Doug Stanhope 1992 TV debut on An Evening at The Improv..

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I love him mocking a Mohawk while he’s got that shimmering rug dangling from his dome.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 82 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/klaxor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Awesome post, had no idea Doug was such a dream date, cell mate poster boy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/verbol πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That mullet was both unexpected and totally on brand. Also, his Massachusetts accent is so strong here! I can't imagine Stanhope ever taking elocution lessons to lose it. I guess 30 years away from home and it just faded away?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/faceintheblue πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Very "So I says to the guy, I says..."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Plutoid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great debut.

He's like a skinny Peter Griffen

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mobydikc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow, the mullet has fallen by the wayside yet his edge is as sharp now as it was then.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Templar_Ace πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love that Smokey manages to mispronounce Worcester two ways, so Doug intentionally mispronounces Robinson like any other smartass masshole would do

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MunDaneCook πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man, that accent is thick. He sounds like a Seth MacFarlane character.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/blastfighter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Business in the front.

Week long Bacchanalian wine fueled Greek orgy in the back

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nicknewleaf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
man who was discovered by bud at the las vegas improv and he's originally from muster massachusetts oh that's wooster mustard rooster i couldn't rooster it up it's from worcester massachusetts and this is his national television debut so let's give a nice warm welcome to doug stanhope big round of applause for smookie robinson this is great man isn't this great jesus my television debut right now i should be nervous but uh let's get done working a couple of weeks up through montana and and you think normal stage fright's one thing but uh you know i'm playing for bikers and rednecks and you stand up there i mean normal stage fright's one thing but when you're gonna stand up in front of those guys and me you're looking like some kind of cellmate dream date calendar boy freezing to death too i was up there in february butte montana it was 15 degrees below zero inside the hotel i get out of the shower step down my foot froze to the tile had to pee on myself to get free i've gotten i've worked some great ones lately sucked into work in a punk rock club back in phoenix just now it's about as much fun as bungee jumping by your genitals well the punk rocket the punk rock is it's not the music that bothers me but these guys go out of their way to look like idiots but as soon as they catch you looking at them they cop an attitude you know what the hell are you looking at i don't know a horrible jean splicing accident what someone throw a blow dryer in a bathtub with you he's standing there you got a jet black mohawk with a skin tone about three shades grayer than rigor mortis i don't know what i'm looking at but if wild kingdom was here marlon perkins would tag your ass and track your mating habits [Applause] this is great man this is excellent i'm having fun last road trip i brought my girlfriend on the road with me uh genius that i am well as one night there's a lot of driving we drove 4 700 miles in two and a half weeks and and dingbat gets in a car like she's nine years old all over again she's playing all these like little road games to keep herself amused like we drive over one of these uh cattle guards in a road you know what i'm talking about those grates in a highway we drive over one of these no apparent reason she winds up pops me in the arm so what the hell did you do that for she said didn't you know oh anytime you go over a cattle guard you have to put your thumbs up in the air if you forget you get hit huh didn't you know that sorry it's been a long time since i rode the [ __ ] bus home from a school i said i said screw this man i started playing my own games oh yeah just make them up as i go boom [Laughter] what'd you do that for oh what didn't you know oh yeah anytime you pass a uh southbound 1973 chevy nova with idaho license plates yeah yeah yeah you get to scratch your ass or you get sucker punched in a face didn't you know that i complain a lot but uh people complain about some really weak stuff i was talking to a friend of mine no a big blowout with his girlfriend over having to go buy her tampons like someone's gonna think they're for you and like it's a big bag of laughs for girls to go buy these things like honestly if you're like a clerk in a 7-eleven girl runs in buys nothing but a box of tampons do you even bother saying have a nice day same thing with condoms when guys complain about wearing condoms man guys count your blessings you know i'm getting laid so rarely i don't care if i have to wrap it up in duct tape so listen i it's all my time my name is doug stanhope you guys have been a lot of fun that's great
Channel: jason / shig
Views: 107,969
Rating: 4.8962388 out of 5
Id: EYAP8q4hkG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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