The Keys to Hearing God - Pastor Nicole Crank

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[Music] I'm a little excited about the word that God's given me today he asked me to do something different and you know how many of you know God does different things all the time a min so he he asked me not to preach how many of you know I have a tendency to get a little excited so he asked me not to preach he asked me to just share with you like out of my personal study time I do this on insta story I do this on IG TV I do this on my Facebook live on my G lives and he wanted me to share in that format because he was sharing with me he said I want my people to know how to hear from God and so how many of you have heard people say God told me how many of you want to be able to say on a regular basis God told me say min so david says that all the time and honestly it frustrates me just a little bit right because anybody else got a spouse who does some things better than you do right like he hears from God like we'll be in a regular conversation and he'll be like oh God just spoke to me and he'll share something and it will be another party Oh God just told me and I'm like hello god I'm in these same conversations dude you could just speak to me right that he David seems to hear God all the time and I'm like oh I want to hear God the way you do but get this God is a multi-lingual God he speaks many different languages yo hablo poquito de español nada bleh I blow yo hablo poquito espanol if you speak Spanish um if I have a friend who speaks Spanish and not English I'm learning Spanish so that I can talk to them now if you're with us I'm not gonna be rude to you by talking to them in their language right but I have to do that to communicate well God communicates to each one of us in the language of his that we speak so today we're gonna be talking about how God speaks and we're going to talk about four ways there was three and then I tacked one on today I want to talk about four ways you can hear from God so so one of the ways David hears from God and if you're thinking well I don't know if I could hear four God you can you can hear from God who me yeah you well I don't know that God speaks he does matter of facts jesus says 15 times in the New Testament he says these words he said he who has ears to hear let him hear turn to your neighbor right now and say I want those kind of ears so there was this guy who said he had a talking dog so he went to this talent scout and he told the talents got my dog talks into the talent scout said show me he said Rover what's on the top of that house over there Rover says roof talent scout says I am not amused what else she got he said well Rover um how does sandpaper feel Rover says rough town Scot says you have exactly ten seconds to impress me folks what do you got and he said okay I need something really gonna need something really good Rover um who was the best all-time home run hitter and the dog says Ruth Baby Ruth so so he's like get out of my office and he bounces them out of there they start walking down the street has really depressed the dog looks it I'm like a failed you and says should I have said to Maggio you see just because we doubt God speaks just because the talent agent doubted that the dog spoke just because we doubt God speaks it does not mean that God does not speak it means that we're not hearing him so we're working on putting on spiritual ears so number one how do we hear God speak the number one way that we hear God speak is we expect God to speak we have to expect him now I know this is deep this is not just swimmin this is not snorkeling and taking a dive this is not scuba diving and you're 50 feet down we are scuba diving we need night trucks because we're going 150 feet which is about 20 feet deeper you're supposed to go so let me know if you don't get this if this goes too deep for you but so number one you need to expect God to speak I don't know if it's from sitting in front of the speakers too many years or what but sometimes when people are having a conversation if I'm not paying attention to what they say I can't understand what they're saying hey I really want a sandwich and I want him does anybody else that happened to anybody else if you're not tuned in you can't hear what they're saying we have to tune in to God to hear what he's saying otherwise he will say stuff and we will just completely miss it to talk to him that's how we hear from him so you got to talk to God so I was talking to Ashton yesterday morning she was helping a friend through a problem and she's like mom they're upset and they're not gonna come to church they feel like God's betrayed them they feel like God's not listening to him and she said I told my friend I said hey what have you been saying to God and she's like well I just told God what I needed him to do and he didn't do it and she said well let me ask you this do you realize that God's not a fictional character God is a real person and he has feelings and so when we come to God we just can't come to him with a to-do list of the things we want him to do she said we need to come to God and we need to affirm God and if we affirm God that opens up his heart to give us those things that were asking for and I'm like holy cow this is deep stuff you gotta come to God who has never heard of the words our thought of the words in their own head I'd need to affirm God we don't think of God as needing affirmation but God is craving our praise and that's how we open up the conversation and when we open up the conversation he starts speaking back so let's talk about God speaking back when God speaks to you something number two number one you have to expect to hear from God but number two you have to honor what God says to you his has anybody ever told you something and it was important and you forgot to write it down and you forgot and they were upset with you Oh y'all need to get honest in this church has anybody ever told you something important you forgot to write it down and you didn't do it say hey man alright same thing with God he tells us stuff and when we don't write it down he doesn't tell us anymore when we're not doing what he said he doesn't tell us anymore cuz we're stuck in this place because he's not being rude he's over here speaking and we're in the wrong place so the way he spoke to Elijah and I'm gonna read you a couple of scriptures I'm gonna read you first Kings 19 11 through 13 just a couple of verses Elijah had just gone through a battle this lady named Jezebel just tried to kill him he was just super exhausted he's really needing to hear from God right now cuz he's in a desperate place in his life and he said go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord and behold the Lord passed by and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks and pieces before the Lord but the Lord was not in the wind and after the wind there was an earthquake but the Lord was not in the earthquake and after the earthquake of fire but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire a still small voice so it was when Elijah heard it he wrapped his face in the mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave suddenly a voice came to him said what are you doing here you see we want God to talk like this I just woke through y'all up we want God to talk to us in this big booming voice where it's very clear hello shoppers we have a blue light special on aisle five God is a gentleman he does not force us he does not force his way he does not force his will he gave us the gift of free will and in that gift he's not going to turn us like pawns or robots he's gonna tell us what to do he's gonna ask us to follow him and to trust him even when it doesn't seem like we should trust him my gift is reading the Bible reading my devotionals I travel with with a Bible I travel with a couple of devotionals I usually travel with a passion translation I usually have anywhere from four to six books with me at pretty much all times why because this is how God speaks to me you can trust what the Bible says the Bible is the logos the original translation is logos which means the written word of God and when you read the logos what will happen is you're reading along you will get what's called a Rhema and the Rhema is the living voice of God so you'll read something in this living voice it can also be like a revelation have you ever opened your Bible and you read a scripture and you're like holy cow four thousand years ago how did they know this was gonna happen to me today has that ever happened to you say Amen that was God speaking to you that was a Rhema of God coming up on the inside of you God was speaking to you through his word and everything that you ever hear it must line up with the Word of God in order for it to be something that God would say because God will never contradict himself but God can speak a lot of different ways have you ever gotten a text from a friend you're like God I really need you right now I just need to know what to do and right about that time somebody from your I connect small group text you and said God laid it on my heart to pray for you and just wanted hit you to know that he was with you has that ever happened to you it's God speaking have you ever watched a secular movie and God spoke to you in a secular movie I was watching Toy Story 4 and one of the characters was like lonely and left out and forlorn and and really felt rejected and God spoke to me in that movie and said that's how so many of my children feel I'm in Toy Story about ready to burst into tears because God spoke to me there God will speak to you all the preacher is preaching I was about to kill David crank one time you see we're in this conference it's 2005 were sitting on the second row we're right here the pastor's on the floor walking back and forth and he's preaching and he's preaching a preach and he's looking right at us and preaching and preaching and David crank is ignoring him and writing and writing and writing not even looking up and he's preaching to us and David's not gonna and I'm like I'm like trying to play it cool but I'm like David David David when he's in trouble it's David crank David crank and loud enough for the pastor to hear he looks at me he says I don't care what he's saying God's talking to me right now but he was absolutely right he said I can get what he says on the CD after the service but I don't listen to him right now he's probably not gonna repeat it he was honoring what God said in the moments and some days he says a lot and some days I don't hear him at all and I actually brought a picture if media would share that with us of what it looks like on days when he speaks in one days and I don't hear him and on the bottom you see oh he's speaking to me that day right I'm writing everywhere I'm writing all over everything the other day I'm just highlighting right so we don't hear him every day and that's oh okay so we need to expect to hear from God we need to prepare to hear from God and number three we need to make a place we need to we need to expect to hear from God we need to honor what we hear from God number three is we need to prepare a place to hear from God so in my old house it was actually this particular Bible I've got like ten of them and a few of them this one's been recovered because I word out and I would sit in this massage chair and God would speak to me while I was in this massage chair we moved and then it was the front porch and we found this place on the front porch and God would just speak to us on the front porch and then right after that it's like the kids seem like the kids found us there and they wouldn't go to the coffee maker in the morning anymore they would come to the front porch and hang out and that's supposed to be where I'm hearing from bad so I need this 15 minutes is our wherever I'm trying to sneak in and so I found this new place um just recently on my deck off my bedroom and now my family's gonna hear this message and be able to find me and as I found this new place I went out there really this past week I was just trying trying it out and as I went out there Tuesday morning was really the first morning I went out there and as I sit down I literally open up my devotional opened up my devotional not my Bible opened up I uh no and as soon as I open up my devotional a dove Lance right over next to me now that probably doesn't mean much to you but let me tell you about that so when we bought this house several years ago the appraiser came in and was looking at the house he said hey do you know about this area I'm like no not really and he said this particular Hill back in the day was inhabited by the Indians and the religious leaders of the Indians lived on this hill right here wow that's interesting he said yeah then the Catholic Church they bought up this whole property and did you know that the priests lived on this hill where you guys live he doesn't know we're pastors so here we are pastors of the church religious leaders in the area and here it's generationally been a place where religious leaders gather he said yeah the name of this Hill is Paraclete Hill Paraclete and the dove Paraclete means dove are signs of the Holy Spirit we moved to Holy Spirit Hill Paraclete Hill and here this Paraclete lands right next to me now let me tell you another way that God speaks God speaks by peace everybody say peace so in Colossians 3 verse 15 it says and let the peace the soul harmony which comes from Christ rule and act as umpire continually in your heart rule and act as umpire that's a literal translation of the Hebrew language he will literally tell you when it's safe to be there and he will literally tell you when to get out and it says rule and act as umpire in your hearts deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds in that peaceful state so let the peace of God we're supposed to be led forth with peace so let me tell you about we get to the cell we got to move we know we don't know where to move so we're looking I get attached to what I get attached to I would drive the same car until it like died on the highway but like every ten years or so my husband makes me buy a new car and I typically buy the same car in the same color as the car I had before cuz I just like what I like which works out really good for my husband because I like him so I'm hesitant to move because I liked our house but I'm not resistant to move does that make sense and we're looking and we're shopping and we're looking and we're shopping and we're looking and we're shopping for weeks probably a couple months and we find this house it is pimped out it is decorated the basement has just been finished looks like MTV Cribs it's got a pool an in-ground pool in the backyard that was even above and beyond every expectation on my wish list it was a few minutes from the church it met every criteria and every time I went looked at that house David's like what is your deal like I don't know he's like woman we gotta move up like my heart is 100% in this I have no idea what's going on we looked at that house three different times and all three times I burst out in tears I don't know how well y'all know me but how many of y'all can look at me and tell I'm probably not the kind of girl who cries all the time right outside of my character so I mean it's not probably four weeks later and this other house just comes on the market we go look at it the basement doesn't look like MTV Cribs there's no pool in the backyard and actually when we walk into it it really needs to be remodeled and we walk in the house we look around the house and I look at David crank and I said this is our house and he said yep this is it that's the house that was on Paraclete hill you see in the other house I didn't know what it was but I had a lack of peace it looked better in the natural I want you to hear that it might look better in the natural might be pimped out my BM TV he might be good-looking the money might be better they might have better benefits they might have promised you a promotion it might look better in the natural but if you don't have peace and I'm not talking about going against your flesh because your flesh will war against your spirit but if you don't have peace in your spirit not your flesh because my flesh is like let's see donuts now but if you don't have peace in your spirit you can't go with God it's never for less it's always for more so here we are we're back with the the Dove so the next day I actually wrote it down in my notes word-for-word the next day we're sitting there I came out there and I bring my computer because I was gonna work on my message but first I wanted to journal open up my kit I sit down I open up my computer and I typed these words I'd been there 60 seconds I type Tuesday am praying and during prayer a dove flew on my deck I typed this on Wednesday I typed that sentence and then all of a sudden I'm gonna play a video for you here in one second as soon as I typed that sentence this is what happened over on my left hand side just flew on my porch I was praying you know the Holy Spirit it's like a dove that comes and I was actually just typing in my notes for the weekend about how this done while I was praying about a certain thing this dove landed on my porch and just as I was saying those words on my on my typing those words out that dove landed again I haven't seen him in 24 hours and I haven't seen a dove come up here in weeks and 20 I'm typing those words he shows up again and so I'm preaching this weekend in st. Louis on hearing from God and I'm telling you God will just give you these little signs along the way don't give up that's does God use these little God winks for any of you guys these little things that you just know so let me tell you about the Dove so I'm live on cleric Paraclete Hill and in 2014 God gave a mandate to our staff that we were supposed to read the book of Acts on her knees every day so I got up in my by my room and put my Bible on my bed and I'll be begin reading the book of Acts every day and it was 2014 and this dove would come not just to the big window sill but to this little plastic lip that was on the edge of the window so he'd be like all the way as close to the glass he'd be like trying to get in the glass I'm like pecking and flapping his wings and I'm like oh my gosh this is unreal nobody's gonna believe me so I start calling for David and the kids thinking the devil be gone by the time they get there and know the Dove stays we take pictures of the dog we take video of the Dove the Dove comes back day after day in May one of the days he even I told you there's a deck in my room off my room so he comes around to the door to the deck it's a glass door and he's like five but in five minutes I've been like he's trying to get in the glass and I'm like dude do not open that door I don't know how to get that bird out of here literally every day only in May 2014 only wow we're reading the book of Acts on our knees and then five years later God comes back that same spirit of the Dove you see God will speak to us different ways so as I was up on the porch on Friday God speaks to David here's another way that God speaks God speaks in dreams it says in acts 2:17 and it says in the last days it's Shelby God declares that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions your old men shall dream dreams well God talks to Pastor David and dreams a lot how do you know it's a dream from the Lord some dreams you wake up and you have to try and remember that's not usually a dream for the Lord some dreams you wake up and you have crystal clarity about every detail do you know what I'm talking about like in even days later you don't have to write it down because it's just there you can't shake it that's your first inkling I'm not saying that it's from God but that's an inkling that it's from God so you can pay attention to that you can write that dream down and you can see what God was trying to speak to you go back and judge and figure out whether or not it was so God wakes David up and he speaks to him in dreams he wakes them up he went downstairs he went to the front porch I had been on the front upstairs deck and I was honoring what God told me I was writing down things he told me this little list right here is just like a to-do list I needed to pray for a certain person I needed a schedule certain meeting I needed to take care of some stuff the enemy will try and distract so you got to write that stuff down but God just spoke two things to me that day and the first thing was don't give up in the last moments you see you're going from faith to faith victory to victory season to season and we're in constant transition through this life and in that transition there's always something new starting but we're not supposed to give up in the last moments of what we're walking out of and then he told me redeemed the time now I knew that redeemed the time meant to me there was a woman in 2014 who wrote us a letter and in that letter she quoted the scripture that talked about redeeming the time which lined up with the Word of God and I know this woman to be an intercessor and we kept this letter now let me now let me caution you there are people who hear from God and they will have a word from God for you there are also flakes freaks and nuts and they hang out in church bathrooms where it stinks and so does their word right don't let some flaky freaky nutty person decide how your life is going to go if they have a word from God for you you write it down you make sure it lines up with the word you take it to the weekend leadership team of the church you take it to Arden and Susie you let them review the word they'll pray for it with you and then you be led forth with peace as to whether or not that was actually God or whether or not they had a pizza drink right so did we trusted this woman I finished my time I went down on the front porch and bothered David in his study time and he said the Lord's been speaking to me all morning I need to share with you where we're going what we're doing how we're doing it and I sat there and listened for like an hour and at the end he's like so okay you got it I'm like nope don't got it it's like what do you mean you don't got it I'm like well this confuses me I don't understand this he's like what do you mean it's just clear as day I'm like I don't get it he's like you're just hard-headed woman like I'm not trying to be hard-headed I just don't get it I'm like what God did speak to me these two things don't give up in the last moments and read the time he said well that's nice you see what God was speaking to David wasn't making sense to me and what God was speaking to me wasn't making sense to David but he told me redeemed the time and I said it's that letter he said I'll help you find it he found the letter and he gave it to me watch God work in that letter you see this is why number four is you have to seek out what God says you see in Jeremiah 29 verse 13 it says and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart if I had not sought out these words redeemed the time David helps me find the letter I read the four-page letter get this in the letter she says some of the exact things word-for-word that David had just shared with me that God spoke to him that morning word-for-word and then get this the rest of the four pages was the key to me understanding the other things that God had told him since I sought out that word I read this I said oh my gosh she said this he said so I said she said this he said so I closed it up and I said David I get it I'm completely on board I understand I know where we're going before he had haven't told me God spoke to him God gave me the words redeemed the time I was expecting to hear from God he told me something i honored what he said because I had prepared a place to meet with God and then I sought out what he said and when we seek out what God is saying whether it's a dream a vision a song a logo so a Rhema a still small voice whatever it is peace we seek out what God says he will keep us from making missteps he'll keep us from going the wrong way some 46:10 says be still that I am God I'm gonna close with this back in the day they didn't have refrigerators so they had these ice houses and they had these big thick walls and these doors that kind of closed tight and they cover it in sawdust and sawdust on the floor and they cut the ice out of the lakes and rivers during the wintertime and they'd store it in here and the guy was loading the ice and he lost his watch and watches were really hard to come by in those days he was really upset about it and so he looked forward all his friends look forward nobody could find it he gave up so like five-year-old boy comes up he says I can find your watch he's like just go for it son five minutes later the little boy comes back with the watch he's like how did you find it he said it was so easy I just went in the ice house and I laid down in the sawdust and stayed real still and quiet and soon I could hear the watch ticking you see we'll just get real still and quiet in this noisy world soon we'll start hearing that voice and it's gonna tell us how to get there and I believe God's gonna lead you in that way [Music] you
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 7,341
Rating: 4.8174906 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Nicole Crank, Nicole Crank,, church in St. Louis, church in West Palm Beach, how to hear God, keys to hearing God, missouri, faith church, Faith Church, crank ministries, west palm beach, st. louis, estudiando la biblia, breakthrough, st louis, healing, bible, mentors, freedom, mental health, stl, depression, christianity, health, pastor, encouragement, marriage, disappointment, salvation, self improvement, obedience, discouragement, wisdom, woman preacher, sunday service
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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