Healing in this House

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welcome and thank you for watching today we hope this message brings you hope and encouragement we also love to be encouraged by hearing from you if God has done something in your life and you would like to share it please email us at saw at our tea tea and church calm that's sa w @ RT T in church calm what is saw here at RT TM we believe in signs and wonders God is always making himself known through his power and one of the best ways is through your testimony we also want to let you know that you could be a part of the RTT and church family and what God is doing here in Chattanooga through giving you can give through our mobile app or through our website just visit our TT n dot Church slash give thanks again for joining us at redemption let's get into the message [Music] [Music] [Music] no-no-no somebody say there's healing in this house now I'm going to start I'm going to start in verse yeah I'm gonna start in verse fourteen it's gonna be a bunch of Scripture can y'all handle the Bible Jesus returned verse 14 in the power of the Spirit to Galilee and news of him went out throughout all the surrounding region and he taught in their synagogues being glorified by all so he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up and as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and he stood up to read and he was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah and when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he sent me to heal the brokenhearted and to proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty those who are oppressed and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord then he closed the book he gave it back to the attendant and sat down in the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Jesus and he began to say to them today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing and all bore witness to him and marveled at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth and yet they said is not this joseph´s son he said to them surely you will say this proverb to me physician heal yourself whatever we have heard done in Capernaum do also hear in your country then he said watch this don't miss it he said assuredly I say to you no prophet is accepted in his own country but I tell you truly many widows were in Israel in the days of Elijah when the heavens were shut up three-and-a-half years and there was a great famine throughout all the land but - none of them was Elijah sent except to Zarephath in the region of Sidon to a woman who was a widow and many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elisha the Prophet and none of them were cleansed except Naaman the Syrian so all those in the synagogue when they heard him say these things were filled with wrath and rose up don't miss this day rose up and cast Jesus out of the city and they led him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built that they might throw him over the cliff how many know he was gonna die on a hill but it wasn't that hill oh you missed a good place the same and I said how many know he was gonna down a hill but it wasn't gonna be on that hill say Amen son they were gonna throw him over the cliff but he passed through the midst of them and he went his way now watch this verse 31 he went down to Capernaum say Capernaum a city of Galilee and was teaching them on the Sabbath's they were astonished at his teaching for his word was with Authority now in the synagogue there was a man who had a spirit of an unclean demon and he cried out with a loud voice saying let us alone what have we to do with you Jesus of Nazareth did you come to destroy us I know who you are you're the Holy One of God but Jesus rebuked him saying be quiet and come out of him and when the demon had thrown him in their midst it came out of him and did not hurt him then they were all amazed and smoked among themselves saying what a word this is for with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits and they come out verse 37 I'm almost through and the reports say the report save the report and the report about Jesus went out into every place in the surrounding region he arose from the synagogue entered Simon Peters house a house but Simon's wife's mother was sick with a high fever they made a request of Jesus concerning her so he stood over her he stood over her rebuked the fever and it left her and immediately she got up look at your neighbour tell him that today I mean get an attitude and tell him today immediately you're getting up [Music] and she served them and when the Sun was setting all those who had any met were sick with various diseases they brought them to Jesus he laid his hands on every one of them healed em all and demons came out of many crying out you are the Christ the Son of the Living God how many know God will even allow the enemy to advertise y'all don't hear what I'm saying the devil didn't even want to advertise it but he's so much God the devil couldn't even deny it you are the Christ the Son of how many believe he's the Christ oh I wish I could find a church I said how many believe he is the Christ would you pray for me today and I pray for you Lord I have prayed all week long for this moment that you would transform your people's hearts transform my heart by the presence and person and power of the Holy Ghost open people's ass today some of them are in religion but they're not in the kingdom I pray today they'll find entrance into the kingdom of God well I thank you the doors to the kingdom are flying open today people who are dead and don't even know it are coming to life in this house people who are down and out are getting ready to rise up in the grace of God we give you glory for it in Jesus name and the church that loves him said amen to be seated in the presence of the Lord Luke chapter 4 and Mark chapter 4 and Matthew chapter 4 all detail what we would call the beginning of the public ministry of Christ at this particular point in his life he is in his early 30s most people believe he was 30 years old at this time when he comes out of the wilderness and he begins preaching the kingdom of God and his message was preceded by a camel hair wearing locusts and honey eating wild-eyed prophet named John the Baptist John the Baptist the Bible says in John chapter 1 was not the light but was sent to bear witness of the light and the message of John the Baptist was very simple repent for the kingdom of God is at hand get your heart right and get your life in order because the kingdom is here why was he preaching the kingdom was near because he knew the king had arrived and when the king shows up the kingdom shows up with the King the kingdom of God is wherever Jesus is ruling and reigning and when Jesus began to walk on the earth the message Jesus preached was the listen the message of the kingdom the gospel of the kingdom of God don't miss this Jesus did not just preach the gospel I don't want to get semantics and get you tied up in words but the Bible is very clear that he preached the gospel of the kingdom gospel means good news Jesus was declaring to people for the very first time that there is good news on planet Earth Satan has sat as the Prince of the power of the air long enough he's ruined enough lives he's stricken enough people he's caused hopelessness in enough hearts but now those who sat in darkness have seen a great light now those who had no hope have hope because there was a virgin named Mary god I feel like preaching the gospel today there was a virgin named Mary who gave birth to a son the Angels told her don't call him Jimmy don't call him don't call him Dave don't call him Bobby call him Jesus for he will save the world from their sins and when he got on this planet John 1 first John 3:8 says for this purpose was the son of God manifested that Jesus Christ might destroy the works of the devil I just want to tell you today Jesus didn't come to start a social club Jesus didn't come to make us feel better about ourselves Jesus didn't come so that we could have all of the wonderful things that we have in life I'm thankful for all that he's given us but there is one reason he came he came because this worth with this world that his father created had been sabotaged by dark demonic forces that had held the hearts of men and women in Chains of iniquity and sin and we had no hope in our future but I need to praise God today that when Christ showed up he came with a message and a declaration devil your days are numbered devil your time of reigning and ruling and wrecking or over devil your your opportunity has now been squandered Jesus is here the King of glory has arrived lift up your hand hold he Cates and be lifted up you everlasting doors and the King [Applause] he came in great power preaching the gospel of the kingdom the good news is the kingdom is here he was saying when the kingdom of God shows up Paul says in 1st Corinthians chapter 3 that the kingdom of God listen is not in word only but in power you can't just explain the kingdom you got it you got a demonstrate the kingdom how many good how many know that the kingdom of God is in demonstration do you know why there's so many people who don't come back to church because we declare things we never demonstrate we say things that we never established we preach things that are never never in operation how in the world can you preach love and act hateful I'm not getting all help in here right now how in the world can you preach generosity and live stingy how in the world can you preach healing and never pray for sick people the kingdom is not in word only but it is in power at some point your explanation must be met with demonstration and there must be a demonstration of the kingdom of God and one of the great earmarks of the invasion of the kingdom of Jesus coming in is this this promise of sickness comes not from God let me walk around and stir this theological fight up sickness does not come from God elder why would God send sickness and then send his son to take off something he put on them I think that's a little morbid no sickness came through the means of the fall and Satan took advantage of the fall and now places infirmities diseases maladies and malfunctions of the body upon Pibb and Jesus coming with a demonstration of the kingdom begins not only to preach the kingdom and let me make sure you understand it's not that the kingdom of God's coming is not without message he's not saying that there isn't a word in fact the first thing Jesus did was preach the word but faith comes back and hearing by the word of God you can't even believe for the kingdom to be demonstrated until you first heard that the kingdom is here so you have to preach the message of the kingdom which is what Jesus did and the Bible tells us watch this when he comes out of the wilderness forty days tempted by the devil forty days of being tempted by the devil said I'm hungry no they devil knew he was hungry forty days of no food come on how many know you'd be hungry too some of you get hungry after a three-hour fast we say we're fasting the first we fast the first three days of every of the first three the first Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of every month in this church except the month of July and there are people who fast all kind of things some people fast three straight days some people fast a couple of meals throughout it some people don't fast at all but they tell everyone I'm fasting whatever you do just spend time with God and pray amen Jesus fasted 40 days and was hungry and Satan tempted him and said take these stones and make them bread then he tempted him and took him high up on the temple and said if your worship me I'll give you watch this out view all of these kingdoms for their man to give haven't know the devil is a liar the problem is not only were there not his to give they were already Christ for the taking in fact I saw something that I've never seen before after Satan attempted to tempt Jesus with we're throwing himself down and then worshipping Satan so that Satan would give him the kingdoms watch what Jesus said get thee behind me Satan do you know why he said get behind me watch this because Jesus had come through 42 generations he was born through the womb of a virgin prophesied hundreds and even a thousands of years before he came he knew him his time was he was next in line for the kingdom Satan thought he was in front and he kept telling Jesus if you worship Me that's why Jesus right now you might get somebody else when you come out of a season he anticipated destroying you in have you ever been through something and walked through a season that the devil thought he knew how you weren't going to make it out and then all of a sudden you all count of its it will make the devil wish he'd never messed with you anybody know what I'm preaching about in here you went through a wilderness but you come out with a deeper prayer life you went through a bad season in a rough patch but you came out with a fervent praise anybody in here thankful that weeping endures for a night but joy comes in the morning no weapon formed against you will be able to prosper gods who are get it out for your good in Jesus life is making news in him because when he comes into the first synagogue the demon said we know who you are now miss what I just said they already had a report circulating through town Oh Mary's baby is not just Joseph's son Mary's baby belongs to Yahweh in fact this is God in the flesh [Applause] I don't believe things shift until leaders come out of wilderness if you're in a wilderness today is because he's preparing you to operate in a place of authority and power anything on you too hard for you to bear the problem but some of us is we think God is were concerned with our comfort than he is our authority and character development but I want to preach to you today that God loves you too much to leave you weak in the faith and anemic in your praise no no no there's a reason some of you are going through a wilderness on the inside and in your marriage and in your finances and in your spirit I'm trying to tell you God is developing Hill's worst nightmare while you're walking through that wilderness and you don't give up why you up while you're walking through that wilderness and you keep on thanking God and you keep on standing on the word you are developing faith muscles that are going to put the devil out of business [Applause] he goes into the synagogue's of Galilee he preaches in an introduction here in verse 14 he leaves a place where he is received and he goes to a place called Nazareth a place where he is from and we are talking about a culture of Honor and the kind of culture that exists in this house and what kind of culture it is we believe God is warming us to be a part of Jesus walks into Nazareth synagogue I have been there in fact I stood in that precious place with 120 of campus choir from the University and her tongue and interpretation came forth miss Deborah and the tongue was for so long the interpretation was for so long desiring praise in my own hometown that's what the Lord said through target interpretation he said for so long I have desired praise in my own hometown and in this place and I'm telling you I don't know if anybody was here that was with me then but we had hours of worship and in a place where he had been rejected we just welcomed him follow God I said I've Stelling something up to Daddy he goes into Nazareth he goes into Nazareth and he begins to preach and they are amazed by the sermon we read the tents they are amazed and his sermon and his gracious words but one of them looked at him in the flesh and said this is a great sermon and this is a real nice little thing going on here but is this not joseph´s son and with that one statement the atmosphere became charged with dishonor is this not Joseph's son the carpenter is this not our brother that we play basketball with is this not Jesus I mean I mean he's preaching and waxing eloquent and wow what a powerful sermon but let's not get too crazy this is just Jesus in that house some people treat him on Sunday I mean this is just Jesus I don't understand why all of them and I don't understand why we always got it receive an offering and I don't understand why we always being challenged to shout but a bus a truck I'm so sick and tired of shower until Beyonce or Alabama football y'all not gonna help nobody in here you don't shout until you find something worth a shout and then when you put a certain price tag on it you act like a fool and shake your double-wide trailer now they're going crazy over what makes but then you come to church and you just have like it's just Jesus ain't you ever been to church before it's just Jesus Wow the excitement it's just Jesus why y'all crying can you get her thing that's God she cried ever Sunday Jesus and you know what he did he looked at his family mind you he left the place where he was being received and went to his home city why cuz I believe there he was wanting to see the kingdom it made when he comes to look he looks at them and says I should I say unto you no prophet is accepted in his own country but I tell you truly many widows that were in Israel in the days of Elijah when the heavens were shut up 3 years and 6 months and there was a great famine throughout all the land but - none of them was it like just sent except to the widow of Zarephath don't miss this then he says in the days of Elijah don't you think there were many lepers in Israel but - only one was Lasha said to heal and that was naming the Syrian what are you saying don't miss what Jesus did he immediately does two things to take the religious people off the first thing he did is he compared himself to the two greatest prophets in the history of Israel Elijah and Elijah and he puts himself in that category and conversation but the other thing he did take them off royalty look at your neighbor tell him royally he essentially looked at people who believed that just simply because of their bloodline they were entitled to the miracle and he said to them wait a minute just because you have the bloodline doesn't mean you're entitled to the miracle because in the days of famine it wasn't even the bloodline that got a miracle it was the Gentile woman y'all might hear what I'm telling you from Zarephath and it wasn't an A it wasn't the leper that was just an Israelite it was the Syrian leper Damon in other words he was inviting them that just because you think your father is Abraham it doesn't mean that you're entitled to the inheritance the inheritance came through one his name was Jesus and he grafted us in don't miss this don't miss this I don't want to pick on him but we have a precious brother in our church that is a dear Jewish brother from Israel hand of God on his life full of the Holy Ghost full of Jesus full of the power of God but let me tell you something about brother Noah his blessing came through his faith in Christ I'm getting ready to take some people off right here but I'm gonna tell you this blessing came through faith in Christ he will tell you how jacked up and messed up he was before the Lord found him and I got good news not only did he say I was just because you're hanging out in the synagogue and you're Jewish doesn't mean you're gonna get to enter the kingdom if you're not careful well I read this yesterday the Bible said Jesus looked at the publicans and the sinners and told the Pharisees they will enter before mr. Pharisee how can a publican in effect how can a publican and a sinner get in before a Pharisee one reason the door is Grace and the turn is faith and it doesn't matter where you came from what you look like what you're bound by what you snorted last night who you slept with last week I Got News for You if you'll turn to Jesus I feel the fire of God on my neck right now if you'll turn to Jesus he will save to the uttermost Ernie you'll take your black heart wash it in his red blood and make you wider than snow I don't know how bad you feel but I know there is a redeemer in this house walking up and down the aisles and he will set you free my god somebody help me preach you're Jewish you have to know I have a deep affection and affinity for Israel and Jerusalem in my heart I'm not preaching against that don't miss what I'm saying today I'm talking about a religious people who thought that their their pedigree alone entitled them to the kingdom and he looked at them and said God see of people outside your pedigree before and your bloodline and pedigree will not cover your dishonor you're not going to get to enter the kingdom I don't know how many times I've never seen this they picked him up and threw him out the Greek word for thrust is Apollo it means to hurl they put their hands on him and threw him out what happens to a city when it throws out the king I'll tell you what happens when you throw out the king go look at communist countries oh there are secret churches underground that are walking into blessing in favor of God but you see no residue of favor on nations that have cursed God and thrown the king out of the country I want to tell you right now the earth is the Lord Psalm 24 verse 1 the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell therein this world does not belong to princes and potentates and kings and queens it does not belong to presidents and viceroys this earth belongs to God you may have a deed that lays claim to a piece of property on which your home sits but I want to tell you that every square foot of this earth and the oceans of the sea they do not belong to men they belong to God they do not belong to the United Nations they belong to Christ and my Bible tells me in the Book of Revelations that the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God and His Christ one day he will sit literally in Jerusalem on a throne and he will rule with a rod of iron and your Bible says that for 1000 years the righteous will reign with him he'll say well done good and faithful servant you are faithful over a little I'll make you ruler over much we are going to reign with Jesus throw him to the edge of the city I gotta say this come cuz he had and when you're oiled up you can't keep your hands on a man that's overly I mean you try to grab him but you go wait we had him anybody and he'll know what it's like to have the oil on your life and the devil winter grab you but you just you just went right through that y'all don't know what I'm talking about in the middle of the night sickness tried to come on yeah but it touch the oil right off what I'm trying to tell you is the enemy can't kill you before God gets through with you no weapon formed against you will prosper got a death hold on I almost died in a car crash but she couldn't death because God wouldn't finish yet almost died of an overdose but she couldn't that because God wasn't finished yet I came in here today to praise God that the oil cause me to pass through some stuff that's right to destroy my life slap your neighbor tell him it was the oil it was the oil oh my god find three people telling me it was the oil it was the Holy Ghost that kept me it was the Holy Ghost that saved me it was the Holy Ghost that rescued me I would have lost my mind I would have lost my family at my business but look at God God brought me through somebody take a five-second price break and give him praise for the holy I gotta go cuz we just on the first house there wasn't any healing in the house of dishonor and he went to the per diem do you know why Jesus established I believe this with all my heart do you know why Jesus established his min ministry in Capernaum at Peter's house because he was rejected in the place he wanted to establish it in he went to Nazareth to set it up Nazareth rejected him so he went back to a place that would receive him who comes into Capernaum and I find it interesting that the word to Burnie a means village of consolation and comfort and he comes into the city of Capernaum and he walks into the synagogue and on the Sabbath he begins to teach the word and the Bible said they were amazed for His Word was with power you know what I found out about God if you'll pull on him he'll feed you what you're pulling on you ever you ever seen a church where the preacher was struggling to preach it ain't the preacher no no many times it ain't the pre-op scene people who can't preach their way out of a wet paper set get up and preach to hungry people and you would think my god they need to get a TV ministry because it's not just the sower that has an issue with delivery it's the kind of ground that the seed is falling on you've got to make sure that you're pulling on the word if you pull on the word and get hungry for the word then the preacher will have more word to give revelation works when the preacher has prayed and the congregation has prayed and both come together and have an encounter with the Holy Ghost if you come hungry for revelation I'll come with revelation and God will meet us in a spiritual way and transform all of us but if you come up in here with a hard secondly you make it impossible to receive revelation when you are more preoccupied and more interested look at your neighborhood elbow I missed something tell them pull on the word pull on the word there's a reason why Jesus stayed in Capernaum Sabbath after Sabbath after Sabbath is because every time they come together they could believe what he was saying it was like food for their hungry soul they kept on starving to death spiritually religion had given them nothing to chew on and now here comes this Galilean prophet with a word from heaven and every time he opens his mouth their soul comes to life every time he opens his mouth their spirit comes alive they kept pulling on the word and giving you sweet little non Pentecostal family members of ours who don't believe in demon possession I've literally had people come up to me say you know that ain't real you just hang around the [Applause] problem with most people is they don't believe in demon possession because they sat in churches for so many years where demons never manifested and they don't know watch demons will hide until glory shows up and when glory shows up it provokes the darkness in them and they start foaming at the mouth screaming and going crazy and you've got sweet little people who ain't never seen that before and they grab their purse and run to the car and all the prayer mamas cover the kids and plead the blood of rebuked the devil and you send up there going what in the world is wrong I'll tell you what's wrong it is the clash of two kingdoms and the king has just arrived and made an announcement to realms of darkness you will not destroy you will not ruin you my plague you will not you will never forget let's see who runs here we go I'll never forget being in Ottawa preaching I think I've told this story couple times if I did and you've heard it just hang on I never forget being in Ottawa and getting ready to preach Devon's on her face I'm on my face the glory of the Lord had come in and I'm the pastor right I'm the pastor I'm always concerned about the people Devon is not the pastor she's like a prophetess all she cares about is glory it's like you like that take care of it there are people here she forgot people were here it's like it's her god I'm in the floor I'm gone but I hear people start going oh oh oh well she's over here rude and before laying out and the glory me I get up pastor what and a woman has peeled out in the middle of town Oh coming out of her mouth Devon gets up about five minutes later and she goes the Lord told me just now in prayer there's a demon-possessed woman in this church I said I know I'll confirm that is a word from the Lord there she is right there in it funny we're not when the devil breaks out in no matter what bad you have own I had bishops hot and so though I'm told that everybody was had what in the world has happened in this church and isn't it amazing that demon-possessed people come to church and church people freak out do you hey let's run down to the Piggly Wiggly and get a prescription for this Walgreens got something about where do you wanna to tell we don't want them to come to church because they might interfere with our white American Dream our suburban ritzy white-collar Church that makes everybody feel comfortable and no one leaves questioning and wondering what happened there today we don't want to freak out our people who are paying ties but they're not really saved yet but what I want to tell you is Jesus is not in the comfort business he's in the delivery business and there are far too minute searches trying to make people like their appeal like their persuasive speech but there are people who are bound and nobody gets hurt nobody gets hurt the man just gets delivered and I can see the caption that day a hundred people in the church are going you know that little meme with the head blowing up the new word that came out the last update come on you're on I'm talking about that's the mean you had blowing up head boy I can't believe it they can't believe what they've seen watch watch don't miss this and the fame I'm almost the fame of him went through the whole region don't miss this taking notes writing down the word Fang go home and look this up I love when God gives you little nuggets like this the word fame is the Greek word echo when he cast the demon out of the man it sent a sound in the spirit realm throughout the whole region have you ever stood in a large Canyon or a big area and hollered no not not loudly spoke hollered what happens when you holler and that sound hits a place it bounces off that place and goes to another place and that sound hits that place and goes to another place and that sound hits that place and runs to another place and if it were just a little sound it might have hit one place and bounced to another place and then lay down but it wasn't that kind of sound this was the sound of the arrival of the king and when he cast the demon out of that man it sent a shock wave through the spirit realm that hit that place and it left that building and hit that place and it went down the road and hit that place in fact I just came to make a declaration it hit this place this morning it hit this place this morning the echo of the arrival of the king is still being heard in the earth they will never put him out of business they will never put him back on a cross they will never tie him to another whipping post he's the king of heaven the king of Earth the king of the Chu the king of the Jintao the king of kings and the Lord of lords you can vote him in so you'll never vote him out he's Alpha Omega the beginning and the year he's the first and the last the lily of the valley the bright and Morning Star he's the resurrection and the life slap your neighbour tell him I still hear the echo I still hear the echo the and is still being heard the devil is still d'If somebody shout the devil is still defeated somebody jump up on your feet and say the devil is Stefan he's defeated into the wall he's defeated in Cleveland he's defeated in his rich he's defeated in Rossville he's defeated in schemata he's defeated in Chattanooga he's defeated in Knoxville is defeated and I don't care where you're going where you been or who you eat it says that the echo went out through the whole region read the Bible and then he left the synagogue it didn't take weeks and months I'm not making this up it's in your Bible the sound immediately may not come to hear you preach and they may never come into this church to see what God is doing they don't have to when one gets delivered right here it sends shockwaves through the region [Applause] so once you watch watch watch the synagogue at Capernaum begain became a gate that opened an entire region to the kingdom of God and he comes from the synagogue to Peter's home you know Peter's a saved man because he let his mother-in-law live with him glory to God god bless me and when it comes in theaters mother lost sick with a fever god I wish I had time to go into the cause of a fever because a body only gets a fever when it's been invaded by a foreign entity that shouldn't be there she had a sickness in her body and that's why some churches have a fever because they've led foreign entities into the body you'll miss what I'm saying so rich he stood over her she had a fever and a foreign entity in her body so he stood over her he covered her because she'll always get a fever if you're not properly covered there are some people who are sick spiritually because they never come up under a covering I'm not getting no help in here right now but I'm gonna tell you if you want to go further than you've ever gone you got to get submitted making people nervous here we go I love it he stands over her and rebukes Justin he rebukes the fever jesus never rebuked anything that was not demonic in origin this was an attack against Peters mother mother-in-law don't miss why watch he rebukes the fever and it leaves immediately and what does she do she gets up and does what there's a reason why the devil attached the servant arm of a church I will show you why because after she gets up she begins to serve jesus watch and he stays there he stays there because she takes such good care of his presence why is it important that Jesus stayed because while she is serving Jesus a meal sick people and demon-possessed people are coming through the hollow and they're on their way to Peter's house and if she doesn't serve and keep him in the house when they get to the house there's no one there to heal or deliver them and without the servant arm of this church people are coming here for hope and healing and life but if we don't serve and host him well when they get here he won't be here here's what I'm telling you if you want healing to be in the house you got to have honor in the house what you honor you attract what you dishonor you repel some of us have a problem with honor well I'm an American and I have a first I have a First Amendment right you are a kingdom citizen that should control your crazy mouth sometimes how many did I just take off right there come on be honest you go to hell if you laugh when you got saved you surrendered some of your rights all things may be lawful but all things are not expedient just because you can don't mean you should some may but we may not well I'm hitting something right here servants if we want to have a house of healing the first thing we got to do is host people well so let me just set a couple things in order right here real quick this is apostolic leadership 101 at 9:00 a.m. service when we come into this service on 9:00 a.m. service on Sunday morning we don't wait 20 minutes till we lift our hands we don't even make on pastor Tobin or Joe Joe asked us to come to the altar I need a group of people every Sunday who forget how you feel and what you feel and how your week with I need people to fill this altar every single Sunday as we start prayer lifting up worship and intercession I don't care if you're the only one I want you to start the party I walked in this morning God said these altars are too empty well brother was I just letting raised in that kind of church that's why I'm teaching this because religion keeps us in our seat do you understand that when you get to heaven there will not be pews and a pulpit there'll be a throne and you'll just have to find a place to kick your feet loose and go crazy for God when you meet someone in this place that you know is either first-time or they look like you never seen them before began host them well well I don't know how they're responding who cares this is your house where the family welcomed each other welcome people create an environment where people want to come are you listening to me at all just just love let's love look at your neighbour tell them I love what how spiritual is it I want to preach I want to preach I don't want to wait on people you're not qualified to preach until you're qualified to wait on listen if serving is beyond you ly leading is above you and then we want to have honor give me one more minute I'm through the first thing we have to honor is God he's not just Jesus look at how good Jesus is Maria if if I went to Nazareth joseline if I went to Nazareth and they tried to kill me and throw me off a cliff I wouldn't call myself Jesus of Nazareth anymore I'd be like I'm Jesus from Capernaum but look at him throughout the whole balance of the New Testament he never dishonours those who dishonored him he remains Jesus of Nazareth even though they disowned you I'm preaching to myself right now you got to be able to honor people who dishonored you Jesus of Nazareth well if I let them call me Jesus of Nazareth that might there's a dent in my ego that's yeah but you know what they can't change your position and the father some of you all it takes is one person to flip you off on the interstate and you dis look at these people getting convicted and grabbing their things right now just like Jim get the car warmed up I'm sick and tired of this mess Sally just hold on a minute what one person flip you off on the interstate and you lose all semblance of honor now let me speed up and show her what not listen you need transformation in your heart some of you need to get so delivered from the racism in your heart and I'm talking to everybody some of you need to get so delivered from the racism of your heart you start blessing people that you know have never blessed you I tell the story about somebody in my family I won't not my media family by my distant family I tell his story he fell off a roof one day working at a house laid in a yard gasping for breath back broken laying there just dying and nobody to help him and was one of the most prejudiced individuals you've ever met in your life laying there dying and guess who comes out to help him a sweet black lady now when you're dying yeah yeah at least the black vote can help me preach right here when you're dying all of a sudden the hate you have for people of a different color you just can't find it you just magically start loving everybody and Here Come this sweet prayer mama he helped him by calling the police tended to him while he laid on the ground and the whole time God was addressing the malice in his heart you know when I found out about Jesus Jesus will hold you hostage sometimes to make you deal with some mess in your heart and that day he got delivered from his racism and found out all my life I've been living in stupidity you know that's what racism is it's stupid [Applause] well I'll have you now I'll meet you out back no you won't you may meet me anywhere God's gonna touch your heart sir kill you of your hillbilly ways and let me say this since I'm an equal-opportunity offender some of my precious african-american brothers and sisters are gonna have to quit living so offended I'm fixing it on both sides see this is how this is because you can't honor what you're offended at how deep do I want to go in that Lord I stop can I believe you go down there to that church with a white preacher I mean I'll run down to Florida get a little tan but it ain't gonna be any better you know what God is doing here in this city is an anomaly and I'm not saying oh we're special I'm saying he's special four years ago when we started in the inner city I said God how we gonna do this and the Holy Ghost said to me these words love the walls down so that's what I'm gonna keep doing I'm on an assignment here we are on an assignment here and if we want this house to be a house of healing not just healing of bodies what if God wanted to heal a nation through our Kingdom demonstration of love see that's that's crazy what if he did some of you need to stop living with such a dishonorable spirit you dishonor your spouse well I honor God you don't honor God when you dishonor each other last night with the intercessors I feel such a strong burden that God wanted to transform my heart and he wanted to transform our hearts we're so insensitive sometimes we're so hateful sometimes we we don't pause long enough to think about the pain someone else is feeling we we read one little article on Facebook that is a lie and start forming opinions about people that ain't even right what's wrong with us that is not the kingdom come on healing to come in this place in such strong ways and the only way healing comes in the house is when we honor God and honor people and we serve if you need God can transform some things in your heart today in your own culture in your own life lift your hands right now with me and say Lord transform whoever it is maybe just one or two of us but I'm gonna throw my hands up because yesterday in prayer I felt like I said I want to transform you Wallace if you won't God to transform your heart and you've got room to become more like Jesus throw your heart throw your hands up and open up your heart and said conscious transformed Spirit of God would you work on every person whose hands are lifted right now change this city by changing us gun oh Jesus change this city by changing us Lord give us love like you love Lord give us a spirit Oh God a spirit of Honor a spirit of Honor we honor you we honor you that means we've developed an opinion that is fitting for who you are we don't reduce our opinion of you you you there is no higher person in our life than you you know I'm gonna do this today and I I want you to pray for me I'm getting ready to go to Memphis I got to fly out today at 1 o'clock I'm flying to Memphis to preach I don't want you to pray for me I'm gonna go to catch this plane but we've got about 10 minutes there's some people who need to move into the altar it just passed the Holy Spirit listen sin separates you from God even the hidden stuff can separate you from God and some of us need to be transformed this culture of honor and healing and serving that we're praying for in this house it doesn't happen simply because I preached it you shake your head it happens because we submit ourselves to God and allow him to transform the things in us preventing him from coming as we want him to come maybe not everybody needs to pray but I feel like there are some people in here who just wanted me to open the altar up cuz you need to come lay some things down on the altar some attitudes some dishonor some some of your spouse's are gonna have to get a spirit of honor in your marriage or your kids are going to continually be dishonorable there's some people in here right now you own a business and that how you treat others in authority determines how those who work for you are going to honor you I'm gonna open the altar right now and if you want to come and pray with me I just want to invite you to come I don't know I just you know there's too much distance between you and him right now come on if there's too much in you that rises up every now and then they don't look like Jesus come on if there's hatefulness and malice and just meanness sometimes arise up in your heart you find yourself trying to do come on he'll just supernaturally take some stuff out of you some of you struggle with church leadership you put up with me you don't you don't necessarily like me you don't like our pastors you just put up me because you feel guilty if you don't come to church God wants to restore your honor for leadership say pastor that sounds crazy I know but somebody gotta tell you because if you walk your whole life dishonouring leadership you'll never access the Grace and anointing that God puts on their life to help you come on I want my heart to be pure some of you got bitterness and offense in your heart against people I talked about this two or three Sundays ago uh and you weren't here that Sunday but you're getting it today because God loves you too much to let you keep carrying offense into your future come on you can't honor what you're offended in come on cleanse my heart done pastor Tobin I'm gonna ask you and Joe to come sing just come sing something and we've got about three or four or five minutes right here just to pray I want everyone that stays to lift your hands and worship God right now everyone that stays draw closer to God right now draw closer to God right now in your heart turn into Jesus hallelujah hallelujah changes Lord sanctifies cleanse us make us holy God some of you right now there are things God's bringing to your heart that you're not comfortable with and the easiest thing to do is fly away from it just flight run up the back door get in the car and leave don't run from it if you'll just lay it on the altar he will absolutely remove it and purify you from it right now today you'll do it for you right now he'll do it for you right now come on come on lift your hands and begin to ask God for honor to just be the heir of this house the heir of this house has so come out on a boat day out of us a spirit of honor come on God we're gonna honor here we're gonna honor leadership we're gonna honor we're gonna honor those in our church family we're gonna honor one another we're going to esteem others have more highly than we esteem ourselves I bless this house to be a place of honor may you never have to leave because of a dishonor that surfaces in our midst may we be a people who know who you are who who have such a high regard and opinion for your presence Oh God Tobin Joe seems something for me [Music]
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 1,708
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 10sec (4210 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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