Radar Gut Feeling

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so this is sort of a foundational message for the rest of the month and I want to establish some things that many of you have already heard before but how many know it's important as a pastor to introduce those things that some have never heard and then for those who have heard them how many recognize it's important that we reinforce what we've already known so as a pastor I'm always saying things multiple times because you never catch it all the first time I say it and so I've said some of these things before and you're gonna hear me say things today that you've heard me teach before and if you've heard them let them be reinforced within you and if you've never heard them it is my prayer today that God would begin to give you revelation and understanding concerning his word that you've not previously known we want to talk for the next several weeks about the internal radar the ability to know something is God's will how do we know something is from God or something is off limits in our life how do we know how do we discern how can we correctly make decisions so that we don't spend a large part of our life having to recover from bad decisions and from seasons where we operated in in ignorance of the will of God the first thing I felt like I should do today and as I prayed and pressed into this I really felt like God wanted me to reinforce in the beginning of this series and especially the beginning of this message I felt like God wanted me to reinforce to you that he really does want you to know that you're in the will of God he wants you to know that you're in his will God doesn't take pleasure in your confusion and your frustration God really does want you to know what he's up to in your life can you say Amen if you believe that we should stop entertaining in all thoughts that God somehow takes pleasure in our confusion or frustration the Bible is clear that the steps of a good man or woman are ordered by the Lord the Word of God is a lamp unto our feet come on and a light unto our pathway the book of Proverbs says watch the path of the just grows brighter and brighter not darker and marker the path that you're walking on gets more and more illuminated as you get closer to heaven how many believe that's good news and so you don't need to sit in here today thinking that somehow God wants you to live in a tormented frustrated confused state over you knowing what is and what is not his will he wants you to know that you are walking in his will so let's squish any lying voice that Satan uses to whisper in your ear that God doesn't want us to know God does want us to know and how many know that asks his children we want to know that we're living in his will so you've got these two things that are colliding it is the will of God for you to know and it is your will to know so today we're gonna find out how to know from mates to marriage from jobs to location of where to live God has a plan for your life God is not working a plan on the spot for you today God is not coming up with a plan for the latest chapter that you didn't know was coming I don't know if this is gonna bless you or hurt your feelings but whatever pain you just come out of God knew it was coming before it got there you got to understand that because if you don't understand that God knows the plan from the beginning you think God has to run down from heaven every time you have a chapter that you didn't like or you weren't expecting and you think God's trying to come up with something on the scene if I don't get anything else across to you today I want you to understand that God is not operating for a plan he is operating from a plan and the plan God is operating from in your life is the perfect plan that he decided about your life from the foundation of the world there is a reason God is already in your tomorrow and yet he's right here with you today he's already prepared the very life that he destined and designed for you to live and the stuff that you and I encounter in life as we walk through life there are many chapters about tomorrow that we do not know but although we don't know what tomorrow holds we can always lay our head down at night and rest knowing that we know who holds tomorrow God wants you to know his will and in the twenty plus years of ministry that I have God has allowed me to be a part of it seems that the frustration confusion the pain and the hopelessness that many Christians have can be primarily attributed to the difficulty that comes in discerning and knowing the will of God for our lives have you ever met those people who just know things weird people like some of us some of you who just know things and when you talk to them and you say how did you know that they don't really have an explanation that makes a lot of logical sense but they say things like this I just had a gut feeling I just knew in my knower how many know what I'm talking about right here I can't explain it it's almost as if God gave us a sixth sense it's almost as if God built into in fact it's not almost as if he did and that sixth sense that you and I have and I'm going to differentiate between the two so hang on if you're not saved people would call it intuition if you're saved you should call it discernment okay intuition comes from a man's spirit even if he's not saved and he don't know where he got it from he just has a feeling like the guy who felt that was reading a story in Reader's Digest about a guy who felt like he shouldn't get on a plane and couldn't tell anybody in his family why but he got he he decided I'm not getting on this plane this is not a safe man and listen and at least if he was the story they didn't say he was he just said I had a gut feeling then it wasn't get on the plane so that's how family crash screens goes crazy they don't get on a plane to claim the plane crashes everyone dies and that becomes a hero why because he had a gut feeling well for the Christian it's not really a gut feeling for the Christian it's not just intuition for the Christian it is that knowing down in the knower that is influenced by two things or two two things one is the Holy Spirit and the other is the truth of God's Word when you get born again the Spirit on the inside of you gets born again how many you know we sang songs growing up and I was telling junior Fitz last night we were fellowshipping and I was telling him that's not growing up we sing songs I'm not sure how theologically sounds some of them were but they blessed us amen one of them was I'm in a new world since the Lord saved me I looked at my hands my hands looked new I looked at my feet and they did too when I got saved my hands and feet didn't change come on if you had a corn on your toe before you got saved you had one on your foot after you got saved how many know what I'm telling you is real what God born again was not your body what got born again was your spirit and the thing in you that has the ability to know God's will came alive because Christ's blood paid for your sins and the Spirit of God came into your spirit and now your spirit man came to life and now that your spirit man is alive it has the ability to know but there is a difference between your intuition and discernment intuition can be born out of just instinct but discernment is born by the spirit and it is born by the spirit as the Holy Spirit gives you revelation and the Word of God brings light to your heart now what is that gut feeling what is that gut feeling you and I have on the inside when we can't even explain it we just know something for the born-again child of God I submit to you it is God trying to communicate something to you in many instances and notice I said many and not all because you and I are not infallible how many would agree with me this morning that we still make mistakes even in our humble submission and obedience to God wanting to know his will even the best of us at times if we're not careful we can't miss it it is jeremiah the prophet who said the heart is desperately wicked and deceitful who can know it there are times in our life when we think we know the will of God and we have to just be cautious and reinforce and confirm that what we're hearing is indeed the Word of God and we'll talk more about that in a moment but what what I'm talking about today is not intuition I'm not talking to you I'm not talking about you walking around and all your life saying oh I've got a feeling on the inside and you don't know where it came from or what it is I want you to know that what God is trying to reinforce and develop in us is not just the gift of intuition it is the gift of discernment that shows up in our spirit and begins to speak to us because it is there that God begins to talk to his people now if we are going to know God's will we have to know where his voice comes from look at somebody say neighbor locate the voice of God now this can get real hairy and and I prayed for God to give me such clarity because I don't want to get confused but it is a deep subject and it has to be treated such because there's there's no simple way to teach or preach this and many people go through their lives not knowing what I'm getting ready to teach you and it's oh I just think it's good for us on this Sunday this first message of this series on developing discernment for us to talk about how to locate the voice of God where do I locate the voice of God in my life how can I find the voice of God so the first thing I wanted to teach this morning is that you have to find your spirit if you're going to find the voice of God because the spirit's voice speaks your spirit you say pastor God does not talk to me I'd say that's not true the Bible said in John chapter 10 verse 27 my sheep hear my voice the issue is not God talking and sometimes the issue is not even that you're not hearing sometimes you don't know that what you're hearing is God talking to you in order to locate the voice of God you have to know how you're made if you take your notes write it down I've said this a hundred times but it's very important for you to understand this and you're going to know where your spirit is you are a spirit you have a soul you live in a body you are a spirit you have a soul you live in a body in order to understand God's ability to speak to you he doesn't speak to the temporal part of you he speaks to the eternal part of you the temporal part of you is your body everybody's left you but just slap your hand you feel that that is not you that is the tent you are camping out in oh I know I'm in the Bible because Paul taught us over in Corinthians he said this tent is outwardly perishing this this thing you see is not how I'm gonna look for eternity and I give God the praise don't miss it God when he speaks to you does not speak to the temporal corruptible part of you and I God speaks to the eternal part of you that is unseen with natural eyes there is a part of you that is eternal that is your soul in spirit and every day we watch this the reason hearing and knowing God's voice can be difficult is because God speaks on a different wavelength than the way you and I speak to each other every day we speak mouth to ear you and your spouse you and your friends you and your co-workers you speak mouth to ear God does not speak from his mouth to your ear your natural ear that's not how God speaks God speaks spirit to spirit if you walk around your whole life saying I can't hear God I don't know what God is doing I don't know what God is saying it's because some people are trying to hear him through the wrong method God is not talking to you the same way your spouse does God doesn't need your physical ears to talk to God needs an open spirit a hungry spirit a squatch a spirit that is in tune with him he said my sheep know my voice and the stranger they will not follow John chapter John chapter 10 verse 26 verse 27 my sheep know my voice a stranger they will not follow my sheep know my voice my sheep know my voice I'm talking to them and they'll know it watch if he's talking and you don't know it it doesn't mean you're not saved or something's wrong with you just means you need to turn your spirit in every Sunday at 2 o'clock on AM 1260 glory 1260 hallelujah on a two o'clock on every Sunday afternoon for for one whole hour from to 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. we have a radio broadcast and I preach the gospel on radio and they won't just went to FM station and I have no clue what it is but anyway it doesn't matter we'll find it out and tell about it it sounds better than FM than it does on a.m. amen 12 o'clock 2 o'clock every Sunday afternoon I teach and preach the gospel on the radio and I was in the funeral home yesterday preaching the funeral my brother walked up to me Oh Bishop on us we hear you every Sunday on the radio now here's the deal he turns it on every Sunday at 2 o'clock to hear me teach and preach but when he turns it off it doesn't mean that the radio station stopped playing a signal it just means that he wasn't tuned in to hear it and just because you're not hearing it doesn't mean God isn't talking it might just mean that while he's talking you're turned in to a different frequency so in order to know the voice of God you gotta tune in to the right frequency come on somebody and pick up on what God is trying to say to you in your spirit now look at look it up look at verse look at John 14 16 17 this is just before Jesus is crucified he says I will ask the Father and He will give you another comforter to be with you forever the Spirit of Truth the world cannot accept him because watch it neither sees him this is John 14 verse 16 through 17 the world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he lives with you and will be in you the world doesn't know him because the world doesn't see him one of the reasons God saved us in our spirit and saw that we could have relationship with a god we could not see you and I have never info full and total glory seen the full manifestation of God if you did you would die but how many thankful and grateful that even though we haven't seen him in his fall glory how many are grateful that he still allows us to know him deeply and powerfully and in the fullness of his resurrection in the power of his resurrection in Fellowship of his suffering Wow how do we do that through the spirit not through the body because they're going to be days when you have a divine import appointment to know God deeply in your flesh doesn't feel like it this is why we do a lot of teaching and preaching about tell your flesh to shut up and you know come on get out of your flesh and get in the spirit why because your flesh often tries to dictate to you when you should expect an encounter with God the devil is a liar God does not allow my experience with him to be held hostage by the weakness of my flesh sometimes I just have to tell my flesh you know what I am tired my feet are sore my body is aching with pain my mind is troubled I have frustrated I've got problems I've got stuff going on but I got to get up and be in the house of God and I got to get up and go to church and I've got to go pray get to go read my Bible because it's when you push the flesh back that the spirit inside of you stands up and God says now that you're in tune with the spirit you can hear my voice if your primary concentration for Christian journey is comfort you will be miserable trying to find the voice of God because often the voice of God is not found in a place of comfort it is found in a place of great challenge now you have to locate the voice of God so how many would agree with me that when you say find your spirit how many would agree with me that seems challenging sometimes because when I close my eyes and are trying to find my spirit the first thing I encounter is my thoughts right well can I tell you that your thought life is where your spirit can be found in your thoughts when you close your eyes for it see sometimes I just had it's as simple for me as closing my eyes and talking to God that I can find my spirit I hope this doesn't sound weird to you sometimes trying to find God you know psalm 46 verse 10 is a really powerful verse it's really short but very powerful it says something very profound be still and know that I am God sometimes you can't find God because you can't be still and sometimes when we get steel we we spend our time worrying and fretting instead of meditating and rejoicing but if you want to find where your spirit is sit down and close your eyes and start talking to God that is where your spirit is don't look around I'm not saying that you have to close your eyes all the time but for me it helps to get in the world and the pearance of everything I'm dealing with shut it down and get ahold of where my spirit is on the inside and when I start talking to God it is there that I can find my spirit now here's what I want to tell you sometimes your spirit although it is born-again isn't getting 100% accurate waves right when you're picking up on the frequency of heaven how many know that you've got to make sure you're picking up God's voice and not your own thought because there are some people you walk up to them and they say God said and when they start telling you what God said what God told them it's very different than what God said in the Bible well guess who's right and who's wrong the word is right and you are wrong I don't care how divine your dream was right we have to locate our spirit not just our not just our thoughts but our spirit not just our body but our spirit not even our feelings because soul and feeling that's where that that's what the soul is it's the feeling it's the emotion of it all that's not your spirit your spirit is that place inside you but tense speak to God and can hear from God and so when you get born again that spirit comes open to God John 14 tells us the Spirit comes to live within us you have the Holy Spirit inside of you but not only do we need to learn how to locate the voice of God watch some of us can't locate it until we first understand you have to learn the voice of God locating the voice of God is important but you also have to learn the voice of God because sometimes you go to the place inside in your spirit where God spoke to you last and the previous time God spoke to you your mind was in a place of clarity your heart was in a place of purity and what you heard was from God but if you don't watch if you don't train yourself how to stay in tune with God you can go back to the place in your heart in your spirit where God spoke and the next time you go if there's some sin in your heart it can disturb the waves and the frequency that is speaking to you on the inside and although you're in the same place you heard the previous command it's not the same voice and the same source talking to you this is where we miss it and I want to talk about it so how do we learn the voice of God so we locate the voice of God by finding our spirit because it is in our spirit it is in our spirit that God speaks to us but knowing the location of where God speaks to us is not enough that may that may seem that's that's to me that's too mechanical that requires no relationship we have to learn the voice of God through relationship because not every thought and not every voice in your head is God speaking to you I've got three amens but the rest of us should same into that Amen that every voice and every thought that comes through your mind is not the voice of God there are several definite clear behaviors we can engage in to know that the gut feeling that we are having as a result of God speaking to us taking notes write this down be slow to trust what you have not trained be slow to trust what you have not trained I didn't say don't trust that I said be slow to trust it because God is big enough to speak to people who haven't had time to train themselves a whole lot how many would agree with that but by and large I'm going to show you scripture in a minute to back up what I'm talking about by and large the ability to know and have confidence that you're operating in the will of God comes from training your spirit to know the voice of God and if you don't take time to trust your spirit I mean to train your spirit then don't be so quick to trust it because you can train your spirit say I can't train my spirit now how do we train our spirit there are definite clear behaviors that let us know the thoughts that we are having are from God there are three kinds of thoughts you need to write this down please write this down if you're taking notes there are three there are three kinds of thoughts spirit promptings self promptings and satanic suggestions spirit promptings self promptings and satanic suggestions everything that goes through our heart watch everything that goes through our mind everything floating through our spirit is one of those three it's either just a product of our flesh self promptings it's a product of the Holy Spirit speaking to us or it is a product of a satanic suggestion and how many know sometimes those lines get blurred anybody know what I'm talking about how many have ever been in a season in your life where you couldn't figure out if it was you God or the devil I've often told the story maybe not often but I've told the story before about Devin and I on how we got together and some of you know that story and some of you don't I'm not gonna go into the depths of it because it's a whole episode of Jerry Springer that you don't have time for today but I'm kidding when Devin and I were together I I had a real strong word from God that I was supposed to marry her the problem was I wasn't very cool in my delivery of that so I walk up to her she has no clue who I am I I surprise her after a prayer meeting with a card and in the card I let her know God told me I was gonna marry you and she thinks I'm all of a sudden psychotic and it's a very interesting dynamic when you're chasing someone that thinks you're psychotic and you know there were times that I'm certain that she could have called the cops for stalking her and the entire time I'm thinking this is going to be my life the entire time she is thinking what is this and so it kind of was crazy until we sat down at her grandfather's house he's a Methodist preacher his grandmother's a sweet Methodist first lady and they're just real quaint quiet amazing beautiful people sort of like something that would come out of the the preacher on Little House of the Prairie he's kind of that guy he makes you feel like that guy's a real sweet guy and so we're sitting at dinner he says let's bow our heads we're friends it's actually a weird thing that we're going through we're kind of friends were not on we're off because you know there's all this tension and we're not quite sure what's going on we sit down and my man my man the Methodist preacher goes into tongues at the dinner table I'm talking about not he not not that time I'm talking about my man was speaking fluently he was talking to somebody in heaven about this situation and all of a sudden I'm freaking out because the chickens getting cold and the potatoes are getting cold and the method is I'm thinking in my mind what is happening here the man just got baptized in the Holy Ghost and I didn't even say receive the Holy Ghost he touched my hand and started speaking in tongues I knew I was anointed then I found out later he had already been baptized in the Holy Ghost so I have nothing to do with me right so we're at the dinner table he's speaking in tongues and then he interprets the message and he said today the cloud and the frustration and the confusion will be pushed back and the will of God will be done and I had a great peace come on me she had a great peace come on her I thought God is about to hook us up she thought God is about to get him out of my life so true story and so we go to from there we go to her youth pastor's house and that night he asked me to preach revival the next year and in that in that revival the next year that's where we fell in love and four months later we were married but that night confusion got pushed back God's will was accomplished I want you to understand that God God knows very very clearly how to communicate to you his will but you've got to first come to a place where you do not trust yourself so much but rather you trust the God in you and then he begins to take over and communicate everything you need him to communicate to you now let me give you several ways I've got a few minutes here so we're doing good let me give you some clear behaviors that you need to engage in some very clear ways God makes his voice known and that gut feeling on the inside of you you know it's coming from God so let me give you some ways number one through revelation everybody write this down say through revelation now you want to know the will of God for your life the only way to know the will of God is that God reveal it to you the things that we get from heaven are revealed to us they're revealed to us by the Holy Spirit to our spirit so we need to understand that God is sending revelation and we should be receiving revelation from the Holy Spirit people who say God showed me something not weirdos people who say God spoke to me are not crazy people who say you know God and now we're having a conversation - and you said something crazy like the Lord showed me last night and your co-workers like what God showed you are you kidding me or have you ever forgotten who you were talking to and you were like you're standing driving down the car and tears just begin to flow because God spoke to me and you look at your girlfriend and she's like girl what are you talking about God spoke to you my preacher don't tell me God talk to me and you're like well we we believe God talks to us have you ever had an encounter with God have you ever had an encounter with God or he is God to you just someone that they set up on a mantel somewhere in the church and you come and you sing too fast songs unto him one slow song unto him and you go home and you don't know him the rest of the week that is not his will for your lives you can know God he wants you to know him and he wants to reveal things to you it's like Paul said in Ephesians chapter two I pray that the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling he wants you to have eyes wide open he wants you to know what he's up to he wants to reveal amazing things to you but we got to find out how revelation comes because if you don't understand that it is pure genuine authentic revelation from God that shapes and controls and directs your life than you might be willing to settle for a cheap imitation revelation that could get you in a whole lot of trouble first thing say through revelation now if you want to learn the voice of God and learn that gut feeling on the inside the first thing you've got to know is that you learn it through revelation and the the primary way that you learn the revelation of God is through his word now I'm gonna make a lot of people mad at me right here but I want to say this and be really clear the written word of God has preeminence over every experience or encounter you ever have it is not to suggest that you shouldn't have authentic genuine uncommon godly amazing encounters you and I should in fact I was sharing with the team this past week I believe it was in staff meeting that when I was 17 years old I had a god encounter in my bedroom just before I left for Lee University I had a dream and I laid in my bed and prayed in the spirit for hours and could not move I felt like electricity was flowing through the ends of my fingers I felt like my body was convulsing in in India and I'm not even like comfortable telling all of you this because you think I'm crazy but I know what happened that day I could not move as I was seized by the Spirit of God it forever marked my future and my life God stamped my soul that day with his glory and I am 38 years old to this day and 21 years ago it happened and I can still remember how powerful it felt when the glory of Yahweh came into my bedroom and seized my spirit I will never be the same 21 years later and I still feel it in my spirit no matter how powerful the encounter is the Word of God has preeminence here's the deal if you do not spend time in this word you will not know the voice of God period I could probably fold the Bible close my notes walk off the stage and sent somebody free if they would just grab that if you don't spend time in this book you will not know the voice of God and you will not understand the revelation of the Holy Ghost as they prove it okay I will go over to Hebrews 5 verse 12 we're just teaching this morning I got a little wound up there a few minutes ago but I'm trying quickly to calm down you know I'm just kidding I'm gonna calm you down I'm filling up the gas tank again Hebrews 5:12 for though now I want you to look at this can you put that up on the screen Hebrew I know you're gonna be a frustrated but I want somebody to see this and y'all frustrated but I should have give this to you ahead of time Hebrews 5 verse 12 for though by this time you ought to be teachers you yourself need someone to teach you again the first principles of the Oracles of God and you have become you have come to need milk and not solid food go to the next verse for me we're going all the way to the end for everyone who partakes watch up only a milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness for he is a babe and not the kind of babe that you think you saw at the beach but a baby verse 14 verse 14 but solid watch listen this is so good some of you need to catch this solid food belongs to those who are full age that is those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil here's what that verse means it's a little difficult when I read it in the Greek and went back and chase it all down scholars have a hard time understanding exactly what they think the writer was meaning here but here's what I believe the writer was saying full age doesn't mean old full age means somebody who is mature who has used the Word of God not just the milk but the meat boy growing up we used to talk about the milk and the meat and some people just want the milk I'm getting ready to bless you you're the head and not the tail Oh God is getting ready to open up a door that's good but that's milk sometimes you need to sit down and be quiet and train your spirit to know good from evil because most of the people rebuking the devil need to stop rebuking the devil and fix their flesh because many of the problems we accuse of being the devil are nothing more than there is of carnal behavior disobedience and ignoring the voice of God you cannot rebuke what you have received the night before okay this scripture teaches us something we need solid food the meat of the word and we need to exercise it over and over again so that we develop the ability to discern good from evil get into work over and over and over and over again read the same scriptures over and over and over and over again why because you are training your spirit to discern good from evil so that when evil shows up the good word of God in you says huh that ain't from God when they teach the FBI on how to find false money they never let them handle false money Justin the FBI gives their money-laundering Department real money and they handle real money all the time so that when they touch fake money they say oh this don't feel like the real thing and the reason some people in the church keep getting the false blessing is because they haven't handled the real thing enough to know that when the false about get ready to say something right here some people keep jumping from spouse to so God why do you do this to me on Sunday why not Wednesday some people keep jumping spouse to spouse maid to mate relationship to relationship and the reason why you ain't found the right one is completely spend enough time with Jesus to know what a real man looks like sister so that when one walks into your life Oh God Who am I talking to started preaching slap three or four people near you say handle the real thing and we don't have a word life but we got dreams and words and revelation there's something wrong with this [Applause] this is not God's little idea this is the word of the Lord heaven and earth will pass away but this book right here will abide forever you know why it wasn't just a group of men who wrote it with an ink pen it was a group of men who grabbed a pen under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost and they wrote as they were told to by God and if you want to know the voice of God this is where you start not where you end I don't run here for listen I don't run here at the end of my revelation to see oh is that the Lord if I've handled it appropriately my revelation will confirm what I've already discovered if the word revelation comes to us through this book well brother woz I just have the hardest time reading the Word of God no see what you have a hard time with is telling your flesh to be quiet while you read the Word of God I'm convinced most of the people who don't have encounters with God have no clue that they're not even in the spirit they're trying to find God with their body their physical body or their natural mind God is not there the natural man cannot receive from God he believes that the things of God are foolishness and look at me I don't just believe Paul is talking about sinful people when got wind Paul said in first Corinthians 2 that a natural man cannot know the things of God I believe he's taught about our natural man my natural man thought this building was crazy when I walked in this room four years ago and it was this big and we had 150 people I said this building is too big and God said no it can't hold me so you change your perspective because you see something in your flesh you feel something in your flesh that is not from God and then God begins to inform you through your spirit that what you're feeling is not from him if you don't have a word life you will not know the voice of God and if it came to you you wouldn't know it was him speaking to you anyway now revelation not only comes through the word but listen how many know and agree with me revelation can come through dreams come on don't get religious really revelation can come through prophecy what is the Bible what is Paul in the in the book of first listen that Thessalonians chapter five he's writing to the church at Thessalonica and why would Paul say something like this despise not prophesying do you know why Paul said don't despise prophecy because the church at Thessalonica began to despise prophecy do you know why because there were so many prophets and there were so many people just speaking and prophesy shooting from the hip they weren't even in tune with God and genuine authentic Christians began to get fed up with the false prophets in Thessalonica who were falsely prophesying and they just began to think all prophecy was a sham some of you think all prophecy is a sham because you've seen some shiny shoots slick hair preacher on TV trying to swindle money out of people's pockets and he did it all in the name of yeah I say for you and you think every prophet is trying to take your money most prophets don't want your money most prophets are anointed by the true prophets are anointed by God not to take your money but to take you from glory to glory and from this level to another level that's what a true prophet does and I'm telling you right now God is restoring the gift of the prophetic to the church because if the church doesn't have room for a prophet the church will stay stuck in the rut she's in God gave fossils prophets evangelists pastors and teachers for the edifying of the church and if you don't like prophets you have removed yourself from hearing one of the most significant voices in your life [Music] people can prophesy people prophesied sometimes I don't even understand it before we received the 4 million dollar miracle in this church 8 years ago a little guy came through named Harold Woodson and he sang this song if he started singing this song then I was like he's in the flesh the entire time he was singing it he was singing a prophetic sorrow for us and here's what he was singing if you knew what God was about to do if you knew what God was about to do and I'm sitting on the front row and he's preaching I'm going this is horrific it means my buddy but I'm thinking this is going to be an absolute train wreck he's singing the song four or five times in a row two weeks later God gave our church a four million dollar miracle I called Harold us that keep singing please keep singing sing prophetically over me every day of your life right some of us are religious I'm just gonna say it some of us don't get revelation from God because if it doesn't come like it came through your Pappy's shirts or your granny's church or your preachers preacher then you don't did it God may send you your favorite preacher but he might sing you a donkey and let the donkey who speak he Hall starts speaking Hebrew and if you want a revelation you'll listen to whoever God sends I wish I had somebody to help me preach today we need revelation you want to know that gut feeling on the inside is from God spend time in the word training your spirit your spirit will become receptive and waves the wavelength the frequency of the Spirit will be picked up in your heart and you do this by exercising over and over again the solid food of the Word of God and by it you're able to discern good from evil the next way not only is there revelation the second I don't know the second way I'm gonna real good I mean I'm incredible this is amazing okay I mean I'm not incredible about my timekeeping today's incredible ok leave me alone I felt good for a moment ok watch the second thing I want you to know is that not only do you get the will of God through revelation but you get it through peace or the absence thereof okay so let me they probably don't have the amplified version in the back so let me read to you from the amplified version because I thought this was just just fabulous ok Colossians 3 verse 15 write this down write the address now go check it out in the amplified later the peace of God let the peace of God rule your heart amplified bible as an acting as an umpire deciding and settling with finality all questions that are as in your mind the word rule everyone say rule so in Colossians 3 verse 15 you guys are absolutely amazing back there can we give it up for the media team come on I mean I just pulled one on them and look what they did we're going to Disney World back there come on okay watch let the peace so harmony which comes from Christ rule act as an umpire continually in your hearts deciding and settling with finality all questions that are as in your minds in that peaceful state to which as members of Christ one body you are also called to live and be thankful appreciative giving praise to God always I love that here's what I want you to see the word rule in the Greek is the Greek word Barbato it's where Romans in that day got the idea of a referee or an umpire Paul uses that word to describe how the peace of God should act in our hearts when any thought and I'm going to take God at His Word any and all thoughts that I don't know how to discern as good or evil now some thoughts I'm going to know that's good and from God or that's evil and not from God it's a satanic suggestion but in the event that something comes into my life that I'm not able to know is this God or me or the devil is this the flesh is this the spirit or is this Satan in moments where I don't know then I am given the permission to go to church for the peace of God in my heart and the peace of God acts as if it were an umpire how many know what an umpire does okay so for those of you who don't know much about me had I not been a preacher this is a true story I would have sought to become a professional umpire in the major leagues I knew how to call balls and strikes like nobody in Chattanooga it's true that's what a strike was ball was like this and then the third strike if they got caught looking I run them up like this ha ha pull the string they're like ah that's amazing people here that don't know baseball think I'm crazy right now all of you men are like yes my pastor is a man's man glory watch I would have been a professional baseball I'm parents what I would have saw ok baseball umpire softball umpires they have bounds to operate in and their job is to call something fair or foul that's playable that's not in play came on come on Wayne's World came off right my 90 self coming through right there ok umpires say fair or foul the peace of God acts as your arm pyre if you've got something floating around in your mind that you don't know the will of God about go find the peace of God about it do you have peace if you got peace about it God is telling you that's fair if you don't have peace God's saying foul ball some of y'all searching for a spouse need to hear the umpire when he says because you might have her and she might be 36-24-36 but she's still a foul ball well I'm not getting no help right here I see sorry y'all packing your stuff up getting ready to run to the car but I got 12 minutes and 11 seconds and somebody gotta sit there and receive what I'm teaching today I'm telling you don't get yourself in a mess anymore trying to play with the ball that God called foul if the Lord will come on somebody don't leave me don't let me be here by myself if you've got a bad feeling on the inside and you can't find peace no matter why you can't find it trust God I always wait till at least I have peace cuz if it's God's will for me to do it he'll make sure I get the piece needed to accompany the decision I'm making let the peace of God act as a umpire a referee let's stop like got the green light go got a caution light slow down got a red light stop and what you don't stop that God told you to stop with Oh God is so good because he often bills us out of things we had to end encounter when we read the stop when we ran the stoplight how much time have we wasted asking God to bail us out of stuff he was trying to keep us from in the first place deficit of your laughing because I've been so many times in our life she'd come to me and read the person you know me the quintessential pastor love everybody everybody who tells me they love me love me everybody who say that out for you best they really got my bed I just believe the best in everybody Devon kinda you say she shouldn't be like that actually I'm very thankful with my makeup and my emotional and the chemistry and my personality I'm very grateful for a person who has some discernment sometimes because it kept me out of rooms with some real scoundrels and every now and then I have from my machine God I'm kidding I don't have to remind her that she knows that sometimes so I said sometimes compassionate loving people have got to operate in better discernment sometimes discerning people have got to have a little more compassion so let me balance that out real quick because just because you saw something in them didn't mean God didn't call you to come alongside of them and help them clean it up that's decent cuz if you can see everybody else's problems they can't see your own jesus talked about you yeah he did he said you got that telephone pole in your eye and you sitting there trying to pluck a toothpick out of your neighbors eye okay so so what we have to embrace is in our heart that we have exercised in the Word of God we have had revelation we we have a spirit that is open to the Holy Ghost and God is able to speak to us and talk to us and show us things oh I got so blessed so blessed this past Sunday or Wednesday night I have a beautiful family and a couple in our church and I won't say who they are but they just got a great promotion they're moving to another city and they were crying I was crying they hate leaving I hate him leaving but God thing and we knew it was God but they said you know we and they call them denomination they were affirming I will not but it was a big denomination and they said you know we just didn't believe in things of the Spirit and this place helped us to understand God is so much bigger listen I pray that the lid gets ripped off of your lives and you're able to know and dis and discern and to experience and find God in ways that your religious upbringing may have told you you could never know God he is bigger than what many have been told and if you are always experiencing God in the context and from the reference point of what you had in your past even as a child the affinity and the sentimentality that you experienced in the little church you were nothing wrong I was raised in a small church so let me first of all I'm gonna help you understand I'm not bashing small churches I'm just telling you sometimes they thought because they were small God was small and many of times the reason they were small is not because God was small or because they were supposed to stay small it's because their mind stayed small not every church is supposed to be a mega church that's not what I'm trying to suggest but every church is supposed to be a place where God can invade some of us today we need to know that the peace of God in our hearts if you've got a I'm gonna say this and I'm preaching one of the messages I'm preaching on in this month is called radar recognizing and discerning assigned relationships and I'm going to talk about who you are supposed to be and not be connected to but I really found in prayer this week that there were people who are dating or courting or chilling and I covered all of them because some of y'all would deceive yourself and try to deceive me with your verbage we just chill it no you're not chilling kiss him kiss her name chilling I'm coming for you I got five minutes 57 seconds I knew what I was gonna do before I got through you're not just chillin you got to listen if you've got a red light in your spirit God sent me to this pulpit the data remind you it's an absence of peace and until you get peace stopped there comes a point in it and I'm not trying to take you into a dating seminar but somebody needed this today there comes a point in every relationship where you do one of three things and somebody in this room today is right there you either live in sin you get married or you break up that's that's a place you get to that place you cross that line where you do one of three things get married live in sin or break up and they're slower you take getting to that line the better off you are because when you get to that line you don't just hop back on the other side slow down and some of you need to stop and I'm not saying this like your boss I'm saying this like a spiritual father who loves you who heard God in prayer at 5:30 this morning tell me to tell somebody and stop be careful well brother - I'm just I want it so bad you are not as ready for it as you think you are and the one you're pursuing is not as ready for you as you think they are what is this heavy and I got single people mad at me all over the building right now going to bring glory to God deserve shut up I can't I'm not saying he or she isn't right I'm saying wait on peace so watch the gut feeling you have on the inside number one it comes to Revelation revelation of the word in Revelation through prophecy dreams visions whatever method God wants to speak to you through God can give you the revelation but it comes to your spirit the second way is through peace the third final way that I want to talk about this morning is through relationships godly relationships now I wrestled with this one because I thought how do I say this without it sounding like we have to go to people to speak on behalf of God but I'm not really talking about running to people for God's voice I'm talking about running to people who you trust and I'll talk about that in a moment who can help you discern if what you're hearing is in fact from God do not seek out people for counsel who just like you are in the greatest messes of our life because the only people who speak into our life are people who have who want something we have and when all you do is chase down people who want what you have for wisdom they'll tell you anything you want to hear to get what they want that you have [Applause] find some people who got nothing to give you in response in return but love your soul and share your thing in your heart in your revelation with them to see how they respond now you say pastor is that scriptural to run to somebody it's absolutely there's wisdom in the counsel of the and the number of counselors you have four proverbs teaches if you have counselors and counsel in your life it'll keep you being in a mess the Bible said it it's better to have two than one cuz if one falls in a pit who gets him out you need some folk in your life I don't care how Wonder Woman or Superman you think you are you're gonna find yourself in a rut one day and need a hand and all the people you acted holier than now too Oh see the very people you act like you didn't need might be the very one God assigns to reach down and rescue your stubborn tail you need godly relationships how do I know that First Samuel two and three Samuel is living in the temple of God he's laying down in his bed one night and the voice of God comes to Samuel Scott yeah he gets up and runs to Eli yes sir you called for me no I didn't go back to bed Samuel goes back to bed lays down goes back to sleep laying on his bed snap y'all samuel runs up comes to Eli Eli you called for me it wasn't me boy this is the Wallace unauthorized translation it wasn't me while I go back to bed he runs back the bed comes back the third time God comes back into speech - Samuel sob y'all he goes - Eli Eli says this he says this of Eli he discerned that what samuel was hearing was the voice of God well I wish I had time to preach on that because Samuel was hearing what Eli was supposed to hear Samuel had never heard the voice of God and watch God was talking to him and he didn't know it was God which means God can talk to you and you know but thank God for godly people in her life who help us discern what we're hearing so the third time he comes to him Eli says go back to bed and if God speaks to you again respond to God this way here am i Lord here am i what did what did Eli do for the boy Samuel that day he taught him through relation ship how to discern and know the voice of God so Samuel goes back to bed lays down on his bed God comes back up Samuel gets up yeah what do you want me to do God hear me don't miss this you need people in your life who can give you instruction and give you wisdom when God starts speaking to you in ways you don't know how to understand it discern what God is saying if your marriage is in trouble don't go seek counsel from somebody got married last week for real y'all ain't even had a good fight yet if you need help in your marriage go find somebody that's been married 44 years 60 years have y'all do it well praise God and they just start telling this story most of the time everyone i'ma tell you we hang on we just hung on to God and each other and we learned how to work through the situation you understand what I'm saying godly relationships if you if you keep getting dreams and visions you don't understand don't go to some religious dry Haddon ain't never had a dream or vision go find somebody who believes God still speaks through visions and dreams that has a seasoned approach and understanding I tell you all the time Devin has her like a dream at night she wears me out last week 4 o'clock in the morning she thought you awake oh well that's time I checked I don't generally wake up at 4 o'clock in the morning be like hello sunshine I don't mean you awake well I am now she I just had a dream and she starts having this dream and she goes you believe is from God I have no clue it's for write that thing down we'll talk about it over coffee at 8 a.m. in the morning come on and and what time we give you a ok can I give you something to do serious conversation here she and I have learned get the phone true story I can I've got five or six seven dreams on my phone stored that I was too tired to process but she knew she had a dream where I had a dream and I said get the phone get the phone get the phone and before I suppose you listen dreams come to your spirit and your mind is not always to record with clarity it's not always able to record with clarity the dream you have which is why you need to write it down and report it immediately because when you wake up after you've slept again your body is made in such a way that you forget the thing that God put in your spirit God is only required to speak to you once if he speaks more than once it's mercy and grace don't presume oh mercy and grace treat the Word of God with honor both times anytime he speaks to you right so now that we've done is when she has a dream where I have a dream I get the phone and I hit record it's beautiful say it honey say it come on say it all give me all them details colors stars shiny things yes say it are you done click I'll see you in the morning we'll talk about it over crumpets and tea praise the Lord [Applause] that's how we do it because the word means something but I'm gonna have to rest a little bit y'all ok so I'm done here we go you need godly people in your life if you are so scared that what you're feeling from God would be shot down by a spiritual men and women of God who loved you chances are you don't have the peace necessary to follow through with the decision you're wanting to make if you couldn't take it to somebody and it stand the test of someone who truly loves you now I could say a lot of things about about manipulative manipulative leadership don't go chasing somebody who has an ego problem don't go get advice from somebody who is selfish self-centered if you go to somebody who wants to be a lid over you everything you ever hear from God you they'll never bless it because they'll always be afraid you'll go do something greater than what they find somebody's secure enough that can that can hear your dream Joseph and not throw you in a pit because of it I'm through the gut feeling I get on pasture are they from God or not well the question is where you been lately you've been in prayer you've been in the word have you been with God's people have you been with God's people cuz if you ain't been to church in three years you might want to start getting back in the fold a little bit before you start talking about how God's been talking to you cuz it's a little strange when people have disconnected from God's people and they start talking about how God's been visiting them all the time God visits his people because his people are his people you are not his person you are his people the church was never talked about just you or me alone you are not the church by yourself I am NOT the church by myself the church is always plural and corporate that doesn't mean you're not saved but make sure you understand that the people of God are a people and there are a lot of people who are walking in confusion because they're just floating around in life and have never planted their lives anywhere God wants you to get planted so you can grow I've talked longer than I usually teach but I want the people of God to come into a place where they know that what God showing them on the inside is from him and the confusion that we often wrestle with we can begin to deal with scripturally and by the Spirit of God because God doesn't want you walking around your whole life like you know who am I supposed to me what am I supposed to do where am I supposed to live what am I supposed to do for a living God want you to have peace I almost put a fourth point in here and I think I'll I struggled with it but I'm feeling it right now but there are some times you have to make a decision based on what seemed good to you and the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts I think they were trying to find the mind of God and couldn't find for sure if what they were feeling was God or not so it said they survival says this and access says that it seemed good to us and the Holy Ghost for us to make this decision sometimes I don't get all the confirmations I asked for but it seems good God wants us to do it not just good for me not just good to me but God the Holy Spirit feels good about it I'm feeling that I don't feel a red light I don't feel look yellow light I don't feel a caution I can't say I've heard three confirmations and all my you know all of my requests have been answered the way I wanted to he didn't he didn't know when when Gideon put the fleece out sometimes we don't get the fleece we wanted I don't mean it wasn't God there have been things I fleece got over and he didn't answer the fleece and then he showed me he still wanted me to do it come on buddy just answer to fleece because I didn't want you to trust the fleece no I don't want you to trust the fleece I want you to trust me if you needed this message I want you to stand on your feet right now everybody whoever if you didn't need it you can stay seated there's no shame I want you laying your hands on your spirit you said pastor where's my spirit well it's not really your spirit it's Jesus said out of your belly out of your innermost being out of your spirit will flow rivers of living water so I want you to lay hands right in here I want you say God began to speak to me and show me everything you have for me I want to live with that radar alive on the inside of me I don't want to miss it I don't want to walk in ignorance I don't want to walk in darkness I want to walk in the light come on I'm praying that over you now father in the name of Jesus I'm asking you Lord right now this house is in need we are in need whole ethos of greater discernment on the inside of us we are in need spirit of the Living God of greater sensitivity and greater revelation oh come on with our hands leuthar voices can't we just ask him for for more of his spirit to have his way in our hearts and lives we want to hear your voice louder than other voices our minds cannot be sewers and trash cans of the world and at the same time simultaneously be the place where your spirit is speak we want to have a pure heart a pure mind a pure conscious Lord cleanse us if there's junk on the inside of us today Lord God making it difficult or God cleanse us on the inside we ask it in the name of Jesus today Lord open my eyes open my spiritual ears let me hear let me see oh God we don't want to walk in the darkness we want to walk in the light father teach us that through fellowship in your word and through revelation either by dream or prophecy or spoken word whatever it might be Oh God God we open our hearts to the more of you we're not going to be limited or confined but God we want everything that happens to be authentic genuine and an expression of your spirit and when it is not from you when it is not your voice when it is not your will Oh God may the peace that you give us Lord God lord I just pray your speak to us through the peace of daughter through the absence of that peace when we can't feel that peace and we know there's something often something wrong would you help us today Lord God to understand how to navigate through all that waters of that are challenging to discern times that are challenging to discern spirits and voices in this earth that are challenging to discern God we want to have your voice and your your discernment Lord so we lift our hands now and we say Holy Spirit would you show us your way Holy Spirit would you show us your way hold a bipolar about shade Holy Spirit would you show us your way spirit of God don't let us be trapped in our carnality don't let us be trapped in our flesh don't let us be trapped and being and being led by our flesh in our body dah Oh God let us be led by our spirit come on God is waking somebody's spirit up this morning God is waking somebody's spirit up this morning God is waking somebody's spirit up this morning God is bringing some revelation to some minds that were previously confused and frustrated if you're in this room right now and I know we've got to go in just a moment but if you're in this room right now you'd say pastor Kevin pray for me I need Jesus to save me I need the Lord to rescue me and forgive me and save me from my sins and I cannot save myself but you pray for me pastor Kevin I can't change me I can't make my leprous spots go away I can't get rid of my own problems I keep creating bigger problems and I just need the Lord to forgive me of my sins and cleanse me then if that's you I have good news for you today Jesus came to this building today to set you free and to save you from all of your sins heads are bowed eyes are closed when if I'm talking to you and you want to give your heart to Christ I don't care how far away you feel and how messed up you feel like you are he'll save you today and make you assure for heaven as if you are already there but you must say yes don't reject him today is the day of salvation if I'm talking to you when I say three lift your hand up if that's you and I want to pray with you today you want to go to heaven and not he'll serve God and not the devil walk in the light and not in the darkness have life and not death when I say three if that's you and I'm talking to you lift your hands shoot it up and the Lord Jesus is gonna save you one two three shoot it up right now pray for me pastor anybody at all yes I see your hands back there god bless your family I see your hands sir god bless you I see your hand ma'am god bless you all put your hands down can I put your hands down thank you god bless you sir everyone look at me right here I want you to look at the person on your left and right and I don't care if you've known them your whole life or you've never met them before this service today I want you to ask them one question right now do you need someone to go pray with you at the altar and if you lifted your hand or you should have when they ask you that question I want you to come stand down with here with me right now we're gonna pray a prayer that Jesus Christ is going to hear and he's going to save every person who comes for salvation right now come if I'm pretty talking to you if you need Jesus to save you and you lifted your hand or you know you should have what you come stand I'll wait on you even if you thank you for coming sweetheart thank you for coming sir thank you for coming come on come on I come on every Sunday we do this because we believe Jesus he not only saves on Easter Sunday he saves every Sunday thank you for coming town thank you for coming sweetheart I see you coming I'm waiting on you come on come on y'all let's just throw a real quick party let's go real quick party holiday Lee ah yes you sir come help me come help me elders and pastors I want everyone I want them to pray I'm gonna ask the church family to exit out both sides while these brothers and sisters come to Christ we got prayer leaders who are full of the Holy Spirit they're gonna pray them through we got a whole other congregation getting ready to come in listen if you're a first-time guest I'm gonna be right out in this wing and the lobby on this side exiting out to the main parking lot I'd love to shake everybody's hand especially our first-time guests and greet everyone listen see you Sunday night the fast begins tonight at midnight whatever you fast do it under God pray with us this Wednesday Thursday and Friday and we'll see you through our week of prayer times and then Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. going the peace of God [Music]
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 4,177
Rating: 4.8421054 out of 5
Keywords: chattanooga, tn, tennessee, kevin, wallace, kevin wallace, deven, deven wallace, highland, park, highland park, rsm, redemption, redemption to the nations, rttn, rttn church, church, God, Jesus, spirit-filled, spirit, Holy Ghost, pentecostal, love
Id: z1IFwbTalmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 2sec (4562 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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