Don't Give Up, Get Up! - Pastor Nicole Crank

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[Music] y'all can be seated and i told them i was thirsty tonight but they took me serious oh we're dripping okay that's good fix that thank you y'all are smart if it's dripping just put a little cup under it i love that he's gonna try and fix it god bless you and he awesome trying to fix my problems two people he's awesome yay brogan orla pastor struggle is cool whatever um forgot my wallet tonight yeah problem does anybody have a penny anybody got a penny does anybody have a pen okay could you bring me a penny that would be awesome i'll take that thank you does anybody else have a penny i mean people don't have coins these days right oh you got a penny i love it i love this it's a penny how many of you know it's not hard to part thank you it's not hard to part with a penny is it oh it got three pennies i am rolling in pennies don't mess with me i i could almost y'all can you help me with that gentleman over there oh i got two bits six pennies how many of you know i can almost buy a piece of gum okay so i'm gonna go i'm good so how about this would you like me would you like me to give you these pennies how many people would take a penny a day oh seven a penny a day you got a penny today we'll double it tomorrow double it the next day or you'd want a million dollars who wants a million dollars i know right how many ways could we spend that i was thinking because how many of you know me and these seven since we're not getting very far are we we're not we're not getting very far if i go to starbucks i don't even have a tip um you know so i mean a penny's not even like a drop since we're dripping we'll just say uh penny's not even like a drop in the bucket right the pennies don't seem to count but what counts is what i want to talk about tonight the title of tonight's message from my notetakers is the immense value of simply not quitting it's it's the little things that we overlook that seem to add up and covid year how many of you were tempted to quit something if not everything yeah i get you you are my people you people who didn't raise your hand you either lie you forgot to wear deodorant there was something something going on there but i named this the sermon the immense value and simply not quitting because i figured y'all wouldn't like the word commitment or so i'm like okay what's another word i'm like ooh thesaurus consistency no we don't get excited about that but we get excited about immense value how many of you like heard the word immense value you're like i want to know what it is lean in right and like simply not quitting how many of you thought that i could probably pull off for a minute raise your hand i tell you what the immense value of simply not quitting commitment is your key to your breakthrough you can give up or you can get up and let me tell you that success is simply getting up one more time then you fall down and the only way to fail is to stay down when you fall down how many of y'all know pastor david broke his ankle right here and he still didn't stay down he's like you know what i might have broke my ankle but i am getting back up he might have finished the rest of the service like this but he's like i'm not staying down the only way to fail no you don't see i fell down get back up that wasn't failure that was a learning experience you don't understand i've been bankrupt me too you don't understand i've been foreclosed on me too you don't understand i've been divorced me too you don't understand i've been homeless me too i didn't understand i ate out of a food pantry me too you don't understand i was raped me too you don't understand i've been molested me too you don't understand i was a teenage unwed mother me too you don't understand i've been on medicaid me too all we gotta do is not give up we just gotta get up we just gotta get up the immense value and simply not quitting you know i have a friend who was just telling me the other day there was a story they were telling and they were building their dream and they invested everything they had they they bought the land and they started the building and they ran out of money and they were so mean to them they put up a fence to keep them off their own property and the fence was there so long that the weeds started growing up up up up and getting tall and you know what my friend did my friend would go out to that fenced property that they couldn't walk on to those tall weeds and they'd look at that building and say i'm going to build you you're not only going to be a building you're going to be a ministry center you're not just going to be a ministry center you're going to be a church you're not just going to be a church for the community you're going to reach the world and today kenneth copeland owns his own television network on dish network and directv why the immense value of simply not quitting when it all looks bad there was this girl her she got divorced how many of you have been divorcing me so she got divorced and she didn't have enough money to even feed her baby but she had this dream she had this dream real pumped to get her book published and this trick she didn't just write a book like she wrote a book she wrote 90 000 words she couldn't afford a computer so she wrote it on a typewriter and she couldn't afford to get it photocopy because they were having trouble affording food so she would type out 90 000 words every time she submitted it to a publisher and she'd wait and she'd get rejected type it out again submit it wait and get rejected type it out again wait and get rejected she got rejected over and over and over again but you can give up or you can you can get up you know what worked out for jk rowling because today she's worth 670 million dollars you can give up or you can get up that's why i tell you what there's so much people really overlook the immense value of simply not quitting so i put a whole chapter on it in my book in my goal-getters book and it's very biblical so second chronicles 15 verse 7. if you go look at that scripture with me that's but as for you be strong and do not what do not what do not what do not give up for your work will be that's why the next chapter in my book is on being rewarded because if you don't build in rewards i just want to drop this out there it's like a little and we're not good we're just going to leave it there we're not going to actually do this today but if you don't build in rewards to your commitment you'll quit every now and then you got to be disciplined you got to be disciplined you got to be disciplined you got to be disciplined don strange close your ears can't hear this and then you need to eat ice cream then you gotta put on extra hot fudge then you gotta layer on the whipped cream and say give me an extra scoop you need to not post it on instagram so your trainer can't see it and then you go be disciplined some more everybody you can give up or you can't get up and it's all about that that drip this is dripping everywhere actually woof that's kind of a mess isn't it oh we're not even dripping anymore oh we're dripping under there we're dripping everywhere here oh guys this is kind of a mess well at least maybe you can drip out of the right spot because now it's dripping onto the back you just ask for a little drink on stage and you get a lot of drop you get a lot of drip let's go to luke 18 for just a minute in luke 18 it says then jesus told his disciples a parable he told him a story why do pastors tell so many stories at church because we do what jesus did it says then jesus told his disciples a story a parable to show them that they should always pray and not they should pray always and not so how is he illustrating this he said in a certain town there was a judge who didn't fear god nor cared what the people thought and there was a widow in the town that kept coming she just kept coming she just kept doing it he got annoyed with her and he kept do she kept doing it the judge told her to stop and she kept coming the judge told her to be quiet and she kept asking he kept telling her no and she kept showing back up in court again every now and then you gotta just keep doing it you gotta do it when nobody's talking about you and you gotta do it when everybody's talking about you and by everybody talking about you i mean when they're hating on you and they're telling you you can't when they're telling you you shouldn't when they're telling you you don't qualify when you're telling you you suck when they're telling you to shut up you keep doing it the louder they hate the harder you work because you can give up or you can [Applause] i don't know royal palm i think they might be out cheering y'all here so she goes you got to keep coming y'all haters going hey hater's gonna hate somebody was hating on me today on my instagram because i'm a girl how many of y'all know i can change a lot of things but that ain't one of them i mean like you know i'm just a girl i'm gonna be a girl i was born a girl gonna die a girl i'm just a girl and i can't change that so i can either let that defeat me or i can let that fuel me you know because when you're lifting weights pastor jordan did this awesome message about lifting weights right see his weights are like this big and my weights are like this big that's why my weights are not on the stage [Laughter] right so as you're lifting weights as you're lifting these weights what happens is you get stronger what happens when they hate on you and you do it anyway you let the hate develop you not defeat you i'm going to tell you that one more time you let the hate develop you not defeat you what you do come on somebody you take that development it's one drip in your bucket it's one more penny in your pocket and here's the thing when you use the hurt to develop you you get stronger you get bigger and the things that used to hurt you they just start to roll off you like a duck's back that little drip comes after you and it drips and it just rolls right off and it drips and it rolls right off and you might be like but i can't stand the heat well if you can't stand the heat you need to reconsider the immense value and simply not quitting because i'm telling you consistency commitment not quitting is the key to the breakthrough your trouble's not gonna last your trouble's got an expiration date on it the enemy might have come come on but he has come to pass if you're going through hell you don't stop you keep on going the only way to fail is if you get down and you sit in your trouble if you're going through hell don't sit in hell get back up and take a step of faith after a step of faith and say satan you might have me today but you don't have me forever i'm coming up and i'm coming out because the god of the angel armies is on my side somebody praised it turn your neighbor right now and tell them i'm coming through dripping okay well since we got dripped we're gonna work this drip we're gonna work this drip y'all the first day don put me on a diet john come on up here for a second so everybody can see you and your new glasses [Music] the first day don put me on a diet i hated him and i did that diet for a whole day don yeah in a row and you know what i was mad about when i went to bed i wasn't skinnier wasn't i supposed to get skinny in a day no that upsets me go sit down [Laughter] [Applause] how many of you have gone on a diet for a day and you did not get skinnier by bedtime i know you know the second thing don made me do he made me go to the gym and i started lifting the little baby weights and did you know what i didn't get stronger in a day i had to go to the gym again and i had to go to the gym again and i had to go to the gym again and i had to go to the gym again and then all done lets me eat as meat there is no pizza no macaroni and cheese no chicken tenders no grilled cheese no pasta you're losing friends by the second man sorry totally losing friends by the second but if i don't quit if i continue everybody say continue i want to read a word verse about continuing john 8 verses 31 and 32. so jesus said to the jews who had believed him if you what's that word if you continue in my word then you are truly my disciples you will know the truth and the truth will set you the truth will set you but to get free you have to what's that other word we say so to get free you have to to get free you have to how do you get free you you continue in his word well i prayed one time and did you know i prayed one time and i didn't get rich skinny happy blessed or married don't understand the problem with this gospel no you have to you have to continue going to the gym you have to continue eating right you have to continue praying you have to like the woman in in luke 8 that we read you have to continue asking the judge let's go back to her for a second so we go back to luke 8 verse 3 and there was a widow in the town who kept coming to him with the plea and she kept saying grant me justice grants me justice against my adversary verse 4. for some time he refused but finally he said to himself even though i don't fear god or care what people think now that's the problem a lot of times we care what people think we let the enemy tell us how hard it is we tell god how many times we tried we start saying out loud how tired we are i had i had a friend on the phone with me today and they were telling me how they've been through it and they've been through it and they've been through it and they've been through it and because i'm a good friend i listened for a little while and i gave my friend an opportunity to turn the bus around all by themselves i kind of kind of tried to give him an encouraging word tell him there might be a detour coming telling there may be a u-turn sign and they kept going down the wrong road and a friend in love confronts another friend [Applause] and that's when i told my friend that i love i said look well i can appreciate how you feel i'm not gonna go down with you instead i'm going to give you a hand and tell you we got to get you up and there's only way a way to get you up guys there's only one way to get you up and that is we have to turn around your confession because you can tell me how much you can't or you can tell me how much you can but either way either way you're going to be right either way you're going to be right because what you believe you become yeah there's a whole go-getter's message on what you believe you become and what you focus on tends to manifest we don't have time to get into that tonight but i'm telling you right now you were never meant to stay down yet though i walk through where are you walking are you are you taking up residence are you building a hotel are you are you setting up housekeeping you're building a house no yay though i walk through the valley of the shadow and you know walk through you're not walking through death i feel like i'm gonna die quit saying that tomorrow i'm at the t12 transformation series i have a 12-month transformation program and tomorrow i'm filming all of month seven based on this problem right here this thing right here is the greatest power source that you have in all of your life and until we turn it around everybody say turn it around we got to get the drip under control because you can either drip negativity or you can drip positivity but whatever continues to drip in your life is eventually going to fill up to something so i've got this app on my phone it's called duolingo yo yo aprendo uh quito espanol so i'm learning a little spanish sulumento on paquito only a little right i used to know way more i used to know way more why didn't i know more because i would do duolingo every night before bed we'd crawl in bed we'd start getting settled in i'd pull out my duolingo app i would do one lesson five minutes 10 minutes every night and i was picking up the verbs i was picking up the conjugation i was picking up some vocabulary i was hearing it i was speaking it i was reading it i was writing it and i was starting to understand my latina friends and it was awesome and i don't know maybe i got cocky started thinking i had it a little bit how about this i got i got busy i got distracted got a little tired at bedtime i'm telling you the reasons i quit i don't know the reasons you quit maybe so i was deceived and thought i knew more than i did i was ignorant to how much i needed to know and i i stopped doing it and then so i went to this latina conference where they're all speaking spanish and i'm like okay i'm not going to be able to keep up but i'm going to be able to pick up i knew nothing y'all they could have been talking about me the whole time and i didn't even know right why didn't i know how many of you guys want to know a secret consistent repetition is the secret key five minutes a day 10 minutes a day with your spouse five minutes a day 10 minutes a day focused on your kids just some eye to eye contact just like hey how are you not hey what's going on how are you uh-huh yeah no gotcha what what'd you say five minutes a day 10 minutes a day invested in a relationship don's gonna get mad at this five minutes a day ten minutes a day but how many of you know five minutes a day or ten minutes a day is better than no minutes a day and you're bible five minutes a day ten minutes a day everybody wants progress but most people won't do what it takes to get where they want to go and what is that it's continuing everybody say continuing say not quitting great things never came from comfort zones tell me who makes more money an armchair quarterback or a real quarterback real quarterback who's in their comfort zone the armchair quarterback or the real quarterback commitment is uncomfortable is uncomfortable but a little bit of discomfort saves a lot of pain later everybody say drip drip say pennies on the dollar we can't let our challenges limit us the hate is going to come the pain is going to come the continuing's going to come we have to do it when it's easy we have to do it when it's hard but we have to keep doing it he said to the jews who believed in them if you continue in my word then you were truly my disciples then you will know the truth and the truth will make you free if you want to be free you have to continue your drip can be positive your drip can be negative so let me talk about negative drip it is a nasty drip i didn't even know i had this drip so we had a two-story house and i guess the toilet was dripping so i didn't really know the toilet was dripping you know mop the floor can't tell the toilet's dripping it's all good it's great we go on vacation for two weeks we come home from vacation and our home master bedroom closet is soaking wet the ceiling is caved in our clothes are soaked we're like oh we must have a roof leak so we go upstairs we check the roof the roof's all clean the roof's all dry no our whole closet is soaked in toilet water we had a drip that we didn't notice and the drip got us soaked in sewage water [Music] i wonder what kind of drip that we have i don't have a nervous tic talking about your words i'm wondering what kind of drip that we have in our life what are the negative words that we're saying what are the negative statements that we have what is the doubt that we have in what god can do for us what is the doubt that we have that we can do when god says no i want you to walk by faith and not by sight i want you to believe me when you think it's impossible because with god all things are possible i said in the high god book i said our faith does not even begin until our ability ends so it's not until we reach the end of us it's not until we reach the end of our strength the end of our knowledge the end of our ideas the end of our money and then we're going oh my gosh i'm at the end of me and we freak out and that's when like god is like finally i'm finally opened up i can do something the problem with a positive drip and a negative drip is both of the drips add up it was just nobody like if you were thirsty you would not go to this faucet to drink but over time the drip adds up the drip is going to overflow so over time our negative words our negative thoughts our negative actions do you know it only takes 21 days to form a habit it takes 21 days so let's talk about what happens in the brain over 21 days over 21 days every thought that you have goes into the brain and it creates this thing called a neuron an original thought will create a neuron and every time you reinforce that thought you think that same thought again it goes back to that neuron and that neuron starts to grow this little thing like a tentacle and then it'll grow another tentacle in another tentacle and then suddenly it looks like this neuron looks like it's got roots and your brain your actual gray matter of your brain will fold and change based on how the roots pull on it so every thought that you think and every word that you say physically changes the status of your brain so if your negative drip like well it doesn't matter if i say it this one time drip it doesn't i can't do that drip i'm never gonna find a man whoa no oh wow i'm never gonna find a man i just hate people i'm just negative i just i'm always fat i just every time i walk past a bakery i gain weight my back goes out more than i do you know i'm just getting old i've got that old-timer's brain no you're dripping negativity at a rapid rate but if we control our words if we train our brain you see how does the brain work it's the reticular activating system it's basically this tube from the back of the brain to the front of the brain that takes our thoughts and everything straight through the brain and our brain gets programmed it can't understand if we're saying things that we mean or things that are ingest so that's why even when we're joking we got a joke i'm always the youngest and the best looking and the smartest one in the room can't help myself you believe what you say about you more than you believe what anybody else says about you i spend a whole month month before in the transformation series i spend the whole month on the brain on how to reprogram your brain because it's our thoughts that are killing us we're programming ourselves for negativity one drip at a time we're talking about that one song walking around these walls i thought by now they'd fall you know that song my god will never fail me and they say yet and i won't ever say that word because i'm not programming my brain that god could ever possibly fail me at all there is no yet because my god has never failed me period [Applause] but it got me thinking what if the people jericho i was listening to that song today walking around these walls okay they're in jericho they're walking around the walls and they got to walk around the walls every day for six days and they they they had to be thinking they were crazy you got to walk around you got to be silent you can't say anything nothing's happening we're not fighting we're not talking we're not negotiating what if they would have stopped on day six what if you had stopped one day early before your breakthrough what if you stopped praying one day before the miracle came what if you stopped one date before you met mr wonderful what if you stopped your sales call one call early from your biggest deal ever what if you went stopped one bank early from being able to open your business what if you stopped one apology early from being able to save the relationship i know continuing isn't sexy but think about this what if abraham had stopped going to sarah's tent one time before she got pregnant what if the woman with the issue of blood stopped looking for a way out of her condition 11 years and three quarters of a year before she found jesus what if moses had told god in the desert hey man i've been here 40 years you obviously got the wrong guy what if joseph gave up while he was in the prison because he was telling god no god i'm dripping some negativity i already been in the pit you took me to potiphar's they already throw me in prison here i am 13 years i'm not gonna make it through what if noah had quit he waited 600 years to build the ark and it had never rained one day in 600 years what if he was waiting get this did you know that noah his first step of building the ark was planting a tree because in jewish culture you don't cut down a tree you plant a tree you wait for the tree to grow and once the tree grows then you saw it down the tree and then you build your house for him to build the ark he had to plant a forest how many times do you think he wanted to give up you can give up or you can successful people do what unsuccessful people aren't willing to do um connell can you come here for a second you see what happens is eventually the drip is going to overflow this is going to overflow i want to take this cup is there any way you could like handle the drip while i steal the cup can you figure out some something to do yeah come on over can you i just want the cup for a minute so can you [Laughter] just lay down so i don't do how are you [Applause] you gotta do something to manage the drip because the drip is going to continue and eventually the very thing that you thought wasn't going to measure up to anything let's go back to this penny would you rather have a penny today or a million dollars but what if i told you tomorrow i'd give you twice as many pennies for 30 days keep giving you twice as many pennies doesn't look like anything it's a drip except for on day one it's a penny and on day two it's two pennies on day three it's four and then it's eight and then it's 16 then it's 32 then it's 64 that's 128 that's 256 and it's 512 it's 124 and 2048. wait a minute we're only about a weekend by day 30 it is 5 million 368 000 and some change from a penny from a drip here's what i want to tell you as i go to close god love them they're trying to help him manage the drip here's i will go ahead and put this back here's what i want to tell you as i go to close as we go back into luke 18. thank you so much did kyle do a great job as we go back into luke 18 there's the the widow and the judge the judge keeps telling her to go away and she keeps coming back he treats trying to make her give up and she keeps getting up he keeps saying go away and she keeps dripping she's got no money she's got no resources she's got no time she's got no source she doesn't have anything it seems and if you have to identify with somebody in the story you might identify with the widow and not the judge you might not be in control you might not be at the top but you have power you have the immense power of simply not quitting she keeps showing up and here's what happens when you just keep getting up when somebody tries to push you down in verse 5 it said yes because this widow keeps bothering me i'm going gonna see that she gets justice so that she eventually won't come and attack me and the lord said listen to what the unjust judge says will not god bring about justice for his chosen ones everybody say that's me who cry out to him day and night is he going to keep putting them off i tell you he's going to see that they get justice and he's going to see that they get it quickly when the son of man comes they're gonna see that he has faith winners never quit and quitters never win are you a quitter are you a winner the only thing i ever really wanted to quit was wet in the bed [Music] that one worked for me galatians 6 9 let us not lose heart don't grow weary and while doing for in due time if we don't give up if we don't give up we will reap if we faint not the drip doesn't look like much did you know that one starbucks drink a day for a year doesn't feel like a big deal but it's probably 1500 at the end of the year and you might be thinking okay i can work that in my budget if it's a 300 calorie drink it's also 36 pounds how many of you do not want to work off 36 pounds how many of you are more likely to give up the starbucks why knowledge is power knowledge is power why do you come to church on tuesday night knowledge is power why do you go to a small group knowledge is power why do you go to a small group connectivity is accountability and accountability will keep you from giving up why do you go to a small group because people get together and they will pray for you just like i did with my friend today and say you might be down but i'm not going down with you i'm going to reach down and i'm going to lift you up and i'm going to remind you of who you are who you are and whose promise you have is the contract and that's what i'm doing for you tonight you're not gonna stay on the ground tonight you're not gonna give up you are going to amen [Music] you
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 4,200
Rating: 4.944056 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Nicole, Nicole Crank, funny preacher,, tall woman preacher, Faith Church, church in St. Louis, church in West Palm Beach, church in Missouri, church in Florida, Goal Getters book, want to quit, end of my rope, want to give up, thinking about suicide, the drip, don’t give up, get up
Id: nBsWfp0gIeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 58sec (2098 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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