Apostle Gino Jennings - Same sex marriage

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we're living in a time now that the human family have a strong dislike towards God whether they profess to be Democrat or Republicans they have the same hatred towards God they have took a biblical subject of homosexuality and made it a political subject and now America and other countries around the world want to make it legal I was listening over-the-air now they said seventy percent seventy seven and zero seventy percent of the people of America are for same-sex marriage and you know who's included in this percentage Lord you church people am i right I said you church people you shiny nail preachers yeah you cross wearing preachers you ponytail Christians yeah you tattoo Christians you Christians that got gold all your teeth with a star on it right and a diamond in your mouth they condone it so the devil more and more is making television programs that include the relationship with two men the objective is to influence and cause everyone to be attracted and subdues and conned by the media you that's in this religion called Christianity you condone same sex marriages some of you politicians that's fighting there's a politician I believe in the state of Indiana the governor America the government and he's standing against it and he's getting pressure for Mary in don't misunderstand me I believe the homosexual should be able to work in any place of employment we're not talking about his or her skill as a doctor or a lawyer or policemen or a contractor or architect no we're dealing with an abominable behavior that have nothing to do with your architectural skills that's right hmm no I have nothing to do with your painting talent so your ability as a school teacher or one day teach theology and philosophy and homiletics in chemistry and rocket science and no no no we ain't talking about none of that let us make our stand clear we believe the homosexual have a right to work in any company in the world and eat in any restaurant of the world and hold any occupation that is in society but we don't believe in the behavior of two men brother Eli and brother black come up here brother and stand right here come on brothers stand right here facing me you know well just to the side that way you can get me in the cab now you're fighting so two men can marry some of you pulled pit bombs of preachers white preachers black preachers yellow preachers and brown some of you are condoning it because your son is homosexual some of you are condoning it because you have so much sexuals in your congregation some of you are condoning it because you're afraid to say anything because your boss your employer is a homosexual you don't want to say nothing at the job because your job have this rainbow sticker or rainbow flag and so you don't want to stick out like a sore thumb you want to be quiet many of you apostolic you have turned and now you want the deacon to marry the trustee God made woman hold it back did he not now for you that have trouble hearing you come over here brother you come over here just stand over there now this is what God made come here sister Jenny this is what the Lord made God me the woman notice the difference in how we look notice the difference and how we're built are you listening to me God made the woman for the man now when these two come together this is what you're able to do comércio when these two come together this can come forth from their mouth come on sir when these two come together then she can have another one one of these all right you give it up jelly but [Applause] when these two come together it may be some friction yeah but they're not designed to produce it is that behavior that we're talking about we're not talking about your job homosexual got directed be a doctor a lawyer or surgeon any area in the job market he should not be fired because he's a homosexual because you didn't hire him because he's a homosexual you hire him or her based upon a talent and a skill so to fire them because of that there is a form of discrimination but because they hire you you don't have the right to force your life sock [Applause] [Music] dunno have the right stuff us your lifestyle in your place of employment do homosexual employers because one of your employees refused to accept your rainbow style of life that's their right you know final one because they don't believe in homosexuality a man and a woman that don't believe in homosexuality is a man and a woman that respect God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Brothers BC alright listen so this governor in Indiana is taking heat even Charles Barkley see me I don't care who you are he said that the governor was wrong who would ever think that men grow moustache beard where it men will be so hateful you fellas say that same-sex marriages and being homosexual is equal to the civil rights [Applause] someone as far as Santa's being homosexual or fighting for homosexual rights is just like being black you dumb black fools have the audacity to a greeter that it's not a behavior white it's not a behavior brown not a behavior I was born a black man I didn't request to be God made me like I am there is no such thing he's acting black black of the color it is not a behavior but homosexuality is a lustful behavior it's a love for behavior you movie stars that talk show hosts and pull pit closets read you low lives that carry the Bible you men that are watching me I don't care if you in the mosque if you believe in homosexuality you want to be thrown out the mosque and the Quran should be taken from your hand you men they say your rabbis that endorsed homosexuality should be put out of the synagogue and the Torah taken from your head you think all Christian preachers read that standing up and justify homosexuality you should be [Applause] and you will call the gay-bashing God didn't make a man for man I don't care how you put it every Democrat and the Republican every email every rabbi every old preacher who believed in homosexuality yeah you are traitor that's right you are you have committed treason that's right against God you out there that one a word the title Christian and see you like Christ you are like Christ Christ did not endorse homosexuality I had someone write me and tell me that Christ didn't preach that our man got to have a woman yes he did Christ plainly said that a man leave father and mother and cleave to his wife and it was Jesus at [Applause] but Satan it's Satan do give me the book of Genesis then give me the book of Jasher yeah I want to break down Sodom and Gomorrah I had no tingling working on this but I had someone watch the telecast and they thought that we use a teleprompter teleprompter with us no I only teleprompters the word of God God have never purposed for two men to get married never did and I want all you judges that are watching because I know you judges are watching of every nationality any of you judges that will marry two men and give them a license and you two men that thank you married or you two women that thank you Mary you're not married that's forgery it is God that made the law of Mary that's right and I want to say it a I got a letter from Jamaica that citizens of Jamaica wrote me and told me pastor Jennings would you please would you please speak out against the homosexuality that's taking place here in Jamaica because the government of Jamaica they're being pressured I'm told by Great Britain and America and to you that are watching this is what America is doing America is trying to put pressure on all countries and trying to force homosexuality upon them and if they refuse to condone homosexuality then America want to sanction them and want to get other countries to sink to sanction them this call to show you that America is a country of whoremongers yeah America is the wicked country America is a country that sees only a few in America fear God now that's because the person go to church they don't mean they fear God if you claim you a Christian that you believe in homosexuality you don't figure you've grown men who claim they're straight and have no problem of two men getting married all right let's deal with this with the Bible I want this to be good I want this to be good now the homeless ask somebody asks me a passage any what would you do if homosexuals came to first Church they have and they here now this is where they should be right so I can pull the sting out of the hive that's right they need to be here that way they can be around this salt and the sugar can fall off of them we don't we don't use sugar here the homosexual is welcome but if you try at anytime to lure someone into your lifestyle to influence of one day your lifestyle is right then the homosexual got to go that's right the Bible says this put such a one out of your midst so yes the homosexual was welcome everywhere I travel in the world homosexuals come they know what we stand for it's not like we gonna change I don't care how popular you are how famous you are who you may be in America you're not more famous than God how bout you God I don't bow to politicians I bow to God I don't bow to the government of America and America don't dictate what we say America don't influence what we say god influence what we say that's right Wayne God speak we listen we listen we got to say what I will master teacher have said you get what I'm Kelly oh yeah now I wanna deal with the homosexual issue is from Genesis and then I want to get the book of Jasher listen good in the book of Genesis chapter 19 and we'll start reading at the first verse I said I know some folks a man a moment he stood up he stood up swinging oh yeah sometimes you just can't help yourself you know thank God I got the devil right in view come on son and there came two angels to Sodom and either two angels came to Sodom and the word Sodom even come from in Sodom men were called sodomites because sodomites were committing sodomy they were solemnizing they were solemnizing each other each other so Sodom sodomite Sodom is the name of the land sodomite is a people in the land solemnizing is the act of committed by the sodomite that's right are you listening that's right oh wait a god listen and there came two angels to Sodom Eddie two angels came to Sodom at evil and lot said in the gate of Sodom lot was there and not seeing them rose up to meet them and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground the dangers divine God sent you with the message now think of it divine beings not aliens - what - angels messengers that's right they come Sodom and the solemn and lot seize them these angels had the appearance of men having the appearance of men lot came to greet them read them mm-hmm and he said behold now my Lords turning I pray what into your servants house and tarry all night and wash your feet Terry all night come on and relax make yourself comfortable make yourself welcome it's really showing hospitality washing feet was a custom you understand it's long before the church started oh yeah the washing of the feet was the custom to wash the dirt off your feet because you wore sandals so when you came in the house that you lodged in they washed your feet with your the form of showing hospitality and welcome and making your comfortable that's right and you shall rise up early and go on your ways all right and they said nay but we will abide in the street all night listen the angles let them know listen we waiting come for you to wash our feet and we didn't come to be comfortable that's right we we got another job in manager great God of heaven sent us here that's right and we got a job going on that's right all right and he pressed upon them greatly and they turn in unto Him and entered into his house then what and he made a feast and did baked unleavened bread and they did eat yeah but but before they lay down before they lay down the men of the city well wait a minute obviously the men was already watching that's right and they knew and there was some strangers in towns that did not live that you almost sexual you know the way you do when you see somebody started looking at a man up and down only the devil can be in a man they even make a man wonder that's right what another man is like my lord but before they lay down before they lay down the men of the city man of the city even the men of Sodom what compassed the house round now lot house was in jeopardy they didn't care they didn't know that those men were angels no sent from God all they know there was two men there two men they didn't live here there wasn't from here right and their lusts drove them that's right to do what to lop house compassed the house round both old and young they surround the house and who surround it both old and you've got old homosexuals any young home allow you then that's watching me and I know you upset and I know undoubtedly while you're watching this you putting your email together now what's calling the church cussing me out that's all you want God have never purposed for two men to raise children no which one is the mother that's right any child that's watching me now and you got two daddies or two mommies ask the question if you got two mommies which one of you is my daddy right and if you got two men that say they're your father or they use the term to partner partners ask the two men which one of you is my mommy that's right that's right I just want to get his wing tips out of the air take Gotham plant them right back down on the ground that's where they belong that's right get back yeah what did the Holy Ghost said but before they lay down the men of the city even the men of Sodom compassed the house round both old and young and what all the people all the people from every corner from every corner and they called unto all the people had the same spirit the same spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah is here in America it's in the white house that's right which is the dog house that spirit have contaminated the president of the United States that spirit have contaminated Barack Obama and now Barack said there's nothing wrong with two men getting married Lord Barack is a blasphemer that's right and he got an answer to God for it now I know some of you viewers that a black get upset with me because you said pastor Jenner you shouldn't send them he's a black president listen if if Barack was white and believe the same thing it would be the same thing you still have the devil's just a devil of another color that's right I'm not into black or white I'm into God that's right that's what I meant - I'm into God and God's truth you folks that say you're Christians and then got a rainbow flag on your church you're of the devil they even interviewed the Pope and questioned the Pope about homosexuality and he flipped he flipped the script and now he said well Who am I to judge the Bible says he'd that a spiritual church all fake that's right why are you men in the churches are scared to stand up because your money gosh you're laying down you're scared to stand up because the limousine got you laid I know prosperity got you laying down your matching got your man down but we have got God your stand up God set a main man we're not attached to mansions we're not attached to bankroll so we can stand up straight you please just some of you stood strength then you got that limousine payroll then know that that new track position get more oh yes just bought you a yeah they know that's your beach house they know now Pinto can straighten up the cross was vertical and horizontal [Applause] what direction is horizontal east-west correct vertical is what North and South is she knows themself that's the way God designed man horizontal so you got a beat nature he's adding so God want to make man he made man to be upright he said he made man in His image God made man in His image homosexual what image all you made who's counting funny the way that Devils not even funny [Applause] the devil no that woman was made by the man he was in the gun pocket old man that's right and a female because the devil hate God so bad yeah I'm a change make a man fall in love with a man I'm a make a woman fall in love with the woman why you gonna do this Saint because he put me out of heaven that's right anyway I can make him look back any way I can bring his creation to not know because I'm a he made man to reflect God I want to change man that's right make him denounce his Karina oh the devil he hates the Lord me and you that a homosexual and you got the nerve to say you Christian listen the passage in is now there is no such thing as a christ-like homosexual no sir I don't care if you don't like what I'm saying don't look at what I'm telling you now there is no such thing of a christ-like homosexual of Christ like lesbians or Christ like it's not like Christ two men get married it's not like right two women get mad and I write I said [Applause] what did the holy book said anybody all right come on even the men of Sodom compassed the house round both old and young all the people from every quarter and they called unto lot and said unto Him where are the men which came into thee this night where are the men where are the men that's what's being ads now now even women are accident where's the men we I mean how can we get married ain't no men in the world even whipping us breaking the argument that ain't no it ain't no men to marry that's right that's right like everything you see in Atlanta that's right Philadelphia New York California Nevada Boston Connecticut Texas Jamaica virginal even in Japan Australia grown men walking down the street with their arms around some other man blowing kisses holding hand and you preachers you're scared to speak out you have sold out for politics one of the reason why preachers are so afraid to speak out against this because they don't want they govern governmental subsidy to be taken that's right you see they got governmental programs of these churches yeah and a lot of time to get those programs you got to agree with the government that's right and many of you preachers won't stand up because you're scared of your programs they're being cut off right back at the dollar bill again that's right that's what it would have got to the love of money then that tells us Wow some have covered it up they say when they got it they said wow they're coming after they're there it from the faith and that pitch themselves true Lord shake God with many thousands but Thou O man of God flee these things lead let me run away from all right come on where are the men which came into thee this night bring them out unto us that we may know them now let me say this many of you young men watching me was pushed in a homosexuality some of you was pushed into it because you had a rotten lowlife call a Papa that's right it wasn't a real man he couldn't just wash you that's right without fondling you some of you had a no-good rotten older brother yeah and a perverted uncle and a demonic grandfather yeah and I know good we shop you know there was the time that the preacher would chase women all the time many of them still do it's wrong but they was doing wrong the right way now they stopped chasing women yeah your son let me tell to you that are watching me you that are here any time of you in a church that believe it will homosexuality your son is in danger your son is in danger any time you got a church that's flying a rainbow flag and may not an operation pushy that was Jesse Jackson it's another form of push hey listen that the old man come on where are the men which came into this night bring them out unto us that we may know them and lot went out at the door unto them and shut the door after him and said I pray you brethren hold it what did lot call the homosexual where are the men what they lot call the homosexual I pray you brethren well why did not call the homosexual brother it was a condoning the act no he was letting them know look you man your men your men I can't call you sister you're a man you understand your man that's right I can't call you sister No so what did lot say to them and said I pray you brother I pray you brethren do not so wickedly now do not so wickedly we go what did the homosexual say in reference to those men they wanted to do i that we may know them and what was a lot respond do not so wickedly and what did they walk that we may know them didn't want to know their name they want to know where they came from or how long it take them to get there or they travelling arrangements and what they was bringing with them no they wanted to get very personal with them bring them out unto us they warned they what bring them out unto us why that we may know them I had a false prophet on the telecast some time ago Harry Knox yeah Dirty Harry was here and Barack Obama hand-picked mr. Knox they beyond his faith-based program now mr. Knox said that this was wrong because it was not consensual he said so if a man is forcing himself on another man to rape them is wrong but if it's consensual it's right good say that that was just as perverted mouths do condone his perverted lust justify his perverted D I want this to be good for every man that's switching and even you men they ain't switched but some of you men are homosexuals you lift weights yeah you throw you right from the hood some of you men talking that talk from the hood some of you are homosexual rapper [Applause] homosexual governors free homosexual mayors [Music] it's amazing how the media praised you will you come out the closet and all of a sudden were wrapped the rock calls you or his wife call you and tell you it took a lot of courage it took a lot of killers to admit you love abomination domination tell Barack I'm still waiting for his call you come out the closet God tell us to go in the secret clock so why you come out we go in the pray for you that you don't come out why don't you call me Barack call passage in US and tell me I'm brave tell me won't you tell me you you you have a lot of courage you have a lot of courage to speak against homosexuality call me Barack call me call me okay why don't you do that now you rather call a that's right to me I listen to the old man some of you probably hear from the black caucus or you voted for Barack I didn't vote for Barack so I'm not tied to Democrat or Republican I'm tied to scripture that's it anybody in this building I don't care what church you from that condone homosexuality if you condone it you're not a Christian notice I'll make you take your religion and lick it up God knows that's right I say anybody in this building tonight anybody better watching and anybody listening that profess to be a Christian that condone homosexuality I'll make you lick your Christianity up I'll make it do it with the Word of God I don't care if you claim you a preacher that's right I'll blast what you preach right into hell are you looking at what I'm telling you what did the holy books where all the men which came into this night hey father how do you feel having your son have boyfriends that act like girls coming to visit your son and you good-for-nothing father that's not fit to be a father it's so low and full of hell you have now got to the point where that's what my son lifestyle I support them how can you support abomination and then go to church talk to me you are worthless and a father I say you are worthless as a father any time a bunch of young men switching a bomb and a hair with armor all shiny lips dropping their hands all over the place to pick up your side the other side and you condone it you mothers do the same thing your daughter's come to you I met a girl and we want to get married I'm so proud of you really Wow you can't get no grandchildren like that you parents have become foolish full of hell do you see how back what the devil have done this gonna take me all night and all day tomorrow and all day sunday to preach this and I still won't be finished come on son you got to move quick because time is moving where are the men which came in to be this night bring them out unto us that we may know them yeah a lot went out at the door unto them had shut the door after him hold it he shut the door behind him you know why he didn't want them in there that's right here nobody's doing say come on in y'all sure you came out and closed the door behind them mm-hmm pray you brother who's not so wicked I'm saying the same thing to every homosexual under the Sun I pray that you don't do so wickedly get up off your knees ain't praying right that go to the inmates in prison that's right that claim you believe in holiness that's right you believe in holiness get up you know detach yourself back out of that garage that's right pull your pants up talk to me [Applause] well then the Word of God set and said I pray you brethren do not so wicked this is a wicked act you Texan each other your body parts you're on your way to hell you are pervert you emailing sexing men sexing men men skyping each other buck naked yes I'm going preach it if any you find this offensive look at all these doors where you can go out of [Applause] if you're scared you shouldn't be yeah but a real man can take it because you will go to hell if the cat take a real man that's it under this kind of preaching that's right take a real man to take this time to brief you you don't want this kind of pretty you're not a man what did the Holy Word says and said I pray you brethren do not so have a you brethren do not so wickedly behold now look now I have two daughters now let's let you know that lot knew what was right that's right lot knew that fornication was wrong right but he was willing to offer his daughter soreness and yet she flew fornication was wrong that's right but he was letting them know look if they're gonna do wrong there's a right way to do it that's right what did not recommend I have two daughters listen you fellas are hot just know he's supposed to be to all the women that's right I want two daughters no two sons two daughters listen at the word two daughters I'm recommending to you homosexuals what not recommended not recommended women to Doris I'm recommending women in this stuff got to be burnt into hell our children is that state that's right little boys that's right they're not taught the straight path they're not taught the straight path their think is alrighty elementary school that's right to be kissed that's right by a little five-year-old boy I'm not saying harass the homosexual I'm not saying harass them on internet no no no but I am gonna preach the gospel that's it and if you call preaching a gospel harassment then so be it so fear you trying to make it illegal now the government of America speak against homosexuality or you'll be thrown in jail you can't build a prison big enough or small enough I'll go to jail gladly and stand for God I preach it in jail that's right in season out of season in jail out of jail that's right we're living in a time where men that hear this message even they get nervous they claim their men what's the skate up you're not the one talking what to stand up well I'm scared for you don't be scared for me if my parish let me perish I'm going let's see the key [Applause] scared for me God have not given us the spirit of my wife married me she married a man that's right she didn't marry new one that couldn't make up in his mind what he was I wasn't trying to figure out what I am no no I didn't need a psychologist to tell me what I am no now there are many of you that says that you were born a male but a woman was trapped in here oh the devil is just she's terrified know what you feel is a spirit spirit and because you're not familiar with the spirit world yes you call it a woman's right but it's a spirit of ordinate affection you think it's a man inside of a woman no it's the spirit of the devil in her you think it's a woman in a man no it's the spirit of the devil in him that's right that make you feel in a manner I say Kings gone it's gone you knows the spirit any time a six-year-old boy and a ten-year-old boy saying I like boys it's a spirit I just fear and you foolish parents some of you Mother's you let your son wear your heels and play in your blouse and where will you sit no it's not Cuba it's an abomination are you listening to me this is something that needs to be preached hard every day listen behold now I have two daughters which have not known me I've got two daughters that are virgins let me I pray you bring them out unto you I bring them and do you good to them as is good in your eyes you do what's good in your eyes if whatever you want to do anything if anything goes that's right what you if you want to do it you do it to the girls that's not female that's right but what all the answers these men unto these men do nothing that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying that's right how much can they do to the men nothing no a little bit nothing at least kiss them nothing no at least crying on them pull the hair bank day behind nothing put on some leather jeans nothing get a whip nothing tie them up nothing handcuffed to the bed unto these men do nothing why were you saying over there because you're doing it that's why that's right oh that's too graphic if you a man you could take it no you ain't being handcuffed it's a tall boots like a woman and walk around with a wig on brother you can take it [Applause] that's right amen the holy girl said all the answers these mean unto the men do nothing brothers what did the Lord say do what do what nothing did it say nothing no a little bit trying to get in but then can't get out see it shows you that is not godly that's right everyone's godly you wouldn't get stuck that's right you will need to call the paramedics if it wasn't right you would not need help from a doctor that's right to disconnect you if they don't fit you got to acquit that's right if they don't fit that's right a father should be able to wash his son a father listen to me good should be able to wash his son and the son be safe that's right the older brother should be able to wash his younger brother and the younger brother is says's the uncle should be able to wash his nephew and his nephew take the grandfather should be able to wash the grandson and the grandson see hey that's right the preacher should be able to counsel your suddenly and your sound to me your preacher should be able to drive your son home and he's saying see Dupree she'll be able to give your son communion if he's qualified yeah without spending the night with them that's right that's right your son should be able to go in that confession booth and it's padlocked free that's right you Muslims should never talk to us email nothing a man want to fondle his beard the Hebrews should be able to talk to his rabbi let the rabbi want to play with his curls that's right I know you don't like what I'm saying but it's true it's true what did the holy book says behold now I have two daughters which have not known may have two daughters that don't know man let me I pray you bring them out unto you and do you to them as is good in your eyes real quick only unto these men do nothing oh nothing for therefore came they under the shadow of my room all right and they said stand back yep that will do what they said stand back you see how consistent they were sister and back and they said again this one fellow came into so journey and really needs be a judge now where we deal worse with lead than with them listen they told a lot we're gonna deal worse with you with you than with him and a fresh sore upon the man even love look at the lust how it drew how it it just drove them men they started pressing against the door and came near to break the door and they want to break the door that's what the Bible meant when it says burn in their lava sail us was driving them oh yeah all right but the men put forth their hand and pulled a lot into the house to them then wide shut to the door and they smoke the men that were at the door of the house with blind see the sodomites they know these were the angels of the Lord that's right and the power of the Lord shine out of that house as smoke the men with what with blindness line it both small angry small and great so that they wearied themselves to find the door they got exhausted they could even see the door they got exhausted let's let let you know even when they was blind they still was trying to get it man they still was full of love until they was just tired that's right tire time I fully determine isn't it oh yeah what else and they smoke the men that way I have to do up the house with blindness both small agree so that they weary themselves to find the door and the men said unto lot hast thou here any besides son-in-law and thy sons and thy daughters and whatsoever thou hast in the city bring them out of this place for we will destroy this place America judgment of God is hanging over you man you are equal to Sodom and Gomorrah equal you are a modern day Babylon America's arrogant self-righteous self-centered and they hate for God is for ever increasing that's right they love for Satan is increasing everybody is glorifying this trash program that I saw commercials about called Empire where they had two men on that the devil know what to do to attract attention that's right anything for ratings anything for money anytime I ask you will put on women clothes and act like a woman just so he can get that big payday you're perfect you're perfect your perv perv that's right that's right man that's a real man won't belittle himself or the great himself to play in the road you know give it a book of Romans real quick I'm not gonna have time to get Joshua I want to knock off right but give me a Romans the first chapter mm-hmm Reef ass Romans chapter 1 and the homosexual says what after Old Testament and even have enough to told me well is not mentioned in the Bible but only a few times and that's something that's something to say now how many times do you have to be slapped before you feel it yeah you ain't God speak ain't gotta tell me do the same thing over and over and over know that's their way of watering down the truth of the subject that's right reef ass up Romans chapter 1 read verse 24 wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts what to dishonour their own bodies between themselves it's a dishonorable act when two men are together right you two fellas you know in the hood Willman would pass a message to a man or a man will pass a message to a woman when they shake hands sometimes their shake hands and they had this thing where they're scratched your palm she or he is telling you they want to be with you they want to have sex with you today I shake your hand and scratch your palm and I'm pretty sure they still do it there's any men scratching the palm of a man any man that's struggling with homosexuality if you're struggling with it's true let me make this place you're struggling with it you need not to be on the water you need not to be playing no instrument you need not to be working on no auxilary that's right - Helen I said you're struggling with homosexuality you should not be opening up praiser you should not be opening up testimony service you should not be playing no instrument at all you should not be in the pulpit you should not be on no choir pass pray sit down and give yourself over to God until that garbage that's right I didn't say while you're struggling with it till that garbage come out then function if it's not out don't do nothing the thing you need to do is work on yourself that's right no choir don't even get up and give announcements only no praise heavens the Bible says do nothing do nothing no get all no choir don't play no estimate nothing that's no nothing we won't well I want to church will I'd be free when you in send you're not free what up God say he whom the Sun sets free is free indeed all right listen listen wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts why have to dishonour their own bodies between themselves what who changed the truth of God the truth in man and woman right and they changed that truth to what into a lie two men with marriage license to women which marriage license to hear the little girl saying these are my two mommies no there are two lesbians that's right two men these are my two daddies no there are two Devils oh yeah two homosexuals who changed the truth of God into a life I want to say two television stations don't don't cut this anytime you can put on movies on your station and play programs that's so into men kiss soon then I got the right sound biblical law and by the so-called corrupt Constitution of the United States that give me freedom of speech and if the Constitution gives me freedom of speech with opposed Peter said let me freeze because of you that's right am i right but will you speak against the criminal when you speak against the crime yeah right then the screen want to get black right then they say well he can't say that over the air why not they don't it over there all I'm doing is I listen I'm a journalist I'm filing my report that's right extra extra read all about it men are perverted in America I'm preaching what you play all your television you show it man yeah you don't want me to say it isn't that something you are showing gladly oh yeah for ratings but you don't want me to say it scared of your ratings will go down refasten who changed the truth of God into a lie yeah and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever amen wait wait for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections gave up their malefactions or even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature now the natural use is when a man marry a woman a woman marry a man they come together and children have brought forth and they no children can come from two women no ain't no children can come from two men and you find these actress these these women that are actresses and they all over talk shows talking about and say well this is my partner yeah you know news journalists coming out this is my partner and everything they don't want what God said oh boy I wanna know we quick for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman what I look like leaving my wife fall for a man man look a woman if she got a good husband and our husband leave her for another woman that woman gonna be hurt but if that woman leave her of that man leave her for man for men I mean she would be devastated angry bitter and then whatever other emotion she have you probably won't even know confused yeah because a lot of you women American men on the down-low they on the down no that's right way down yonder we're way down yonder listen real quick and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another who got that burn men with men what are these men with men doing working that which is unseemly when two men have sections about they get married and you know you you love him and I want to marry what he look like dropping on your knees at this a man will you marry me all you need will you marry me he's standing in that's right and he's still down there going to hell while you're down there that's right read that and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another how can you leave a woman man well I don't like leaving my imma leave all them curse for a telephone pole some of you folks watching me your pastor don't flip the script on you and now he come out the closet and the congregation is larger now that's right full of Devils church have become a haven place for hot out homosexuality because even they know the churches they gonna say nothing about it how long were they given to a tithe and offerings that's right longer they given a dollar that bridges say well you know we can overlook some things look wink overlook nothing I don't care if you give a million dollars a day tithing and three million dollars a week offering I'm gonna preach the Word of God if you're about to die that's right very fast likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly what out and receiving in themselves that recompence of the error which was meet they receive in themselves that recompence of what of their error what's in them their error was in them their error I told you I don't care how you cut it is not right that's right there's an error Indians an error that's right what is it and even as the agent Reichle why don't you preach this runs and Bible let you know what's in them in Aaron there Aaron maybe they read the whole thing there me and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another yeah men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves are saving and listen and as a result as a result as a result of you working that which is unseemly you you caught something and receiving receive something you receive something in yourself that recompense what that recompense of their error of their error which was meet amen listen the meat you got was error it was an error the error was called what we made us meat which is what meats which is what meat now that me-80 now anytime you got an error in you in you you got something that you came down with that's right the error is a result of yeah that's right that's right which was meat which was a corrupt sacrifice of corrupt offering yeah amen you brought it on yourself Nats look at you now now you upset with the government with demonstrations because you fellows they're not spending enough money for a cure for AIDS that's right look how foolish you are a man why in the world would you get upset with America because they're not spending enough money for you you mean you know 108 get up you know do nothing do nothing that's right do nothing do nothing no kissing no hugging nothing don't even use a condom don't even in fact if you do nothing you don't need a comment that's right why you're doing nothing you were nothing no winking your eye no blowing a kiss I'm gonna juice Holy Ghost said do nothing nothing do nothing can't even make a toast to him that's right do nothing can't make a toast can't buy him some male lingerie that's right Holly now said nothing can't send him a picture of your body no because they're doing something that's right and the Lord said do nothing and cannot buy him a gift and there's emotions attached that's right hold it out said nothing can buy him a sweetheart card on Valentine's Day that's right the Holy Ghost at dude nothing can buy him a sweetheart card on his birthday do nothing or they go check do any ungodly motive behind anything you buy anything you give any place to take them right what two men don't in a gay club a gay restaurant or you buy it walking around with leather every pants like they join in the rodeo that's right leather pants and behind is out got on a cap they look like a police cap and a leather vest that's right then I see no brothers in first trouble with leather pants no brothers let's see you an old leather pants like you were all hide you got it you got a leather coat all right you've got a leather belt all right you got leather shoes all right got leather jacket all right you got another pants that's not all right [Applause] that's just too much leather pants and sweet pants yeah you see there's some things that a woman can wear a man ain't got no business wearing a woman wear heels right we got no bidders with no high heels what a weird on what high hills what are we going with pantyhose let you Peter Pan or Robin Hood we want to go to Robin Hood lord wanna be one of the merry men who want to be one of the merry men that's right aunt wanted to marry men yeah all right top your foolish dog give me a few more verses I got to get out of here and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge rather than not be arching your eyebrows you a man you should not have a brow pencil on you a man you should not be dyeing your hair you a man you should not be manicuring your nails you are man that's right you should not be wearing earrings you a man should I be platen in your hair yeah you're amazing you should not be curling your hair should not ever hear young man come out I want to curly top for what your man so manly you will do i Carla not play nice a real man ain't trying to get curls he's not trying to get his hair done so he can savor some curls that's right type of language ain't got nothing is coming out the mouth of a real man talk to me you don't see your leader talk about a curly top you ain't following no [Applause] I'm doing haircut now when I go to the barbershop sometimes my barber he just be playing around something different you hear some different day I said that's a foolish question you said I thought our axe I didn't know that's a foolish question just get busy and just start removing ain't worrying about trying to have a curly top I'm a man why am I worried about curls I'm a married man that's a real man ain't worried about no curly top he ain't putting no stupid gel in his head so where's hair can curl up get that got no time for that fool no man should be in the mirror longer than a 102 me here [Applause] the service business ain't plan with nobody they not be no young men or old what about some foolish curly top or putting some fat back grease in your head so your hair can even look like it got curl no God ain't made your hair like that God says six things do I hate seven is an abomination before me of prowl look God ain't gave me curl then go pretend like I gotta ain't gonna put no pig feet fat in my head my hair can shrivel up and make it look like it got curl I don't concern a real man sir we become concerned about foolishness that's why many of us can't get God and don't go after Garland don't pursue God the cost is so full of Pride and conceit Minh and arrogance that's right now you corrupt yourself by being corrupt by television television is driving you to hell hold and look like peps not even supposed to look like something you're not Scripture son don't sit there and look at me get descriptive quick go you better look like something you're not well of God speaker gives you looking like something that you're not you ain't a don't look like it you get a haircut get a haircut you don't need no hair design no bunch of parts in your head like you represent the highways of America keep your hair cut conservative keep it malice keep it right no dye in your hair no plaques in your hair no dreadlocks in your hair and ain't no man God should have a ponytail in his hair a man with bangs bangs awful women ponytails off a women a man's a tire listen now in the book of ecclesiasticus chapter 19 animal started verse 29 a man may be known by his look a man baby known by what by his look known by what by his look Amen when you look at a man you should know you're looking at a man you should never have to say you walk by someone no one should think it was a sister that walked by that's just a walk by someone no one should think it was a man that walked by that's right are you listening a man woman shake my hand it should be the handshake of a woman when that man shake my hand it should be the handshake of a man right give chapter verse again in the book of ecclesiasticus chapter 19 and at verse 29 that's what a man may be known by his look man may be known by his look and wonder that's understanding by his countenance window meatus him we say I have understanding right so I should know what you are by your countenance that's right you men wanna wear these little bracelets that's made out of strange different color string bracelet look how weak you are look how weak and foolish and he'll us you up little string bracelet your friend give you little bees your friend gave it you get involved and get surrounded with friends that keep you looking gay acting gay that's right a man's a tire should not be no tight pants in God house I'll skin tight jeans skin tight suits should not be no suits no pants gathered all around your private area that's right until your private area is seen and you sittin like you don't have no trust training legs open brother talk to sit with your legs closed all brothers at all not sitting in a church in a chair like you in bed that's right talk to me pound your leg we man new skin tight pants wearing men in church all upon being T&T be in tight pants yeah skin tight used to be a song when I grew up skin tight skin tight skin tight I'm used to telling women not to wear tight clothes but now I gotta tell man you know we living in the last day well you gotta tell grown men loosen up that's right anytime the seam of your pants it's stretchy and you only buy a big that's right your pants should not be trying to find a way to escape skin type pants preachers skin tight pants Deacon yeah skin tight pass men all on the choir oh yeah it's a disgrace we believe in holiness nothing else that's right I mean nothing else the Word of God says what day man may be known by his look let me quit on that thank you for listening brothers [Applause] you
Channel: Tony Harvin
Views: 748,377
Rating: 4.6196499 out of 5
Keywords: Gino Jennings, Apostle, Gay marriage, same sex, homosexuality, first church of our lord Jesus Christ, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, preach, gospel, Barack Obama, love, truth, pastor, minister, holy, him
Id: n3NL6XOjqCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 14sec (5234 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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