Nothing Just Happens - Pastor David Crank

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give it up for all campuses today our city Sunset Hills Wellman Springs online around the world we are excited about this weekend because I want to talk to you today about the subject of nothing just happens nothing just happens everybody shout it with me nothing just happens in other words there's a divine appointment often Tom's tied to the next level for your life so God's doing something big in your life and the enemy fights you so hard sometimes we need to put closure to that because we have inside the disappointment if you look really hard inside the disappointment there's a divine appointment come on somebody ought to help me right now I said somebody ought to help me right now leach I count on our city so so inside of you have to look really hard because there is the divine appointment inside the disappointment and it helps bring closure have you ever thought to yourself minute it seems like I don't understand why I've went through all these bad things raise your hand you know I want to say that the people that haven't went through many bad things yet it's because you haven't lived long enough come on somebody ought to help you right now I hate listening will tell you so much didn't tell you but I hate listening to some young preachers who have never went through anything because they have no life experience and they're talking about you don't understand and they know how to raise kids and they ain't got one Sharon come on somebody ought to help me right now they know all about marriage they've been married six weeks who am I talking to you today and so you don't have life experience to realize that stuff happens stuff beyond your control things that you want to control that you can't control but there's only really one person that's in total control and I think you know who it is it it ain't you it's bad grammar but it's good theology look at your neighbor and say it ain't you I'm driving all the English majors crazy right now so we need to bring closure to it nothing just happens when I was thinking about this today and we're gonna go into some passages this you know this this whole weekend and I was thinking about how that a few years ago Nicole was preaching his three port Louisiana any LSU fans and houses oh and one person here no I can hear some LSU and she went to preach this conference she thought she was there for one reason but she was actually there for another reason yes she blessed women and yes people got helped but the the pastor he forgot his wallet when they all went out to eat after church and how many y'all know that's a problem that's embarrassing and say you know hi some of y'all intentionally forgot your wallet come on somebody ever been out to you with people that need to go to the bathroom in time the check comes come on raise your hand right now if you didn't raise your hand but soon when it's you that we're talking about so so he forgot his wallet so he calls what now is my daughter-in-law he calls her because she's been raised in the house of the Lord and Shreveport she was servant at the church her momma Mary Jane was servant at the church they knew of them so well and so he was just that whole family who ginger should all tied together so he called MJ and said image I need you to go to my house to get my wallet how many y'all know that's a that's a tight relationship when people can get into your house and get your wallet come on raise your hand the people in your wallet right now go home okay so so he shows she shows up when she shows up with the wallet all of a sudden check this out something in the cold spirit leaps now Austin is dating a girl and have been dating a girl for a couple of years and we really liked her she was a great person there was nothing wrong with her but we how many y'all know it's rough to be with the wrong one when the right one comes along come on silver it's so Nicole saw it is she didn't rehearse I saw pastor Morgan come on out so she didn't know exactly what it meant but she knew something was up and watch this divine appointment watch nothing just happens I said nothing just happened he said Morgan sit down and join us so they started having conversations she said what do you do she said I'm the producer of Tiger TV I am the anchorwoman for Tiger TV and then eventually she ends up coming to the women's conference st. Louis nothing happens by accident now the Cardinals were playing let's give it up for the Cardinals right now and then they were playing some good ball Austin and me and some other people took her there all thinking things going on nothing just happens we go to the ball game then after the ball game she's not thinking anything he's not thinking anything I don't think he was thinking anything but then we went to take a chicken we wouldn't have to eat nothing just happens in there then one thing led to another and about a week later Austin tells me he says this is the craziest thing in the world but that's the girl I'm gonna marry and he had never said that before he'd never been married before come on somebody on it so I said what but he had a divine appointment and God used the forgetfulness of that pastor leaving his wallet to cause a supernatural happening for her to show up come on somebody so they could do what God called him to do nothing happens by accident shout it again nothing happens by accident now Ruth there's a whole Bible in the book called Ruth and we're gonna go there to chapter 2 verse 15 it says when she arose to glean actually I actually I jumped ahead I got so excited I can't help it let's go to Ruth one that's before - it's one before - one well I said - I can't help it because I haven't eaten in a while I was thinking of number two from McDonald's come on somebody always farrago its supersize 1 1 now it came to fasten in the days with judges rules that there was a famine in the land and a certain man in in Bethlehem and Judah went to dwell in the country of Moab and his wife and his two sons in the country of Moab they went with him now the name of the man was a Lim elec and his wife was Naomi and the names of the two sons were Maya and Chile on and they lived and remained there now a limb elect Naomi's husband died and she was left with her two sons and notice they went there temporarily because there was a famine in the land that they were at and they thought this would just be a temporary thing but it wound up being 10 years anybody ever had something you've been dealing with for 10 years come on don't don't point anybody but just think about it and now she's in this land and her husband dies now now first forces now they took wives of the women of Moab one's name was Orpah and the other was ruth and they dwelt there for ten years now all of a sudden Milon and chili on they died how many all know this is horrible she loses her husband now she loses her two sons it's looking like life is over but nothing just happens everybody shot nothing just happens now I want you to pay attention right now now at this moment in life she feels an inner prompting Naomi the this that the mother-in-law she feels a prompting that she needs to now go to the city in return to the city where she came from and when she does this she looks at her two daughter-in-laws and I always always like to call the one Oprah because it's easier come on somebody's looking Oprah he looked at I'm gonna mess it up now she looked at Orpah and she looked at Ruth and she said stay here while I go back and they said no no no wherever you go I will go wherever you live I will live and so she said no no no no listen you got to go live your own life because you don't understand if I were to get married right now and have children today you couldn't wait 20 years for those kids to grow up you need to get on with your own life it's just such - the one not Ruth hence the name of the book Ruth says no no wherever you go I'm gonna go but then this this other one sheshe looked since she says you know what I'm just gonna I'm gonna kiss you good-bye and so she leaves I want to talk about people leaving and nothing just happens there are times in your life when people who you thought were going to be with you the whole time till death do you part come on somebody ought to help me right now you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that we're gonna be ever I mean they know your secrets they know the codes they know though they know everything and then all the sudden they leave there are kissers and cleavers so there's some people will kiss you and they will leave you and some people will kiss you and they will cleave to you and so you have to understand that God's doing something in your life even if you're in a situation to where yes there was a famine and it took ten years now my husband died now my kids are dead what do I do but there's always somebody who has a divine destiny that is tied to you that'll be with you all the way to the end somebody ought to help me right now now we never hear again about the the other daughter-in-law but we continue to hear the story hence the whole Book of Ruth is written about a woman who said I'm gonna obey God I'm gonna stay even though it doesn't look like there's anything in it for me I'm gonna follow through on this thing because nothing just happens now when they go to the next town in fact you might be there right now to where you're in between jobs you're in between relationships come on sunset hills come on to our city come on well to see your you're in this tight spy and sometimes in those moments you have to be careful because the devil will try to take ahold of your mind and depression will try to take ahold of your mind and it'll try to say something is wrong with you when in all reality you might be doing all the right things and you can be right in the divine movement of God you can be in the downline flow of God and that's while hell is fighting you so hard that's why the Bible said don't grow weary in well-doing come on somebody ought to help me right now you will reap if you faint enough but but there's there's obstacles so with inside the disappointment all of a sudden Ruth sees I don't think I have an appointment but the one thing I'm gonna do is do what I said that I'm gonna do I always say this you gotta write it down do what's right because it's right and do it right to what's right because it's right and do it right there's nothing about faithfulness Ruth said I don't really have a promise in the next city I really don't even know what we're gonna do but here's what I know I know that I have a covenant relationship there was a bond that was broken when I was a virgin and I got married to your son now there was a blood covenant that happened and now we are one and not only am i one with him I'm one with you and his mom became my mom it's called the supernatural covenant in fact there's some people in my life that are just as close to me as my biological kids I want to also to jump up here you tall long-legged thing just jump up and you can do whatever you want to do but this guy right here is not biologically my son but when he was eight years old and he looked up to me and now that has now reversed when he was eight years old I looked at him and I loved him and there was a covenant between he and I that grew stronger and stronger and he is a great dad in Dallas but he had a father that was a covenant relationship and he's stuck with me if you thick see thread through hard times through bad times to good times to college do sports he said wherever you go called me Papa when he was little still does but you know that's a whole nother thing his mom would call me Big Daddy but that's a whole thing come on somebody right now call me call me girl I know you'd be watching me right now he's so embarrassed right now oh you ain't going on so everybody shot covered a relationship so I have sons and daughters in the faith that are called to this church and their destiny was tied to me there are certain people that I knew that I was tied to the first time I met him I could Sunset Hills Arden and Susie always sit there to the left and and Arden and Susie the first time I shook his hand 14 years ago I turned around in an auditorium with thousands of people I turn around I shook his hand and immediately I knew something he's tied to me forever now some people come and go but there are some people that you know will be with you forever but don't try to run your life chasing the one who left you trying to make yourself think about them trying to find out what they're doing on Facebook come on somebody trying to see how their life is going if they left from you they were not called to you and you got to learn the gift of goodbye you guys say later alligator after a while it up come on somebody bye Felicia come on earth city 5 please come on well - bye Felicia seal it on again it after a while crocodile some people just leave you but what wait what you can't do in those moments notice Ruth and Naomi said we're not gonna talk bad about her you don't hear him about talking bad about it you don't even hear talking about at all you're just on with their new sing in other words everything happens nothing just happens nothing just happens everything happens in God's divine movement so now they go to the next town when they get to this city it was Naomi's hometown and now they're still starving they still don't know what to do they still don't know which direction to go 1 verse 6 one more time it said but Ruth said and treat me not to leave you or turn back from following after you wherever you go I will go wherever you Lodge I will Lodge and your people will be my people and your God will be my god where you die I will die and where you're buried I will be buried the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death departs us in other words there's that there's a covenant a covenant and people don't really understand covenant today soon as people get a job they get right on Monster to find the next job come on somebody ought to have a pointed nobody says so then if you own corporations or your you know if you own your own organization you know how hard it is to find good people because sometimes I'll think about it and I don't even interview people so don't come up to me looking for a job because I don't even know how to give you a job but the people that on our staff that interview job they have like exams they make people's days and they take personality profiles and then you got to have HR talk to them to make sure you don't say anything that's stupid because there's always people that say I'm not looking for a job but I'm looking to sue you so I never have to get a job come on somebody ought to help me right now it's so really getting a job sometimes it's like speed dating so now you meet somebody one two or three times and you don't know if they're straight-up cray-cray they took their medicine at 9:00 noon and 3:00 and they were normal but come Monday when they forgot to take it off Sunday somebody ought to help me right now tonight just cry so show what you got to be careful of in today's society is not many people get together and get married and stay together not many people say hey like you and Arden like me and Omar like me a pastor Phil like me and pastor Morgan like me and pastor Adriene there are certain people on my team that's been with me the whole time some of them had been with me before the 14-year time and there are people that I know they've made a covenant to God and they say hey Petey where you go I go where you pray I pray when you fast I pass come on somebody what you like I like I'm not saying unto me I'm sayin another Paul said follow me as I follow Christ so she said nothing but death verse 16 nothing but death will ever separate us verse 17 117 says where you die die where you buried I buried then the Lord nothing shall separate met me but death verse 18 when she saw that she was determined I love that verse 18 when she saw that she was determined I'm gonna say it again when the old lady yeah said it when she saw that she was determined now she starts in parting her anointing in she starts in parting her giftings in she starts imparting things that only you can get when you 3995 and some chains come on somebody ought to help me right now so you say when you're 18 you think you know it all God will send some people nothing just happens God will send some people that are older than you to say I've been around that corner and I know what's there and you don't want none of that I know what it's like to be faithful I know what it's like to serve God she saw that she was determined everybody shout I determined she was determined now the next thing that happens is now she ends up saying hey listen I need to go out and I need to I need to get a job in chapter 2 verse 3 look at your neighbors say that's you that's your word get a job tell them come on sunset come on our city come on well I get a job everybody at welded a got a job I know that's right to verse one to one there was a relative of Naomi's husband who was a man of great wealth his name was Boaz I ain't going for that joke right now I know y'all want me to go there but I can't do it I got a little trouble for the last time but he was a man of great wealth everybody shout great wealth so now she's in the right place she's surrounded by the right mentor and now she is led to this field that it's actually the relative of Naomi and you know the story goes it says that she was gleaning in the field and as she's gleaning in the field Boaz comes up and he owns the field but he's not in charge of it now there is his structure and systems and it runs without him but he saw this girl and that's where the song was written who's that lady who's that lady that come on somebody oughta help me right now and he looked at her and she did not even know that she was being watched I want you to write that down you don't know that you're being watched some of you right now are being watched by other people and they are seeing if you're committed or not because there's a difference between being committed and needing to be committed come on somebody ought to help me right now since then some people need to be committed but then there's other people that he committed be be committed yeah okay justice system now he's watching her in other words God is setting up this season to show her that I'm about to put my Super on your natural and while she's out gathering he looks and says who is it then he tells his guys hey I got an idea here's what I want you to do I want you to stop to stop cleaning the the field as good as you were I want you to leave massive amounts on the hook so now when she comes home she comes telling me and RZA walks in and Naomi sees massive bags of food she said girl what you've been telling she saw I was just working she said no no no no you don't understand this is not normal no no I was just working nothing happened no she said nananana somebody somewhere is letting things happen to you that normally with because I saw three or four other people walking home they had a little bit's in their back and then I'll watch you coming here girl you can't even carry all this in other words God is able to do exceedingly abundantly and above all you could ever ask or think according to the power that works within you it's not by Mike it's not by power but it's by my spirit says the Lord the Lord is my shepherd I shall not lack gods on the seat nothing just happens nothing just happened come on sit down our city you better be you better be shouting come on well then wave at me I know you're shouting today this is shouting material right now God is setting you up for this next season nothing just happens so then that's when the mentor comes in this is what church is so important this is why small groups are so important this is why it is incredibly important this weekend that you start figuring out which I can that you want to go to so today when you're done and you're here at this campus and role palm you need to go outside and get out of that tent and say where the AH connects if you're Sunset Hills go to the back of that giant Lobby and that big information desk if you're at Weldon you walk out that door and to your right there they stand if you're Sunset Hills or city find it and get connected because when this appointment happens if you don't realize it is a divine appointment you can miss your opportunity what happens when you miss your opportunity sometimes you get miserable you get out of the will of God because by the time most people check this out God spoke this to me today he said by the time most people get enough wisdom to do what they need to do they're too old to do it in other words if you got more wisdom now than you did when you were 20 raise your hand but do you look at yourself in the mirror mirror and you see lines that you didn't see when you were 20 its sagging bagging and dragging somebody ought to help me right now you reach down to pick up your socks and it's your skin you say Allah Allah what is happening here right now so you got to make sure in this season everybody shot in this season come on shout it again in this season you need a mentor in this season you need to make sure somebody's there to help you understand the severity of the moment the sacredness of the moment the seriousness of the moment and that really the system of the moment to say hang on a minute I'm not just in some kind of like weird thing you got to look around sure this doesn't happen everybody everybody shot this doesn't happen everybody see I remember when I was doing what God called me to do and my dad died that was a disappointment to me 56 years old he died about five minutes from Sunset Hills campus and I had no clue that that was gonna happen I was surprised I was disappointed but out of that disappointment some older people that I was connected to came to me if I told you them several of them are national ministries they came to me and one of them being Joyce Meyer saying hey here's what God is getting ready to do in your life now if you if you had told me that day what God was gonna do and all these campuses and all the things that God's done the global outreach of the ministry in 14 years of you that said your life's gonna be look like this I would either had a heart attack this is the big one or I would have laughed in your face and thought that'll never happen but you cannot underestimate the power of the pain of the process come on somebody that God is allowing to happen into you because when I looked inside the pain when I look back and I see the process then I can see the promotion but I wouldn't see the promotion if it hadn't been for the plane I wouldn't have had the pain I wouldn't develop the process somebody ought to help me right now don't tell me it's not going to happen to you nothing just happens come on shout it nothing just happens come on all campuses feels good shadow one more time what nothing just happens now in these moments where you are disappointed and maybe you made a mistake how many y'all like me and you've made a lot of mistakes for you if you didn't raise your hand you just made another mistake you should try it huh let's try it one more time anybody everybody knows it in fact I'll tell you something about me when I said earlier that I don't hire people I'm a horrible at hiring people I'm the worst because I love everybody you could be the biggest job hop and loser in the world and I'd be like man I like this guy I just really do I feel good about it because I like everybody I don't care little people short people tall people black people white people Spanish people I never saw people that didn't like I like everybody I've almost been stabbed by people that I didn't know that I was supposed to like oh so in your life though you have to make sure that hang on a minute God's doing something right here nothing just happens for her for no reason God's up to something and I've got to allow myself to be okay with making that mistake so this this weekend as I was thinking about this I was thinking about the story of a guy who got swallowed by a whale now I know that's a whale of a story a lot of you have trouble believing that you're like man I believe that submit a for call and I don't believe it really happened how could that happen well you know what I don't I don't understand everything but I believe if God said that Jonah swallowed a whale I would believe that part in I don't understand a lot of things I don't understand how brown cow eats green grass and gives white milk but I still drink it in my coffee come on somebody ought to help me right now by the way coffees in the Bible he's got a whole book it's called Hebrews okay so check this out we're almost done I got about ten minutes here eight minutes maybe so check this out Jonah is told to go to Nineveh and he goes to Tarsus but yet after he's out of the will of God nothing just happens they end up throwing him off the boat and when they throw him off the boat it says the Lord had prepared for him a great fish and the fish swallowed him up and it says that Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights and then Jesus says this we found out later that it's actually a shadow of foreshadowing of what Jesus would be is said for the Son of Man was in hell for three days and three nights in other words God knew the whole time that Jonah was going to do what he was going to do and God knew the whole time that Adam was gonna do what he was going to do and so at the time when it was time to do what God needed to do God loved us so much he sends Jesus and now three days in three nights Jesus is in Hell buying back the bad decision of Adam he's making right what isn't right through the blood covenant somebody ought to help me right now and the man Jesus if you must know the man Jesus came out of the loins of this happening in the Book of Ruth you can trace all of it back to this moment of a mess God's going to turn your mess into a message everybody a mess into a message I want to see sunset on the screen everybody's shot mess into a message come on shout it again why nothing just happens so even when we think we've made a wrong move or even if it looks like we're losing technically we're winning for second corinthians 2:14 says now thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus it says many of the afflictions of the righteous there's a lot of afflictions there's a lot of problems but the Lord delivers them out of them oh now here's the problem oftentimes when you're going through hell you don't realize that actually God's going to turn the reverse to a promotion that actually the setback is gonna be your comeback that the pain is gonna develop the process for the promotion but if you try to tinker with it you don't mess it up nothing just happens I think about Weldon Spring campus several years ago I was riding my motorcycle around the Wellness spring campus I didn't I just all of a sudden saw this cool-looking church I thought well that's a cool look at church I never seen that church before I thought well it looks a beautiful church and big old glass and a wonderful place but I just drove through the parking lot it's just kind of Google it thought wonder what kind of church this is now fast forward about two years past that we get a call from a real estate agent that said that Church had a split and they couldn't pay the bank and I knew exactly what church it was now it's about 40 minutes from where my office was but I was sitting in the process in the parking lot and I had no real clue that nothing just happens if I had known sitting in that parking lot I would have look around and took more pictures I thought well someday it's gonna be a church and someday we're gonna have that you know a basketball court and someday we're gonna have this I didn't realize a man suggests you right now of all our campuses today that you might be driving past your house this weekend and don't realize it sure you might be driving past your car and don't realize it's yours you might be driving past an office complex and you have no clue that someday you're gonna own the press somebody ought to help me right now because inside inside the disappointment is it at my employment the pastor thought he just forgot his wallet and now I have a beautiful daughter in love amen everything that you're worried about right now it's gonna make sense later two things before we go come on look at your neighbor say two things before we go I'm gonna close here in the next five minutes look at your neighbor and say no he's not he's a liar come on just tell him he's lying he's lying right now you can tell when he's lying he ain't quitting right now come on earth city come on everybody high-five each other high-fives to somebody right now come on son all right last story here here's where it gets real I know I talk about it a lot but this campus said I'm at right now in royal palm broadcasting to you I remember that if we could turn those radios down III remember that I was in st. Louis and God was dealing with me about starting a church in Florida now I was like I needed a church in Florida too to go to Florida and visit because when I turned 40 Nicole bought me a motorcycle and planted it in Florida so for eight years I've been coming down here that in fact the motorcycle that I have here is still the same motorcycle I'm hoping when I turn 50 you come by me anywhere come on somebody out hit me I love you boo you're my baby what stop I didn't mean it [Applause] so now watch this appointment I'm in Dallas Texas way away from West Palm Florida that's Palm Beach and I'm on this show with a lot of big names I mean he's really big names and I did my sermon did all that and I was drawn to this guy's name's Randall Taylor never met him before he just I think he's just like a dream team or he's just maybe a driver I don't know but I'm leaving these big name preachers and I'm just hanging out with him and I don't know why except I used to be a dream team guy and I was a pilot for some preachers and everybody blew me off and it's always weird so I'm always kind of nice to the little guy in fact I just preached in the church in Chicago the other day that they they were they blew me off and then they asked me to preach you know 14 years later and I go I don't know if I want to go or not but I did go back but I did tell them of their transgression come on somebody ought to help it's all I can't believe it I thought yeah you did it yeah you did sister watch this though it's a divine appointment I'm meet Randall Randall says I love your sermon I'm like Randall what do you do he said I buy all the TV time for Joseph Prince Amen I buy it all for Joyce Meyer come on Dave do something see he said I still had something he said if you ever thought about you know having a national TV ministry I said now I don't want to do that there's only one place I want to go in television that's in West Palm Beach Florida he said really he said actually I'm a buyer for Fox in West Palm and there's a slot that's coming up at 11:00 a.m. primetime on a Sunday morning I'll find out how much it is check this out I'm almost done so he finds out how much it is now it's a whole lot of money I always called it the mayonnaise program man he's gonna need to be a miracle of money to get me on that station and so I got invited watch this nothing just happens for a reason I get invited by a guy to the Caymans when I get to the Caymans we're sitting at this man's home and he had been a great generous donor to the church and and he asked me it was wintertime and said would you come to my house in the Bahamas or came as I'll send my jet to get you and I said let me pray about it the Lord said yes do it so I did and it's ah so I show up and we're at this little table and this gas says I think it's just a day you're thinking right now it's just another day you thinking here this came you know if I could just get through this weekend next weekend is Labor Day weekend I'm gonna go to the lake I just there's one more weekend I've got about me but all of a sudden the guy goes hey when you gonna start that church in West Palm Beach Florida and I said well nobody knows me there so I need to go on television he said how much is it cost and I said I just happen to know check this out if I hadn't talked to the little guy the little guy wouldn't hook me up with the big guy and the big guy wouldn't hit me with Fox and so I told him and he said well I'll pay all the bills and so for one year he paid the bills then the ratings that Fox was so good we went on CBS and then we want an NBC and the guy kept paying the bills and the bills were $30,000 every 30 days and he kept paying it for three years because God can take nothing and make something happen at somebody ought to have and now I know all of you come on somebody ought to help know everybody - West Palm campus people getting healed people getting set free all kinds of people be watching because inside my disappointment was an appointment that God had come on somebody ought to help me right now she you go clean in that field you don't let this setback kill you you say that force is not going to kill me I'm stronger than that I can do Oh think through Christ who strengthens me come on somebody ought to give God I Jerry it appraised come on Earth City come on I'll tell you give him about 10 seconds it may look like I'm so around it but I'm surrounded by you come on sing it it may look black bounce around it but I'm surrounded by you one more time oh it may look like I'm surrounding but I'm surrounded by you this is how I fight my bad come on this is how I fight my bad come on well this is our fight [Music] I mean they look like like [Music] right come on you've gotta present today come on all campuses aren't afraid for you right now every head bowed and every eye closed every campus I can't see your hand in all campuses but I can see them at some of them God can definitely see your hand you say pastor David this is the word I needed tonight off a bit through some disappointments have been through some trials I've had some scenarios that didn't look so good but I'm committed I'm committed to God I'm committed to this house I'm committed to a iConnect group I'm not gonna do life alone but I need you to pray for me today Pastor David whether you're weld in Sunset Hills Earth City wherever you're at there's no distance in prayer online I want you to slide your hand up right now if you say I need prayer I need you to pray come on raise that hand I want to see it all campuses you can put it down right now now I want you to go ahead and look back at me before I pray for you I feel led of the Lord to tell you this I'm here the Holy Spirit tell me it won't always be this way it'll all have closure and make sense later and at the end of this trail you'll look back and say oh that's what you were doing the whole time but that's the way you fight your battles I want to pray father I thank you Lord for your word god I think it it's you're bringing closure to every part of our life and I pray for that woman he's been abused lied on started out from a child and now she feels so fandant and hurt I pray for her right now I pray for every man every woman ever born of a girl that they're in a season right now of disappointment and I thank you God you will begin to reveal your appointment even today say now rebuke you I'll say this is the weekend that they are free as they go into Venice next week and they close out the month of August we go into this new area God I decree to declare right now that they're coming through with strength and favor it's super national appointments like I had with Randle they will have it even starting this week in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen come on give the Lord praise one more time [Applause]
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 11,468
Rating: 4.8008299 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor David, David Crank, Faith Church,, church in St. Louis, church in West Palm Beach, church in Missouri, church in Florida, funny preacher, disappointment, accident, righteousness, commitment, mentors, opportunity
Id: FspD1FZrazI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 54sec (2334 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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