Dr. Frank Ray - How To Bounce Back

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well god bless you listen this is faster ray I am so honored and delighted to have you to turn this way and we're getting ready to carry into a message that a priest not very long ago I think it will bless you your household and your family God move in such mysterious ways his wonders are to perform I want to carry and let you listen to this message we'll be back a little later let's go into church we need to know how to bounce back whenever you read the Psalms if you are a real student of the word you will detect that some of the writings of David and he pinned only 73 of the hundred and fifty Psalms that there are certain spots where you see youth involved there are certain places in the Psalms where you see maturity and there's certain places where you see old age some stone III you can tell that he was a man of age because he put his whole life before him and start bragging about the Lord by saying he's my shepherd and Psalms 51 you could tell that this was David's foolish ages because when you're foolish when you're young many times you do foolish things and after you become a rage you look back over your younger years and ask yourself how did I get out of this alive this passage come from what happened to David when he had a love affair with another man's wife David he just so happened he was on his rooftop and he looked across the way and saw a beautiful attractive lady bathe him and he pursued her and after he pursued her it was what you call love at first sight and of course he didn't care if she was married and not he just wanted to walk after he had spent the night with her several weeks later she sent him a letter with bad news she said to David something that normally happened to me didn't happen David said well we can't afford to let it go like this because I'm a king I will write a furlough and get your husband's that's that's fighting in the battle to come home and when he get home get him drunk and let him lay with you and we'll just say the baby is here but because Uriah was so faithful to his call to war instead of him thinking about laying and playing with his wife his mind was on battle and so when the fellow was over she wrote David again say he wouldn't touch me David said well that's another option we will have him killed in battle put him on the front of the line and he's sure to get kill and sure enough Juraj was killed in battle it looked as though it was over the numbers say the book of numbers said be careful Joseon will find out and just because God does not show up when you commit the sin it does not mean that you go unnoticed by Dawn he waited a whole year before God decided to come in with his reinforcements one year after David had committed to sin he got the woman pregnant and the baby had died David figured that it was all over now he wouldn't have to deal with it but God sent a preacher to David's house by the name of Nathan now admit several things for Nathan to go because remember it was June the Baptist that when in told Hara some of the same stuff and solicited a right for you to lay with your brother's wife and they cut John's he and off for telling the truth it's not popular when you tell the truth it's quieter to this camp we know truth should be told but that's a consequence when you stand on the truth he he had to be an unusual person to go before David because David was king and David had the capability if you confronted him he could take you out whenever you have been called to share the truth with people several things must happen number one you need to be a person of the word in other words you came leo a raggedy life and try to tell somebody else with a racket in life how they need to live because the person would take you here look at the hand because the face don't see you and you don't have but a few moments to get out of my face and if you bring this up again I'm going to take you out number one he had to be a man of the word secondly he had to be a man of courage because you can't be a coward working for the Lord y'all didn't say nothing you can't be let me reframe can't be scared and you stand before people to tell them what does said the law they have to be a certain amount of courage in your life to know that they may kill your body but they can't tamper with your soul he he had courage he was a man of the word and he went to David and said David let me ask you a question and the Bible says he used a parable he said what if that was a poor man and that was a rich man the rich man had minute she the poor man had one little wheel and the poor man nurse the lamb-lamb from a baby he nursed him with a bottle he kept a lamb in his bosom he fed the lamb from his table the lamb grew up with him like he was like she was his daughter and then this rich man had flocks overheard a traveler came by and wanted some food and the rich man goes over to the poor man's yard and get the one little wee lamb and kill him and serve dinner to the traveler David how would you feel David would say I want make him pay back for for that was to make him give four times back to the man and I'd kill him Nathan said to David thou up to me I get something have to do this by myself he said thou art the man he said what you mean done he said well David you have plenty wives you just got one woman you got women and this little man talk to me somebody had all one wife and they were childhood sweethearts in other words they grew up together you are nursed you are proud of her you rot took care of her she was in his bosom and you took his wife and had him killed he's he you have a pronounce your own sentence now David's pronounce of the sinners it was harsh and hypocritical it was harsh because he was going to make the man pay back for four and then killed a man on top of that let me deviate just for a moment whatever you see people pointing a finger and somebody else watch the end of the finger because most of the time the person that wanna condemn others is really showing no sign of guilt you're don't him in this house just watch the person always want to condemn somebody always want to take him out always wanted a storm always want to be harsh to them watch that person but it was hypocritical because what David wanted for whoever this man was he didn't want it for itself because he had no feelings about taking another man's in heaven a man killed just to have him David has several reasons why he shouldn't do it number one it was his position he was a king talk to me son matter and the costs of who he was he already had more on he can handle can no man really have more than one woman and she's a handful he's just fooling himself somebody ought to talk to me I don't know funny to say this I may be getting in trouble with the brothers but they're different playing field between men and women I have two appreciatively applaud you sisters because a woman most of the time if the man mess up and he go to her and if he finally said mr. baby I'm wrong I shouldn't have done it I'm sorry she will forgive him and embrace him and said we don't make it together she might bring it up another three four hundred times but she will embrace him she might wake up and I'm sitting in the bed two or three times staring at you a pot of hot water on the stove but you'll get through it but the man is just the opposite that woman come and tell and man I messed up I'm sorry I made a mistake I should have done it it's over you know he want to see you know you know what you want to look at you don't even want to talk about it his harsh and hypocritical I was ahead two witnesses in this house but after David had been confronted by the preacher it was then that he penned this song David tell me to tell you that it's not easy to get away from your sins your own lack better if you have your Bibles let's walk through it since you know the story watch how David approaches the Lord because he knew he's in forward watch what he says hammer said upon me notice he didn't ask for justice he's a ham herself upon me notice he wasn't praying for his children notice he wasn't praying for his lamb stock he was praying for his self have mercy upon me watch this according to thy loving-kindness he's a listen I don't just need some kindness I need some lovin can is it according unto the multitude of thy tender mercy David said listen I know you're gonna whip me I know I'm gonna get a beating I know you go you might take me out but sis you go quipment use your tender I'm gonna have to do this by myself in other words I can't make it by myself Lord if you put the wrath oh man that I deserve I know you're gonna take me out but I need you to whip me with you til he said now and then I need you to get yo your blood and I need you to blot out my transgressions see even where you see a dark spot blotted out even where you see where I mister I need you to straighten it up for me but David hit me because he tell me there's some things that happen to Saints that singing I know you said since I'm saying I don't say no you you still see him you just see unless I know which how to make folks think that I'm living above saying it took a long time to figure out how person can actually live a bull of seeing I finally figured it out you have staying at least a two-story apartment and the people over you ain't go on the church but David helped me out in the text and tell me what happened to save folk when they commit sin here it is he said the first thing sin do is it it stained your conscience because it said in verse 2 wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and clean me from my sin the y'all see it in the text he said listen I need you to know that I'm stained and I can't get away from it anywhere I go it's it follow me I need to be washed I feel dirty I feel filthy I feel clean talk to me somebody I need to tell you seeing ain't nothing to play with a little sin is like being a little pregnant it's show up after a while I've had several members to come in them and say Reverend I'm pregnant but don't tell nobody ain't got to tell it you keep showing up it's gonna show up having always show up sooner or later sin keep growing and growing since oils and spoil sin chokes and provokes sin punishes and punishes sin Mars and boss in itches and switches squat as a terrible sin has employed more people than idiot a thing on the market because of sin we have to build bigger jail sales because of sins we have to keep creating high-tech burglar alarm systems because of seeing we have to hire more police officers because of sin we have to put more judges on the bench because of sin we have to have more attorneys talk to me sir because of sin we have to build mo cons am I putting you all to sleep because of sin we got that got the spindle money owned Rhoda and Wanda's and wrote on doors because of seeds we have tobacco locks because now you have to have a lock on the lock that's on the lock because of sin we have to get more cameras talk to me somebody all because of sin because of sin we have news running 24 hours a day news whenever you see news it ain't about nothing good is always talked about some kind of seeing sin but then he said for I acknowledge my sin my transgression and my sin is ever before me y'all see it he says ever in other words it's such a weight but mine it's on my mind when I go to bed it's on my mind when I get up I dream about it come on talk to us about every time I look around it's right there before me he said I ain't ain't nobody got to tell you I did it acknowledged it myself one thing I love about Charles about Perry Mason I like who Perry he spend 50 minutes in the case and take 10 minutes deliberated and right before it's go off he's so bad to the one committed crime jump up said I did it I did it I did it I did it I've got any help in this house and that's what God is waiting on us to say I did it you see we have to get to the place where we got to stop trying to run from what we've done God David said it's right here in the text for I acknowledge my transgressions I'll come back to that in a moment my sin is ever before me now what's verse 4 in the text lord have mercy he said because you need to know that sin-stained you consciousness he said against thee and all of thee have I seen I started to actually question David David didn't you sin against you right he's I really did David didn't you sin against you rise wife he said I really did David did you sin I guess your wives he's gonna tell the truth I did David did you sin against your children he's I did I said why did you say I sin against God and only God he said because what I've sinned against God it included all the rest y'all don't like me havin no sin it's like Lay's potato chips you can't eat just warn somebody help me here whenever you commit a sin it's not just a said you include a lot of others in the sin you come it I need y'all to get off from me because I'm as guilty as y'all are and it's hard enough for me to preach this so I need y'all to set something in this house he said I guess thee they only have a sin and none what's this this evil is outside well god bless you listen we're out of time but you see we're certainly not out a message I hope you've been blessed while listening to just a portion of this message I think the message there will be a blessing to your household just order this message 1-800 three seven five four zero zero seven or you can write to the goddess good minister at twenty to thirty seven South Parkway East Memphis Tennessee zip three and one one four or go to goddess good ministry love for you to check us out be blessed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: God Is Good Ministries
Views: 64,337
Rating: 4.6780925 out of 5
Keywords: God Is Good Ministries, God Is Good, Frank Ray, Dr. Frank Ray, Frank Ray Preaching
Id: M-keo1_9uLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2018
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