Dr. Frank Ray - Let Not Your Heart, Part 2

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well god bless you this is pastor ray I want to carry and again and let you listen to a sermon and time let not your heart it is a wonderful message I enjoy the message that a priest who encouraged me and of course it is an encouraging you hear this message all the time the other scripture read I want you to listen to what God has to say to you and to your heart as you listen to this message let's listen your heart is beating when your sleep is beating when you are awake it's beating when you're running it's beating when you're sitting steel it's beating when you're asleep talk to me somebody the faster you work the harder it be matter of fact you can cause it to beat fast just thinking the wrong thoughts that's why if you stumble into something and it frightened you look like your heart is getting ready jump out of your chest is beating faster which causes you to wear your heart out too fast if you cause stuff to stay on your mind and worry too much that's just the pump in your chest that pump is important hip masseur is important the pump is important but that's not the heart that get us in trouble it is the heart of the man talk to me summer it is the heart of the man now the heart has a lot of privileges and possibility because number one the heart can think proverbs 23:7 as a man thinketh in his heart so is he the heart can believe Romans 10:9 that if thou shalt confess with the mouth shall believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead thou shell be saying the heart can love Luke mark ruther chapter 12 verse 30 you should love the Lord with all your heart with all your soul with all your man with all your strength the heart can purpose 2nd Corinthians 12 and 7 as a man purposes in his heart so is he am I putting you all to sleep in this house the hard epicentre heart the heart also carry a lot of stuff in it because the issues of life come out of the heart adultery is born in the heart fornication is in the heart murder is in the heart theft is in the heart life is in the heart back by them is in your don't like me in this house is in the heart the issues of life comes from the heart everything about man still from the heart I don't care how you try to lock the hands up if you don't take care of the heart when the hands get back where they can be used they do the same thing that's why you can lock a person up and stay there 20 years they come back out they start doing what they did totally got locked up because we're not working on the right thing we take in chains to chain people instead of taking the word to get in the heart to change people it calls for to the $60,000 a year to chain a person and you can take a three dollar Bible and change you know don't like man we talked about we got no money spend all the money building bigger jails and getting bigger guns and getting high-tech burglar alarm systems I wish I had some help in here if we just take three dollars and get a Bible and sit the little fella down and tell him he died one Friday cat UPS in the morning with all power in his hand we cannot wait till our children get 20 25 and Thurday it's almost too late every start one is to sit him down at the age of two tell him baby Jesus love you this I know for the Bible tells me so when he gets folk put him on his knees and teach him how to pray when he gets six you need to be in somebody's Sunday School class I wish it had some hipping this out when it get eight he needs to be singing in the choir when it's tiered he need to be leading prayer service when it's 12 he don't never need to miss church no more instead of getting up we don't act out children on Monday do you want to go to school do you feel like going to school now I'm not gonna make you go cuz my mama made me go my goodness if you don't give them choices on Monday don't give them choices on Sunday you got to be rotelle your babies and children ask for me and my house we're going to serve the now do a hell a witness because remember out of the 200 they were killed in Memphis in 2017 a hundred and fifty nine looked like us 45 were under the age of eighteen seventy two were between the age of 18 and 29 that's the productive age that's the age that they ought to be preparing himself to raise a family the number one calls a murder in the city of Memphis was getting angry with each other ain't that stupid you get angry and go get a go it's a coward when they do that when I was young we used to get angry but we would box it out we went wrong we'd box now you get a gun shoot somebody and then don't go to run it if you that bad stay there don't shoot nobody to go to run you're gonna get called anyhow just stay right there the police come get you but the reason we do it because it's in the heart is that that spiritual little emotional intellectual capacity that calls you to think evil before good you wonder why I want a personal look at you the other magnet thing Evil's before they think we see a person on the street ragged it Harry Cohn standing on the corner the first thing cause our - they shamon they don't need nothing ain't giving my money you know why because we think evil we see a person drive up in a new car stop us and thank the Lord they able to get it we think evil what they have to do to do that I know then making that much money you don't know what the devil they make anything somebody could have gave it to him but we automatically think evil see a man round the corner talking to a woman said you're saying that's a sister talking to a brother we think even what they all cone it up for you know I would do it it's a hard problem you ever notice in your yard you don't ever have to plant weeds y'all gonna make me go that way ain't never seen nobody out there sewing and plant weeds but you know what we'd show up because we saw in there battle each if you want grass but muda you got to so that stuff you got the bad but we sure by themselves you don't have to teach your children about sex teach you just let them get eight to ten twelve years age and you leave the house [Applause] the mother talked to me you wonder where they got it from is in the heart the heart is an evil piece this one must be under subjection must be in control by a higher person bigger than you and I am because of we are not part of the solution we're part of the problem God brought us too far for us to let Memphis go two ways with people that we haven't even tried to reach we surround our cities in such bad shape it's so lowdown they doing in enslaving can I tell you how it could start and I'll go he was a man in church he get upset with another church member could be the pastor and he leave Church upset because things didn't go his way and at the dinner table he bring up the past ain't no good don't deserve to be there he discusses it with his wife in the presence of the children cuz the man is upset wife takes offense and so I don't think I'm going back ain't nobody bothered her the husband is upset but she picks it up and when she picks it up she discusses it with her neighbors in front of the children then the children said I want to go down that church snow mode and then when the children start staying at home they tell other Sharon ain't going down they're getting out the choir ain't singing no more now an epidemic has started and because there's the word going in the house when just one statement the man could have gone to the cross and said Lord see me through this but now he has a pause and the wife she's parson and the children talked as a man and now they're in the street when I get in the street next thing you hear is they in trouble with something because listen if you don't have the word in you hearing or have enough to stand some of the stuff never come up against you because if you live long enough you go right into some stuff if you don't have the grease of you mess up every time you are a witness that's why we have to make sure we keep our heart in subjection at all times the heart Chappelle passion he said her passion number one for the scripture listen that sums 118 verse 11 he said thy word have I hid in my heart that I may not sin against God there was you got how because if you don't have some word in your heart you go have some junk in your heart and junk sometime we'll take president away anything else that's why every time you look around you got to put some a word in your heart because sometime the devil don't give you chance to go get your Bible and go get your concordance you need to have it right there right there someone six on six or six verse eighteen said listen if you have iniquity in your heart so God willing he then mean if you got some stuff in there they know not to be in there he said I don't either getting on your knees he's you got to get that stuff out of your heart how am i doing y'all if you're gettin out of your heart you're just right for God to do what God need to do never once you gotta have hit me and say you got help passion for the scripture in us everyday reaches some scripture because the word does a cleanser the word is like yo don't hit me it's like Purex it gets a stain out the word popped them in somebody the word will wash you inside and out I don't mean the word you said in the word I need the word to steady you and it was not how many times you've been through the word but how many times the word been through you you got to have him every day every morning to get up there for you to weed is for you to Cheerios before you to conflict sit down and spin a moment in the world because when the devil come and get you you can say yeah in him Willie Oh in him we move and in him we have I'll be in episode you got to have passion for the scripture in other words take a moment and read if his nothing but Psalms 23 read the word but not only should you have passions passion for the scripture you need to have passion for supplication supplication mean pray the anybody here know the reason you're here is because you found time to pray something you just got to pray your way through something you can't see your way through some things you can't give it your way through some things you pay pay your way through but if you learn how to pray if you find the room the bow what God here and won't he answer your prayer he may not come when you won't him but it's always right on time pray when you feel like it pray when you don't feel like it praise when you're sick pray when you're wale I discovered if you pray in the car you won't have to pan it in the stall because a storm will come but if you stack your crown up when things are going way they'll have a witness you ain't gotta panic when trouble come you got to have a passion for scripture a passion for supplication but you can also have a passion for separation because it come a time in your life when you just got to separate yourself number one from certain people y'all don't like me you see be careful who you hang out with if you're a strong don't hang out with a lot of weak folks if you're not strong no hang around with line from line all day and she no night talk to me somebody and you gonna hang out with them if you're not strong enough separate yourself from these people it's better to be by yourself than to be with the wrong crowd you cannot lay down with dogs without getting up with some fleas I know I'm preaching yeah just take two or three hands oh honey watch the crowd you hang out with that y'all don't like me but not only you watch the people you hang out with watch the places you hang out with if you're not a gambler get out of the casino y'all don't like me in this house if you don't like meat get out of the meat house come on talk to me some night if you don't drink what you doing hanging out in a nightclub come on I just like the scenery then ain't no good scenery to be in unless you plan on living that kind of life because it's hard to sit around freakos and you don't say will give me a little cup looky there go hurting man if you happen with the spouse you got don't hang out with two or three women there's nothing happy with that you got a wife you got a husband you happy with and every woman you win it's complain about that man y'all have been fine somebody there's got a man they happy with come on talk to me somebody because birds don't make me go there our family some hammers start flocking together watch the people watch the places but yet also what's the passion watch the practice that you get in no practice one thing when you live in something else don't practice land when you live in trying to live the truth they got to practice what you preach oh I gotta quit do I have a witness that must be separation that must be number one Lord that must be the passion then the prompt when they let me leave here with the promises because the Lord did promise you something would you give your heart to the Lord he said let not Lord your heart be troubled terrazzo the Greek word for treble it comes from the idea I'm stirring the water it come from an idea I walk it in a pool where is calm and you stare it in to muddy water because sometime in life you can stare the wrong stuff at the wrong time he said let not your heart be troubled the word let and trouble is the same word in Greek he said if you believe pistol required for believe is when you get to where it thinks you say if you have faith in me shall face one time now faith is whooping Cooper it means under matasso stands when you get to it stands something you stand on who forming under stands is when you get the way stand that mean the substance is something unto you that you learn how to stand up in other words when you live for the Lord you live by your faith in other words you don't live by what you see you live my what you believe because sometimes what you see you really don't see it I don't y'all make me explain that what you see sometime it's not what you really see you only say that maybe I need to say that what you see is not always what you see limit yo ain't got it yet I can follow some of y'all home and y'all leave here looking beautiful long wave shape yes right I wish a beautiful chiefess in your mouth and I followed it to the house ten minutes after you get there and I rang the doorbell and actually speak to you and somebody come to the door I don't even know who they are who are you yeah I wish I have some hippy there the hair you all is sitting on the dresser the teeth is y'all made me go there the team is sitting on the man I wish and I don't know what there's other stuff eels descending at the foot of the bed that she per person is round now the Hatter was longest shout now that teeth that's white is going y'all don't hear me what you see you really don't see but six others and so we walk by feet have I got a witness you see site has its limitations sites stop at the wall but faith go around the wall god bless your game time as comment go hope that you have been blessed while listening to this sermon I want you to order copy by the city to your family or friends our loved ones even your enemies and let them listen to a copy of this message didn't bless you and therefore course write us 22:37 southpaw way East Memphis Tennessee zip three one one four I'll go to goddess good ministry dot net love for you to come and share with us on Sunday Mon you have a special invitation to come be our special yes I know you watch it we see you across the country in various places in the city you say you enjoy the telecast you watch it I want you to come you share it with others but I want you to come to this place 22:37 South Park way Sunday morning 9:30 I'm looking to see you in this place [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: God Is Good Ministries
Views: 12,300
Rating: 4.7402596 out of 5
Keywords: Frank Ray, Frank Ray Preaching, God Is Good
Id: xmbnM4wpwag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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