way grandma put it in the o.a man toner you can't [Applause] very good you just have to wait you got to trust him and give him time no matter how long it takes he's a god this side don't know who i'm talking about he's a god they don't know either let me turn around he's a god you can't hurry let's go back and get him he'll be there don't you worry he may not talk when you want it but i'm a living witness he's always [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i need to hear somebody say delay is not denial god's going to get his glory can i tell you how can i tell you how it's because i tell you why because the facts are not always final lead over and tell somebody it's not over too many people have thrown in the towel waved the white flag sounded retreat recanted recall and rescinded their profession about religion have done a marvin gaye holler thrown up both their hands said i can't take it no more ain't praying no more ain't gonna try no more ain't gonna reach no higher won't dig any deeper because of the facts and you can't deny the facts don't live in a world of make-believe don't live in a state of denial facts are just plain old facts it was a fact that laruss died jesus told the disciples he's dead the facts you can't deny but be careful how you use facts as the barometer for your outcome you didn't feel me did you it's sagacious to take statistics it's terrific to tabulate it's delightful to do demographics but careful how you allow the numbers in black and white to determine the outcome in that whenever you gotta deal with the facts and tell somebody go on and face the facts now if you're lonely you're just lonely if you're hurt you just hurt that's if you're broke you're just broke if you're crazy you're just crazy come on lean over and just tell somebody don't deny it facts [Applause] [Music] but and i'm gonna quit in a minute never allow the facts to determine your outcome and whenever you face the facts whatever your facts may be always face your facts with faith because whenever facts face faith faith always won over the facts hebrews 11 1 says that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen hebrews 11 6 says that if anyone who is to go to god they must first of all believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him matthew chapter 17 verse 20 says that if you've got the faith about the size of a grain of mustard seed you can tell a mountain get out of my way mark chapter 9 verse 23 says that jesus says all things are possible if you only believe second corinthians chapter five but you're gonna pray with me in a little while second corinthians chapter five verse seven says we walk by and not by you've gotta exercise faith in god and whenever facts raised faith faith always won over the facts the facts told abraham and sarah that hundred year old men and women just don't have babies but faith said keep singing i'm in the mood for love [Applause] the facts told joshua that walls around cities don't fall without demolition bulldozers or dynamite but faith said walk on little children and don't you get weary there's a great camp meeting in the promised land the facts told jesus that men just don't die and resurrect from the grave according to their own prediction but faith said count to three and see me sunday morning the facts said that in your constitution of your own citizenship in the country in which you live that you're three fifths a human being that you are not only not a human being but you would never participate in the patriotic process go to a poll and vote and put anybody in office but january 20th 2009 barack hussein obama raised his hands sworn into the same nation that called him three piss a human being shake somebody's hand and tell him don't worry about the facts anybody in the house got faith in god [Applause] faith will always override your facts this is going to bless your heart dr wembley and i'm gonna leave you alone jesus said show me where you're laid they didn't hear me let me try my left [Applause] jesus said show me where you laid him down [Applause] they didn't hear me either let me try to balcony jesus said show me why you laid him [Applause] [Music] martha said by now he's thinking inferring that she has shifted from the savior to science and senses and a lot of us will always be in a state of depression because we are trying to rationalize with our circumstance and deal with them with science and senses don't make me go there [Applause] science may say one thing but jesus reiterates and reminds martha by saying to mother didn't you hear what i said did not tell you you see your brother again you didn't catch that if you want to know if the lord will ever do what he said when he say what he said he's going to do go back and see what happened when what happened happened when he ever said whatever he said the first time he ever said what he said [Applause] he said let there be and light with running at 186 thousand miles a second he said let there be and the aquatic creatures of the death begin to swim in the deep blue yonder he said let there be and the winged creatures of the woodland begin to use tree limbs for quite lost and singing woodland lullabies under god just for giving them a free worm for breakfast he said let there be and helium into hydrogen got together hung itself into heaven and released god given gamma rays to keep you warm in an otherwise fidget he said let there be are y'all listening to me [Applause] when jesus got to the place where lazarus was the text says he saw mary weeping john said jesus saw the facts and got emotional this is gonna bless you dr walken i'm out of here jesus started weeping you want to know when your situation is getting ready to turn around despite the facts it's about to turn around when jesus gets to the point to where he can't take it no more when it gets under his skin when it gets where it's just his tears and he can't take it anymore lean over and help me preach to anybody and tell them the lord is getting ready to turn it around come on go find your two other people and tell them he's getting ready to turn it around turn around and find you two more and tell them the lord is getting ready to turn it around you better start praising god because he could be crying over your situation now you better start giving him some glory because it ain't gonna change until he starts crying get your ain't gonna open until he start crying the way it's not gonna be made until he started [Applause] we got to go we got to go i don't care beloved what your facts say don't let it shake your faith whatever your condition stage two stage three never never never give up your faith believe it it really does not matter what the situation may be don't ever lose your hope and don't ever throw in the town because god knew about your facts before you ever had to face them but i dare you to put your faith in the lord jesus told mother and mary didn't i tell you you see your brother again or pray the name and i tell you what he did he turned up toward heaven and prayed unto god and said to god i know you've always heard me oh praise his name and he said for the sake of these people standing around i said what i said because now they get a chance to see god glory and victory over death and the grave when i was a little boy i used to see my mother go in the kitchen and make cake better as she was preparing to make cakes from scratch but sometimes she would make what she called a sample of present name and when she'd make a sample it was to indicate what was coming oh praise his name and most times we enjoy the sampler better than we enjoyed the cake come here for a minute jesus said i'm glad it'll happen because now i get a chance to show you a sample of what a resurrection is gonna be all about shake somebody's hand and tell your neighbor every time you lay down at night and every time you wake up in the morning the lord is showing you a sample every time you come out with a victory over your defeat the lord is showing you a sample now won't you agree that the sample came out of good good evening zion it's been good being here with you i got a big job tonight but before i leave you somebody ought to help me give god his glory and i tell you the reason why you ought to give him glory is because your outcome has already been edited oh praise his me somebody said he dead now he's speaking for four days i wish i could have been there to tell martha and mary thank god for just four days somebody here you better thank god for your four days it could have been worse it could have been longer thank you god for your four days shake somebody's hand and tell your neighbor whatever it is it's just four days it doesn't matter how hard it's just four days when it's over the lord will edit your outcome oh praise his name jesus went to the grave i tell you what he did he told him roll the stone away you didn't hear what i said he said roll roll roll the stone away oh praise his name in other words he made the same one who put him in the grave participate in his deliverance i'm out of here tonight take somebody's hand and tell your neighbor don't worry about your haters they're fine to bury you they're trying to kill you they're trying to get rid of you but god will make your haters participate in your deliverance go ahead and shout now go ahead and praise him now i'll tell you what he did he called labyrinth by his name loud rush come forth [Music] walked out of the grave give god some glory turn around shake one more hand shake one more hand say one more hand tell a neighbor my name is lazarus my name is but it's all right i'm alive tonight because god called my name god call my name god call my name he called my name he called my name he called my name tell somebody he called my name he called he called my name [Music] he called my name [Music] he called the name [Music] [Applause] wow well what can we say what a powerful move of god and i want to thank you so much for tuning in to this wonderful series of messages amen this is what we do we don't forget where we come from we thank god for the experiences that have molded us as a ministry and i want you to stay connected so i want you to make sure if you didn't get a chance to give do that stay connected to me i'd love to hear from you let me know let's fill up the chats send me a message on instagram let me know how these messages how you're enjoying this series it would bless me to hear that so i look forward to that and thank you for staying connected thank you if you want a relationship with jesus christ i want you to know right now salvation at mtz nashville.org you can experience it right now our team will follow up with you salvation at mt zion nashville you want to become a part of our ministry you want to connect let's do it now until next time may god bless you and yours that's our prayer
Channel: mtzionnashville
Views: 16,977
Rating: 4.8030767 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 31sec (3991 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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