The Shoes and the Shield | Kevin Wallace | Redemption to the Nations Church

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hey pastor kevin wallace here from redemption to the nation's church and i believe today god has given me a word that is going to speak to your life listen we need strength and we need comfort and today we're going to find it in the word of god hang on and i'll see you at the end of this message for prayer receive the word how many feel that way today ephesians chapter 6 [Music] verse number 15. [Music] and you got to say amen and having shot your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all taking the shield of faith with which you will be able i wish somebody would hear the word today with which you will be able to quench all of the fiery darts of the wicked one look at your neighbor say neighbor put on your shoes and take up your shield i'll reach over to your other neighbor and tell them put on your shoes and take up your shield [Music] jesus help me teach today for a few moments in your name i pray amen you can be seated in the presence of the lord i remind you as i have every sunday i've taught on battle threads that paul wrote this book of ephesians from a prison cell it is one of four prison epistles that paul writes while his hands are in chains and he looks through iron bars walking the hallways of those prisons were roman soldiers who were decked and clad in battle threads they had on their roman attire their military grade protection and he would pass and see these men passing him in this prison and one day while he is contemplating and considering the warfare that he is in he looks at the weaponry and the armor of these roman soldiers in this prison with him and the spirit of god quickens to him that just like those roman soldiers have natural armor in which they defend themselves and fight in the battle so we the people of god have armor as well it is not natural armor it is not it is not steel and metal that defend us from the the wickedness and the evil day that we live in it is the spiritual armor that christ has given us that give us the upper hand in battle and the promise of victory in our future how many can praise god even if you're in the middle of a battle how many can praise god that we have evidence already that no matter what happens in tomorrow we have victory in our future it's a good reason to praise the lord i talked to you last week about this armor that paul under the inspiration of the holy spirit begins to articulate for the people of god and last week i talked about the breastplate and the belt of truth the breastplate of righteousness and the belt of truth and paul just keeps going down the line that i'm going to follow his outline uh today as i continue this series and he continues to talk about the armor and he talks about having feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace and the shield of faith the shoes and the seat the shield everyone say the shoes now when we think of shoes and we think of this verse all my life i have i have leaned into the idea that the shoes that paul was talking about is the preaching of the gospel everywhere you go and there's certainly credence to the idea that we who were born again should be teaching and preaching and sharing the gospel of jesus christ everywhere we go behold how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good tidings how many know that all of us are to do the work of an evangelist i know we have pastor gary who's our share pastor we have an evangelism team but how many know you cannot hire out your responsibility i can't hire out my responsibility for somebody else to evangelize for me the bible said you and i should do the work of an evangelist all of us and so i i'm not saying today i'm not here to offer some uh um sharp or you know critique or rebuke about that thought but that's really not what paul is talking about when he says put on the shoes have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace he's not talking about walking around evangelizing he's talking about something very specific that those who read this text in his day would have understood and this is what it is when he says have your feet shod the word shod literally means put on the kind of shoes that will help you to hold your place and to advance at the right time in fact i want you to put that picture up chad if you don't mind everyone see that that is what a roman soldier would wear and those little hobnails that they put on the bottom of the shoe they would nail hop nails to the bottom of the shoe and how many ever played football or baseball and you wore cleats come on cleats have those those uh those rubber hard rubber uh things coming out of the bottom of the shoe and that is so that you plant your foot and can push off and when you're alignment and you're blocking on the offensive line you cannot be on roller skates or they'll push you everywhere you got to have cleats so that you can dig those cleats into the ground and you can resist that which is pushing against you and when paul said have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace what he saw and he's thinking when he says this he's thinking of those shoes that the roman soldiers would put on their feet that had hobnell sticking out of the bottom and they would plant their feet and not be able to be moved and not only would they plant their feet but they served as an assistance in climbing hills and in crags when they were in battle those hotmail sticking out of the bottom of the shoe would provide great traction don't miss this paul says have your shoes on not just any kind of shoes but the shoes of the gospel of peace this is powerful because anytime paul talks about the god of peace he understands that the god of peace in two different dimensions if you're taking notes write this down when paul says put on the shoes of peace he understands that the god of peace gives us two dimensions of peace number one is a legal transaction number one is an experiential transaction let me explain what i mean when he says put on the shoes of peace first of all remember he says the gospel everyone say the gospel the gospel of peace is really in the greek it means the good news of peace and when paul talks about the good news of peace he understands it in two dimensions if you got a coin in your pocket you got you got one coin but how many know each coin has two sides so when we talk about the god of peace paul wants us to uh this is throughout every pauline epistle in the bible he wants to unders he wants us to understand the god of peace in two ways number one is peace with god everyone say peace with god you and i need no more reason to shout and to cry and to praise and to lift our voice and to clap our hands and to dance we need no more reason to do any of that than the fact that we know we have peace with god how many have ever known somebody dying and you and you wanted to make sure that they were at peace you ever heard of that phrase before what does that mean peace with god means that you and i who were sinners and hostile to god we were enemies of god he literally had every legal right to throw us into hell we don't teach this in the church because in this day and time we are as entitled in the church as as people in the world are we think we deserve god i want to testify i don't know how you feel but i need to testify for me i was a rank sinner i was a mess i was flagrantly opposed to god and i didn't even try to be it's just my sinful nature was an offense to him and his holy character i was i was an offense i was offended i was an enemy of god i was hostile to god because of my sin he could not accept me because he is holy and yet today i who was an enemy of god and an alien according to the book of ephesians an alien to the commonwealth of israel i have no entitlement to the goodness or the mercy or the blessing of god he could have judiciously and he could have correctly thrown me and you and all of humanity into hell so why are we here today because on a hill far away stood an old rugged cross and a man who became listen a man who came from heaven to earth born through the womb of a virgin he was the son of the living god god incarnate not a guru not a religious hero not a spiritual leader he was the son of the living god his name is yeshua he was born through mary's womb and he came through 40 and two generations and was born and on the night of his birth angels filled the choir stand of heaven and saying glory to god in the highest watch and on earth peace and good will to man why would angels sing that about a baby because they knew who he was and they knew where he came from and they knew that when he came to this jacked up screwed up sinful world that one day he would nail on his back the sin of all humanity and every single sin debt that you and i could pile up and put in this altar we were bankrupt and on our way to hell until jesus came and said let me stroke a check let me pay their bill let me tell them they're free and that is exactly why paul would write in the in the fifth chapter of romans the first verse therefore being justified by faith we have peace with god through our lord jesus christ without jesus the dope head has no hope without jesus the alcoholic has no hope but i'm gonna go a step further without jesus the sunday school teacher has no hope without jesus the bishop has no hope there is only one reason we have hope and we are reconciled to god it's because when my blood said guilty his blood said innocent and because the son has made me free we are free indeed [Applause] we have peace with god we have peace with god i woke up this morning and he and i had a talk and he's been good all day long already look at your neighbor telling you have peace with god when paul talks about the shoes he wants you to know you have peace with god and every time a force leans on you and tries to push you back and tell you that god doesn't love you and god doesn't care and god ain't with you and god's mad at you and god's ready to smite you on the head let me help you understand something if god wanted to get you here to gotcha gospel shoes are shoes that are rooted in the promise and the truth that we are at peace with god because we have put our faith in the sacrifice of his son and we believe not only did he die in our place but he rose for us as well and because he i'm giving you bible and i hope you're taking what i'm laying down today because there's a lot of people losing their mind and they got no joy in this world and i want you to know this morning that hell can shake and break and the devil can howl in his but i'm waking up in the morning with peace because the rock of ages is a cleft for us and we're gonna be all right [Applause] peace with god but oh let me give you that scripture because you need some more bible today colossians 2 and you who were dead in your tr in your trespass yeah let me sister yay brother flip-flop and you who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh god made us who were dead alive together with him i'm in colossians 2 13 with him forgiving us of all our trespasses verse 14 how by canceling the record of debt i said he canceled the record of debt that stood against us with legal demands he set them aside how by nailing them to his cross because he took every sin jesus i praise you he took every sin i've ever committed and ever will commit and he nailed it to a cross and he said yes that debt was on his account but i'm going to pay it in full i want you to know today not only is my bill been paid and not only am i out of debt i'm blessed and highly favored [Music] look at your neighbor tell them neighbor not only are you out of debt tell them you're blessed tell them you're highly favored [Music] we have peace with god but watch this the peace we have with god is legal in other words the devil cannot now come to you and say you owe me something i'm getting ready to preach up in this church the devil who knows what you did last night cannot come into the life of a child of god who trust jesus and say you owe me something because a child of god who trusts in jesus says i did it and i'm sorry god forgive me and the moment we confess and repent it robs the enemy from the power of having a voice to shame us with the next time the devil comes to you and tells you that you owe him something point that lying devil back to calvary and tell him excuse me the bill has been paid oh i'm getting ready to bless myself come on look over at your neighbor say hey neighbor the bill has been paid paid in for i'm thankful today that he didn't just put a down payment on it but he paid my bill in full and because he paid it in full we have righteousness with god now the righteousness we have with god through the blood of his son jesus produces more than a legal understanding of freedom it produces an experiential peace called the peace of god peace with god is legal everybody say legal peace of god is experiential the peace you have with god through jesus is automatic when you ask him to be your savior but the peace you have of god the peace of god can be experienced as you cooperate with the word this is why the bible said let the peace of god in philippians let the peace of god not the peace with god that's romans 5 peace with god romans 5 peace of god philippians 4 let the peace of god keep your heart in mind because it passes all understanding have you ever had peace that was beyond your level of understanding this is the kind of peace that you have when loved ones are dying and the devil's absolutely breathing fear down your neck and you feel like where is god and do i have faith and this god with me and if he loved me why is this happening and all those voices come the peace of god is something that transcends that understanding and the peace of god says in the middle of the greatest trial of your life you don't have to lose your mind you don't have to throw in the towel you can have peace that passes your understanding paul says when you get ready to fight in the evil day you need your feet shod put that script yeah that picture up there you need you need shoes like this that have hot nails in the bottom and when you plant your feet the devil comes in and starts pushing and saying god ain't with you some of you feel like you're old roller skates come in pushing you all around am i saved does god love me does god got a plan for my life is god good it's god able if god is good and god is able where is god why am i going y'all don't want to be real today you sitting up there acting like you ain't never had no question i don't question god i questioned god i questioned him last week i didn't get mad at him i didn't stop trusting him i just said what's going on why is this happening can you provide me a little more information oh you ought to get saved save people don't really question god tell that to jesus who was hanging on the cross and said father why why he was getting ready to hang on the cross and he said father why why hast thou for say where are you i need to find you i want to know if you're here he's hanging on the cross he's in the tomb trying to get away pardon me he's in the garden trying to get away from it he said let this cup pass from me nevertheless not my will but thy will be done then he's hanging on the cross and said why hast thou forsaken me i want you to know that the the lordship of jesus didn't remove the pain of his humanity his humanity was so real that he had to say to the father who he knew was good why is this happening how are you letting this happen to me but at the end of the day oh you can talk to me about it on friday but you need to hang around because sunday's coming and by the time god gets through with this thing i've got a feeling everything is going to be all right [Applause] watch watch watch watch what the bible says we have the peace of god and it passes understanding and we have questions sometimes and there's some questions going on in the world right now even among the most amazing church people and church leaders that i know where is god what is happening bishop i'm talking about i got pastors calling me saying what do you feel like is going on i tell you what's going on we're in an evil day y'all can't handle this but i'm gonna tell you this is not little bunny fruit fruit this is not peanut butter and jelly this is not a tip toe through the through the tulip patch we are in an evil day there is an all-out onslaught going on hell is lobbying and launching every grenade every fiery dart every missile every weapon that he can and there is one assignment for the enemy to speak a lie that you will believe long enough to bring you into a place of defeat and a place where you get drained and you i was reading over in daniel 7 this past week and it said that the beast the dragon did one thing he tried to wear out the saints some of us feel like we're getting wore out tired weary feel like we can't go on i'm not moaning and whining i'm telling you what some of you are feeling where is god where is the healing where is the breakthrough where is the peace i want to tell you right now you need to put your shoes on today you need to put those shoes on with hot nails and you need to be reminded of two things number one no matter what the devil says and what the devil does no matter what hell house and his is in my ear i have peace with god i am saved and the devil can't do me any harm number two not only am i at peace with god i've got the peace of god do you know what the peace of god will help you do go to bed in a storm go to look at your neighbor tell them go to bed sleep rest wake up yawn stretch your arms drink a coffee put on your favorite episode and smile why what if hell breaks loose in my house what if i get covered what if you do get covered what if the worst case that can happen and it would be horrible we will weep and cry at your funeral but at some point we got to tell the demon of fear you will not intimidate me into losing my joy and losing my shout we i feel this on the back of my neck right now we are on our way to heaven [Applause] we act like when we die the devil wins the devil never wins i read a scripture in first corinthians 15 oh death where is thy sting oh grave where is thy victory i feel a shout right there [Music] [Applause] what right by sight when i had coveted i don't know if i told this maybe i did when i had covered i was laying in my bed i told devon and the girls to get out of the house they went to florida mighty god they went to a beach i was laying in the bed i got sick and bitter i was laying in the bed and i remember not sleeping jason crab this is a true story i did not sleep for three straight nights not a wink i laid in my bed staring had a ceiling i had gotten dehydrated doc i was sick in my body and sick in my mind the devil told me sitting in that bed you'll never see zion graduate high school you'll never see you to graduate you won't see your boys make it to college i was laying in that bed and i was tormented i'm telling you that somewhere on that wednesday night gary keelan hillbilly-in-law gary keelan got up here and preached under the power he stopped preaching in the middle of that message he said the lord just said we need to pray for our pastor he was down here with some of y'all who come on wednesday because you really love god and y'all started praying and i was up there at my house laying in my bed and something got a hold of me oh how something got a hold of me i'll tell you what i did i got up out of that bed and some of y'all looking at me like will he please calm down uh you might have got me to be calm when i was laying in my bed but on this sunday this sunday morning i came to holler and to tell the devil that that night i got up out of my bed i walked in my living room and my oxygen started dropping i opened up the front door and said devil get out of my house i shall live and not die i feel a shout in my feet i shall live and not die and declare the works of the lord somebody shout for victory [Applause] and something happened when i did that i got some peace still had a fever still could hardly walk but i got some peace paul said put them shoes on so that when the devil leans on you and pushes you you don't back up but you get them cleats that i got peace with god and i got the peace of god and i'm i'm going through in jesus name then then there he says not only do you put on the shoes lord i gotta go because that was so good but that was just point one he said not only do you put on the shoes but you get the shield out you get the seal you get the shield oh yeah let me go get my shield let me go let me go get my shield i'm gonna get my shield yeah i'm gonna get my shield okay somebody said that's a big old shield that's the problem with some people in the church they're going like this not me i'm bringing my shield shield this is a shield there were two kind of roman shields number one was this small little captain america shield little circle captain america ship but then there was this shield that was a body shield that is the word paul uses in ephesians chapter six he does not use the word for the small captain america shield he uses the word for the body shield and this is what i need you to see that i haven't ever seen until this week the bible said take the shield of faith wherewith you will be able say able to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy and that word abel is the greek word dynamo yes yes yes yes yes it blessed me and some people like what does that mean well how many know what some dynamite is yes this is not just a little shield that helps you and i absorb barely make it through barely able to get by barely able to say you got the victory this is a shield that has the power of god that enables that empowers this is not like imma barely make it and totally get run over and cross the finish line with my lip dragging the ground and i walk in and instead of singing look what the lord has done when i go in i'm singing farther along wheel no no no no i'm thankful for the song but when we cross the finish line we're not crossing talking about how bad it was when we crossed the finish line i plan on walking up to abraham isaac and jacob and saying look what the lord did in my generation can you believe what we did kovy tried to kill us the devil tried to drive us crazy suicide spirits were trying to take us out but look what happened god set north and south america on fire god said god sent australia and asia and china and russia and europe on fire somebody grab your ship let me put this down and preach [Music] let me help some people in here who are ultra caring oh my god i'm out here now i've done set it so i better go with it i am i am so persecuted why are you persecuted they would not give me another chick-fil-a sauce i wish i was kidding we are wussifying the western church i know that's a strong word and i'm gonna get some emails uh you shouldn't use him kind of words you shouldn't say shut up devil you shouldn't chase okay i don't want to say shut up i want to say shut up in the name of jesus [Music] we are so wissifying the church that now persecution looks like somebody didn't put your fries in your happy meal i am so persecuted i am so and really what it is is we're entitled [Applause] we think because we're living the american dream and we got our degree hanging on our wall that the whole life should lay down and just roll out the red carpet because aren't we so special i want you to know if you belong to jesus this world hates you and the jesus in you and you better get over and get real tough real quick it's not gonna get easier some of y'all don't like this you don't want it you want it to get easier i don't know if it's gonna get easier but i know this it's gonna get better because those who know god are gonna see him roll up his sleeves in this oh god i feel like preaching and he's gonna reveal his mighty arm and go to battle on your behalf and he he said take up the shield of faith what is faith what is faith pastor what is faith we heard about it all but what is faith i'm gonna give you a simple definition faith is simply believing god yeah but no no no kill the book faith is simply believing god jack can you put that picture up this is what's great great see you then that is that is a battalion of roman soldiers all of them had this shield individually it was pretty awesome right you come against me wham i knock you out man you come against me where it's got power it doesn't just take a blow i can give one out [Applause] but here's what's crazy this shield and let me make sure i say the word right this shield is bad all by itself but something happened in the roman army and this is how they became one reason they became such a powerful prominent military in a day of battle because they found out that if you get these here it is if you get these soldiers in alignment and they all lift up their shield they would call for a formation called testudo that's testudo everyone say testudo come on say testudo when the leader said testudo testudo they would form a military formation and they would arrange their their shields like this and testudo is where we get our english word tortoise come on how many ever been bit by a tortoise right but the tortoise has what a shell and when these roman soldiers saw the enemy loading up their bows with arrows that were flaming and on fire they would form a testudo formation and it was like a tank they could not be penetrated and they kept doing this this is what's beautiful they would all get in their formation and they would all line up and they would start going like this and the enemy is just shooting arrow after arrow fiery arrow after fire era and what they do and the enemy said uh-oh they're still advancing we're throwing everything we got at them but they are still and look at your neighbor tell them we are still advancing yes yes it's not that the arrows haven't gotten hotter and it's not that there haven't been more of them lately it's just that the shield of believing god still works i wish i could find some help on this sunday afternoon so the shield and listen if all i got is my shield that's great but something crazy starts happening when jason krab brings his shield and with sam brings his shield and with chris and rick and said bring when that happens the enemy the enemy can't get through and some of you are vulnerable because the enemy isolated you i told you last week that when you look at the armor of god there's nothing for the back this is why because if you're in rank and foul if you're with your battalion if you're walking in your group and you get in the right formation then the weak places are covered and the enemy can't find a place to break through i'm closing but the shield of faith yes the shield of faith says i believe god well what you're gonna do when you get a fever believe god what are you going to do when it looks like somebody in your family ain't going to make it look at your neighbor tell them you can still believe god that's why the prophet said the prophet knew something about the shield of faith that's why the prophet isaiah said in isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 who shall believe our report now that's what this is about can you still believe the report of the lord anybody here know what i'm talking about can you still believe the report of the lord can it look like one thing on the outside but you believe something else on the inside who has believed our report and to whom has the arm of the lord been revealed some of us have lost our shield of faith and we've stopped believing god because we looked at the outside and we took a report from what our eyes tell us but i'm telling you today i got faith not because of what my eyes show me but because of what the word told me the bible said faith cometh by hearing or help me church and hearing by the word of the lord some of you have lost your faith because you've been listening to fox and msc and and cnn instead of matthew mark luke and john but i feel like somebody is about to pick up their shield of faith and testify before you leave this house i still believe god slap somebody tell your neighbor before we close i still believe god i still believe god i believe god is who he said he is and i believe god will do what he said he'll do noah believed god and he built a boat to the saving of his house abraham believed god and become the father of many nations rahab believed god and saved her whole family david believed god and killed a giant with a sling mary believed god and had a baby in a virgin womb i came to tell you that gg and kerry believed god and he put their marriage back together i came to tell you that robbie was dying of coving but god brought him out of the hospital and he's here this morning because they believed god anybody believe god [Applause] [Music] the bible said that faith is the way we please the lord for without faith it is impossible to please god have faith in god rick stand with me i'm through preaching sometimes sometimes same way i'm through preaching some of y'all are for real yep if you didn't catch it you missed it sam come here sam come here mama come here mama come here mama that's my sweet mama yeah justin come here justin come here parch come here come here parts come on come on come on come on sometimes sometimes i throw up my shield and i get weak and i get tired say pastor you can't be like that you're our leader you can't be like oh no no sometimes i have to say things like i'm just gonna keep on believing god and that's when the family comes together and we all we all lift up our shield together some of us have to lift it up high some of us have to keep it like this and we just say he's got us let's just take another step come on we're going on our gospel shoes let's just take one more step yeah yeah we're getting hit we're getting lit up the the arrows are flying in my mind is under an attack my family's on an attack but i'm gonna keep on moving come on y'all just just take one more step with me if god be funny if god be for respectable i feel the holy ghost if god be for us who can be against us some of you haven't had some strength in battle in a long time because you've gotten isolated and you feel like you're all by my my nephew was sitting here a minute ago he had to go he's going back home tomorrow morning early i asked many of you to pray for him y'all stay right here he's a 20 year old i mean he's a stud he's just sharp he's strong he's a beautiful kid great heart he went to serve in the army out of all the battalions in the military that got called up to go to kabul and get in that crazy mess his battalion was one of them the day before he got on a c-30 they gave him a test several weeks ago and they said son you can't go to kabul you have coveted no symptoms didn't even know he had it he was so mad at me and his mama and his granny my mama standing here he said y'all prayed i didn't want this coffin i wanted to go to kabul with my battalion everybody in his battalion but him went to kabul they were just a few feet away when the bomb went off at the airport somebody he knows very well got shrapnel all up in his leg from the bomb what he don't know somebody was praying but take my baby lord his mama his nanny his uncle i called the national guard to pray i called everybody i called people that were saved i asked sinners to pray for him i mean i asked muslim people pray for my nephew he he needs deliverance god them i'm kidding protect them look i got everybody to pray why did you get everybody to pray because i believe god hold up i believe god some of y'all got some stuff going on in your house the enemy told you it will always be that way where is your faith whose report will you believe [Music] i feel like today somebody is making up their mind before we go home i'm gonna believe the report of the lord i keep going back to shadrach meshach and abednego our god is able but even if he don't do it the way i ask him these knees won't be under your 90-foot image of gold and i will not dance to the tune of your babylonian lullaby i belong to god some of you need to correct your theology this morning because you'll serve god as long as he keeps you from the fire put it in the get the microphone to the man of god some of you some of y'all will serve him as long as he keeps you from the fire [Music] but you're not quite sure about how you're gonna do if he keeps you through the fire oh if i had time i'd preach like brother youngblood used to preach young smith he said well three went in but i don't see three there no more there's four men three went inbound but there's four men and they look loose if three went in and then they saw four and three came out where is the fourth man he's still in the fire [Music] so many times of question somebody just thanked him for me certain circumstances things i could not [Music] that's when my frustration gets so out of hand [Music] oh but it's then i'm reminded that i have never been forsaken and i've never had to stand one test alone it's when i look at all the victories and i'm reminded that all god has done for me it's through the fire my weakness it's made strong he never promised the cross would not get heavy the heel would not be hard to climb he never offered our victories without fighting but he said hell would always come [Music] just remember when you're standing in the valley of decision and that adversary says give it says give him just hold him but the saints of god says no just hold on somebody throw your shield up and say hold on our lord will show up jesus he will take you through the fire again listen i want to pray for you today i believe this message is bringing a strengthening to your faith in fact some of you have needs today in your life and i want to pray for god to meet those needs if you need healing i want you to know that christ jesus is a healer if you need provision i want you to know that your god is a provider whatever you have need of today nothing is too big and nothing is too small for god to meet it father we thank you today for every man and woman that are watching this broadcast i pray today for those who have needs in their life they need you to heal them lord they need provision they need strength many of them need to be freed from depression and heaviness and i just ask in christ's name today that the power of your precious holy spirit would come up on them wherever they are break every yoke meet every need jesus you're a miracle worker and by faith we thank you that the power of god is working in their life right now turning everything around in jesus name amen friend we love you we can't wait to see you next week on this broadcast until then we're praying for you you're in our hearts and we'll see you soon god bless
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 6,348
Rating: 4.9428573 out of 5
Keywords: chattanooga, tn, tennessee, kevin, wallace, kevin wallace, deven, deven wallace, highland, park, highland park, rsm, redemption, redemption to the nations, rttn, rttn church, church, God, Jesus, spirit-filled, spirit, Holy Ghost, pentecostal, love, athens, kevin wallace preaching, deven wallace preaching, Shoes of the gospel, shield of faith, Ephesians
Id: PCIhW_tEYi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 41sec (2921 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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