🔥 Dr. Marcus D. Cosby - Worship STILL Works

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and if you have your bibles i invite your attention to the old testament book of isaiah the old testament book of isaiah so good to see my sorrows in the house god bless you my sisters praise god for you isaiah chapter six beginning with verse one isaiah chapter six beginning with verse one you have that passage of scripture say amen if you don't say wait for me i'm waiting i heard you the old testament book of isaiah just before jeremiah you'll find the book of isaiah if that didn't help you there's a table of contents in every bible and that'll bless your socks off amen if you see red letters in your bible you've gone too far go left go left if you have an app you have an unfair advantage all you have to do is know how to read and spell isaiah isaiah chapter six beginning with verse one i'm reading today from the new international version of the holy word of god and this is what it says in the year that king uzziah died i saw the lord high and lifted up high and exalted seated on his throne and the train of his robe filled the temple that's enough amen praise god for his holy word you may be seated in the presence of our good and gracious god in the year that king josiah died i saw the lord high and exalted seated on his throne and the train of his robe filled the temple for the time that his hours are shared together today i want to talk from the subject worship still works [Applause] worship still works this great man by the name of isaiah comes to this autobiographical statement at a crossroads in his life things have not been what he's wanted them to be challenges face him perplexities haunt him he is now in a scene of his life that he did not anticipate nor expect he's at that space that place in life that causes you to make a decision what shall you do which road shall you take in which direction shall you go and we may as well admit it at the outset outside of this message that every one of us no matter who we are no matter from whence we've come every one of us will find ourselves at some point in time at a crossroads in our lives we have to make that crucial critical decision which way should i go which road should i take which decision should i make there is a person in this place today who can testify you've been at that place where you had to scratch your head and wonder what shall you do next there's somebody in that space in church right now with this week you've got to make some critical decisions some crucial move and you're wondering what shall you do next for isaiah it was the reality that he now has to deal with the fact that the one to whom he's gone for leadership and guidance the one with whom he's experienced fellowship and friendship has now left the scene he's at a crossroads in his life my friends because bereavement has now gripped him grief has now haunted him he is now in reality facing the reality that king isaiah has died now for some that may not mean much for some that may just be a passing expression but there's a reason why chapter 6 starts off like this because for isaiah he is now dealing with a traffic tragic reality he is dealing with a personal reality of grief and bereavement and there are persons in the room today who can testify that bereavement hurts that grief can grip you and haunt you and hold on to you in ways you never anticipated i'm talking today to somebody who understands what it means to deal with personal tragedy that's isaiah's reality he is dealing with a time a season of personal tragedy his friend his loved one his comrade has died some say that isaiah was his uncle others say he was another close personal relation others just say they had a great friendship one with another whatever the scholarship suggests the truth of the matter is they had a bond one with another they were brothers beloved and now he has to deal with the reality that his brother beloved is no longer on the scene and i don't care how spiritual you are i don't care how saved you profess to be grief can grip you and disallow you to have the momentum and the movement you wish you had in life i don't care how many bible verses you can quote i don't care how many times a day you pray toward the east if the truth be told sometimes when grief grips you it disallows you to be the person you've known yourself to be and now oh isaiah is dealing with a time of personal tragedy and if that wasn't bad enough conor he's not just dealing with personal tragedy but the nation is dealing with political tragedy political trauma and tragedy has gripped the entire nation i just mentioned to you this is king isaiah he is the man to whom the people have looked for leadership he has been guiding them he hasn't been the best king but he hasn't been the worst king he's been one who gave good leadership to the people of god in the kingdom and now their leader is gone it's a time of uncertainty it's a time where folks scratch their heads and wonder what in the world is going on how in the world are we going to keep it moving how in the world are we going to keep facing day after day they're dealing with political tragedy child of god if you've had your news on over the last six months you know what it means to deal with political tragedy if you've kept your head above the above water and you've been able to look at what's going on in our nation you know we're in a season of political tragedy and ego maniacal narcissistic maniac is now sitting in the 1600 pennsylvania avenue white house and we've got to deal with the reality that some of us are scratching our head asking what is we going to do there are some people in the room today who can testify you know what it means to have to deal with political tragedy here my friends these brothers and sisters are dealing with a time of uncertainty it's a crossroads in their lives they don't know how they're going to handle the circumstances they find themselves in isaiah is dealing with it on a personal level he has to deal with the reality his friend is gone his comrade is gone and if the truth be told he is now trying to figure out what is his next move going to be some would suggest just stay at home just give it up just wave the white flag of surrender just go ahead and throw in the towel and there are some when you deal with your crossroads you don't want to deal with anybody else around you you don't want to be bothered with anybody there are some who like to say stop this ride i want to get off there are some who can testify that when you deal with your moments of turmoil and tragedy you don't know what in the world to do and here is isaiah but isaiah comes to a moment of revelation and reflection and here's what he decides he decides since i can't deal with this too well at my house let me just decide to go on over to god's house because i believe that something can happen at god's house that cannot take place at my house so in the year that king isaiah died isaiah said i'm not just going to deal with this from a humanistic perspective i'm going to look toward a heavenly reality that can certainly shift my perspective and help me to know that trouble don't last always you want to know why somebody on your road came to church today not out of tradition and not just because it was church anniversary somebody came needing something from god to help them understand how they're going to move through monday and tuesday from june to july somebody needs something from the lord to help them make it over the hump they're trying to get over right now and i'm so glad you came to church because there's a word from the lord for your life this day to let you know that no matter what you deal with or go through when you make your way to the house of the living god and you begin to worship him the beauty of his holiness i came this sunday morning to tell somebody that no matter how bad it is how devastating it seems how messed up your life may be when you get to worshipping something in the midst of worship can transform your life and let you know this too shall pass marcus d cosby came to tell you worship still works oh child of god oh child of god don't you get distracted now don't you tune out now because there's something that's going on in this place that's gonna make a difference in your life whether you see it or not whether you know it or not because god while you're trying to figure it out is already what can i get three witnesses in here who know that he'll work it out in the year the king as i die isaiah says i saw that but that ain't all i saw as a matter of fact if you read in the king james version i quote it for you from the new international version but if you've got the old school king james version you'll know that there's a word in the king james version that's inserted in verse one that is not in the new international version he says in the year the king of zio died watch this i saw also the lord oh don't miss that don't miss that he literally says i saw the devastation i saw the frustration i saw the agony and anxiety but that ain't all i saw because when i got to worship i also saw the lord oh child of god don't miss your shout cue i know you saw the devastation last week i know you saw the frustration last month i know you saw what you're going through but when you get up in here you want to also see the lord and he's high and lifted up in the year the king of zai died speaking i saw that but that ain't all i saw i also saw the lord and he was seated on his throne he was high and exalted and his train feel the tip but may i suggest to you if we're going to fulfill the reality that worship still works i submit and suggest in the first place that if worship is going to work in our lives you and i have to be mesmerized by god's majesty somebody shout mesmerized no you just said it i said somebody shout mesmerized oh yes yes yes when was the last time god wowed you [Music] [Applause] when was the last time god left you with an eye-popping jaw-dropping experience and all you could say was wow when was the last time god did something so wonderful for you you couldn't give credit to nobody else all you could say it was nobody but the lord i it says when i got into the temple all i could do was be mesmerized by god's majesty because i saw god high and exalted he was seated on his throne and the train of his robe filled the temple this is some good stuff child of god because too often we're so distracted by other folks stuff even when we come to the church house that we miss the majesty of god you can't get so distracted by what's going on around you that you miss what god is trying to do in we're through and for you and i need somebody to understand this morning that god is at work right now to show you that he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or think according to the power that works within you isaiah said i was messed up because all i saw was that the king was gone but when i got to church i realized that even though the king isaiah is dead the king of kings is alive and well oh child of god i came to announce to somebody today that no matter what you're going through you are not going through it by yourself because the king of kings is still on the throne and he's seated that's the word that's the word he seated on his own that my friends is the position of authority somebody say authority it literally suggests that your god is not pacing the flow your god is not twiddling his thumbs your god is not scratching his head trying to figure out what is he going to do next no your god is in complete control that the death of isaiah the challenges of our lives did not take god off guard it did not catch god by surprise but god is seated on his own incomplete control [Applause] i said he's in complete control they tell me the third time is the charm i said your god my god our god is in complete control [Applause] your boss might be out of control but god is in control your family might be out of control but god is in control your health might be out of control but god is in control your finances might be out of control but god is in control your children might be out of control but god is inc you might be out of control but god is in complete control he's seated seated on his throat and if that wasn't good enough he's high and exhausted king james version says he's high and lifted up i like this because this is not just the position of authority being seated on his throne he is now in the position of majesty he is high and lifted up he's high and lifted up and somebody is asking the question how did god get high and lift it up because the hebrew word picture that is given to us in that text is of the word hoisted literally suggesting that god is hoisted that there is a way by which god got high and lifted up that he got to his position of majesty as a consequence of being hoisted and i hear you you asking me preacher how did god get hoisted i'm so glad you asked i've been waiting to tell you because the very next verse says that there are some seraphim above the throne these are six winged angels they've got two wings covering their faces and two wings covering their feet and with two wings they did fly and your bible says that they keep calling out one to another and they're saying holy holy holy is the lord god almighty the whole earth is full of his glory and the word picture is this deep that the more they cry holy the more god gets hoisted and the more god gets hoisted the higher god is above the fray above all the drama above all the chaos of your situation you want to know why you can't just come and cross your legs for two hours or for an hour and 15 minutes at concord is because while you're crying holy why are you saying hallelujah while you're giving god glory he keeps getting hoisted in your situation and the more he gets hoisted the smaller your problems become is there anybody in here who can testify the more i hoist him the more i feel his presence the more i hoist him the stronger my visualizations become is there anybody in here who doesn't mind crying holy [Applause] i like this because it literally suggests watch the text that when they cry holy they're crying out one to another school we call it antiphonal fashion that's a big old five dollar word for what we say in church is call and response literally submitting that when somebody said holy over there and another one said holy over there and when one of them cried holy back there another one cried holy over here literally suggesting preachers that worship is never supposed to be a spectator sport god hold me while i preach a word worship is not for us to come look at people worshiping worship is for us to participate in the experience because the more we participate the better it becomes for everybody ain't no fun if your homies can't have oh no you gotta worship together and when somebody cries out hallelujah over there anytime you look at us i wonder what's wrong with her wonder what he going through no if they say thank you over there you ought to say thank you over here if they say hallelujah back there somebody ought to shout glory back here is there anybody in here who'll help me cry holy holy holy [Music] it's literally hoisting him i need somebody who knows that you got to deal with something when you get back home not to wait until the battle is over but go ahead and shout right now because you believe as you hoist him he'll work things out for your good [Applause] hallelujah that's the position of majesty and the more they cried holy watch this the train of his robe filled the temple that my friends is a metaphor for the glory of god literally suggesting that the more you cry holy the more the glory of god fills this place oh you missed this because glory my friends is is a hebrew word that literally means the weight of god w-e-i-g-h-t the weight of god another word for the weight of god another word from the glory of god is the reputation of god literally suggesting that while you're hoisting god god begins to manifest his reputation can i work for a little while and while you're worshiping god begins to work to show to you his reputation what does that mean guys it literally means that all the stuff you've been hearing about god but that now you need god to perform in your life that's when god begins to manifest it for you as you honor him in worship watch this literally suggesting child of god that although you heard he was a doctor when you were growing up when you get sick and you begin to hoist him he begins to show you he's a healer he's a doctor who never lost you heard he could supply your needs and pay your bills but until you get broke and you start hoisting god for yourself and you'll find out he steps right in on time and meets every one of your needs you heard that he could fix your family and work things out but it's until you got jacked up and messed up in your house that you began to hoist god because you had nobody else to go to and he began to work things out for you i need somebody who had your back up against the wall and you began to say father i stretch my hand to thee because there's no other help i know and when you started hoisting him he stepped in and let you know there's nothing too hard for your god [Applause] that's his reputation literally meaning child of god that when we worship him in the beauty of his holiness he begins to throw his weight around [Applause] church folk don't know when to shout i just gave you reason to rejoice i just gave you a reason to shout all over this place called concord and some of y'all looking at me like oh okay let me give it to you again i said when you worship god he begins to throw his weight around he begins to work things out for your good now maybe you don't need anything from god right now so don't get mad if your if your pro partner your pew partner starts hollering right here at this point because somebody in this church needs something from god that you can't give them that the leaders can't give them that this preacher can't provide but if you start worshiping him even while you at church he's going to throw his weight around at work while you at church he's working at the job at the house in the mall he's working in your body is there anybody in here who can help me glorify him because while you trying to figure it out he's already worked [Applause] [Music] okay okay so isaiah said i got to the temple and i got mesmerized by his majesty but that ain't all this in the text because when he started seeing the glory of the lord fill that house your bible says that it was at that point that isaiah when noticing the glory the grandeur the majesty of god he had to make this response why i said what he said woe is me your bible still open this in there woe it's me because i am undone i just said i'm a man of unclean lips and i dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips watch this when you recognize god for who god is you can't help but recognize yourself for who you ain't i don't mean to offend you i don't mean to bother you but can i be real honest with you today i know everybody on your road thinks you all that and on a bag of ships but can we be honest with you with everybody in the church today and testify ain't all that that folks think i'm cracked up to be if the truth be so if you knew my whole story you wouldn't believe i got this bible in my lap right now if you knew my whole story you wouldn't believe they called me reverend if you knew my whole story you wouldn't believe that they let me give leadership in the church that they let me sing on the choir and uh on it if you knew my whole [Applause] oh you better thank god he covered up some stuff you better thank god he didn't let your whole story go public you better thank god that everybody in church don't know the real [Applause] you isaiah said woe is me i'm undone i messed up i'm a man of unclean lips and if that wasn't bad enough the folk i hang with i messed up too [Music] i dwelled a little people of unclean lips and then it was as if the seraphim were waiting on him to make that declaration because as soon as he said that he realized that he was not just mesmerized by god's majesty but he was mortified by his own human reality i said he was mortified somebody said mortified he's mortified by his own human reality whoa it's me i'm messed up i got some stuff i don't want anybody to know about i got some issues i don't want anybody to have to have have access to i i i've got some stuff in my life that does not properly represent the god whom i serve is this thing still on did you turn to my golf should have been a few more amens right there right there right there last time i checked your bible your bible says all have sinned yeah yeah all have sinned and come short of the glory of god every one of us has made more mistakes than we want anybody to know about every one of us has erred in the way has done some things that god told us not to do and did some things we told god we never do again [Applause] come on who prayed this prayer lord if you get me out of this i'll never do that again and just as soon as he got you out you went right back into the thing you said you'd never do again [Applause] he said i'm a man of unclean lips i dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips and it was as if the seraphim were waiting on them leaders because as soon as he said this the seraphim started multitasking watch what the text says they came down from above the altar they went down to the altar took some tongs and got a hot coal off the altar put it on his lips said man we've been waiting on you to get right there we've been waiting on you to admit it because you you need to understand that if we confess our sins well thank you jesus he's faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness listen here if you can admit it help me johnny cochran god will acquit it can i get some witnesses in here if you confess it you can conquer it if you can face it you can fix it they put some tongs on him says your sin is pardoned your iniquity is purged literally suggesting that when we come to god and be clean about it be honest about it just fess up to the reality that god fixes all of the wrongs in our lives and makes us as if it never happened can i give you some bible for that the bible says that he throws our sin in the sea of forgetfulness as far as the east is from the west it never rises up against us anymore your cousin may remember it your siblings may remember it your mama may remember it church folk may remember it but is there anybody in here who can testify that if any man be in christ he's a new creature all things are passed away and behold all things become new somebody in church say i ain't perfect but i'm being perfected can i find somebody in here who can testify if you knew me back in the day and you look at me now there's been a change that's been made in my life god's been working on me god's been equipping me god's been fixing me can i find three people in here who can throw your head back and say work on me jesus fix me jesus make me what i want or i ought to be you get mesmerized by god's majesty you get mortified by your own human reality whoa is me i'm undone i got issues i hang with got issues and then the bible says that if that wasn't good enough now god begins to speak i said don't miss this god has not said one word in all of chapter six until this point all that's been going on all this holy holy holy all this hollering in the temple everybody jumping up everybody rejoicing and god ain't said a word they've been worshiping god in the beauty of his holiness and god has just been seated on his throne he's been high and exalted but he hadn't said anything until isaiah got his act together and when isaiah got his act together watch what god said whom shall i send [Applause] and who will go for us and it was as if there was no intermission there was no recess there was no pause for station identification oh isaiah said hey hey here am i send me i'll go okay that was just for the long time church members only long time church members got that everybody in jerk who've been in church for a long time y'all said hey man you waved your hand nodded your head now i gotta come get the new school folk because new school folk need to understand that once god pardoned him for all of his sin now isaiah is saying lord whatever you want me to do however you want me to do it wherever you want me to go however you want me to speak i'll do just what you tell me to do because if you'll do all that for me i'll do anything for you [Applause] oh oh oh you must have forgotten how many sins he's really forgiven [Applause] when you remember how much he's cleaned up in your life you'll be willing to do anything for the one who's done so much for you when when when when when he's working out enough times when he's fixed it enough times when he's turned some things around enough times you'll be willing to say yes lord here am i send me let me put it this way when you get mesmerized by god's majesty and you get mortified by your own human reality you'll get magnetized by god's ability uh somebody shout magnetized i said you'll get magnetized by god's ability literally suggesting this preachers that when you see how much god has done for you he literally draws you in and you may not even recognize it at first you don't recognize it until years later and you figure out how much time you spend at church you figure out how much you've been hollering in church now and you used to not say a word back in the day you don't catch it until later on you start sitting in the front of the church when you used to sit in the back of the church you started staying for more than one service when you could barely get to one on time can i find anybody in church who can testify after all he keeps doing for me he draws me in i used to only pray when i sat down to eat and that was just jesus whip but now i wake up in the morning saying lord i shall do thank you for another day he literally draws your head is there a witness in e-flat please is there a witness in this house today who can testify that after all i've been through with god you please have to excuse me for getting so loud every time i come to church you have to excuse me for jumping up every now and then i apologize for getting in your way that's why we got the screens look up boo look up because every time i think about how good god has been to me it makes me want to holler throw up both my hands and give him the glory that's due unto his name cause he draws me [Music] and is there anybody in this church who can help me close this message and testify the reason i had to come to church and i knew my pastor wasn't preaching is because i just think so highly about god and what god keeps doing in my life and every time i think about it it makes me want to lift him higher and give him the glory can i find somebody who's been drawn in who can testify you can't help yourself now you keep on lifting up your hands you keep on clapping those hands you keep on opening up your mouth because god's been just that good to you can i find somebody in church who made your way to worship on a sunday morning because you recognize if it had not been for the lord who was on your side you don't know where in the world you'd be so i've just made up in my mind that i'm going to join the seraphim and i'm going to keep on hoisting god because he keeps on doing so much for me i'm gonna lift him every time i get a chance that i keep on seeing how many ways he's made is there anybody in church who'll help me lift jesus is there anybody in this place who'll help me give him glory somebody ought to lift him up lift him up steal his speech from eternity and i [Music] if i be lifted up from the earth i'll draw out from from the crack house i'll draw i'll draw from the street corners i'll draw i'll draw from the prostitute [Music] hey yes [Music] [Music] worship still work [Music] oh yes when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me my soul cries out hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] so [Music] you
Channel: The BlackChurch Vault
Views: 4,143
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: dr marcus cosby, wheeler ave baptist church, praise break, crazy praise break, cogic shout, cogic praise break, td jakes, potters house dallas, serita jakes, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, holy convocation shout, crazy shout, dance praise break, todd hall dancing, holy ghost praise break, bishop noel jones, city of refuge la, jamal bryant, shouting, ge patterson shout, Marcus cosby, cogic bump, Marcus d cosby, national baptist convention, Terry anderson, Ralph d west
Id: p9pbapVdusc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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