Triggers and Traps: Defeating the Spirit of Offense

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[Music] and today we want to begin a series called triggers and traps breaking the spirit of offense and and I don't really know how long this is gonna go in fact as I started preparing this several weeks ago it's not really even as sermonic as I would like it to be it doesn't fit as nicely in the package of a series that I want it to fit in but the content of it is what I believe is germane and necessary for not only us but the entire body of Christ I want you to know that we are living in one of the most easily offended generations the world has ever seen shockingly and mysteriously among the most who are easily offended are the people in the body of Christ and that is not acceptable to the kingdom of God God intends for us to be mature look at your neighbors say mature we talk a whole lot about going up but before we ever go up how many know we all have to grow up and God wants us to grow up in this and I am praying that God would do several things over the next several weeks number one I'm asking God to set people free who are trapped in an offense secondly I am praying that God would help us develop a spirit that is not easily offended if I could say it like this I want to live unoffending [Music] and I do not think it is coincidental that this series is beginning on Father's Day and by the way let me say and as I get into this how much I love my dad who is with me on the second row today some know him as butai butch and big and Sanford & Son but I know him as dad and I'm grateful for my dad I'm thankful that he's still alive I'm grateful for all the lessons he he taught me in life and I'm I'm still living many of those lessons out and living them out with my sons and I'm grateful for you dad I love you with all my heart thank God for you and for what you've done how many thankful for your father's yeah and you know what I'm saying is true if you still got him love on him and I'm thankful for my earthly father and thankful for my Heavenly Father how many know he's he's the best thing that ever happened all of us say men so I do not think that this series is coincidental that it starts on a Father's Day because I think that the heart of our Heavenly Father is for all of his children to walk in freedom from offense and that we not live in bondage let me remind you on Father's Day you are his children and because you are his children there is a certain kind of life he wants you to live and it does not include bondage of any kind I said I'm just saying it that's not too good to be true but it really is true there is no bondage of any kind in the life of the child of God if there is it is illegal where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom you shall know the truth and the truth shall the anointing is upon me for he hath anointed me to preach good news to the brokenhearted to set at liberty set at liberty to set at to liberate those who are bruised and trapped on the inside and you know what a bruise is a bruises are wound underneath the skin that over time it will turn blue because the blood broke through the vessels and surfaces and sometimes you can't immediately see a bruise but God sees the bruises and today I want to declare to you that as his child it is his intent on father's day for you to walk in a measure of freedom and a measure of wholeness it's my prayer over the next several weeks that God would give us freedom from the spirit of offense and he would create in us a spirit that is less easily offended and I'm getting ready to help some people in here because some of you go around telling people they offended me you don't even know what an offense is many people in this room are not offended I'm going to show you why today because we taught this all wrong in my opinion and I'm not saying that because I like standing up and saying grandiose statements like that because I've said those things I'm offended when in reality I'm not offended I'm just mad okay okay I can see how this is gonna be okay all right let's go - let me just start with Matthew five partner some of you just got offended I'm hittin like people grabbing their ears I've been struggling with my allergies anybody else had allergies lift your hands God he'll all of us right now I rebuke pollen demons in the name of Jesus come on my god I have never in my life struggled like I've struggled the last week and a half and I thought I was you know past all the pollinating of the spring and then this summer thing hit and I'm just I'm swimming in it so thank God for people who are in my misery with me today hallelujah I want you to go to Matthew chapter 5 this is just what I'm going to start it's not where I'm going to end but it is where I'm going to start I'd like to begin in verse 21 Matthew 5:21 in the New King James reads let's read this together you have heard that it was said to those of old you shall not murder and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment next verse but I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment and whoever says to his brother raca how many know raka just sounds like a cuss word I don't even know what that means I was studying this week out it's like you know it's bad whatever it is it's bad whoever says to his brother raca shall be in danger of the council but whoever says you fool in the Greek word is morose which is where we get the English word you you shall be in danger of hellfire next verse therefore listen to this if you bring your gift to the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you leave your gift there before the altar and go your way first be reconciled to your brother and then come and offer your gift next verse greet with your adversary quickly while you are on the way with him lest your adversary deliver you to the judge the judge hand you over to the officer and you be thrown in prison last verse surely I say to you you are no means get out of there till you have paid the last penny how many lets a heavy text may the Lord God give us grace to receive the word today and may the Lord help us in our hearing the Word of God let's pray father help in Jesus name today I'm asking you to help us I'm asking you to give us grace I'm asking you to watch over us in Jesus precious name we thank you Lord for what you're going to do in every life and that will never be the same again by the grace of God and the preaching of the word amen to be seated in the presence of the Lord so how many would agree with me today that the cross has two beams the cross of Jesus Christ was made up of a vertical beam that stood vertical from the ground and pointed up toward heaven representing that on that cross Jesus died to redeem our broken relationship with father God how many would agree with that but the cross has not only consist of a vertical beam that redeems our relationship that is broken with God but the cross has a horizontal beam that represents and reminds us that God had sent Jesus to redeem our relationships with one another because in the kingdom of God we do not have the priviledge privilege of getting saved and hiding and isolating ourselves and being set apart from everyone else the kingdom of God is a family and if you're a part of the kingdom of God if you're part of the church if you're a part of the ekklesia you are never that alone you are always that in a plural context with brothers and sisters God loves you too much to simply allow you to be the church by yourself if you're a part of the kingdom and you're a part of the Church of the Living God it is because you're a part of a community of believers right and and Jesus came to restore that and redeem that because many of us have a pretty decent relationship with God until it comes to his chill and there are some people who struggle with walking with God because of the family of God sometimes sometimes that's because you're just with people that are difficult other times it's because you refuse to see the something in you that make you difficult to deal with with for other people to deal with how many would agree that sometimes there are difficult people even in the church even in the kingdom outside this church and other how many have ever met Christians who love Jesus but they're just difficult to be around how many think it's you see I'm gonna mess you up this next couple of weeks how many recognize that agree with me that sometimes you and I are blind to our own idiosyncrasies we are blind to the things in our life that make us difficult for other people to deal with and I think that's one of the things that we're going to talk about next week is in this whole thing is is really being able to take an inventory and and make sure that our lives are the kind of lives being lived that that that attract not only the presence and the person of God but that give us influence to speak into the lives of other people when I think about people who I want to hang around I think about encouraging people people who speak the truth in love people who can help point me in the right direction people who I see loving people at nurturing labs I I think about elder Basham Jim Basham you know we come here when we have first three days of Prayer every month and and there's only about seven or eight of us who come for early morning prayer we all get here at 6:57 o'clock and we pray all over the church and I was here this past Wednesday and I'm on the front row it's seven o'clock in the morning I'm going after it and I looked up and he's over here praying with somebody and somebody else came and got him he's praying back there before I know it they've got a prayer line going on at the 7 a.m. and he's just blessing everybody on there those are the kind of people that that that most people are attracted to it's people that are encouraging and helpful right but not everybody's that way and one of the things God wants to give some of you is the spirit and a measure of long-suffering and patience to deal with people that you don't like so much because the reality is God had to give somebody long-suffering in patience with you for them to get able to be able to like you the cross of Jesus is a restoring redeeming cross it redeemed us back to the heart of God when we had a broken relationship and then it redeemed the broken lationship s' we have with each other because of Jesus model and the example that he set I declare to you today you and I can walk in harmony and peace and agreement with brothers and sisters in Christ if you think that's too difficult then you did then you're precisely the person that I came to talk to today and I want you to know that unity and agreement are a really big deal do you know that Jesus on his last on his last prayer meeting that he had in John chapter 17 the last thing Jesus has recorded to have pray for how many know that men and women are known by their first and their last words right famous people are known by their by their last words the last thing jesus prayed before he died is father I not only pray for those that you gave me now but I pray for those who will believe in you in the future and here's what he said I pray that you will make them one as you and I are one the last prayer Jesus prayed before leaving this planet and and ascending to the side of the Father the last thing he prayed was father make your people one ever since jesus prayed that prayer Satan has been busy trying to make us - and I want you to understand today that there is so much power in agreement do you understand that last Sunday was spin across Sunday we taught a little bit about Pentecost but we really didn't get to it because the whole agenda God was trying to get us to focus on is this issue of one Accord and unity and like-mindedness do you recognize that that when the church came together in one Accord right homo family on having to remember that last week's a homo family on when the church came together in one Accord say accord and he wasn't talking about a Honda we talked about that last week right he it's a homo followed on when the church came together in one movement one energy one one zero one passion that's when the Spirit of God moved do you realize that when the church came together in one Accord one whole Hamilton one man one zeal one passion that heaven could not ignore it the Spirit of God broke the heavens open the Spirit of God descended in fire and in wind and ever since that fiery windy supernatural manifestation in acts 2 do you recognize that Satan has been attacking agreement and unity ever since because he saw the result of what happened when people come together in one mind in one Accord hell hates agreement if one can put a thousand to flight y'all not gonna help me today if one can put a thousand to flight two can put 10,000 to flight there is something powerful when two people touch and agree there's something powerful according to Psalm 133 when brothers come together in unity brothers and sisters come together in unity the writers said it is like the oil that flows down the beard of Aaron from his head down his beard all the way to the skirts of his garments and wherever unity and agreement can be found there the Lord has commanded a blessing even life forevermore this is why some people in this room cannot walk in blessing in their house it's because there's no unity in your marriage and if there's no unity and I get no help right now against some real nervous looks right now but I've come to help some people today you won't the commanded blessing of God on your house then you can't quit you can't keep blaming generational curses on your own disagreement and your lack of unity really what's got to happen is you've got to submit and surrender and humble yourself and both of y'all got to come together run the devil out of your kitchen out of your bedroom out of your laundry room out of the living room get them out of the house and get together in unity and when that happens I declare the commanded blessing of God will come on your house your kids your finances your in-laws your outlaws you just gonna have to make up in your mind there are some things in your heart you've got to get up under the blood come together come together get in unity some powerful is released when it happens I want you to understand the power of agreement the power of unity and I'm only setting this up and laying this foundation so that when we jump into the whole issue of offense and and and the disagreements that we come into I want you to understand why we would teach this we teach this because I don't care how spiritual you are how gifted you are because you know gifted people can hide things gifted people can have thing you can sing so good that people don't know you don't have a prayer life you can wax eloquent and eloquent and teach and preach so well that people don't know that you ain't walking in harmony with your wife and your husband and with your kids but I'm gonna tell you right now there comes a point when heaven looks down at that mess and heaven says I've had enough of your of your foolishness I need you to come and get get your heart right so that what happens in your life can be authentic and genuine this is how people can have television ministry all over the world you wake up one more than their divorce they're going through hell they lose their ministry you think it happened like that but in reality it's been happening for years their gift just allowed them to hide it and what God is saying is I don't want you sitting in the house of the Lord hiding stuff I don't want you to sit on broken relationships and sit in a fence and bitterness be seething on the inside but you know you have a responsibility to look spiritual on the outside so you come to church and you he naan khatai and everyone says how you're doing you say Frank praise get praise God I'm doing so good you alive wonder you are a lying wonder God wants us to get it right say Amen and so there is power in agreement there is power in agreement everywhere we look in the word there is power in agreement our unity as a necessity our agreement is significant if you can get in unity and agreement and walk in reconciled relationship with brothers and sisters it yields supernatural power it releases supernatural blessing and it invites Supernatural prevent protection and are in light of all the glorious benefits of walking in harmony and unity with brothers and sisters it is no wonder Satan and all of Hell make one of their greatest assignments to bring the vision and drive wedges between brothers and sisters in the body of Christ Satan's right down if you taking notes writing down Satan's assignment is destruction his agenda is the vision his ammunition is offense unity harmony and agreement as I told you preceded the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and Satan's fighting everything he can in our day to keep us from that place of unity I want you to understand that when you see the increased volatility of people's hearts and you see the increased likelihood of offense it is a sign we're living in the last day Jesus said in the last day the love of many would wax cold and that offenses would grow in their frequency lord have mercy I could quit teaching right there in the humming that we're living in the last day of that's the truth the love of many would wax cold and the frequency of offenses would increase people would actually get more easily offended the closer they get to the coming of the Lord here it is Jesus is coming back and most people many people some people I don't know the number but a lot of folk are more easily offended now than they were when they first got saved that ain't the way it's supposed to be come on in here somebody how many remember the night you got saved couldn't nobody offend you people talk about you look at her look and you smile praise the Lord you know I'm just glad to be saved and they look to him and say give him three weeks he'll be back to his old ways and instead of that messin with him he just say you know what I love you anyway and then you settle down awhile and you keep coming to church and you give cynical you start hearing those things you start believing it you get more offended boy this is a sign we're living in the last days is that the love of many would wax cold your heart gets cold your love dries up you don't love like you used to you don't love this easily as she used to you get jaded and you get bitter and you get offended take the will of God it's a demonic attack Jesus wants us to burn with white-hot love for him and for each other well brother wise just keep living you're a young whippersnapper no I'm not young the problem is I believe the word and you've gotten cynical and you don't anymore and leave me alone and let me love people and let me forgive easily because that's what Jesus would do take your notes write it down Kevin this is this is heavy God said to me tell them Kevin Kevin does not need the world to walk in agreement with you before you are blessed heaven does not need the world to walk in agreement with you before you are blessed but heaven does need agreement and harmony between you and your brother and sister before heaven can bless you well the world don't like your brother Wallace I don't give a flying flip if the world likes me and agrees with what I'm teaching the day or not the world is not a necessary requirement for me to be blessed gods don't bless me whether the bats live hell bound world wants us to be blessed or not but heaven does need us to walk in agreement brother and sister you [Applause] don't have to make the world like you the world don't have to agree with God's blessing in your life well don't have to it you don't have to walk in agreement with people who are living crazy and and pluralistic ungodly life you don't have to have their agreement but you do have to have the agreement of the body and you do have to walk in harmony within to live blessed this is why Jesus directs a lot of his time addressing relationships between brothers and sisters it's because it is essential and it is necessary for us to walk in agreement and in harmony so that we walk in our full potential and our purpose and the blessing of God now Matthew becomes a book that is loaded with teaching and guidance on walking in healthy relationships there is actually much more said about relationships that we need to look at than just the text or an offense and I want to explore a number of things Jesus talked about in relationships so we're gonna talk about this I don't know how far we're going to get into today but there there are several different kinds of disagreements between brothers and sisters we we always say I'm offended they offended me you're not offended most of the time and I'm gonna show you why you're not offended most of the time most of the time it is a less serious thing than an offense you say pastor what are you talking about okay let's open your Bible keep it open because I want us to read together a lot today okay we're gonna read again I'm gonna teach if I get excited I'll calm myself down okay Matthew chapter 5 it's the scripture that I read to you okay so the first thing I want to clear up is that everything that happens to you in a relationship that you don't like is not an offense some people truly do offend you and I'm going to show you what an offense is in just a moment but many times you say they offended me they did not offend you they sent you off they triggered you some of us have triggers that people don't know about how many are married can I one witness anybody ever thought you knew who you were marrying and then after you were married for a few weeks you found out something about that person that you married that made you wonder why you married them you're not gonna be real in fact I see men squirming right now I see sisters squirming right now because the reality of it is there are things in people's life that trigger them and you don't even know why it triggered them and the reason it triggers them is because they brought a set of experiences into a relationship and imposed those previous experiences on this new relationship and now they are wondering why the man of their dreams don't meet all their needs and the reality of it his sister he don't know he didn't know you needed that you didn't tell him you didn't tell him that squeezing the toothpaste from the top really got on your nerves and when he did it for three weeks and then blew up that you forgot he forgot to take the trash out and you blew up on him he wondered how one forgotten trip to the street with the trash can brought about the firing fury of hell and he didn't know that for three weeks you have been boiling sister that he did not know you are not supposed to squeeze the toothpaste from the top geez Hoss somebody said how do you notice because I got married it's a trigger some of you are easily triggered when your husband looks at you a certain way when your wife rolls her eyes she's so disrespectful no you were crazy you made a horrible decision she has a permission to look at you like a fool because you acted like one sometimes Jesus what am I going to help me jog this wooden doubt go back to the scriptures okay Matthew five look at this let's take let's take this apartment okay I'm doing good you have heard that it was said to you by those of old you shall not murder and whoever murders in is in danger of judgment but I say to you Jesus said the old those school folks told you if you murder somebody you in trouble Jesus said I'm taking this one step further because if you back up about four more verses before this one he looked at them and said unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the Pharisees you will in no way inherit eternal life the Pharisees walked around and they looked like the most pious religious people of the day Jesus said they look pious on the outside but on the inside they had unresolved issues that notified them should have noted by them their spirit wasn't born again and what Jesus is saying is if all you do is keep the law outwardly but in your heart you have feelings of murder I didn't get no help right there you don't pull the trigger you just wish you could you don't go through with killing them you just think man I wish I could some of you women in here like God forgive me now Jesus Jesus is taking this beyond sheer outward demonstration and he's saying to the people of God your heart and the activity that is hidden within your heart is just as important as what you do with your natural life because if you let it fester in your heart long enough it will actually come to pass in your life because the heart out of the heart issue I'll come all the issues of life as a man or woman thinks in their heart so is he or she so you've got a control you got to help have the help of the Holy Spirit to control these emotions and feelings and attitudes that are often hidden God cares about what you think everybody else doesn't know about many of you have no joy in your homes and in your marriage not because everything outwardly is bad but because inwardly you're a seething pot of rage and I'm going to tell you why before we get through with this today you got to get some of that under the blood some of you are carrying feelings of resentment that you've been caring for decades it has produced a count of soul and a cold heart it's not the will of God Jesus help me watch this let's keep going I say to you verse 22 whoever is angry with your brother without a cause shall be in danger of judgment now look at what he says and I'm not gonna stop every verse but this is important sometimes there is a calls to be angry right isn't it Paul who said be angry and sin not you can actually have reason to be frustrated and angry you're just not permitted to engage in anger that leads to sin right so what's the line well the line is this and I I've dealt with after pastoring for 18 years I've dealt with people who have had horrible horrible things happen in their marriage a divorce is the worst thing that can possibly happen in a marriage there is life after divorce how many would agree with me God is the God of love and starting over I believe that but but I have counseled with many people a number of people who have experienced infidelity in their family in their marriage someone cheated on their spouse with another person okay if I am the person who has cheated on I'm gonna be mad like Scott you might have to call me and talk me out of walking over there and whooping three or four people come on I'm telling you the truth right but if I go whoop somebody that's when I cross the line of sin do you understand what I'm saying I can be mad and hold my spouse accountable but I can't be mad and hurt them so there is sin there is anger with the calls and even when you have a cause to be angry you are not permitted to sin against the person but then there is the anger without a cause this is when you just don't like people were you know wellis you know I love elder Harry he's no yell preach it no matter what I say if I ever struggle and get out there when nobody's helping me I walk right over there beside him and he stands up and goes hey man the world's going to hell oh yeah he helps me all the time trains gonna build her out on the way I'm right there he gets out there with me all the time I love it okay let's keep going therefore this is getting crazy what's this and whosoever says to his brother say brother say brother raca shall be in danger of the council but whoever says you fooled or shall be in danger of Hell fire all right therefore if you bring your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother or your sister has something against you it does not say you remember you had something against your brother because you should have already dealt with that when it says that your brother has something against you here's what it literally means you know in your heart you did something there is something there between you two that requires a trip to your brother or sister who has been offended to reconcile so that you can appropriately offer your gift to God now here's what's crazy when Jesus is talking to these people he is talking to people who are in Galilee and he tells them that there would be somebody at the temple offering a gift and when they offer this gift and lay it on the altar if they know there's something between them and a brother or a sister they're actually supposed to leave their gift in Jerusalem travel 30 miles to Galilee make it right and come back and then offer their gift appropriately seriously you want me to go 30 miles to fix here's what's crazy look at the text it says if while you're offering this helping anybody if while you're offering your gift you remember that your brother has something say something say something say anything that word something in the Greek is the Greek word T is peace it literally means anything any little thing if you are offering your praise to God on Sunday morning if you're offering your worship to Jesus on Sunday morning if you're offering your tithe to God on Sunday morning and your mind reminds you about a situation or a little something with any brother or sister you are to go to that person and make it right what happens if I don't you offering illegal gifts to God well god bless me because you got something well god help my marriage cause you got something why won't the Lord bless my business pastor because you got that little something it don't even have to be a big thing this family is where most people in the body of Christ get stuck on to something I've offended no you're not you just got something you got something between you and a brother or a sister that you think God will ignore and he won't he won't ignore it the King James haven't have a King James Bible you might have got a King James Brown with holy people yes King James Bible okay I'm kidding I got words here the King James says if any of you haven't thought just a little out a little something you know when it all is you know what if something is it's when you went past the person and they didn't reach out and hug you never mind the fact that you don't know what they're going through they just didn't make you the center of their world and because they didn't stop and drop everything they had hug you embrace you and make you feel like their best friend you got in your car you text three people and you told them she is a snob if I've ever seen one he is that devil didn't even look at me and you don't even know his wife is dying of cancer and he has something else on his mind and so sensitive and egotist oh god don't let me do this Jesus don't do this to me Lord you're so sensitive and egotistical that you think it's all you are the center of your world and when everybody else doesn't make you the central of your center of your narcissistic world you have the unmitigated gall to look at them and say you offended me brother Wallace don't be insensitive I'm not being insensitive this is craziness I've got to know that I did something even if it's a little something I got to know that I did it before I can fix it because Jesus says when you know you have a problem and they have a problem with you I should say you got to go fix it how am I gonna go fix a problem with you if I don't know I created one or you have one with me many people in the kingdom are living lives of of hurt and they don't need but the people you thought intentionally hurt you don't even know you're hurt they don't even know you're hurting I've met all kinds of people out in the in the city in different places I've met people who come up to me in the mall I know when they're walking toward me oh my god they go to the church and I don't know their name I met one person one time they come up to me and they say this I know you don't know me and actually I did I know you don't know me but I'm a member of the church you're you know wonderful things they say wonderful things about the church about about me and you know you said aha thank you so much I love to be thank you so much and then another person walked up to me at a sandwich shop oh god they're probably here and they said to me I go to my I go to your church do you know my name sweetheart I don't know your name but I know your face what does that mean is that good or bad help me are we friends are you what is this she I cannot believe you don't know my name I said do you know that the human brain has the capacity to know 250 names at one time so every time I meet a new person I wonder who I forgot true story every time I meet a new person I wonder whose name that I just forget do you understand that sometimes we're offended over the we're a big family I don't know everybody's name you probably don't know my middle name but that's okay we're a big family we're not all gonna be best friends with each other but we're a big family and what binds us together is the Accord it's not the Honda it's the Hubble sample done it's the it's the movement together the thing that brings us together is greater than anything that would separate us with the virus most people in the church are if they're hurt are right here they have an alt it's just a little something so what do we do we go to the person that there is a little something with and how many know it matters how you go to that person sister thing I'm gonna go down there I'm gonna tell her a piece of member come in here with your hips and everything and you walk through the door and you got that attitude you don't want reconciliation you wanna fix him or her please hear me you're not supposed to fix them you're supposed to fix y'all because if you want to know the truth you have to be able to reconcile which means to repair to heal before you can appropriately offer a gift a gobble to receive and look at your neighbor tell them they've been do it quickly don't let the Sun you are not helping me don't let the Sun go down on your wrath why because what you sleep with at night wakes up with you in the morning and on top this one time if you want a happy life you got learned how to get things processed and out of you before you go to bed how many one have been married people need to get this thing right here if you want to be happy sexually you got to learn how to process anger Oh y'all not gonna help nobody but there's a reason why she puts you in the dog you could be sleeping three feet away and feel a million miles away from her Wow because you didn't deal with that little something and you over there trying to touch us you don't touch don't you put your hands there is something in this bit you put your hands on me why because you ain't down with the something and you're trying to give her a gift and she said I want a gift I want you to fix this talk to me when I'll talk to you in a minute can we talk no we can't touch until we talk I'm helping some sisters in here right now so they say how do you know this cuz I marry something say something something don't have to be a sin you don't mean somebody was wrong it just means somebody did something and it just didn't sit right and it probably ain't a big deal but it can grow into one if you don't hurry now slamming the Bible says agree with your adversary quickly it don't mean it doesn't mean agree with what they did to you it means get back in agreement and reconcile quickly don't means you've got to hurry up and agree with them and like what they did to you hurt you and you're okay with that no no that's not what he's fun about he's saying whatever you got to do heal it get through it pray cry hug do whatever you got to do but get in one agreement quickly because the longer you stay out of the more you delay your future some of you are not walking in the measure a blessing God intended you for you to be walking in at this stage of your life the only reason is because you don't know how to walk in agreement and unity God loves you too much to let you keep walking that way he sent me this morning to tell some of us we're gonna have to deal with the little something's that I like and I'm gonna teach next week but the easiest way not to have to deal with this over and over it's not me so easily hurt don't be so easily bothered well you know better was every time I look at their Facebook page they saying something to me they don't even think about you they're not even thinking about you when they post that you you you act like they had you in their mind when they posted that and they thought about you in three weeks next one we're going on I could tell this is getting people nervous so something did go to Matthew 28 Matthew 18 Matthew 18 so the first one is something if I say something the second one is a trespass the first thing that we got a process in relationships is something the second thing is a trespass everybody say trespass now this is this is where a lot of people in the kingdom are because he's talking about two brothers here two sisters a brother and a sister look at this I'm gonna read this in the New Living Translation Matthew 18 verse 15 in the New Living Translation if another what come on look at the screen talk to me give another believer sins against you now the first the first threat to relationship is not sinful necessarily it's just a little something this second stage of relationship friction is a little heavier to deal with because this is actually when somebody sins against you King James says a debt or trespass when a believer it could be one in here one out there one you're married to one in your family if another believer man or woman red yellow black white rich poor it really don't matter if another believer sins sins sins to miss the mark it is a it is a violation of the word of God and it is something that happens to you that is sinful and can hurt if another believer sins against you and trespasses against you there is a prescription for dealing with it if we would follow what I'm getting ready to teach the kingdom of God would be in harmony but the reason we ain't in harmony most of time is because we don't go privately to anybody we go public with our mess do you know do you know why we go public and tell sister yay yay and Deacon flip flop and everybody else in the church and we get on Facebook we want to solicit support I know I'm telling the truth and get around like not SEMA today I'm coming up under the foundation on your face I'm coming up so close to you today and this is uncomfortable do you know why some people want to solicit help because they they're looking for somebody to undergird their point of view the Bible says go privately and simply said this is whence this is not when this is not when Chris I pass you and and and you don't speak to me that's not a sin if that hurts my feelings I need to be a little bit more mature really now if he did that to me all the time and if I walked up to him and he turned around like this and walked off that's a trespass you got a problem but but if but if I'm just like I just feel like there's something are we good that's us something but when you when I come up to you and you start talking to me and disrespecting me and you turn around and walk away from me and then you've been talking to people about me and you've been lying on me God the more I talk I'm about to take my shoe off and beat you with my shoe brother you you sin you sin against me you took my money you lied to me you did frauded me you did something to me you run your mouth about me what brother - I have a gift of discernment sometimes God want me to tell people sports you better you better read your Bible or go to Sunday School cuz I don't care how many gifts you have none of them were for the express intent of exposing somebody else's mess when you've got your own mess oh you're not gonna help nobody running around pointing people sin out and you don't want to get your skeletons in your closet sit your behind down and get this iPod and get up under if another believer sins against you go privately and say to them say to them point out the offense the offense there is different I'm fixin to show you this this is a different word in the Greek than the one I'm getting ready to read this is that sin somebody sinned against you okay so somebody's sinned against you and you go to them because you want to make it right and here's what you say do you remember yesterday when when you you like said bad things about me that hurt and I just want to tell you I need to forgive you and I need you to know my heart I love you and I want to walk together in unity is there's something I've done to you how many know that's different walking up and going you know what you did y'all you know how many no communication is 30% what you say and 70% how you say it you brothers in here you would get a lot further in your marriage if you would learn how to fold your hands and your legs and say sweetheart I can't take the trash out right trash out right now I can't I'll do that in a minute I'm sorry about yesterday I love you would you forgive me no no then II how brothers roll brothers like I'm the man bless god bless god where's my belt buckle at get in here woman she's like a fool kind of Captain Caveman craziness is this if you're gonna go point it out do it in a right spirit you go to him and you say I just want to work this out it hurt me maybe you didn't mean it maybe you did whatever happened if we're going to be blessed and walking our purpose we got to get this worked out and I want us to be I want us to be healed if that person is a real true Christian they're gonna say you know what I'm sorry then let me park right here say something if you don't know how to say I'm sorry you ain't sanctified [Applause] no no no no I'm pleased to mess with y'all when's the last time you looked at somebody said I'm sorry I made a mistake no no don't pass out don't don't don't run out the door but take an inventory where's the last time you said I'm sorry what have you done nothing wrong go to them privately don't put the mess on social media we sitting there reading your posts trying to discern who you're talking about and we we talk to people about what you're talking about we don't even know what you're talking about you like you get on Facebook don't put no names oh I see what you did to me I'm not coming for you and we love who who are you coming for what did they do to you yo Janie Suzie's on the Internet she's coming for somebody who should come we don't even know before you know you've got the whole you got the whole clique up in an uproar and you were talking about the mailman go to look at your neighbors say privately this is the test of Christian maturity can you walk up to someone privately there are two instances in my opinion where that first step isn't appropriate number one if you are if you're a wife and you're being abused you need someone to go with you because if he hurts you and has abused you he doesn't need to have the opportunity to do it again the second time I think it is appropriate is if you have a malicious boss or a malicious person in your life that that has been known to lie and take advantage of you and they they have a controlling manipulating dictatorial spirit okay and you're afraid they're gonna twist your words and fire you then you need to take someone with you in that situation otherwise as much as possible and in every other situation I can think of you need to go by yourself why Jesus wants to start by concealing this as much as possible where's that scripture and we're not there let me read this scripture oh if I can find it it's in my notes can y'all give me ten seconds okay this is okay let me see here yes yes since Proverbs come to me Lord proverbs 1819 a brother or sister offended is harder harder to win that a city what I want you to see is the the the privatization of the reconciliation is important to God he doesn't want your mess to become broadcast publicly go privately if that doesn't work there's another step and I'm closing in just a minute there's another step if that doesn't work go get two or three leaders why do you go get two or three leaders because sometimes the person who sinned against you does not want to be held accountable because they don't respect to the authority of Christ in your life so you take someone who has authority in Christ with you and you explain the matter to them and these two witnesses or three that you bring with you they may actually tell you you know what you're in the wrong let witnesses hear the matter but even then can you please see this it goes from one to two or three we are not trying to make someone and all their mess now we're trying to conceal a matter if that doesn't work then you go to the church now in a church this says we would never do that we would get the elders of the church or some leadership team of this church and we should present the matter in that way somebody said we've never done that you know why we've not done that much we have done it we've not done it much you know why because you didn't start the process right in the first place it's never supposed to get to the church it's supposed to start with somebody in private and if you're not working on it in private don't blame me that I didn't fix it publicly you went to step three because you don't want no accountability in your life you just want to talk about everybody stop bringing it to the church or the leaders before you did what Jesus told you to do hello I can't fix what you won't let God fix I'm done with this trespass so you go to somebody watch how quickly and watch how quickly Jesus turns this thing he's talking to them and he says when they hurt you go to him privately if that don't work get two or three if that doesn't work get a bigger body of leaders and take it to the church and if they won't hear if the person who sinned against you won't hear the body of Christ treat them like a treat them like a Gentile and a publican in other words treat them like they're not born again because if they won't submit their life to Christian leadership and if they won't surrender to the lordship of Jesus and that expressed demonstrated leaders that Christ has placed over them in the Lord if they won't hear them and respond appropriately to that then their heart is hard and they need to be they need to be evangelized again they're not even right with God but immediately after Jesus says go to them and and see if you can work this out he turns immediately to the responsible of the one who was sent against he says more to the person who was sinned against than he does to the person who did the sinning come here you two come here okay okay so they're really good friends they're both in RSM uh-huh but let's just pretend they're not friends but they're both brothers in Christ let's pretend that Andrew steals something from mark okay mark comes to him and says you you stole my shoes let me tell the story okay Andrew those are my shoes you stole my shoes Andrew says he could say where are two things yeah so what okay I'll be back in a minute so then mark goes and gets elder pat and elder Warnie come with me elder this cat stole my shoes and I'm about to wear him out but will you help me will you intervene and he says and he brings them over here and he says these are my shoes how do we know these are your shoes cause my name is on the bottom of them and my mama gave them to me for Christmas thirteen years ago and I wrote my name on the bottom of and those are my shoes and he shows us the bottom and sure enough Mark's name is on him and they say give him his shoes back and Mark said no no no no I ain't giving nobody ain't giving nobody anything back and so mark says okay we'll be right back so then he goes and gets some more leaders and it goes against the more people come on come on come on and we're gonna have a church meeting and and he dolls I'm not sure that cat took my shoes and he says ain't giving nothing back okay keep the shoes but your tail is being turned out the church you can't come back until you get your heart right see people don't like that do you see the breath let this place when I said that but do you understand this is why we got foolishness sitting in the house of God because we don't have any discipline in the house of the Lord anymore we let people go around sleeping with each other's wife and sleeping with other people's husband and nobody rebukes it and nobody take come on somebody this is the kingdom of God we are better than that watch watch watch watch watch my collection but let's say he brings the church and and and who sit and say you know what that was so dumb mark would you please forgive me I took your shoes come on give me the other shoe how you gonna do some what weren't you come on he did he gives him a shoe back and now watch this but the happens you can't wasn't about the shoes it was about Brotherhood was about it was about Brotherhood watch watch I'm almost done don't miss this don't miss this he immediately turns to the man who was sinned against and he says this mess with Peter so long that the Bible says a number of days later Peter came back to Jesus and said that God has stole from me he was talking to me about forgiving people is it okay if I give it forgive him seven times is that okay seven times Lord ain't you proud of me seven times so I didn't think about this for a couple of days Lord and I feel real spiritual I'm gonna forgive him seven times jesus look the Peter said oh no now seven seventy times seven Lord has 490 times yeah the point is to the person who's been sinned against don't keep count well now the Wallis they're not gonna run over me oh they did Jesus you got Bible for this of course I didn't tell you otherwise Jesus said there was a dude this dude old a master ten thousand talents which is like millions and millions of dollars he never could have paid it back in his life he went to the master the master said throw him in jail he'll never be able to pay this debt the man falls down on his knees please forgive me please forgive me and the master says you know what I'm a merciful master I'm a wipe your account clean you don't owe me nothing how many know that's how good god is but the same man who got all that forgiven had another servant himself and that other servant owed him a couple of pennies and he goes to him and says hey man give me my pennies and they do say you know what man I lost my job my life is falling apart can't you just have a little mercy homey will you forgive me and the man who old millions but Jesus forgave him of everything looked at the man who owed him a few pennies and said I ain't forgiven you or nothing take his behind the jail go to jail and everything was all right until the servants saw the behavior of the man who had been forgiven of much and they went back to the master and they said master do you remember that man you forgave of a lot he just threw his servant in prison for a few pennies the master was rough he came back to the man threw him in jail and said you don't stay there until you pay your debt if you can't forgive the debt somebody owe you so before you sentence someone to jail for what they did to you remember you could have been in jail but Jesus dropped the charges I feel like praising God in here said Jesus drop the charges I don't know if I can forgive them look to Calvary he stretched I thank you he stretched high they hug him wide his side is bleeding his head is crowned with thorns his blacken his back is emaciated and while they're killing and spitting on him and mocking him he doesn't say father put him in prison for you know what they've done he said father the trespasses they're committing against me forgive them forgive them all forgive the Roman soldier that mom may forgive the Roman soldier that stabbed me forgive Judas forgive the Pharisees forgive them all that is your model that is your model not some Hollywood elite walking around with their tender feelings on their shoulders if Jesus can look at those who mocked him crucified Him and killed him and say Father forgive them there is no excuse for itis it you and I to sit in church the last one is the most grievous of all it is found in mark Matthew chapter 4 it now watch this the first one is there something the second one is someone's sinning against you but the last one is when you do something to someone to set a trap for them to actually sin read the text you actually set a trap that entices someone away from the path of righteousness I'm offended no you're not offended if all someone did is then shake your hand unless when they didn't shake your hand you allowed it to become a root of bitterness and you allowed anger to take over and this is where many people are right now do you know what this is right here everybody everybody know what this this right here this is an offense right here not the trap the offense is the scandal on it wouldn't say scandal on scandal on is the bait and the trigger and what happens is that Satan will use people to set a trap for you and the intention is to get you away from God and his people so they come with an action against you allowing you they take a seat that rightfully belong to you they made up lies and got you fired somebody needs to hear that they cheated on you and your marriage they they were used by the enemy to bait you in and the intention of the enemy was to isolate you and separate you from God and they did it they did it to you you could have experienced it and walked away and why you all can you might be crying and broken but you still close to God and you're not better you just hurt maybe there's something there's anger maybe there's some place it's inside you're worshiping through it you're trying but you're fighting it but at least you didn't take the bait but there are some people in this room today when that something bad happened in your life it pulled you in and I'm gonna tell you what the Holy Spirit told me early this morning and last night at prayer he said Kevin there are some people offended at God God didn't show up when you wanted him to God didn't show up like you thought he would God didn't show up like you expected him to you says this in the Bible of course it is Matthew 11 John the Baptist is in prison he sends his disciples to Jesus he says go to Jesus and ask him are you the one or do we need to look for another Jesus tells the disciples of John you go back and you tell John the lame walk the blind see the Deaf hear the mute speak and blessed is he who is not offended at me in other words John you're in prison your mind is starting to think I thought this was Jesus I thought he was gonna take care of me but he didn't show up like I thought he was going to he didn't rescue he didn't break me out of this prison I'm still here are you really the one Jesus said tell John not to get offended don't take the bait you prayed for someone to get healed in your family and they died of the sickness Satan put a piece of bait on a trap on a trigger he said you know what God don't love you any more if he loved you to heal him if God really had power he would have touched him look what he did he let your family die and some of you were sitting in this room today and you took the bait your God some of you are offended at your spouse some of you are offended and leaders in the church [Music] we have to be careful number one on one side that we don't become the people who set traps of offence for others but we must make sure that no matter who sets the trap we don't take the bait of offense because when you bite the bait of offense what you literally do is you live your life isolated from God isolated from his people I found out you can even come to church living in a trap called offense no worship no pure praise always on edge always offended beat down on the inside something has happened somewhere in your life and you took the bait and you didn't just get hurt you've got bitter you got mad and the root of bitterness grew in your life and you said you know what I'm going to live in this place of isolation and here's what it is I want to tell you right now family I'm standing in this trap and I can't seem out of y'all in fact I can't even see my hand in front of my face this is a dark place you know what this place is this is the prison of those who take the offense this is the prison of those who take the bait something bad happens and instead of running to God and pouring your heart out and staying tender in your spirit you just get mad and you get hurt and you get bitter and you just get trapped in this dark place Oh God and you're separated you can't see God and you can't see your brothers and sisters and you're just going through this life you're living on the outside but you're dark on the inside and you really just want to start saying to help get me out of this I don't want to live the rest of my life trapped in this place I don't want to be offended I don't want to be bitter and all my husband ran out on me but I don't want to live a bit of the rest of my life I know my wife cheated on me but I don't want to be bitter the rest of my life church people hurt me and I've not gone to church in years because I'm dinner I don't want to be bitter the rest of my life I want to come out of this offense I came today to tell you the devil is the one who set the trap and he put the bait on the trap and he enticed you into this moment and he might have used somebody to do it but there is one who came to get you out of the trap that you're in the Bible says that he delivered me from the snare and the trap of the Fowler and somebody danique needs to know today that I don't care how long you've been in this trap I don't care how dark it is and how long it's been dark today [Music] you can come out of every trap and a fence if God is for you no matter who was it let the plane down reminisce go fill the Holocaust let me accusing spirit down throw your hands up and start praising God all over this church right now we're not keep that wall out I felt a yoke break I felt a burden break some of you are hurt some of you are bitter but today the devil is backing up Jesus has come to set you free Jesus has dr. Busch and on a motion to go would you reach over lay your hand on your neighbor's shoulder Lord seal the word in all of our hearts [Music] work keep on working until you finish what you started and I thank your precious Holy Spirit for healing hearts and causing a wave of forgiveness to come on this body and even those who hear this message through technology let them have a spirit of forgiveness and mercy come on um ha ha in the name of Jesus hallelujah in Jesus name sing it one more time Devon as they go I love you we'll see you Wednesday night go in the peace of God go further shipping sharing the love of God hallelujah [Music] well what'd he say [Music] [Music]
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 8,494
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Keywords: chattanooga, tn, tennessee, kevin, wallace, kevin wallace, deven, deven wallace, highland, park, highland park, rsm, redemption, redemption to the nations, rttn, rttn church, church, God, Jesus, spirit-filled, spirit, Holy Ghost, pentecostal, love
Id: zppgogFpDqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 35sec (4535 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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