The Banana Splits Movie (2019) KILL COUNT

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"Just about yiff each other to death"


👍︎︎ 70 👤︎︎ u/J_A_C_K_E_T 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Dear James,

As a Hanna-Barbera fan, I would like to say thank you for treating The Banana Splits with respect and you continue to blow me away with the amount of research you do. I smiled so much when you named the original voice actors, those guys often get overlooked. I know as a non-HB fan and as someone who didn't even know the Splits existed until recently, it may have seemed silly to you. You handled it wonderfully, though, you were very respectful to the fans. Thank you again.


👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/ShiftyBea 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

This looked like a promising movie, can’t wait to not watch it and just see the kill count instead!

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

If I had a dollar for everytime a show I watched as a kid was turned into a horror movie I'd have $1

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/DaMudkipper 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

For a last minute replacement for FNAF, it is pretty good. Glad that Scott decided to change producers though, if you saw the original trailer for FNAF by Warner Bros., it was a joke. Cant wait to see what Blumhouse and Scott can do.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/GIJOEMEERKAT 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Fuck yes!

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

I wonder if there was anyone who went into this movie not expecting it to be a horror flick.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/sammeadows 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

This movie was shockingly hilarious

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Jahgee1124 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

That time of the week, guys, gals and non-binary pals!

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/Stoop_Girl 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the killcam where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm James Agee nice and today we're looking at the banana splits movie which premiered at Comic Con in 2019 the banana splits movie is based on the banana splits adventure hour a hanna-barbera Jam created by Sid and Marty Krofft that originally aired on NBC from 1968 to 1970 not gonna lie I had never heard of this show before this movie came out but Chelsea was familiar with it so what the fuck do I know the show featured the same anthropomorphic furries that are in this feature and they were in a band and they would introduce various segments that mostly consisted of cartoons cool how the fuck did this become a horror movie it may have something to do with five nights at Freddy's and it's perpetually postponed film adaptation I guess originally Warner Brothers was going to make the five nights movie but the rights went to Blum house instead and so Warner Brothers under their subsidiary Blue Ribbon content decided to make a different movie featuring murderous animatronics and they based it on the hanna-barbera show because the banana splits characters were already kind of off-putting I think that a lot of children's television is innately creepy for what it's worth I think the result is a fine slasher the writing's a bit for said times and there's some wonky editing here and there but I appreciate the tone it manages to hit it's cheesy but not saccharine self-aware but not cynical and funny but not mean-spirited plus it's got some crazy good gore so much so that I can't put it on the public version of this episode dan hey the score was composed by Patrick Stump from Fall Out Boy who also did an awesome cover of this earworm of a theme song [Music] and that's not the first time this song was covered by a rock band either in kick-ass there was a version done by the Dickies the band that did the iconic killer Klowns theme if you want to tralala and have a good time with this movie though you're gonna have to buy into it which mostly means accepting that the banana splits characters are completely mechanical animatronics even though they're clearly played by people in suits but come on just go with that cuz then you get to see stuff like this that's totally worth it let's go on and get and meet the splits cuz it's time to get to the kills the movie begins with the TV show opening that introduces us to all the members of the banana split show there's a doofy dog named Fleagle a crazy ape named bingo a lion named drew burr and a cute elephant named snorky am I forgetting anyone and featuring haha shit of course TV guys I would kill the place TV the banana splits show is beloved by kids everywhere like Harley here whose favorite member is snorky he's even got a costume of the trunky bastard for Harley's birthday he and his family are going to a live taping of the show the tickets were bought by Harley's mom Beth much to the disappointment of Harley's dad Mitch who thinks that Harley is too old to be into this kind of thing but I don't know man kids got a unicorn on his cake seems like the right age demo to me joining Harley for his birthday adventure is his half-brother Austin son of Beth but not a Mitch whose best idea for a birthday present is an umbrella without the umbrella part and a girl from Harley school named Zoe called in as a seat warmer when Harley's only real friend got too sick to go babies oh and suddenly our so mature bested by the bunnies once more they arrived at the studio and drive to the back of the lot in a long sequence with a lot of ADR news favorite show really I'm sushi she really loves to show I hope smokey doesn't snow icky shuffle it's so funny she's totally gonna do it he does it every time why is this segment so long we need some other wacky characters also therefore the taping that include data Jorge onething who wants his daughter Parker to be a star and that and papi the type of social media influencers who make me hate it when I'm called a social-media influencer the woman in charge of hurting these crazy cats is the studio's page named Paige who Austin kind of hits on but in a cute awkward way which seems to work I think she's on the same page as their Austin the banana splits roll-up and their little banana buggy and here we run over Harley who like the fucker your survival instincts kid they drive away from their fans and March their mechanical asses into a workshop where their inventor and maintenance man Karl chastises them for almost hitting a kid he gives drooper a painful looking update during which a random programming error turns the code a scary red color but even though inside his heart is breaking and his faux fur may be flaking drooper smile still stays I because the show must go on while that Karl guys the dude who created the banana splits animatronics this Rebecca lady is the person who runs the banana split show that is until network exec Andy tells her that the show was hashtag cancelled what did Fleagle say something racist the show's cancellation is kind of the catalyst for the whole movie but I've got to say and he sounds like he's making it up on the spot when he explains why he's acting a show that apparently still gets good ratings yeah but it's old and stupid and I want to do something cool and edgy so today is your last show the final live show gets started and the crowd is treated to a bunch of wacky hijinx until drooper misses his cue to come on stage which means Stevie the baddest motherfucker around is gonna have to cover for him we have to get trooper out of mr. Walters Heights fence okay haha great work Steven yeah well yeah but hey nobody really likes you Harley how about that one of the show segments is the game straight out of double-dare called sloppy time and it looks like they made an extra sloppy for yours they know how youse kids like I'm sloppy here oh and by the way Carl must be a genius that is some sophisticated AI to be throwing them pies like that obviously in real life the banana splits were played by people in suits and director janeshia Esther Haji decided that instead of actors or even stunt performers she wanted dancers to play the roles to best mimic the movements of an animatronic so shout out to the dudes underneath these clunky a suits teri Saul's bun - blam Corey Clark and Brandon Bray go it takes a lot to perform wearing cumbersome costumes like that those things are so hot I don't know how they're doing it all day they're really like the heroes of this film I think one of the kid competitors takes a plunge into a ball pit and uses a hammer to win the game if that voice sounds familiar it's because all three of the speaking splits characters were voiced by Eric Bauza a Canadian voice actor who's done a ton of work and is currently the voice of Bugs Bunny Daffy Duck Marvin the Martian and other major Looney Tunes those are not easy roles to get and because I love watching voice actors do their thing I just want to commend Bowser on all the voices he does here like how he replicates Allen Melvin southern drawl for drooper for his voice you know it kind of had the droopy kind of voice so we kind of have that Southern drawl very slow and that's what we did does a Ross Perot ish twist on DAWs Butler's voice for bingo and for that he was you know again much more high-pitched again a little bit of that weird southern drawl and doesn't excellent imitation of Paul wind shells Tiger if ik boys for Freegal the amount of power and energy that he brings to this character and then the the floppiness of it all I don't have spin Ani as for snorky he doesn't talk deal with that Paige goes to Stevie's dressing slash janitor where she finds him lounging inside looking like a mcpoyle he's drunk and angry because he's fifth billed on the show and gets no respect they waiting for the puppets they can wait me don't you worry about Stevie they're Paige I mean look at him he's the spitting image of professionalism on his way to the stage Stevie over here's Andy saying that the show has been cancelled and that the animatronics will soon be decommissioned he walks away looking way too happy about his imminent job loss but I guess that's because he's excited that the puppets will soon be no more since after he returns to the stage for the show's big finale he whispers to drooper that his days are numbered drooper spins the wheel of endings which as always lands on rock ow and let me just say I am living for Stevie sweaty drunken dancing montage he also heads up the tralala theme song will fucking burrow itself into your brain [Music] you've been warned the show ends but there's a special backstage tour awaiting some of the guests who had stars on their tickets there weren't any stars on Harley's ticket but Austin is a great older bro and convinced Paige to help him give Harley a birthday surprise so he gets to be the innocent Charlie Bucket of this wonkin adventure Harley Bucket backstage Stevie tells the very regimented banana splits gang that their show has been canceled and since he hated working with all of them why don't they get a taste of this through brain bout to put up with that disrespect though so Stevie becomes our first victim on the cow when drooper sticks a giant lollipop down his throat huh I wonder what flavor that low cherry yeah looks like cherry but try to eat it a little slower next time Stevie during the backstage studio tour Austin tells his mom that Mitch his stepdad broken sucks I mean the guy's not even here with them on his own son's birthday having stepped away to do business stuff on his phone but wait a minute that's not business stuff that's pg-13 sexting between Mitch and his assistant wow man hundreds and you're still getting bra pics why y'all taking that sexting so slow afraid of viruses Austin comes outside and confronts Mitch who leaves his wife and stepson with a very optimistic outlook on the situation this isn't it just Rita he had that's definitely one way of looking at it inside the tour has fallen apart almost as quickly as Beth and Mitch's marriage with Jonathan running off to find a producer to look at Parker page chasing after them and fat and poppy leaving to go explore the rest of the studio you know for the ground that leaves Harley and Zoe to meet the banana splits by themselves but even though drew furs are cool deuter's to them Harley really wants to meet snorky who's nowhere to be found he's too busy outside stalking down cheating husband daddies Jonathan finds Rebecca and believing her to be the producer who can make his dreams come true tells Parker to begin they're rehearsed routine that's not your size stop that is disturbing curb that can tells Jonathan to get the hell out of there because not only is that borderline child abuse there's also no more show for Parker to be a part of but Jonathan won't take no for an answer and goes off to look for someone hire Rob thank you for the opportunity fanon poppy passed by snorky circus and bingos jungle so they can step onto the stage of legals magic shop all of these sets were created by production designer Bobby Cardozo who had a great time making TV show sets that could be shown in their entirety since this movie pulls back the camera and lets us see the whole soundstage he was especially fond of the playing card spirals on Fleagle x' magic stage here which is the perfect place for Thad to strike up a live stream and do the one thing I knew I would never do - Chelsey proposed in front of a live Internet audience but you know what it works for Bobby so great these do are good for each other yes too bad legal is here and he doesn't like people trespassing on his magic stage or live stream in his secret press no Destructo fuck yo foul legal pushes that into a magician's box and locks him inside then forces poppy to assist him as they reenact that kill from leprechaun 3 by sawing the magician's assistant in half with a final push of the saw bad is properly killed which you can tell because he has blood coming out of his mouth I don't think Papi's a fan of the tray but I'm a fan of this movies practical Gore which Warner Brothers exec Peter Girardi who helped put this movie together championed over using CG all of the original property of the business which was all practical so we wanted to keep that practical nature of it we wanted it to kind of be true to that era true to that kind of filming papi tears off legals arm flesh but before he can kill her he's distracted by the sound of children's and Charlie and Zoey are now strolling through the snorky circus legal offers to take them to meet Snooki and even though he's got a scary Terminator arm shit man this kid needs to have some ala thought so let's go Jonathan finds the office of Andy the Network executive and is all ready to deliver his parker pitch but the only one there is friggin drooper who stands up and blows a bunch of fire into Jonathan's right not the best fire effects here but I do think it's pretty hilarious how drooper stands there dancing has this guy's face skin melts off and then bingo kidnaps your daughter not a good start to showbiz dude outside snorky finally decides to openly harass Mitch and chases him through a little ditch thing that the dude obviously should have just jumped out of Mitch runs all the way to the entrance of the lot where he finds the security guard standing in a corpse that's already position cuz that guy's head is no longer a fixed man I always hate the old standing corpse until it's touched things almost as much as I hate the final destination hit and run say we get a character development combo we're in Austin and Beth talked about his late father and how she wants to keep her kids safe after having to watch him die then the two of them meet up with Rebecca and Paige before Jonathan stumbles into the mix all burnt up and yelling about legals and shit so great these characters finally know that there's something amiss with the banana splits now they just have to find out that the splits are collecting kids and putting them in cages Bethan austin looked for Harley in bingos jungle but when Austin gets tied up and Bing goes crazy ape stuff Beth has to turn into hot action star mom so she can save her kid from the furry it's actually surprising how easy it was for Beth to toss bingo aside like that she even D armed the ape in the process she in Austin find papa he's still at the side of her slain fiancee but since Beth can relate to her what was the whole dead husband thing she's able to convince papi to go with them so they can all stay safe in numbers drooper drags bingos body back to the workshop so their banana split daddy Karl can fix that feller up but good luck didn't call to do anything right because he can't even keep the kids from escaping their chain link prison and instead he winds up locked inside the equipment cage himself ah if he's stuck in there he's gonna miss Fleagle show that's about to begin yeah it's time for Jonathan and Rebecca to get sloppy and the splits are gonna make sure it's all captured on camera 2 3 go forces as captives to run the course as drooper stands back there laughing like a killer clown they get to the end of the course but the only prize waiting for jonathan is a prop key that legal jams into his back good word Fleagle just keep unlocking more kills for us like that in fact let's get Rebecca on the count as well as she finishes the course drooper takes a hammer and smashes her fricking head open he's certainly dead Fleagle he's certainly dead the kids finally run into Harley's favorite split the inimitable snorky but careful now Harmon you think it's a good idea to approach the snork stirrer like that but how can you know for sure oh well water my truck you know what yeah looks like that's doing the trick are they doing this turkey shuffle what the fuck it looked like little girl of course they're doing the snorky shuffle having ported the noble snorky the kids take his hand and walk away with him into heaven a place where nothing ever happens the adult survivors go to Karl's workshop where they find the mad scientist still locked in his cave he laughs at them and tells them that the show must go on and sounds like it is cuz now they're hearing some music coming from a basement they discover underneath a hidden door that's Austin and Paige arm themselves and climb down but before Poppi can join them she finds Karl's prototype of hoody 1/5 banana split that he had been in the process of designing poppy takes it upon herself to become the hoody and Wow she learns the way of the banana splits lickety split since she immediately gets herself a kill by swiping at Carl with some razor claws mother's son and Paige make their way underground until Paige slips on some blood and discovers dug her fellow studio Paige dead on the ground with bingos drumsticks in his eyes Paige then looks up further to see that oh what the fuck come on she sees I think 18 more bodies next to dogs all the other employees and adult audience members from the show it's pretty hard to accurately count them given the multiple angles and tangled limbs but I did my due diligence don't expect a gender breakdown though moving on down the tunnel they come up through the floor into a boiler room with a makeshift stage upon which legal is holding court he and drooper terrify their child audience with the dead Stevie on a tricycle as they do some kind of fun sketch where they get to play the Grady sisters now the show while they blow Stevie's body away with a huge ass motherfucking flame Beth makes her way to the captive kids and tries to break them free with her monkey wrench before she can rescue those kids though snorky shows up with even more kids to imprison but since Harley's worked as snorky shuffle magic the pachyderm quietly gives him a key drooper and Fleagle bring out an all-new wheel of endings with Andy the network exec attached to the spokes they spin it and for once it doesn't land on wrong cow instead the outcome is a banana split and if you can guess what that means well you know what you're not even really trying cuz these furry freaks rip Andy off of their sawed trap and banana split him right up by tearing off all of his limbs if it's one thing you've got to give this movie credit for it's the very well-done practical goal thanks to snorky keys and mommy wrenches all the kids are able to break free of their chains Seth instructs Austin to help them get out of there but she's got some more kick-ass mom's stuff to do namely beating these banana splits silly he animatronics eventually gained the upper hand and are all ready to torch Beth to death but that's when Austin returns and puts down Flegal with a crowbar through the head Harley provides Beth some assistance by tossing her as little birthday whomping and she uses that to kill drooper by deploying it through his mouth and no sorry the banana splits aren't going on the cow they're just a bunch of fucking robots and they're not even trying to be human like the androids and aliens so I don't want to hear it just when you think this family's safe bingo bango bongo there's a crazy ape who's come back to block their path thankfully snorky be innocent interferes and the two of them get into an all-out they pretty much give each other to death leaving both of them broken on the ground heartbroken Harley says goodbye to snore to eat right before the elephant goes the way of Topsy we get one of those crime scene wrap-up shots where we see what's become of all the characters Parker tells her mom that she wants to quit acting Zoe and Harley become good friends in Austen's scores the kiss with Paige huh hon look at this mitch is still alive though not for long now that punch from Beth didn't kill him or nothing but after all the emergency vehicles drive away and he's less limping after them Mitch does get killed by another final destination style hit and run damn dude should have just cut your losses and limped away to be with your assistant the movie ends with the reveal of who's driving this cart full of furry corpses yep a deranged look and poppy ready to be the fifth banana split how many people were killed in the resurrection of the banana splits property let's find out and trial a lot of the numbers la la la la la ooh la la from what I could tell there were 27 deaths from the banana splits movie aside from that pile of 18 bodies we had eight male victims and only a single female victim giving us a very unevenly banana split pie chart with the runtime of 90 minutes that left us with a kill on average every three point three three minutes I'll give the golden chainsaw for clueless kill - Andy this movie is all about escalation and his brutal death in the boiler room is the climax of this film's horror dole machete for lamest kill we'll go to Carl since he was partially responsible for all this madness and yet was killed all too mercifully off-screen and that said the banana splits movie came out in 2019 and although it's a little stupid I think it's a fun kind of dumb if you like little kids dealing with evil AI well you're in luck because next week we're finally covering the child's play reboot and I've got some thoughts about it until then I'm James Agee nice this has been the kill cow thanks a lot for watching the kill count for the banana splits movie I want to thank some patrons like Liam Ward toast face Harlan coy Nicholas stirs Oh Ellie wells and Brandon Priester the rest of the year is all one-offs and I'm trying to make the movies that people have really requested which banana split was your favorite I'm with Harley snork he's dope as fuck thanks everyone be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 20,193,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, DMKC, banana splits, five nights, freddy's, animatronics, animals, hanna barbera, cartoon, dani kind, steve lund, sara canning, eric bauza, danishka esterhazy, comedy, syfy, tv show, television, five nights at freddy's, 5 nights, 5 nights at freddy's, freddie's, freddys, freddies, funny
Id: gNC0L3Z49qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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