Bishop Noel Jones - Sunday Morning Worship - October 10, 2021

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[Music] in in saint matthew's gospel chapter 4 and we're moving to verse 5 through 7. then the devil taketh him up into the holy city and seateth him on the pinnacle of the temple saith unto him if thou be the son of god cast thyself down for it is written he shall give his angels charge concerning thee and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against the stone jesus said unto him it is written again thou shalt not tempt the lord thy god i want to [Music] talk a little bit uh i'll take the i've been studying professor bruner and i want to talk a little bit about the scripture test the last week we had the stomach test so this week now we've got the scripture test or was it last week or before but professor bruno adds something i thought was interesting and he calls this the temptation of cheap manipulation and i'll add to that the spectacular always looking for the spectacular before i sum up last uh the last time i was here i would like us to read psalms 91. i think it would be uh jermaine to read psalms 91. of course we know it well i'll read it quickly he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom i will will i trust surely he shall deliver thee from the snare surely surely watch the words he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence he shall covet thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust his truth shall be thy shield and butler thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night those of you who watch those horror films and then put all your locks on and go sleep in your daughter's bedroom with your son's bedroom uh thou shall not be afraid for the terror by night nor for the arrow that flyeth by day nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness nor for the destruction that wastes death at noon day a thousand shall fall at thy side ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come nigh thee only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked because thou hast made the lord which is my refuge even the most high the habitation there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague come nigh oh my god thy dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways they shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against a stone thou shall not tread upon thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder adder is a very poisonous snake the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample on defeat because he hath set his love upon me therefore will i deliver him i will set him on high because he had known my name he shall call upon me and i will answer i will be with him in trouble i will deliver him and honor him with long life will i satisfy him and show him my salvation well as you can see very clearly that two verses are singled out for he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee and all thy ways they shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against a stone now that's the word of god no question i want to sum up in the temptations of course jesus first ministry to the church is literally to be our prophet it's in the first in the temptations in all of these temptations and he's teaching us prophetically to find god's will during our temptations in one special place and where do we find god's will in one special place during temptation and that is in god's word if you notice in the three temptations jesus is going to quote scripture because it's in god's word that we find god's will in every temptation that we go through it's an interesting dynamic because man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god so jesus then teaches that god's nourishing will is discoverable in god's word so that means that the overcomer is going to be the individual who reads god's word or the word of god like he eats food i hope you understand the analogy or the connection between the two and that is if you're going to be nourished physically you've got to eat and if you're going to be nourished spiritually again you've got to eat so the church then has to feed and the word is voraciously and uh there's two words there one is vor and that's hungry it's you know voracious you gotta be greedy and then there's v-e-r and that is voracious that deals with truth but now we're not talking about truth we're talking about just being hungry like a hungry dog on a meat wagon you know just yes he he wants you to go after this is why he's saying in the first temptation he's saying that you have to have every word you can don't eat bread alone for your physicality but if you're going to be spiritually powerful you've got to eat every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god because only that way you know you can't make it if you're not a bible reader you can't make it if you don't study the word uh am i talking to the right group of people here uh i love my praise team and i love the leaders i love the choir i am enamored by the band the melodious euphonius sound i love all of that but i would never go to a church just because of the music amen i really really really i i would go to a church because of the word i have to have the word and and so the gospel then becomes that strength and the individuals who operate in the strength of god operate in the word of god uh i i need to take you a little deeper on that and i'll do that maybe just a little later you see the main first strength first century opponents those who came against us uh throughout the gospel you will find that the teachers who are anti-god and the people who have come against god have come against god because the people did not understand the word if you look at paul when he writes to various groups of people you will find that he brings them all the way back to the gospel if you understand the gospel properly then you will not be led astray if you understand the gospel properly then you will not be used or mistreated satan can't get to you when you have the word in you because the word literally builds christ in you you've got to understand that you go from word to word and i think i'll spend a little time with that right now and that is you move from the rhema into the logos you see you and i we didn't meet the logos first in fact many of us who was all of us were still living have not yet met the logos but we are in the rhema have i lost you it is the rhema that leads to the logos now logos denotes an expression of thought of course and it's not a mere name of an object uh that's why in john 1 and uh 2nd john 1 1 through 18 he identifies the logos as the personal word a title for the son of god so he substantiates this when he says in the beginning was the logos this is in the gospel now and the logos was with god and the logos was god the same was in the beginning with god so what logos is is a distinct and super finite entity and when it says press with god it is not just in the company of god you know like i'm with you in company it's more than that it is the most intimate communion it is his deity it is his creative power when he said let there be light that was logos and when he now comes to us in 1st john in saint john chapter 1 he comes to us and he says now and the word that was with god the word that was god the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth the important thing here is that there has to be a transformation of the individual through the word of god now it's really interesting the breakdown is that the word is the very thought of god the very expression of god in order for you to have a thought you gotta have a thinker and god it cannot be separated from his thought because you can't separate god from his word are you following me in order for you to have a word you first have to have a thought because all of us think in words you don't think separate you don't think in french you don't think in spanish unless you know the language you think in the language you know now what he does then is he declares that the word is his thought the expression of his thought the expression of who he is now understand how true god is god cannot have a thought separate from who he is you and i because of the duplicity in us because of the hypocrisy in us we can say one thing and think another amen let me just say you know since me getting all riled up here uh pat you know i can hoop anytime uh let me wouldn't it be interesting if the lord would have our foreheads to be leds and when you walk up to somebody and you take their hand and you say something like praise the lord and across your forehead would run i can't stand you see we have duplicity in many instances hypocrisy and we say something that we don't really feel and we talk to people in a way that we give an impression that we care but in the depth of our heart we wish something eve but god cannot be like that because whatever he thinks he is and whatever he speaks he is then he did us the blessing by taking the word that was spirit and made that word flesh i wish you'd understand me and now he moves in the world and he declares and he shows us how word ought to be lived you see what jesus did was he personified word and that word that he personified is given to us in rhema now we should understand me it's given to us in rhema because we were not there to see the word in action so now everything in the scriptures and everything that jesus says is him he is not giving us something that's not him so when he says except you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you and they thought he was talking about eating him physically but he turned around and said i'm not talking about eating me physically what and if you see the son of man ascend from whence he came i guess they'd say there goes the lunch there goes the dinner we sure can't eat him now he said the words that i speak unto you they are spirit and they are life in order to meet the logos you've got to have the rhema i wish you'd understand this so so when you're reading your scriptures and you're meditating on the word and you're studying the word of god you're studying jesus and what you're doing is you're bringing him into your life so that you can personify the word that you have read you cannot be a word person and live outside of the word influence let me go another way i'm summing up i'm summing up i'm summing up do you know that most of our problems in terms of our health is contingent on what we eat don't get quiet now i know i know you like the ham hocks and all the stuff that you're going to eat i mean really but the truth is you can turn your health around by changing your diet why are we so weak spiritually because we don't eat properly in the word of god and we feed ourselves you see the new man is calling for something to eat the old man has been eating all the time but the new man is calling for something to eat how many hours do we spend in front of a tv and how many movies we don't even watch movies if it's not r-rated i ain't going for no pg-13 talk to me saints we're wondering why the world is so violent but when i approach my tv i'm saying the more gore the less bored killing everybody sometimes nobody's left but the director and that's what we eat and we feed ourselves that and we feed and we feed and the little kids are feeding on all of that violence the little games they play nothing but violence the shooting and killing and everybody's killing and so at the end of the day we wonder why everything is violent because that's what we feed ourselves if we're going to have victory in god and the new man is going to come alive and the new man is going to conquer the old man we've got to feed him what the holy spirit wants him to have and that is jesus i have to ask myself the question in light of my brother passing and ask myself the question in light of having to deal so heavily with so many people and their situation and i have to ask myself the question why should i move into depression what keeps me from depression what keeps me from negative thinking what keeps me from throwing my hands up and the answer came back the thing that keeps you from all of that is the word the word the word of god is so powerful that it steps into your reality and changes your attitude about a reality that you're looking at because i'm holding on to his word man shall not live by bread alone but by every word all scripture is given look what is following you i've discovered now in my life that when i check what's following me or i check what i'm into what i'm fighting with what i'm trying to overcome i asked myself now if this is the diagnosis then what caused the problem because oftentimes i'm learning now that after god brings you out of something you need forensics or when you're into the middle of something you need to check the dead body to see what killed it and what i'm finding out is in my own life that the problems that you're facing that's seemingly coming in on you because your problem should always be outside not internalized i found out that the only reason it can come in here internally it's because i don't have enough in me to keep it out of me if i were full of the word i have no room for anything else when i'm full of the joy of the word i have no room for depression when i'm full of the joy of the word i have no room for negativity when i'm full of the word i have no room for satan whispering to me what's going on i need more work i need more word i need more truth i need more anointing from the word the holy ghost cannot operate without the word and all the spirit does is testify of jesus christ so for those of us who are seeking to see the logos we have to begin with the rhema and fill ourselves full of the rhema and that's why he was made flesh it wasn't made flesh became flesh active not passive so the reality and totality of his human nature and his glory as the only begotten from the father and this of course stresses his nature now understand this now if he breaks him down he breaks him down to us because he was spirit then he became flesh then in his death burial and resurrection he moves away but he leaves us his word to become like him we have to imbibe his word so instead of us having just one jesus we've got multiple brethren so greater works shall you do not greater in terms of quality greater in terms of quantity you got to understand because everybody in here who's imbibing the word should have jesus emerging out of their lives i wish it ain't that deep is it you let me drink enough and see how drunk i can get now i might not be able to drink as well as some of you but i can get as drunk as any one of you why aren't we drunk in the spirit because we're not drinking enough of the word eating enough of the word to get drunk i wish somebody'd understand me you you want to sip on jesus and the devil is saying sip on him all you want to because i'm coming at you in a way that you better be full of the spirit and full of the word of god or i'm gonna take you out [Applause] i'm i'm all sum up this is serious business here because then we have to go to who's cooking i gotta take this off here i gotta take this one look at your neighbor through your mask and tell your neighbor i don't eat everybody's cooking huh come on patrick you you don't eat everybody's cooking it looks like potato salad but i don't eat everybody's see one of the problems that we have why we don't have the strength that we need it's because we're eating at the wrong table where the simplicity of the gospel has been distorted because of the complication of the presenters if i don't approach it from the point of view of giving you a healthy diet and i'm approaching it from the point of view of self-aggrandizement then i'm gonna mix up something that'll do good for me from your finance but it won't do anything for you from a spiritual point of view and so you'll end up saying well i gave all my money and i'm still broke i've been serving god every day but i'm still broke or i'm still hurt or i'm still going through this or i don't have power to overcome i want to throw up my hands and quit because you haven't been fed at the right table because if you're fed from the right table you'll be prepared when things aren't going well you'll be prepared when a pandemic hits you'll be prepared when somebody dies you'll be prepared when somebody walks out in your life and says i'm through with you you threw with me but i ain't through with me and god ain't through with me and i'm gonna die because you left because i wasn't feeling off you [Applause] i was feeding off the power of the holy spirit through the word of god you can't take the word of god from anybody who has been fed properly they'll stand up to you look you in the face and say for god i live and forgot i'll die take your money take your house take your car take whatever you got i got the real deal and that is i've got jesus in me through the word of god man shall not live i don't know have you ever been in the word and got so caught up in the word and got so overwhelmed by the word that you forgot to eat i don't know if you ever been in the word and got so caught up by the word you forgot to call somebody you forgot to reach for somebody you forgot to go get your check you forgot to go get your car you forgot to go get your house because when you get in the word it'll overwhelm you to the point i'm summing up i asked myself why don't you pray like you should and the answer came back because you're not in the word the word in its challenge forces you to pray the word you can't get an answer from somebody else other than from god when you're in the word when you're in the word you got to talk to god about what you're reading you got to talk to god about what the revelation is you got to talk to god about what the expression is the less word the less prayer because it's the word that shows you how to approach god he tells you how to come to me i remember in hosea it is so marvelous in the hosea and uh towards the last uh chapter 12. said israel you have been so terrible and you've been so wicked and so wrong he literally said and um that's lexical this is syntactical he literally said i'll tell you what to say now i want to see i'm summing up man shall not live by bread alone and before i move on can you imagine being a situation a relationship with somebody and you've totally fallen out and you upset them grossly seriously and the individual wants you back no you've done everything imaginable that is distasteful and it totally depreciated the relationship and the consequences of the depreciated relationship is that you're out there by yourself with no power no support no nothing but you're too lost to come back to lost know i don't know have you ever wronged somebody so terribly until the only thing you could say to them is i understand if you never talk to me again huh don't try to play the victim now you know you've been a perpetrator yes i've done it wrong i'm so bad until i knew in my mind there ain't no way back then out of nowhere here comes god who has been wronged so terribly and he said listen i want you back i want you back but you don't know how to come back so i'm gonna tell you what to tell me so i can take you back well that's what the word does when you have fallen away from god and you don't know how to come back go into his word and he will tell you how to come back i don't know anything better than that he looked at peter before peter fell and said after you are converted strengthen the brethren he said you your faith will not fail but faith cometh by hearing by the word of god even after you've backslidden the only way to come back is through the word of god even after you have messed your life up the only way to straighten it out is through the word of god man shall not live by bread alone but by every word need a bible studying church a bible-believing church stand upon the scriptures church and see won't the victory come see when things turn around see when things change in your life when folk think you're out and think you are count and counting you out and you rise again and the devil knock you down and you rise again what's keeping you coming back the word of god man shall not live by prayer the word the word the word somebody says i don't understand it read it anyway god will open your eyes to it god will give you a revelation so that when i open my mouth to teach or preach in the church you're not getting anything new you're just getting a confirmation of what god had already showed you while you were in your word he's not a respecter of persons a word church does not swallow everything a preacher says a word church puts pressure on the preacher to tell the truth of what god is talking about a word church i'm talking about a word church i'm talking about a church that's looking for a word i'm looking for no fluff i'm looking for no excitement i'm looking for a word is there a word from the law [Music] i'm gonna close in a minute a word church [Music] sit down for a minute while i sum this up the word is the first of all the principle of the divine self-manifestation if i were to take it to paul tillich in the very ground of being itself the word there is no revelatory experience that you can have with god that does not begin with his word that's why you've got a lamp and a light we're trying to make too many decisions without the world and i can tell you personally how many dead ends that leads to i mean i ain't even talking about a cul-de-sac at least you're going to call this i can go over here and turn around and come back i'm talking about a dead end the other side of that dead end is hell it's a precipice behind that how many times have i fallen off the road because i didn't have the light my pathway the lamp to my feet and all thy ways acknowledge me and i will direct your path some of the ways i thought i didn't need god because some of the junk i was doing i couldn't bring god i don't think that we heard him seriously when he summed up the first temptation by saying man shall not live by bread alone but every look at somebody and say don't miss any of his word don't count any of his word as less than the other of his word don't take some of his word and leave other of his word out every the one that slaps you take it the one that lifts you take it the one that blesses you take it the one that convicts you take it because a conviction is a blessing if it's in the word the word that makes you want to walk out of church every the word that went down into your secrets and brought up your junk put it in front of your eyes close the blame on everybody else every every yeah somebody must have told in my business every we didn't hear him properly all of it the preacher gets up and he says well he's preaching and you look around and you don't see the person that you think should have heard it don't you think god knew they wouldn't be here maybe the person should who should have heard it is the one who thinks somebody else should have heard it every word because it's in every word that he builds christ in us and it's christ in us is the hope of glory so if there is no christ in us but we try to get christ in there through the word the power of the holy ghost the holy ghost is simply that glue that forms christ in you through the word so it's like a puzzle this word makes for here then another word joins to that but at the same god god can move over here with a big gap between it because many times in our lives we don't understand the flow of the word with our circumstances you see the word has to step up and form you within the context of your circumstance so there is a word for every situation that you could go through i wonder do you see it i have a situation the answer to my situation is the word when i get the answer to the situation which is the word it forms something in me because the situation is so horrible that that word cannot be forgotten i'll i'll get the rest of it another time the circumstance let me put another way i passed it marjorie duncan for 25 18 40 years marjorie duncan's favorite preacher is howard tillman howard tillman columbus ohio number one in marjory's book is howard tillman and i hadn't preached a woman 40 years and he come by there in 40 minutes and she's enamored by him because he spoke a word in her life at a very very sensitive time spoke into her life and deliverance came through the word he spoke into her life and she's not only enamored by the preacher she's enamored by the preacher because of the word he spoke had he stopped by and said hi it wouldn't have mattered but when god gave him the word to bring her out of that situation it connected them forever there is a word [Music] that when it comes into your heart it'll never leave you because of what you went through in order to get it and it forms something in you that the devil can't come that way again because there's a certain jesus formed my word have i hid not in my head but it's in my lab it's become a part of the immaterial personality it's there every word i'm summing up it is so important for every child of god to document so you can rehearse what god is doing in your life every now and then you sit and meditate and begin to praise him for what he has already done because it is not an action that separated from who you are becoming why am i going through this why has god allowed this because there's something he's forming in me to make me more like him this is the process because it's only one thing he has made a predestinated element one thing you think you're predestinated to be rich he didn't promise you that he didn't promise you that he really don't have to promise you that because if you go to work hard enough you make some money there is nobody you know what the lord didn't tell you come to the altar and throw a hundred dollars down and get some money he said if a man don't work you want to make some money go to work ask god for some ideas god gives you the ideas but you got to go to work on them you got to put some energy in it amen here's what he predestinated he predestinated that you be formed into the image of his son so please stop asking why god is putting you through this or why is he allowing it because the answer is in the word he is forming you into the image of his son why is it so hard because i'm so hard to deal with talk to me child of god some of us almost have to lose our minds before we change our mind god has to take some of us to the very edge of sanity in order to get us to get away from some of these crazy people that we love i love you i love you so much i love you so much why you treating me like me like i love you lord god do i love you i do anything for you i wash your feet i do anything and you just treat me any kind of way give it some thought maybe god has allowed them to treat you that way so you can get away from them and sometimes it take almost a gun in your face before you back up don't look at me like alice in wonderland or i'll reel your mail right now i'll read it to you i have seen it with my own eyes who have left come to my mama's house say they threw eyes swollen bashed in up in my mama's house 3 a.m in the morning they rise up out of the bed start putting their clothes on where you going i'm going back ah i gotta go back i'm limping but i'm going back my head is basting but i'm going back the devil is alive some of us god has to allow certain things to free us from the prisons that we have put ourselves in that's why he says through the word he whom the son sets free is free indeed oh we should understand what i'm saying i'm summing it up every word and as i close the word restores self-esteem money don't do it the word restores your value that's why you gotta stay in the word little do you know and i've learned over the process of life that every encounter takes something from you you're not many times we're not conscious of what's being taken from us the stress the pain of relationships under the tongue man woman now i'm talking about everybody you see the wonder wonderful thing about the internet as it relates to how church people can influence other members because it's a lot of stress being in church you all can get quiet if you want to a lot of folk have had their greatest pain from church folk not in somebody else's church but in the church they decided to attend some people whisper about you so you can hear it now you know you ain't got to whisper that loud and the damage is so acute because you're not expecting it in that place you can understand it if it's in the street you can understand it if it's from some alien or some enemy but you're not expecting it in the house my marriage is not your business even though i go to church with you because i go to church with you does not give you the freedom to talk about me in a manner when you don't have the facts understand what i'm saying that the blessing of the internet is that the word can be given to people without the influence of people in the pews because they get it at home so by time they come from connecting to assembling they are fortified enough to be able to deal with whatever anyone has to say it is in the word that we become fortified to deal with negative statements that people make about us because i don't have to listen to what you say because god has already spoken to me about who i am and once you know who you are in god you need nobody else's validation man shall not live by bread alone but by every word so children of god as i conclude every word and i want you to make a commitment to yourself and to god that not one day will pass not one day will pass that you will not get in his word listen don't just don't as as a as a preacher i can study to preach that means comes from the paper to my head out through my mouth to you you don't have to come by my heart you follow me study to preach the challenge came in my life when i had cancer had to have i had prostate cancer back surgery and my mother died the same year and i'm complaining to god this is after 40 years plus of ministry and i'm complaining we're going away and then i finally realized something said well you went to the reverend you've been telling everybody else how to how to stand and be strong reverend yeah weren't you the one that said weeping being through a fortnight and didn't you shake to my god reverend weren't you the one that said no weapon formed against you weren't you the one that told that person that it's gonna be all right so what are you doing here now then i discovered that you can study to preach so you study professionally but you're not studying personally so you can give it out and when it hits you you can't handle it because you didn't put it in your heart you only had it in your head sees a whole lot of folk running around quoting scriptures but you're quoting out of your head what we need is a testimony of what the scripture has done in your life then i know it's in my heart [Applause] thy word have i hid in my heart that i may not sin against you but sin against him isn't always sin against him by having a girlfriend or robbing somebody or stealing something you can sin against him by the way you talk when you're in the middle of a test there you go and then for him to turn around in the word and said don't you know that i am god and beside me there is none other and that evil can't come up in the city unless i allow it so whatever you're going through right now handle it with meekness and what meekness says from the greek pratas is god knew it was coming and he would not have allowed it if i wasn't strong enough to handle it father we come in the name of jesus we thank you for your word and we are committing ourselves to you this hour this hour and i'm praying as daniel prayed as he prayed for all of israel i pray for the city of refuge and i say now lord we repent for not having been in your word in your word with a pure heart in your words seeking growth and relationship with you we repent for not allowing your word to be an every word with us we move now from some word to every word speak to our hearts now lord and deliver us from ourselves and we claim the victory right now in jesus name in jesus name i speak strength into my brother's life strengthen to my sister's life i speak it now i speak it right now and i claim it done in jesus name if you're in this house and you're not born again the lord is calling you and he's saying you can't out evil my goodness because i am a god of grace unmerited favor and i want you to come right now wherever you are i know the hours late but i want you to come come come come come come come come come and say i want to be saved i want the lord as my savior [Music] i want him take my life over [Music] come that's it come on come on get happy church [Music] lift your points tell the world come on come on [Music] of the gospel come on [Music] for those of you who are online that number 267 that number on your screen i need you to call that number right now 844 that number is 267-7729 [Music] 844 [Music] 267 7729 [Music] 844-267-7729 [Music] he will change your life in a manner that you yourself will be astonished at who you can become we are not ashamed [Music] jesus christ [Music] come on let the whole world know that we are not ashamed of the gospel hallelujah we thank god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you want to place your membership here at cd or refuge just begin to come down front come on what a word we heard on today we are not ashamed of the gospel hallelujah god i thank you for your word [Music] god i thank [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] listen before before we head out amen we are a couple of things amen hallelujah what a word amen it's just good old bible amen standing on his promises amen on this week something special is getting ready to happen for all of the for everyone who's going to vegas amen safe trip to you amen and today at 4 p.m pacific standard time amen on our youtube channel official bishop noah jones amen the men have something special amen it's a part three i believe or a part part three amen of the dialogue with with pastor welcher and also elder joe paul amen so please everyone around the world amen 4 p.m pacific standard time amen log on to our youtube channel official bishop noah jones listen before we leave amen we can sell out our own solomon corner amen you don't have to go to boar you don't have to go to capitol grill you don't have to go to dt la joeys they mean you can eat right here like i am gonna do amen at our own amen today we have a a big a big crowd bowl amen all type of seafood so please send out amen as you standing amen you guys don't want to go home amen we are not ashamed of the gospel [Music] of jesus christ yes yes yes father god in the name of jesus we come we thank you god god we want to thank you god because your word is still true god now god bless us as we go go with us go before us and bring us back at the point in time god god let us make the right decision lord god protect us god protect our families god protect our loved ones god god we ask you even right now god to comfort every baris family in the name of jesus god now we leave this place but never your present god in jesus name and god we're going to continue to stand on your word in jesus name we pray amen way better someone you dismiss i'll see you next time may god bless you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 40,853
Rating: 4.8801088 out of 5
Keywords: #bishopnoeljones, #cityofrefuge, #noeljones, #bishop, #losangeles, #onlineservice, #virtualservice
Id: dQ-csHJ629M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 15sec (4275 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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