Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (webseries) KILL COUNT

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thank you [Music] welcome to the kill count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite uh well I don't know man we are in Uncharted territories here with the SAG strike but hey we're trying new shit which is why we're looking at Don't Hug Me I'm Scared a British YouTube series consisting of six episodes most of them released from 2014 to 16. we've covered a couple web series before like crip TV's look-see and sunny family call but those were both more or less straightforward horror stories as weird as look C could get sometimes oh and uh by the way bitch you never caught me in contrast don't hug me I'm scared as its own fucking thing entirely on the surface it's a riff on kids TV shows where each episode has a lesson only they all end up getting dark and weird with that premise it'd be easy to have random humor but don't hug me's weirdness is inspired and the Darkness has a point the show doesn't give explicit answers for what it's about but you'll get the gist of it at least and Diving deeper rewards you with a solid and ultimately satisfying story at least that's how I felt after watching matpat's film Theory videos about it he did a great two-parter on the web series that shed light on what it means Chelsea and I have always been fans of don't hug me we were quoting it back on our old show drunk Disney damn touch me don't touch me it's just got so much thought and Care put into it through and through the production design is incredible with everything handmade and bespoke for the show that comes courtesy of creators Becky Sloan and Joseph pelling two Brits who just won a production design bafta for the follow-up Don't Hug Me TV series on the BBC which I haven't had a chance to watch yet they met at Kingston University Sloan was a fine arts student making big physical props while pelling was an animation student alongside Baker Terry who does most of the voice acting and who co-wrote all the episodes after the first one thanks to their combined expertises Don't Hug Me has amazing practical puppet effects and various types of Animation as the situation calls hell it even winds up in a more traditional real world setting and throughout all the turns it takes it delivers one seriously catchy song after another the show has constant surprises so I definitely recommend you take 33 minutes and watch the whole series before you watch this video it's truly a work of art a creative work of art let's see how many things die in it the series begins with an episode released as Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 12 years ago in summer 2011. we're in a prop filled kitchen where three friends sit at a table red guy yellow guy and duck they're good lads a Sketchbook flips open and starts singing at them about how to live deliciously or creatively at first the lesson's A Hard Sell for these guys I use my [Music] hair to express myself but they keep at it and soon they're seeing clouds of past kill counts like Cujo frogs and uh Scream Six maybe unfortunately for yellow guys the most childlike of the gang he seems to be doing creative things all wrong green is not a creative color it's only the first sign something's amiss the second is when they flip into tune mode and reveal a film set behind them ushering in a montage of Madness that sees a glitter heart and the longest mullet I've ever seen on yellow guy looking like Marge Simpson with her hair down this experimental Jazz infused Acid Trip ends with a sketch pad all creative doubt now that Soul agree to never be creative again and you know what fuck it let's put sketch pad on the cow the rules for this one are that there are no rules I mean the little lady said she was done so then flopped back and folded toss her in the recycling bin so yeah that was the first episode pretty weird we had a Sketchbook voiced by co-creator Becky Sloan teaching that creativity can be done a right and a wrong way not the usual message for kids and tamped in my blood run cold when she calmly clapped back at red guy I used my hair to express myself [Music] the short was made by Sloane impelling under their artist Collective this is it there's a video by them on their Channel predating Don't Hug Me called bad things that could happen it features a lot of the same kind of practical puppetry depicting dark situations with a wry sense of humor Don't Hug Me I'm Scared retroactively called creativity became popular online so they pursued their original idea of making it a series the second episode was supported by random acts a public Arts fund by the UK's Channel 4. Sloan and pelling turned down offers of more money from bigger companies so they could keep making the show exactly the way they wanted to which is awesome episode 2 came out two and a half years later in January 2014. now the Bros are in the living room apparently on the same day June 19th it's a whole fucking thing red guy and duck look more or less the same but let me tell you time and budget were good to yellow guy speaking of time that's what this episode's all about there's always time for a song what who is that it's Tony the talking clock voiced by Baker Terry who also voices duck and yellow guy as well as a whole bunch of other characters who will talk and sing songs at us Tony starts singing about time and the lyrics quickly hint towards its decomposing qualities Brown the seriousness of times never-ending March moves Tony so much he starts singing like a South Park character a journey through all time he gives them a history lesson with a strange fixation on cobbles and then things head out to the woods to get weirder Tony starts being even meaner than that sketch pad and we meet yellow guys creepy ass dad named Roy oh I want to dip his little nose in some Rams and eat it up except uh never mind not sure if that'd be Ranch Tony would rather talk about fishes and his stupid face than let doc try to figure out the true nature of time give me time's just a construct of human perception an illusion created [Music] oh you broke yellow guy damn it Tony actually he really broke he makes him and his friends age like they were put in a temporal microwave it's honestly disturbing hurry I'm sure you 'll show you eventually everyone runs out of time all the kids TV show these guys are running when the second video also proves successful a Kickstarter was launched to make a full series with a goal of raising about a hundred thousand quid the campaign promised to show that would answer life's questions like where do dogs live and why is this pillowcase full of ham I like that Sloan impelling lend their sense of humor to so much of what they do to support the kickstarter they released two terrifying analog horror Ransom videos if you're watching this then we need your help then on the kickstarter's behind the scenes featurette they included repetitive use of crafting b-roll that eventually gets painful and more inaccurate descriptions of the show is about three best friends who go on an adventure to find a magic pirate ship and save the day it even had sketches of and voice recording sessions for completely non-existent characters I love it the kickstarter succeeded and episode 3 was released eight months later in October of 2014. the guys are in the Great Outdoors and also possibly missing a according to that sign maybe they're just trying to get away from all the weirdos in their house and enjoy this delicious chicken picnic that's a little protective of that chick Nick and sure we'll add a cartoon butterfly to the kill count what the hell man yellow guy's an empath so he runs crying up a tree he's found by shrigno another pesky bee a little baby pigeon uh okay I have some questions do you like to ask him though cause this butterfly is already singing about love the topic of episode three it's a nice peaceful song that feels less menacing than the first two but don't worry it'll get there soon enough after things get animated in a psychedelic Summer of Love style yellow guy learns about love from shrignal than all his friends including Chloe they love everything about yellow guy his look his voice his touch Honda yellow guy's eager to love but eventually gets a bit too brick tambling about it I love this tree and I love this stick that's how it's done they tell her the Yeller fella that he needs somebody to love find and it won't be his friends since they're too busy eating bloody eggs and raw chicken that had flies on it the talk of yellow guy's special one starts sounding religious and then outright culti when they reveal their Idol Malcolm the king of love and they're gonna feed Malcolm the yellow guy oh No Just gravel oh oh that's not bad the king's cult does involve a name change and some brain scrubbing though so even with the promise of a special one it's all too much for yellow guy he snaps out of it and is found by his friends who do love him after all we've bought you the last boiled egg to cheer you up but then history repeats itself when the egg hatches and duck swats that larva to death pesky B this episode's credits feature King Malcolm getting the full wicker man treatment no doubt the creators thought of that classic British horror film when they were writing this episode featuring a cult episode 4 which has always been my favorite was released after a five-month gap in Spring of 2015. the boys are in what looks to be a game room with lots of fun things to distract them from looking at that picture of yellow guy and his dad their game asks them a real brain Buster but instead of learning the answer from a globe the analog world gets invaded by a computer stop all the downloading this clever computer boy can tell them everything except what they want to know and knows all about numbers and oats especially oats must have a fiber connection this computer won't stand for younger models either it's here to steamroll these consumers with a bunch of personal questions and don't you dare try to interrupt me what turns out touching that board's the key to an existential meltdown red guy the characters glitch into the computer's digital home a sometimes nauseating Place wow wow wow because of the computer the PC assures them they're still real they're just controlling digital avatars good luck teaching them VR one day though they initially came here seeking specific knowledge the guys are told that they can only do three things in this Digital World look at various infographs dress up in digital style or go out digital dancing which hey it is fun still three content streams doesn't seem like good business especially when one of them runs out of content right away the Doom scrolling becomes too much for real world red guy who tries to control all delete his way out of there oh wow Roy creepily watches from the corner well the fuck Roy since when is this hereditary red guy follows a chord coming out the back of the computer and it leads him into a room that gives me nightmares it's a Lo-Fi version of their show and that Puppeteer was not expecting him it's enough to blow red guy's mind which I'll count as a jail I mean the guy's head blew up I gotta count it besides counting it makes sense when the next episode starts and he's not there episode 5 came out after another six months in October of 2015. Duncan yellow guy are in their kitchen again but it's way bigger and more stocked than it was in episode one yellow guy notices too something's different but again he might just be talking about red guy's absence which duck knows as well when a picture on their fridge changes uh that can't be good before they can ponder where their Tres Amigo is their kitchen items break into an unsophisticated song lots of people get hungry who's that on drums is that a bread boy I'm a bad boy I thought so the can the bread and this big ass steak mofo start jabbing Forks at him and singing the Praises of healthy foods well healthy foods when they're Roy's brand it's really hard to pick a favorite song in the series I think my number one is still computer but let me tell you this one's been sneaking up on me [Music] I especially like the funky keyboard that gets real low what's that that [Music] and the steak and spinach can have my favorite voices from Terry and Sloan the song and dance gets interrupted by a red phone ringing and it ain't cruise ship calling about the bomb duck answers it and starts waking up like he were in a Philip K duck story it makes him uninterested in the menacing foods for their clumsy metaphors and their springy food or regular tetradecagon the song takes it to the fridge and it's enough to make duck snap he knocks over the camera and tries to escape the show only to wind up captured and learning that The Show Must Go On The Kitchen objects tell yellow guy to a shoe the pie and white sauce try this canned food he won't know that it's his friend duck being torn apart and eaten by a giant can ducks been canned from the show and Candace food should that be in the microwave when this latest song ends it looks like yellow guys been forced to eat duck holy shit before the episode ends the phone rings again and the credit suggests it's the red guy calling his friends from his freedom outside of the show's Studio the grand finale took eight months to arrive dropping in 2016 naturally June 19th by now yellow guys all alone crying about his friends good night guys I missed you wow that is sad he tries to sleep the sadness away but his desk lamp won't let him be it wants to sing about dreams beginning the Final Nightmare for yellow guy it's the worst song intentionally with yellow guy wailing while crude animation plays yellow guy can't escape it not even after he wakes up as the lamp taunts him he drowns in oil in his bed and I'll add him to our weird ass kill count after that the series shifts into widescreen with the real world we're at work with the red guy whose monotonous speech is revealed to be a staple of red guys everywhere can you file these files please in fact red guy seems to be the most creative one of the bunch I am a violin you put documents in me and um file red guy's memorable monotone comes from co-creator Joe pelling who also voiced the clever smart computer guy red guys Piers poo poo his Silly Billy thoughts without a Ballyhoo among them and when he tackles an open mic night with a rendition of the first episode's creative song they damn near start a riot the only one who doesn't boo him is Roy sitting in the back that's when red guy starts seeing himself in a creative world again or actually for the first time if you agree with matpat's theory that this real world stuff is the start of things chronologically the theory goes that red guy was someone who wanted to do something creative only to be told no by everyone around him Roy saw this and agreed to fund a kids TV show for red guy as long as his son could be a part of it but gradually Roy let commercial interests take over until red guy left the show out of frustration and the whole thing fell apart I know it's just the theory of film Theory but it's a solid one I recommend matpat's videos to hear the whole thing right now red guy is confronting the bastardized version of his dream TV show he tries to save yellow guy only to take him down a path of traumatic memories you made me die I am not quite yellow guy I didn't count you in the Time episode after a Cavalcade of the series Sinister antagonists new faces jump in and out and the place starts sounding like tmbg's fingertips both of those voices were cameos while Sloan pelling and Terry did most of the voices throughout the series the magnet is voiced by Thomas ridgewell AKA YouTuber TomSka whose kill won the golden chainsaw in the dude bro Party Massacre Kill count although we failed to point him out sorry guy Tom Scott donated 5 000 pounds to the Don't Hug Me Kickstarter which earned him an EP Credit in episodes three through six and a voice Cameo here meanwhile the shovel is voiced by Kellen Goff a prolific voice actor who's been in several Five Nights at Freddy's projects as red guy tries to fix things a long arm extends from the Shadows to place upon his shoulder but sorry dude it's not your friend the yellow guy hits Roy and no one wants Roy's hand on their shoulder red guy does his old trick of following the chord and after wondering what will happen when he pulls the giant plug he fucks around and finds out it creates a brand new day literally with pallet swapped versions of the three main characters they're actually their favorite colors now as they mentioned in the first episode yellow guy even gets to be green hopefully this new sketch pad will be nicer to them as the series starts Anew how many rule breaking kills did I count in this episode let's find out and get dude to the numbers [Music] hello oh my God what happened to me hey James I actually had a quick question and oh you're a puppet dude I know wait does that make me felt me ew gross no whatever it doesn't matter I was actually working on a new kill count I didn't authorize that hey look shut up I'm still confused as to sometimes what kills count and what kills don't count oh well I can help you with that great with a song God damn it there are rules you need to know when you want to count kills up yes what rules must I know I'll tell you if you'd shut the fuck up rule one concerns animals like if you should count Bambi's mommy yes her death made my heart sad too bad cause she wasn't human we only count humanoids not animals or creatures but didn't you count Bruce the shark that was mostly a joke not standard procedure wait puppet James didn't you just count a butterfly a few minutes ago in this this very episode yep well doesn't that break your own rules these rules are for regular episodes this one is fucking weird rule 2 deals with infections viruses and becoming zombies oh yeah we count them twice right only if we saw them die previously which brings us to rule number three I gotta pee we don't count unseen backstory deaths It's gotta be characters we know get out of here flashback or someone we already met when there's a whole room of kills that make you scream oh my gosh the simplest way to count them is to put that work all on Josh oh come on even in the song one last rule for now oh God and this one's very important to me no skin no soul no service never ever count a bastard Skelly bastard skellies bastards [Music] the kill counting rules but don't feel too encumbered just make sure you always finish by saying let's get to the numbers that one was a doozy I counted six kills and don't hug me I'm scared although maybe I should have counted the Aging kills in time too oh well whatever this thing is all messed up I'm not even sure what to do about a pie chuck oh yeah I guess that works colors are fun with six episodes across the web series that left us with an average of one kill per episode easy I'll give the golden Chainsaw for coolest kill to duck that giant can runs a muck with his guts which probably couldn't have smelled too good on set almost ready for lame is kill will go to the Sketchbook who bullied yellow guy so hard and died of exhaustion and that's it don't hug me I'm scared is an incredible web series that released its last episode in 2016. thankfully the creators will get to continue the series with a BBC show consisting of another six episodes if this kill count does well maybe I'll look at that too but until then I'm James a genise this has been the kill count hey thanks a lot for watching the kill Comfort Don't Hug Me I'm Scared we are officially in the weird era of kill counts who made this wonderful Papa Zorn uh of course it would be my good friend Gina devivo who makes all the things for any of my kill counts and now she's made this amazing puppet there just James yes this is James thank you Juna and big thanks to Fiona our executive assistant for the decoration on set did you notice that Billy was turned into red guy oh wow do you want to play a game every day you go fishing with your mates but now there's fish everywhere hopefully you liked this episode I thought it was a lot of fun I had a lot of fun filming it too and yeah speaking of plushes uh you can get this Lucy plush at that's right that we live in a fucking felt world now don't we there's also other new merch available on the store the slow ass motherfucking Jeff merch we have it and there's also a new line of be good people merch which again all proceeds from be good people merge always goes to charity we don't make any profit from those this one is going to a veterans charity thanks a lot for watching James H James a puppy Denise and be good puppets
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 2,199,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, DMKC, dead meat kill count, don't hug me i'm scared, don't hug me i'm scared explained, dont hug me im scared explained, don't hug me i'm scared review, don't hug me i'm scared reaction, react, dhmis impressions, dhmis characters, dhmis reaction, explained, surrealist comedy, dhmis, dark humor, horror comedy, puppet show, dhmis tv show, red puppet, horror movie channel, scary movie channel
Id: GIAiag16KVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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