Reverend B.W. Smith - Big Man In Bad Shape

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to our past reven dr. Melvin brown our fellow Jochen of the gospel who joined us here on the dias tonight those they're busy pastors left there many places bowed and have come to be with us we'd reach you again in the name of the law dr. Gardner Taylor used to say the greater demand they shot an introduction sometime you need a strong introduction to prop up a weak preacher hey man I'd say the one thing our pastor doing that dig'em Vaughn don't you want to come on a little closer little front that deacons ought to be down in front here they could be around the fire no call for strange that we're in the back salmon of Deacon board from Jerusalem Baptist Church man happy to see him and others that are here with us tonight we just they're happy to see you that you've come back to be with us in this meeting we've been praying and the Lord would meet us tonight and a glorious way and give us another blessing we know that unless the Holy Ghost comes there can be no preacher man I like these deacons of close calls when nobody else won't say hey man Deacon will Digambar know how to witness a man here shave the witness see Jesus said his preachers out two by two not one to preach and one to witness a man you know there are some folks that they can they can do the hook a book on quarts on but soon as the preacher get up they get quiet they get sleep they can do some moves that they didn't learn in its Sunday school and then I call it Baptist boogeymen but when it comes to the word they can get off of choir and word man the word is good even if it cuts up it's still good you just draw up your toes and just keep on my grandmother used to say that the word is sharper than a two-edged sword it cuts down between the Giant tomorrow and the bone amen if the word will cook going in and coming out and that's the purpose of the word isn't it amen that's the purpose of the word to make us know that we are not living up to where we ought to be every nine then we have to get on tiptoe though we have to get on our tiptoes over and the reason we have to get on our tiptoe is that will this shelf amen I'm not gonna bore you long come on young man let's get together here we're gonna be out of here in just a few minutes and I know Thursday nights Bill Cosby in another world and all this other stuff and I'm aware that the church is in strong competition with television but the Lord didn't have to let me get here driven across these busy streets of Washington DC today we could have been cut down in a hail of bullets from the drug dealers and we could have had a head-on collision but the law God it disturbed with the law kept us free from all harm and danger somebody went to bed last night with up but didn't wake up this morning somebody woke up with us this morning now their body like ooh can I get a witness here so then why do you think we're still here and not going on it's not because we've been so good not because we've been so righteous not that we deserve the blessings that God have given up he just smiles on us I thank God for my he smiled on me he's been good to me you know he's done that for you God he has fed me free he's been good to me Amazing Grace wheat the fan cigarettes why me I don't know about you tonight but I want to glow now I am foul and I will blood but now I can see that is why I can say God say if I could meet it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah me he's been to me now Lord let the words of my mouth and the meditations of AHA the acceptable in your sight yes Lord you our strength and our Redeemer amen yeah just good yeah yeah ah yeah yeah yeah if you would look with me you would look with me for second Kings the chapter that first verse reads now named captain of the whole of the king of Syria was a great man with his master and honorable because by him the Lord had given delivers unto Syria was also a mighty man of Valor but he was a leper a big man in a bad shape can you say that a big man in a bad shape Namath was big made in the sight of the people of Syria and the king but because he had the leprosy he was in bad shape the leprosy is a disease that starts small and spreads all over the body the leprosy is a contagious disease can I get a witness yet it can be given to another person by personal contact hit that right the law in the B's of the Bible require that a leper call out whenever a person came near him that he was a leper he would cry unclean creepy can I get a witness here yeah great Greek but I come to tell you tonight you don't have to have the lips to be in bad shape no matter no matter no matter how big a man although man that you are if you insane you're in bad shape like a witness here sin is also a type of leprosy in that right fin start small and it's spread all over a lot in there right sin nobody is born a big sinner can I get a witness amen yeah a big liar started out a little like this sin start small and it grows and spreads all over the body well another thing about seeing like the leper said it's catching yeah it's contagious in there right no matter how great a saint you are yeah if you hang around seven sooner or later they're gonna star Judas City yeah can I get a witness yet let me see here you may be a total abstain uh mean that you may not partake of alcoholic beverages intoxicating beverages but if you hang around with folks that do sooner or later you're gonna have a little milk and a little nip will lead to a little toddy can I get a witness ID and a little toddy would lead to just a little cocktail and then you'll help me I opened up in the morning and a pick me up up around noon and then something to whet your appetite around dinner and then something to help you sleep at night you'll end up bring it all day long can I get a witness here you don't hear me I said sin starts small and it grows and it's contagious well then Michelle some mess with you you can have great respect for the truth and have made a practice all your life of telling the truth yeah but you start running around with a life yeah and before you know it you start lying to you see the the early the habitual liar lies not for convenience but I die happy yeah the habitual liar lies so much that they aren't able to recognize the truth if they saw it oh can I get a win this stuff there there was a statement I heard once that said that a habitual liar would rather tell a lie on credit and to tell the truth for cash that's a person in your line in you may be a big man but if you're a big lie are you in bad shape yeah then I gotta win this sin is the type of Lepus app that will make the cross stop singing sin sin can tell for quiet yeah get in the organist and get into pianist and get into so Lewisohn get in the director see and all it has to do is start with one person it will spread throughout the whole clock yeah can I get a witness here sin is the type of leper said that will make us shall stop serving in the church Sam is the type of leprosy that will make deacon stop free in the church I said is the type of leprosy that will make auxilary stop working then it will make the church stop shopping if you find a church that's not shouting that's a church where fear has found its way in that church and sin has taken up residence in that check and then let me tell you something that the Holy Spirit and sin cannot abide in the frame lane but dr. watt said I cannot live in fear and feel the Savior's love you you you can't for the love of you feel the holy spirit lying in on the main strings of your heart if you in see I know I gonna kill witness yeah somebody else a man but jesus said come ye out from among them and be also separated we we must be a separated people in and I don't care how much money you have and I don't care how big a house you live in and how big a car you driving I don't care how big a job you hold here you may be a big man oh man but if you had friends you're in bad shape can I get a witness here Socrates said sin is due to ignorance and that the way out of sin is the way of knowledge well Plato looking at sense at all separate living is like driving a team of horses one team and one why and occasionally the wild horse runs away and there is a rat and sin is the outbreak of the wild animal that's inner Aristotle came along to talk with his fellow Greek philosophers and said no said that there is a profound publicity of will in man he does wrong deliberately cunningly daringly and in the face of right and he said until we began to reckon with that fact we have not began to scratch the fabric to deal we'll the parameters of seeing sin is a terrible thing that was a rich young ruler who came to Jesus and he said good master yes what must I do to inherit eternal life he was a big man had plenty money jesus said you know the law and he said I've kept them from my birth yeah I pay my tithes I keep the law I'm not committed adultery and Jesus said to him said I tell you what you do run home and sell all that you have and give it to the poor and come on and follow me you know the story the Bible says that he went away sorrowful because he could not separate himself from his fame he was a big man and he felt that poverty would not have given him the stature a man that he had with his money but what he had to understand was he would have been a big man but he's in bad shape we were talking today about people who tend to think that they are more than other folks because they have six or eight zeros behind a one or two in their bank account can I get a witness here and they will try to intimidate you with that to try to make you feel bad that's some folk that carry their bank book around in their pocketbook or in their inside coat pocket in they take great pleasure and whipping it out showing you what their financial assets off can I get a witness but as far as you can take your money is to the green you cannot take it in the grave off food agree it is only good Oh this side there is no need for money on the other side can I get a witness I had an opportunity to view the remains out of King Tut's tomb in Egypt and everything they put in there and buried with him it was in there when they dug it up hundreds of years later yeah but they put it in there so he would have everything he needed on the other side they put little dogs in there that was supposed to be his servant said they put little statues of animals that he would have plenty cattle on the other side they put large jobs of thieves in there so he would be able to plant great crops and they put beds of gold in there that he would be able to recline on in a rocking chair overlaid with gold and all of these fine things that they had in his - it was all in there when they went to be attempted to dig him up yeah I come to tell you that you might have all of these things but if you don't have Jesus you are big man in a bad seat can I get a witness here King Uzziah the big man yes Isaiah was the one of the most popular Kings that Israel had ever had he had fortified the city of Jerusalem against her enemies he had one minute battles in that right those ayah was one of the greatest kings that Israel had ever known he had invented the great modern warfare he had invented weapons and he had dug wells and the plains that they could feed one of the cattle and he brought in the first a period of irrigation where they could irrigate their crops in as Iyer was a great man he was a great warrior one day his bigness went to his head of I had a practice that was honorable before he would go out to battle he would always go by the temple for the priests to burn incense and pray over him before he would go out into battle that was a fine gesture that was a fine a habit wasn't it but one day one day the trees was late the priest was tired and as I couldn't wait yes and as I went up into the altar and began to sprinkle incense boom also and as I Alip the incense and as the smoke ascended he began to pray and in the midst of that the priests came in and said to him King what are you doing yeah said that I'm burning incense for the time of prayer he said but you have no business of that you you you are in the wrong place cuz I said to him that I'm the king I can go anywhere I want to go I can do anything I want to do is enough but you can't do it of that that's reserved for the man of God you may be king but not up here desire got Ruffin began to dress the priest down and tell him and bless him out general ha we know how to get preachers toll go ahead but that's a dangerous thing but let me tell you what happened to hire as he wasn't blessing the priests out telling him how big he was and what a great man he walked he broke out with the leprosy and I get a witness here and a liar ah a leper yeah you're not gonna witness out here he was still King and will steal a big man but he was in a bad shape now get a witness here you ought to read your Bible I I shut up sometime when I hear folks talk to the minister any kind of way say anything that come up come out you ought to go back and read your Bible see what happened to Miriam when she confronted her brother Moses because he had married the kushai woman and she told him he didn't have it it didn't marry that woman he know he was wrong and he asked her said I'll tell you what you do why don't you meet me down to the place of worship to the temples of the chat and we'll discuss it and while down there she began telling him what he had done wrong and she broke out in whip telepathy Wow dressing out the man of God the Bible said - terrible thing happened while they banished her outside of the camp for seven days two things happened they could not go forward because they had to wait for the seven days for her to come back and the Spirit of God that had been hovering over the temple over the tent it disappeared till they happen the presence of God leaves in the church more progress when the members disrespect the man of God I don't care if he's not nothing but a grand old rascal don't you ever let nobody push you up to telling him off and I get a witness here that's an awful dangerous position to be in David was a great king he's was favored in the sight of God God allowed him to defeat the Philistine giant in that right God gave him victories that was so great that when he would come back with Saul the young women would line the streets they would sing Saul killed his foul but David killed his tenth house can I get a witness here but one day David got too big and he had 600 or 700 wives and 435 concubines and and he saw one new woman over there who was the wife of Uriah and he wanted her we forget David's great sin was not altogether a ball turret his great sin was greed he was greedy yeah can I get a witness and because his was greeted it got him into trouble not only did he commit adultery but he also committed Mac now he's still King but you know you can get by but you can't get away oh I wish I could get a witness here and Nathan went to David and said to him David the law told me to tell you because you've done this evil thing that the sword shall never leave that house can I get a witness here because you have done evil David you may be a big man but you die in bad shape we go on to his son Samson and the Bible is full of examples of people who a big man but are in bad shape we look at Pilate who there was the governor oh and Palestine in the days of Jesus he had a big position can I get a witness but after he had turned Jesus over to the mob crowd he called for a pail of water to wash his hair but let me tell you something judge what I can't wash away sin what can wash away sand nothing but the blood of Jesus he's in hell washing his hand I tell you because he then would not heed to the word and the of his wife who was trying to give him out you may be a big man but let me tell you tonight if you in sin you advancing let us hurry on here to our conclusion we find that our text tonight talks about a man that was a soldier a career officer one that had a chest full of metal one that had a portfolio of victories all over the Land of Israel and Syria we find him being one that was respected by the king but he had a strange condition this great man had the leprosy he had the lepers air so bad that he could not fellowship with his family I can imagine that his wife had to put his meals in a plate and push it under the door and give it to him I imagine they had to break his plate every time he would finish eating imagine that his clothes had to be burned every time that he got ready to change who I can imagine that he couldn't come around the soldiers that he couldn't come around the men of his command because he had a contagious disease he was still the captain of the host of Syria but he was a leper he was a big man but he was in bad sheep I see here a little girl that waited on his wife this little girl said that I worked that my love was with the Prophet in Samaria and no man that could do something about his condition I don't care how bad you are in sin there's always somebody that can do something about your condition can't you see this little girl landing before naman wife selling her that I know how your husband can get where and when his name with the name he said I got some good news as she talked to him through the door he said this little girl said that there's somebody over in her country that can cure you of your leprosy and make you well again we can have fellowship one more time and we can be a family again I'll see him you know him get it ready to go and try to find this man he went to the king of Syria and said King I needed leave of absence I need to go over in the land of Samaria well I heard that there was somebody over there that could cure me of my leprosy I see the King said take this letter with you and he sit down and wrote him a letter and said give this to the king over in Samaria the letter sad this is my man named him yeah I'll send him to you that you might heal him or he'll never say can't you see the king when he got the letter he tore his clothes off woman and he said am i God that I can kill and make laughs again this man sends a man to me to heal him of his leprosy therefore consider he's seeking a quarrel with me that he might go to war with me yes he did but when he lieth what about the king in sackcloth Elijah that about them there was a man in town with the leprosy you don't let go down and tell neighbor to come out here I want to see him yes he did I've seen a man got in is salia six white horses pulling it down the road pull up before the house of Elijah ran up on the porch and knocked on the door the server went in to see logic said Elijah that's somebody hidden see ya then who is it but I don't know but it looks like a big man he's not a chariot trimmed and rolled up he's got raised on everything he's got chained to the clothes I've never seen before he's got seven four in the chariot with him he looks like a big man oh yeah he's in bad shape but he's got the levers there he like I said tell name to go down to the Jordan and give seven times and come away clean name up when he got the message of got mad and went down but he said I didn't come down here to dip into each other we got clean river away in Syria I thought he would come out here and wave is he my head the name of his father yeah I see the Sabbath the neighbor I do what he said yes our in the strange number seven the world were made in seven days they're seven days in a week they're seven colors in a rainbow seven numbers in a musical bar Solomon talked about seven abomination Jericho fell after seven seven days on the seventh day yeah Jacob works seven years for Rachel and he got a aha what several years before he made her why the book of Revelation is built around the number seven there were seven churches seven little seven candlesticks seven angels seven King bees with seven here seven laps and Seven Veils seven crown and seven thunders a red wagon with seven heads of a book with seven seals seven trumpets seven tombs of seven new things and if I was you I see name we're down in the water one time in the name of the Father still letting it happen now get the second time in the neighbor of Sun came up look get in hey still name of the Holy Ghost came still nothing had happened get the boat I'm in the neighborhood backing Mark Luke and John yes in the name of the butcher mole in any pain nothing had happened depth of the water still not happen he started back but the young man don't be do what he's told you make a hook Hey away Oh any all right a knee all right yeah I know he's alright yeah yeah sing somebody Hey yeah any all right I'll try here have you tried in happy you only make away won't it make away won't it bang away yeah he gave me yes he did gave me a new song in my song I can sing a song that the Angels kiss me yeah he walks with me then I am all right you are yeah yeah yes they were left in the store I've read and mommy oh just me I wanna see and war like in mr. Trivedi sir step back ah no way the goals of the treasure now somebody here right not knowing in the free father you see you may be a big man in banshee I'm gonna tell you at night you gonna call it's gonna steer you better come while you still got a chance yeah yeah I got the clothes here yeah yeah evening just a man yeah at the tersely man again another night we immersed free give the Lord a hand clap
Channel: malacomg
Views: 269,517
Rating: 4.5866427 out of 5
Keywords: Sermon, Gospel Sermon, Reverend B. W. Smith, Malaco Records, Gospel, Gospel (Musical Album), A Big Man In Bad Shape, rev. b.w. smith, rev b w smith funeral, rev b.w. smith obituary, rev b w smith watch them dogs, gospel music, malaco gospel legends, reverend smith, rev. smith
Id: 14bUSCp2MDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 41sec (3281 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 13 2014
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