The Forever Purge (2021) KILL COUNT

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[Music] howdy y'all and welcome to the kill count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies i'm james agendys and just a reminder this will be the last kill count i host until summer 2022. for more info watch the schedule video and don't worry zorin's going to be bringing you tremor skill counts starting in two weeks today though i'm looking at the forever purge the fifth film in the franchise released in 2021 the purge series began with a simple home invasion film following a wealthy family the next few sequels wisely moved the focus to the streets giving us more action and following characters who had less means to survive the last installment before this one was 2018's the first purge a prequel set in 2017 showing how and why the purge was started the new founding fathers of america an extremist political party instated the 12 hours of lawlessness to kill off poor people and keep the plebes fighting amongst themselves decades later in the purge election year candidate charlie rohn won the 2040 election on an anti-purge platform that movie ended with her government ending the purge but now it's eight years later in 2048 and the nffa has been voted back into office the forever purge like the rest of the series is a political action horror film that revels in hot button issues while the first perch focused on the largely black population of staten island the forever purge turns its attention to tejas and shows us what the purge is like for undocumented immigrants it was written by james demonico who created the purge wrote all of the previous films and show ran the two-season tv show on usa he also directed the first three films but stepped aside in the first purge for director gerard mcmurray that movie was all about being black in the united states so demonico preferred to have a black director helm the project so i lay the foundation for these things but it's really great to hand it off to someone who can then bring an air of authenticity bring a voice that's very true especially in modern society now it's great to hear from new directors similarly the forever purge is directed by everardo gout a mexican filmmaker who demonico figured could better speak to the issues covered in this installment he called me out on a lot of shit to be quite honest not to be blunt but he'd be like dude we wouldn't speak like that as mexicans we wouldn't talk that way about america i know the purge films aren't masterpieces and can often feel heavy-handed and on the nose but i still enjoy the series for what it is an exploration of the us with its worst instincts run amok i think of them as entertaining thought experiments of how bad things could possibly get as much as i enjoy watching them though covering purge movies is a special sort of hell counting their kills is an arduous frame by frame experience two of them election year and the first purge have held the kill count championship with a combined tenure of more than a year the first purge lost the belt to final destination in august 2019 and the forever purge is the first installment to be released since then will this franchise take back the championship or has it lost its main event luster let's find out and get to the kills [Music] the movie begins in mexico right by the border wall juan and adela pay for tickets aboard the underground express which pops them out into the us of a an opening credit sequence positions the country eight years after charlie rohn won her election and got rid of the purge the new founding fathers are voted back into office which is totally believable to me americans always be trying to find that greener grass the nfa immediately announces a return of the title car ten months later it's per jeeve across america juan has gotten a job on tucker ranch in texas taming wild horses like a true blue cowboy oh he's got it looking like a little lucy cat isn't that right my little princess juan's especial equestrian experience makes dylan tucker jelly because he's the wealthy son of the wealthy ranch owner and he wants to be head honcho also dude's probably a little racist i don't even know if i want our kids speaking spanish in this house yeah not like knowing a second language ever helped anyone adella's also done well for herself running a kitchen for her boss darius she's proud of the life she's built with juan here and wants to make sure they assimilate please where are we you need to practice your english waiting room when in america adele is played by mexican actress ana de la reguera who was recently an army of the dead her husband juan is played by mexican actor tino tuerta who is real scary as a drug lord and tigers are not afraid caleb tucker gives his employees a perch protection bonus and tells juan he's doing a great job juan's like cool but maybe make your son less racist well i know that a lot of people feel that way but i'mma share this case with dylan he's a very proud man you went up to me yesterday your damn fine cowboy one caleb's nice and all but i think he represents people who make excuses when their friends and family are racist it's not subtle but of course purge movies never are the money's nothing but a way for these people to keep us alive so they can continue using our slave labor for nothing more than that yeah there's some class stuff going on here too but that comes part and parcel with the purge purge night arrives and with 12 lawless hours ahead of them everybody prepares as best they can the rich bunker down in their beautiful homes much like the family in the first film while the less well-off have to look out for each other quan and adella are taken to a safe place by tt a fellow mexican rancher who works with juan this place has got armed guards musica nortena and bamas comida tag me in coach the purge kicks off with the usual service announcement broadcast bilingually followed by those iconic purge sirens [Music] [Applause] and we're off oh boy here i go counting again let's start with 12 a guy beaten to death a guy stabbed to death two shootout casualties a motorcycle anchor six people killed by a firing squad and one dude lying there dead in a mask just to note all these skills were also featured in the first purge where they were seen on a bunch of monitors being watched by marisa tomei i debated whether or not i should include them in this kill count too but fuck it counting them twice makes just as much sense as them showing up twice in these movies especially when the two movies take place 30 years apart juan and adela have a chat about home he says their home is mexico while she loves america's multiculturalism america is mexico america is africa america's italia we can take it all we can learn it all and we can embrace it not everyone shares adele's sense of patriotism though she hears some purgers over a loudspeaker promising to purify america we will no longer tolerate foreigners raping and pillaging the united states of america using unlikely night vision adela sees these trucks have people inside but thankfully there's nothing for me to count here she doesn't see murder just torture so we're all good man i have to write some fucked up sentences for the show after a long night the purge sirens signal that laws are back on the menu boys finally we get a look at a post-purge day in one of these movies i always wondered what that looked like oh it's another body to count yep probably should have expected that but hey at least it's over right man on the news holy shit that kill was actually super disturbing and not just because it means my counting isn't done as this movie's title hinted at this purge is going into overtime baby dylan and adela both find themselves targets him by the rootiness tootiness cowboys you've ever seen and her by some people in bunny masks who get her in a jigsaw like trap blast rested by the bunnies once more andella is saved by darius who beats up these plain-spoken rabbits you're gonna fucking die you're all gonna die yeah but actually no you are the one who is going to die dude you and your harebrained friend after adela and darius get done with the two of yes these bunny purgers named thing one and thing two were outfitted with their masks and metal aprons by costume designer leah butler this was butler's first purge film and her job was extra difficult not only was this the first purge movie where creator james demonico didn't help design the masks this was also the first purge film set mostly during the daytime which meant all the costumes and masks would be seen in greater detail while i do miss the neon lights so prevalent in the other films there's plenty of good stuff in this one too like the makeup on the demon cowboys cops roll up and arrest to della and darius for killing outside of purge hours they don't listen to their claims of self-defense sorry adela this is nacho land of the libre like you thought it was they're putting a paddy wagon next to a literal nazi and some giggling chick who yeah i'm guessing that one's on drugs right now meanwhile juan and titi get to the ranch just as the tucker family learns who's holding them captive it's kirk their employee who's resentful about his wages he's apparently part of some widespread revolution you and all you rich ass neighbors will find out what it's like to be penniless and powerless to be like us even though this movie isn't subtle i like that it still has a little bit of nuance you get the sense that sympathizes with kirk's legitimate grievances but he's clearly the bad guy when he takes it too far and threatens to murder dylan's sister harper right in front of him then he got caleb the rich guy at the top agreeing with kirk that the whole system is fucked the way the rich get rich off the backs of the poor the way it's been ever since we robbed this land from the native americans he says purging won't help anything since it just plays into the hands of the people in power maybe listen to him kirk dudes lived through two halloween movies he doesn't live through this movie though kirk shoots him in the head point blank in front of his family tt and juan come out guns ablazing and the resulting firefight between the sides kills three of kirk's guys and kirk himself damn you cock with more of kirk's asshole squad on the way the survivors have to flee inside a semi truck they see that the ever after purge is going on everywhere which of course means i've got some background bodies to count just four in these shots i think dylan's pregnant wife cassie demands that they find juan's wife adella cassie's never been a fan of all this purge shit fuck the purge fuck the nffa i like her i also like dylan's sister harper who steps out to help juan and tt since they did save their lives and also since she's got a little crush on tt she'd best be careful it's like the hunger games out there wouldn't want to wind up like this dead dude and the sheriff's van nazi guy shows off how much he knows his guns double bell shotgun ak-47 i'll admit i'm a little jealous of his gun knowledge but hey at least i'm not a nazi someone shoots the band with a rocket launcher or whatever its proper name is and the crash kills the two cops driving as well as the giggly wrigley forever purge cheerleader at the semi dylan and cassie have to fend off a couple of purgers who look like pakalika from the cottonmouth kings rest in peace also r.i.p these two dylan shoots one of them and smashes the other with a freaking sledgehammer two kills ain't that big a deal though compared to the 25 bodies i see here littered around in an overhead shot of the sheriff's fan nazi guys survive the crash and threatens adella sexually but she and darius fight him off and he's killed when darius breaks his neck the doors open up cause juan is here so everybody's all together now except for darius who says he needs to find his family and forever exits this movie also not coming along in the semi are two dudes who get shot won by cassie after running in and yelling forever purge the truck drives away and we see eight more bodies that we didn't count before and trust me editor josh and his girlfriend kate made sure that these were new ones they're great at this shit as the characters drive out of their texas town we get an awesome shot showing large-scale destruction there are only two kills i see clearly though and i'll put them on the count right now don't worry plenty more bodies to count after they get to a motel there are three outside and three inside those are what we call interior exterior bodies a news update tells us that the nfa has declared martial law nationwide they are strongly against the forever purge since it's not something they can control they have tapped into populist anger to gain power but now that anger has turned against and overwhelmed them the forever purge has already spread across the entire country so the only thing our heroes can do is head for the border for six hours only mexico and canada will be accepting u.s refugees mexico and canada will take in anyone from america unarmed and give them sanctuary until order is re-established in the u.s that means it's time to go to mexico how's that make you feel dylan while the other sleep juan has a conversation with dylan who sits there looking exactly like the chad meme dylan doesn't think he's racist but i will say i don't understand your culture just like you don't understand mine okay i don't think white people any better worse than anybody else well hey that's good we should all just stick with our own just leave each other alone that's starting to sound a little segregationist they see ever after purgers camping along the way to the border which of course gives us another background body to count harper figures out a way to get rid of them just like a true detective all it takes is a pledge of allegiance to purify america they arrive in el paso with three hours left to get out of the country the city's a war zone between the military and forever purgers and i see four bodies or kills in this overhead shot that i can count one of them weirdly cartoonish what was even going on there there's a cool long one take that shows all our characters sitting in the semi then reveals that their way forward is blocked so they gonna have to get out and run they pass a few bodies in the alleys of el paso occasionally adding a few kills to the file themselves all right y'all the numbers don't need any help in this one okay the lengthy one take continues and we see five more kills and or bodies as they move out onto the street and slowly fight their way across it without cutting the shot then follows them through a diner where another three bodies can be seen and added to our list the counting's kind of taken over this part of the script but i have to reiterate how much i love this long warner which goes on for nearly two and a half minutes with only one hidden cut i could find during an explosion the shot gives such an epic sense of scale and action which is true for this purge installment as a whole despite its modest budget the forever purge feels big for the one take the streets of el paso were played by the backlot at universal studios in fact whenever you see the expansive desert shots it's usually california rather than texas or mexico the warner on the universal lot required a lot of coordination between the actors the effects team and the cam ops who would have to hand off cameras mid-shot and try not to trip over anything in the end everyone was very happy with how it turned out that was fucking amazing an nffa takes fires and the blast blocks a door shut separating adela and cassie from the rest of their group adele leads cassie through a theater playing the og dracula and they head into the back warm bodies are seen but it's tough to count since some of them are clearly plastic i'm assuming they're theater props not everybody here is plastic or dead this lost boys looking one was just acting oh but now he's dead anyway as is this other dude who adella closes the curtains on the ladies then head outside where seven more bodies can be seen in the background of various shots a conversation reveals why adela is so capable with firearms she was part of a women's group that fought against the mexican cartels that's why she and juan had to flee to the united states the others are held up by a group of purgers led by this dude named alpha he calls his partner mother which has to be a mike pence reference it goes along with the rest of his obviously referential dialogue look what we got here a couple of bad hombres bizarro brian danielson tells his white captives to kill their mexican friends and when they refuse mother puts a bullet in tt's gut hate to see him go tt was a real good chapo he and harper have this whole peanut butter and jelly thing going on the nffa comes to the rescue which just by me saying that you know things are fucked up the fight be gets six kills on both sides with the last of those six being mother who juan shoots in the face with her own gun the protags flee while alpha whines then an rpg kills three more cops and one more purger i think alpha survives the bout and ends the scene walking away all priest adella tells cassie she can get them to safety they just need to follow roses wherever they goes is it's a symbol that mexicans use to help each other as they learned on their very first day in america this reminds me of similar real-life things like the green book which helped black americans travel safely through the jim crow south the roses lead them to a group of people willing to help and since juan also followed the roses they find their spouses safe and sound military bases in el paso have been destroyed by insider attacks so the nffa is pulling out and calling the city a lost cause mexico responds by closing their el paso crossing point leaving everyone on the u.s side vulnerable to purgers one woman takes charge and says they might be able to escape just yet and avoid becoming dead bodies on the street like the one i see here that i'll add to the count the survivors will be getting help from thiago arrow an anti-purge activist who's popped up a few times throughout the movie he's played by zahn mclaren last seen on the kill count as the scary chrome daddy and dr sleep here he's a much more helpful man and leads the survivors towards a desert crossing spot as the sun rises my tribe has lived right on the border the u.s and mexico for centuries with only people could legally cross they're on their way to illegally entering the united mexican states when they see that they've got company that alpha dude and his beta bros driving towards them in their homemade warthogs looking for revenge the would-be refugees reach the crossing point and enact a plan some of them will stay back to fight off the purgers while harper takes cassie to go have her baby in mexico oh whoa and ride this sled thing oh man that looks like so much fun though their ammo is low and their opponents are mean these heroes are ready to oh wait sorry hey guy could you get out of this shot sorry it's just we don't really know you shit gets bumping and one dude fires off dynamite with a bow and arrow it's so cool i'll count two kills from the explosions even though i can't say for certain anyone die once the shootout gets going the kills are much easier to count as long as you presume getting shot equals getting killed if you do that gives us another seven in this scene the protagonists get away and run to a building further back when the forever purgers follow two of them get cut down by shiago and a friend who were hiding against the wall wearing animal skulls a motorcycle bursts into the building and knocks adela down damn she landed like leta doing a suicide dive on trish there's a back and forth beat him up and one dude tries to kill juan like this were pet cemetery too adela shoots the guy killing him and saving juan's life two other baddies get hacked and stabbed to death by juan and dylan adella's yoinked out the window by alpha and that moves the action back outside while the american migrants flee from the border and the cowboys chase after alpha five of alpha's forever purgers are killed in various ways stabbings beatings arrow shots one dude dies with an unironic wilhelm scream what year is this alpha tells adella to scream for her loved ones in english porphyvor did you forget how racist this dude is luckily our heroes are cowboys and rope the fuck out of alpha's gun and neck there's no unnecessary fanfare as juan kills alpha by shooting him point blank in the head the bad guy is dead and our heroes are not i'm happy most of them survived r-i-p-t-t they crossed the border into mexico a return trip for juan and nadella and dylan is greeted with a brand new baby girl one that looks as fake as the baby in american sniper you know dylan wasn't a monster but i do wish we had had a moment of vocalized redemption from him and again maybe i'm just not used to the purge being subtle and i should be happy for what we get gracias one which is gracious the devil yeah that's nice the movie ends with a bunch of shots showing the united states on fire news broadcast say the nffa don't fucked itself and they also mentioned anti-purge resistance rising up that gives us a sliver of hope for the country and a heaping of hope for another purge movie how many kills and dead bodies did we count sifting through the forever purge let's find out and get to the numbers giddy up get along little meaties by our best count 143 people died in the forever purge that's far from the top spot in fact it's currently tied for eighth most kills with dawn of the dead step it up purge movies with a run time of 103 minutes that left us with a kill on average every 43.22 seconds i'll give the golden chainsaw for coolest kill to thing one a victim of his own saw like trap just like with sawtraps that cage was a practical rig built by special effects coordinator zack knight it really flipped over a stunt performer by her neck good god damn the machete for leima's kill will go to the dead dude in a mask since it was recycled from the first purge give me fresh kills please and that's it the forever purge came out in 2021 and james demonico has already said he has ideas for a sixth film as for me it's time to rest these weary bones for a little while i'm gonna go get married finally and work on things that aren't the kill count i love this show and i'll miss it for the next six months but i've got to try to stretch my legs creatively don't worry you'll be in good hands in the meantime until we meet again i'm james agenese this has been the kill cow on the next kill count for four and a half years james agenese has been covering all your favorite horror movies but in january it's time to cover the scariest thing of all change hi zorgo voyage takes over the kill count to bring you the entire tremors franchise minus the series starting with the only one released theatrically tremors cocktail is the story of two good old boys named val and earl who decide to leave their shitty jobs just one damn day too late what the hell's going on i mean what the hell is going on a box office bomb that became a cult classic thanks to lovable characters i'm a victim of circumstance i thought you call it your pecker portable lines we killed it fuck you and the best damn practical worm affects this side of the dune broke into their own goddamn rec room didn't you bastard so get your head out of the sand and this week watch tremors then on friday january 14th join temporary host soren gaboyich for the kill count only on dead meat underground goddamn monsters trevors can currently be watched on the pictured streaming platforms damaged always recommends you watch the movie for yourself before it's kill count it's the only way to have your own properly informed opinion kill counts are never meant to replace the experience of watching a film hey everybody thanks a lot for watching this kill count this feels really weird to be filming the last kill count that i'm gonna film for months i don't know how to describe it it feels uh like a weight is being lifted off of me but also i'm really scared oh no this is probably the the biggest risk or chance that i've taken since leaving my job to do this full time that worked out well so you know fingers crossed that this doesn't blow up in my face make sure you check out those tremor skill counts because don't worry i've read through the scripts and they're really good stuff but for now happy new year and be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 6,252,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, DMKC, dead meat kill count, the forever purge, the forever purge movie, the forever purge 2021, the forever purge movie reaction, the forever purge movie review, the forever purge movie explained, sean chandler, jason blum, will patton, leven rambin, cassidy freeman, the purge reaction, the forever purge reaction, the forever purge kill count, the forever purge dead meat
Id: ov2zPSr3z1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 31 2021
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