Prepare For LAUNCH! Ultimate Starfield Breakdown - EVERYTHING To Know For Starfield (Supercut)

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Starfield is releasing this week I cannot believe I'm saying that okay it's happening everybody stay calm Starfield breakdowns of the direct and any information that was released packed together in one video for all of your hype and viewing pleasure let's go [Music] let me know in the comments what you're most excited to check out in Starfield but without further Ado let's get into it okay there is so much in this direct and it's literally impossible to break down the whole thing so we're just going to go through these 20 different details I'm going to jump around a fair bit to different parts in the direct that sort of thing so stick with me chapters and everything are here but let's get into it we're going to start with some Planet things and firstly this biomes on planets and if there is multiple biomes per Planet so we see pretty early on that surveying will bring up things like fauna and Flora and resources that can be scanned and there's a scan percentage per Planet very like a la similar to you know no man's Sky you scan all the different creatures and things that you see on the planet now it's also seen later in the surveys that there is a current biome section in some scans that can be say zero percent or x amount of percent depending on what they've scanned and you can also see that certain creatures live in different biomes so once you've scanned those creatures and learned more about them you can see their temperaments as well as what resource they give as well as the livable biomes that they do have so whether there is different biomes on planets or not we don't 100 know but it does seem like it would be and some planets especially in some of those shots you can see have different areas on them so it does sort of make sense that if you can land anywhere on the planet you know if you're landing on one side of the planet it may be a different biome to the other speaking of those planets there is hazards when you do land on those planets now we do see in the armor system early on that you've got physical energy and EM the electromagnetic rounds or types of weapons that you do have for the guns that I mentioned later on but there is also thermal Airborne corrosive and radiation and when you can zoom out and look at the different planets and scan them you can actually see on these planets as well that they will show things like say water being radioactive or a cold temperature or deep freeze which one planet does actually mention so different planets will have different temperatures or say corrosive aspects or radiation or Airborne diseases things like that that you may need to be aware of when you are surveying that planet and deciding to land on them these planets also seem to have some sort of trait now it is seen a lot in these scans that when you're scanning on different planets there is like these traits they either say unknown or have a question Mark in some of these shots specifically the Tita Planet later on you can actually see what these traits are so at one point you can see that the player has the first trait or second trade unlocked which is the gravitational anomaly then a little bit later when they've got the 100 survey you can see they found the second trait which is the ecological Consortium exactly what those traits are I have no idea but it is interesting to see that these planets will have not only these different creatures and foreign own resources but whatever these traits actually do for that planet and having something like a thousand planets it seems like it's just another way of distinguishing something unique about that planet and how you find those trays whether you just have to survey something on the planet or maybe you have to go and discover something we don't know yet but it's just an interesting little tidbit that I did find when going through all the survey information you do have enemies that seemingly have two different types of health bars there is a white health bar which when the player shoots them and has to be removed and some also have a red health bar it's hard really to distinguish what red and white mean you know in most games spread sort of means Health but the fact that some enemies don't even have a red health bar is a little confusing it does seem like it depends on say how strong the armor is of that Target right because some of the red health bars have multiple chunks some of them they have the one and same sort of Vice Versa for the white so whether it's like stamina and health or armor and health or something it's not really clear exactly but you can see there are different types of health bars ammo also has no weight so very similar to Fallout where you would go and pick up ammo it has no weight so you can carry as much ammo as you do need you can loot armor this was an interesting thing that I noticed watching the direct back multiple times is that when the player is looting bodies there isn't really armor which is a very key thing in Bethesda games like you can always pick up all the armor that of the Target that you've defeated now it seems interesting so there are a couple of shots where the player has like exploded the enemy or use like a big weapon to kill them and they don't have any armor drops but later on there are multiple shots where the player will merely kill the Target and a piece of Arbitrage drops from that whether that be a helmet or just some general armor there's a couple of times this happens I'm really interested to know if this is like specific in that you have to merely kill the Target to get a piece of armor because say like you know if you blow them up with a ballistic weapon it sort of makes sense that like their armor is destroyed right so if you Miller kill them the armor isn't destroyed you could take it or if it's just like that you can't loot everyone's armor anymore in Starfield it's just like random drops that sometimes they will drop armor I'm not really sure either or or which one I prefer like I'm not overly bothered for the most part in Bethesda games other than like the early early stages I never really do anything with the armor that the enemies drop like I mostly just like sell it you know like I'm not hugely worried if we don't loot all the armor from enemies it's just an interesting tidbit I thought speaking of those armor pieces you can actually hide them so you can hide your spacesuit in settlement so say if you're you know in the city or we also see a shot of a player in street clothes when they're in like a spaceship and you can hide your helmet in breathable areas so say if you're in cutscenes or you want to walk around person you can avoid showing off that helmet but there is plenty of different like outfits and spacesuits and different things to wear we see a couple of shots of that throughout the direct different planet systems have level requirements so we see multiple Planet systems when the player does zoom out and they travel between these systems like we see porimer has level 30. volai has level five and linos I don't know how to say these words guys but that is level 45 so it seems like planets will have specific level requirements to get to them and it is also shown that you need specific grab Drive upgrades to get to certain planets so there does seem to be some sort of progression between where in the Galaxy you can go also from your level and then also from how your ship can actually get to those systems right from its grab drive so it's going to be interesting to see a bit more about that and you know how far like the very reaches of space if you go all the way out you know what level requirements that's going to be and what sort of upgrades you need to actually just be able to get there this one I wanted to include even though it's not a direct detail but there's a Improvement between last year's like Starfield gameplay reveal we got and the shots that are very similar in this deep dive like just comparing say entering the constellation base and the seeing things like Barrett and the freestyle Collective space like the careless City area there is clear improvements in just like the overall graphical quality the animations and the character models from these areas like I Blown Away by what has changed in this like one year since the game was you know discussed last year compared to this year hey you you're finally awake you can seemingly change your character appearance after the initial character creation on the character creation screen it does say that biometric customizations can be changed later by visiting a genetics facility it's also mentioned that you can seemingly start your own business by picking a certain background called Diplomat in the character creation so in the settled systems free market economy almost anyone with the right skills get can open and run a successful business so seemingly you will be able to start your own business in these settled systems interestingly this background is actually different to the one that we saw in the game pay reveal last year as well and other things have changed as well say for example kids stuff which when we did see extensively in the Deep dive we did see a brief snippet of that in the gameplay reveal last year and that monetary value that you needed to give to your parents was 10 and it's now only two percent so seemingly these backgrounds and traits are still or were changing between the time we saw it last year and now to either fix some of that balance or just change the way that they're sort of set up it is interesting to see the persuasion system is vastly different and various similar to say an oblivion where it seems like you will have different turns that you take and you say something and that will either increase or decrease your persuasion level depending on whether that message that you've said is successful and different conversation points will actually increase that bar more compared to others depending on say your background or trades May unlock different options as well Contraband and smuggling is both mentioned and shown in the Deep Dives when you enter the UC space there is a wait for a scan pop-up when you do have to wait for your ship to be scanned for Contraband now it's interesting because smuggling is directly mentioned so theoretically you would assume that there are ways to get around this scan to smuggle something into the system whether that is you try and escape from them or what have you but it's just a little tidbit that I noticed this ties back to the different planetary hazards but there is mention in the physical skill tree of a skill called decontamination which is to do with recovering from infection so it slightly increases your chance to recover from infections naturally which is interesting because if you think about the Airborne planetary hazards you know theoretically maybe you can get infections that way maybe it's from bad food it's just an interesting thing to point out ship customization is gigantic and it's sort of its own video but I just wanted to point out this here that there is a brief shot of showing the different sections that you can say customize or upgrade and there are 13 different sections 13 like that's crazy and it seems like as well that on the ship customization screen how we've seen things like the Optimus Prime ship and all of wild and wacky Contraptions you can create there is actually a flight check system so you will be able to check to see if the ship will actually fly depending on the mass and the different like thrusters and stuff that you've put onto the ship in terms of you know it's overall like engines and grab drive and boost or if it's you know too heavy to actually get off the ground seems like you'll be able to play around with that to actually see if it works in one of the systems we see that the player enters a Freestar Collective system that does have a bounty system the player seems to have a bounty here it's unclear whether this is specific to say the freestyle Collective faction or it's this system or what have you but there is about shown on that screen I really want to understand more about this and I would love if someone would ask the developers in some interview but planets seemingly aren't the same for everyone so it is mentioned that even if your friends visit the same Planet you have a different story to tell meaning things may be different for players on these planets right because of the way that say they talk about how the planets are built as you approach them like that procedural generation and then their handcrafted systems like the points of interest and creatures Etc are sort of built on top of that so things may be different for different players which coincidentally May mean things are different for you on different playthroughs like I'm really interested to test that out for myself or if someone asks the devs about that like I'd love to understand what is actually different like what that's actually referring to when they're talking about that because that was really really interesting to me there is also legendary items returning like legendary weapons and stuff but there is other qualities as well so in a couple of times in the shots we see a blue quality item with drops and it has one star whereas a legendary item has three so theoretically there's sort of like your epic in between that whether it's a purple which is the typical sort of coloring system that we may see some like epic quality weapons or armor that is going to drop from certain enemies in the game and lastly this one is a big tease for something more it's this weird Force Powers thing we see the player raise their hand and then everything gets real trippy and like gravity seems to stop or it's like slow motion or something sort of happening there my suspicion is that this is linked to like the anomaly and the artifacts that you're looking for into fighting there's mentions in the trailer to do a story about seeing visions from these and potential you know like like intelligent alien life out there I think it's linked to that sort of main story and that's just like a big tease that is meant to entice us for more thank you so first let's just sort of discuss like the big things now I noticed in the direct compared to last year's Gamepad reveal that the combat looks significantly smoother and even on top of that compared to their previous titles like the weapons have this really sort of nice snappiness and like good recoil to them they look like they've got a bit of weight and enemies like react to some of the shots as well not just like when they die and I think one of the like most underrated things from the overall trailer in general is how much better third person just looks like where regardless whether you're in combat or not it's Skyrim and Fallout 4 and all bgs games have always had the option to play in third person but it always felt like a little bit I don't know like like janky like it never really looked good or felt good but in the direct it actually does look like a proper like valid way to play the game which is a good thing like you know to have that option but I probably will be playing the game first person and only jump into third person to like check out my sick outfit or something but overall the combat looks really really good I like the weapon variety and how like unique a lot of the weapons and their animations look even just the animations of the player looks really good but let's just break down everything that we've seen so far so firstly in combat now the main thing that I mentioned in my last video that a couple people pointed out about as well is the two different health bars now there is a white health bar and a red health bar to me it seems odd but the red health bar appears to be armor and the white health bar appears to be health I feel like that should be the other way around but who am I to judge but anyway so there you've got those two health bars now not all enemies will have a red health bar but all will have a white health bar seemingly for their health in some shots as well we also see like a blue heartbeat sort of bar that appears to be related to that neuro skill that one of the developers does mentioned for like melee combat so maybe like if you drain that bar you can like stun or like knock out the enemy not really clear there as in all of the shots they'd basically just like one shot them with their melee attacks but there is also the gravity and like the Boost pack at play here which is definitely going to play a major role in combat and I think the gravity is like the key one and you know different planets having different gravity levels and also like fighting in zero g with no gravity at all and how ballistic weapons can like push you back that sort of thing plus the Boost packs that adds like a level of variety on top of the combat and a verticality like a third dimension so if you think about you know Skyrim you're basically plastered to the ground packing at each other with swords and it fall out you're plastered to the ground you know just shooting each other with guns but now in Starfield you've got that third dimension of the gravity elements of being able to say even in zero g fighting in that three dimensions or even just using the Boost pack to like get yourself up above enemies that sort of a thing there is a lot of interesting ways that that could really develop and perhaps a variety compared to their previous titles on top of that variety we've seen all sorts of different types of guns as well as melee combat with actual melee weapons and using your fist there also appears to be like a charged heavy attack as well at one point the player does seem to do like a Charged melee attack that consumes some stamina there is also space combat but I think we're going to save that for its own sort of space focused video and on top of you know just direct combat like we're talking about here you've also got all the stealth options right now it is shown in the direct that there are vents and like sneaky entrance ways that feel very Arcane to me like Bethesda has sometimes done that but not really so much in a way of like events like actual ways that you can sort of Crouch and crawl around it's mostly just like you know trying to avoid being seen by like hiding behind a rock or something but this looks really interesting to me having different access ways into places now in these style scenes you do see like the hidden with a little stealth bar and sneak levels as well in one of the shots you can see that the player can pickpocket the enemy's guns from stealth and there's like a percentage chance of how they can grab those weapons I really like that as an option and then I wonder what happens if you start combat and they have no weapons right do they just like Panic do they just run at you I'm curious to see what happens there in that same shot on the left you can actually see at all arm on the wall which assumingly seems that if the player has alerted the enemies they will ring the alarm and alert everyone else in that sort of facility that they are in one thing that I can't wait to explore more of is the different weapon types so it is mentioned in the direct that there are ballistic weapons sort of like your you know traditional weapons of today and if they're fired in zero g you will see that recoil actually push you back there are energy weapons which are I guess sort of like energy weapons from a Fallout and the electromagnetic weapons where each Barrel has a laser and these are sort of like the futuristic sort of weapons but still grounded in like sort of realism now all of these three different weapon types are also have resistances for your space suit so in the space suit screen you can see that there are physical energy and EM for electromagnetic resistances so that'll be something that we'll be thinking about when you're deciding what sort of a spacesuit that you're going to wear and that armor is really just that single spacesuit and Helm it seems like based on the screenshots we've seen of the Armor Screen Now inside these three main archetypes there is some complaint complexities here some weapons can actually do both in the weapon screen you can see that there are some weapons that'll do both physical and energy weapon these appear to be linked to rarer sort of weapons like later in the direct we see eternity's gate which is a rare particle beam rifle that does physical and energy jamming now this is interesting as well because this is a blue Rifle right it seems to have one star there is one point as well in the trailer where the player gets a legendary Armature of which has three stars so one could assume that in between one star and three star there's like a two star like a say like a purple epic sort of thing for those sort of weapons but these weapons that have these like increased Rarities seem to have Perks as well so using eternity's gate as an example again it has the hand loading perk so volatile rounds that are designed to pack a bigger punch but aren't as stable and can fail on occasion now you can also see on this screen as well that there are mods that are put into this weapon so this weapon has six mod slots and there are currently four being used and you can see the weapons mass is range fire rate its current mag size the rounds being held and its accuracy the weapon stats as a whole seem very similar to their previous titles but with like a little bit of a specified sort of a take on them I guess but it's interesting to see that there will be weapons that'll deal both of these damage types or multiple damage types being ballistic and energy you'll also level up your Effectiveness with each weapon type based on your skills and early in the direct footage you can see the player gains like a percentage leveling up their ballistic weapons when using a ballistics weapon I'm interested to know with things like this that deal both ballistic and energy weapon will you get progression towards both of those skills or like say one being the primary like it's interesting and you can start with a weapon proficiency based on your background like the cyberneticist that starts with the laser skill it's also worth mentioning just like Fallout 4 that ammo has no weight so we can see early on in the direct that the player does pick up some ammo and it has no actual mass so it will not weigh anything which is great because ammo weight is always a super annoying thing to deal with maybe there's like a survival mode or people will mod that in if you want that sort of an aspect but I'm glad that just via its base like mechanics it doesn't actually weigh anything so we did touch on weapon modes but weapon mods are going to be pretty expansive it seems like now so weapons themselves will have their own amount of weapon slots some have more some have less and in order to get some of the better mods you actually need to go to a research lab either on your ship or a settlement wherever and actually research specific mods so when you are then modding your weapons using the rifle that the player does mod in the direct as an example in the mod slots there is a receiver internal optic magazine and battery and muzzle I am curious to know if these are static across all weapons or if they're specific to the weapon type right so this is a physical rifle the player is using here does an electromagnetic rifle have the same weapons mod slots does a energy rifle have the same weapon mod slots they are different in Fallout 4 depending on the category that they are a part of so it would make sense here that it's a like similar sort of approach because this sort of mod system looks very Fallout 4 just sort of like specified I guess but you can see as the player chooses a mod there is a resource cost which you'll have to gather those resources in order to use that Bond and some of the mods require you to have done that research in order to actually unlock them again very similar to Fallout 4 and actually having the skills required in order to sort of use those mods the last thing I want to touch on in this combat breakdown is this thing at the end the player goes all Force Power and like for uses the force or some sort of magic thing to like lower the gravity like freeze enemies or something I don't know it's a little weird but I'm curious to know exactly what this is and my guess is it's linked to the story progression and something that whatever happens with those artifacts they give you some sort of a power and you can do some sort of shenanigans here but this will definitely be something to do with combat because that's what this sort of looks like you know the player is using this to manipulate the combat encounter so I thought it was worth mentioning here but I have no idea what this is and I'm curious to know what you think it is so let me know in the comments down below and also hit that subscribe the like button all that YouTube stuff foreign of these companions that were sort of talked about in the direct so companions will join you as part of the story or you may find them as you just sort of explore from say various factions I would assume that you'll have companions linked to certain factions that you can recruit now there is an affinity system linked to these companions based on the choices that you make they will either like the decisions you make or dislike them maybe that leads to them leaving your party if you really do things that they don't like and it's also mentioned that you can blossom those relationships into romances you can also apparently choose to get an opinion from your companions in some conversation so if you're really trying to get into that romance or even just build that Affinity with them and you can sort of make those decisions based on that a clear distinction that I want to make in this video that is talked about in the direct that I think everyone should be aware of is the difference between a companion and a crew member think of this like settlers and companions in Fallout 4. you had settlers that were like at your Outpost and what have you and then you had your companions which are fully fleshed out companions that had their own voice actors and story lines you could romance them Etc and you can't really do that with settlers I think this is very similar to what's going to happen with crew members in Starfield except there is definitely more to them so not only do they seem to have a bit more uniqueness to them just you know there all seem to be like named a little bit of a story there as you can sort of find them at space ports and at random events in the world speaking of those random events actually in the direct we see the player come across hella at like a sort of like a destroyed Moon sort of a thing and he's obviously one of these crew members he has two skills is this the same guy that's at the very start of the game like that intro scene no physical damage meant to leave the jury's still out still think there might I kind of think it is like I'm not really sure but they seem very similar in terms of their facial structure and almost in their voice as well but obviously in this scene he's wearing a helmet but I'm curious let me know what you guys think in the comments down below so these crew members seem to have like two or three skills and all the companions that seem to have four and their skills are definitely more further along in terms of their ranks than what it seems like the crew members are the last sort of like companion crew member thing is that you can control seemingly creatures with the Xeno sociology skill I don't know if this means you can recruit them or you can just control them for a certain amount of time or what have you but I would love to create like an army of creatures on like a planet say like this planet there's a cool Outpost build the Outpost and you can like have your own Farm of creatures I really hope it won't do that but anyway a big thing to look at is The Outpost sort of crew roster screen now what we initially see here is that on the crew ruska stream you can break down this based on ship your current Outpost and your Outpost in General on this screen we can also see that the player has Barrett a companion with four skills Sam Coe a companion with four skills and Sarah Morgan another companion with four skills and then the two crew members being the America boards and hella as well as the midi security bot which doesn't have any skills and I assume that's just because they're like you know a robot I don't know if Vasco will have skills that's an interesting thing that we may need to wait and see if he's sort of the same as his security mini bot but what we can see on this screen here is a couple of things so not only can we see the different skills that these have but you can see that certain skills are highlighted and when the player assigns Heller to an outpost The Outpost engineering skill highlights indicating that these skills are actually in use based on their current assignment in the crew roster screen so you can see that they're using those skills while this screen doesn't really show that there's a lot that you can add to the crew roster I believe that you're going to be able to scroll further down this list right because we can see in the ship customization screens that you can have like six or seven crew members on a single ship and this screen only shows you six available so I assume that you're going to be able to apply more than say six actual crew members and companions to different things but I really like the complexities in this system it seems like it's a much more advanced version of being able to assign settlers and companions to different settlements in the Fallout system and it actually means something here really like how this is sort of developed from the old Fallout system skills and traits will also affect your relationships and your connections with everyone so firstly in trades we see that there is an introvert and an extrovert trade so the introvert trait you really need your alone time exerting yourself uses less oxygen which is basically stamina when adventuring alone but more when adventuring with other human companions the interesting thing to point out here is it says human companion so assumedly then if you've got Vasco with you this doesn't get affected by introvert and extrovert is the opposite of this right assumingly the more human companions you have the less oxygen then that you'll actually consume because you're not adventuring alone we do also see the adoring fan which is a recruitable crew member slash companion not exactly sure which category they fit in into but they definitely want to be broad with you because obviously they're your biggest fan but also from their skills right so they have Scavenging to allow you to find more things consume it for stealth and weightlifting to carry more of your burdens so there's definitely value to that but what category the adoring fan fits into we don't know but he obviously is related to that sort of crew companion system there is also kid stuff I wonder if you can actually get your parents to like come with you you know like come into your ship and stuff or if they're just like locked into their home not really sure there and then there's the religious traits which may also play a role so the main one we see in the direct is the serpents Embrace but there are these religious traits which may play a role in whether certain companions will join you or if certain companions feel a certain way about you in the skills we've seen a couple of actual skills that seem to be related to this now there is the social tree which which is related to all sorts of social aspects but one of the key things we see here is the leadership skill which will make companions gain Infinity 15 faster this is a really interesting skill which is obviously going to be important if you're looking to build those Roman instant connections with all of your companions and the Xeno sociology skill which we touched a little bit earlier which allows you to have some sort of control over creatures but if there's any other schools related to the sort of social aspects we don't yet know but there is a lot of skills in the social tree let's cover off all the known companions now in previous titles we can probably expect pretty much a companion for all of the major factions like that sort of generally what Bethesda go for though it does seem like there is a lot more for constellation because of their connection to the main story now Sarah Morgan is the first one that we see and she's an ex-soldier and adventurer she's consolations leader Sarah joins you to help find the artifacts or until that lead runs dry and assumingly because of this you'll be one of the first companions you get because that artifact connection is a core part of the narrative and we see her skills here that she starts off with which is astrodynamics lasers leadership and botany astrodynamics increases your grav drive capacity and obviously lasers is for laser rifles leadership we talked about earlier botany I actually don't know what that does so let me know in the comments if you do know what button it is next we see Sam Coe the former Space Cowboy I don't actually know what makes your former Space Cowboy he still looks like a space cowboy to me but he also seems to be a part of the freestyle Collective so again that sort of faction based companion the skills we see for Sam here are piloting so it will help you sort of pilot your ship assumingly like maybe make Maneuvers a little bit easier rifle certification so they are better with rifles payloads which increases the amount of mass that your ships can store and geology which is like the study of rocks so assumedly something to do with being out of scan rocks get some more rocks resources or something I don't know I like that Boulder that is a nice boulder next up we see Barrett now he seemingly is a member of consolation and he strikes me as sort of like like the vanilla companion right like the you know the companion that's not really going to feel very strongly about anything he's just sort of like a Gunther guy who's going to sort of follow you and have a good time right now we see that his skills here are Starship engineering particle beam weapon system which increases the effectiveness of those types of weapons on your Starship robotics which increases the Damage Done to robots and Gastronomy which is like a chef skill so assumingly Barrett can do some cooking for you the homie Vasco is assumingly also a companion now we don't know if he has any skills but we do know that he attack and he protect and he a good boy and we love him so that's all we need to say about Vasco there are others mentioned as part of like the constellation group but we don't rightly 100 know if they're all going to be companions I wouldn't think they would be because that's a lot of consolation specific companions maybe they can just join you sort of like crew members that sort of thing but we'll just go through them anyway so firstly we've got Mateo which is a theologian that is believes that there's something out there like you know intelligent aliens that seems to be his interest with the artifact we've got Noel who is a gifted scientist and seemingly second in command for constellation now if she is sort of a companion they're obviously going to be sort of science-based skills because of her gifted scientist abilities I've also got Walter who's the businessman in the settled systems now he is the constellations financer and we've got vlat which is an ex-pirate assumingly some sort of crimson Fleet connection there and if he was a companion you've got those physical skills so there is definitely differences between these four characters and if they do choose to join you but I'm not sure if they are actually going to be fully fleshed out companions or if they're just sort of like you know the extra members of consolation that won't come with you on your journey Also let's cover off some updates from the gameplay reveal last year to the director this year I found it really interesting to go through both of these trailers and try and find different things that have changed and there is actually a fair few things when you look at the different backgrounds and skills and traits so firstly in traits specifically they have had a pretty major overhaul you'll notice that the list on the right hand side is actually in a different order and this is because a number of traits have actually changed names starter home was renamed to Dream Home unwanted hero is now hero worshiped kid stuff got a bit of a wording change as well so kid stuff originally said that you would spend 10 of your income to have your parents and now it's only two percent so assumingly they thought in terms of balancing that 10 was way too much and I tend to agree right that's a fair amount just to you know have some parents but there is other things that have changed one of the key things as well is the Diplomat background was changed from persuasion diplomacy and bargaining to persuasion Commerce and wellness assumingly this is because different skill have actually changed different tiers so when you're looking at the skill screen you can see here that they're sort of separated in tiers you've got like your you know top tier which is like gray and then blue and then epic and then orange similarly mirroring like the weapon Rarity system and you can see that some skills further down the line require you to invest further into those skill tree before you can actually unlock them so assumably here something like the diplomacy skill and bargaining would change to be further down in that social line whereas Commerce and wellness were put up a little bit higher so that's why those skills were sort of changed out but I just thought it was worth mentioning here that you know this still seems to be like fluid in terms of things that are changing and so anything that we break down here right which I'm going to go through all the skills backgrounds and traits that we know of these may actually change like wording may change like the different values may actually change as well so I thought it was just worth sort of mentioning here let's jump into skills first so how skills work essentially is every time you level up you will gain a skill point and then you spend that skill point to get the first rank of a different skill and then in order to unlock the next ranks for those skills you have to actually complete that skill say for example with Ballistics weapons you need to actually use ballistic weapons to then increase that overall damage percentage further but you'll be able to do this to then increase those challenges to unlock the higher ranks in the skills we see that there is a physical tree which covers things like carrying capacity endurance melee combat there is a social tree which is your dialogue options your leadership skills those sort of NPC interactions as well as those Diplomat skills we talked about earlier you've got combat which is pretty self-explanatory it's like you know your weapon skills your damage those sort of things science seems to be related to crafting research lab things as well as scanning planets Tech is everything that doesn't fit into the other bucket so things like your robot skill your security skill Outpost skills and all of your Starship skills and customization all fit within the tech category now seemingly because of that progression system in each of the skills that we briefly see where if you hover a very skill where you haven't invested into that tree it does require investments before you can unlock some of those High level skills so it's something you should be thinking about with these different skill trees is which ones you want to focus on and we don't know yet what the level cap is for Starfield and assumingly if you look at their other titles there won't be a level cap so you should be able to just like keep getting skills as you see fit but in the early stages to Mid game you're really probably going to want to commit to a couple of trees so you can unlock those higher level skills in those different lines because obviously the higher level skills are much more valuable than the lower level skills I would consider this system in terms of its skills to be a weird hybrid between Fallout 4's big perk tree as you know the perks at a higher level or further down that tree require more investment and on the other half side of things as Skyrim's way of unlocking skills based on actually using them because you not only have to unlock the specific skill you've then got to level it up by the challenges linked to those specific skills right so it's a weird hybrid between the two and actually like the system I think it's a good sort of breadth of allowing you to have the freedom to choose what you want to do but while also actually getting Le levels for skills by actually using them because that sort of makes sense that you should use them to actually level them up let's move on to backgrounds and then we'll talk about traits but these two are the ones that I really think that you should be thinking about now and deciding on roughly what you want to go for with your first playthrough because I don't want to be spending all day in the Character Creator like I love character creation and I'm definitely going to be spending a lot of time here across my different playthroughs but my first playthrough I just want to get into the game right like I just want to play the video game so I'm definitely going to like make sure I know exactly what I'm going to go first and then jump straight into it but let's break down the backgrounds that we know of right now we will start with Chef which comes with Gastronomy which will then allow you to craft special food and drink and potentially research different recipes it also comes with dueling to increase your overall melee damage and Scavenging which assumingly allows you to find more lewd like things like ammo and credits that sort of thing a solid option for anyone who wants to play a Miller character because of dueling and then I assume because of the food items that you could make you'll be able to create some sort of Buffs there that will then be able to above your overall like Melee damage or physical resistances that sort of thing that'll help in those scenarios as well combat medic increases your pistol certification so your overall damage with a pistol medicine which increases the amount of healing you get from Health packs and wellness which we don't exactly know but my guess is it just increases your overall HP so a pretty solid option all around especially for someone that maybe struggles a little bit in combat because you get the extra healing from medicine plus the extra HP or overall Wellness from the wellness skill but there's definitely better options if you want to narrowly focus on something this is a very broad sort of background next is cyber Runner which got a massive change from the 2022 gameplay reveal this now comes with stealth which obviously improves your stealth efficiency security to allow you to hack different locks and theft to improve your overall pickpocketing skills so this is now like any sort of a thief or you know I don't want to say bad guy right because not all thieves are bad guys but if you want to play that sort of you know maybe Smuggler type sort of character and steal things that's definitely the background that you want to pick cyber this comes with medicine again it also comes with security to hack those locks and lasers to improve your efficiency with the laser weapons so this is also another good one right you get medicine you get security so you can hack things and lasers if you want to use laser rifles are also a really solid starting background Diplomat we've already covered so we won't cover that here and the last one is Explorer now Explorer comes with lasers which we already just talked about and astrodynamics which says it can coax more capability out of your ship's grab drive so assumingly allow you to travel further between Star systems and surveying which says it deciphers data on the ground so probably something to do with scanning and allowing to get more information based on your scans when you scan things now there are plenty of other backgrounds that we just haven't seen too much of yet right so we see Beast Hunter bouncer Bounty Hunter gangsters Homesteader industrialists long hauler Pilgrim professor and Ronin all these backgrounds don't only affect your skills but you can also use them in conversations like we see the player go into a bar and use the Beast Hunter background to take that contract from that NPC so these will definitely come into play Not only in your actual starting skills but in conversations as well lastly we have traits now traits are mentioned to be optional you don't have to take trades but you can take up to three of them I would say to take them right it's going to add more to your role-playing elements regardless of which ones you take so I definitely think that taking some sort of traits would be a fun thing to do so breaking these down what we have seen is alien DNA which will allow you to have a higher Health pool and greater endurance but healing items are less effective dream home originally starter home which will allow you to have a small house on a moon for the cost of 50 000 credits which maybe that number has changed now that it's a dream home not a starter home empath which you are deeply connected to your feelings around you performing actions your companions like will result in a temporary increase to combat Effectiveness but performing actions they don't like will have a precise opposite effect so if you're looking to really be connected to your companions and Pat this for you extrovert and introvert go hand in hand so extrovert when you have human companions with you you consume less oxygen or stamina and introvert is the exact opposite the Freestar Collective settler allows you to gain access to specific freestyle Collective dialogue options and get better rewards from missions from freestyle Collective but crime bounties towards other factions is greatly increased assumedly the trade United Colonies native is exactly the same as this except the faction here is the United Colonies rather than the freestyle Collective the big one that we see in the trailer is the adoring fan or hero worshiped as it is now called compared to unwanted hero where you get this bad boy that'll come with you he'll just talk a lot and give you gifts and we've seen sort of what happens there we saw kid stuff so you have some parents and they do have a home that you can visit but you automatically send two percent of your credits home to them every week these next two have seemingly changed as well and we're going to do them together as they're sort of like connected right so there's raised Universal and raised in lines now originally this said that you grew up as a member of the sanctum Universe you gain a significant discount at the church store but lose access to the enlightened store this has changed now in the direct you grew up as a member of the sanctum University you gain access to a special chest full of items in the sanctum universum in new Atlantis but lose access to the house of enlightened chest so it's not necessarily a store it's like a special chest now does that mean that you can still access the enlightened store if you are raised Universal and vice versa is that store still even in the game we don't know but it's just something to think about the other religious trait is serpents Embrace which we saw in the original gameplay reveal that says that you worshiped a Great Serpent grab jumping provides a temporary boost to health and insurance but health and endurance are lowered if you don't continually jump regularly like an addiction I have a feeling this has changed because this is still a religious trait but we see in that trailer that the player uses serpents Embrace to like distract the Serpent's you know worshipers so they don't have to fight them I think that maybe this has changed to be a little bit more similar to the other religious trades but we'll have to wait and see until we actually can see what this looks like at the original game I forgot to mention this one where we were talking about the faction Allegiance traits but there isn't a neon straight rat which is the neon Street version of the other religious traits right so you get the special dialogue options and the extra Awards but crime bounties for other factions is greatly increased spaced will allow you to have more health and endurance when you are in space but they are decreased when on the surface and you can't combine this with Terra Firma which is assumingly the complete opposite of that and then the last one that we haven't exactly seen the wording but we have seen is wanted so you get a damage Buff when your health is low but mercenaries will randomly spawn and attack you now because of this full breakdown with the gameplay reveal and the direct we've basically seen essentially every single one of the traits you can possibly have so this is a decision that you can actually make before you have played the game so you can go back and watch this part of the video again even the background section because we've got a clear view of what this is going to be so let's first talk about that space navigation now something that has been spoken about for a fair while is that you don't actually take off from the planets or land on the planets it's like a cut scene transition which so I just think of a thing worth mentioning because you know it's something like a core part of like no man's sky or anything and there's a lot of comparisons there but this is obviously a different game but you will be able to land virtually anywhere on those planets just by clicking a place to land and then you'll see that cutscene transition as you land now star systems will have a required level and this is an important distinction to make when you are navigating throughout space Not only will they have a required level to say you know advise you whether you should go to that area but in order to be able to plot a course to different star systems you will require a particular grab drive plus a certain amount of fuel in order to actually make that star system travel to be ordered to get there now fuel consumption and that like level requirement is going to be a progression method to sort of control where you can go in the early stages of the game as you sort of get further you'll be able to expand and out a little bit further and upgrade your ship and that sort of thing and as you can see on these screens during the direct you can actually see the jump which is indicating the jump required the jump range so your ship's actual jump range in terms of like the light years that it can go as well as the distance so how far to that location you can also see the cargo hold which is how much your ship is actually carrying I'm curious whether this actually affects how much your fuel consumption is like say if you've got like nothing stored in your ship maybe you don't actually use as much fuels if your ship is like full of Contraband you know what I mean so once you have selected where you're going and whether you have to jump between multiple star systems or just the one in order to get there you will need to power up your grab Drive which is how you make those jumps to light speed in order to travel to the different systems right so depending on how much energy allocation you have to the grav drive it will either take a longer or less amount of time it would actually trigger that grab Drive effect and we'll talk about any allocation in a little bit but while you are navigating around in a general space you will come across those Random Encounters same as you would on the ground in like a Bethesda game an example I really like is the grandma that invites you over to have a meal but there's also like big star yards that you can go and visit as well as massive military fleets that you can go and explore inside those areas as well they may have Quests for you they'll have people to talk to or some other things that you may find out in the world like traders that sort of a thing but there's plenty that happens just in space right regardless of just combat but let's talk about your own ship in space right so you've got your ship and you'll have multiple ships that you'll be able to choose from but for you as a character if you plan to spend a lot of time in space it's also really important that you have skills that are beneficial to your actual space exploration we haven't seen yet if there is like a clear sort of background or something like that that affects space and what it is but my expectation is the long hauler background is going to be ship centered because of just the name of that but there is plenty of skills especially in the tech line that are all related to not only ship combat but just like ship stuff in general right so you've got payload in there which increases your ships storage capacity you've got piloting which we don't exactly know it does but it would make sense if it's something to do with like helping you control your ship do Maneuvers that sort of thing Sam Coe has both of these skills as a companion that you can recruit Starship engineering again we don't know what that does exactly Target control system we do which is basically like Vats for your ship right it'll allow you to disable certain parts of a ship an example shown in the direct is that you can use it to take out the engines of a ship and then the player can actually board them so if you're looking to do some you know space piracy in that way you would then need the targeting control system take out the engines board the ship kill the people in there steal their sandwiches you know how it goes now Starship design is one that we see a brief snippet of in the trailer as well which is required to upgrade your ship with certain ship components now I'm going to have a separate video breaking down all the shift customization upgrades and stuff because like I was going to put it in this video but there is like so much of it in this video would go forever so I've decided to split it out but the weapon damaging skills are probably the main one that you want to think about especially when we start talking about ship combat and a bit so there are multiple different weapon systems that you can apply to your ship from ballistics to lasers to missiles to particle beams and the electromagnetic these all have a matching skill in the tech line that is a various level of progression through right so ballistic seems to be the first one as it's at the top and then the more Tech points that you actually invest into this tree you'll be able to get some of the more advanced weapon systems like say missile or weapon systems or the particle beam systems which are further down in that tech line but it is also worth mentioning that your crew will be on your ship and your ship does have a crew capacity which you'll be able to change based on your shift customization and those crew members that are assigned to your ship will also give skills and various Buffs to the overall ship's efficiency like we see in the crew roster screen that these skills are actually in use based on their current assignment so the crew members that you take with you whether you find them in spaceports or out of the world or even companions will impact your overall ship's efficiency as well as the way it runs based on their actual skills ship combat is going to be a massive massive part of this game I think like you're gonna obviously be doing Combat on the ground but ship combat and space navigation is definitely going to be a big part now during the direct we see a lot of space combat as well as some dog fighting we see lots of big fleets of ships and and various sizes of ships and things that you can overall interact with and even just talk to you don't have to engage in combat same as I guess you would like on the ground right you know you're not going to fight everything that you come across but you've got a lot of weapon systems at your disposal and it all sort of really relates to that energy allocation system so we may as well talk about that first but when you're in your ship you have this energy allocation system where you can apply energy to either your weapon systems that you have currently applied say in this example you've got Las for lasers Bal for ballistics and MSL for missile systems and then on the other side you've got Eng for engine shd for shield and grv4 grav drive so how you apply your energy will affect the overall Effectiveness and efficiency of your ship so in combat you've got a decision to make as to how you want to apply that energy so if you want to be able to say refresh your weapons faster to shoot more often increase that fire rate you'll put it into particular types of the weapon systems or if you say want to move better fly faster maneuver a bit more you put it into engines you want more protection or defense you'll put that into Shields and then grab drive allocationally to make that jump to light speed much faster and we do actually see a shot of exactly that in the direct where the player increases the energy allocation to the grab drive and it increases or decreases the speed to how quickly you can actually make that jump so the weapons on the left side that you have three it does seem like you'll only be able to have three particular weapon systems applied but there is more than three in a couple of the shots we see like par for the particle beam systems or em for the electromagnetic systems so that left hand side really is seemingly dependent on the weapon systems you've got to apply it and then engineering shield and grab seem much more static because I don't really think you're going to be able to remove those systems from your ship that seems a little weird but overall this energy allocation system is going to be crucial to your overall space navigation as well as your space nice combat because it's going to be a decision you're going to have to make on the flyer right in the middle of combat to where you're actually applying that energy and how you're applying it to make your ship this most effective amount possible I haven't been able to find exact confirmation of this but if you have let me know in the comments but it seems to me that like logic would dictate that these different weapon systems are better at damaging different things to other ships say for example lasers would do more damage to Shields right that makes logical sense to me and it is definitely something that Bethesda would put into these sort of games and it sort of mirrors the different resistances when you're fighting on the ground right to like ballistics lasers and EM it sort of mirrors that in terms of ship customization right so I can definitely see that being there but I haven't seen that as a concrete thing that's been announced but it does seem like that would be something that would include because it gives you you've got all these different weapon systems you can use they really should be using them in that sort of a way to be able to apply them right and you've got that laser ballistics missile sort of systems that not only would have different amounts of damage and fire rates that sort of a thing but definitely in terms of instances I think should be added as well now a big thing that we see in the trailer which is are going to be something that's probably going to appear in a lot of videos about how you actually board ships is the target control system so we see the player applies this and they use it to Target specific systems on a ship and then a little bit later we see the player has actually disabled the engine on a ship because you can see on their health bar that the engine is red as if it's disabled and then the player boards that ship so if you're looking to board ships that would be how you would do that is by disabling their engine and then they're stuck in like the you know just the vastness of space you can just pull up your ship board them kill them take all their stuff that's not all though we do also see that the player can actually loot the remains of a ship if you do actually blow it up so you will still get some sort of resources and materials out of that if you don't actually board the ship but assumingly it'll be less right it seems like boarding a ship and using that sort of a mechanic especially if you steal a ship and then you have to go take it back to a Spaceport to register it to make it your ship or even to sell it which would seemingly be more of a late game thing I don't think you know you're just going to be able to bounce out of consolation and go and steal another ship right that that seems like that would ruin the economy so I wouldn't be expecting that to be something you can do until much much later in terms of your overall playthrough the last thing that I want to leave you here to think about and something that I'm interested in European is as well is there are a couple of times where we see the players say roll up on a big military free where they've got this massive military freighter with like smaller ships around them or even in dogfights with multiple different ships and different things happening around them right it would be interesting to me especially with this crew like roster system and how you can also if you look at the ship customization screen right you can have nine of your own ships and you have a home ship I am curious especially with the size that you can make your own ship if you can actually control a fleet as well like or if you can have say you know assign your companion to another ship that can like follow you or come to combat encounters with you it it's interesting to me like we have seen no confirmation of this at all or like if this is a thing that can be possible but I am just very curious around how deep that system is right it seems highly unlikely that if you are going to engage like a massive military Freight with a giant freighter and like you know all these different starfighters with them that you're going to be able to logically take them out yourself as one ship like technically you know you're obviously you know the biggest badass in this universe because that's how these games work but that just seems like it's missing something to me I feel like that's got to be something there right but I'm curious to know what you guys think in the comments let's first cover customizing your ship now before you can customize a ship you do need to register it so that includes if you have say stolen a ship or found one out in the world who knows if you can just like find derelict ships around but you will have to register it before you can actually customize it you will also apparently need the Starship design skill in order to upgrade certain parts of your ship similar to say how you would mod your armor or weapons in Fallout you will need a specific skill in order to purchase specific ship upgrades and building materials there are 13 different components and what each of these does we will break down shortly but you've essentially got three options when you're choosing what to upgrade from these different components the first is to upgrade that specific part which will essentially just you know increase its overall stats and won't change the overall look of your ship you can then jump into the ship Builder which will allow you to essentially customize the entire ship or you could simply you know buy or steal other ships and not even worry about upgrading if you're so choose we also see a home shift which indicates like your main ship that you'll be using this will be the ship that you'll take everywhere my guess as well is that there'll be ways to like summon your ship say you know your crew like fly it over to you if you're like ages away from you sort of like you know summoning a horse in these games right you know what I mean so so let's start with the ship overview screen and then we'll get into the nitty-gritty stuff so from this ship overview screen on the left we first see the ship's systems which is that energy allocation I broke this down on my ship travel and combat video so go and check that if you haven't if you want full information there but other than that now the main thing that we see here other than the different allocation in the ship overview is the indication of fuel so how far your grab Drive can actually take you in terms of its fuel consumption we see the hull which is your like ship's overall defenses so like it's armor rating you know and we see cargo which this Dev absolutely has weight or mass turned off right you can see how much they're actually carrying on this ship now an interesting thing to point out here as well is shielded capacity now this to me is is going to be linked with the Contraband system so you can hide like or smuggle things by shielding some of your cargo so when you get scanned as you say enter as we see in the direct when they enter that system and they go through like a Contraband scan say if you've got a various amount of you know things that you're trying to smuggle it needs to be shielded so that you can avoid that Contraband scanning now further on this list we also see reactor which if you count the little lines there's 14 of them so you're reactor directly indicates the amount of energy that your shift will have we see the crew amount so how many crew can be on the ship jump is referring to how many light years the ship can jump in one jump so there'll be lots of star systems that you'll need to actually travel to Via a certain amount of light years and some of them might be further away so the more your grab Drive can actually jump in terms of light years the further you'll be able to go Shield which indicates another defensive stat so before you take hole damage you'll need to get through the shield so obviously having a good amount of shields is important and then the last three are your weapon systems so in this screenshot we've got lasers ballistics and missile systems connected to this ship but you'll be able to change that depending on the weapon systems that you actually have applied so from this screen on the left here we can see there's two options there's ship Builder and upgrade ship so in the upgrade ship screen this will allow you to quickly upgrade specific components of your ship without diving deep into shipbuilding or adding major components to the ship it's really just operating things you have a good example that's used in the direct is upgrading your various weapons and I did mention in my previous video that I wasn't sure if you could say weapons would do more damage to Shield or Hull or something like that you can actually see this here with the Mauler Auto cannon that does 18 Hull damage and only 6 Shield damage so it does more damage to hulls so you'll probably want to use something else maybe a laser weapon to get rid of that shield and then use these to finish it off by dealing the hull damage but let's have a look at the 13 different components that you'll be able to upgrade and add first we'll talk about cowling now cowling is described as the structural components that are largely cosmetic and allow you to modify your ship's shape size personality and silhouette so if you want your ship to look a specific way cowling is probably the way you'll go about that Shield generator I mean that's pretty obvious that's like your Shields or your defenses Docker is your entry or exit point when boarding other ships in space so it would be like the little circular system that allow you to connect to other ships fuel tanks are your fuel so more fuel tanks means more fuel capacity to travel further your grab Drive which we all sort of know what is that'll be connecting to how far you'll be able to jump to different systems via light years weapon systems will be a big one so there are plenty of different weapon systems for Starships now this will also when you're looking at the different weapon systems we can see the class of them their range the fire rate the whole The Shield damage their max power the whole and all that stuff like you can see all this on the weapon upgrade screen now these weapons will do more damage to specific Parts like I mentioned but it will also be important that you have various skills because there there are skills linked to all of these different weapon systems in the tech tree which I did break down in my other video as well Hab or Hab stands for Habitat modules now this is basically like the major living areas right so in the shipbuilder section we can see there's like the Companion Way the all-in-one berth a store room engineering Bay Captain's Quarters computer core so think of things like your say crafting rooms or storage rooms those sort of things will all be like habitat modules that you'll add to your ship and that will significantly increase the overall size of your ship because these are definitely going to be larger areas for the ship itself engines relate to the general maneuverability the top speed and movement of your ship when you're just moving around in space not when you're traveling via like Lightspeed you're just sort of moving around cockpit is pretty self-explanatory it's where you go when you're flying this big bad ship and also control your flight path from here the cargo hold is your overall storage so you'll store things in here obviously the more cargo hold you have the more mass it can hold and we need to talk about shielded capacity a little bit earlier but reactor is your max energy allocation so how much energy you have available to you to put into those weapon systems or the shield the engine or the grav drive now we can see the player upgrading the reactor at one point adding the iron beam h1010 and this generates 16 power it has a class it has a repair rate a reactor health and just a general Health not sure what the difference is and it's interesting to point out that they are separate because this clearly means something there's also a crew rating here so maybe they like specific reactors sort of like makes them happy a bit like settlers in Fallout when you add like decor and stuff to your settlement something like that and the landing gears well that's pretty obvious what that is so in the ship Builder you can fully customize your ship's design and in the direct we see a whole bunch of completely different layouts designs and color systems and I wanted to break down these a little bit because we get a little bit more specific when you get into the nitty-gritty of this we can see that you have to test the flight of these ships you build we even see errors if the ship is say missing parts and in one point we can see the player adds a grav Drive which clears the error and it's like the final piece for that to make the ship nominal then you can run a flight check we also see warnings at various points say when this ship has like a huge mass and cargo so maybe that's what the warning is but there's plenty of information on the screen that we don't get in the ship overview it's it's displayed in a different way so it is sort of similar but we see those weapon systems we see the total Hull as well as the total Shields the cargo size the max crew that can be on the ship the jump range which we've already talked about Mobility is an interesting one I'm curious to know exactly what this reference is right is that just like how maneuverable the ship is in space like if you know you can pull off spinning and other cool tricks like that and like how this relates to top speed so how fast that overall ship can go I'm curious to know if this is related to mass Riot so you've got like the total mass of the ship maybe if the ship has a really high mass it affects the overall top speed and maneuverability and mobility of the ship not sure exactly there but there's a lot to break down here and I can't wait to get my hands on it and really dive into the shipbuilding system we'll start with the obvious one and the one that every player will seemingly be a part of and that is constellation now unfortunately it seems like you're going to have to join constellation as part of the main quest the way that I would like to think about this is think about say the Minutemen in Fallout 4 right you have to join them as part of the main quest but they don't really impact anything outside of that you know there's not really much choice and consequence there they're just sort of a faction that pushes that main narrative but Constellation Are the last remaining Space Explorers in the Galaxy trying to discover what's out there is sort of their main purpose now they have a home base in a new Atlantis which we do see as the player makes contact with them very early in the main campaign once they have come in contact with one of these artifacts now we have seen a lot about constellation and there's several members which I do have a video which breaks down all of the Companions and everything so I don't want to rehash too much of that here because I have already covered it but from what we know about constellation they are those last remaining Space Explorers and they're the last ones in the this whole galaxy that are looking for what else is out there and finding the artifact that the player does early in the story will Propel you to meet consolation and then propel them to try and find out what the go is with these artifacts and learn more about where they came from and the history behind them the United Colonies are the most powerful military presence in this settled systems and they're also the galaxies like major political and governmental force that they do have so the United Colonies is one of these two major factions in the settled systems with the other being the freestyle Collective which we'll talk about shortly so because of this power they do have a big control over these systems in the settled systems now the uc's capital city is new Atlantis on the planet Jemison in the Alpha Centauri system which we have seen back when they were doing the location insights as well as in the developer direct Now new Atlantis is a large Spaceport City and it's the capital of the United Colonies and we don't know heaps about the exacts of what you'll find here but this does seem like the first major Hub that the player will go to to not only because of the level of the Alpha Centauri system but because the constellation faction is also located here so chances are you'll spend a lot of time in New Atlantis and it'll be one of those first locations that you go to we have also seen that the United Colonies is in charge of Sedonia The Colony on Mars that mining Colony we have seen in the Starfield direct now the United Colonies is a big force in the game and just 20 years before the advance of the main story The United Colonies was at war with the freestyle collective in that conflict which was known as The Colony War the United Colonies did come out on top and are now considered to be that Major Force in the Galaxy now because of the imagery we've seen from them they seem to be a bit more militaristic maybe you could consider them to be like the Brotherhood of Steel sort of faction for starfields if I had to relate it to another Bethesda faction is what I would sort of say from what we've seen very militaristic in their structure as well as presenting themselves to be very formidable and in charge of everything around them the Freestar Collective however is the complete opposite now they've been described as the space Western fantasy and they give me Firefly Vibes you know that old TV show great TV show by the way it's a shame it only got one season but this confederation of three star systems is United by their belief in the sanctity of personal freedom and individuality and their capital is a Kayla city which we have seen in the direct and again in those location insights and videos so akayla city is a city where the people believe in the sanctity of personal freedom and individual reality this city is actually walled off from the rest of the planet to keep out the ashta which is an alien Predator race that is mentioned to be a hybrid between a wolf and a velociraptor I also found in my research that the city was founded by someone called Solomon Co and a companion that the player can have in the game is called Samco coincidence I think not based on where the freestyle Collective are in terms of their control of the Galaxy and sort of their limited amount of people it seems like this would be much more of a group of individuals that are for the collective right so they may do some bad or nefarious Deeds as long as it benefits the freestyle Collective I was trying to think of a like Bethesda faction comparison freestyle Collective and I couldn't really come up with one so let me know if you've got any ideas in the comments below the Crimson Fleet however are a group of Nefarious space pirates now you could definitely consider these guys like the Raider faction from the Nuka World DLC in Fallout 4 and just like in that DLC you'll be able to join the Crimson Fleet you can also portray them if you choose by reporting back on their their nefarious and pirating Deeds to say probably the United Colonies but they have a headquarters at the key in the correct system which is like a massive Spaceport that's clearly orbiting a planet so they seem to be sort of a faction that believes that you know anything is theirs they can just take whatever they like their sold of like a advanced Raider faction probably only for themselves very selfish if you're going to join the Crimson Fleet and sort of be a part of that pirate lifestyle I would fully expect that their faction storyline will see you with a lot of betrayal either portraying yourself or betraying other members of the faction betrayal is probably going to be a key part of the Crimson Fleet I would assume we haven't seen if there is going to be a companion directly linked with the Crimson Fleet though I would expect it would be but we do know Barrett does have some connection with them from his voice line in the Starfield direct ryugen Industries is going to be another big player now little is known about this Mega Corporation as we haven't seen them really shown off or spoken about other than in the into the Starfield episode 2 where it was mentioned that you can join this faction and it's one of the developers favorite factions because you join them by essentially applying for a job we do know however that they will be a big player in neon City and along with xenofresh Corporation xenofresh were the corporation that essentially founded neon and it was originally a fishing platform form on an aquatic world but it was retooled to be a pleasure City by the xenofresh corporation because they discovered this alien fish which had a valuable psychotropic qualities so the drug is legal on neon and xenofresh sort of run the city in this sort of cyberpunk theme and reagent Industries are another corporation that is on neon and potentially in other locations too like we don't rightly know if they are for some wild speculation here my guess is that joining region Industries is going to have a lot to do with neon and the xenofresh corporation and what's happening with the drug on Neil and it's going to be a big sticking point for that sort of faction story I assume but we'll have to wait and see to know a little bit more about it there are also plenty of minor factions that we have seen house Varun is probably the main one we saw the most of in the direct now this is a group of fanatical religious zealots that follow the serpent now because of the serpents Embrace trait we have seen an example of this in the trailer where the player comes across a house for ruined ship uses the serpent trait to avoid combat and we've also seen the player fight several Varun zealots as well as Raw robots that are from the Varun faction so they are definitely going to be a maybe a major faction but we just we don't know if there's any story here and conversely we do know that there are two other religious traits being the enlightened and the sanctum Universal so similar to house for roon one would assume that there are factions linked to the enlightened and the sanctum Universal because these are religious traits as well so they may have members that you'll come across not only on new Atlantis but in other locations as well the red mile is another one located on Prima 3 in the Prima system this we saw in the direct which seems to be sort of like a gauntlet type challenge maybe a casino some side quest things happening here not exactly sure how deep this will go black Fleet is another one very little is known about this faction other than we see a shot of their ships on a TV screen in the direct and it's been a rumored faction before my guess here is that maybe this is like an antagonist to the Crimson Fleet like potentially say you join the Crimson free to help them fight the black Fleet something like that but they they're not just like generic spaces or Pirates because we have seen enemies just labeled you know spaces or Pirates just like the ecleptic mercenaries which we have seen so they're not just like generic enemies so there has to be a reason that these have like a faction name where they're a minor a major faction or they're linked to some storyline we don't know yet something else that I notice as well is in the ship customization when you are mucking around there you'll see like Deimos listed on ships as well as like the demo ship station so this is maybe some sort of a maybe not a faction necessarily but some sort of like Corporation labeling which you know corporations sell things so there's probably going to be plenty of these but I just thought it was worth pointing out here thank you the wilt Shannon Mill Paglia rullo jumped into the constellation Discord to give us an answer to 16 different questions now none of these questions are really groundbreaking but there is a lot of really interesting tidbits and information about the game that I think is definitely well worth covering so I'm not going to read all of their answers word for word because there's just a lot of information there will get bogged down and just reading stuff which you can go and do yourself but we'll bring out the highlights we'll talk about each question and we'll just sort of cover things in general so firstly we'll start with question one which was can you buy houses or properties in the main cities both Emil and will respond with yes but Emil's answer is a little bit more interesting in that he says you can purchase a dwelling in all the major cities in the game and there is at least one that is specifically for completing dot dot dot something so assumingly some sort of like Quest reward or you know maybe completing a faction Quest you get like a you know a penthouse suite in some sort of a town maybe a neon or something like that's just speculation but something like that when you complete like a major questline I suspect you'll probably get a house or an apartment or something like that question two if we get the kids stuff trait will our parents be generated based on our character's looks or will there be standard parents put in place reading Emil's answer yes totally just as we did with Fallout 3 with your dad and Fallout 4 with your son in Starfield if you take the kid stuff trait your parents are based off of you no spoilers but I think fans will really appreciate the actors we got to play those roles and they just get so into it it's awesome while we haven't seen too much about the kids stuff sort of trait other than just the fact that it exists that does make me more interested in picking up kids stuff like I wasn't super interested in having to give money to some NPCs when you know money's valuable and I like money myself hello oh I like money you know I am interested to see what they actually look like depending on my look and also who those voice actors are if they're teasing that they're someone important I'm curious to know who those are question three was a long one about if Starfield is okay to play as your first bgs game but the main point here is how deep is the character's backstory will says that there is a trait and background system that will let you specify more about yourself but you can also select an anonymous background and no traits if you want and Emil says that his virus going into a character's backstory that's entirely up to you and it's all about the head Canon so very similar I guess to every other bgs game in that you are playing an existing character in the world like you're already an adult like you know you remember how you get captured at the start of Skyrim or you know you've got a key to this out of Fallout 4 that sort of a thing but you are very impressionable in that the character is sort of like a blank slate except for those couple of elements and it seems like Starfield would be exactly the same in that you'll boot up the game and you'll start the game in the same place as everyone else you'll have like that one or two like generic things that are unique to your character that sort of pushes you into the world it and everything else around that is what you impress onto your character themselves question four is how will the smuggling cargo system work can we hide it somewhere on the ship and sell it for more currency later will says that certain items are considered contraband and you'll need to smuggle them past security ships that are in orbit of major settlements and Emil says that there are specific items that are considered contraband meaning they are pretty much illegal everywhere and yes you can hide them using special ship modules you can purchase so you know don't get caught with those harvested organs so that's interesting that it seems like we can transport organs around but I think the main thing here is we speculated in our ship breakdown video about how their shielded capacity like in your shielded cargo so humanly that's how this does work right so there is going to be smuggling you will be able to sneak Contraband past security checkpoints assumingly that shielded cargo is potentially how you do that based on the comments here moving on to question five will there be a jail system if we commit crimes and will and Emil both say yes you can elect to go to jail or pay a fine when you are arrested and even resist arrest and try to escape so similar to Skyrim's system as MBL points out but as Starfield is more civilized as a government there's laws and obviously crimes and punishment for those things number six will time pass when not in the game for example mayor trade routes Outpost and Mining operations continue to produce or does it only occur when actively playing and the answer here is just when actively playing and that sort of makes sense like you know it's obviously for a Sim aspect it's maybe not as exciting but if you think about the fact that if you're not playing the game and you're still just like generating income from like your trade routes and stuff and you open the game you've got like a gazillion dollars that's maybe not like good for the economy of the game right because it just gives you access to everything question seven can you be a double agent in the game for example if you join the United Colonies can you also join the Crimson Fleet and give the United Colonies information what factions have that feature if they do now interestingly they sort of answered this indirectly like ages ago in one of the Starfield like sort of Dev videos they did but essentially they give us a bit more information on that here so all playable factions can be completed independently Emil says that the infiltration a double agent stuff is exactly what you can do with the Crimson Fleet and the United Colonies so essentially what happens here is in the Crimson Fleet storyline it does feature the option to be an undercover agent inside the fleet on behalf of the United Colony system which is a specific military branch of the United Colonies I think it was Emil who actually mentioned this in one of those Dead videos about how you could do this specifically with the Crimson Fleet so even though the playable factions can be completed independently they do seem to interact in that way and I fully expect that either United Colonies is going to interact with the freestyle Collective because of their history same as how freestyle have to interact with them that sort of thing but you can complete them independently you don't have to do that so it seems like it's potentially like diverging paths but again we'll have to wait and see specifically once we have played the game question eight is quite an interesting one will you be able to play the game in a pacifist mode without killing anyone or even potentially anything now they essentially the answer here like across their responses is just generally no like will says you can't guarantee every Mission can be completed in a pacifist way but we do have a couple of systems that will help the main thing that comes out of this comment here is that speech challenge system which we have seen slightly throughout the direct but essentially will does say here that you can use the speech challenge system to persuade someone to do something like not fighting you that sort of a thing and Emil also mentions that there is non-lethal weapons in the game so essentially you could use some of those speech challenge tactics and those non-lethal weapons but they can't guarantee that you can complete it entirely without actually killing anyone and it does sort of make sense I guess like you know if you think about just like hostile creatures and stuff in the in the world right you're gonna have to sort of take them out like if they're coming towards you or even in some storylines maybe like there's just like requirements to it but I'd love to see someone like push that envelope and see how far they can go without actually killing anyone question nine what other beliefs and basic histories of the religions we can join the sanctum universum enlightened and the Great Serpent I love this question right so Emil does point out that the IRL religion so the ones we have in our world today are actually in the game which is really surprising and interesting to me because most games sort of steer clear of that stuff but when talking about the religions based on the game itself the sanctum universum is a couple of decades old in our timeline but has gained a lot of prominence they believe that God is out there somewhere in the universe and that Humanity's ability to travel the Stars brings us closer to God the enlightened however are an atheist group that focuses on humanitarian and Community work they believe that life is something every person has to take responsibility for so that if they want the world to be a better place we have to do it ourselves really interesting I am curious to know what that means and ml also points out that they practice what they preach through various community outreach programs now house Varun the Great Serpent this one is super cool so Emil says that the gospel among the guards is this a colony ship sets off for a new world making grab jumps along the way after one of the grab jumps one of the passages claim to have spent their time communing with a Celestial entity known as the Great Serpent what was a few seconds for everyone else was much longer for him and it brought back a mandate which is basically get on board or be devoured when the Great Serpent encircles the universe is it true I ain't saying so in the game you sometimes face off against House of maroon zealots as an enemy group and that's their motivation I recently got the house maroon logo tattooed on my wrist so yeah I dig them they sound really cool and we've seen heaps of their robots and just like their zealots in the direct as well like they did sort of present that sort of front front center for us and obviously being one of the traits that we can join assumingly we can learn more about that and if the great server is real like is there going to be like a world Surfer that's going to consume the world very Norse asked to me like with the world serpent you know circulating the world that sort of a thing really like that really really like that religion all right question 10 how many companions total will be able to recruit and both will and Emil say that there is 20 total but the main focus is on the constellation campaign Canyon so four of them are from consolation and have the most story interaction with the player but all of the named characters have their own backgrounds and can follow you around EG carry your burdens we'll give some more context about how companions are really important in their games and you know they're always things that people gravitate towards like you know Piper always comes to mind for me for Fallout 4 I found her to be really interesting but in all Bethesda game studios Games The Companions stand out there's always like one favorite I'm curious to know what yours is in the comments guys let me know across all the Bethesda games what your favorite companion is question 11 when we assign crew members to work on outpost do we have to pay them salaries yes you will but only once so they mention here about how the economy may have got a bit complicated if you have to pay them regular salaries but there is an upfront cost but interestingly as well you can use that speech challenge game to negotiate over that actual one-time payment like how much you have to pay them which I think is really interesting and apparently traits can affect that as well question at 12 will our companions be able to level up their perks will their perks stack with ours so all Crews start with a set of skills at Pacific ranks but they don't level up but will come with these skills at different ranks depending on the companion the companion skills are a mix of like role-playing flavor but also will stack with your own skills so you might meet a character that's especially good at rifles you can hire them to watch your back or you might meet an astrodynamics expert that will increase your grab Drive range when it assigned to your ship so I guess a good example here right is using Barrett he has Starship engineering particle beam weapon systems and Robotics and Gastronomy so Starship engineering and particle beam Weapons Systems obviously will help with your ship's like abilities whatever those specific skills are robotics is increasing your damage against robot type enemies but Gastronomy is like the chef skill so a stupidly that's sort of flavor like I don't know if Barrett will be cooking meals for us but it seems like that's what they're sort of referring to is some of these that are maybe like Flavor you know they don't actually do anything like they're about the characters backgrounds and interests 13. what are your favorite parts of the game game Emil says shipping it which obviously I can totally agree with but will says that he loves finding content that I haven't seen yet or forgot about and our games are so big that no one person is likely to have sin at all even after all our passes and levels of review and Emil sort of Echoes that in a way but sort of mentions that personally he's seen every questline every city every major piece of content in the game at every stage of development and for him it's the real pleasure of seeing how they've all evolved into the versions they are today and the versions everyone here will play he has a real soft spot for neon which I totally agree with I love the look of neon I can't wait to get there and sort of points out about how it's a cyberpunk style sediment but 14 is what books or movies had a big influence on some of the quests will point out that he has a big history nerd and he likes podcasts like hardcore history and the history of Rome and Emil points out that he is into like all the old school sort of sci-fi stuff like Star Wars OG Battle Star Galactica space 1999 Buck Rangers battle beyond the stars ice Pirates and let's not forget about the classic that is metal Stone or the destruction of Jared Zinn I've heard of like two of these things I'll be honest I'm not super red on sci-fi law but obviously I've heard of Star Wars guys like that's definitely one that I've heard of right live long and prosper but you know he also mentioned some modern day things like some of the writings from Arthur C Clarke and Robert Heinlein as well as films like contact Interstellar 2001 A Space Odyssey and Event Horizon but I'm really interested in those Easter eggs that are going to be in the game like I can't wait to come across Easter eggs from like sci-fi stuff that we know God I hope there is a firefly Easter egg in this game I am going to be hunting that there like you would believe all right moving on to question 15 what are some favorite small details in Starfield that add to the immersion Emil says that although humans are living in space and our Aesthetics is very much NASA Punk it feels like a very lived-in universe and you can see that everywhere will points out that he loves the outfits and you can see the seams and materials especially on the spacesuits and then Emil mentions it how everyone may love sandwiches but there are books laying around and the notes on the bulletin boards the Environmental storytell like that how level design as a world artist is so good at and also they both mentioned buttons books is the big pool out here I think right so in the Elder Scrolls games you obviously have tons of books that you can read and they're very interesting some of them and in Fallout it's like the computers you know there's all that information on the computers that you can find so so that history of telling stories through things you can find in the world and that environmental storytelling is definitely going to be here which is fantastic like and some of the best content in Fallout games especially Fallout 4 there's a tons of locations that you know you come into them and they're just like a you know there's just enemies in there but the story is actually told through the terminals that are in the game and just like where the characters are in the world and stuff really like that stuff in Fallout and Skyrim so glad to see that that's still here for Starfield now the last question is what is the history of the mechs and Emil says that the mechs is a good one so we showed that this is a bit through the animated shorts that makes our leftovers from The Colony War Colony War being singular both sides United Colonies and freestyle Collective had Max but the freestyle Collective really mastered them the United Colonies had Max too but they also relied on the controlled alien bees from their Xeno Warfare division think about that skill that we can get in the game just wanted to point that out both of those were outlawed with the armatist at that end of The Colony War I'm not saying that there is an old Mech Battleground in the game I'm typing it Max not usable no they are in Ruins so those animated shorts are fantastic by the way and we definitely did see this in one of those animated shorts and so it's good to get that sort of call out here that this is from The Colony War which is where the mechs were from there's not too much to grab out of this question here it's more just like law flavor and speaking of law the official timeline was dropped on the Starfield website so basically starting from as close to today as you can from 2050 they detail what happened and how it got from let's say today's world to 23 30 which is when Starfield begins and how the colonies were made and the different Wars there was actually two Wars which is I think an interesting thing to point out but if you want to read that I'll leave a link to that in the comments down below but thank you guys for watching this video till the end let me know your hype levels for Starfield we had like two weeks away thank you the members for supporting this channel you guys are real ones my name is norza and I hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 41,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield gameplay breakdown, starfield bethesda, starfield trailer, starfield news, starfield gameplay, starfield, starfield ultmate breakdown, starfield breakdown, starfield showcase, starfield game, new starfield gameplay, starfield new gameplay, bethesda starfield, starfield leaks, starfield companions, starfield combat, starfield factions, starfield update, starfield new details, starfield lore, starfield info, starfield new info, starfield direct breakdown
Id: tnRLeD9IUGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 26sec (4946 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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