The Satanic "IF"

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[Music] Matthew chapter 4 today I finished the series that I began some time ago called ancestry God and we have talked about being born of God how many are glad you're our sons and daughters of God it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when we see him we shall be like him for we shall see him just as he is I'm thankful today that I am becoming who I already am I said I am becoming who I already am I'm not gonna be a son of God someday I am a son of God right now and I'm thankful that while I'm becoming a son of God I am a son of God and so this is the Wonder and the beauty of grace God is willing to look at you as you are and call you now what you shall be in the future I believe that if he's still working on you it no matter how messed up you feel God ain't through yet and he's working in you to bring you into a more conformed image into the person of Jesus Christ and so today we thank God for the work of Grace Matthew chapter four I'm going to finish this sermon today this series today and I want to preach a message called the satanic if the satanic if how many know the devil will try to come and challenge who you are in God if you don't believe me I'm glad I got scripture to back me up this morning Matthew chapter 4 verse 1 for a few minutes let's jump into the word somebody said a few minutes no no no someone said that I heard somebody say yeah right a few minutes whew is a general term we'll see what few means when we get through way Matt Matthew 4 verse 1 then some letters say then Jesus was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil and when he had fasted forty days and forty nights afterward he was hungry now when the tempter came to him he said if you are the son of God command that these Stones become bread but he accident said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God then the devil took him up into a Holies into the holy city set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him [Music] if you are the son of God then throw yourself down for it is written he will give his angels charge over you and you in their hands they will bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone and jesus said to him it is written you shall not tempt the Lord your God again the devil took him up on an exceedingly high mountain and showed him the kingdoms all the kingdoms of the world and their glory and he said to him all these things I will give you if if you will fall down and worship me jesus said now the New King James says away with you but I like what the old Saints used to preach in the King James growing up they said hey back get thee behind me for it is written you shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve and the devil left him how many know it has good news right there you actually can get to such a place of obedience in your life that the devil don't want to hang out with you no more the devil left him and angels came to him and served or ministered to him The Satanic if help me Lord teach today and thank you that you are removing the questions out of hearts today that's the assignment on this house this morning to bring us into a place of believing that you really do love us and we really are your children so bless us now we pray with this revelation in Jesus name and everyone said amen can be seated in the presence of the Lord to someone some people this is one of the most perplexing passages of scripture in the entire New Testament we have been talking for the last several weeks about spiritual ancestry spiritual DNA belonging to God being born of God coming from God being identified as sons and daughters of God and in this text before us today we see these son of God Jesus Christ the only begotten of the Father who is standing in a place in a test battling something that I think you and I battle at least if you haven't battled it you will and if you had know what I'm talking about it's this test of sonship it's this challenge against our claim that we belong to God the enemy understands the power that exists and is released into our life when we know we are sons and daughters of God the Bible said to them who believed him to them Jesus gave power to become the sons of God when you believe Jesus Christ is the Lord and that he is the sacrifice made from the foundation of the world to forgive the world of its sins when you trust his death on the cross and his resurrection for when you believe that a power is released into your life according to John chapter 1 a power is released into your life to become the sons and daughters of God you cannot become the sons and daughters of God without the power of God the sons and daughters of God did not become sons and daughters simply because they joined the membership role at a church there are people whose names are on the membership role but not written in the Lamb's Book of Life it takes the power of God to become the sons and daughters of God and the enemy knows that when you know and you believe in Jesus that that power is released into your life and the immediately the enemy becomes just inundated and and and totally committed to causing you and me to question if we really are the sons and daughters of God it's one of the great tactics of the enemy to make you feel like you don't belong to God when you really do and we read the scripture and we say all kinds of we have all kinds of questions if we're really honest about ourselves we have all kinds of questions because this is not this is not a demonic setup read the text it does not say the devil drove him into the wilderness it says the Holy Spirit did y'all can handle this one what if I told you the Spirit was not interested in your comfort he was interested in your development and one reason we have people getting bitter and offended with God as we preach a God who wants to make us happy rather than holy and sometimes the Spirit of God is not interested in leading us into a tool attached with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches sometimes the Spirit is about us being put into situations not so that we fall but so to reveal to our enemy they really are who I called them and they really are who I declared them to be what if I told you the Spirit was setting you up not to show you how weak you are but to show your enemy how bad you are and how awesome you are in Christ Jesus the wilderness is not about causing you to fall the wilderness is about a test not a test to make you turn but a test to reveal who you really are you don't know what you have until you get told you don't have it you don't know what you have down in you until you get under a little bit of pressure I want to tell you right now some of you are going through a wilderness and your theology doesn't help you stand at the Wilderness you are in has nothing to do with God not liking you or not being displeased with you the wilderness we go through sometimes is a remind is a reminder to the enemy and even a revelation to us that we really do belong to God and no weapon formed against us really will have her prosper why does the son of God Jesus Christ go into the wilderness if God loved him why would he let him go there why would the spirit take him there I'll tell you why because Jesus wanted us to see that the test in a wilderness in his wilderness was not just about him and his sonship it was actually about him demonstrating to us that you can't make it through the test do you understand that we serve at Jesus listen to me carefully we serve a jesus who knows what it's like to be alone who knows what it's like to fill abandon he knows what it's like to fill empty and tired he knows what it's like to feel stressed out he went through this wilderness so that he could feel what you're feeling on a Sunday morning like this when you're when your mind is wracked with questions your life is filled with all sorts of uncertainty it even looks like there is a bit of chaos occurring in your life you feel pain in your body you have grief in your mind you have more bills than you have money you can't get on the call you back you can't get them to leave you alone you got kids running away from God and you're sitting in this church and we're praising the God who's we say sits on the whole thing and he's big and strong and can do anything and yes we believe that but I don't just serve a God who can do something about it I serve a God who knows what I feel like when having a bad day and when I feel like I can't make it we have a high priest who has been touched with the feeling of our infirmities Laurie to God he knows what it's like to go through some things and if you don't preach that about Jesus no wonder people don't want to serve Him he's not something loose God sitting on a stool in some far removed corner of the universe he has been there too that's why I praise him because he didn't just expect something of me that he didn't show me how to do he said I'm gonna show you that life on this planet can be hard life on this planet can be challenging some days are better than others but I want to show you that in spite of every demonic attack you have been promised victory glory to God I shall I preaching by in spite of every bad day in spite of every bad report in spite of every bad diagnosis from a good meaning doctor I'm still God I'm still on the throne I'm still in control and I still got you somebody needs to praise Him right now that he's not just the God of the mountain he's the God of the valley hallelujah that's what he's showing us today that he's been through the wilderness and he's feeling the pressure this is crazy because it comes after one of the most defining moments of Jesus entire life if you flip back to Matthew chapter 3 you find him coming out of the city into the the region of Jordan to be baptized of John and I oh I wish I had time to preach it I was studying Matthew 3 this weekend there's a beautiful word from the Lord there's a powerful word from the Lord Jesus prayed and when he prayed three things happened heaven opened the dove descended and the voice came lord have mercy I don't know about you but I'll be alright if heaven opens the Dove descends and the voice comes I need some help in here right now I don't know if you ever get a new car I don't know if you ever get a bigger house I'm praying you do I don't know if you get another promotion or a bigger bonus but I know one thing if heaven opens and the Dove descends and the voice of the father comes I got a promise everything else is gonna be alright today you just need to pray but if the voice will come but I didn't come to preach about that when heaven opened when the Dove descended and when the voice came the Father said from heaven this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased now can I tell you something it is one thing when somebody walks up and says thus saith the Lord you pleasing God and you think oh thank you it's another thing when daddy yeah I'm thankful for every prophetic word ever given to me and I needed some prophetic words in my life but the most memorable and unforgettable moments in my spirit did not come when I got a prophecy it came when I was in a place of prayer and heaven opened and the Dove descended and the voice came and the voice didn't talk about my performance this is why some people don't understand the revelation of rest because you're always trying to do something to earn something and God said if I can just get you to go to sleep Adam I'll take some out of you while you're sleeping and while you're sleeping and rest and I'll create the greatest gift that you've ever been given it's the gift of Eve come on in here's somebody in order for me to give you what you need I'm gonna have to put you to sleep and take the fight out of you Oh Who am I talking to I want you to know today that some of you can't get what God has because you're too busy trying to do it in your strength and the danger with God letting you do something in your strength is that if you do it in your strength you won't know who to give glory to when it happens uh-huh but when God lets every door slam and when God lets every phone not ring and when God dries up all of your connections and when all your resources come to naught and you don't have anywhere else to turn and you say like Adam I'll have to go to bed and put a sleep on this God said that's what I've been waiting on I wanted you to get in a position of rest because if I can get you in a place of rest I'll do something in your rest in your Stressless rest that you could never do in your own strength and when you wake up you'll see something you never saw while you are awake I did it while you were resting and who can take the glory for it is God after that God is getting ready to do that with some of you in this room God is getting ready for some businessmen in this room some business ladies in this room you've been trying to figure out a strategy for getting more God said stop working for more and rest in me and let me do something in grace that you could never do in your flesh touch somebody tell them chill out you are stressing us out you are wearing us out I mean every time we see you and the chaotic mess going to trying to do something else God is saying chill let me show you what I can do when you trust me it comes to this wilderness the father is not talking to him about his performance in fact if I could just give you this revelation Jesus has not preached the sermon yet he's not here the blind man yet he's not raised Lazarus yet he hasn't done anything yet that would merit the pleasing of the Father but the father wants the son Jesus to know that I am pleased with you not because of your performance this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased but what did he do for that like what did he do to make Jesus don't make the father happy you're ready for this he was just a son some people don't like Christianity because we show them a treadmill and all we are consumed with this how much we do for God our entire identity Oh God is tied up in what we do rather than who we are the father says from heaviness is my son in whom I am well pleased the revelation for some of us in this room today is that God is not impressed with your preaching or your singing he gave you that gift God wants you to know that just like you are bad breath in the morning every little idiosyncrasy about you just like you are because you are in Christ you please the father it was one of the most defining moments in the life of Jesus and he's standing in the River Jordan and the heavens open and the Dove descends and the voice comes and the father said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and it was that Wow that was like a defining moment and then you flip the page and this pleasing son who loves the father and who is known by the father and adored by the father and pleasing the father this same Jesus goes from this defining moment of knowing who he is and the Spirit leads him into the wilderness and this is what I came to talk about just for a moment right here Satan challenges his identity and he comes to Jesus and he says to him if it's a two letter word it's two letters two letters that set your mind and your thinking in a course of defeat if not careful because all safety attempts to do to us in our life is cause us to question our identity in God and it doesn't take him much to convince us that we're not who God said we are in fact sometimes it takes one failure have you ever been an immersive service y'all don't have to say a man you don't have to wave your hand don't whack your head just wink at me if I had telling the truth I don't want to incriminate nobody but they've never been in a worship service thank God opened the heavens the Dove descends the voice comes and you feel like God's Oh God's mighty man or God's mighty woman of faith in power thank you feel invincible and then you get home you know what you don't even take that long you get in the car I saw some people go you get in the car before you get to the restaurant you do something or say something stupid go over here real quick miletto I'm gonna let y'all work that out I'm gonna go over here for work that up and immediately a voice comes and it sounds something like this if that was real you wouldn't have done that if you if that prophetic word you got was really true you wouldn't have fallen into that if you really was a man of God if you really was a woman of God you wouldn't have done that and in one moment they had one moment all that you had faith and confidence in immediately evaporates and you were thrown into the throw of if I am a son or a daughter of God now I recognize most most people and many people in this room perhaps may not have that struggle because you're rooted and grounded in faith but it would blow your mind how many people come to worship on Sunday and really question their identity and God throughout the week and the reason Satan does that to you and is because he understands if he causes us to question our identity and lose our faith than we lose the power and we walk around and our failure speaks louder than his righteousness rewind our failure speaks louder than his righteousness well last time our failure speaks louder than his righteousness what do we do when we fall do we allow our failure to define our future or his righteousness to declare our future because if my failure define if my failure defines my future I have no future because I have been at times a person who failed God now y'all can look at me so holy and sit out there that like you don't know what I'm talking about but every single person with warm blood flowing through their veins has at some point in your journey failed god I know you don't want nobody is sitting on your road to know it and I know you don't want your wife to even have an inkling that I'm talking about you sir but I'm talking to you sir everybody in this room has failed God at some your life the reason you're not a failure however is because his righteousness speaks louder than your failure does this is not permission to fail this is encouragement to get up when you fall and not fail in the same way again what he did on the cross for me is greater than what I have done to myself if I trust him to keep believing God's going to make sure now Satan comes with two a two letter word if if you are the son of God the first thing he says is if you are the son of God I want you to see this this is this is after a 40 day fast how many of you have ever fasted a day I'm not talking about like you fasted Facebook I get so tickled with these these these bougie Christians I'm gonna suffer for the Lord what are you gonna give up Instagram boy you're getting a real break throwing that when I tell you right now God has been to do something deep in your life right give up that foolishness that ought to bless you that ain't even a sacrifice it's like deliverance right how many ever fasted food for a whole 24-hour period lift your hand how many have ever fasted food for three days seven days anybody here ever fasted 21 days forty days yeah how many would agree with me that it don't take long to get hungry not hungry hungry it don't take long it don't take long in fact about lunchtime you walk into Walmart at lunchtime and you see a 12-foot steak hanging on the meat section and your lips start puckering and your mouth starts watering it and you hear a voice go to the meat section and I know what it is about when I fast but every time I fast they're giving away free samples you won't do Sam's I'm trying to serve the Lord and honor God by the fast and this woman has got an oatmeal cream pie on a stick and I don't want one I want one and then I'm gonna take my jacket off and come back and look like somebody else and get another one y'all are not being real in here you know you've gotten more than one stole it stole it and didn't even repent over it what are these people doing here man man y'all got stuff and I'm trying to preach him y'all worried about me GQ come on leave me alone lord have mercy people fluffing I'm not a bride I'm a preacher my god single dress is a jacket hallelujah so she Jesus was hungry 40 days of nothing to eat and what to Satan do watch the strategy of Satan he comes into the wilderness and says if you are the son of God he questions the identity of Jesus and attaches it to a temptation to fulfill his flesh in his own power in other words what he sang to Jesus is you're hungry you have power make these stones bread and if you don't you're not the Son of God look at it if you are the son of God make these stones turn into bread it's a double whammy if he doesn't turn the stones into bread Satan is gonna say you're not the Son of God if he turns the stones into bread then Satan has successfully lured him into getting him to use his power for selfish gain how did you win that battle only one way it is written man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God now I've got a revelation this week that bless my soul Jesus did not say it will be written he said it is written and the blessing for that in me is that in spite of every temptation that will come to us in our future our answer is not going to be written it's already written there is no temptation that will come to you in your future that God hadn't written something about it already all you've got to do is know the word in such a way that when the temptation comes you don't have to go scrambling for chicken soup in the Christian soul you say no devil it is written man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God what if I told you your answer was not coming your answer has already been written oh my god I am getting ready to bless myself in this sanctified church this morning God is not coming up with my healing he already wrote about my healing he said he was wounded for my transgressions bruised for my iniquities the chastisement of my peace was upon him and he I am he's not going to give me a promise about joy he already looks like hell is breaking loose because the Bible said the word of the Lord shall not come back void if God ever wrote it down he meant what he said he said what he meant and heaven and earth are established on the Word of God it's written it's not suggested it's written it's not being talked about it's written well how am I gonna pay my bills open the Bible my God shall supply oh I thought my car whoa this is too Elementary that's where we've lost victory in the church we lost the ability to open up our mouth and say to the enemy that is vexing our soul devil I know what the book says I don't even know where this voice I'm struggling in is coming from I don't know who's talking in my ear but I know what Allah says I know what your way this is how big his word is God said I put my world above my name I'll did you hear what I said God put his world above his name his name is holy his name is a strong tower his name is a righteous name now you can sit and parse things theologically and we should do that sometimes but there are some times when that white page full of those black letters becomes more than words on a page they become Rhema to myself and when God starts talking to us and God shows us what is written what is written is greater than what is being said I [Music] feel like running to City Hall right now what is written is greater than what is being said when the doctor said elder Lamar that we got a concern about your body and we was all troubled for a little bit my mama went to prayer and then they come back and said well it ain't what we thought it was we told you we thought it was cancer but the c-word can't be found somebody said why because we believe it is written if the Lord said this affliction shall not rise against me a second time we go stand on the word of the Lord let me say something it's gonna help everybody but listen to me I'm gonna preach healing if we all die cancer you say we know the doctors I know we all got from the dive cancer but I believe no matter what happens in this body that book said it is written don't allow your circumstance to change what is written it is written is greater than what's being said when the doctor comes in and says we can't treat it well that's what you said but what is written is greater than what you said when the banker walks in and said your credit scoring good enough to get this house well thank you for what you said I don't deny the facts but the truth is already written down that house I'm trying to Bob don't even belong to the person trying to sell it to me the earth is the Lord's and the fullness there on my daddy owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills I'm gonna stand on the word college students how am I gonna pay must go we all same way we pay our electric bills by faith we work hard save some do right with God paid our ties I didn't get no help on that put God first in our giving I didn't start tithing when I became a pastor started tithing I was 17 years old I didn't start timeing when I started making money preaching I started tithe and when I couldn't find two dimes to rub together why because it the principle of the kingdom is if you're faithful with the little he'll trust you with more I'm not getting no help in this house right now God wants to bless some other Scott wants to show us what's written God wants to show us how to walk in the manifestation of the promise but sometimes we want to walk in our own way and then claim the promises of God's Word it's written so Satan comes to him and says if you're the Son of God turn stones into bread she said his written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God then Satan takes him look at this next thing Satan takes him to the temple and he says to him in verse number five he takes him to the temple in the holy city which is ouessem and he puts him on top of the temple 450 feet up in the air how many a great green we that's all high that's a little bit of a climb I saw a picture yesterday of elder Bosch them on internet jumping out of a plane and Vicki you know how much she loves her husband she said oh my sweet and brave husband jumped out of a plane and he looks like he's having the time of his life and I said sweet and brave sweet and brave Jesus and he's got this look on his face his cheeks are back near his ears his eyes look like a fly like they're bulging out of his Cisco and he's got this big smile I don't thank you God thank you for letting and we have thank you God for letting him live jesus has put on top of the temple 450 feet in the air and Satan says why don't you display your power because if you'll throw yourself down watch angels will come and catch you and everyone will see that you're the Messiah and this great display of power and what's the problem with that pastor the problem with that is Satan wanted to tempt Jesus to display his power and God never invites us to use his power in a way that becomes our own ministry launching pad the power of God being demonstrated through our life can never be used for self-aggrandizing purposes Jesus would never violate the love of the Father's heart by using the power the father gave him to demonstrate his Messiahship and say Here I am watch me jumpin angels come to rescue me this is the failure of the modern-day Church we think God gave us a pulpit to produce a sense of self-importance for us and if we just show everybody how loved we are and how powerful we are then we somehow heap upon ourselves the adoration and acclamation and approval of men and Jesus understood the power of humility he said I will not use the power of God for self-exalting purposes you shall not tempt the Lord your God may I suggest to every preacher in this room if God gives you the power to preach don't ever use that power for your own glory if God ever blesses you with blessing don't ever use it for your own glory don't even let your left hand know what your right hand is doing Jesus is a perfect picture of how to handle power and the final thing that Satan does Ron I'm closing he takes him on a high mountain and in one moment of time he shows him the kingdoms of the world Satan says to Jesus these are all mine you know what I found out about Satan and all these scriptures I'm teaching you Satan knows the word he actually quoted the Bible to Jesus several times that's why I'm not impressed with people who know the word well I know the Bible knowledge puffs up you better be careful there are people who know the Bible but not the God who wrote it I don't just want to read the words I want to know the heart of the one who put the words over the pages there listen to me church we've got to make sure we we don't just have a love for the Bible love the word but love the God of the word the letter alone killeth it is the spirit that gives life there are some people who can take this sword I call them terrorist Christians they take this sword and kill people with it this sword was never meant to kill anybody if you're going to use it to cut something open you better let it stick around long enough to heal the wound we just swing it around and we say all kinds of things that make a religious crowd shout and go a static sometimes in our shouting over the truth we forgot there are people in this room that don't just need to be sliced they need to be healed so many I mean some of those hateful people I've ever seen in my life have a Bible in their left hand you say pastor that's not true the church is a bunch of loving people you ain't been that some churches I've been to there's some mean people I'm not talking about the whole church I'm talking about the ones I'm talking about there's good people in churches there's godly people in churches I was raised with holiness people they would cry with you then sitting the altar and Pat you on the shoulder for an hour and a half while you're crying under the power of God there's good people in churches but there's also some people who are who said you know what this word this Bible is about hurting people it's about showing people the evil ways that listen I want to tell you if you're gonna preach this book and tell people about Hell you ought to make sure you give them a chance to make a u-turn before you end the service and give them an opportunity to say yes to the Lord I'm through with this he says to Jesus all these kingdoms that you see they're mine and if you worship Me I'll give you all these kingdoms now I believe I actually do believe those kingdoms at that point in time belong to Satan how because Adam had fallen and because man had fallen the tempter and the one who took it from Adam could rightfully claim possession to it the problem for the devil is the one he was talking to in Matthew for is the one who come to turn that around he said all this stuff belongs to me in Jesus in his mind knew standing right there you might have it right now you better enjoy it for a few more months because I'm getting ready to do something on a hill called Calvary that's getting ready to turn every bit of this now watch this he said all these kingdoms I'll give it all to you right now all you got to do is worship me do you understand Jesus was tempted to be a Satan worshiper what's the real temptation here the real temptation here is for promotion without process success without struggle the real temptation here is Authority without accountability if you just fall down and worship me now you don't have to go to Calvary you don't have to suffer on a cross you won't have to die all you got to do is fall down and worship me now Satan understood something if I can't get him by twisting the word I'll get him by stealing his worship and Jesus understood something there is no one who is worthy to be worshipped no matter what it means I will worship nobody but God now let me tell you something Li you can give your time to your boss you can give your heart to your spouse you can give you can give your shouts and excitement to your football team but there is to be no one in your life but God who gets your worship [Music] [Applause] I cannot surrender my heart to anything or anyone for whatever purpose do you understand that when Satan said to Jesus worship Me and I'll give you the kingdoms of this world that was going to happen anyway Jesus was actually going to become the king of kings Satan was trying to provide a shortcut to get the promotion without the process is it curse of the modern day Church come and get the promotion without the process this is why we have people writing songs that millions of people sing and then one day out of nowhere they write an article about how their apostasy sing from the faith we're singing their songs they're writing about a king they do not know don't get me started I'm so mad right now in my spirit we have made we have made legends out of people who turn their back on the Lord and no longer know him my heroes are not people who wrote songs then and they stand up and release an article about their public renouncing of Jesus what a coward my heroes are mothers and fathers in the faith that no one on this side of eternity will ever know their name and they didn't have a lot of money in the bank and they didn't drive a Cadillac and they walk to church and stop get buck bottles to get there but when they got to church because they know God [Music] who's applause are we living for so why you keep talking about this stand with me it bothers me all these people nervous about it oh there's been two apostates a pasta stars in the last few weeks they were great leaders in the church hogwash they were in Porton they were famous but they were not leaders in the Church of Our Lord leaders in the Church of our Lord don't serve Him when everything makes sense and when everything is right and when they get everything they won't someone who leads the church is someone that says if I [Applause] want to serve Him I don't want my legacy on this earth to be I preach good sermons and one day turn I want my legacy to be till the very end I've fought a good fight I finished my course I kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord shall give me and not to me only but to all those who look for his appearing some of us in this room today need to make up our mind if we're gonna serve Him when it's right and good and if we're gonna serve him when hell is breaking loose I can't promise you serving Jesus means you'll never have a problem but I can tell you this it gets sweeter as the days go by have I ever been tempted to turn around and walk away from it all you better believe it how many else have ever been tempted just to throw in the town's I can't do this anymore yeah why aren't we still here I'll tell you why we made up our mind I'm gonna hold on to see what the end might be it's like the little guy playing a left field little chubby left fielder reminds me of myself growing up his team was in the field top of the first inning they're getting beaten top of the first inning it's 14 to nothing the little left fielder got a big wad of chewing gum in his mouth his daddy comes out to left field leans over the fence says son don't you want to go home you're getting beat don't you feel like just quitting it let's just go to the house little chubby guy in left field takes one more chew of the chewing gum spits it out looks over at dad and said dad we hadn't batted yet just hold on you may feel outnumbered and outscored and you may feel like you're not gonna be able to get up but we ain't batted yet it's Friday but Sunday's coming keep the faith keep the faith keep the faith don't let the devil talk you out I started thinking about all this apostasy talk this week and the stats that come in just give me a minute I'm pastoring right now all the stats that come in about college students who go to college and never come back to church why because they lose their identity and they listen to some reprobate professor schooled in the doctrine of political correctness fill their mind with gutter mess and sewage that causes them to wonder if and then they go to come back from school and the God we preach is no longer the God they remember you better protect your man I have nothing wrong with stretching our mind or challenging our thinking but the moment we start questioning the deity and the person of Jesus and he becomes another among many you don't have to say amen to this but I'm telling you right now God your soul oh this sounds like the end of the wild pasture I'm telling you there's a spirit loose in the earth trying to turn hearts from Jesus and I just want to say to hell with the spirit to hell with that demon spirit that is of Antichrist that is trying to turn us away from the Lord somebody today has got to say you have the words of eternal life Lord and I couldn't go anywhere else to find what I founded you heads bowed take it longer than I need to but today God wants to remove the if if you are the son of God if you are a daughter of God God is saying the day to be reminded even in the wilderness you're in you are who he said you are keep believing don't lose the faith I don't care how weak your faith feels right now God's fixin to strengthen it everyone in this room who's trusting him is Lord and who needs God to strengthen their faith and I'm not talking about your falling away I'm talking about you don't want to you want to get closer to Jesus than you've ever been if that's you lift both hands right now Jesus thank you Jesus thank you every hand that's lifted strengthen their faith right now every heart that is asking you for more strength you give strength after strength I am thankful father that those who continue to believe are those who will see the salvation of our God and I thank you for the God that faith that is on trial and being tested when it comes out of the wilderness the wilderness listen to me carefully that wilderness wasn't not about God trying to get you to fail the wilderness was about Jesus understanding that he really was who the father said he was you will come out of the wilderness stronger than you went into it and he'll will wish it never messed with you in the first place [Music] for reminder says the Lord that in this day some will give heed and give ear to seducing spirits doctrines of devils those things that would tear you away from my heart says the Lord but I call you this day to stand fast in the Liberty that I have created you to live in I will strengthen you this day says the Lord in your faith for I'm the God who will help you overcome this is how you overcome says the spirit of grace to the church even your faith in God so today the Lord says not to rely on your own strength but to seek me says the Lord and I will give you strength for this journey it will not overcome you but you have been declared to be an overcomer saith the Lord and you shall overcome both in this life and in that one which is to come for you are born of me says the spirit and because you are born of me victory belongs to my children I am the God who promised it and I shall perform victory in your life says the spirit of grace to the church today somebody thank him for victory all over this world [Applause] I want to say this and I'm gonna release you if what I heard in prayer is from the Lord you have not seen the end of this publicity stunt called apostasy there will be more famous people who will come out and say I no longer believe in Jesus you keep your eyes on the risen Christ you ignore that garbage and don't listen to them don't listen to the grandiose reports how many are falling away yes people will walk away but in China while we are worshiping this morning in four foreign countries in huts under huts and in villages there are people by the millions who are coming to the Lord Jesus Christ and I'm telling you today the best is still yet to come for the Church of the Living God if you believe it give him praise all over this room right now if you believe we have victory give the Lord praise I love you I want you to go into peace and the strength of God today may the Lord bless you and your family we will see you Wednesday night in the house of the Lord go in his peace god bless you [Music] you you
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 10,818
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: chattanooga, tn, tennessee, kevin, wallace, kevin wallace, deven, deven wallace, highland, park, highland park, rsm, redemption, redemption to the nations, rttn, rttn church, church, God, Jesus, spirit-filled, spirit, Holy Ghost, pentecostal, love
Id: 4vpnXW49Mw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 37sec (4417 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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