Steve WillDoIt - Steve-O's Wild Ride! Ep #64

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hey everybody and welcome to a wild ride with stevo which people have been begging for for real i think that i've seen more requests for steve will do it than maybe even johnny knoxville man and what a crazy time we had dude he's one of the milk boys they are absolutely on fire and this episode is insane ladies and gentlemen steve will do it yeah dude it's great to be here man brother thank you man people have been begging a lot of the comments are like get steve will do it on get steve will do it on which is crazy to me because it's like this guy grew up [ __ ] you know looking up to loving him so you know for anyone to say to stevo get steve on her crazy well dude let me tell you that i appreciate the the praise i appreciate uh the love um and let's be honest dude you're on fire like you're on fire thank you you feel like you're on fire i feel like um i'm killing it but i'm on the right path like i'm just i'm just doing what i how old are you 22. 22. oh my god 22. yeah jesus that's so crazy to me um now the milk boys there's two milk boys yeah there's uh me kyle saleem and lucas so there's four yeah okay i thought there was just two no um is it competitive between you guys like i know i worked with the side men and like ksi was just so far away in front of me no because we're uh we're all a team you know like kyle you know he's the main guy like say if steve will do it's getting [ __ ] five million views an episode it's like he's happy for me because we're all team you know right rolling stones are a team yeah but there's mick jagger dude right keith richards there's there's nothing like that with us because it's like if i'm winning they're winning because uh the loyalty we have you know i've always felt the same way about johnny knoxville yeah you know like uh him being successful just makes me more successful yeah that's that's how it is with us it's like if kyle's if nelk's going crazy then i'm going crazy if i'm going crazy then that's going crazy we're all happy for each other we're all it's all one team that's great you don't do a lot of podcasts huh no actually i've been asked to do many podcasts and especially this one tim dillon i don't know if you know tim dillon sure he's on fire he's he's one of my favorite podcasts and he asked me months ago like he's my favorite podcast he asked me like yo can you please come on podcast i'm like no because i uh i'm not the best talker and i feel like i may or not may or may not have autism that's how i feel i mean dude you're uh you seem to be talking great with me man and uh i think that your your career is evident you know thank you yeah but yeah so i i let me just say before we even continue that my ear [ __ ] hurts i know uh presumably this will come out after we've both posted footage of the pooh cannon which is something i just dreadfully failed to think through i don't know what i put i just put my ear there i mean dude i dialed up the psi pounds per square inch is that what it is yeah dude i died i did we filled up a poo cannon and blasted my ear and it just straight rocked my eardrum and filled my ear canal with dog [ __ ] with wendy's poop yeah wendy among three other dogs four different dogs were in the blood oh wow yeah so where's that video going to play or where is it playing as we speak is gonna put it on his youtube vlog and i'm gonna put it on my youtube blog i sent it to my girl she says dude save this for something bigger than youtube and i said yeah well this was with the milk boys like pretty big pretty pretty worth it it's bigger than youtube yeah super worth it to go big oh [ __ ] you keep doing that i know it's like when you're like the you do the pressure change you know like it's just really sensitive in there too so the doctor didn't say that like yo there's a lot of poop they were like there was a lot of wax well the thing much the thing that bummed me out was it was a physician's assistant and i'm not talking [ __ ] about physician's assistants but like they're not doctors that's what the old guy was because this thing said physician's assistant so i'm like maybe we should go see a doctor open-minded to going to uh a proper doctor because yeah it is it is pretty messed up um but i gotta do this and then i gotta do uh an interview for shark week dude my buddy got his hand mangled by a shark like mangled you get cut off or what not cut off but mangled to where like see if you hold your wrist like that it stops here yeah this is [ __ ] and poopies dude they're flying like dangling by a tendon all the way it was it was it was flopped all 10 minutes gone and he had to have surgery to reattach tendons and two severed arteries oh my gosh he would be so [ __ ] dead if they didn't dive on him as fast as they did and [ __ ] get him out of there jesus he got [ __ ] wrecked by a shark that's crazy for a shark week episode and uh he and i got to do um an interview together to talk about it right after uh after we do this but let me get back on track let me get focused here because what i told you earlier and i'm genuinely concerned and this is in no way like some kind of an attack or i'm trying to get you or anything but i'm legitimately curious looking at all of your postings all of your texts all of you know you just spent a million dollars on a single youtube video you're giving out bitcoins which are 30 grand to like people if they comment on an instagram post like you're buying cars for people like it's no big deal you're throwing away jewelry off balconies like diamonds necklaces you're tossing them off balconies i mean you are being so reckless with money i have to try to figure out i can't help but be so curious if you're like highly strategic and very calculated in all of these moves where you're you're spending money to make money or if you're just [ __ ] out of control or if you just like have that much money that you genuinely don't care but in this day and age it's a pretty wild move like you know because like like the way i look at the world and i know i'm talking a lot i gotta let you get in here it's so funny yeah like let me just just shut the [ __ ] up no no no no keep going keep on hilarious okay the way i look at the world the the the one percent has all the money and everyone else is [ __ ] hurt you know so to have a lifestyle where you're like like kind of flossing where you're like like you know showing how much wealth you have and spending money and throwing money around like i think a lot of you know man i don't have that much money but like i'm sensitive to it you know like i wouldn't want to be like have never wanted to be flashy you know and like i know that when you're throwing around money you're typically giving it away to people you're being like uh you know what you call it like a philanthropist you know you're being a kind and generous person which is cool but what are your thoughts about being only [ __ ] 22 years old and and throwing like does any part of you think i gotta be careful and save just because [ __ ] i might live until i'm 80. i hate to put the kid on blast but i felt like i needed to tell him to look out for his future it's important dude and you know what the best way to look out for your future is to make sure you are insured and it doesn't have to be a hassle if you go to why would you do that because that's where you can compare quotes from over a dozen top insurers and why is that important because when you do it that way you can save over 50 percent on your life insurance i'm telling you that's like over 1300 bucks maybe that you can party with this summer and you'll be taking care of your business knowing that you're doing the right thing looking out for your future and the future of your loved ones so it's hassle free you go to policy within minutes you figure out what you need and then when you're ready to apply the policy genius team sets everything up for you schedules it and they do it all for free so get yourself insured take care of your business at man when it comes to insurance it's nice to get it right now let's get back to steve we'll do it no and no so there's zero part of me that feels like that way because um i'm so like confident in myself because like if i'm tripping like five years from now about a hundred thousand dollars two hundred thousand a million three million four million whatever then that means i failed my mission right okay so so i'm uh on that path to to not fail and that's how much i believe in myself and what i do but at the same time like no matter what how much i believe in believe in myself every dumb purchase i do there's a smart purchase right you know it's like you know i probably own like seven million in real estate just over so every every if i give away 300 000 like i probably bought a condo or something you know it's like you know what i'm saying so i just was kind of like like right now like i could get i could lose everything and so yeah then today it's like i got seven million or whatever in in condos and houses and [ __ ] right but i don't care like if i have you know um i believe in myself so much right now and what and and what what i'm about to do if i'm tripping about a million dollars then that means i failed so all right what is your mission to be a billionaire you gonna be a billionaire all right to be a billionaire yeah do you have a timeline for that three to five years three to five years damn yeah so like pardon my ignorance but uh how did you come into this situation just straight youtube you just no dude so i had a really shitty [ __ ] day right like when i was young i was young as [ __ ] and uh at that point i hated my life this night i was like yo like i'm sick of this like and then i started making instagram videos like i'm like i'm done with this [ __ ] and i always thought that i would be like uh like a streamer like i would stream and work out and be that youtube guy because i would watch like for example like faze boyz face clan i'd watch them when i was younger i was like yo this this guy just bought like a flat screen tv like that's crazy like i want a flat screen tv right those guys throw money around pretty much what i'm saying but it's like but it was like i had like the shittiest day of my life and i was like you know what [ __ ] this like i'm i'm doing this and that's when i started um drinking liquor on instagram okay so i started the first video when you're in high school in high school yeah and i was on probation for what for marijuana okay yeah i got arrested like three times for marijuana it's ridiculous where what state did you grow up in in florida florida ridiculous where in florida uh near orlando oviedo florida but it was like i had the shittiest day of my life and he was like i was like [ __ ] you [ __ ] everyone like i'm gonna do this [ __ ] and then i posted a video of me slamming a whole bottle of fireball and it was like it was crazy because i gained like hundreds of followers i was like yo like i'm the [ __ ] like you know man i never had good things happen when i chugged hard liquor it was oh every time it was bad well news one time my buddy and i [ __ ] chugged big huge glasses of whiskey and then we blacked out we didn't know what happened turns out my buddy fell through a [ __ ] glass door straight glass door he fell down and he landed on it like this jagged on the bottom cut his elbow all the way through everything to [ __ ] cut it through the bone and like he would have been dead bled out except for the neighbor heard the [ __ ] glass break and thought there was a [ __ ] break-in they thought that the house was being burgled so they called the cops and the cops came and found us both unconscious in the gnarliest [ __ ] pool of blood you've ever seen like that's the only reason that [ __ ] didn't die another time dude i woke up on the hood of a [ __ ] car because i had crashed my bicycle [ __ ] out of my teeth the first time i broke teeth dude so you were driving i was riding my bicycle home and i [ __ ] and next thing you know i'm on the hood of a parked car so you were you were [ __ ] up yeah yeah i blacked out every time i chugged hard liquor but it worked great for you you gained a lot of followers yeah yeah i gained a lot of followers but it was a slow grind i mean it's like how many followers did you have at that point on instagram he said he got hundreds of followers so i was i was doing two to three liquor slams drinking stunts that i i took myself to 110 where it's like like right now like i can't even go into the mindset that i was in back then because back then i was hungry hungry not that i'm not hungry right now but like right now it's like i got everything in the world like back then i had nothing it was like it's i couldn't even at all you can eat wings i couldn't even afford the ranch you know what i'm saying so it was a different level of hungriness if you know what i'm saying so it's like i literally had drinking superpowers like because it was like i was at a whole nother level like i was here it was like all you can eat wings i couldn't even afford ranch so it was it was at a whole other level of hungriness to where it's like i legit had super powers yeah i do not possess now i have i have them but they're not at the cape back then bro i could do anything i feel like anything you all right how much of uh i mean i guess i know the answer to this i was going to say how much of is alcohol like part of the deal but my editor was telling me he's like dude that guy's deal is just [ __ ] alcoholic drinks like uh no i'm trying i'm trying i mean that's that was like before but right now i like i don't i don't have to drink like that to to get what i got uh i drink because it you felt like you needed to drink to do a podcast yeah i do because i have uh i feel like i have autism i i may or may not i mean why do you feel like you have autism because i feel like um i feel like i'm i'm very dumb but at the same time i'm the i i always call myself i always call myself this i'm the the the dumbest genius in the world all right because it's a fact that people who think they're smart are the dumber people yeah and actually smart people think they're dumb yeah so i actually think i'm the stupidest person in the world but at the same time i have something special in this autism brain of mine all right so what are you doing now in l.a in allie we live in orange county so uh we just have the full sun house knuck boys house i just film whatever content i have to film with me and milk but that's but i uh i prefer to live in florida florida miami yeah miami my mom and dad live in orlando very close with them so i like to be you know close to them and also i i i just love florida i mean there's the people everything florida is my place florida is my pa my place to be i i can't live my life in california you know i'm i'm a florida person all right now let me ask you this dude because i'm so i'm i'm generally pretty jealous of you okay like don't do it i mean i'm profoundly grateful for everything that i've accomplished i wouldn't change anything in my life yeah you know except maybe the poo cannon i would have put a [ __ ] earplug in there maybe jesus christ i could have promoted some headphones dude i could like anything anything but the way my ear got rocked um but in any case so we're both huge ufc fans this weekend you know i'm giving away when we recorded this but we're going to the mcgregor yes um that's not good dude i know dude oh [ __ ] it's like you know where we're changing elevations in a plane it's like yeah but we're not on a plane i know dude um so how did you end up on the private jet all the way to abu dhabi for fight island in the middle of the pandemic when they had no fans like on so many levels that's unbelievable but a private jet is is a considerably bigger deal when it's traveling that far because um my assistant right now do you guys know bob metery no he works he's the voice of buffalo wild wings but he he's crazy in the head so basically bob memory bob mannery uh called dana white with with kyle and everything and then his his sons went crazy oh dana white crazy and it was like dana's like yo my sons have met every celebrity there is and they have never went crazy like this for anybody who the [ __ ] are you right like who the [ __ ] are you and then basically it's like yeah we're the knock boys this and that and then we became like we became like best friends with dana like for like dana feels like he's like a second father to me right dude epic it's crazy yeah so that that's what happened and then so dana just kind of takes care of us for anything and everything we need he's because he's we're just we're so close with them for some reason it just kind of happened we just kind of built this like crazy relationship it's like how was that flying on the private jet to abu dhabi oh insane i mean it's like what the [ __ ] am i doing i'm you know i just came as this guy that drinks i'm an idiot this and that it's like i'm gonna a private plane to abu dhabi to be dana white's personal guest if you're dana white's person i guess you get treated like goddamn [ __ ] kids i'm familiar with that yeah i haven't been there i haven't made it to a private jet but uh but yeah dana's hooked me up dude and i could have made you a private jet i mean i've been on private jets okay not dana white's private jet yeah yeah dana i'd like to consider him a bro he's a bro he's been really good the only thing i like about the i love about dana is he just keeps it real yeah he does what he thinks he doesn't give a [ __ ] about the robots in the world right he talks he talks [ __ ] on the instagram comments like yeah [ __ ] you too dude yeah yeah we'll do anything like it's like he's not influenced by these robots in the world it's like what danith what dana says is he says it because that's what he truly thinks it's not because he has to say it yeah joe rogan put it best i think dana gives zero [ __ ] zero [ __ ] zero [ __ ] yeah man i love that that's why i did that's why dana is gonna i don't know if i should be hit but dana's gonna i was so drunk yesterday i was texting dana a bunch i was like yo like let's get akashi 69 tickets [Laughter] dude check it out he texts me the other day steve will do it texts me he goes yo dude can i facetime you real quick for my vlog and i said [ __ ] yeah you can so i pick up the facetime call and it's him sitting there with takashi six nine and and i'm like no way dude six nine i did a tattoo of you on someone and i [ __ ] texted it to and and then like after after this conversation i hung up later right and i thought man i'm gonna be on steve will do its vlog like with six nine and i wonder like i wonder like if if if that's going to be something that comes with the backlash because i've seen people have backlashes for associating themselves with six nine and i was like you know what [ __ ] it i don't care i was stoked i was stoked yeah what are the backlashes from this there was an nfl player i saw him on tmz and he had like he brought like six nine to his like workout like something or other and all the people were like dude dude you know like you're done you can't hang out with him why because he's ratted on people yeah now here's what i think about ratting right anybody in that situation is going to rat like whether you're talking about what you're going to spend like 30 years and he was facing 69 years 69 was facing 69 years like were you gonna go to prison for 69 years for your your reputation you know no dude like anybody's going to be a rat and if you don't want to be a rat then like maybe don't commit crime that's like my deal you know like we're 12-step guys so like we're like pretty careful about not like screwing people over like doing the wrong thing you know like we like we probably aren't going to have to rat on anybody because we're probably not going to be facing a lot of prison time exactly yeah wha what were you guys doing on the vlog no we i don't know if i could talk about this yeah you don't you don't have to if you feel like that no but i mean we'll talk about it and and and he felt strongly that like he's put it out there hanging out with six nine and gotten zero zero zero hate because um because he's a nice guy that was that's the thing six nights the sweetest of guys and he was really cool to me on the facetime call too he was like oh dude stevo you're a legend like he was really said nice things and was uh were you guys were you can you talk about where you guys were we're in cabo and um yeah where's cabo we're hanging out because we we became good friends recently but anyways the inaugural catfish right sure yeah so there's a girl that thinks she's in love with me now right all that so uh neve wanted to facetime me and um about this girl named diamond and she thinks she's in love with me so that's what we were doing in mexico we're just face time with neve and gambling what's the six nine tie in there six times she thinks i grew up listening to him in the gym and like out and the thing was the thing is about me is i was always promoting six nine and i was like when i was like i was broke with zero dollars and [ __ ] whatever and i was like i was posting on instagram it was like it was like [ __ ] you i literally post the captions like [ __ ] you guys like i don't give a [ __ ] if you guys don't like six nine but when i'm in the gym i listen to six nine so i love this guy i remember that so so so for me to be posting that [ __ ] and then me being like best buddies with him now it's like i don't give a [ __ ] with no no i like to take that stance too man you know like i like to be more of a dana white type person if anybody has a [ __ ] problem then [ __ ] off but that's what i'm saying like like for me like i grew up and i loved his music like i listened to six nine through what's [ __ ] sixteen thousand sixteen thousand bench press sets you know i'm saying it's like i'm not gonna change you know it's like i'm not gonna change up on him now just because like right he did he did something that the result was he was not in jail like i'm not gonna change up on him sure i saw his uh he like shattered records doing an instagram live like when he yeah when he got right and on that instagram live he was saying like well dude these except what i'm going to be loyal to these people how the [ __ ] were they loyal to me you know he was uh he said these guys kidnapped me they pistol with me like what i'm going to protect them and like go to prison for them they weren't loyal to me and yeah if that's all true it's like why would you right right and even if it's not true like if and i'm telling you anybody who's facing that much prison time is gonna cooperate to to not go to prison like that's just human nature it's like oh [ __ ] yeah like shotgun with a poop cannon yeah yeah my [ __ ] you're never gonna do that again huh i'm never going to do that again dude this is new that was that that was epic though i was not did you see the clip i texted you yeah that [ __ ] was epic it was unbelievable i did not think it would be that epic that she was crazy he was coming over and i was like man i'm gonna hit a home run for this this dude because like but i told you this that uh i had um the jackass like one of the jackass producers this lady shawna she calls me up and she says you are the biggest deal in my house right now not because you have the number one hot sauce on amazon or you did not because you had three number one movies in the box office not because you this or that or anything else but you are the [ __ ] in my house right now because you're in an elk boys video and i heard about it from so many different people just when we bumped into each other at the ufc fight i heard about it from so many people scott heard about it from somebody i get girls text me like hey you should meet up with steve we'll do it and do a podcast with them like what that's crazy yeah i mean dude what is this of the milk boys you know that you're killing it and dude so when you said hey you want to come over and film a blog like yes not only will i film a vlog with you but i will pull out something i will go big to to make it count you know and now you're going to the hospital after this yeah i thought we were just going to film it my plan was just like say like yo i love you you're amazing like and that's it like just meet you on camera again but we did the the yeah the people yeah i'm gonna do a game respects game dude yeah you know like i i could i could have been like oh hey i get to be on camera what's up hello everyone and i'm like no dude i'm gonna hit a home run i told you that yeah you did tell me i literally thought you meant like we're going to hit a home run dude we're going to listen i really thought we were going to play baseball we'll go back to the autism thing that's i literally thought we were going to play baseball uh yeah i i planned on on going big for you and i did and my ears really [ __ ] hurts right now um what so what about the chicks dude you got a girl diamond this is funny we're not gonna go there no no let's go there okay no the thing is no i had a chick for like five years whatever we we broke up yeah and then i started talking to this new chick and then she told it's kind of funny because like bro i loved her bro like just recently your ex-girlfriend or your new one the new one you love both of them i love both of them but the new one was like the best bro and then the thing is like i have this business partner in mind that like we're like tight like this we're best friends i was like when i drink with him it's not like yo let's drink and gets [ __ ] up let's drink and let's celebrate what the [ __ ] we did yeah like yo we got millions of dollars wait let's celebrate so when she told me like when she was screaming at me for hanging out with him so much i left my condo never talked to her again i was like [ __ ] you never i will never ever ever talk to you again and that's how it is because because if you want if you want if you want to be with me like like yo like i won't cheat on you this and that but it's like you got to let me live my life because like yo i'm steve will do it llc like i gotta i gotta do this i gotta do that like he said he said i'm steve will do an llc that's what was in my head i mean you're about business dude i get it no you know i'm not i'm not hanging out with anybody that's getting in the way of me accomplishing that's what i'm saying like if you're [ __ ] with my billions how many millions do you have right now you know no we can't talk about it the thing is that's that's a very direct question yeah yeah so we can't talk about that it's like i spend a million right i make a million and whatever you know it's so easy right what's the most you've ever spent in one day probably a million dollars a million dollars want me that's mind-boggling to me pure account yeah a million dollars multiple times just because of property or no two million dollars because of property but buying real estate but like giving away chains or bitcoins a million yeah well it's because i bought myself 600 000 in watches and then gave away a hundred thousand and then what the [ __ ] else did i do i did some other [ __ ] 22 years old it's insane so talk to me about milk boys merch how does that work full send well yeah we should we drop merch every every two months and it's just limited limited stock how about like uh what kind of quantity for a limited drop i have no idea see i'm the guy that's just like i don't want to know all that like yo i'll put up the numbers i'll make the money and this i was like i don't i don't want to know anything because that's how i work with like with with with all my money and this and that it's like i don't want to think about any any of that i have my mom deal with everything your mom everything everything yeah yeah so my mom is like you have someone i trust but like i don't like to think about like okay so when people buy these limited drops how do the uh orders get fulfilled like where does it ship out from oh yeah you're asking the wrong guy yeah i really give zero [ __ ] i'm just i'm just here to [ __ ] sell it do you sign off on what gets sold no designs i don't sign off on anything i i have a designer that sends me [ __ ] i'm like yo that that's fire that's not but every time it's fire so it's like i never even have to say yo that's not fire because he every time it's like that's amazing so i'm just kind of there i i like being i like i like doing and focusing what i'm good at right which is just being me marketing i don't like thinking about numbers this that that's so funny dude when i was like 27 28 i was like i had these like like uh arguably crooked ass people in charge of my business affairs you know like uh and i was like dad i'm the creative guy man i let these guys do the numbers he said so they're doing the numbers all right yeah hey you can't have that because you got for me it's like i have my mother doing it it's like you know yeah uh you know it's like it's like my my exit plan in life is like [ __ ] our seltzer it's like who dude and it seems like it's going pretty well i put that four ways with the milk the other knuck boys uh it's a complicated there's a lot because i mean can i talk about no okay yeah good i'm glad you've got your babysitter to make sure that you don't step out of line no are we good are we good so far good okay yeah we're good but yeah it's splitted equally in a way that makes sense not that it's actually equally but everything makes sense yeah right okay what age do you want to retire do you have that age in mind that number now if you ask me retirement can mean a lot of things like it could be going to bed at night it could mean settling down with just one lady like i did and like my editor mario did now here's something very interesting it was while editing an episode of this podcast that mario first found out about blue chew tablets what are they well they're delicious chewable tablets which contain the same active ingredient as both viagra and cialis except of course they're chewable and they cost only a fraction of the price so mario is interested enough to sign up and get himself some and i'm telling you he's been going crazy about him haven't you dude not only did it make me hard as a rock my chick super digs it and i think you guys should definitely get it yeah my girl absolutely loves them too and i'm telling you dude they're a lot of fun so how do you get them well for starters you don't have to go to some doctor's office for an awkward in-person visit nope you go to and you consult with one of their medical professionals and in no time they get you set up and they send the tablets right to your house the best part is that if you use the promo code stevo at checkout you get an entire month's supply for free that's right for free all you got to pay is five bucks for shipping so dude get on over to use the promo code stevo and enjoy an entire month's supply of bluetooth tablets which make you hard as a rock yeah dude you're gonna thank me for it now let's talk retirement i'm 22. i should be able to retire by 24 but i'm going to keep working until till at least yeah dana white could retire but yeah i don't love your job i mean right now i could retire and live a comfortable life i i guess right um but you know what's crazy though is that that uh the the more money people have the more financially insecure they feel it's great they did like studies people with over 10 million dollars report feeling like more financially insecure than people with under 1 million that's the thing once for me too it's like you get a hundred thousand it's like that's it's such an accomplishment but then you get use it for a while it's like i want more you get a million dollars you get it's such an accomplishment then you get used to it's like i want more you get five million such an accomplishment you want more and it just keeps going and going it's like that's how it is for me it's like i want more and more and more like like i'm at the point like i want a billion that's good like if if if i don't get a billion then i fail because like i think you're like i want 2 billion but once i get a billion then it's like i feel like i'm good but at the same time once i get a billion it's like [ __ ] this i want 10 billion you're like dude [ __ ] mark zuckerberg says more than i do yeah that guy um you said that you uh you wanted to do something to help dogs i love that i love that you knew that i love dogs i do because i adopted uh two pit bulls when i was growing up um it's a lot of i just love pit bulls for some reason i was loving the death and they did they became my mom's uh like my mom's sons like my mom like those two pit bulls i adopted are legit my mom's like kids does your mom live in orange county with you no she lives in florida i'm saying yes so she would literally do anything for those guys and just for me just like i just know like how it works like there's so many pitbulls out there there's so many getting put out there it's tough and there's so many so just like i love dogs it's like i just want to do what i can like right now so i text you it's like yo i have a hundred thousand dollars right just to give to the dogs i have no idea how i can help dogs with a hundred thousand dollars but it's like if i can if i can save like 50 dogs life with a hundred thousand dollars like yeah what do you do with a hundred thousand dollars to save dogs that's what i'm saying that's where that's where i'm at like yo like i'm ready to do anything it takes like i have a hundred grand to put up and it's like i wanna help dogs i mean it's like frankly uh is it like putting on an event and having people come and adopt them i think that um animal shelters in general are uh pretty under funded you know like they're they're kind of scraping by and um if you were to go to like say north central animal shelter and give him a hundred thousand it would probably change the you know the game over there it would help it would help a lot yeah so that's something that me me you and wendy can go do yeah dude i love it man i do i'm down i'm down to get red dude and uh today we was was like one idea we kind of threw it together we [ __ ] up my ear real bad but i told you the other idea i'm not i'm not putting it out there because i don't want to i don't want people to [ __ ] shoot my [ __ ] before i do but uh i'm stubborn start to i'm stuck too it's a great idea man howard so you're going to reno before the mcgregor fight and then so presumably you're just flying from vegas back to orange county no miami miami oh you're going to miami from there yeah yeah i have a place in miami i love miami you just stay there for a while you just i stay in miami as long as possible until my superiors like kyle and [ __ ] they tell me like yo we need you i'm there all right so this is this is this is pretty uh fortunate that we got to do this man by the way i know it's a big ass deal for you to do a podcast yeah i don't thank you for this you know like people have been begging for it like you in knoxville i get the most you know me see it's so crazy hearing that people like [ __ ] with me that much because it's just like i'm just me you know what i'm saying it's like why why the hell do you like me so much but it's a beautiful thing that's cool bad dude i always figure like you must been somebody really good in the past life to get to where you are now you know i always think that about people you think so yeah you're you're probably a really really good person in your past life yeah you're telling them you're trying to [ __ ] you in this life no no no you're you're you're an amazing person in this life because probably you went through some [ __ ] in a past life i don't that's what i always think about people that have good lives now i love that i do love that yeah thank you nah nah like dude and don't take this question uh wrong or as i'm being a dick but i'm legitimately curious dude with the drinking do you feel like man maybe because we're both sober guys we drank way too much and we had to stop like do you think that at some point you're like or do you feel like man i'm hitting it so hard with the alcohol at some point like i'm probably gonna [ __ ] have to ask my bro stevo about hey how do you [ __ ] put down the booze no just because like i don't love to drink that much like that but it's kind of like it it helps now i mean when you showed up i mean i like it but it's not like it's not like i need it right like you showed up at my house you were straight chugging howler head it was impressive but you you checked so much and so when i was like no no please stop stop stop no i don't care if people drink yeah it doesn't offend me no but we have we have nothing to worry about if i want to stop drinking i i truly believe i can stop drinking because it's not like smoking weed different story i don't think i never thought i did i didn't think i could ever stop smoking i missed smoking weed the most dude i don't think i could have ever spot stop smoking weed period but like drinking i could and it's like i'm at the point where it's like i take such good care of myself do you have the same daily routine every day yeah for the most part yeah i work out as much as possible and then just if i have to film film and if not stream and what do you stream on uh i stream on twitch man i keep hearing about that people make insane amounts of money on twitch yeah it's not it's not crazy money but um you could make crazy money i feel like i don't play video games you can gamble like i do i gamble all right i don't care but if you want to gamble off camera off camera off camera i could do this for we set that up for you man i can talk to you forever dude let me tell you this that i'm like profoundly honored that you were willing to do my podcast when you're unwilling to do anybody else's no my i told you my favorite podcast in the world i listened to tim dillon tim dillon he asked me months ago yeah months ago like do whatever joe rogan asked you i would have done i would do it now but months ago i wouldn't do it i would do it now but months ago i wasn't ready but now it's like yo we have all day so what i'm hearing is that uh that the way to expand your comfort zone is to get out of your comfort zone you know like you didn't feel comfortable doing a podcast and then you said [ __ ] it dude i respect stevo i'm gonna do his podcast you know i don't want to i'm gonna drink a little extra but and then here we did it and it wasn't so bad and now like you're thinking man maybe i could do another one no exactly but with you it's like a whole nother level of respect well thanks man i appreciate it you don't understand like how many times like i've re-watched the jackass movie you know what i'm saying like dude we to get you uh special tickets to the premiere for our new jackass for i would love that to be here you and dana me and uncle dana yeah yeah dude uncle dana maybe we will be there but it's it's life's crazy man life is crazy just to be with you just to be here with you and then you showing me the the kind of respect and love that you do why are you damn crazy you're on fire man you're on fire and uh people have been begging for it and and dude we connected we started texting and [ __ ] and like we're bros dude if i could put it there that's crazy i would do what get him on the tattoo show too [ __ ] yeah you're gonna [ __ ] up that hand you said yeah he's down for some pretty dumb tattoos too steve is gonna [ __ ] up my hand hell yeah well hey brother steve will do it man [ __ ] thank you for the good guys oh you're the man dude thank you right no i appreciate you guys it's just crazy did i tell you or what man i wouldn't be surprised if this ends up being our our most uh downloaded and watched episode ever of course maybe i'm wrong who knows but i'll tell you what i'm sure about is that you for sticking around until the very end are the people who i am most grateful for i mean that and i'm not even going to tell you anything except i love you so thanks for [ __ ] watching and listening and all that yeah
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Podcast
Views: 1,846,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steveo, steve o, steve-o, steve o podcast, wild ride podcast, wild ride, wild ride with steve o, jackass podcast, jackass, wildboyz, podcast, standup comedy, steveo's wild ride, scott randolph, paul brisske
Id: vXZ02dZp5jA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 40sec (2560 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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