Dr. Frank Ray - A Recipe For Not Worrying

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god bless you listen I'm sure I'm talking to somebody now you were and you're walking the flow you have more month than you have money you're worried about over situations or circumstances you worry about your health to worry about your family word about our nation worry about our city I wanna share message with you then how to deal with this matter a worry I want to carry right into the message and allow the Lord and the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart with this message or not we're in let's listen a recipe for not world said one more time a recipe for not we're ready as quite as it is killed our mind is like a sponge it reaches it grabs it looked for information for morning tonight was it corralled the information it starts on the figure out what's right and what's wrong the tragedy is most of the times the things that we were about haven't happened yet and so we were in advance three people are trying to captivate your mind number one the Lord Himself won't your mind he says think on these things to think you need your mind he said some Psalms nineteen meditate day and night to meditate you need your mind he says its second Timothy 2:15 steady so not so in the Greek mean be diligent but too steady you need your mind Philippians Philippians two and five he said let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus he said listen you need to let the Lord have control of your mind but Satan also want your mind he do everything he can do to captivate your mind you remember in Genesis chapter 3 when Adam and Eve were in the garden the first verse verse 2 says and Satan said to the woman how did he deal with her he dealt with her in in the mind if he can get your mind he got the rest of your Ephesians chapter 6 verse 11 put on the whole armor of God that you might be able to stand against the wiles the Greek word is method AR is when you get the English word method the devil's method is to get in to your mind in other words he loved to play mind games 2nd Corinthians 2:11 be not ignorant of Satan's device 3 or there's no Imam and when you get the written word no way oh we get the rhetoric noose which made my he liked to get into your you're my matter of fact the Greek word for devilĂ­s diabolos diaas mean through below means to throw he keeps throwing after your mind until something settled there and once he gets stuff settled in your mind he'll have you eaten out of his hand preach refrain he works on your land that's why I need to tell you that if it get in there he can literally take you out with just your mind he can tell you you're not gonna make it he tell you don't look good for you he tell you listen it's too late for you he loved to play man games but that's why you can't let him have control of your mind there's somebody greater than he is and to be honest you try to deal with your own life because too many of us fool ourselves and think we can make it by ourselves we saw all the time I don't need nobody I can make it on my own but you can't make it on your own you heard myself before you and did it to half the world before you leave home because if you get up in the morning and take a bath and use soap you and did it to the Frenchman they invent it too so you take a towel and dry off your body you're indebted to the Turk because they invented the towel if you just have some cornflakes talk to mrs. O'Malley you're indebted to Illinois you have hash browns you and did it to Idaho if you get some orange juice you and did it to Florida am I putting on a sleep in this house I mean before you leave home you and did it to half the world we need each of talk to him if you care the devil love to deal with your mind am I here by myself he says that there are things we must do to control our mind Paul says in the text in Philippians chapter 4 verse 8 he said finally you heard me use the word finally before when you see that word it is like a word that people that don't like Church like to hear they want to hear the man of God say finally that we have sit through praise and worship we have sit through the emotion we sit through a long announcements it to a long sermon we wait with tiptoe anticipation to heal a man of God say finally that means we get ready to go out to Piccadilly or somewhere and eat but the Greek word for finalist a with low upon the word low upon that mean it is over but that he saves the best for last in other words there is some more I like it because the Word of God is never over until it's over that God always have another word when you think you've heard the last word there's another word for you and sometimes the words you just heard is better than what you first heard talk to me somebody it's kind of like you sitting at your computer and you cut it off but it won't cut off it said don't cut me off now I'm downloading in other words I got some more information I want to give you don't cut me off now let me hang around for a little while the Word of God says that it's a final air and then it said my brother and the Greek word is artifact mean from the same it mean that when we're born again we in the same family you my sister you're my brother that mean I should not rejoice because you're going through because I could be next no no no don't don't kick your heels up and shout too much when your neighbor is having difficult times because it could happen to you in the morning and God watch how we treat others when they are going through so he can see if we are able to handle it you know God do some strange things God will bless your next-door neighbor and see if you get jealous if he see you jealous of him blessing them he'll block your own blessings you have to learn how to rejoice with the success of somebody else you got a said thank God they made it because if God dropped a blessing with their name on it he got some Oh with your name only because you have to understand God got it ever read faith can a brag on him a moment he's too omnipotent to be weak too ambitious to be done to omnipresent to be absent he's too right to be wrong he's too leaven not to care needs to partial to be late he's too exact to ever talk to me somebody somebody here know who he is and so when God bless you with something I need to better rejoice because my blessing is on the way he finally but brother whatsoever thing a true which mean we should rely on truth not stuff we heard but on the truth Hama doing y'all are he said in order to do this there are some things that you must do I remember in the text and second Corinthians chapter 10 verse 4 he said the weapons of our warfare are not kernel in other words we're not fighting stuff we can see if we can see the devil we could cut it we could shoot him we could pum him and talk to him and somebody but it's mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds the Greek word for stronghold is a two-line a cool mine in the early days it met fortress it was like this huge castle that sit on a hill that was well fortified it had real thick walls on this fortress so sick that the enemies could not come up and get on the inside but when the New Testament was written the word Akuma its top men meaning fortress it's not meaning prison a prison has walls but these walls keep the folks from inside from getting out are y'all here he said listen this you need to understand is the weapons of our warfare finally for brother you need to have something to fortify your man to keep their own stuff from getting on the inside because I don't as quite as it is kept you can literally worry yourself to death don't nobody have to bother you you can just worry your self to death over nothing you worry about stuff folks saying about you number one watch the person that's saying it find out how they doing because misery love company don't get too much advice from people that's already messed up if something wrong with them just said child look at the hand because the face don't see you watch the people that bring you advice find out how they fill it if they doing okay they upset cuz they ain't got nobody and you got somebody they ain't gonna let you be happy and you got to run tell them all the time now y'all don't tell them now y'all just put it on Facebook outside means in there me and Jimmy going to breakfast means Jimmy going to lunch man Jimmy going to dinner means him it took a vacation man Jimmy coming back and leave it again watch how you tell everybody because somebody will come after Jimmy do a hell a witness some things have to learn how to ponder it in your mind how do i fortify my mind what is my recipe for not whirring he says in Philippians four and four rejoice in the Lord Greek word for rejoice is Cairo Cairo come from this idea of when we used to have a cassette players and you had something you want to hear at the end of the cassette tape you would you would play all other songs till you finally got to the one you like but a Coulomb I mean this hit the fast-forward button and in other words jump older stuff you don't want to hear and get the stuff you want to listen to it literally mean kick your heels up leap for sure you see what you fail to realize is you can praise your way out of some stuff while you walk around with your head down where it just stopped freezing the loaded freeze what went why should I praise Him you see we worship Him because of who he is we praise Him because of what he has done he said well he haven't done anything for me lately he woke you up he closed you in the right line he took care of your children he gave you food and an appetite he let you sleep last night he didn't let no stray bullet take you out he didn't let your house get burned down he didn't let you get flooded out talk to me somebody anybody know God has done something for you that you could not do for yourself praise the word Akuma what cairo is in the emperor imperative mood meaning it is a command he's not just recommending that I rejoice he's not just suggesting that our Joe is he's commanding me to rejoice yo don't hit me in his house and that was I can't let nobody else steal my joy because they are just illa Josh Tillis call you on the phone so I still child have you heard now I don't hear nothing and I don't want to hear nothing you got him in I ain't got no time you can tell when stuff will come to you in a number bout some s don't want to hear that talk to me some matter you have to tell some folk that they ain't the day God been too good to us to let somebody steal away out joy I wish I had two witnesses here it better got in and saying you grateful to God for any bit got anything that you can just think about it and get happy pause that I've locked up in prison and look like ain't nothing going my way he's I can just think myself happy in other words if you start thinking you'll stop thinking is there the imperative mood is in present tense which rain keep on rejoicing talk to me sunlight it get me say you got to keep on rejoicing he said rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice that mean everything I need to find something I can rejoice about I - this man came to church and he was jumping and shouting shouting and jumping jumping and shouting and they finally said man why are you so happy you just come in the church jumping and shouting what's going on reading so happy he's I got robbed right for it got to church it's a man you got robbed and you and hit jumping and shouting yes take your Jesus hallelujah praise the Lord he said why you shouted so much and you just got robbed he said well number one they robbed me but they didn't kill me [Applause] he's secondly the Rodman but I didn't have much for them to get so they didn't get much he's the third reason I'm majority because they robbed me I didn't rob little I wish you had two witnesses in this house can tell somebody I got so much [Applause] got to keep on rejoicing you see to be honest you'll feel better when you just start rejoicing I don't care if your stomach is hurting your head is hurting find a way to find something to thank God for rejoice over the fact that this is another day so another day's journey and I'm glad about it use of wait a minute preacher I don't need to rejoice I'm flat broke you gonna find out how God can take care of a flag bro poster [Applause] never gotta with it you said burn ain't got no friend oh my friend you gonna find out how God will be a friend that will stick closer than any growth you think I'm done rejoice about somebody just stand in the back you gonna discover that when they stabbed in the back that mean you steal in front of them how am i doing in this house it's in imperative mood isn't present in but it's in active voice meaning the subject is performing action let me search what I mean that mean I don't have to have a praise team to get me with your sentence they mean ain't got to have nobody else to light my fire they mean I don't have to have musicians to keep playing to get me on fire when I walked up this alone clothed in my right mind I see you know I got something to shout about here this COIs say didn't have to wake me this morning but it did didn't have to bless my home but it did it didn't have to make a way but it did didn't have to bless my family but he [Applause] keep me from wearing I need to be a walls a pray praises but I also need to deal bill walls a patience Philippians 4:5 let your moderation fp8 taste Greek word for moderation in mean patience that different kinds of patience in Psalms are in James chapter 1 verse 4 it's annoying this that the trying of your faith work in verse 3 look at patients who perma a Hooper mean under my name in the bath that's one patient but this patient in Philippians chapter 4 verse 5 it means patient with other folk you see if you don't have patience with folk they'll run you crazy you upset with somebody and they don't even know no better oh they make me so mad the auto Lac bad and they upset you and they don't even know it hello brother down in Mississippi police officer was standing with his hat on his badge directing traffic this old man came and did a u-turn right in front of police awfully saucer Sara Sara you can't do that can't do that he saw yes sir I can make it just turn around [Music] is somebody here right now you're upset with some matter and they know you know they did nothing to you you walk in the floor well god bless you're out of time again certainly not out of message this is another keepsake I know you would like to take take this message and hold on to it share it with your family with your friends with your neighbors with your well wishes did you know that when you're worried you bring indictments against God when you're worried you create medical problems for yourself when you're worried you create a form of doubt or distrust I'd like for you to have this message so you can share it with family friends and well wishers sit down right now and-and-and order this message CD or DVD CDs or $10 DVDs of $15 send it to God as good Minister 22:37 South Parkway East Memphis Tennessee zip three eight one one four are gone line to God is good ministry dotnet or 1-800 375 for 0:07 I like free to share with us those of you that have appreciated this ministry that you've been watching it down through the years you keep saying I'm going to share in this ministry tap into it I'm going to support it now it's a wonderful time for you to do it we like for you to share take a moment sit down right now write a check to God is good minister whatever whatever amount we would love to have it it will help us spread this gospel across the nation we're on television three four times a week we're on radio three four times a week we're sharing the gospel across the nation I want you to be a partner to partner with us to help us carry this gospel to the ends of the world we love you so much and thank you again for your financial support for your mental support for your social support economical support and then for your presence love you to share with us here at Salem we had twenty to thirty seven South Parkway East Memphis Tennessee if you ever in and around the city or if you're in Memphis looking for church or you between churches stop by Salem I think you'll be blessed if you come to this place 9:30 Sunday morning we're looking to see your face in this place be blessed have a great day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you you
Channel: God Is Good Ministries
Views: 34,530
Rating: 4.732697 out of 5
Keywords: Frank Ray, Frank Ray Preaching, God IS Good, God Is Good Ministries, New Salem
Id: ssWsjuIIa_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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