A Walk Through Psalm 23 Pt 1

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[Music] in Psalm 22 we have a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep and made it possible for us to be saved Psalm 24 portrays the Lord Jesus Christ as the chief shepherd who at the end of the age will come back for the Sheep in power and glory lift up your heads o ye gates and be lifted up ye everlasting doors and the King of glory shall come in who is this King of glory the Lord strong and mighty the Lord mighty in the battle but between the time we get saved and the day we go home to heaven between our birthday and our dying day between our womb and iTune the great shepherd of Psalm 23 is there with both goodness and mercy to make our journey sweet Psalm 23 divides into three parts in the first part of the Psalm David introduces us to the one who can take care of our frailty down further in the psalm he talks about the one who can take care of our foes and at the end of the psalm he talks about the one who can secure our future the word translated the Lord is the word Jehovah one of the primary names for God in the Old Testament according to a theologian by the name of Thomas Newberry the name Jehovah combines the three tenses of the Hebrew verb to be the name signifies the God who is who was and who is to be the eternal one the one who is becoming and becoming and becoming to his own all that they need until that last the word becomes flesh our brothers and sisters for though he will speak of green pastures the psalm is not about rest he will walk through the valley of the shadow of death but the psalm is not an ode to the dying he will dwell in the house of the Lord forever but the psalm is not about heaven in this Psalm David devotes 116 words to explaining the first to Psalm 23 is not about rest it's not about heaven it's not about death 116 words lead up to the first two before you can lie down in green pastures before you can lie beside still waters before he can restore your soul before he can lead you in paths of righteousness for his namesake though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death before you can fear no evil before his rod and staff can comfort you before he can prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies before he can anoint your head with oil before you were loyal in the house of the Lord forever you got to know the Lord someone will help me preach it notice how God has written his name in bold letters across the very fabric of Psalm 23 in verse number one he's jehova rohi and Jehovah Jireh in verse number two he's Jehovah Shalom in verse number three he's Jehovah Rapha and Jehovah sitka new in verse number four he's jehova shamma in verse number five he's Jehovah Nissi and Jehovah M Kadesh in verse number 6 he's jehovah al na-young if we are to ever grasp the full weight of Psalm number 23 Lily grow we need to refashion our view of who God is here my brothers and sisters God is not a genie in a bottle convenient and congenial you're looking for a parking space at the mall and you pray lord please let me find a parking spot that's a genie in a bottle someone ought to help me preach it all you didn't study for the test and you get the class and bow your head and say Lord and Here I am once more and again asking you to help me pass that's a genie in a bottle are you praying that one of the Rockets will make that free-throw so that they will win the game and go to the championship that's that's a genie in a bottle all you have to do is pray and poof is yours but the problem with that God is that you are greater than him because you can make him come out whenever you get rid of and what's even better when you get through with him you can put him back in the bottle God is not a genie in a bottle God is not a sweet grandfather so soft so wise so kind but very very very old but the problem with that God who is a grandfather to you is he's too weak to carry your load and grandfathers are great when they're not sleeping but if you leave him alone too long they tend to take a nap I don't need a God who takes a nap 700 years before David an 80 year old shepherd was tending sheep when a bush began to be on fire and his life began to change Moses first learned God's name on the backside of the Midian desert the Jews considered the name too holy to be spoken by human lips and whenever they considered that name whenever they needed to say the name they substituted the word Adonai because that name was too holy to even come off their lives if the name needed to be - the scribes would take a bath first before they even wrote that name and when they got through writing that name they would destroy the pen forever no one of us goes around calling ourselves I am you remember when Moses finally relented and decided that he would go and speak for God to Pharaoh in Egypt he said when I get there they're gonna ask me your name what is your name and God says tell them I am my brother the sister you got to get in here no one of us goes around saying I am we always need a qualifier I am Terry Anderson I am Nili groves pastor I am my siblings brother I am my father's son I am my daughter's father I am in Houston I am in the United States I am an American citizen everything I say about myself I got to put something else with it so you can know who I am but when God says I am nothing else comes behind that because he just am [Applause] he's all over the universe aiming em aing he's just aiming in the past he's aiming in the present in the future he am he never will be nobody gave birth to him nobody created him nobody sired him he's from everlasting to everlasting he just am he says whatever you need I don't have to become that I am wherever you are I don't have to get there I am he's God in Cambodia and Connecticut he's God in Beirut and Beaumont he's God and Southwest and 5th Ward he can hear somebody in Clearlake and get to me over here in Sunnyside and he don't ever have to get in a hurry cuz when I need him he just ham hear me brothers and sisters I want you to get this God that I'm talking about the Lord I can't even get to here's my Shepherd yet before I talk to you about the Lord he is unchanging unchanging Psalm 90 verse 2 says before the mountains were brought forth I wish I had a Bible reading whatever thou has formed the earth and the world even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God thou turnest man to destruction and says return he children of men for a thousand years in your sight on like yesterday when it is past and as a watch in the night now carries them away as with the flood they are as asleep in the morning it flourishes and grows up in the evening it is cut down and Withers who knows the power of your anger so according to your fear even is your wrath God is unchanging seasons change people change time changes but God remains the same he's just I am it is not going to be he already is the I am God is totally unchanged he is imminent which means he's close to us but he's transcendence he's outside of us nobody compares to God nobody can stand up next to the Lord whenever you start thinking you're so holy and righteous and and and and spiritual and and and you answer your phone and praise the Lord and you too blessed to be stressed and you got a little fish on your bumper and and you don't sit by certain folk in church because you don't want the anointing to rub off for you let me tell some of you altar of spiritual people something you measure in by the wrong yardstick [Applause] if you want to know how holy you are how smart you are how good you are stand up next to the Lord and you will find out that there's none like him nobody nowhere is like him he is the Lord by himself he is unchanging not only is he unchanging but according to and Selman and and and the arguments for the existence of God the teleological argument and and the cosmological argument and the ontological argument as as reported by Anselm not only is God unchanging but he's uncaused he's the uncaused cause err he's the unmoved mover him though he creates he was never created though he makes he was never made though he causes he was never caused Jesus who is the son of God without sin and the son of God with power and in the Holy Spirit who comes to take the place of Jesus as our comforter and our keeper the the three of them are God in three persons God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit God the Father in acts and Will's our salvation Jesus Christ the Son of God comes to execute our salvation and the Holy Spirit comes to seal our salvation but they are not any less God than in the one of them because all of them are God in three particular functions the Trinitarian doctrine of God was rejected by many in the early church but I believe it the father I believe in God the Son I believe in God the Holy Spirit I wish I had a believer here I believe that the father loves me enough to want me to be saved and then I saw him demonstrate his love and that he sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life and then he says the Holy Spirit so that when I go away from him he draws me back to him I need some mother to help me here have you ever been on the wrong trajectory and you had every intention of when you saw her you were gonna give her a piece of your mind then the Holy Spirit grabbed you and said to you you bigger than that because if you argue with a fool nobody gonna know which one is the fool you come to church on Sunday morning you hear the gospel you teach Sunday School you read the Bible you're a child of God come back in your place and and love your enemies and pray for them that despitefully use you do good to them that curse you god says vengeance is mine you have a got a witness here I need somebody here who's been depressed and listen Christians do get depressed I'm not talking about laying on the couch in the psychiatrist's office I'm talking about going through the motions but you're laughing to keep from crying you're going through a situation right now that if the Lord don't hold you up you will pull your hair out that somebody heals back has been up against the wall but the Holy Spirit came and grabbed you and said yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil somebody had been in the house by yourself and you felt a strange presence nobody was in the yard nobody was peeping through the window you just felt a strange presence of God with his hands on the house saying you're covered by the blood I let me meet let me stop here I was gonna save this for the 11 o'clock crowd but I'm gonna I'm gonna give this to you I'm gonna give this to you you ain't gonna shout like this shot at 11 o'clock I wish I had my 11 o'clock crowd talking about being covered I was in New York last weekend and I went to the the rally that Reverend Sharpton holds every Saturday of the National Action Network of which he is president and that was this young lady he invited some students from Stoneham Douglass High School in parkland Florida and he invited those some of those students to come to the rally in New York and that was a young woman who spoke on behalf of the students at the rally her name was Ania Eastwood Alea said she was in the second class room where the shooter entered in and she said when she heard the shots in the first class room she thought it was balloons popping because it was Valentine's Day she thought somebody was playing a trick and popping balloons but when the shooter came in her classroom which was the second class room he started shooting in that classroom and she said he shot her friend next to her she says she saw the blood come out of his head and he fell on the floor and all the students are Leia said got on the floor and she said the gunman was still in the classroom looking for somebody to shoot she says she took her friend who was dead on the floor and got his blood and covered herself in his blood and she said I'm here today because I'm covered in his blood somebody help me shout him one Friday on a hill called Calvary he died for my seams and I'm here today his blood what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus what can make me whole again we are air today cuz we took his blood and he covered us he is unchanging he is uncaused as a hurry God is on governed the government shall be upon his shoulder his name shall be called wonderful counsellor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace of his kingdom and of his government there shall be no end god is unchanged his uncaused and his son governed let me see if I can make that make sense the weather determines what we wear but God never checks the width and the reason God does not check the weather is cuz he made it those people on television channel 2 11 and 13 are meteorologists but God is the weather man some time they get it right most of the time they get it wrong because they are meteorologists but God is the weather man gravity dictates our speed and how high we can jump but he defies gravity because he created it our health determines our strength but he's not affected by health because he doesn't have a body he's spirit he can work on you in your pew and work on them in their seat in the choir stand and then work on them back there in their seats in the rushes booth and then work on somebody over here on the other side and be in the same place at the same time and there are those of us who haven't felt him yet [Applause] because your God may be a genie in a bottle your God may be an old grandfather but some of us here know God to be Shepherd provider protector wave maker heart fixer mind regulator company keeper real in the middle of a wheel a way out of no way right Morningstar if you know who God is in your personal experience everybody here ought to have personal relationship which leads into a personal testimony I think I said a few Sundays ago that when you come to church on Sunday morning don't do it now cuz they're gonna be looking at you but if you can think about it next Sunday bring you a little poster post-it note or or if they need to see it big enlarge just just write it large I'm not gonna mind put it on your Pew I'll put it in your seat so that when they get there they can see it and let them know that this is a disclaimer if you're gonna sit on this role it's going to be noisy if you're gonna sit by me I might get on your nerves if you want to get in this section it's gonna be rowdy because in this crowd we got so much to be thankful for because God has opened so many doors and and made so many ways so the disclaimer is you might want to go sit somewhere else because if you're gonna get over here by me it's gonna be noisy let everything that has breath praise the Lord let the redeemed of the Lord say so if God has kept you say so if the Lord's been good to you say so if God put food on your table say so clothes on your back say so majo any minute let's do say so I haven't got two ears my Shepherd yet because I just need to talk about the Lord this morning when I was sick it was nobody but the love when I was lost it was the love when I was hungry it was the Lord when I was lonely it was the Lord when I fell down and out it was the Lord when I needed forgiveness the Lord when I needed massa it was the Lord when I needed company in my sad hours it was the Lord anybody here know that it was nobody but the Lord if the Lord's been good to you if the Lord has opened the door for you if the Lord has made a way for you if you know it was the law you want to help me close here belief delayed doctor the late dr. William Augustus Jones told his story I'm through now I'm finish out I didn't get a chance to shout last Sunday cuz they're kind of sophisticated over there in New York I didn't even have to change my shirt they were quiet and I bought my big Hank Jeff I didn't even sweat because they were sedate and chilled I said Lord wait til I get the little Grove Sunday morning so I didn't get a chance to holla last Sunday I had my little hoop all planned I had my little tune all worked out but it was looking at me like the calf looks out a new gate so I'm here to holler this morning and so let me put a little disclaimer here if you didn't come here to make no noise you better hurry up and get out of here right now because I feel like hollering right now the late Reverend Bill Jones tells this story he said he was sick in his hospital room so sick that the doctors didn't give him much hope for recovery and he said I don't remember if I was in this body or out of it he said but death came in my room he said I don't know if I dreamed it I don't know if I imagined it but death walked in my door and he said rather I dream that I'll imagine that I started talking to death I said death I think he got the wrong room but death just kept on coming towards him he said death I think you you need to go down the hall there's some people older than myself that some people sicker than myself I think you ought to go down the hall death you got the wrong one he said death don't you have any regrets don't you ever regret taking babies from their parents taking husbands from their wives taking children from their parents and grunts from that children death don't you ever have any regrets but death just kept on coming he said death don't you think you are making a mistake he said that as a matter of fact don't you think you've ever made a mistake he said that was the first time in their conversation that death ever spoke to him he said death didn't say anything when he thought that he told him he had the wrong room he said death didn't say anything when he said death do you have any regrets he said death only spoke to him when he said death do you think you ever made any mistakes that said I've taken presidents and kings I've taken queens and princes I've taken potentates and rulers I've taken doctors and lawyers I've taken princes and queens I've taken school teachers and lawyers I've taken housewives and bums on the street but I just made one mistake one Friday I went through a hill called Calvary and on that hill I took that man on the right hand and I took that man on the left hand but that man on that cross in the middle I started wrestling with him and I wrestle with him all day Friday I wrestle with him all night Saturday night I wrestled with him until before day in the morning Sunday [Applause] Sunday morning he got away from me that's the only one I couldn't hold I gotta add them in the green I got Moses in the green I got David in the grave I've got Jeremiah in the green I got Ezekiel and Daniel Hosea and Amos Rebecca and Zephaniah but that man named Jesus I couldn't hold him in the grave is there anybody here who knows the Lord this morning if the Lord opened doors for you if the Lord been good to you if the Lord save your soul and you're not ashamed to testify why don't you hurt somebody why don't you grab somebody tell him it was nobody it was nobody nobody but the Lord nobody but the Lord he walks with me he talks with me a toy I didn't shout laughs and he's able to make a way out of no way have you tried any alright see ya yeah yes yes no he's alive hello the Lord the Lord I'm I'm gonna get to my shepherd I'm gonna get to the valley of the shadow of death I'm gonna get to the ride and the staff I'm gonna get to anoint in my head with oil but I just want to shout about the low I just want to lift my hands and give glory to the Lord I just want to open my mouth and tell the Lord thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord you've been my Jehovah Jireh thank you lord you've been my Jehovah sit to do thank you lord you've been my jehova shamma thank you lord you've been my Jehovah Shalom thank you lord if you want to thank him and you don't care who's looking at you if he made a way and you don't mind testify if he brought you out and you don't mind being a witness why don't you lift your hand and tell them thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord no he's alright [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 60,575
Rating: 4.7588167 out of 5
Id: yh8_M8w5RrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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