15 Secret Features Starfield Never Tells You About

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so in this dark field video I'm going to be sharing with you all 15 secret features that you might not known about hopefully you find this enjoyable and it's able to help you out if you do find this enjoyable consider taking a little bit of your time and leaving a like on the video the support is greatly appreciated as always that's totally up to you just leave a reminder here in the beginning it'd be cool to see this video surpass I don't know 100 likes or something but yeah let's go ahead and get installed these all right so this first secret feature I'll be showing you all is what happens sometimes while you're driving the Mantis ship in case you don't know how to get the Mantis ship I'll leave a link in the description below to a video guide over how to get it as you can see the ship is called the Razor Leaf and yeah here's what happens sometimes when you get in battle when you're traveling to another planet [Music] try and run place sorry faster please please don't kill me thank you mantis what's a mantis they literally fear the Mantis and take off so you can avoid some fighting in your ship I'm not exactly sure if this is triggered only while driving the ship or if this is triggered also while wearing the Mantis armor because you also get the Mantis armor as well as the ship but either way this is a neat feature that you might not known about that can happen with it alright so this next hidden feature is a simple one but a very useful one to know about and that is over how you can get your companions to wield different weapons and also wear different outfits all you got to do is go up to your companion and talk to them and then choose the option to let's trade gear alright so once you hear you then just want to give the companion something you're wanting them to use like for example here I go to apparel and I'll give Sarah this UC gray utility jumpsuit I'll also give Sarah a decent weapon too I'll give her this Tesla Scouts drum beat okay so anyways once you've given your companion what you want them to use to get them to use what you gave them all you got to do is go over to their inventory which you can see how to go over to their inventory at the bottom right for example on Xbox you just got to press lb and then once you're over here at their inventory you just go to what you want them to use like I'll go to weapons and I'll go down to this Tesla Scouts drum beat I can get Sarah to equip this Weapon by pressing y if I'm on the Xbox you can see how to do that at the bottom so yeah now she is wielding this awesome weapon and I can get her to wear this UC gray utility jumpsuit by once again doing the same thing pressing y to equip it on there so if I back out check it out she's now officially wearing the jumpsuit and she has the weapon pretty handy all right so this next little hidden feature is over how to restock vendors this is definitely beneficial to take advantage of because this is how you can really stock up on like ammunition or Med packs or whatever like for example here to stock up on some ammo just go to a weapon and ammo shop somewhere and then of course purchase the ammo that you're needing so I'll go ahead and do that and then once you purchased all the ammo that you're wanting from the vendor to restock the vendor all you got to do is just sit down somewhere and wait 24 hours some vendors take 48 hours to restock but for this weapons and ammo shop it just takes 24. so I just waited 24 hours now I gotta do is get up from where I was waiting at and then trade with the vendor again and you'll notice the ammunition that I just bought all of is available again as you can see so yeah you just rinse and repeat this cycle to fully stock up on some ammo or Med packs once again whatever you're trying to get a lot of definitely something handy to know about okay so this next feature is a really handy one to know about and that is where you can go to store literally everything that you can get without having to worry about it ever filling up or a storage capacity whatsoever all you got to do is head to the lodge at new Atlantis which if you played star field you should know where the lodge is located at and once you're here you want to head into the basements of the place which is this way from the entrance and check this out over here at this chest you will notice that it literally has no limit of what you can store inside of this so you can store all of your goodies in here without having to worry about it ever running full this is a way where you can just you know take a massive load off within your inventory without once again worrying about a storage capacity and you can always come back here if you want to use something from out of this chest just go to transfer on the chest and then go over to your inventory and store the things that you want in it also you don't have to worry about you know your items disappearing from this chest either anyways this next little feature that I want to show you all that I think you guys are going to find Handy is how you can just quickly transfer things into your ship I mean you can be pretty far from your ship and still be able to do this feature and you may have not known about as you can see I'm this far from my ship right now and if I pull up the menu and go to ship I can press X for cargo hold and this is where you can just transfer things quickly to your ship without having to even go inside of it also you can get them out too really quick as well I can transfer things back out that I just store it in there or that I have stored in there pretty handy to know about anyways this next feature is over how you can heal any problems that you have with your character really easily like right now for example I have a crippling problem when I go to run it states that I'm crippled and yeah I'm not able to run as long with this problem going on a quick way to handle this is by going to a doctor in a major city like for example here at new Atlantis you can find a doctor from the Spaceport here over this way just head this way it's a little past the terror brew coffee shop area and yeah over here you can find an elevator which you can use to fast travel to a place called The well this is where the medical Bay is located at in new Atlantis just head on inside the medical area and talk to the doctor here as you can see she'll be able to heal my character completely once you talk talk to the doctor just say I need help Doc and yeah you can pay some credits to make her take care of everything going wrong with your character easily I have some wounds going on and I have some afflictions going on and I can have her take care of everything by paying 750 credits a simple way to get your character back healthy all right so this next little hidden feature is over how you can cut down certain walls as you can see if you find something like this around in an area all you got to do is attack the pins that are on each corner of this wall and this will grant you access to a little secret area that you can utilize in the place pretty cool yeah all right so this next feature is over how you can sleep to heal your health instead of wasting a med pack you can also find beds sometimes out and around combat too that could benefit you from using Med packs so yeah if you literally just sleep at least for one hour it will heal you all the way and another little hidden feature I wanted to show you all is how you awaken feeling well rested yeah if you awake and feeling well rested this will gain you bonus experience just press the menu and then press status by pressing y if you're on Xbox and yeah as you can see you get a 10 XP game this is just like Fallout 76 if you feel well rested in that game you also get bonus experience pretty neat alright so this next feature is a simple one but a really convenient one to know about especially if you're into decorating or if you want to use it for combat too you can use this for combat as well and what I'm talking about is how you can pick up items like for example here if you hold in a on Xbox you'll be able to to pick up this picture frame and if you're on PC you just hold in E to pick up the item and then you can move it around to anywhere you want it to be and once you leave the ship and come back in it'll still be at that same spot that you left to that another useful thing to know about while you are holding the item you could turn it by pressing left Trigger or right trigger that'll turn in different directions and if you're on PC just left click and right click also you're able to change the axis of the turn as well this is when it gets a little bit more complex but all you got to do is press in the left stick if you're on Xbox and that will change the way that you're moving the object and if you're on PC hold in shift and then you can move the object a different way by using the left click and right click or if you're on Xbox right trigger once again on left trigger so yeah that's how you change the axis of how you want it to move and once again once you do place the item it will stay there I'll go ahead and show you all for an example on how it works I'll just go ahead and leave out of my ship and I'll come back in and that picture frame will still be in that exact spot that I left it at this time this is how you can you know decorate your ship how you want it placing items wherever you want them to be yeah see check it out the digi frame is still there so yeah that's a little handy feature to know about you can also throw the object too which this is more useful if you like have an explosive container or something that you can shoot to blow up you throw the item by pressing X you can make it go flying out there and then boom shoot it if it's like an explosive item this has explosive bullets on it in case you're wondering did the digi frame just blow up no this weapon just has explosive bullets anyways this next feature I want to show you is how your ship can basically have infinite cargo storage I mean there's another thing I'm going to be showing you here in a second where you can store loads of stuff in it but you can literally just drop tons of stuff in this too as you can see I'll go ahead and give you all an example here um you can just drop you know your whole inventory and not have to worry about it disappearing like it'll stay in the ship keep in mind though uh be careful when you select the new ship though if you go and do that because that will actually get rid of your items if you still have them on the ship that you just deleted or got rid of for a new one yeah don't do that let's just say that that happened uh before and it's it it just wasn't a good time all right so yeah that's how you can lose the items actually on your ship but I'll go ahead and give you all an example I'll leave the ship and when I come back it'll still be here and you can fast travel around do whatever you want play the game just like how you want I literally had things stored on my ship all the way until the end of the game like I just had it there laying around on my ship like I just stocked up on stuff I could sell pretty much and yeah just kept it on my ship and just sold a lot of it over time to get a good amount of credits yeah going back up to the top and check this out flada bing bada boom all my stuff is still here pretty cool anyways this next simple feature is something that you could use to navigate a little faster around in the game if you hold in the menu button you'll immediately go to where you're able to fast travel at you can just skip the process of going to menu and go into the star map you can just immediately go to the Fast Travel menu here so it's a quick way to navigate I mean I know you can also go to your missions and quickly fast travel like that but this is just another quick way that you might have not known about to pull up the Fast Travel menu next up here speaking of space navigation while you're out in space here in case you didn't know you can actually destroy these little asteroids that are floating around check this out and these little asteroids will contain resources you never know what you're going to really get inside them contain all kinds of different stuff but yeah once you destroy the asteroid if you just pull up your scanner you can see that it's a mineral deposit and these contain different minerals within them all right so I got water and ionic liquids from that one makes sense I got those minerals because I am right next to a frost Planet see what's in this other one there's tons of asteroids to destroy this is a great way to farm resources all right just watering that one but yeah you get the point you're gonna be finding different kind of minerals depending on what planet you're close to it's not always going to be water let's see what's inside this giant one oh all right a bunch of water and ionic liquids which once again makes sense because I'm right next to this Frost Planet this next one I wanted to show you this next one I'm going to show you which is a really neat one is if you notice on the different sides of the planet one side is bright and the other side is dark that is actually how the sun is shining on the planet currently so this is good to know because when you land on the planet so this is good to know because this actually helps you avoid like solar radiation and you know this helps you avoid certain things that could happen to you like for example if a planet is super cold it might be best to land on the side that the sun is currently shining on because you know it'd be a bit more warmer on this side or if the planet is super hot or something maybe it would be better to land on the side that the sun isn't shining toward where you know it'd be more shady and cooler if that makes sense it's also good to know you are able to fast travel anywhere on the planet all you got to do is just set a landing Target by pressing a it's also good to know that you are able to fast travel anywhere on the planet as well like I was mentioning you know it might be best to land on the sunny side at a very cold planet and it'd be best to land on the more Shady Side on a very hot planet and how you can choose where you want to land is just by setting Landing Target and yeah you can literally just fast travel right here on the planet anyways this next thing I want to show you all are the different boost packs and their capabilities if you go to inventory and then go to your packs you will notice some of them have different capabilities like this one has a power boost pack this one has a skip capacity boost pack and this one is a basic boost pack since they don't really explain what they do I'll go ahead and cover some of these because they are beneficial to know about the basic boost pack is like this it's just you know your ordinary kind of boost pack the power boost pack which is one of my personal favorites what this does is actually gets you to boost higher check out that so if you're wanting to go higher with your Boost packs this is something to definitely keep in mind what modifications are on it and lastly here I'm going to go over the skip capacity boost pack which this provides 50 faster boost regeneration than the basic boost pack so you're able to fly a bit longer your Boost regenerates faster but yeah I guess that's our wrapping up this video hopefully you learned something new out of these different features that are in the game I'm out of here though as always thanks for taking the time watching and listening until next time peace
Channel: Rifle Gaming
Views: 70,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield tips, starfield secrets, starfield secret, starfield mantis, starfield features, starfield secret features, starfield gameplay, bethesda, starfield easter eggs, starfield ships, starfield how to get ammo, how to get ammo, starfield news, secret features, starfield jetpacks, starfield armor, starfield weapons, gameplay, gaming, tips, starfield tips & tricks, starfield tips and tricks
Id: KUfXb6Ulp_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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