Pastor Reginald W. Sharpe, Jr. - KEEP PUSHIN' (Powerful Sermon)

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your bibles to the 23rd psalm there is a word from the lord the 23rd psalm verse 4. there is a word from the lord in the 23rd psalm verse 4 the 23rd psalm verse 4. and when you find the 23rd psalm verse 4 ask did you stand in honor of god's word and i won't bother you about standing until the end of this sermon amen 23rd psalm verse 4 23rd psalm verse 4 reads like this yea though i walk through the valley thank you you may be seated [Applause] thank you yea though i walk through the valley i want to talk today from this thought very simply keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing and i need you to be a minister for a moment and find somebody sit sitting in your general vicinity look them dead in the eyes if they owe you twenty dollars and tell them neighbor whatever you do keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing it's hard to keep pushing in the world that we're living in right now how is one supposed to find serenity and sanity and strength in the world we live in right now keep pushing preacher you came all the way from atlanta to tell us to keep pushing really do you understand all that's going on in the world and you telling us to keep pushing how are we supposed to keep pushing with all of the stresses and all of the pains and all of the bad news and all of the tension and all of the problems and all of the issues that are going on in the world in our society and our churches in our homes and our families with our finances with our health how am i supposed to keep pushing preacher don't you know that a gentleman walked into a jewish synagogue and killed people just because they were jews how am i supposed to be pushing preacher don't you know that pipe bombs were sent to democrats and leaders of anybody who has publicly opposed the president of the united states of america how are we supposed to keep pushing preacher don't you know that two black people were murdered just for being black in kentucky last week don't you know that a young man was lynched lynched in 2018 in saint louis missouri how are we supposed to find the energy to keep pushing where we supposed to find the strength to go on when every day is something you turn on the news and it's depressing you look at your bank account and it's depressing you come to church and think you're about to meet nice people who are real christians and some of the messiest folk you ever meet in your life go to church every sunday not not at this church or church down the street how are we supposed to find the energy to keep pushing don't you get tired don't you get weary don't you get fatigued don't you get worn out aren't you strained sometimes aren't you afraid sometimes you want me to keep pushing preachers do you know everything i have going on you want me to keep pushing do you know it so i deserve a trophy just for showing up on sunday morning just for showing up tonight for revival all i went through just to get here it's hard out here for christians not just pimps christians too it's hard out here for christians we're trying to keep everything balanced trying to hold on to our faith trying to keep a grip on our hope trying to hold on to our joy trying to hold on to our peace trying to hold on to our religion and every time we grip again it seems like life shakes us up again have you ever been there before let me just make sure i'm in the right house tonight anybody understand that there are times life can become tumultuous life can become tedious life can become challenging life can become painful life can become problematic life can become burdensome and bothersome life can be heavy have you ever had a morning whether your alarm went off and you and your alarm had to have a conversation like hold on don't go off just yet and you and the snooze button you you were intimate with the snooze button a couple of times because you knew the minute that your feet pressed down on the floor of your bedroom all of the weight of the day was going to press upon your shoulders this sermon in for everybody because some of your life is a scoop of bluebell homemade vanilla ice cream with twizzlers and milky way bars on the side and snicker bars and sprinkles everywhere life for you is a tiptoe through the tulips and a dazzling dance through the daisies and a rapid run through the roses so this ain't your sermon i came to talk to the real christians in the room who can testify you can be faithful and still be frustrated you can be saved and still struggle you can be a believer and still be burdened you can be a worshiper and still get weary you can be a praise and still have some pressure you can be a faithful believer and still deal with fickle people who in the room can testify sometimes it's just too much i don't know what president donald duck i mean donald trump is going to say next i don't know what is going on putting people in office who possibly have violated and abused women i don't know what's going on people are manipulating the voting rights system and trying to make it hard for people who are black and poor and disinherited to vote on this upcoming election and it's hard out here if it ain't one thing it's another if it's not a house thing it's a job thing if it's not a job thing it's a family thing if it's not a family thing it's a health thing if it's not a health thing it's a church thing it was not a church thing it's a me thing if it's not a meat thing it's a blue thing if it's not a booth thing it's a new thing if it ain't one thing it's like who in the church can testify sometimes it's just too much [Applause] oh if you tiptoed in this sanctuary i'm here to tell you god let my plane get here safely all the way from the atl to tell you you got to keep on pushing yeah and that's what the devil wants you to do the devil wants you to give up the devil wants you to throw in the tower but i want to holler at the 100 folk in here who can testify i've already been through too much to give up right now matter of fact you ought to give god praise right now for the fact that you still are pushing after everything that's been pushing against you you've already made it through jealousy in january frustrations in february mess in march aggravations in april mistakes and made jealousy in june and july you dealt with adversity in august so you dealt with some struggles in september some obstacles in october and a few negroes gonna get on your nerves in november but through it all you are still breathing still blessed still anointed you ought to thank god that what you've been through has not already hurt you somebody take 10 seconds and put a praise right there that you're still alive after everything you've been walking through oh the right of our texas qualified and credentialed to tell us to keep pushing this is david talking this is my homeboy david if anybody is qualified in credential to tell us to keep pushing this david david the youngest son of jesse david the youngest of his brothers david the little brother to abinadab and shema and eliaf david who fought the lion david who fought the bear david who dealt with uncircumcised philistine giant david who dealt with an insecure king david who had to deal with jealous men trying to take his life he had to duck and dodge the javelins of king saul living in caves running through the wilderness living out in the wild trying to fight and fear for his life david who fought the lion david who fought the bad david who fought the giant david who dealt with the insecure king david who had to duck the javelins and sores of king saul said you know what i had to find enough peace to one day go by a brook get steal grab my quail pen and parchment and i started thinking because whenever you start thinking and really thinking about what you ought to be thinking there's going to always be a shift in your spirit and after everything i was carrying after everything i was going through i had a shift cause i started thinking i said david what were you thinking he said when i was a little boy i used to be a shepherd but the lord is my shepherd and i shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me besides still waters he restores my soul by the fact he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his namesake can i just pull the call over i'm gonna leave the engine running but let me just put over and tell you some of your blessings have come and it had nothing to do with you it was to protect god's name you just missed your shout some blessings you have because god couldn't let you look like an idiot with his name on you he led you for his own name's sake this ain't the season for you to get arrogant this ain't the season for you to feel yourself this is not the season to get too big for your britches if god didn't give it to you you wouldn't have had it and he did it to protect his name he had to heal some of you all because his name was only you he had to give you a new job because his name was on you there were haters sitting around waiting on you to fail and god said i'm not today i got my name on her and i'm gonna bless her for my name's sake though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death here we are in verse four david said see the first thing you ought to appreciate is what i didn't say [Applause] i didn't say it yet though i said i didn't say yeah though i throw a pity party i didn't say yeah do i go to the gas station and buy cigarillo and take what's in the cigarillo out and replace it with something stronger i didn't say yeah do i get high or lit in the valley i didn't say yeah though i sit and and sob in my sorrows in the valley the text says i'm walking and see some of y'all need a big reason to shout i just thank god for little reasons you want to thank god that after everything you've been through you're still walking you still got your equilibrium you still have your balance can anybody here thank god tonight that you're still walking through stuff that has killed other people you know i walk through and they say pay attention closely i'm walking through it does not say i'm running through because the only thing worse than quitting is rushing through your problems because if you rush through or run through you're going to miss what god's trying to show you there's always some lessons in your loneliness and some sermons in your sleeplessness and some diamonds in your disaster and some sapphires in your struggle there's always some gospel in your garbage and some jewels in your junk there's always some treats in your trash but if you if you're rushing through you're gonna miss what god's trying to show you i said dave what did god show you he said i'm glad i was walking because i saw something i saw the shadow of death if i was running i would have thought it was death but because i was walking i was able to get a good perspective on what was scaring me what i was losing sleep over was just a shadow y'all sleep some of y'all are worried about shadows and what you ought to be thanking god for is the only way you get a shadow is light has to be shining from somewhere so either you can focus on the darkness of the shadow or the light that's still coming on you even in your dark season look at somebody saying it's just a shadow i know you looked at your bank account it looked a little old that's just a shadow i know you walked in the room and thought everybody was talking about you because they were laughing baby you ain't that important that's just a shadow i know your family is getting on your last nerve and doing the cubic shelf on the bike you'll shuffle on your last nerve but that's just a shadow anybody glad that god will never let it be as bad as it looks [Applause] it's a shadow i kept on walking i kept on pushing through it and david i'm glad i kept pushing because there's always some blessings on the other side of through oh i wish i had a church the reason you have to keep pushing is because on the other side of midnight on the other side of the pain on the other side of the grief on the other side of the issue on the other side of the argument on the other side of your darkness on the other side of your disbelief on your other side of your unemployment on the other side of your grief there's always some blessings on the other side davis i'm glad i kept pushing and i'm just going to tell you what david told me to tell you do you want to know or no don't fool me half of us ain't had break i haven't had dinner yet do you want to know or no david said you've got to keep pushing because number one god will go before you [Applause] slip out of verse 4 and slip into verse 5. here's what it says thou preparest church folk don't know in the shout out a table before me in the presence of my enemies you know psalm 23 is a perfect picture of a good shepherd and crazy sheep but the craziness of the sheep never cancels or deletes the goodness of the shepherd the shepherd's goodness stays consistent knowing the sheep are crazy but a good shepherd never allows sheep to go out to pasture to graze without checking first because there's some vegetation and some foliage out there that looks good but if the sheep imbibe it or eat it it will be infectious and poisonous to their system they will either get sick or worse die because they walked up on some greenery they walked up on some shrubbery they walked up on some foliage some vegetation watch this that looked good to them but wasn't going to be good for them it smelled good but if they ate it it'll kill them so the good shepherd goes out and prepares the table not a table like this table it's a table land it is a flat land in a mountainous terrain where the sheep can eat peacefully if i say table land so when he says now prepares a table before me he's literally preparing land for me to eat watch this but text doesn't stop right there it says in the presence of my enemies sheep cannot defend themselves and they are always being hunted because they're easy prey there's always some coyote lurking in the mountains there's always some cougar hunting in the mountains there's always some lion or mountain lion some bear some wolf some dog looking to find a vulnerable sheep that they can attack and enjoy for their supper but the shepherd knows that predators are all around but the presence of the shepherd keeps the predators away therefore the sheep can eat without being schizophrenic they don't have to keep looking up wondering what's coming at them because the shepherd is with them so they can have a table in the presence of their enemies y'all still ain't got it some of y'all are alive right now not because you are sneaky not because you're intelligent not because you're sophisticated but because god prepared your table and dad any devil or person to come upon you because somewhere i read no weapon formed against you shall be somebody ought to give god praise that you are able to enjoy this season without being schizophrenic or bipolar looking over your shoulder because no weapon no roof no cougar no mountain lion no wolf can hurt you when god is present with you [Applause] there's no reason for you sitting acting like you know what i'm talking about some of y'all are working in ministries with wolves some of you got to go home to some cougars some of you got to go to work tomorrow with some predators who are always looking to find a way to hurt you but in the good news that when you got god he goes before you and he makes the way plain for you and you can walk in the door and say i'm living my best life i ain't going back and forth with you christians is there anybody here glad that god will give you peace in the middle of what could kill you [Applause] look at somebody say god is going before you go to wake up and tell them god's going before you you looking for a new job he's already gone before you you worried about what they gonna do to you who's already going before you he's the good shepherd he's your redeemer he's your keeper now under here who's able to keep you because he goes before just go look at somebody and just say before you before before matthew wherever you go out to eat tonight you ought to walk in the restaurant and just say when you go to work tomorrow school tomorrow you want to walk in school or your job and just look at everybody and just at lunch tomorrow when somebody says you want some girl you want somebody just tell them and somebody said what's wrong with you all this fluttering what you fluttering your head tell them baby i'm just reminding myself that i ain't got to worry about nothing this week because he's already gone before me [Music] he goes before you well he gets even good because he won't just go before you he'll put something on you because if you keep tiptoeing around verse five it's gonna say something like this thou anointeth [Applause] my head with oil because the good shepherd is looking out for crazy sheep and sheep have moist nostrils as all types of parasites and insects get happy and they crawl up in the nostril of the sheep and the sheep can't scratch his nose and they know this so they go up there in those wet in that wet environment and they start having a party they start dancing having a good time then the party gets so good they get so drunk in the nostril they just sleep over and lay larvae and start producing maggots in the nostril of the sheep and the sheep is so irritated i hope you're listening because there's so much going on in his head that he can't do anything about if he could just get some of this out of his head he could have some peace he can't sleep because it's so much crawling and walking and so many eggs and parasites and issues that have been planted mess and drama and issues all in the head [Applause] and an infected sheep can be seen banging his head up against rocks because they're trying to bring some type of relief they can see them hurting themselves because there's too much going on in the head but the good shepherd knows when that season is coming knows when parasite and insect season is coming and so every morning he gets the sheep together and he opens a canteen of oil and pours oil on their face because the shepherd knows that the oil keeps the insects away every morning he anoints the head with oil because the shepherd knows some stuff can't get to your head when i put the oil on you some of y'all are here right now looking at me like you don't know what i'm talking about but the truth is when you got god's oil on you you are too anointed to be annoyed stuff that bothers other people don't even bother you because you too anointed you know they were talking about you but you so anointed you walk up to them and say baby how you doing how your mama name how you grip give them a hug from me and then you walk away saying i know exactly what she's saying but you don't have to get them back you don't have to curse you don't have to connive you ain't got to try to figure out what to say because you too anointed to be bothered [Applause] some of you have lost loved ones and they were trying to figure out how you were so how you were so kept together at the funeral and it wasn't because you were you weren't grieving it's because you had oil on you and you don't handle everything like everybody else because there's some oil oh i wish i had a church who understood that when you've got oil on your life it matters and it it changes the way you deal with your issues it changes the way you face your storms and no matter what you're walking through when you've got some oil on you it it'll change the way [Applause] you handle certain seasons change is the way you handle certain people it changes the way you handle yourself [Applause] when old preacher pass jackson said that uh he he didn't understand what they were saying amazing grace he just said amazing grease and when i heard that i said well that's bad vocabulary but it shows his good theology because greece is great it it grace is greasy when you've got god's oil on you this for the two people in rome that can keep it 100. when you got god's all on you you can slip through stuff that other folk gets stuck in anybody right here slipped through cancer slipped through sickness slipped through a lie slip through a room slip through some mess you ought to thank god right now that his oil is on you and i know we're not at a kojic or pentecostal church but the baptists need a little oil too sometimes look at somebody say his oil is on you and you really want to make sure who you sit by in church you better make sure you sit by somebody that got some oil because the next portion of the verse says my cup run is over and if you sit by the wrong person some out of their cup gonna get on you i want to sit by somebody that got some love in their cup got some power in their cup got some jesus in their cup and when servants get real good and the fire starts moving your cup starts look down your ropes everybody around me about to get delivered everybody around me about to get some new power everybody around me about to go to another level because you're sitting by somebody that got some fresh oil in my cup [Applause] my cup running over going and touch somebody say you need some oil if they ain't touch you find another neighbor as a neighbor you need some oil the oil will get you out the valley the oil will get you off your hospital bed the oil will keep your mind together you're all gonna give your peace at midnight the oil will give you something to run about when ain't nobody chasing you somebody thank god that your cup is oh look at this might say don't sit by me if you ain't got no oil don't sit by me if you don't have no power because i may walk in church a little weak sometimes and if you're sent by the right person and you grab their hand some will never jump over god is going before you god is putting something on you but oh if you keep on pushing i'm going to my seat now got to put something behind you i was reading the other day i was reading the other day in ephesians chapter six and i got real disturbed battle i got disturbed because it said that we had the whole arm of god it didn't say the arm of god it said the whole which means air peace that's southern air peace is right there in ephesians 6. and i personally felt like something was missing because we got the helmet of salvation the sword of the spirit the shield of faith the belt of truth the black breastplate of righteousness the shoes show with the preparation of the gospel and i know they're nikes [Applause] but i said god you left our backs uncovered do you know the majority of your issues don't happen in your face [Applause] they happen behind your back and the reason why because most people are cowards they know not to do nothing in your face because they know right beside that holy ghost says lahood okay this ain't for everybody some of y'all i don't know what he know i'm talking to the real folks now right beside that holy ghost in the hood that god is still working on and they know not to mess with you in your face they know not to mess with your family in your face so they got to do it behind but but god why you gave us a hat shield sword breastplate belt and shoes but you left our backs uncovered god god and this is the whole armor that's all you got to give us and god said hold on son i know you've been to a couple of schools but don't ever get beside yourself you over here in the new testament challenging me about your back you asking me something in the new testament that i've already handled in the old testament you over here in ephesians 6 did you read verse six of psalm 23 i already got your back covered you didn't read it [Applause] surely [Applause] that means absolutely surely it means indubitably surely it means unequivocally surely it means show nothing enough surely it means for real for real surely it means keeping it 100 sure goodness and mercy are going to follow me all the days of my life is there anybody around the house that can give god praise on a thursday that he already got your back covered is there anybody around the house who can give god praise on a thursday that your back is already covered if i were you i'd shake a neighbor's hand and hold their hand like i'm going to shake it off and say neighbor whatever you're going through in this season you must remember that your back is covered matter of fact hold that hand and say god's got your back up when they start lying on you god's got your back up when they see something suspicious of growing in your body god's got your back when they're passing out pink slips god's got your back no matter no matter no matter no matter who wins the election god's got your back is there anybody here who can lift your hands up and tell god thank you that he's got your back i'm trying to sit down but my soul doesn't got happy because i'm thinking about all the times i was walking through the valley and i thought i was alone now but god stepped in covered my back kept the devil that they told death to get back some of y'all have walked out of car accidents because god had joe back some of y'all lost your job and gained weight while you were unemployed and didn't miss now meal because god has got your back some of y'all have gone through breakups but if you tell the truth you got cuter when he left you cuz god has got your back up is there anybody here who can give god praise that your back is covered up anybody can tell him thank you that he's covered your back oh i've had some good days and i've had some bad days i've had some hills to climb i've had some weary days and i've had some sleepless nights but when i look around and start thinking things oh of my good days still outweigh my bad days and i won't complain sometimes the clouds hang low and i can hardly i can hardly see the road i ask the question lord why so much pain but he knows what i said he knows he knows that i said he knows he knows anybody glad he knows he knows what's best for me although my weary eyes can't see so soul just say thank you lord is there anybody here who could just say thank you lord climbing over mountains but thank you lord walking through the valley but thank you lord swimming through the river but thank you lord walking by myself but thank you lord climb myself to sleep but thank you lord i don't know what tomorrow brings but thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord you'll feel better if you tell him thank you something to shift if you tell him thank you cause god has got your back can i tell you how i know it because one friday afternoon my jesus walked up a hill called calvary he died until death died y'all forgive me but i am at a baptist church i said he died until the moon dripped in blood died until graves started opening died unto the century centurion soldier said surely surely this must be the son of god they took him off the cross when he got through dying he died until death died when he got through dying they took him off the cross put him in a bar or two and he stayed there all night friday i wish i had a church he stayed there all day saturday but around saturday night jesus made a call up to heaven jesus called up to heaven said may i speak to an angelic operator the angel answered the phone said jesus whatever you need we got 10 000 angels ready to show up for you jesus said all i need is a wake-up call the angel said what time do you want to i got 4 30 5 am 5 30 6 00 am 6 30 7 00 am 7 30 and 8 a.m jesus said i don't care what time you put down just make sure it's very early sunday morning and holy slap somebody high five and say it was early cause your blessing's coming early god's gonna change it early god's gonna shift it early god's gonna show up in that sunday morning he stopped out the grave with all power in his hands shake your neighbor's hand for the second and last time and tell that neighbor because he lives you can face tomorrow because he lives all fear is gone because i know he holds the future my life is worth the living just because he lives now oh now i feel georgia coming up out of me i feel a little georgia moving in me can you put your arm around your neighbor put your arm around your neighbor and i'll see you tomorrow night put your arm around your neighbor shake them and rock them rock them and shake them tell them neighbor keep on pushing and be not dismayed whatever whatever betrayed you cause god will take care of you i said god will take care of you i said god [Music] i got a question won't he do it have you tried him ain't he able say yes yes yes somebody give god praise because he got your back i said give god praise because he's got your back [Music] everybody [Music] reach out reach out and touch somebody by the hand [Music] everybody touching somebody everybody touching somebody
Channel: The BlackChurch Vault
Views: 30,921
Rating: 4.8157897 out of 5
Keywords: reginald wayne sharpe jr, reggie sharpe dewey smith, reggie sharpe house of hope atlanta, e dewey smith jr, charles jenkins, clay evans, charles jenkins reggie sharpe, clay evans reggie sharpe, morehouse reggie sharpe, todd hall, cogic shout, cogic praise break, holy convocation shout, td jakes, potters house dallas, serita jakes, jamal bryant, maranda curtis, michae todd, tasha cobbs, steven furtick, ame church, ame shout, keep pushing, kick push lupe, jasper williams
Id: RYp4OfXI8xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 58sec (2158 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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