Breaking the Limits - Pastor Nicole Crank

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[Music] hey face church hello hello rpc west palm online hello sunset hills oh my gosh you guys look good you can be seated you know i've been thinking about 2020 and i have been looking at some memes have y'all been checking the means on instagram about 2020 uh did you post any memes about 2020 and covid and what it looks like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i didn't post this first one but i saw this first one a lot tell me if you saw it when it comes up has anybody seen this one about how 2020 just melting away like the wicked witch of the west in wizard of oz the second one i actually posted i want to see if you posted it it was about april fool's day april fool's day is cancelled instead we're celebrating march 286th this whole year has been a joke did anybody post this one or see it say amen and the next one the next one says hey monday there's no gatherings of more than 500. tuesday no more gatherings more than 50 wednesday no gatherings of more than 10 thursday don't come within six feet of anybody friday this is the rest of 2020 the floor is melting and turning into lava yeah and then just one more who's seen all of these picture memes my plan and what 2020 turned out to be does anybody feel that way if you feel that way say amen you know and that's exactly why the lord spoke to me i loved it i was sitting on my front porch and i was reading and praying and god brought to me a scripture that i thought i knew and that's why study's so important because a lot of times we think we know things but then as we start to dive into it we realize i don't know that so much at all um ephesians 4 verse 30. it says and do not grieve the holy spirit of god by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption a lot of people have heard that scripture before if you've heard that scripture somewhere before you can't quote it or anything but like you you think you've heard it before go ahead and raise your hand say me i think i've heard that scripture a lot i think i have it memorized but then i read it in another translation and in the passion translation it says the holy spirit of god has sealed you say that's me and jesus christ until you experienced your full salvation so never grieve the spirit of god or take for granted his influence in your life and then if you start studying that out from that scripture in the aramaic the aramaic says you know actually a lot of manuscripts say do not grieve but do not grieve is not the literal translation of the aramaic word that is there the aramaic word that is there doesn't say do not grieve the holy spirit of god it says do not limit the scope of who god is in your life because that will grieve him okay so that freaked me out because when i was always like do not do not grieve the holy spirit of god i'm like i don't use the holy ghost name in vain i don't like go blaspheme the holy ghost i'm not grieving the holy ghost like i sin anybody else sin like i said but i'm not like a desperate terrible spiritual sinner so i don't grieve the holy spirit of god like that right and then i read this and it said do not limit the scope of who god is in your life regardless of covid regardless of what's going on in the world regardless of hate hate crimes no matter what's happening no matter how it hurts no matter the pain no matter the diagnosis from the doctor no matter if you've been furloughed no matter if you got an eviction notice no matter if they said they were going to leave you no matter if they said they were going to betray you no matter about if they're talking about behind your back do not limit what god is going to do in your life i want you to turn to a neighbor right now and say i don't limit god's favor on my life turn to another and say i don't limit god's blessing on my life turn to one more person say i don't limit god's healing on my life so i brought this box with me because i think a lot of time we put god in a box matter of fact there was this guy his name's rod esther and rod esther was probably 80 years old when we started right back in the day 16 years ago rod is in heaven today but rod would tell us all the time pastor david pastor nicole i've been praying you know what god told me about you god told me to tell you get out of the box so it started all the way back at the heart of saint charles and we were looking for a building and we needed to find somewhere to have church and we couldn't find a building and their city building that we're at today that's too big that's too expensive it's too nice for us and rod will come up to us and say god say get out of the box god said get out of the box we bought their city building rod said you did it we moved in rod said you did it about two months later rod came up and said hey i've been praying guess what god told me god told me to tell you too i wonder how many times we've walked by faith gotten our blessing and then decided okay i've already done it i could i believe that god could do this but there's this other thing that i don't think god could do so here we go we started believing god and we started go talking about florida and rod said i know you're talking about florida but i think you're supposed to get out of the box so then weldon spring popped up and we thought we can't buy another building in st louis before we buy a building in florida i ran into rod esther in the lobby he said golly gee i've been praying and you know what god told me the problem is we think that god is limited we put god in a box you guys ever seen the show friends you ever seen the episode where like chandler walks down the steps behind the sofa so we put god in the box walking down the steps into the box need an elevator in this box going down this box is not big enough for me i'm a big person in a little box but isn't that how it is with god god is this big person we're trying to shove him down in some kind of box and i'm like well for me to fit in this box i think i have to contort in ways that excuse me i'm in here pinky promise a pinky promise i'm in here but i can't stay in here too long because it is not comfortable how many of you know if i try and preach this message in this box you're going to get bored you can't see me there's nothing to look at you're going to start looking at something else well no wonder we get bored with god we've put them in a stinking box we've closed the box matter of fact we've closed it with like god you need to get in there because this is what you're allowed to touch in my life this is what you're allowed to do in my life this is where you're allowed to be in my life i really don't need you touching those other things so we put them in the box and then we sit on the box and then we say things like hey god where yet man i mean i need to i need you in my life i need you to move god you could come out on this one if you wanted god's like you're sitting on the box there's ways that we limit god everybody say there's ways man and this is something i would tear up in my circle of friends we would go so deep on this but i got like 28 minutes left to give you the rest of this message so one way is beliefs and traditions for my note takers my twitter people for my people who make the cute stuff on instagram what is the way that we limit god we limit god with our beliefs and our traditions god tried to get out of the box with that when he was uh in john 11 with lazarus i love it in john 11 it's verses 38 through 44 where the story of lazarus is dead and jesus doesn't show up actually lazarus is sick and jesus has all kinds of time to get there but he purposefully waits he waits one day he's only like in a couple mile journey he waits two days he could have walked there in like an hour he waits three days why is god taking so long to move in the life he waits four days then he gets there in verse 39 martha comes to him and says jesus i know you asked this like take the stone away and you won't go see lazarus and you you miss my brother and all but okay he stinks he's been dead four days you do not want to go in there what parts of our life are we telling god he can't touch because it's too dead for the almighty god you can't touch that relationship i'm telling you it is over no god i can tell you i am not going back to that trip god i tell you what i am not going to stay at that job god there is no way i'm staying with that man god you just you can't touch that finances god i'm in the red they're kicking me what are you telling god that he can't do because it stinks god this stinks have you seen what is happening on social media jesus have you seen what they're doing to people it stinks god says my hand is not shortened that i cannot touch the whole world at one time come on somebody do you believe him today [Applause] well there's another place we limit god we put god in a box about our natural solutions you like the woman with the issue of blood they tell her story in three accounts in the bible one of them's in mark five it says she spent all her money on the doctors she'd been doing it for 12 years 12 years she goes to the doctor's office she waits she doesn't have an insurance and they don't have medicaid back in the day so she's shelling out everything she's got and she's got this issue of blood it keeps her away from other people i have a question for you today what prescription did they give you that they told you you're going to be on the rest of your life what diagnosis did they give you say well once we diagnose you with with diabetes and once you go on the insulin shots or once you go on the hormones once you go on the thyroid medication you know you know once we remove this part of your body you're never gonna there is no there's no never with god y'all there is no never with god you need to turn to your neighbor right now and say there is no never with god god is bigger god is greater god is able god is willing god is the same jesus said i am the same yesterday today and forever he can go back to before they removed that thing did you know that you can grow a new organ in your body did you know that you can develop a new heart pump did you know that a womb can conceive that they said would never conceive sure enough 12 years she says i know they put me in this box i know they told me i can't be around people but you know what i have the guts to believe that god is bigger than the people who are going to stone me if they find me out in public i know god's been hiding in this box for 12 years but you know what i'm going to do i'm going to go in the box and find them god where are you at i need a healing jesus where are you at i'll put a towel over me i'll risk jail i'm gonna pursue you i'm coming looking for you and you know what all she had to do was touch him when's the last time you touched jesus in your prayer time bless me father for i have sinned it's been 29 days since my last confession god i ate some cookies i yelled at my kids and i i went i went speeding so please forgive me and bless my family bless my house plus my kids bless my finances in jesus name amen that is not prayer when's the last time you just started walking around your living room and you said jesus i don't know what you want but i know whatever it is that's what i want and i've got some clues to what you want jesus because you said you want to bless me you said you want to heal me you said you want to use me you said you want to flow through me you said you want me so blessed that i could be a blessing god show me what you want me to do god you are worthy you are able god it doesn't matter what i see in front of me in my life this i know that you are my god you are mighty to save you are strong and you are able you are conqueror and you creator you are mighty and magnificent god i don't have to look to the right of the left i look to the hills from which cometh my health and that is where my god is and i am strong in the lord and in the power of his mind somebody praise them right now but we get tired we get tired of walking around our living room like well i prayed i prayed for six whole days it reminds me of jericho and joshua 6. isn't it interesting that in joshua 6 they focus on a six day walk got to walk around that thing for six days they got to look at their problem it's huge they got to walk around it and it's a problem and they're not allowed to say a word he said i need you to walk around your problem in silence because i can't trust you to open your pothole right because if we open this thing it's good to put things in we can eat the pie with it but if we know that he knows if we open it the complaining comes out and doubt will stop the blessing he knows the complaint will comes out and then we go around the mountain one more time he needs to know that we trust him he needs to know that we're walking in faith he needs to know that we're listening to him he needs to know that we'll obey him right the willing and obedient will eat the good of the land so you might be thinking but i've been walking around at six days well pastor it hasn't been six days for me it's been six weeks have you noticed how long cove it is oh have you noticed how long cop it is no it hasn't been six weeks it's been six months well i could have probably done it for six weeks or six months but you know you don't understand this has been six years that i've been dealing with this issue that other lady dealt with it for 12. oh but it's been six decades no i just want to know do you think that god is bigger than your issue even if you've been dealing it with it with it for six decades and are you able to shut the complaining shut off the doubt shut off the voice of the enemy and say yea though they slay me god here i am walking in faith here i am trusting you i'm looking at the calendar thinking any day now any minute now any moment now god i was walking but now i'll run you said just six times god can you do it and watch nothing change i still believe he's bigger and then on the seventh day get this sit down sit down and i said honey taking my time up on the seventh day he asked them to do more he said hey you've had to walk this thing out once a day for six days six weeks six months six years six decades but on seven you've got to do it seven times you see about the time we want to give and he asks us to present and when it looks like nothing has changed and god presses on your heart are you going to do it it takes a lot of faith but we get a lot of blessing we get a lot of blessing you might be thinking i don't know if i can do that i know so banner year how many people have jubilee banner your hopes and dreams that have not yet come to pass say amen have you given up on those dreams that's my faith church you know so i had one i was starting to give up on just because i started doing the math on my miracle see this is my banner year this is my jubilee and i have been believing for years that this is the year that i would have a grand baby and if i'm gonna have a baby in 2020 i needed see somebody to get pregnant like april of last year through like february of this year right and so time was ticking and time was clicking and things were happening and january's happened last year happened january february happened march happened april happened and i started looking at my husband and i said well you know i thought this was our better year jubilee but i guess god has a blessing for us next year and right about that time that i gave up well i didn't all the way give up i was hanging on like by a pinky any anybody hanging on by a pinky on some of your face today i'm hoping to take you from a pinky to a finger i'm hoping to unclench the rest of your hand i'm hoping to get the rest of that hand open and i'm letting you know in november of this year y'all are gonna see my grandbaby i thought it was too late but god said no just watch me work if you gotta hold on by a pinky you don't let that pinky go know that god is bigger than your pinky and your strength and your power comes from him and god never fails he never fails but a lot of it depends on us because a lot of us we think okay we can't break this thing we can't do this thing and god is the chain breaker the anointing of the lord it breaks the yoke of bondage and god doesn't need you to break it for just you god needs you to break it for other people too so there was this thing with the minute mile i need two people to come on the stage with me two people you think you're kind of quick you're kind of fast come on up here for a second come on over here for a second come out here okay what shoes you got on riri let's see what you got here okay you might have to go shoeless i'm gonna call you shoeless joe jackson i'm going to put kbn come here kbn and riri kbn stand right here riri come stand right here and we're going to have a race so we're going to need to go to a wide shot you guys stay here for a second i'm going to come here let's see can we do that all right and i want to see who can reach me first are you ready on your mark get set go who do you guys think won who do you think about kvn kvn [Applause] [Music] did they do good now as fast as y'all were can either one of you run a four minute mile no a four minute minute a four minute no no not now not now not most people can't ever run a four minute mile matter of fact for years and years and years people tried to break that four-minute barrier nobody could break the four-minute barrier they trained they tried they ran they pressed they pushed and so one day finally there's this guy his name is roger bannister he ran a mile in three minutes and 59 seconds first man in history and it wasn't about a couple decades ago you you think he still holds the record don't you i mean it was so hard to do it he held that record for a long time right no once he broke the limit once you break that faith lid once you break that barrier in your life once you break that thing you can break it not just for you you can break it for your generation you can break it for your family you can break it for your neighborhood you can break it for your city you can break it for your church you can break it for your country you can break it for your county you can break it for your school you can break it for your business he held that record for 46 days all i took was 46 days all of history nobody could break that record but john landy an australian god because i love doing an australian accent so john landy came up right behind that little randy boy and he ran fast and in 46 days he broke the record when you let god everybody say let god break the limits say he can do it when you let god break the limits of faith in your life you're going to be punching past those things because a lot of times all it takes is faith so there was this guy there was this businessman and he was walking in central park and as he was walking he was really contemplating a lot of very serious things all the way contemplating to suicide because his business was going so bad he was getting ready to lose everything he got an eviction notice on the office he got an eviction notice on the house and so he's walking he's trying to think he's trying to figure it out he goes and he sits on a bench he's not there very long and an old guy comes and sits next to him real classy looking dude classy suit and the guy says it looks like something's going on in your life so the young business guy starts telling him everything that's happening he's like oh you're never going to believe this and i don't really think we're going to fail and he goes well what's your business plan he starts telling him what he's doing he's like what's your product he tells him he's like what's your marketing plan he tells him and he pulls a checkbook out of his pocket and starts writing he said here's the thing he takes the check and folds it in half and holds it to him and he says all you really need is a little bit of money this is going to get you through your problems and i believe your business is going to turn around and if it does one year from today meet me back on this park bench and pay me back hands him the check fold it in half and walks away the guy's just so dumbfounded he doesn't even open the check for like two or three minutes he's just like i don't know why this guy would believe in me i don't know why this guy would do this for me could this even be real is this even enough money to cover my problems and he opens up the check and the check is for 500.000 from john d rockefeller he's like this check is good yes yes so he goes back to the office and he gets really busy he's so excited he's telling everybody what happened he's like we gotta have a meeting we gotta pull things together put the check in the safe i'll put it in the bank tomorrow well tomorrow turn in the next day turn in the next day turn in the next week and he's like we haven't needed it i'll get it to the bank i know the check is good but we don't need it right now let's just keep going let's just keep going and soon they were out of the red soon they were in the black soon sales were soaring soon he was successful and within one year he went from losing everything to being super successful and he realized that your date was coming up and he never even cash the check so he goes into the safe and gets the check as it was that day he goes to the park he's looking for the man he's looking for the man he doesn't see the guy he goes back and sits on the exact same park bench and here comes that guy but he's dressed in pajamas he's like all right casual day whatever the guy comes and he sits down and he says hey i've got the he doesn't even get the whole sentence out and this lady runs up this nurse runs up and scrubs and says oh my gosh is he bothering you i'm so sorry he lives in the retirement home down the way he has dementia he escapes all the time and tells people he is john d rockefeller we are so sorry for bothering you she scoops up the man he said he can't even afford a cab to get back and walks away the check had never been good what's the one difference that was made he finally believed he believed because somebody else believed in him i'm telling you right now i believe in you but above that i believe in the god that created you i believe in the god that believes in you i believe in the god that intended you i believe in the god that has purposed you i believe that god puts you on the earth right now in this time with these gifts and these abilities and these opportunities because god knows if you will believe in him you're not going to perish you're going to be blessed everybody turn to your neighbor and say god has no limits turn to your neighbor and say this is my banner here and what is a banner year what is our jubilee our jubilee is all debts are canceled all property returns to its original owner and all prisoners are being all prisoners are being set free okay how many of y'all have seen on the news that they are literally setting the prisoners free have y'all said that say amen how many of you have seen prisoners here with house arrest anklets and they're coming out of prison getting their anklets off and they were getting on parole early getting released early say amen here's what i want to let you know that the prison is not just physical but it's also metaphorical so when we see the melting calendar when we see our dreams our thoughts and ideas for 2020 getting put in a box i want to ask you what's been limiting you is it the fact you hadn't been able to go to work what's your prison that's what i'm asking you what's your prison and do you think god can get you out of that prison because in acts 6 the apostles went to prison and when the apostles went to prison you know what god did he said there is no prison that can hold my people and he opened the doors of the prison he didn't do it just one time back in in acts 12. they put peter in prison in acts 12 and it was so serious you know what they did they put in 16 guards they put two chains chains don't limit god god will break every chain if i's tasha cobb right now i'll be all break every chain i've been breaking chains i can't sing don't ask me to sing but god can break every chain all right he had 16 guards he had two chains and he had three locked doors so what are you saying well god you don't understand pastor nicole you see what's going on in my life is that i've got the divorce i've already been evicted they foreclosed on the house i'm absolutely bankrupt and i've been homeless yeah so have i but god when we are weak then he is i know most of you got the high god book so i want to give you some reading you see it's in page 17 there's a section that says i can't fix it we yell at it god like he doesn't know and we say i can't fix it god's like i know i didn't create you to fix it he says he said hi god i'm looking at something right now that i don't even know how to handle i can't fix it i can't make it go away i can't repair it and i feel helpless weak and vulnerable i can feel in my spirit right now there's people i'm talking to that this is what's been going on in your head weak when i'm weak your strength shows through i don't get to the beginning of you until i reach the end of me if i wouldn't need you i probably wouldn't get you involved i just march around in foolish pride making decisions without even consulting you because i've got it famous last words the things i can't fix are the things i was never meant to fix it doesn't matter how bad it looks it doesn't matter if you can't figure it out it doesn't matter if it's been keeping you up at night maybe you've been sitting here with god in this box and god said i don't care about the chains i don't care about the guards i don't care about the depth of the situation i don't care about the difficulty he says it's all easy for me in acts 16 paul and silas were in jail i know y'all know that story and god sends an earthquake right he rumbles the earth opens the doors doors come open they don't run out they are so stinking confident and who god is they wait they wait with the doors open why because there was a jailer there the jail is freaking out he's like if all y'all leave they're gonna kill me i'm gonna die and they're like oh our jailer our captor our enemy is gonna perish if we go so we won't go and kill our enemy get this wow this is just this is mercy and grace abounding right we won't go because our enemy would perish we'll go ahead and sit here and wait with our enemy for them to come so they sit there and they wait and they come and they're like hey hey hey i think it's verse 36 it says hey look we heard what happened we heard we made god mad so here's the deal the magistrates they've sent orders to release you you're free to go but paul told the officers get this hey look he said they had us beaten in public the nicole version says yeah god saw god saw your pain he said we didn't have a fair trial god knows you weren't treated right he said and we are roman citizens and just so you know you are kingdom citizens so paul punk someone says do you think we're going to quietly walk away after they threw us in prison and violated our rights absolutely not i'm quoting the passion translation right now he said you go back and you tell the magistrates that they need to come down here we're just going to wait for them right here in jail they weren't afraid that they were going to lock the doors again they weren't afraid that they were going to beat them again they weren't afraid that they were going to put chains on them again they were bold in their faith they said we had sat there and we sang praises and our god rocked this world because our praise was not moved by our circumstance and i just wonder today do you possibly have a praise when the circumstance looks bad [Applause] and the magistrates came down there go look it up in the past and translation yourself they went to the prison and apologized paul silas so sorry we had you in jail um we'd really like to release you please uh can we walk you out and help you leave our city so as i get you ready to wrap up i want to let you know you're going to make the devil hey he did not take your 2020. joseph didn't get betrayed by his brothers so that the devil could win joseph got betrayed by his brother so he could be set up to rule and be an authority for a miracle god works all things together for our good that's a promise that we get or that's us calling the bible a liar i want you to look at your neighbor right now and say i believe the bible i've been set up to win you're not getting healing you're getting wholeness you're not going to be broke you're going to get abundance you're not going to live in lack you're going to live in overflow because we serve a god of no limits turn to your neighbor and say let god out of the box i'm gonna end with this scripture and this is the second place it started i went straight from do not grieve the holy spirit of god which means do not limit the scope of what god can do in your life and then he took me to this scripture and then the rest came in the middle and this is revelations 3 8-9 and then it says it again in isaiah 22 22 just so in just a case i only got the new testament he's like i put it in there i only got the old testament he said i put it in there because this is something you needed to not miss and he says i know what you've done [Music] and i have set before you a wide open door he said i went to the prison i opened up the door some more of my boys went to prison i opened up the door paul and silas went to prison and i opened up the door early on we said jesus christ the same yesterday today and forever he said you're on a prison of finances i'm opening up the door you're in a prison of health i'm opening up the door you're in a prison relationally i'm open up the door you're in a prison of confusion i'm opening up the door you're in a prison of depression i'm opening up the door you're in a prison of anxiety and i'm opening up the door you're in a prison of medication i'm opening up the door you're in a prison of furlough i'm opening up the door you're in a prison i've helped covet i'm opening up the door you're in a prison trying to lose your business i'm opening up the door with god there is no limit the door is open and no man can shut it and it follows up in isaiah 22. he said i'll open the doors he says it again that no man can shut and what i love is if you study that out the word eliakim it's a picture of jesus and when you translate it he says jesus has unlimited control i want to pray with you if you felt like the calendar was melting if you felt like the wiry cat if you felt like you had 286 days in march because march would never end if you felt like you didn't know how you were getting out of this i want you to stand with me whether you're online whether you're at rpc sunset hills wherever you're at i want you to stand up right now and as you lift your hands to god i'm gonna mix my faith with you i believe god has us here together intentionally and that every person under the sound of my voice wasn't here because of routine wasn't here because this is what i do wasn't here because somebody else tuned in online no god said i have a destiny date with you and that destiny date is on tuesday and i needed to get with you and tell you something on june 30th i needed to let you know that june is going to end and that's going to close that book and july is going to begin and as you step into this new month you're stepping into a new level of faith you're stepping into a new anointing you're stepping into a new space god said if you will dare to believe that i am bigger then you can ask then you can dream about at night then you could daydream in class and doodle bigger than your biggest goal better than your biggest dream and able and waiting on you to perform your blessing i will move in your 2020. it is your jubilee my hand is not shortened and i have not changed my mind just because the circumstances look bad god says many times that is my operating room to make something great father god in the name of jesus we just reach out to you right now and we thank you for who you are you are precious you are patient god thank you for your patience wow man well our mouths have been crazy and while our thoughts have been out of control while we've been pressured and scared and trying to lock the doors trying to stay in not sure if we should go out not sure if we should gather not sure if we should worship not sure if we should go in the neighborhood not sure if we should go in the grocery store god you've been sure this whole time [Music] i declare the blood of jesus how to call the hand of the lord the protection of the angels no plague shall come nigh our dwelling no hate shall come nigh our family no injustice shall touch our generations but love mercy grace faith for a dreamed of future beyond all dreams we call it into existence right now in jesus name we pray amen and amen was that all right for tonight campus pastors come on up here right now come on campus pastors you
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 3,760
Rating: 4.6986303 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Nicole, Nicole Crank, Faith Church, church in St. Louis, church in West Palm Beach, Nicole Crank Show, Hi God, unbelief, missouri, faith church, Pastor David, David Crank,, crank ministries, west palm beach, st. louis, estudiando la biblia, breakthrough, st louis, healing, bible, mentors, freedom, mental health, stl, depression, christianity, health, pastor, encouragement, marriage, disappointment, salvation, self improvement, obedience, discouragement, wisdom
Id: QxzUQjTgRS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 9sec (2229 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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