Bible Stories: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

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praise the Lord I want you to stand and go to Daniel chapter 3 quickly we continue our series this morning called Bible stories Bible stories how many love the Bible how many thankful for your Bible I'm actually tutor my monitor up please mister sound man thank you Daniel chapter 3 verse 1 I want to preach this morning on faith in the fire faith in the fire notice I did not say faith from the fire because sometimes faith won't keep you from the fire and we need to fix this in our theology class just because you go through a fire don't mean you don't have faith I said just because you go through a fire doesn't mean you don't have faith sometimes faith doesn't keep you from the fire sometimes faith keeps you in the fire how many know that God is faithful say Amen church a man I want you to go to Daniel chapter 3 verse number 1 keep turning that monitor up mr. Sandman please thank you that those two right there Nebuchadnezzar the King made an image of gold whose height was sixty cubits and its width six cubits if you're wondering what that means in the King James it's 90 feet tall now let me know that's a big giant that's a big Idol they man he set it up in the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon and King Nebuchadnezzar sent word to gather together the satraps the administrators the governors the counselors the treasurer's the judges the magistrates and all the officials of the provinces to come to the dedication of the image which King Nebuchadnezzar had set up so the satraps the administrators the governors the counselors the treasurer's the judges the magistrates and all the officials the provinces gathered together for the dedication of the image that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up and they stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up then a herald cried aloud to you it is commanded o people nations and languages that at the time you hear the sound of the horn the flute the heart the lyre the sultry and symphony with all kinds of music you will fall down and worship the golden image that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up and whoever does not fall down and worship somebody say worship shall be cast immediately into the midst of a burning fiery furnace so at that time when all of the people heard the sound of the horn the flute the harp the lyre and in Symphony with all kinds of music that all the people nations and languages fell down and worshipped the golden image which King Nebuchadnezzar had set up there for at that time certain Chaldeans somebody says sir somebody else say sir come on look at somebody near you until a neighbor I'm certain I'm a certain kind of Christian I'm not just a normal kind I'm not just a casual kind I'm a certain kind of shout of God can I have a witness in here today at that time certain Chaldeans came forward and accused the Jews they spoke and said to King Nebuchadnezzar O king live forever you O king have made a decree that everyone who hears the sound of the horn flute harp lyre psaltery in Symphony with all kinds of music shall fall down and worship the golden image whoever does not fall down and worship shall be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace is it ok if I read the whole story today there are certain Jews somebody else say I am certain certain Jews whom you have set over the affairs of the province of Babylon Shadrach Meshach and Abednego these men O king have not paid due regard to you they do not serve your gods or worship the golden image which you have set up then Nebuchadnezzar in a rage if you ever want to get the devil mad just just always make sure you don't fall down and worship the golden image if you ever want to get the devil mad keep your eyes on Jesus and keep worshiping the Lord then Nebuchadnezzar in a rage and fury gave the command to bring Shadrach Meshach and Abednego so they brought these men before the King Nebuchadnezzar spoke saying to them is it true Shadrach Meshach and Abednego that you do not serve my gods or worship the golden image which I have set up now if you are ready at the time you hear the sound of the horn the flute the harp the lyre the sultry in symphony with all kinds of music and you fall down and worship the image which I made then good but if you do not worship you will be cast immediately into the midst of a burning fiery furnace and who is this God who will deliver you how many know when the enemy starts asking questions like that he don't know how to deal with the answer who is this God who will deliver you from my hands I'm gonna get rid of this get rid of bless myself right here Shadrach Meshach and Abednego answered and said to the king o Nebuchadnezzar we have no need to answer you again in this matter if that is the case our God who we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us from your hand O king but if not I can't find nobody to help me if not let it be known to you okay we do not serve your gods nor will we worship your gold image which you have set up na'vi echidna cannot read the whole story nebuchadnezzar was full of fury and the expression on his face changed towards Shadrach Meshach and Abednego he spoke and commanded that the heat of the furnace be turned up seven times more than it is usually heated and he commanded certain might this whole story is filled with certain kind of people certain mighty men of valor who were in his army to bind Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and cast them into the burning fiery furnace then these men were bound in their coats their trousers their turbans and their other garments and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace therefore because the Kings command was urgent and the furnace was exceedingly hot the flame of the fire killed the men who took up Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and these three men Shadrach Meshach and Abednego fell down bound into the midst of the burning fire we can read the whole story then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished and he rose in haste and spoke to his counselors did we not cast three men in bound into the midst of the fire they answered and they said to the king can I read the whole story true o king verse 25 look he answered I see four men loose walking in the midst of the fire [Music] and they are not hurt and the form of the fourth man is like unto the son can you read the whole stone then Nebuchadnezzar went near the mouth of the burning fiery furnace and he spoke saying Shadrach Meshach and Abednego servants of the Most High God come out and come here look at your neighbor and holler in them holla Gander here say come out and come here then Shadrach Meshach and Abednego came from the midst of the fire the satraps administrators the governor's the Kings the counselors gathered together they saw these men on whose bodies their fire had no power the hair of their head was not singed neither were their garments affected and the smell of fire was not old cannery the hostile Nebuchadnezzar spoke saying blessed be the god of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego who sent his angel and delivered his servants who trusted in him and they have frustrated the Kings word and yielded their bodies that they should not serve nor worship any God except their own God therefore said the King I'll make a decree that any people nation or language which speaks anything amiss against the god of shadrach meshach can read the whole story and Abednego they shall be cut in pieces their house shall be made an ash heap because there is no other God who can deliver like this God can I read the whole story and the last verse said and the key promoted Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the province of Babylon I feel I got to go home already coming over coming you're thankful that in spite of the fire your faith is greater than the fire I said your faith is greater than the fire somebody pray with me Father we thank you for your bless the people to receive the preaching anoint me to do it today and will give you the glory for it in Jesus name and everybody said amen you can be seated Jesus the story of the three Hebrew children is one of the most known stories in the Bible as with every sermon we preach how many recognize that the context of the story is critical in understanding the story itself so I want to just take a moment to acquaint you with the context of Daniel chapter 3 it's important that you understand the context in which this story happened the majority of the book of Daniel occurs and is written in a place called Babylon Babylon was a pagan nation in a sworn enemy of God's people with the king who was hell-bent on world domination in fact if you are a student of history you know that in 605 BC under the reign of Nebuchadnezzar Babylon marched into Egypt and defeated Egypt and moved swiftly eastward into Judah and received it in 598 BC Judah the place of God's people is now under siege from this king named Nebuchadnezzar and this nation called Babylon this force the expulsion and the detention of the Jewish people it became known as the Babylonian captivity it is one of the most significant watershed moments in the nation of Israel's history Israel was destroyed the Jewish people watched their homes burned to the ground their temple had been razed the articles of the temple had been stolen Babylon took the people of God and changed them like animals dragging them the streets of their city as they were crying out for help and they led them all the way back to Babylon this foreign land where they would begin to adjust and find this new way of living as slaves in Babylon for 70 years the Jewish people lived in a foreign land it is then and from there in this foreign land of Babylon under the rule and reign of an idolatrous King that the Book of Daniel and its conduits contents come to us when the exiled Jews were brought to Babylon almost immediately in the first chapter of Daniel Nebuchadnezzar takes a draft of the finest young men that have come to Babylon from Judah he goes after Israel's youngest brightest those who were but most likely to succeed those with great potential and he begins to draft them so that he can tutor them in the Babylonian culture and the Babylonian way of life we are told in Daniel chapter 1 verse number 3 that Nebuchadnezzar told his chief of his of his army go find young men in whom there is no blemish those that are good-looking gifted in wisdom possessing knowledge the young men that are quick to understand who had ability to serve in the king's palace who may might teach the language and the literature of the Chaldeans among those who were selected was a man named Daniel everybody say Daniel three of his young friends we know them primarily as Shadrach Meshach and Abednego but how many know that those names were the names given to them by the Babylonian culture their original names were much more significant their original names were Hananiah Mishael and Azariah they these men were taught educated and equipped with the skills that would make them beneficial make them beneficial to the citizens of Babylon history tells us they became fluent in alone Ian's language they were well-versed in Babylonian culture they even experienced favor and opportunity in Babylon because the text says in chapter 1 look at chapter 1 verse 17 through 21 the text says that after they went through all this training that the king of Babylon looked at Daniel and Hananiah Mishael and Azariah and they said about these Jewish kids they are 10 times better than anybody else in my kingdom how many know that just because sometimes we feel like we're in a foreign land how many no it doesn't mean that that that we don't excel above those who belong to this generation and those who belong to this crazy society we're living in I don't think that people in the kingdom have to take a back seat to the sons and daughters of disobedience I believe that people who are citizens and sons and daughters of the kingdom of God ought to actually be 10 times better than everybody else in their field I can't find no help in here I believe you ought to be a leader in your house you ought to be a leader in your high school find some help in here somebody you ought to be a leader in your college class you ought to be a leader in your workplace you ought to be a leader in your office you ought to be a leader in the field that you're in I don't believe God it gets great pleasure in the sons and daughters of this world being wiser and greater and more successful than his own children I believe God's children ought to have what was what I would call a likability there have you ever met somebody that was just favored and blessed by God and you didn't necessarily understand it all but there was something about them that was attractive can we just get back to loving Jesus so much that his love loses out of our life in a way that even people in the world who don't know God find something unusually attractive about our lives Daniel and his three friends Hananiah Mishael and Azariah they stood out in the land they were God's children in a foreign culture in a foreign land and they were still blessed and highly favored we should take a moment to discern and apply the truth that is revealed here they had access they had opportunity they had success and here's what I want you to hear me say to you today as a citizen of the kingdom of God you and I should excel we should rise to the top we should be 10 times better and you know help in here we should be the one that our boss depends on we should get there early and leave late we should leave the cubicle cleaner than we found it ain't nobody helping the preacher on Memorial Day weekend even though we are citizens of the kingdom of God and we feel like we are on foreign soil in this crazy world we must remember we are still representing the Heavenly Father and his kingdom and there ought to be an attractive difference about our lives I said an attractive difference because some people come to church and are just different but I want to be attractively different y'all not helping nobody I don't want to be a Christian that has a reputation but the wrong kind you know them people when you see them coming you don't even know you act like you got a phone call y'all don't know nobody like that I want you to understand God wants you to rest in such favor that even in this foreign land that we live in we still operate in a measure of excellence and a measure of Kingdom greatness that it makes it impossible for even our haters to ignore the favor of God that is own a lie we just do things better I said we see there's some people here right now you getting all bent out of shape oscy talk about I'm talking about being a kingdom citizen well I'm a Christian I Michelle I am sick and tired of everybody wanting to shout and fall in the floor but it not change our behavior when we walk out the door hello if all you do is shout and fall in the floor but still cheat on your time card and cheat on your taxes and cheat on your wife and cheat on your husband and and you lie and you don't change you can stay in the floor and they can they can lay hands on you to your head looks like a piece of fried chicken you got so much oil on it but it is the Holy Ghost that makes the difference and when you really get transformed it's not just about a blessing you catch in this alter it's about a life that is lived out those doors that makes a difference in the culture you live look at somebody say there ought to be something different about us there's a reason why your boss can't trust all those co-workers with you they are live so why are you trying to be like them to get a promotion work yourself into a promotion educate yourself into a higher place don't just stand there your whole life and let life pass you by oh my god you're better than that look at your neighbors say neighbor I got this I got this you're a child of the King because of that there is a demand of responsibility the Bible says in Daniel chapter 1 verse number 19 they were ten times better than all those in Babylon the children of Israel were ten times better do you know why you ought to go to Chattanooga Times best of the best and check off together Cafe as the best coffee shop in town do you know why when you walk in there not only do you get great coffee you get the Holy Ghost there are people who don't even know the Holy Ghost who while getting up oh my god but it's so different about this place there's just so much joy and peace in here we know we prayed over it before you got there and we didn't just want you to come and do us a favor we wanted to actually provide the best cup of coffee in Chattanooga so that we do it well with excellence and you leave feeling like you had great coffee and an encounter you don't even know how to explain my god Church we ought to be better I'm tired of Christians all about you oh praise God we understand it better by and by how long we go lying about this thing I'm tired of lining my daddy didn't just save me so I can barely get to heaven and drag my lip across the finish line farther along we'll know all about it no baby when we go in we're going inside with what the Lord has done look what God get imagine look what he did in my house how many know God can do it in your life I feel faint Roxie how many know God can do it in your life okay now my commission to you today family is to represent the kingdom of God well if you're not gonna tip a waiter by 50 cent don't tell them you just came from church [Applause] you don't scream and go crazy at the retail shop because they didn't save the money and take the coupon off and you gonna act the fool don't tell them you go to church here you represent the kingdom are there times I want to scream yes at times I get frustrated yes but I represent somebody who's has the kingdom and an agenda that is far greater than my frustration I'm an ambassador and a citizen of the kingdom of God my life is not my own in yours ain't yours either and the next time you get tempted because somebody out remind yourself your heavenly father died send his son to die for them just like he died for you and they deserve to be respected I can't find no help on Memorial Day weekend well this ain't even when I came to preach my Commission to you today it's do life well work hard be the best or that boss to mind he'd to take advantage of me you know who's watching God and if that Joe Craine careful you'll take his job before it's over with [Music] because God will promote people nobody else knows anything about I want to Commission you to represent the kingdom well learn the language of the culture excelled in the marketplace be the best learn the most read a book let me walk around here and tell practical for me read a book can we find some Christians who will read I don't wanna read the only thing I want to read is the Facebook I won't read my face nothing on that day for you to learn it's all crazy people and they called himself your friend read a book advance yourself stretch your mind learn this too much for some of y'all I see earners I see people right now he is unspiritual today he know this is the problem we have proof we have become pros at revival but we have lost the art of disciple in nations and you can't just shout you got a shout you got a have revival but if we don't have some people he can walk into boardrooms and CEOs and CFOs and lawyers and we got and we got to know what we're doing and God saved you from the world and then he strategically put you back in it to turn it around [Applause] is all right okay so my commission last time my commission to you today is representing represent the kingdom of God well but as we come to Daniel 3 the potential for spiritual disaster surfaces you see by the time we come to Daniel chapter 3 and Daniel chapter 3 begins to unfold Azariah me Shia and Hananiah are all living comfortably in Babylon they are experiencing the best of the culture they are living in cahoots with the king they are living in his favor they are moving up the ladder of success they are impacting history and shaping the culture of Babylon and then it happens these three men experienced a test not of their giftedness not a not a test of their success or effectiveness but an a test of their integrity and their fortitude in fact that goes even deeper than their integrity and their fortitude it goes into a test about what and who they will worship when you hear the music when you hear the music said nebuchadnezzar i want you to fall down and worship the image that i have made of gold now you must understand and take into account what this meant for these three men their entire livelihood was at stake their salary was on the line their future was on the line these men lived in the palace with the king they knew the language of babylon they understood the culture of the babylonian people they were the excellent leaders of the day they were experiencing success they knew the feeling of open doors but there is a significant potential threat he in Daniel chapter 3 and the threat is this that in light of all of their blessing in light of all their favor in light of all this their influence they were tempted and told when you hear the music that we produce fall down and worship the image and it is almost as if the entire populace of Babylon in a cosmic trance falls down collectively to render worship to this false God in this golden idol and that everybody would just begin to bow before it inhibitions and worship as they paid homage to this idol and here are these three men what is the threat what is the problem what's the big deal with it share our gifts and expertise with the world but we must be reminded today we give our worship to no one but Jesus Christ our Savior lord have mercy and our Lord I believe this Bible story has a cautionary reminder that no matter how gifted you are oh I wish people could hear me say this today no matter how influential you become no matter the tables you sit at or the doors that open regardless of who you stand among in the rooms that you stand in no matter how successful you are no matter how many followers you may have this story reminds us that while we may be gifted and while God may give us favor in no moment at any time is it ever right or permitted for you and I to share the worship that belongs to God with any other Idol or any other false god erected by the society and the clay in other words only Jesus is going to get my worship in other words only God is going to get my worship I know it sounds old-fashioned and it sounds crazy but you better hear me today Satan is always fighting for your worship your time your talent your treasure what will you do when you come to church and how will you live live when you leave the enemy once your worship there is a war over who and what we will worship the pastor if I don't bow to this golden idol if I don't bounce it is false God then they're gonna take everything I have they're gonna take my money and my salary and all that I have and they even gonna take my life if I don't fall down and worship I'm a dying to fire well I found out something many many many of us do not like the fire and I understand why because fire burns how many been through some fires in your life I'm not talking about natural when I talk about some spiritual fires I'm talking about when the whole house was on fire and you just barely escaped out the kitchen I mean you had to run and jump out the window anybody know what I'm talking about I'm talking about the whole family was under an attack the business was under an attack the marriage was under an attack the in-laws and the outlaws everything was under attack and you can look back sitting here today looking back over your life you think my god he knew how to get me out of that it's still a miracle anybody know what I'm talking about is here today we don't like fire but the Bible is very clear about it God doesn't always keep you from it can I have one witness God doesn't always keep you from the fire in fact there are some things you won't find out about yourself and your faith until you get in the fire [Applause] if God kept you from every fiery trial some of you would not be as refined in trusting God as in fact there's a reason some of y'all are in Hell's Kitchen right now and you're not having a nervous breakdown it's because you look back over your life and God already brought you through some fires and now that you're sitting right here in one right now five years ago you would have lost your mind but the reason you still got any modicum of peace right now is because you just really have the unmitigated gall to believe if he did that once I know I'm not talking to everybody but can anybody in here testify that God did it once now I'm trying to find you where are you just one time I just need to testify for a minute bastard that he did it one time when I came to tell you if he was good enough to do it one time he's got enough to do it again and the reason we are right listen I got a daughter to get this up the reason we are raising in our generation such such listed Saints who fold and flounder if at the first sign of any fire is because we told them it would always be easy and we told them they'd always get what they won't and we told them it would always come the way they wanted it to but God is far more interested in you having authority than he is you having a little bit of comfort and sometimes you've got to walk through something to remind the devil not that he's two God's trying to teach you something but sometimes you walk through something to remind the fire there are some among us who the fire cannot burn there are some among us that the water cannot drain what if God ain't trying to teach you something what if God is trying to teach your enemy No [Applause] [Music] [Applause] look at your neighbors say neighbor say it's Memorial Day weekend say I know you're in a hurry but say I need this I need this word so let me tell you something let me tell you something there are somethings you cannot find until you get in the fire when let me teach I'm going home number one the fire will bring punishment to your enemies God will often use the fire intended to destroy you to defeat those trying to destroy you [Applause] the Bible says that when Shadrach Meshach and Abednego would not bow the King got mad about it and he turned the fire up seven times hotter and the fire got so hot in fact I was reading this yesterday some people leave this fire was as hot as 1400 degrees how many know that's hot 40 it was so hot that they were getting ready to throw them three Hebrew children in the fire and they bound them up and they they wrapped him up in cords and they were getting ready to throw them in and the men who were sent to throw them in the fire actually got so close to the fire intended to kill the three Hebrew children and instead of and killing the three Hebrew children it killed the enemies of the three Hebrew children who would have you ever stopped to thank God that God destroyed some of the stuff trying to destroy you [Applause] I want you to know today that every plan the enemy has to take you out is part of God's plan to bring you into another place and just when it looks like the enemy has got you in a mess God will remind you of what Joseph to destroy me but God has a way of taking about [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the fire that the enemy wants you to be afraid of is often intended to punish your enemies number two the other thing you can't find till you get in the fire its protection I'm getting ready to get on some thin ice right here with some of you but we want to talk about protection and ain't never been threatened how can you know God is the protector if somebody had ever tried to come against you how do you know a life raft works until they throw your tail in the water it don't float till you get in some water [Applause] and we always like like Oh protection is when nothing happens no protection is when the devil tried to make some happen and it didn't work like it was intended to I wish someone in here praise God real quick that that it's not that God always keeps you from it it's that in the middle of it I don't even know how to tell you all this but in the middle of the fire I feel like God put a Linux air-conditioner right in the middle of the furnace and crank it up and said chill out here a few minutes boys I'm getting ready to freak Babylon out I'm getting ready to show Babylon merci I better quit it because I feel like reaching myself into a fit I feel like God is trying to tell somebody today if you've been in a fire or you're walking through a fire the enemy wants you to believe you're gonna die in the fire but I came to tell you that God you serve is able to protect you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I am old enough I'm old enough we got a quick hearing on I am old enough to remember when the aquarium was built downtown I remember the inaugural party of the aquarium celebration MC Hammer y'all I'm telling you the truth back in the early 90s I think this when this was they had this laser show on the side of the aquarium wall we had never seen a laser we were all broken little bit in the hood we didn't have nothing they started playing the MC Hammer and a laser show on the side of the wall and we started man we were going crazy do you know what song they started playing you can't touch this and I know that sounds funny but when I was preparing this morning to preach to you I felt like God reminded me of that little story and I know some of y'all can't handle this because you're too deep and you need to be much more educated and Master how dare you bring such a irrational thought to this pulpit and and and not be academic I'll get behind me let me testify wow there's been some times I was living in Hell's Kitchen I thought the devil told me it was over the devil told me I have no future but I came today [Music] [Applause] they remind the devil you can't touch this if God be for us who can tell me but he can't touch it he can't better the devil said if you let me put my hands on Joe he'll curse you to your face [Applause] [Applause] [Music] good enough y'all make me howl I'm trying to teach protection he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow I'm in Psalm 91 of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge my god in him will I trust surely he shall deliver me from the snare of the fountain and from the nose of the blessing he will cover me in his wings - my foot against the stone I want you to thank God right now that even in the fire you're still protected [Applause] the Dutch protection protection protection I'm saying this to you not for those who God keeps from the fire I'm preaching this for those who walk through it if you get in the fire it doesn't mean something's wrong with you you ever met somebody who acted like because they never been through a trial they were superior I feel sorry for you if you ain't been through something how would you ever know God how would you ever know God could heal if your body never got sick how would you know God couldn't put you to sleep if you never had a troubled night how would you ever know God couldn't give you peace if you never went through some turbulence oh there are too many people who get the wrong concept of Christianity Christianity is not about God keeping you from everything it's about God keeping you through everything some through the water [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] not season and find three people in encouraged among get rid of wrap-up to tell somebody God's not your covered and the devil can't touch this tell them neighbor [Music] [Applause] and the devil can't touch this I gotta keep on going the third thing you'll find in the fire that you can't find outside the fact is you'll find unusual manifestations of the presence of God so number one he'll punish your enemies number two he'll give you protection number three there's a presence coming in the fire you find out something about Jesus in the fire you can't find out outside the fire I need one witness in here right now what I like about this text is that the Bible says they put three men in bound but when they started investigating the situation the king said hang on a second here y'all yo how many men that I put in this fire well King we put in three yes what I thought we put in three who were bound but now there are four who are loose I'm trying to behave I'm gonna finish this in a talking tone I'm trying to behave myself but how many know about it that when he gets in the fire everything bound gets loose [Applause] the measure of freedom does not come when you come out of the fire there is an increase in the measure of freedom while you're in the fire I'm going to tell y'all something's gonna freak you out this is gonna freak you out and preachers in here can give a witness to what I'm getting ready to say the most anointing I've ever been in my life while preaching is in the greatest battle of my life in my time back the most unknown today I've ever been is when I'm walking through the greatest warfare I've ever walked through why because there is something about the presence of God that increases when I go through a fire and there is something about the measure of freedom that I experience when the measure of God's presence increases even in the midst of fire there is an increase of freedom when there is an increase of presence and there was an increase of God's presence when I get in a hotter situation than I am used to operating in ah that's why the hotter the enemy turns up your heat it ought to induce and produce out of you a greater level of expectation for what is on the way when you start feeling the heat that is seven times hotter than what you're used to feeling it is because there is something about your life that has presented itself as a great threat to the kingdom of darkness and darkness understands if it doesn't do something to destroy you now there's someone you so strong oh my god there's someone you so strong that if you ever get out of this fiery furnace everybody in babylons don't know God because life is an anointing that Brides yelps cannot feel I feel something on me this morning we love somebody spade is rising up in here somebody's understanding a little bit more about this fun they said we put in three bound but now we got a problem can I tell you the fire will multiply the fire will bring multiplication the fire will bring increase you go in with three but you'll come out before you never go through the fire one time you'll come out with more than what you went in years when Joe Blount they killed her when job lost everything they had he was sitting up there and could have felt sorry for himself after all the hell he been through sitting there on his back porch using a broken pot which was an indication of his broken life and the broken pot he took the edge of the broken pot and began to scrape the boils from his flesh and he's standing there his wife comes out the backyard said why don't you just curse God and why don't you just give up and Joe looked at her and said with blood coming out of his skin and his mind racked with grief and worry he looked at her and said you talk like a foolish woman naked I came into this world did I go out blessed be the name of the Lord and your mama said that before Joe closed his eyes and went to heaven he had double of everything that he ever was telling you the power will multiply in fact I feel like proper sound of somebody right now the enemy is getting ready to regret that he returned the fire up and he's with you in the 15 seconds right now I really need you to shop if you know I'm not helping you but if you felt the flames of the enemies come upon you did you feel like you didn't Harris kitchen I worked in a phrase [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody catch a fish [Applause] oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm booth stand with me I'm through preaching kept you too long but the last thing that you can't get outside the fire number one you get the punishment of your enemies number two you'll find the protection of God number three you'll experience the presence of God in a unique and um dynamically but the last thing no no right there yeah this is a different Sunday we're not gonna slowly let go to land this one gently this is a crash landing I'm burning everything down in the house today hallelujah it's a crash like the last thing that you don't get until you get in the fact remember what the enemies will be punished number two you'll find the protection of God number three you find of increased measure of the presence of God but number four you can't find promotion until you come through the fire the last scripture in the chapter said when they came through the fire Nebuchadnezzar gave them a promotion I feel like today is promotion Sunday for somebody oh my god Devin I just caught a vision baby we getting ready to dance together in just a minute because there's some stuff that the enemy has tried to set up against us and I feel like right here in the middle of my fire God told me right then is that I want you to praise me that promotion oh my gosh is all the way promotion and I just took better guard and then you get better job formation and take that a guard formation youssef master do you got babble for this my Bible said God is able to take you from glory to glory and I feel like somebody is getting ready [Music] [Applause] I know y'all gotta go my fear never got to do some dancing [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I know that some people think we're crazy and we love that blessed man but if you're a married couple and you've been going through some kind of fire in your house and your finances with your kids in your job which I don't know what it is if you know the enemy's been trying to kill you guys get with me and Devon right now I know this is crazy somebody already never seen nothing like this [Music] [Music] so hold on a minute somebody said pastor why are we praise it in death I'm getting ready to blow your mind we're praising God not necessarily for the fire but in spite of the fire and because we believe that the fire is an indicator that promotion is on the way if the enemy ain't messin with you then at least help us praise God he will not know mokou fraction to come up into the swamp look over at your neighbor and just go like this come on find your spouse like a friend just give a little snippet Oh pasty why can't you people have to dim it next Sunday maybe but today nope look over one more neighbor somebody said what are y'all doing we are performing a fire test [Applause] she's mixing the fire but not one hair [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] my praise would pull Satan under [Applause] Hey ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not a surprise [Music] we'll try this is how we overcome world [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's get those hands up invoices come on we bless your laws come on lift your voices and for his ever send my eyes hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that the cross would not be heavy and the hill would not be hard to climb he never offered our victories without fighting but God said help would always come in [Applause] so just remember when you're standing in the valley of decision and the adversary says give me just [Music] our God will show and he will take [Music] [Applause] I want to do this right now before we go home heads bowed and eyes closed and number one standing in honor of the king of glory you're in this room today and you say pastor Kevin I need prayer I'm away from God maybe you were raised in church and went to church your whole life but you're so far away from Jesus this morning or maybe you've never been raised in church and you don't even know who this Jesus is but you know you need to get your life right today I'm counting to three this morning and if you know you need Christ to save you I don't care what you've been doing and how long you've been doing it I came to tell you he loves you he's not out to get you if he was out to get you God could have already got you Jesus is a merciful Savior he's the best friend a sinner ever had and I want to pray with you this morning if you want to give your heart to Christ and have new life in you know when I say three if you're ready to get safe throw that hand up say passion and pray for me I need to get right with God 1 2 3 in the church I need to give my heart to Jesus anybody I don't I'm not gonna come get anybody I'm just gonna ask you one more time so you need to give your heart to Christ if your hand if I'm talking to you if you're in this place today and you say pastor Kevin pray for me I'm going through the fire the key word is through the key word is Todd didn't bring you to the fire to finish you off he's about to get great glory for your coming out of the fire and when you come out from motion is coming to your life increases coming to your life I'm telling you right now the enemy will regret he ever messed with you in the first if I'm talking to you and I preach to you today just throw your hands on the right where you're standing don't ya hands up right where you're standing I see those hands god bless everybody if somebody got their hand up near you right now in the love of God would you just reach over in faith and just begin to pray a blessing of promotion over that life right now come on he never promised that the cross would not be heavy and the hill would not be hard to come on pray for he never offered our victories God said help with always come in time so remember when you're standing in the valley of decision the adversary adversary says give him just [Music] hold on God will show up come on pray 30 more seconds something's happening he'll take you through sing it one more time LeBron come on singing he never promised promotions coming to your life today promotions coming to your life today the fire cannot consume you he never Jesus I thank you all the girls [Music] I wouldn't frank with you god [Music] come on there's something happy I know some of you gotta go we love to get your babies have a great weekend but let me sing this one more time for somebody receiving a breakthrough come on he never promised [Music] all but he said he'll always [Music] so remember when you're standing in the [Music] I mean they're gonna hold on to God oh and he will take cognition again [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 13,484
Rating: 4.886179 out of 5
Keywords: chattanooga, tn, tennessee, kevin, wallace, kevin wallace, deven, deven wallace, highland, park, highland park, rsm, redemption, redemption to the nations, rttn, rttn church, church, God, Jesus, spirit-filled, spirit, Holy Ghost, pentecostal, love
Id: OprePaYyQbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 1sec (4261 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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