Don't Stop Believing

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welcome and thank you for watching today we hope this message brings you hope and encouragement we also love to be encouraged by hearing from you if God has done something in your life and you would like to share it please email us at saw at our tea tea and church calm that's sa w @ RT T in church calm what is saw here at RT TM we believe in signs and wonders God is always making himself known through his power and one of the best ways is through your testimony we also want to let you know that you could be a part of the RTT and church family and what God is doing here in Chattanooga through giving you can give through our mobile app or through our website just visit our TT n dot Church slash give thanks again for joining us at redemption let's get into the message [Music] [Music] [Music] I want first of all thank God for my father who was here dad would you lift your hand many people lift your hand quit being stubborn and his old age he's getting more stubborn amen I do want to thank God for my dad I'm grateful for him being here today close calls make you grateful for those who are still here with you some time ago dad was dealing with a heart situation in the hospital and in those moments when you're not sure what's going to happen and what has happened everyone hates the call they meant no one likes to call when they get the call dad's on his way to the hospital and I remember going to the hospital just to check on him and praying for him and in those moments you remember the things that he taught you at least that's what I do and I remembered as I was driving to the hospital dad taught me how to bait a hook I know that sounds crazy he taught me how to exaggerate when you tell everyone how big the fish was because we were there we saw it it was this big but in the story you wouldn't believe inside it was this big I'm grateful for the fact that he taught me how to go to church and didn't just teach me to go to church but he took me to church I read a stat I have no clue if it's true or not but I think it's probably very close to being true when a child gets saved three percent of the time the family follows the child to church when a woman gets saved a mama gets saved 33 percent of the time a family comes to church and follows mom to church but when a dad gets right with God ninety-three percent of the time the family come to church and they follow God dad's I don't care how many times you fall I don't care how big of a mess you make the greatest legacy you can ever leave your family is to get back up and go serve God and dad I want to thank you for taking me to the house of the Lord buying me my first set of drums I beat the stew out of those things and I'm here today because of your love and your you're leading me into the things of God I love you and mom and I honor you today we honor every dad today amen how many dads are in the house would you lift your hand dad's I want everyone to help me celebrate these men of God that have got their hands up come on help me celebrate and I want to tell you this that we want to honor you and thank you so much we went out and bought ribs and banana pudding made banana pudding just for you so after this service is over today don't you leave before I get through preaching because if you do the brig's will not be blessed for you amen but when I get through preaching today on your way out we want you to go to the exit in the back we're gonna have ribs and banana pudding for every dad amen and we want to just yeah you didn't know you was going some of y'all didn't know y'all was gonna get that you just all that we should have told y'all that in the beginning because some of y'all would have had a happier worship experience amen but now you know so let the joy of the Lord be your strength praise God on your way out today every dad we have ribs and banana pudding for you and we're grateful for you and we want to honor you today I was thinking of a dad story I could tell on myself real quick while I'm going to the book of Genesis I remember when Jeremiah was first born I was 21 Devin was she had just turned 21 and he was our first and one night I woke up and he had I'm sorry he had just wet the entire bed he slept between Devin and I he had wet the entire bed I said my lord he's dying anybody that went to bed like this there is something drastically wrong with this child get him up we took him to the emergency room in the middle of the night got him to the doctor when we got there the doctor I said I'm crying I'm screaming something wrong with his bladder something's wrong somewhere is just wet the entire bed took his diaper off and the doctor said who put Vaseline all over this baby's diaper and Devon said not me and I turned around and look and she said why did you do that I said I wanted her to be comfortable I had waterproofed the entire diaper and the water just went all over the bed and the doctor said next time let the diaper do the work and you go back to sleep amen so I want to thank God that Jeremiah survived amen amen amen go to the book of Genesis with me today so I said what does that have to do what you're preaching absolutely nothing except that I have the microphone and I'll say what I won't praise God I want you to go to the Bible today I want you to turn to the book of Genesis we're gonna begin in verse 37 chat with those scriptures that I gave you Genesis 37 verse number 5 now Joseph had a dream and he told it to his brothers and they hated him even more so he said to them please hear this dream which I have dreamed there we were binding sheaves in the field then behold sheaf arose and stood upright indeed your sheaves stood all around and bowed down to my sheaf his brothers said to him shall you indeed reign over us or shall you indeed have dominion over us so they hated him even more for his dreams and for his word and he dreams still another dream and told it to his brothers and said look I dreamed another dream this time the Sun the Moon the eleven stars bowed down to me so he told it to his father and his brothers and his fathers and brothers rebuked him and said what is this dream that you've dreamed shall your mother and I on your brothers indeed come to bow down to the earth before you his brothers envied him but his father kept the matter in his mind then his brothers went to feed their father's flock in Shechem and Israel said to Joseph Israel said two jokes Joseph are not your brothers feeding the flock in Shechem come and I will send you to them so he said to him here am I then he said to him please go and see if it is well with your brothers and well with the flocks and bring back word to me so he sent him out of the valley of Hebron and he went to Shechem now a certain man found him and there he was wandering in the field and the man asked him saying what are you seeking he said I'm seeking my brothers please tell me where they are feeding their flocks and the man said they have departed from there for I heard them say let us go to Dothan so Joseph went after his brothers and found him in Dothan when they saw him afar off even before they came near he came near them they conspired against him to kill him they said one to another let this tree look this dreamer is coming come therefore let us now kill him and cast him into some pit and we shall say watch this we shall say some wild beast has come and devoured him we shall see what will become of this dreamer and his dreams but we've been herded and delivered him out of their hands and said let us not kill him and Reuben said to them shed no blood but cast him into the pit which is in the wilderness and do not lay a hand on him that he might deliver him out of their hands and bring back bring him back to his father so it came to pass when Joseph had come to his brothers that they stripped Joseph of his tunic or his coat the tunic for the coat of many colours that was on him then they took him and cast him into a pit and the pit was empty and there was no water in it they sat down to eat a meal and lifted their eyes and looked and there was a company of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead with their camels bearing spices balm and myrrh on their way to carry them to Egypt so Judah said to his brother brothers what profit is there if we kill our brother and conceal his blood come let us sell him to the Ishmaelites and let not our hand be upon him for he is our brother and our flesh and his brothers listen skip down to verse number 31 so they took Joseph's coat killed a goat and dipped Matunuck in the blood then they sent the tunic of many colors and they brought it to their father and said we have found this do you know where it is where whether it is your sons or not and he recognized that watch this watch this father he recognized it and said it is my son's tunic a wild beast has devoured him without doubt joseph is torn into pieces jacob tore his clothes look at this father jacob tore his clothes put sackcloth on his waist and mourned for his son many days all of his sons and daughters rose to comfort him but he refused to be comforted and he said these words for i shall go down into the grave to my son in mourning thus his father wept for him now the Midianite sold him into egypt to Potiphar and officer of pharaoh and captain of the guard i want you to flip over to chapter 45 very quickly as a lot of scripture today but I want you to catch this story this is 22 years after Joseph was lost and Jacob determined his son to be dead 22 years later listen to this verse 25 and the Brothers of Joseph went up out of Egypt Genesis 45 25 and the Brothers of Joseph went up out of Egypt and they came to the land of Canaan to Jacob their father and they told Israel or Jacob saying Joseph is still alive somebody missed it 22 years after thinking he was dead and gone they came back to dad and said dad Joseph is still alive he is governor over not only is alive but Joseph has the hook-up he is governor over all the land of Egypt and Jacob the father's heart Stood Still because he did not believe them but when they told him all the words which Joseph had said to them and when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to carry him the spirit of Jacob their father revived somebody say his spirit revived then Israel said it is enough Jacob said it is enough Joseph my son is still alive I will go and see him before I die look at verse 1 of 46 so Israel took his journey with all that he had and came to Beersheba he offered sacrifices to the god of his father Isaac the God didn't God spoke to him in a vision of the night and said Jacob Jacob he said here am i watch this I'm done verse 3 he said to Jacob in Beersheba I am God the God of your father do not fear to go down to Egypt for I will make you a great nation there I will go down with you to Egypt and will surely somebody say surely somebody said with an attitude say surely I will surely bring you up again and Joseph will put his hand on your eyes may the Lord have his blessing to his word today I want to preach a message through father's not just to father's it's a set up today on Father's Day to talk about this father but I'm not just preaching to fathers I'm preaching through them don't stop believing look at your neighbor right now tell your neighbors say neighbor whatever you do now come on tell them like you mean it say whatever you do don't stop believing come on let's pray father help us today we ask in the name of Jesus time to stand and receive and take this word in us today I thank you Lord for speaking to my heart this week that you wanted to revive the hope of somebody in this house somebody who'd given up hope somebody who would stop believing but I thank you for this word of encouragement on this Father's Day that you're not through yet and what we've given up on you are still working on you are still very much involved in and I just believe today is a turn pen day Lord it's a day when you're going to flip a switch today is a divine moment it's a Kairos opportunity for somebody and I pray Lord that there get in the midst of the report that they've believing let a greater report come up in this house today a report that causes faith to rise up and every dot to dine in the name of Jesus everyone said amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord it's always a challenge to know what direction to go in on these special days like Mother's Day and Father's Day it's it's the day of collision in the church there's a collision between happiness and Thanksgiving and some have sadness and frustration even pain as they look back over the relationship that they've had with their father in the past and some of the chapters of your life with your father may not have been beautiful I want today to somehow by the help of the holy spirit transcend all of the emotion of the day and speak to the spiritual truth and reality that is present in this moment whether you are thankful and happy and grateful for all of the wonderful chapters or whether the past with your father was something that you choose to forget and not to think about I want you to tell you today that your relationship with your heavenly father is to be exponentially greater higher and on a completely different level than even the best relationship we've had with our earthly father that's not to say we should be thankful but it is to say that there is no habla there is no father there's no one as faithful as our Heavenly Father is how many can testify today to his track record how many can testify today to his faithfulness I want to praise him today that he has always been faithful to me in fact when I was reading this text before us today it's the little things in the text that matters sometimes you cannot miss it you you have to pay attention to the fact that God vacillates between this man Jacob Israel goes back and forth between his name I know that that seems trivial but I think it's a very clear reminder of the faithfulness of God even when we are faithless because when you examine the life of Jacob you will see that Jacobs life is like a giant roller coaster Jacob is up one moment I know nobody can relate to this in here everyone in here always lives on a high but Jacob on the other hand is someone who is up and down he's wrestling with God one day lying the next day he's walking with God one day and he's turning his back on God another day there's this Jacob side of him this trickster this supplanter this this this one who is always trying to to take things illegally and yet after the wrestling match with God at Panaya we are told that God smite him smites him on the hip and walks away from this wrestling match with the angel of the Lord and he limps for the rest of his life but the thing about Jacob that day is even though he lost the wrestling match he got the blessing and was granted a name change he went from Jacob to Israel Jacob means trickster but Israel means Prince with God you must understand that life is a is a thing of the metamorphose don't ever judge somebody when they're in a Jacob season because God in His love has an appointment with that man or woman and in their future they're going to find out God always wins and when God wins in your life God will knock the prize you don't have to say Amen but God will knock the pride out of you sometimes God knows how to get us back on our knees again God will take the rebellion right out of you and he'll humble you because the heels melt like wax in the presence of the Lord and God always knows how to get you out of Jacob and into Israel and so when this story goes back and forth between Jacob and Israel it is not that God has schizophrenic it is that God is reminding us that he's the god of the Jacob side just as much as he is the god of the Israelite all can we praise him for that today can somebody help me thank God today that even though you had a Jacob past you have an Israel future and God is not unwilling to be identified with your failure he does not say I'm the God of Abraham Isaac and Israel he said I'm the God of Abraham Isaac I'm thankful God doesn't just claim me because of all the trophies but God claims that stuff in me nobody else is willing to associate themselves with me over God loves me and the about me that nobody everybody else would have act like they didn't know who I was but he is the God of Jacob he's not just the God of when I get my ducks in a row he's the god of me messing up and making all horrible mess out of all of it he goes back and forth between this Jacob and Israel peace he's faithful he's not intimidated by your screw-up and your mess-up he doesn't act like he come on y'all got some kids you ever tried to act like those kids wasn't yours because the way come on y'all have to say Amen just wink at me ever been in the store and your kid was louder than everybody else's in the store screaming going crazy carrying on and people looking around whose child does that belong to I don't have a clue we need to find the parents God claims you miss and all God doesn't just frame the Israel side of you he claims the Jacob side of you the Bible tells us that this man Jacob has 12 sons I won't go through it man there's a word in that for the 12 sons of Jacob but he had one in his old age named Joseph and the Bible said because Joseph was the son of Jacob's old age he was favored by his father now I want to tell you something about favor you came by favor you can't purchase favor you can't be good enough for favor in that favor is so incredible because favor has absolutely nothing to do with the person receiving it it has everything to do with the heart of the one who is demonstrating it and this is good for us today to understand that any favor you have on your life has absolutely nothing to do with you oh I don't know who needs this today but somebody in this room today you need to be on you need to be under the understanding that it was not your voice that made God like you he gave you the voice it wasn't your bank account that may God like you he gave you the account it wasn't your suit and it wasn't your in one your high cheekbones and it wasn't your lips and it what your hair anyone who you run with and it wasn't all your fame none of that drew God to you the reason God loves you has nothing to do with anything you offered him favor is not something you earn favor is something that the father gives look at your neighbor tell them favor ain't fair favor ain't fair I don't have Bishop Jake's taught us this many years ago favor ain't fair you don't earn favor you don't get good enough for favor you don't wake up one morning and achieve favor I want you to understand favor wasn't even your idea honey saver came from God God decided to open those doors for you you better be real careful who you give glory to because it wasn't you that got through that door you didn't wiggle your way into that blessing it was God that was staying up at night while you are asleep arranging your future ordering your steps opening doors no meant and close closing doors no man can open favor is not fair anybody know what it's like to have the favor of God favor the stuff God does for you that you don't deserve I remember several years ago when God gave us the greatest miracle he ever gave us gave us into his if you know favor sometimes will put you in a weird place you don't even know who to share it with I remember several years ago when God gave us the greatest miracle financial miracle he ever gave my church this is six seven years ago a four million dollar offering in one day you ought to baby seat celebrate somebody else's favor yes somebody you say they're people I don't like him why it wasn't me I was on the receiving end I didn't even always come back but I got real thankful you sat on that I don't know you would get real thankful to has God gave your church four million dollars I remember when God gave it to us this is a true story rich Smith I picked my phone up to call my friends to tell my friends what God had done for us and I started scrolling through my contacts and I couldn't think of one person I could call to share that miracle with and did not get skeptical or hate on me y'all ain't gonna say nothing in here y'all go sit up in here and wait on a buffet after church but I'm gonna preach this thing before I walk off this stage I didn't know who to call I was so grateful for the miracle I just wanted to celebrate it with somebody and I thought oh I'll call him but he won't celebrate it oh I'll call him oh but he already don't like what's happening in my life and I sat there and thought I said favor will not only attract people who celebrate favor will put you in a whole nother class of hate some of you are trying to figure out why people don't like you and it has very little to do with you and a whole lot to do with the thing going on in them see what you've got to learn how to do is be grateful even when people hate on you you've got to be grateful even when your enemy rises up I'm not talking about people I'm talking about the devil and how many know that big principalities need personalities to manifest themselves through any time you see somebody hating on the favor of God in your life they're not really it's not really that person what it is is that spirit that hates you trying to find somebody to manifest through and persuade you to believe you don't deserve this can I give you and Hale a newsflash today ain't nobody more aware of the fact that I don't deserve favor than I am but take nobody in this room talk me out of being thankful for receiving something that I know I didn't deserve you gotta know how in the face of adversity and enemies to bless the Lord for all he's not for you [Applause] the Bible said that his brothers hated him because his the favor of the father was on his life but not only did they hate him for favor they hated him because he had a future now we teach this wrong in the church we say his brothers hated him because he had a dream that is not what your Bible says the Bible says they hated him because his father loved him more but they hated him the more because of his dream it doesn't mean that the dream made them hate him it meant that the dream made the brothers hate Joseph more he had favored and the future I want you to slap your neighbor next to you this morning at 9:00 a.m. service and tell him you have favored and the future I don't know if they received it so look over at the other neighbor and tell them you have favor and the future that's why people are going to try to stop you because you have favor and the future that's why the enemy is trying to harass you because you have favor and the future that's why the devil wakes you up in the morning trying to tell you you are not loved because you are loved you are blessed the next time somebody asks you who you think you are ask them how much time do you have let me look at my Apple 3 watch and tell you what time it is I'll tell you who I am I'm blessed and highly favored I'm the head and I'm not the tail I'm not beneath you got to know who you are people will always rise up in your life telling you what you're not but as long as you know the favor of the father and the future you have in him nobody can steal your confidence say I have faith I have a future but as we will understand faith having favor and having a future will often get you into trouble so it was with Joseph he is sent out by his father Jacob now wish I had time to talk about this because the Bible tells us that Jacob or Israel sang man sends out his beloved son Joseph to check on his brothers he sends him initially to Shechem but the Bible says that the young man he was 17 years old I find it interesting that the Bible gives us his age the young man is 17 years old Joseph is 17 years old when Israel sends him out and the Bible says that he is wandering he find he is found in a field wandering around looking for his brothers this says something to me about the relationship between Jacob and Joseph although James Jacob favored Joseph I am not quite convinced Jacob prepared his son as he should have to release him as quickly as he did because Joseph is now lost and wandering in a field read your Bible and the Bible says in the 37th chapter of Genesis that shel Joseph is wandering around in a field looking for his brothers it's the language seems to indicate Joseph had lost his direction he did not know where he was and a man had to come help him find his brothers I want to say this gently as I moved through this text today fathers make sure you prepare your sons for what you're going to release them to don't send them out prematurely we get ourself in a mess in a church sons when we want to go be released before we've been prepared and trained for the assignment at hand how many know one way not to get lost is to walk with somebody who's traveled the path before I'm not gonna get no help in here today but I want to make sure that the young men and the women in this house understand we are grateful for zeal passion fire you've got to go we want to send you but there has to come a point in your life when you prepare yourself for the future God has because you don't know what you're going to get into in your future and we got to make sure you don't get lost in a field looking for your assignment the Bible says and this was mercy this was grace God sent a man into this field to find Joseph and you said your brothers are in Dothan Joseph then sent by his father Jacob goes to Dothan looking for his brothers who are tending sheep and they see him coming afar off and they said here comes this dreamer now heretofore I have preached about Joseph but I'm getting ready now to switch and talk about Jacob because he's really the assignment today because Jacob sends his beloved son out his favored son and the Bible says that the son was close to his heart the heart of the father but he wasn't necessarily close to the heart of the brothers and the brothers see him coming and they say here comes this dreamer watch let us take him kill him and we will tell everybody that a wild beast devoured him don't forget that and one of the brothers Reuben stands up and says let us not have this blood on our hands throw him in a pit god I wish I had time to teach this the Bible said in Genesis that the pit they threw Joseph in was a pit with no water Satan loves drought places in the book of Matthew I preached about it this past week at youth camp the Bible said watch this when a demon is cast out of a man that the demon goes throughout the earth looking for a dry place I found out that the devil likes to hide in dry places and I want you to see this picture here is a man favored a man with a future who's been thrown in a drought pit how many know that the enemy wants to show up in a dry place and try to tell you how your life is over and they throw him in a pit sold into potiphar's into the hands of the Midianites who then is takes him and sells him into the hand of Potiphar now watch this when they come back and Reuben cannot find him they take his coat they strip off this coat this coat of many colors as it has been called throughout history this tunic this this one-piece garment that is special given by his father and they take this garment watch this and they kill a goat they dip the tunic this coat of many colors that was on Joseph in the blood of the goat and take the bloody garment back to the father and the father says this garment is my son's a wild beast don't miss it has devoured him what does that sound like it sounds exactly like what the brother said when they said let's get rid of them don't miss it the brother said let's get rid of him and kill him and tell him allowed beasts devoured him what are you making this point for pastor because the same devil that was telling the brothers how to get rid of their son is the same devil telling the father that the son is already dead and is gone beyond hope see the Spirit is talking to the family god help me preach today this spirit is talking to everybody in the family it's telling the brothers tell them that a wild beasts kill them but did when they find the couch and they take it to Jacob Jacob hears that same voice and said a piece killed him how do we know why do we get all this wild beast talk because the devil's talking to the family and he says my son don't miss it my son who I love is dead and I shall go down to the grave mourning for my lost son and that is where God put a pin from me this week I had something I was gonna preach on the radar but the Lord said to me this week in prayer somebody is hopeless about something they love they have given up hope and stop believing and they have said it's over Jacob loved Joseph and now the thing that Jacob loves that evidence of it is now before him it is a coat of many colors that belong to Joseph and blood is dripping off the coat and Jacob looks at the evidence and said the thing I love is dead be careful what you say out of your mouth based on voices that you hear but you cannot see Satan is trying to tell somebody in this room today that thing you love the thing you cared about the thing you've been wanting the thing that you've shown love - the thing that you've asked God for the future the ministry the marriage the family the child the relationship the husband the wife whatever it is that was precious and dear to you the thing you cared about the thing that kept you up at night the thing you were believing God for the thing that you just hoped would come to pass one day you got to be real careful how you interpret the evidence because sometimes Satan will bring you a coat that is that is soaked in blood and you will think that is the end of my ministry that is the end of my future that is the end of my marriage that is the end of my relationship with my children the business is dead I'm bankrupt it's over there's no hope for my future my past is not my best days were in my past my future is hopeless I will mourn the rest of my life I will be miserable for the rest of my days the thing I love is now goal the problem with the church is we come to church like that oh you don't have to say Amen you don't have to say just wiggle a little bit squirming you see you know what I'm talking about we come to church and we hear these kind of messages and we believe all God he's preaching to somebody else he can't possibly be preaching to me I saw the evidence I saw Joseph's coat in blood Joseph was devoured by a wild beast he is dead my life will never be the same my future is forever ruin I'll never have any hope anymore and we consign ourselves to morning he stayed in this place of mourning and all of his sons and daughters come around his bed and the Bible said they tried to comfort him but he would not be comforted there's some people in this room today you are satisfied when somebody Pat's you on the back of their oh praise the Lord you are less than highly favored you're blessed coming in and let's go and out blessed in the city interview and that's all you need to be to feel blessed but there are some people in this room today all that don't move you all that church talk don't help you none people come up and pat you on the back you've been blessed and highly favored God's got his hand on your life and why are you smiling on the outside only in saga I just want to tell you what I think about you you don't know how long I've been in this mess you don't know how long I've been screwed up on the inside you have no law you'd have no clue how many tears I've cried how many nights I've been up how many times I've walked my floor how many times I've told myself there's no reason for living and you're up here with your look yourself your law estee lauder and your new ease and your new perm and your nice nails and your high heels telling me how God is this so good to you I'm thankful he's been good to you but inside somewhere there's a disconnect for me because Joseph I wish I could tell you that thing lasted a week but 22 years Jacob the old man sat on his bedside I know they didn't have pictures but if they did he was looking at that picture of Joseph every day of his life the image of Joseph in his mind he cannot forget the time that he walked down the brook the times that he ran out in the field with the boy Jacob loved Joseph his son because Joseph was the son in his old age can you see can you see Jacob the old man and he rises up one more time Hey takes the son out with him and he have fun and he's thinking in his old age God thank you for Joseph he woke me up again I got new life again but now that memory is painful the cherished thought is now hurtful thorn in the conscious of an old man who is sitting on his bedside dying on the inside for 22 years he cannot be comforted and we got people in the church who can't stand a trial for one week Oh God well I want God to hurry up and do it the problem is you're not ready yet some people listen there's there's a lack of brokenness in the church I'm gonna preach this thing right here there's a lack of brokenness in the church this this hardiness that we all of a sudden started having when listen you've got to preach the kingdom and you've got to talk about authority but don't ever mistake it there is no way there is no shortcut shortcut into the presence of God you still got to have a broken and a contrite spirit there are some people who haven't wept enough tears I'm not talking about earning something I'm talking about being in the place of Thanksgiving to God true authentic when you're just grateful to have survived and you look back over your life and you know it was the Lord Joseph 22 years he is being told every day in his mind is dead all the while what he believes is dead God is raising up can I tell you that some of the things you thought were dead God is still working on and the pain of it is that you can't see what God is up to Egypt is miles and miles away from where Joseph elder Jacob is Egypt is that's where Joseph was Joseph was in Egypt Egypt is miles and miles away from Israel Joseph is in Egypt his father Jacob is back in Israel and Jacob does not have the luxury of seeing what God is doing in the life of Joseph sometimes you got to learn how to keep on believing even when you can't see what you're believing for sometimes you got to know family that God is up to something even when you cannot see what God is up to there are seasons in your life that make great sense and they provide great joy and they seem to validate that God's hand is on your life but there are other chapters there are other seasons when you wake up every day thinking about Joseph not knowing that what you feel like is dead God is really working on right now oh gosh I by odama Sundaya the Bible said that Joseph was in Egypt Jacob was in Israel for 22 years Jacob is thinking Joseph is dead and one day a famine comes to Israel and everybody is forced to go to Egypt to get some food and who in the world is the Viceroy and the vice president and the food manager of Egypt it just happens to be the one they hated and threw in a pit you got to watch people who walk with God because people who walk with God can be in a pit in Chapter 1 and wind up the vice-president in the last chapter of the story you got to be careful who you throw in a bit you got to be careful who you count out you got to be careful who you call off and say God can't bless them cuz gotta bless some people just to show you you're not God and you can't stop what God is up to with God's favor is on your life gotta open doors for you even when haters are trying to lock the padlock and keep you out God is for you even along the journey they'll put you in prison because Potiphar's wife lied on ya but even in the prison your gift will make room for you because all you got to do is interpret the dream all you got to do is wait on the butler and the Baker I don't know who I change the preach to today but a butler and the Baker are on the way into your life you say why do I need a butler because a butler is somebody that walks up to a door and says it's time to come on in and a baker is somebody that takes the end of the day they pull it out of the oven I want you to slap somebody and tell your neighbor neighbor a butler and a baker are on their way into your life God's getting ready to open up the door for you Bobby can suck God's can ready to work something together for your good somebody give God praise the Bible says that in Egypt out of prison out of Potiphar's house into the last presidency God gives Josephus strategy and the strategy is safe because seven years of increase are going to be followed by seven years of famine and they store up enough corn in Israel to last through seven years of famine and Egypt rather not Israel Egypt has all of the produce and everybody from surrounding areas has to come to Egypt to eat from the hand of Joseph and see this old man Jacob on the bathroom see this old man Jacob sitting on the side of his bed 22 years of Tears 22 years of mourning 22 years of the devil whispering in his ear took Joseph out of your life 22 years of it will never be the same 22 years of the best is behind you 22 years of you have no future 22 years of sitting in a pool of his own tears believing he will never see his son again and all of a sudden hunger drives the family and they come into the presence of Joseph and here's what your Bible says they did not know it was Joseph here are the sons that put him in a pit and they looked at Joseph and didn't even know him why didn't they know him because he didn't look like the way they left him oh my god I'm getting ready to start us fighting here today I'm telling you you don't look like I don't know how you are in the Bible says that they came into Joseph's presence and they didn't know it was Joseph so the Bible says he knew it was them he sends them back watch this to get his father he said right here partner said right here for Mama finishes and just hallelujah he sends him back to get his father he said is my father Jacobs still alive come on in here y'all can preach - come on come on we could preach right through that the Bible says that they went back to get Jacob Jacob by this time is over a hundred and thirty years old can you see him in his house looking through his mud wall all of a sudden the entourage of Pharaoh shows up and they come in does getting eleven brothers come in and say daddy you're not gonna believe this 22 years the man was sitting on the side of his bed thinking that it is over twenty-two years of being persuaded to believe that the best was behind him in the future was not worth living for and all of a sudden in one moment what it took years for the enemy to bury him under in 22 years one report turns the entire situation around I want to praise God today whose report will you believe I shall believe that report on the Lord 22 years something's been telling you it can't live but I came today to tell somebody keep on believing what you thought was dead growling I got a preach look at Genesis 45 oh I'll show you something I'm gonna give you two things I'm gonna get out your hair or your toupee or your weave or your extensions or whatever you brought with you look at chapter 45 verse number 20 let's go to 6 it looks good Joseph they said to their father is still alive look over at the person next to you and say you're your miracle is still alive come on tell them your ministry is still alive come on tell them your future is still alive come on you already buried yourself but I've come to tell you rip the death certificate up it ain't over yet Joseph is still alive what's this Joseph is still alive not only is he alive he's governing all of Egypt can you imagine the daddy sitting there thinking my 17 year old boy was is dead in a pit somewhere his bones have already been taken somewhere and now all of a sudden not only is his son not dead but his son is the last president of Egypt the Bible said that the report was so crazy that Joseph that Jacobs heart started stopped beating his heart Stood Still cuz he could not come on did a Macho Man Hulk Hogan some of y'all went laughs if you saw an ad carry an elephant across the church this morning you ain't all that important we're gonna laugh anyway hallelujah he could not believe Jacob was still Joseph was still alive watch don't miss it I almost missed it but don't miss it do you know in his heart revived it wasn't when he heard the word you got come a look at you never say get the word get the word get the word get the word come on say get the word get the word get the word you got to catch this word today what you thought was dead isn't dead but though the man's heart did not revive when he got the word his heart revived when he looked out the window and saw the wagon the wagon touch your neighbor say neighbor your ride is here oh my god I'm get ready to preach before I go to my dressing room your ride is here look at your other neighbor I don't think that neighbor caught it look over at your other neighbors say Haim they're your ride is here it's time for you to get out of your house this time for you to come out of this morning it's time for you to come out of this depression Cinderella your ride is here you waited 22 years for God to come and pick you up and I just have to tell you God is generated above you from [Music] people daddy's here your dad is here yo I don't know why you're here I don't know why you're crying your wagon is out front [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're right after the breakthrough get rid of happen a bull shunned another somebody's home is being resurrected right now somebody's belief is get raised up right now y'all rad blasting it up through not only do you have to receive the word not only do you have to catch the wagon but finally you've got to give God praise watch watch watch watch go to the first verse please on the 46 chapter Israel Jacob took his journey with all that he had came to Beersheba and did what come on talk to me church he offered sacrifices to God keep going next verse watch this then God spoke to Israel in the in the visions of the nine said Jacob Jacob and he said Here I am watch this he goes through Beersheba and in mere Sheba before he ever sees James Joseph faced elder he started praising God for when he had not seen yet go back to verse 1 go back to verse 1 go back to verse 1 he took his journey with all that he had kids and grandkids and great-grandkids donkeys and goats sheep and camels this is an old man who gets all of his stuff and starts moving and somewhere on the journey he looks at all of his family he document quick and he looks at all of his cattle and he looked at all of his kids and on his way to see what was still alive that he thought was gay Jacob said hold on a minute I need to have a praise break on my way to see Joseph first of all I need to all forgot a sacrifice not for what he's done not just for what he's gonna do but for what he's already done when I look out in this field Jacob said I see my family I see my grandbabies I see all the cattle and I know it was God who did it so I gotta give God a praise right now somebody needs to give God praise right now you gotta take inventory and if you know there's some stuff in your life that God did you need to give it praise for and right now I'm looking at people who are not praising God and I'm trying to figure out why you're not praising God it must mean he's not done anything for you anything not only was he offering praise because of what God had already done but he was offering praise that in a few days he was gonna be living in a new house in a land called Egypt and they role was gonna have to pay the bill and he was gonna look at his son who the devil said was dead and he said before I ever st. Joseph's uncle praise Donald credit and give God glory for what he's about to do if my wife somebody praise Allah rise God what what is generated to do with your life praise God for what is getting ready to do in your family praise God for what is get ready to do with your better straight [Applause] [Music] I'm through with this and we got to go Oh what you thought was dead stand with me I'm through preaching what you thought was dead it's still alive you just can't stop believe well taco shack there are only two options God simplifies the whole thing for us down to two options whose report will you believe we shall believe the report of the Lord I got one voice saying is dead but I just looked out the window and the wagon has come to pick somebody up today you're not going to stay stuck where you been your ride is here [Music] they take him in the wagon all the way to go she go Shin where the light never gets turned off cowshed where favor is flowing like a river Goshen that place in Egypt that God set aside for the people of God and even when the curse tried to come in the curse could not enter Goshen that was God's land for his people even in a foreign place God said to that father I need to say this to some daddy in here today spiritual fathers biological fathers I need to say this to you today it's the same words but that third verse up there if you don't mind keep playing Brian I'm in the spirit right now he said to Jacob in his old age in Beersheba see that's somebody in here today you don't feel like you have long to live I don't care if you live one more day or another decade God will do what he said he don't mean don't miss this he doesn't need more time than you have left he doesn't need more time than you have left he's able to reach back and all those moments we lost and rapini 22 years of waiting and daddy walks into the room and the Bible said Joseph and his daddy Jacob fell on each other's neck kissed one another and embraced from home you say can you please break that hug up that's getting weird y'all been hugging too long Oh be quiet you don't know how long I've been waiting on this miracle promises to dance today before we go home God visited dad in a place called Beersheba and said to him I am God the God of your father do not be afraid to go down to Egypt for I am with you like this and I will make you a great nation there don't miss this don't miss this don't miss this they went into Egypt 70 strong they came out a mighty nation [Music] or they Castle down Amish what are you saying master I'm saying that you have underestimated God's ability to reproduce through your life you think God's got to finish it all in your lifetime but that's why God gave you the ability to reproduce both biologically and spiritually because it will never be finished in you alone it will always come through your sons and daughters your latter will be greater than your past you will be blessed more than you can ask despite all the pain has been done your best is yet to come because of Jesus your ladder will be great your ladder will be great you ladder will be greater than your pants if there's anybody in here who's given up on something thinking it was bad something's come back to life in you today lift your heads were you standing and receive the grace of God for this word that come to pass in your life right now you want to know where Jesus keep praising if you want to know where Jesus is in this text Jesus is in that bloody goat who was slain in the story they thought they were covering but the coat of their brother Joseph but really the goat typifies the lamb who was slain to cover the sins of the brothers we need to praise God this morning for the lamb that was slain to cover our sins come on somebody come on stop on it [Applause] I wish you would praise the Lord in here [Music] if somebody near you lifted their hand up because they receive this word reach over stretching come on lift your hand if that with you I want to pray for you before we go if you stretched your hand up and you said pastor something's coming back to life in me something's coming back to life in my heart again stretch your hand up I wanna know who I'm prayin for right now if their hand is up near you just lay your hand over on their shoulder I rebuke the lie of the enemy off of their lives now in the name of Jesus lives that have kept them from believing lies that have tried to provide evidence suggesting that the thing they are passionate and the thing that they love and the thing that they are hoping for is somehow irrevocably and irretrievably lost the devil is a liar what you gave up on sir what you gave up on ma'am God has been building it you haven't been able to see what he's up to you haven't seen the elevation of Joseph thus you thought Joseph was dead but Wow you were away and while you were crying tears I want to tell you God was working on what was on your heart Holy Ghost lift your hands all over this room right now thank God for new beginnings today come on thank you thank you me thank him that's not something you do silently thank you then it was shot thank you thank you Mike a proponent but God ain't through with it I told myself that would never happen got him through with it Lord I pray a blessing over your people today I pray the power of the Holy Spirit would seal the word today I pray for somebody whose faith has languished and their trust and belief in the promises somehow subsided the enemy has persuaded them to believe it's over not today devil get it behind us and under our feet right now we shall believe the report of the Lord today by the grace of God were going from glory to glory your wagon is here your ride is ready now as you go today go believing that what God has started in you God is faithful to finish faithful to to restore your spirit is being revived today in the name of Jesus let's give them one more big praise [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] oh come on dads we love you we love everybody we're honored today the dads are with us on your way out if you would go to the lobby get some ribs and banana pudding it's on us a little token of our honor and love for you god bless you as you leave today we'll see you Wednesday night right here in the house of the Lord go in the peace of God [Music]
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 5,001
Rating: 4.8356166 out of 5
Id: Bzx5IhcPI4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 44sec (4124 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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