Grace | Pastor Ray McClintock | August 1, 2021

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now grace was not available in the old testament it was not available to the old testament saints and verse 16 and 17 actually tell us why um i don't know what needs to be adjusted billy but something is sounds a little different yeah look at verse 16 and of his fullness have all we received and grace for grace for the law was given by moses but grace and truth came by jesus christ so it wasn't available because grace came when jesus came wasn't available to the old testament saints says we've all received it in grace for grace if you try to make grace flow you can't make grace flow grace is like water at the beach it's just one wave of grace after another wave of grace after another wave of grace it's actually inexhaustible you know how it just keeps coming the waves of grace they just continue to keep coming at you in the old testament grace came and not grace i'm sorry the power that grace provides came upon the old testament saints you can think in terms of samson when the the physical power would come upon him that would be because the holy ghost came on him and now he was energized by this holy ghost power and he was able to do incredible feats but that was only because the holy ghost came upon him and for very short periods of time now we have in us the holy ghost in us for character that be the fruit of the spirit but we also have the holy ghost upon us for power we can have the holy ghost upon us for power because of jesus remember you're a new cree creature created in christ jesus the power on the inside would have blown the old testament saints to pieces because you can't put new wine in old wine sacks it'll just bur they just burst but you can have the holy ghost on the inside of you because you're a new cree a new creature so the scripture says here we just looked at verse 16 and grace for grace so you know being a bible student you know if you were a bible student you always a bible student let me hear minister burdette say amen right so you don't stop being a bible student the things that you learn to do and how you learn to to pick at the scripture and go through the scripture you still do so while i'm reading and grace for grace i'm thinking i'm about to hit a home run here and grace for grace so i'm thinking man i'm gonna look up in grace and then it's gonna say for grace it's gonna be a whole nother word grace and it's gonna be something deep and i looked it up and it said in grace for grace same word the word is keras so it said and cares for keras and i thought well lord what i don't even know what that means but the word that i should have been looking at was the word for and grace for grace so the word for means instead of or a substitution so then when you read it in place of grace we received a substitute for grace well what was the substitute grace so what you received was one wave and then you received a replacement or instead of that wave that just went by that just washed over you you get another wave and what was it it was grace and then that wave goes by and then here comes another wave and what does that substitute it's more grace and it just you've been to the beach you're looking at me like y'all ain't been to the beach you know it just keep coming the grace is inexhaustible you go to the ocean and it changes on you instead of being in the little bell eye waves you take your kids to the ocean they don't go out too far you know what bella you gotta tell them don't go too far baby you ain't got to tell them that you take them to the ocean they get out there and they see one in waves come up there and they they go out and they start backing up because the size and the enormity of the wave can be too much for their little eyes and grace for grace as a substitute for god's grace he just gave us more grace that's one of the reasons why desperate prayer frustrates the grace the reason why is because grace knows god knows the holy ghost knows there's more grace coming and no point in you being all been out of shape and frustrated that this ain't gonna happen what's coming grace it's always coming it's a slap in the face of the god the father and the finished worker the lord jesus christ to not understand that it's coming this grace is coming this power is constantly coming so one of the definitions with the definition of charis that's that's the only one i'm giving you is acceptable benefit favor gift joy liberality and pleasure now this grace is not based on anything you do meaning if you do right you get the grace it's not based on that grace is based on you being born again and the righteousness of god in christ because you've accepted jesus as your lord and savior you receive this grace that's all you got to do is just be born again be saved be born again they want in the same term and because of that you receive because of his sacrifice you received the grace it was the mercy of god in the old testament but now it's about the righteousness of god which you are which you are now as as humans we got all sorts of issues i i couldn't even if i started asking y'all everybody would come up with a different one but we got folks that are concerned about money and money pushes them around we got folks worried about relationships what do you say so when i said money is amen amen and then when i said relationships didn't nobody want to say amen because they next to them i mean you could be next to it i'm not saying you are right i'm just saying it's possible right i'm just glad i'm up here not down there so you got folks worried about the relationships you got folks worried about money you got folks concerned about their health you got folks concerned about money you got folks concerned about their children you got folks concerned about money you got folks concerned about their grandchildren and you got folks concerned about money we all have different issues that we have to deal with and we all have to fight the good fight of faith all of us have to fight the good fight of faith remember jesus said i'm anointed to preach the gospel he didn't say he was anointed to live the gospel see all that power all that power over there they all anointed to preach the gospel but they got to do the same as the rest of all us you got to walk it down and live it every day you can be anointed to preach it and that's awesome but that's not a guarantee that you live in it it's a guarantee that you anointed to preach it all right let's turn to matthew chapter six matthew chapter six matthew chapter 6 i got to get to matthew chapter 6. don't worry let it go how am i reading that is that right i got 32 minutes to go somebody wanted to help me with that because that can't be right huh sorry i apologize so matthew chapter six don't worry don't worry the waves the waves are coming uh so you ever notice that the areas that you worry over seem to have the least grace the things that you sweat lord teases you up and sweating it those have the least grace the more you worry your more you worry the tougher it gets that's because you start frustrating the grace matthew chapter 6 let's look at 31 31 therefore take no thought so really you know really when you read therefore take no thought you know you got to read backwards you got to go 30 29 right then you get to 25 and it says therefore so you know really you got to read before 25. all because otherwise he keeps saying therefore well you can't start therefore until you know what it's there for right but for time's sake because something's happening we're not gonna go all the way back to where we need to go to which is 19 where it says lay up lay not up for yourselves that he's talking about need and he's talking about worry y'all just going to take my word for that but you can look it up later so let's let's pick a therefore to start at let's let's look at the 31 therefore therefore take no thought saying what we going to eat what are we going to drink where with all shall we be clothed if after all these things do the heathens seek see god's people shouldn't have to be sweating that right i'm talking about sweating it i got that you're gonna say on saturday night what outfit am i gonna wear where where with all where should we be shall we be clothed i got that that ain't talking about you sweating it that's talking about you now we talking about you just looking she gonna look every saturday night that's okay to say i seen how i said it i guess okay yeah it's too late you know sometimes you see them words go out you want to run and catch them you want to run and catch them because it's like oh i wasn't supposed to say that but that one was okay so she's not she's not worried with all whether she should be clothed 31. for after that's 32. for all these things do the gentiles seek for your heavenly father knoweth that you have need of all these things he know you need all this stuff he says but seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you take therefore no thought for tomorrow for the morals shall take thought for the things of itself sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof there's listen this is jesus speaking here and he says sufficient unto today sunday is the evil thereof you got sufficient evil already laid out on your plate sufficiently that's jesus said it you can't even leave and say yeah pastor matthew told me i got all this evil waiting on me jesus said sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof and he says so then take no thought over it why would can you how can you go and not have to take no thought over it because you got something that's bigger than the evil that's chasing you down every day these waves of grace are washing away today's evil knowing that tomorrow there's going to be another set of evil out there but the grace is bigger than the evil that's out there and it's going to come and it's going to wash away the evil that's laid out that's been sufficiently set out because we know that the enemy is steady working don't give it this evil don't give it the power of your words you know it's there he said it's there sufficient unto the day is the evil i got it i got something for you too i don't have to have the evil slamming me into the ground because there's waves of grace that are coming you don't have to go to it you can mark it down for the note-taking bible-marking people malachi 3 13 says your words have been stout against me saith the lord he says your words have been stout against me saith the lord well what words would those be words that don't line up with this grace coming right behind and you're getting caught up in the evil oh this is due oh they coming over oh what am i gonna say to him i don't like him but i don't want to tell him tell him tell him you're going to help him out if you don't like him don't be just stringing along with him telling [Applause] glad you tell me that baby turn to romans chapter five did i did i give you all romans chapter five in that group i did shut up so so then seeing how i gave you that one romans five so you're already there go to second corinthians 12 i didn't give you that one today okay so take another finger just go a few over from romans and you'll be in second corinthians 12 but we're gonna go to romans so when these waves come when these waves of grace come oops better go to romans myself when these waves of grace come into our life all right four or five well that's you're in here okay so when these waves of grace come where do they go in our lives where do they fit in romans chapter 5 verse 20 and we're going to read the b part of the verse romans 5 20. but where sin abounded grace did much more abound where sin abounded grace did much more abound grace goes to the weak area the grace goes to whatever is the weak area so where sin is that's where grace goes and sin is abounding well when grace goes there it it super abounds it's so much stronger than sin it super abounds right at the weak area now there's things that try to limit us in our lives things that try to hold us back things say well you know i was never able to quite accomplish some of these things in my life and some of us can say well i didn't accomplish them because i had this happen and you know my daddy wasn't around and i don't even know who my daddy is and you can come up with all kind of reasons of why things would hold you and limit you but with grace there's no excuses because grace will go to whatever the weak area is and it will abound let's take a look at second corinthians chapter 12. ii corinthians 2 corinthians 12. y'all with me out there all right oh lord lord my little bible the pages wow that's an old bible wow okay i like old stuff i'm turned uh 66 the other day so i ain't got no problem with some old stuff i might i might look older than that and then if you were to look at my wife you're going to say oh he married her wow she was real young but now that's where i could get in trouble like if i went down that road so i ain't even gonna look that way i'm just gonna look this way here second corinthians chapter 12. second corinthians chapter 12 and i want to go to is it verse five oh yeah that's five this is where i'm just gonna have to start because you just gotta start somewhere of such a one will i glory yet of myself i will not glory but in mine infirmities now so so he's saying hey listen of this other guy i would glory about him i would talk about how he's a big deal but i'm not going to talk about me being a big deal i will not glory what our glory in is our glory in my infirmities in my inabilities in my weaknesses that's what i'll glory in i'm not going to glory then he goes on to say for though i would desire the glory you're getting the truth now like i'd like to tell you how wonderful i am y'all following me uh i shall not be a fool for i will say the truth but now i forebear or i abstain or i'll pass this by lest any man should think of me above that which he sees me to be or that which he heareth of me so i'm gonna let all this pass and not tell y'all how wonderful i am so that somebody is not thinking i'm wonderful just cause i told you i was wonderful i would rather you pick that out and figure it out for yourself okay that's that's what what's going on right here unless i should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations there was given to me a thorn in the flesh the messenger of satan to buffet me lest i should be exalted above measure for this thing this messenger of satan that was sent to buffett me that i besought i besought the lord three times that it might depart from me and he said unto me my an answer that none of us would like to hear my grace is sufficient for me for my strength is made perfect in weakness most neglect so then paul says oh okay so seeing how that's the case now he know he didn't like it because he said he asked him three times you know okay lord can you let this pat get this out of my life this messenger can you get this that's how i had to deal with this in my life and he said well my grace is sufficient for me and and it is yeah i know lord but but so can you get this out of my life though you you know how we do right he does nothing that we wouldn't do so then he wasn't content with the two he asked him a third time hey lord come on come on man can you can you help me and get this out of my life and he says my grace is sufficient for thee he keeps telling him the same thing over and over the same kind of way he would tell us over and over my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness and this is when paul says okay then if that's the case most gladly therefore i rather glory in my infirmities so if that's the case that your strength is made perfect in weakness i'm going to glory in my infirmities that the power of christ may rest upon me he says therefore i take pleasures and infirmities in reproaches in necessities in persecutions in distresses for christ's sake for when i'm weak then i'm in i am strong now in verse 9 talking about the power that it may the power of christ may rest upon him that's the the word tabernacle rest upon so that the power may may tabernacle build a tent that that this power build a tent over me and and we don't really use that kind of now another word for it would be superimposed and and we kind of deal with that you overlay something and you superimpose one thing over on top of another and you and i can look like superman you know because you can just overlay superimpose the superman figure over what you're dealing with here the 66 year old right but but in this case we're talking about superimposing the power of christ and this ain't a play thing so this this power tabernacles over us it pitches a tent over us and the power is going to be now on me because it's up it's up on me so paul's crying out can you get this to go away and and by the way just the bishop is taught on this so i don't want to get stuck here you know this is not something that the lord put on paul because it doesn't line up with the rest of the scripture that that sickness would come from god and take it away from me remember in luke the new testament he says how could you be in good uh being carnal know how to give good gifts to your children you wouldn't you wouldn't give them a scorpion so if you being a fleshly a colonel of a fleshly person can do good and give good gifts to your kids how much more god so you know god don't have nothing to do with the messenger of satan and that's just that's just something some men didn't come up with when they was reading the bible and just said hey man this is what i think and they say yeah i like that yeah that's we're going to make that our doctrine yeah yeah god giving people giving people eye disease it doesn't matter this is important it doesn't matter the issue doesn't matter what the issue is what matters is the grace is sufficient no matter that's why he could say the same thing to paul that he could say to me that he could say to sister k that he could say to mom butler my grace is sufficient because the issue ain't important what's important is the grace [Music] and it's sufficient it's more than enough so back on i just don't understand that but so back when the church was on uh chicago west west chicago before we moved into this facility this facility the bishop had bought the facility and we were he was getting it redone they were building this sanctuary while they were uh refurbishing all the older part of the building which starts right after lost and found so all that had to be reworked um i mean it was so bad that i'm gonna tell you at a part where me and my guys came here and we were working at one point and they said they said this looked like dracula's house they don't go to the church otherwise i'd have pointed them out i sure would have had to say it he said it he said it because they were scared to go get water now i wish i had a picture of him i could show you that that's one of the guys that's the other guy but anyway so so there would be this we didn't have overhead screen the ministers did the announcements and we would say while we on chicago we would say we need you to volunteer at the new site the work you know this the southfield site we need contractors to volunteer we need plumbers now we'll need people just pretending to be plumbers and carpenters and electricians we need the real thing we need y'all to volunteer to so while we paying lots of contractors we still you know need a lot of contractors to do even more so will you all volunteer your time and come over to the church now while this is going on like i said i'm sick i wanted to minister them that's sweet so i'm sitting in church just like y'all i'm sitting in church and they saying yo we need all the contractors to volunteer and and i had a contracting business i was a plasterer old school now drywall plaster and i could feel her looking at me now she wasn't doing the announcements there's a minister up there doing an announcement and every sunday they'd say we need volunteers we need somebody to help at the church we need we need plasterers and electricians and and they'd say plasterers and she do just like she's doing right now and she never said a word but i could feel the heat i could i could no i was gonna say i could feel the fire but but that would be that would be something else wouldn't it so so finally you know she couldn't stand it so you know month two months gone by we need contractors and one day she says why don't you help and i thought we in church i should have stayed down there because we in church i should i'm thinking lady i shouldn't have to explain this to you we got three kids i think i had i'm sure i had the other two at this my we had i had my sister's children for a while so so i think it was while i had them because because it's during baseball so i'm debating i'm a baseball coach for two different age groups the 8 to 10 the 10 to 12. they play two days a week i'm coaching the two days a week i'm also taking care of the baseball diamonds i'm the one dragging the fields so they look all smooth and all that i'd leave work go drag the fields for two different teams i'd come to church i was a good husband i came to church thank you sister k i come down and get my hug later so so i'm a good i'm coming to church two days a week not a minister just just like y'all just i'm just coming to church the mondays excuse me not mondays that'd be busted so when wednesdays wednesdays and sundays i'm at church there's i'm taking care of my my sister's kids all i'm doing and she won't know why can't you help well there was there was some things that were limiting me right i had some some limits in my life like all them things i just named off for you that you don't want me explained to you in church do you because i'm figuring if anybody know why i can't do it she ought to know the lady up there doing the announcement she don't know why i can't help you but i said i said okay bye i don't think it went quite like that buddy but i signed up and when i signed up every night after we got done working plastering me and the guys would come here the issue with that was this wasn't their church this bishop butler was not their pastor what i am is their boss and i'm the one with the money in the pocket so yeah we go and work for you at your church job if you want to for time and a half i paid them because i'm i'm sowing my time gladly i mean it took a minute to get to gladly because i had a lot going on just like y'all got a lot going on so i get to i get to where okay i'm i'm on i'm gonna help so so we come in here and we came here for months not not weeks we came for months and we got here we would get here about 6 30 in the evening after i took the guys and we'd work all day i'd take them and feed them then we would come here work here until about 11 o'clock and then i'd go home go to sleep get up and do it again i was working at the time i was working 50 hours a week on my regular job not including what was going on you know plastering not including what was going on here but an amazing thing happened the grace got in the middle of this and the grace went to the weak areas well what were the weak areas in the front well the weak areas in the beginning were i didn't had a time to be fooling around doing no volunteer work at anybody's church not just mine i'm already working 50 hours a week i didn't have the time because i'm already committed i didn't have the energy because of all that i'm doing that i just talked about that was when i was when he said i want glory in myself that was where i was glorying in myself when i was talking about how wonderful i was and all that i did but but i sold the time all those months i sold into the guys but what i started noticing happen is i started seeing the guys being more efficient they were getting done with stuff faster than they ever got done with stuff before they weren't wasting material like i'm not talking about here i'm talking about everywhere they weren't wasting material like they used to waste material i started doing better bids getting better jobs the things that that i could you know for for more money do you know what i'm saying that i got more time to spend with the kids not less time to spend with the kids i'd always work six days i'm taking off saturdays now so i'm doing far more but i got far more everything's better so it wasn't just better here because i'm volunteering here it's better everywhere because the grace has gone in and started impacting all the areas of my life the guys recognize they like we're going to keep working at that church first of all they was going to keep working because they were getting time and a half but they saw their lives improving [Music] it's because the grace came in and the place and places that there had been limits now the limits are off ain't no limits to me i didn't have no limits on listen even the lady that set me up that yeah everything got better that's all [Applause] so the grace the grace come in because you don't want to limit yourself listen this is where i learned about putting a demand on god see i hadn't i hadn't i was just trying i couldn't help i didn't have no more time to help i was exhausted it was all i could do i was i couldn't do no more but once i asked god then the holy ghost came in and up on me and now that holy ghost power is enabling me to do things that i don't have to do the grace is doing so what my weaknesses were they end up being turned into strength so what what might your weaknesses be shy fearful nervous ever consider glorying in that so that the power can show up the the second corinthians goes on to say therefore i take pleasures and infirmities in the roaches yeah look she's looking at a bible like it don't say roaches take pleasure in the roaches yeah so i adjusted a little bit because we don't use the word reproaches but you're gonna know what i mean by the roaches this is when you get insulted talked down to mistreated but it ain't just by anybody this is by somebody that means something to you uh so you could you could you could take the easy way out and say you know your spouse but but it's really a little deeper than that with with the roaches see with the roaches this is somebody that that that then has put into your life like a mentor type person they mean something to you and you believe you mean something to them this ain't just a one-way deal this is somebody that's important to you so you can see what i mean how it could be your spouse but it could be it could be lots of people i've got relationships with multiple different pastors throughout the us and people that do a similar job to mind there's a gentleman that works for brother copeland that does what i do barry is a huge resource to me and a help to me well listen barry could take a dull knife and cut me deep because he's somebody i respect and i believe he respects me you all following who who this mentor type person is and then they insult you deeply so so pastor andre said pastor andre said one of the biggest issues in the body of christ is offense but this is like offense on steroids [Music] the roaches see if if the roaches get you how you going you got to get to where this don't turn and you give the roaches the power where now you passed offended because this actually says i'm gonna take pleasure oh yes that's what listen i read it when i had the opportunity when i got cut that deep oh listen you got to read that a few times where it says i take pleasures in the roaches because see offense is easy to take it might be do you me being offended it's not gonna help me if i'm offended but it might be do you do you follow what i mean but he says here i'm gonna take pleasure in the roaches and i got to i had to i had to i had to get it why would i take pleasure in it and i finally got it i finally let you know it was a work in progress he said because see it meant that the waves was coming it meant it meant that this this this weakness now is about to be turned in not at this moment but it's about to be turned into a strength and it's about to be turned into a strength by the holy ghost [Music] and i could look back and see other people where the holy ghost energized them and what happened to them and all of a sudden now the the roaches i wasn't worried about the roaches i'm like wait a minute the waves about to come up in here we about to do listen the grace is about something's big about to happen to me because i'm talking me and mine all did that pertain to me because the roaches have come after me to the point that they would try to hurt me this deep but the waves come and it'll wash all the roaches it just wash all the roaches away because i know something big is about to happen and and why does the listen the the grace has got to come because it doesn't want me to get into the lord don't want me to get offended if i get offended all the blessings get shut down so instead he's trying to he's actually going on defense so i don't have to go on offense don't turn your power over to the roaches if you don't remember anything else other than you have no limits you have no limits if you remember the waves the rest of your life and that the grace superimposes over any weaknesses that's how powerful you are so does this mean then that you got to be weakness minded no you ain't got to be weakness-minded you just got to be grace-minded keeping in mind that the waves are constantly coming that they constantly coming every day 24-7 there's no stopping to these waves it's constantly coming the waves of blessing are constantly running you down so while every his bowel every eyes closed there are those here that may have never taken the opportunity to receive jesus and allow his grace to be operative in your life i want you all listen to me closely just for a moment because i would do it a little different than normal i want to know by a show of hands how many people in here at some point in their life had to recognize i need jesus in my life right i i need i need i need jesus i i either answer the altar call here or wherever you were but you recognized that you in and of yourself were insufficient right so you you all saw how many hands went up right you all put yours down almost everyone in here at some point in time had made a decision to receive jesus we had kind of got to the point that we said well i didn't live long enough without him and made a mess of things all by myself that yeah that yeah i'm willing to give my life over to jesus because he can take a mess and turn it in to something fabulous and i decided just like you all did i'm ready to do that i'm not staying where i am not another day so it doesn't matter what you may have done it only matters what you do now god is the possessor of everything that you're pursuing he's the possessor of everything that you're pursuing don't get so caught up in pursuing everything but god trying to find what you're looking for we've all came to a place that we realized we were missing something in our lives and that was a relationship with the lord jesus christ romans 10 chapter 10 verse 8 through 10 says but what saith it the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart that is the word of faith which we preach that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and shall believe in thine heart that god has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation it's as simple as that man has been the one complicating god's plan it doesn't take all the different formulas it just takes believing in the heart and saying with your mouth so if you've never accepted jesus as your savior you've never been born again never been saved those all terms meaning the same thing or maybe there was a time that you did accept the lord jesus maybe you did but you walked away and you're what we call hearing word of faith out of fellowship some people call it backslidden we've always used the term out of fellowship you can fix that and the way you can fix that is first john chapter 1 verse 9 says if you confess your sins you're not confessing your sins to us you're confessing your sins to the father and and listen he already know what they are anyway you know ain't no secrets so so when you confess them listen this is when you get them out of you if you confess you you speak them out you get it out of you he says if you confess your faults he's faithful and just to forgive you and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness maybe you're here and you already born again but you say you know i've been looking for a church home we believe that this is the right church for you you can go church hopping and that's that's good for a while you go and find you where the lord wants you to be but you should be home now you need a pastor every sheep needs a shepherd one of the best decisions i made many many years ago was receiving bishop and pasadeb as my pastor and allowed them to have some spiritual control over something that was going down a drain so if you're here in any one of those things you'd like to receive jesus as lord and savior you've gotten away from the things of god and you like to come back to the things of god you want to get back in fellowship or you'd like to join up with us here at word of faith and division at word of faith all i need to see is your hand go up if you want to receive jesus as lord and have that grace operative in your life if that's any of you all you can just raise your hand well that means that what we had is we had us a believer's meeting listen up no i got i got somebody got the hand up something yeah yeah okay cool so [Applause] so before i pray for them just one more time if any of those three invitations are for you you don't want to assume that you'll get a chance to do this again in your life you don't you don't know what tomorrow or bring or next week or next month so if you'd like to accept jesus as lord and savior of your life you'd like to get back in fellowship or you'd like to join up us with us here at word of faith lift your hand and while the congregation is standing and giving you applause come on down and i'm going to do just what i said i'd do for you i'm gonna pray for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] he loves us [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah i can [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so the reason these folks are clapping for you the reason that they're clapping for you is because as i said over the years they all made a decision real similar to that and it was a life-changing decision for us you you actually give god a a chance to become operative and important in your daily life you to him and him to you so today if you commit to going to church once a week for the next year you won't even recognize who you are and neither will other people and if you want to speed it up you could come to church sunday and wednesday and in six months i'm telling you you'll be you know the scripture already tells you that when you're done with this prayer you're a new creature in christ but listen you about to be somebody that's gonna shock you so i'm gonna do what i said which i'm gonna pray for you then we're gonna send you out for a couple of minutes they're gonna show you in the scripture what we're talking about and they're gonna give you a little booklet about where do you go from here so and what it means by that is okay so i made this choice but but where i go from here i still got to go home tonight and and ain't nobody gonna understand that i went to the front of the church and huh so the book tells you where you go from here so father i thank you for these men and women that so courageously came up and offered their life as a sacrifice to you father i thank you father that they'll recognize the sacrifice that jesus made for them they'll be born again saved filled with the holy ghost and father i thank you for anyone who was backslidden that their fellowship will be restored they'll show them where they find their place in the scripture and i thank you for it in jesus name amen
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Views: 2,341
Rating: 4.8153844 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 1sec (3541 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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