Radar: Recognizing and Discerning Assignments and Responsibilities.

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give me about 45 minutes 30 minutes this morning to go through second Corinthians 10 I'm in a series called the radar how many know we've been talking about developing the radar on the inside that that discernment to know what is God and what is not God and what is the Lord calling us to last Sunday I was gonna preach the sermon that I'm gonna preach today but we got into something last Sunday how many know we got into some last Sunday amen how many still loved the dove I said how many still loved the dove so today I want us to read these scriptures off the wall I'm gonna talk about radar now I don't usually preach with acronyms because I'm not I do a lot of alliteration but I'm not real good at acronyms but this is from the Lord when I get some like this that fits it's from the Lord because my brain ain't smart enough to think like this without the help of God but I want to talk about the radar today if I say radar recognizing and discerning assignments and responsibilities somebody say that would be recognizing assignments and responsibilities look at your neighbor and inform them tell them neighbor you are not called to do everything they got offended so look over at the other neighbor and tell your other neighbor you are not called to do everything so let's go ahead and put all this to rest our just foolishness and craziness you dragging us into all your drama because you're trying to do everything and have found out recently you have limits how many know you have limits what we have to do is find our limits and work within our assignment and my prayer today is your pastor and someone that loves you is I hope I can get you into a place and a posture today where you get freed from the pressure of performing and achieving expectations that others other than God have put on your life and my prayer is that you'll start operating in a piece that comes from knowing I am doing what I am assigned and responsible to do let's read this together off the screen this is second Corinthians chapter 10 verse 12 out of the NIV the nearly inspired version come on let's read their might let's read this together we do not dare with some who commend themselves when they measure themselves by themselves and comparing themselves they are not why look at somebody tell them they are not wise next verse we however will not boast beyond our proper limits but will confine our boasting watch this to the sphere of service has a a sphere that also includes now I want to I'm going to take off on this scripture from Paul writing to the Church of Corinth because what he's trying to address in this text he's trying to get at false apostles who came in boasting he's really not talking about what I'm going to talk about day but he makes mention of something that is germane and pertinent for my assignment today it's almost like he says it in a by phrase but I want to pull something out of it today he says we only boast within the limits God gave us and we're only going to talk about that sphere of service God has assigned to us you have an assignment and you have responsibilities and sometimes finding the assignment and the responsibility we are to do is first realized by discovering what we're not supposed to be doing so today I want you to pray for me and I want to pray for you as I talk about discerning your assignment and your responsibility Holy Spirit I thank you for your presence I thank you for the power of God that has moved and flowed in this worship service today Devon and I and my family God thank you for the honor shown honor we do not feel we deserve Oh God but we are grateful for people who love us and we do not take that lightly and God today as I operate in my Metron and as they're standing the place I'm assigned to I thank you that my influence the influence you have given me the spiritual authority you have put into our lives God we are not able to use that for your glory and to bless your people I thank you as I preach and teach today the Holy Spirit of God is going to work through this vessel card into the lives of your people will come the word of the Lord and the word of the Lord will renew and wash it will cleanse us and make us new on the inside and I pray today in Jesus name that everybody father who hears the word of the Lord today would come up higher into a place Lord of activation where we not just know something but we we do something and we activate what you called us to that there be a release on people today let there be an activation in come on somebody needs to catch that word I keep hearing it activate us today God we will not sit and waste our lives we will be activated in the assignment and be responsibilities you've called us to and everyone who believed it said Amen let's give God one more praise all over the house come home oh come on they get back up real quick that was a pattycake I said somebody give God a real good praise right there do it on purpose tool it on purpose hallelujah you can be seated save people in this room I have a feeling that if I polled 100% of saved people no sane person would look at me and say I don't want to do the will of God everybody in this room today who really has a redeemed heart and a renewed spirit I want you to know that it is absolutely normal and it is absolutely perfectly okay for you to want to know you are in the will of God for your life what's a person wants to spend the rest of their life wasting it by doing something they're not sure if they're supposed to be doing I want to wake up every morning know knowing that I am living on purpose for a purpose I want to know that I'm operating and living in my assignment there are some things that we're called to do that require a spiritual radar and we have to discern it but that's not where I want to start them or get there today but that's not where I want to start because I think a more appropriate place to start when talking about discerning and recognizing the assignment and the responsibilities that God has called us to it is to begin with the stuff that everyone in here is called to because there are some people who are so frustrated with not knowing a specific picture of what they are assigned and responsible for that they have missed the general assignment there is there are no huh I'm fixing the gift some people real ticked off right here there are some things you don't have to go pray about spiritual sister spiritual brother got to have an angel at the end of my bed telling me what to do no no no there are some things you don't have to pray about there are some things all of us are called to so before we get to how we're gonna determine who we marry and where we work and what calling we have on our lives let's talk about what the Bible says everybody should be doing the first thing that is the will of God for everybody is found in first Thessalonians chapter 5 when Paul said it is the will of God in everything to give thanks Oh [Applause] this shouldn't be roughing out a bless you but everybody in here no matter what you look like where you came from how much you got in your bank account it don't matter what you have going for you or against you it is the will of God how do I know what the will of God is it is the will of God for everybody to give thanks in all seasons it does not say to give thanks for everything it says to give thanks in everything there are some things I can't be thankful for but there's never been a season I couldn't be thankful in oh come on y'all there are some things that have happened to me that I wasn't necessarily thankful for but there's never been anything happened to me that I couldn't be thankful in some of us want to be we want to be our soaked who we want such clarity only a sign that God is giving us and the responsibility God has put in our life and we want to know should I turn left shouldn't turn right about the house should about the other the condo should I marry her should I marry her to marry him should I marry him at the end of the day if you haven't practiced Thanksgiving you are already out of order everybody come on look at your neighbor sitting next to you right now tell them in everything give thanks I know it ain't Thanksgiving I know it's not November I know we're not getting ready for Black Friday the shop this coming Friday but in everything it is in order to be a thankful person and nobody should have to beg you to be thankful nobody should have to ask you to be thankful nobody should have to pull on you to be thankful you ought to wake up and put your feet in them on the floor every morning and be thankful no matter what you're dealing with that there's a graveyard down the road from you with a whole bunch of people who are begging for the problems you're complaining about that somebody tell them be thankful that's the will of God not only is it the will of God to be thankful but Paul goes on to say in first Peter chapter 2 verse 15 it is God's will for every one of us to do good works you don't have to go pray about this you don't have to go and ask God if he wants you to do a good work go do it in fact some people act like they have an option if they should do good or not Christians the Bible said in Matthew chapter 5 let your light shine before men that men may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven what if I told you your good works were a reflection of the goodness of the Father on planet Earth how can you describe describe and demonstrate the goodness of God and you hateful out of time and flip-off everybody on the interstate and cut side up y'all don't have to say Amen just wink at me I know I'm preaching truth it's his will for us to be engaged in good works because when we engage in good words this is what first Peter 2 said first 15 you don't have to pray about this this is the will of God for everybody who's saying if you've got a redeemed renewed spirit if you've been born again something changed on the inside of us and our behavior ought to reflect the newness of life that we have experienced in Christ if you are hateful before you got saved even if it takes them a while to get it out of you you ought not be as hateful now that the Holy Ghost is living on the inside of you as you are but come on in here somebody good works let somebody tell them good works good works you don't have to pray about good works you don't have to ask God should I do this good work you should just do good works the third thing I'm moving through this quickly the third thing that is a non-negotiable this is for everybody how do I know what the will of God is this is going to be fun 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 3 ready and my buckle up this is a heavy one he said flee sexual immorality for it is the will of God that we all live sanctified well I need to pray about that no you don't you need to live holy you don't have to pray about nothing you don't have to pray if there's a listen if we live in a very carnal culture we live in a very carnal culture where carnality and sexual perversion and sexual immorality have now been glorified and almost ordained as normality please hear me your temple your body is still the possession of the Holy Spirit you are not your own what you look at and what you listen to and what you fellowship with and what you sleep with is heavy in here I should have saved this one for Wednesday night and not Sunday morning but the reality of it is your temple is still the temple of the Holy Spirit and you've got the responsibility you don't have to pray about this this is what God has called us to even the sanctification of our lives the Bible said it's his will for all of us to live sanctified well you know brother Wallace you you the preacher you should live sanctified it's optional for me that's the problem and it is what I believe the culprit to be in the kingdom of God that is robbing us of Kingdom Authority and Kingdom power we have too many customizable Christians we want to have saved men but we want to customize the word we want to customize our interpretation and instead of looking at the word as a mirror and it reflecting the flaws the imperfections and the fallacies of our own spirit and us moving and migrating toward a perfect picture of Christ in the word we now look into the word and see our false flaws and fallacies and instead of coming up higher we reduce the word and we customize the word and pick and choose you don't have to say in there but we pick and choose the word to accommodate the coping nekton of thinking and being taught it's all right to live with sin in our life when in reality the Bible said be holy as I am holy if you want God to bless you it's not optional to come out from among the world and be a separate people this is not optional this is for everybody at the church deacons and Usher's and preachers and pastors and apostles and prophets evangelists pastors it's for everybody in the church and then just this other thing here Ephesians chapter 4 I have written down in my notes it's not optional to get planted Psalm chapter 1 blessed is the man or woman that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the way of the center or sits in the seat of the scornful this is Psalm chapter 1 but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in the law does he meditate most day and night and he shall be like a tree rivers of living water that brings forth fruit in his season his leaf shall not wither and whatsoever he does it shall prosper i'm in psalm chapter 1 right here the reason some people never come into a season and never flourish is because they never get planted where is my help at in here you cannot float from church to church blaming leadership for your lack of opportunity when you haven't been planted anywhere i'm not gonna get no help right here but you haven't been planted anywhere long enough to grow couple weeks ago a couple weeks ago some dude comes flying across the ridge stoned out of his mind and drove through my front yard i got it on video i'm watching this on my video system i'm saying [Applause] I'm gonna hit on 55 miles an hour old rich head I'd not have giant boulders in my yard he drove into my kitchen and it had been all men but he not this tree I got these three trees my man hit a tree and not the tree out of its hole you know what I'm talking about bill takes care of my god not the tree out of my hole and it's it's all brown now and it was doing good until he planted it and some of y'all were doing real good until you got Ike Clanton and you are not created to function well if you don't get planted in the house of the Lord Ephesians chapter 4 and every joint supplies and we all do what we're called to do it is not listen before you can touch the nation's you've got to touch your neighbor or I should got a little bit more help on that way before you can touch the nation's you've got to be willing to touch your man how you go in the nations and you can't say hello to your neighbor and I'm talking about the one sitting next to you right now reach over and tell them hello who are called to the nations he cut know you not cultured our nation's you can't be called to the nation's when you can't love people who are in your same zip code no there's something wrong with that it's not ends of the earth it's Jerusalem Judea Samaria then the ends of the earth what qualifies you for regions and for nations is that you successfully accomplished a feat in your own region [Applause] there's a reason when God took us through transition a year and a half ago he gave me a specific word Redemption to the nation's because the first place we had to start was the city he planted us in if you can't do it in the city you're planted in how can you be a qualified to go to the nation's if you can't serve in this house yeah it's coming home now and I'm not everybody's called to work in the kids Department I'm not necessarily called to work in the kids Department you probably don't want me working in the kids Department your children shall not don't want me work in the gym you know if I kept children they would come home on a sugar coma you want another sucker here's another one Father Son and Holy Ghost have another sucker praise the Lord that's how I take care of kids you want you want to cry give me another ring Papa that baby hallelujah I'm not called to take care of kids but I'm operating in my calling right here some of you are called to take care of kids and you ain't what's wrong some of you are gifted to singing you ain't what's wrong do you seriously think God gave you a gift to sing so that you can listen to yourself in the shower the devil is a liar you better get up on that stage and start singing because God is trying to add to the sound that is being released from this house the greatest gifts that ever come from this place are not necessarily preaching gifts some of the greatest gifts that ever are released from this house are the smiles that 15 members give every Sunday hugs that we give away parking attendants that say God bless you come over here and park please we know how to take care of people here don't think that happens apps accidentally the reality of it is some of you are gifted to serve in this house and you got your eyes on bigger prizes and God said the reason that door hadn't open yet cuz you ain't flourished where you're planted preach Wallace preach not somebody tell them flourish where you're planted get involved where you have an opportunity stop sitting down pouting about what door has been open and thank God that will Mary Walker you and said would you like to help us in the parking lot why yes I would I've been looking for something to do at this church for a long time these things are not optional you don't have to pray about this serve sanctification give thanks do good these are things all of us are called to do look at your neighbor and inform your neighbors say you are not better than that you're not better than that that is something that every day I have to live - oh I want to go down so many roads here lord help me Jesus cuz I get sick and tired of arrogant preachers y'all ain't never dealt with them but let me get some things off my chest real quick I get sick and tired of arrogant preachers listen if you call to be an apostle be a relational apostle don't get there late leave early and half listen if you got 12 people in your church and six of a month's security team you you got problems because the other six came in the car with you and they call you daddy and husband listen we got this thing going we got this crazy syndrome in the church we are infatuated with titles we are infatuated with being in the glitz and the glamour something is wrong with that Jesus was the King of glory but got a robe and took his robe I'll put a towel around him and wash the disciples feet you are not qualified to leave if serving is under or above you these are things all of us are called to so when we talk about discernment you don't have to go pray about what I just talked about just go do it live holy abstain from sexual immorality well you know I felt like God wanted me to you know God wanted me to be with them are you married no but you know I felt like God warned me to try it out oh it got real right there live holy when you feel like you're tempted sexually do not listen to me clearly if you don't hear anything else I say listen to me clearly God never called you to stand around and fight off sexual temptation do you know what you do when you get in the middle of a sexually tempting moment you don't stand there and bind the devil you don't stand there I rebuke you Satan you don't stand no no no what you do is you put on your Reeboks and you run that's what the Bible says flee fornication it doesn't say find it rebuke it withstand it instead put your Nike Air Jordans put your Kevin Durant song put your adidas ultra boost old and take your tail and run just as fast as you can you are not created to withstand the moment like that and be able to fight it like you find everything else God knew what our weaknesses with me so he said don't stand there try to deal with it run from it brothers brothers uh-huh I'm feeling something right here I'm talking to somebody today brothers if she comes on to you do one of two things at very dumb or get really spiritual it works she comes on you to her or both work both work I was in Lee University I was 17 years old and I had never had a girlfriend in my life don't feel sorry for me saved a lot of money and a lot of heartbreak I never forget I was 17 she was 27 and we were going to lunch I thought until she took me to a cul-de-sac and there were no McDonald's or KFC in the cul-de-sac and she leaned over and try to plant one owe me and closed the eyes I laid my hands on her head and said rabbi shake that's a true story before the Lord it's a true story she put it in park and drove me to use fall drop me off somebody else anyway he just crazy no when you weight with integrity stand up girl you us on a scale of one to ten she's an 11 don't you ever don't you ever think about it for a moment if you live holy gotta let you marry over your head got all y'all better help somebody in here today lord have mercy I better quit I'll take her out on the town right now live holy live how they do good walk sanctified serve get planted this is for everybody so there are some things all of us are called to do there are those things we have to decide on however that are beyond the scope of general revelation for the entire body of Christ there are those specific peculiar assignments and responsibilities that God dispenses upon you that are not for everybody else there are things you are called to that are tailored for your life finding those things in certain moments can be a very challenging thing because if you will remember the first message that I started with in this series you have the Satanic suggestions you have the voice of the Spirit of God and you have your own internal voice you have those three voices coming at you on the inside satanic suggestions the voice of the Holy Spirit and then your own heart your own voice discerning what voice you are hearing is key to determining your assignment and responsibility if you don't know what voice you're hearing you could hear a voice that plugs the right chord in your heart but it may not be the will of God for your life I want to suggest two things for you listen not every door that opens in your life is God's door for your life it could be a good door sometimes good gets in the way of God sometimes we are so enamored with a good opportunity that we missed the God opportunity I was talking to someone this past week in fact it was the school of prophets which by the way I'm so proud of all of our students from RSM they graduated last Sunday and we just celebrate all of our sons and daughters it was amazing and if you are looking let me just say this is a shameless plug in the middle of my sermon if you are looking for a place to become a part of a family to grow in what God's called you to do to be in a place that will love you and let you be a part of the ministry but also teach you how to discern your responsibilities and your assignments I think RSM redemption school of ministry would be the great place for people in this house and we're getting in full so if there's anybody who wants to be a part of it that's a part of our church family you need to reach out to RSM dot org or call the office because we got people coming from literally across America to be a part of this next semester so that's the shameless plug I said all that to say this when it comes to discerning and recognizing the assignment on our life what God has and what God has not called us to do every door that opens for you is not always the door you should walk through you should always ask the question is this God you should never blame God foolishly for what you didn't pray for before you made the decision in other words if you didn't ask God about it before you made the decision if you didn't get a green light from heaven before you made the decision you should never blame God that it doesn't work out because I promise you he would have told you had you taken the time to say God is this your will good can become the enemy of God the second thing I want to tell you is that every time God shuts a door it doesn't mean life is ending some of us need to understand that when God shuts the door it is only because he is preparing us for something that I our eyes haven't seen in our ears haven't heard yet there is always something greater if God ever closes a door mature Saints never judge prematurely a shut door some people judge some people judge a shut door prematurely and they give up hope mature saints of God understand that when he closes the door they should start looking for another one where you go ahead in here God will never close off one thing unless he it's actually a reason for you to bless the Lord when he closes something off it meant that he loved you too much to keep you from something that would have been good it ain't that it would have been bad it would have been all right but it just wasn't exactly what he had in store if God ever closes something off if a group of people ever turn their back on you don't let it make you cry too many nights don't let it keep you up too many nights in fact there come a time in your future where the people who turn their back on you you gonna write everyone of them a thank-you card thank you thank you for talking about me thank you for lying on me thank you for turning your back on me because had you let me in your clique and have you let me in your club that door over there would have never opened up but because God is good all the time he refuses to let you stay in a place where it's just good he's getting ready somebody needs to catch this right here he's getting ready to take you from glory to glory and rejection may be the clue look at somebody tell them rejection may be the clue don't panic when God shuts the door and don't be so quick to run through every open door I've had to learn how sometimes the most spiritual thing I can do is say no to a great opportunity because it wasn't God now I do not want to present to you today a formula that will without fail calls you to walk in the perfect will of God because I don't believe after reading the scriptures and living a Christian life for over 20 years I don't believe God makes it a BCP 1-2-3 formula formula formula I believe it's called a walk of faith but I am going to give you some encouraging behaviors to engage in that will improve the ability for you and I to walk in what is the perfect will of God for our life the acceptable will of God for our life the good somebody said there's three different wheels of God good acceptable and perfect that is not what Paul is teaching there are not three different levels of the will of God you are either in the will of God or you are out of the will of God but when you find the will of God it is both good acceptable and pleasing okay and you know I have to say that because some people think if I was a if I just settle for that third level you know acceptable will of God just acceptable do you think God seriously sent Jesus down the cross so you and I can live an acceptable Christian life like we say it like acceptable means sort of okay no that is not the word there it is the same word used of Jesus in the in the river of Jordan where the Bible says this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased it doesn't mean acceptable just like it's okay if you want to do if you don't that is it is not permission for you to go live half carnal the permissible will of God what's your craziness there are things God permits the only thing the only reason God permits it is because he has a plan in His grace to get you back on track but it's not permissible in the sense that God lets you settle for what's less than it's best for your life so what's this let me give you some let me give you some behaviors and some clues if you want to know you're walking with the radar that radar of the Spirit on the inside how do I know this is for me or not for me there are several things the first thing I want you to do is I want you to live with a renewed mind write this down live with a renewed mind everybody say renew my mind Lord and he says to us if you want to have a renewed mind and stay in the word brothers/sisters Romans chapter 12 verse 1 I beseech you by the mercies of God that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind why so that you may prove what is the good acceptable and perfect will of God it is impossible for you to know the good perfect acceptable pleasing will of God it's impossible for you to know it if your mind is not renewed that's what Paul's telling us you can be saved but have a shabby mind you'll know what Chevy is you know just saying thinking on it clearly it's not thinking according to the kingdom of God or the purpose of God or the plan of God a nun removed mind is the most dangerous liability to the child of God because if you're not careful and unrenewed mind listen will communicate to your spirit things that are untrue about God's purpose for your life there are people sitting in here this morning who love God in their heart but their mind has not been washed or removed and because your mind has not been washed or renewed you have spent time in this world listen allowing your mind to become shaped and molded according to the pattern of this fallen world then you take that fall in mind and come to your assignment in God and you wish for your unrenewed mind to inform you as to the will of God for your life and really your unrenewed mind is not so concerned about knowing the will of God your unrenewed - it's concerned with self so we wound up making selfish decisions through an unremarkable if we ever remove our mind it would inform us correctly as to what the will of God is for our life so you have people who don't read the Bible and they don't talk to God and they don't pray but they want God's instruction in a crisis oh where am I at in here we want God's instruction in a crisis do you know what causes you and I to operate in accuracy during a crisis it's that we operated in the spirit when everything was going well if you ever walk by the spirit when things are not in a crisis you can have confidence in a crisis I am not trusting in my flesh I am indeed trusting in God you have to have a renewed mind why because not everything that makes you feel good as God's will for you I've told this story a hundred times but it's it's important that I say something to reinforce this thought you know there there was this time in my life where Devon and I were newlyweds okay and we didn't have anything the first Christmas tree we had look like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree a string of lights every other light worked it was a shame oh my kids I'm so glad they weren't alive Dean hallelujah once you get us for Christmas a bowl what you getting here for Christmas a spoon am I gonna do with this put it together we're gonna have a meal come on with somebody I remember being 20 how one you were 20 the day I the day I turned 20 we got married she was still 19 well I remember a man calling us I had been in revival in Florida at a really great church really it was a strong Church runs for 500 people and I told this story before he invited us to come to Florida live in Florida worked six months as his associate he was going to retire I was going by his house without having to go to a bank that was 20 minutes from the ocean Oh son like white sand ocean Devin was all that old church old glory hallelujah she felt that thing down in their spirit and and listen this is what I'm 38 so this was 18 years ago he offered me $75,000 a year that's 18 years ago that's when that's a lot of money now back then I was like come on girl you better shot with me Devin and we would like you know this is from the ocean and I got down on my knees before the Lord it went like this it went like this I got down on my knees and with mine and he hitting the ground I heard the Holy Ghost say no you trying to take my joy but go back and pray again thou savourest not the things that be of God that's what I felt like I went to my pastor I said pastor I'm wrestling with something I believe the enemies trying to keep me out of the will of God true story she's like what are you doing I'm like I'm bandit i rebuked it what happened it came back stronger I said we got I don't feel like God would keep me from this I feel like we're supposed to go to Florida he leaned back in his seat I'll never forget this I was by myself with pastor fritz he leaned back in his seat and he looked at me and said you're not supposed to go to Florida I'm like man the death was talking to him too but everybody I know the enemy is trying to deceive me let me pray for you Jesus he said you're not supposed to go to Florida you're supposed to come here to Athens Tennessee and you're supposed to be my associate pastor what a problem where that was it wasn't 20 minutes from the beach and it sure enough 175 thousand dollars a year and it was my wife's home Church so not only do I get to go home and II pilgrim and tell my wife we're not going to Florida I have to go home and tell her with him to go to your home church so God you can tell her so I walked in she's like what where we going come on in the kitchen what's wrong just come on in the kitchen sit down father Devin we're not going to Florida for real what are we going we're going to count country y'all ought to all feel sorry for us because what happened two weeks after I said no to Florida it came out that the pastor that church was embezzling money had I gone to that church see here's the thing y'all when dealing with this thing on the radar you got to listen to the Holy Spirit because watch because you see what's up the road he sees what's around the corner and some of us are making decisions based on what we see up the road but there is a turn involved and you can't see around the turn and as long as you trust the one that knows what's around the turn he's got you he's got you can I listen to that voice had I not listen to that voice and went to Florida we may not even be here this morning you gotta have a renewed man say renewed mind you got to keep your mind renewed because the world tries to pattern your thinking after its course and the way God thinks is very different than the way the world thinks the world says if it blesses you if it makes you feel good if it makes you more money if it makes it easier if it makes it more comfortable that must be for you and sometimes God said no I was thinking about this this was crazy thought and I know this is going to challenge our our our normal way of thinking about this text but in Acts chapter 16 we always talk about Paul and Silas whoo they praise got a midnight air and the large earthquake with the earthquake and the gates of the prison flew open and God set them all free read the Bible God set them all free God opened every prison door and instead of running Paul stayed well I thought the open door manner I'm supposed to leave this prison nope Paul I want you to stay in the prison even though I freed you from it stay there why because there's a jailer who's gonna want to know how to get born again what if the prison was an assignment God Who am I talkin Who am I talking to what if the prison was an assignment what if God was getting ready to take you through a temporary season of being incarcerated not because you were gonna stay interested but because you're getting ready to bring the prison guards some of us can't handle that kind of assignment but when you say my life is not my own to you I belong I give myself away when you're not more concerned with your comfort then you are your calling you can be trusted by heaven to go into the gates of Hell and come out smelling like a rose all things work together for the good to them that love God attribute the prison don't you might be the only one anointed to come out of it and when you come out of it natural shine not only are you coming out of it you're bringing other people out with you God may have sent you into that mess just because he trusted you to come out and to bring hostages with you oh my god when I come out of this test I'm not only coming out for myself I'm bringing my children my wife my friends this we're coming out ha No somebody give God praise in here first thing live I got about 5 or 6 minutes here live with a renewed mind if you don't if you don't renew your mind don't trust your decision-making ability I told you two weeks ago don't trust what you haven't trained don't trust a mind that you haven't trained second thing I brought me some plate over first thing is you must have a renewed mind secondly you must have a compliant yielded heart oh it's gonna get quiet here Judith somebody with a hand smaller than mine come on get it out there get out there y'all make the girls kids make foam what is it called you slime what is this phenomena hitting our children I went downstairs and looked in my basement a couple days ago it's a slime factory hey come on in my kids are making bombs what's going on down here watch say this say stay yielded and moldable if I were going to shape the future of something if I were going to take something and turn it into something it was not in order for me to be able to transform it from the state it is currently in to something that it could become that object must be moldable when when I look at this this hard thing I can't make it what it could be without beating it up cutting it in pieces nailing it beating on and putting it back together it's just hard some of us aren't able to catch the god assignment on our life because there's no yield did this send us there's no compliance in us we have our mind made up what God will do with our life but when did the clay ever look back to the pottery and start telling the Potter you know what I think you ought to do with me because I know what kind of clay I can be look at your neighbor say quit stop it's just getting on our nerves you acting like you know what your life is supposed to become some of you think you're great and until you become nothing you will never be great and some of you think you're nothing and are very positioned to become great because you are but listen enemies have surrounded you to try to confuse you as to your identity in God brokenness leads to greatness I don't know what that could be without me cutting it up and breaking it apart because it's hard this this clay it's got my fingerprints all over it I didn't have to squeeze it real hard I just had to touch it look Lamont I just had to touch it and everywhere I touch it I see my fingerprints because it's not hard it's moldable oh god I feel him in here right now some of you some of you have resisted I wrote down get bitter don't get bitter get better don't get tough get tender if you stay moldable he don't have to hit you he don't have to step on you he don't have to break you all he's got to do you know it's just a little touch and it will shut that out into your side everywhere he touches you can see his fingerprint Oh God give me a bunch of people in this house who stay moldable so that when the father puts his hand on my heart he don't have to crush me to mold me all you gotta do is just gently touch me may my life be awed may it be covered with the finger prints I hear the Holy Ghost telling me right now there's somebody in here been through something so bad it's succeeded in getting you bitter and jaded and because you got bitter and jaded God's not able to shape you like he used to God who am I talking to Lord God's not able to mold your like he used to you used to be so flexible you would go where he sent you you would do what he called you to do and now you've been burnt you've been run over you've been lied on you been taken advantage of and you can't become what God has signed you if your heart is hard lay your hand on your heart right now say God keep me dinner attended Oh shine God keep me tender whatever you do Holy Spirit keep me tender don't let me get hard in my heart don't die don't want to have to live in a place where you gotta break me over and over again I want to live in a place where I can be up on that potter's wheel if return represents a transformation in my life father you're calling me back to the center so that when you turn me every touch can produce the kind of transformation that's the problem when you get hard his touch can no longer transform you come help me Brian when you get hard his touch can no longer transform you when you get a heart in here can no longer transform you Stacey because I found that sometimes in life even with the perfect Potter working on the claim Jeremiah 18 reminds us that sometimes the clay can be marred what about my assignment God what about my responsibilities what about what you've called me to I tried and it failed I attempted it and it just didn't work I thought you told me to it's falling apart Jeremiah 18 the clay was marred but the crazy thing is it was still in the hand of the Potter I might be marred but I'm still you might be marred but sustained multiple touches steel in his hands and here's what I want to tell you sometimes trying to do the will of God means you got to operate on very limited limited information if your demand to follow God is that you see the outcome before you follow him well you gonna have to show me how this works that before I sell this house in prison to myself right now you're gonna have to show me how this works out before I do this deal sometimes gods just leave you why is it God give us more information than he gives us several reasons number one he wants you to walk by faith so that when you get there you know it wasn't you that got you there it was him the second reason he shows us limited information is because sure enough I would screw it up if God showed me what I was had God showed me this 15 years ago and who taught when we had 24 people I would have messed it up by now she said oh yeah I love her how to messed it up by now God doesn't show you everything about your future your headlights on your car are a good reminder of how God works when you get in your car tonight go somewhere your headlights don't shine all the way to your destination they just shine 20 feet 30 feet 40 feet up the road they'll eventually get you there because the path of the just grows brighter and brighter not darker and darker but God doesn't always show you what the end of this thing's gonna look like he just says will you trust me another half a mile will you trust me another 50 yards will you just keep on with your trust me one more campus we can trust me with what come on somebody check you just got to get out of here and follow last thing is this so number one live with a renewed mind number two stay compliant and moldable yielded to God and number three if you're going to operate in your assignment and your responsibility you have to have a spirit of release and know when to let it go like honor tote Elsa the cold never bothered me anyway let it go look at your neighbor tell them let it go why do I teach this right here let it go because some saints spend their energy and resources trying to extend and sustain a season that is supposed to end and I understand why because if we don't know where we're going and we like where we've been then I should do everything I can to extend this season because I'm not sure what my future holds some of us in this room today are unable to embrace next because we are trying to turn now into what used to be when Elisha was at the brook cherith every day the Ravens came in with meat in their mouths and the brook had water where did you get meat and steak in the term of famine only one place the table of the King do you understand that God's program was to take a raven which represents an unclean thing fly into the palace of the king take meat off of the Kings plate the rabbi's and the sages believe historically they teach us that this becomes so common that a ham began to put a plate of food together for the Ravens they they literally teach and I believe it that he may have prepared a plate for the Ravens because he thought the Ravens were coming to feed themselves what I have to know is that Ahab was feeding the Prophet he was trying to kill what a mighty God we serve God will make the devil pay the bill hallelujah but what do you do when the brook runs dry and the birds won't fly the brook trout up the Ravens stopped visiting and the Prophet could have sat at that brook and gotten mad at God waiting when are you it's time for my Raven male nope you know God said to the Prophet pack it up get this air fast I've spoken to a widow there she's gonna use what she has left to sustain you someone is in a season today where the next phase of your assignment and responsibilities will only be released when you let go of what has been maybe it was a relationship maybe it was a ministry maybe it was a door and a season that were really fruitful man there's nothing harder than for a Christian who was fruitful in one place in one season to recognize God ain't there anymore for that it doesn't mean he wasn't there at a particular time in your past it just means the season is changing a renewed mind a moldable yielded heart and the ability to release and I want to say this I heard the Lord say this to me in prayer this morning as I was preparing final notes and we read it like he wrote it do not judge prematurely and and when I when I heard that in my heart is that God what are you saying to me he said when Israel came to the Red Sea some people looked at their predicament and they said leaving Egypt was not the will of God couldn't have been that's why some of the elders in Israel said would the cob do to let us die in Egypt the problem is you think God brought you to the Red Sea to kill you don't judge that scene prematurely God didn't bring Israel to the Red Sea to kill Israel I got a rewind because some of you are not catching this don't judge where you're standing right now prematurely just because you're surrounded doesn't mean it's over for you God didn't bring Israel to the Red Sea to drowned Israel they just gave us a witness you hear those babies in their shop that was the witness God didn't bring you to the Red Sea to kill you God brought you to the Red Sea to kill your enemies don't judge prematurely stand with me recognizing and discerning assignments and responsibilities I'll end with the text I began with not everything you want to do is your assignment you have a sphere of service and influence you have a god-given assignment in order to find it and know what you're called to do where to work who to marry what house to buy here's my plan here's the plan just keep your mind renewed in the word keep your spirit moldable don't become hard and act like you know it all stay open and moldable to God and finally don't be afraid to let go of a previous season God wants to take you from glory to glory the Christian life is not one of of reduction and contraction you and I may go through reduction and contraction but it doesn't last forever anytime ever God God ever takes us backward and contracts it's only because he's getting ready to propel us and launch us into something greater if you need to receive this work today just lift your hands right now all over this house just let your hands with me right now and just ask God to seal this word in your heart today would you do that Lord we want to live in your will lay hands on your heart come on lay hands on your heart Lord we want to live in your wheel we we we don't want to stay stuck in a previous season we don't want to live with a nun renewed mind we don't want to live with a hard heart Holy Spirit would you breathe life on people today I pray for the power of God to touch lives today someone needs to let something go I don't know who I'm talking to but I felt so strongly when I was preaching this a few moments ago someone needs to let something go let it go before it drives you crazy let it go before it robs you of your joy let it go before listen you were fruitful you succeeded mission accomplished I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying it's time for a new mission it's time for a fresh assignment God I'm here in the Spirit of the Lord you can't even measure all that God did with you in that previous place you don't see a lot of fruit but the Spirit of the Lord said to me it's saying to me right now the seeds you sow they're going to produce eternal fruit let it go let it go I don't know who I'm talking to I'm not trying to call anybody out but if I'm talking to you would you lift your hands right now you need to I know it any everybody but you need to let some stuff go it's not in a bad spirit I'm not saying it like there's something wrong with you I have been there I have tried to hang on the stuff that God was saying let go of but if today you need to let some stuff go just throw your hands up and get this burden off of you right now come on throw your hands up and just begin to praise God begin to praise God right now if you know it's over and it's done quit worrying about what the future holds quit worrying about what the future holds and trust God right now I release you from this burden of trying to manufacture stuff that you know is done I release you from it now trying to suspect you are staying up at night trying to create a plan that will extend the season that God will not continue to bless it's over let it go let it go if somebody's hand is up near you right now lay your hand on their shoulder and pray for them and here's how I want you to pray God give them the grace to let it go give them the grace to release come on prey give them the grace to release something right now father I thank you that the best can I'll pray these prayers over them we declare over them the best is yet to come we declare over them the best is yet to come the best is yet to come they will not be inhibited by feeling like their prom is in their past the devil is a liar we declare over them that the great things you are going to do in their future father God they are worth releasing the past / forgetting those things which are behind we press toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God which is in Christ Jesus let it go let it go give them the courage to let it go the strength to let it go give them the grace to let it go the peace to let it go Alleluia I thank your father god there's some listen there's some people who just came through divorce in this room right now you are still bitter your heart is hard your your walls are up and you are not even trusting God your that's what divorce does it hardens the heart but I hear the Lord saying he's the lover of your soul right now he is the lover of your soul there is life after this divorce be encouraged God ain't through with you yet be encouraged God is not through with you yet I declare what some of you are getting ready to step through into after this divorce is going to bring healing to your heart and joy to your soul I know this isn't for everyone but some divorce season here need to receive this the best is yet to come the best is yet only God could work the kind of miracle getting ready to happen in your life thank you for it God last thing Lord I gave you my heart I gave you my soul I live for you [Music] [Music] one more time before we go home lay your hands on your heart give it to Jesus give you my heart I give you my soul [Music] every Mon mom and I'm a comer have your way in me he's molding you today Lord I gave [Music] somebody give God your soul [Music] listen I want to say something and we're going home Deccan farmers gonna pray a prayer benediction we're gonna be done I covet your prayers this week I'm going to preach in Detroit Michigan on the word network and I believe it's an assignment I died I had to initially set no to this but I felt like God told me it was an assignment I covered your prayers on Wednesday that the Lord would give me the Grace and the freedom just to preach what he puts in my heart amen Devon and I my four children Jeremiah Isaiah Zion and Judah we love you all deeply and I want you to know today whatever you did whether it was just a card a gift and off whatever we love you every card will be read every word means something deeply to Devon and I and we appreciate you so much thank you for being a part of this family Deacon would you pray for us and we're going to leave I look forward to greeting everyone that can in the lobby god bless you lift the hands to the Lord father we thank you thank you for this word this morning father God we give your hearts who give you our soul God and we thank you Father God that we discerning your voice for our assignments in the air thank you for the release and the hearts that were set free this morning God we love you honor we thank you for that God now father we pray over the mission Tina's going to Africa this week father we pray over them we plead the blood of Jesus over them and the team every where their foot go father we thank you that the kingdom of God will be advanced we love you we thank you Father God for all that you're doing in the earth and Jesus name we pray amen [Music] [Music]
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 5,317
Rating: 4.9354839 out of 5
Id: xWxEBc1iLyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 52sec (4432 seconds)
Published: Mon May 28 2018
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