Get Your Mind Under Control - Pastor David Crank

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[Music] you can do better than that good you know that tournaments on YouTube and I wanted to set it up a little bit about being stuck in a rut anybody in here ever got yourself in a mental rut raise your hand how many all have helped yourself pull yourself out of those ruts and that's kinda what we're gonna talk about today it's breaking those old mindsets because the way we think is obviously the way we're going to live and with every new level in season of your life we have to learn to think on that level if we don't then absolutely we do not achieve exactly what we want out of life and so the Bible has allowed to say about the mind I have a couple questions how many y'all have a mod raise your hand if you got a mind in here how many all have given away a lot of pieces so you don't know how much you got left but right your minds like mine it roams anybody ever roam even while I'm preaching today your mind will go to Walmart for a minute target for a minute it roams but how many all know that you're miles too little to be out roaming by itself so you pull it back in and guard our mom so let's go to this first scripture I want to go to your first Corinthians 2 verse 16 it says for who has known or understood the mind there it is the council's the purposes of the Lord so as the guide or instruct him in the knowledge but you have the mind of Christ I want you to shout that I have the mind of Christ let's say it together I have you have the mind of Christ I mean I don't think that God's mind is negative today bad today let's our G today messed up today know the mind of Christ is on point and so if we have the mind of Christ and well why aren't we thinking like God well obviously it's through retraining that's why the Bible says in Romans 12 and 2 that we're supposed to renew our mind he says don't be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind now the mind is the most powerful tool that you have it's the most brilliant thing in the world it is a phenomenal machine in fact right now I will tell my mind to move my right foot check it out there it goes my right foot now I'm going to tell it to go for the left one now it's going in okay so how many all know this now you do the pokey hokey-pokey right you know some of y'all need to do the Hokey Pokey and turn yourself around but that's a whole other sermon the mind can tell you what you do what you feel but your body in your mind totally tie in together your feelings are the thoughts of your body see like I don't feel good I don't feel like this is right there's feelings and oftentimes our feelings are erroneous if they're not renewed through the mind of Christ so now we also understand that the thoughts that we have oftentimes are not our own there's something that has happened in our past that's mess with our life that's anchored us and so now we try to change our current reality and if we're going to change our current reality we can't go into the new reality that we want with our old personality in fact this is the weaker growth track where we deal with personality everybody has one in fact some of you have multiples come on somebody elements alright so your personality's a big part of who you are so we know that a lot of the best songwriters their melancholy their flag mining they get in touch with their feelings and they write those songs that make the whole thing okay they're sad a lot of sad songs come from melancholy people there other people like myself to my personality and everybody by the way you're not trying to change your personality you're just making sure you're not in the basement of that personality so my personality is I'm a cleric their leaders they lead organizations they move forward they can keep going the other part of my personality is way up here with cleric and I'm right slightly below it with sanguine that means I can change the world I just need somebody to help me find my car keys right so we have this sanguine thing that's funny and laughy but the choleric thing is serious but there's a basement to the choleric so if we want to change our reality we want to change our preferred future we have to look at our life right now and find out what thoughts are we thinking because as a man thinketh so is he as you think so you are you can't have a positive life without a positive mind how could you possibly think that you could have a positive life with a negative mind so we got to make sure that we're aware of not only our thoughts check this out but our subconscious thoughts now there are people who are weight conscious there are people who are self conscious there are people that are unconscious come on help me there are people that are God conscious but there's something going on in our subconscious mind in fact we only use 5% of our brain this incredible thing right here we only use 5% of that bad boy while we're trying to make changes the other 95% our unconscious thoughts that we're having and by the way you have 80,000 thoughts today 90% of those a recent study just came out that verified what we knew 30 years ago 90% of the 80,000 thoughts that you have are the same thoughts you keep thinking the same thing over and over and over it if you track it it will be that same thing that dirty rascal did me wrong he did me wrong he did me wrong I always go so we must realize hang on a minute we can't just change our whole life through positive thinking now I'm all about positive thinking I'm all about positive speaking but 5% is not very much compared to the 95% of the unconscious thoughts that are back there saying you're no good this is why it won't happen your family's all you know my family everybody was big-boned and retained water and abuse food okay so I tend to in a lower state abuse food so I love to change the state that I feel by the food that I eat and nothing can do that better than two cylinders of Girl Scout cookies come on say man - this right here bean in Palm Beach County okay so but I have to then I do this unconscious thing I go do that and in my unconscious mind it says well at least you're not smoking crack wave at me right now if you're if you don't smoke crack wave your hand at me right now I'm worried okay all right so our unconscious thoughts say now I'm gonna lose weight I'm gonna take charge of my life or I'm gonna start the business then now you're outside of your comfort zone and you feel insecure you're like I don't and then your body starts saying can we do it tomorrow anybody ever heard that not today let's don't do it because your feelings are the language of your body don't do it today after all you're hip kind of hurts well you know for six months one time my shoulder hurt and I got around a friend and I was with him and I said I can't work out right now my shoulders hurt and he goes your abs aren't broke are they right so we make excuses but we will not be able to make progress if we continue to make excuses you can't have both you've got to decide I'm going to retrain those emotions in my past that are keeping me anchored and I'm gonna renew my Montu the Word of God and now I'm gonna see the emotions that do not belong in my future because there are certain things in your life you can't take with you I went to the airport the other day in Palm Beach County and I had too many bags and in the bag they were the one bag was overweight so he said this bag is overweight they're really upset about that so you need to take two pounds out of this bag how many y'all know I don't know what two pounds is I don't I don't know so you just have to open it up in front of everybody you're like there's a boot I assume that weighs like a pound there's toothpaste I don't know what that weighs you start getting stuff out but I had to take stuff out of one bag and put it in another bag which really cracks me up because it's all going on the same stupid plane come on somebody else understand it so but anyway now we got a lot of action out of that deal but the point is is that I was not allowed because there was limitations on the weight of that bag they would not let me take that much with me I'm telling you there are limitations on your mind there are limitations in your life and you have to say I cannot have those old erroneous thoughts those old ways of doing things dictating my future I'm gonna retrain my brain because I have the mind of Christ shot it again I have the mind of Christ so people are always trying to change their reality with the old personality and the Bible says as a man think is so easy so it's not enough just to have positive thoughts although that's very important we also need to have positive affirmations that we're saying about ourselves every day you retrain your brain because again that subconscious mind is saying you're no good you can't do it you're not educated enough after all look at all the pain of your past look at all the failure of your past and we're not living in our past our past is over so now we look at our past and go hang on in there it is still a living live record there's certain things that can really remember as a child I remember I got sick and I was sick for like a week or something - my dad was a cop and my uncle's was a cop and they took me to Steak N Shake and let's just think out for a second shake right now God we thank you right now for second shake and so now I'm eating a second shake with them they're smells that I'm smelling there's feelings that I'm feeling I'm loving the attention and I'm loving being on the house that feels great there was an 18 week about this big that was for sale that said Steak and Shake on the side of it and it was for sale my uncle says I want to buy that for him I can't tell you how we got there I don't know where I lived at the time I don't know where we how we got home all I really remembered vividly is I got that truck somehow there was so much emotion tied to that I can still remember something that happened like 40 years ago I'm here to tell you today that there are negative things smells sights sounds that anchor you to the past maybe that you were sexually abused maybe that your dad always said you're this or that or the other that subconscious memory is still there but now we need to create new ways of thinking that says I'm not what I did I'm what I do come on somebody I'm renewing my mind through the Word of God I'm gonna change the way I think so I can change the way I live and I'm now going to make new choices demonstrate new behaviors that stamp the neurons that create new patterns so I don't get stuck in the rug so now you make new memories we all do things that we like and we do things that we don't like for me and I'll ask you if you do this anybody ever worked out consecutively for like a week or two and your body actually wanted to work out raise your hand like a few of you okay so it really happens you're like man yeah I want to work out then all the sudden you get off the wagon and then it's like I don't want to work out your body's like don't work out but when you go work out all of a sudden now you're working out you're feeling great you're lifting weights you feel the control of your life dopamine's being dropped in your brain like crazy you're creating this feeling now you're maybe listen to music just pumping you up and you're like man even your body says I want to work out then you fall off the wagon you can't even find the wagon you're not even interested in the wagon raise your hand if you're there right now I know a lot of people lost their wagon in this church okay so now if we demonstrate those same behaviors again and we start doing the thing that we want to do we're stamping new neurons there's a principle in neuroscience that says says this is says nerve cells that fire together wire together so that's why when you do that thing you don't want to do but it gives you that drop of dopamine I'm pressured I maxed out I want to abuse the alcohol I want to watch this I want to do that because it gives you some kind of release in the subconscious mind says go back to that place now you're making new progress and while you're making new progress the mind the will the emotions taps in and says you don't want to do that because you're gonna be disappointed you're never gonna lose the weight you're never gonna be happy again you're never gonna love again you can't be that because after all this is as big as you could ever possibly be based on the education that you have based on the family history the history that you have you can't do that then you have to renew your mind and go hang on a minute I'm not what I used to be I'm a new creature in Christ Jesus old things have passed away come on somebody and behold all things have become brand new you've got place today in this house come on so now we start creating new memories we begin to hardwire our brain anybody in here have an iPhone come on raise your hand Palm Beach County st. Louis County raise your hand if you have an Android I'm always surprised it seems to be about 50/50 okay so I don't know about the Android all I knows about the iPhone but sometimes if my iPhone battery starts going dead first of all if your phone battery goes dead how many y'all know you got to go home I got to go home you know if I I love my phone so much I could forget my kids and not go back I forget my phone I got I got to go back it's not an option so my phone is sitting there running and I'm losing battery loss trying to get on you know an app and it's going real slow then I realized how many tabs do I have open so I start looking while the Waze app is open amazon promised open Facebook's open Instagram is open Twitter's open open open open up and open now I shut down all those tabs now all the sudden things start functioning better much like your phone basically your brain is the same thing it has too many tabs open anybody ever went to bed there was four tabs open you're like shut up shut up I'm not anybody ever went to sleep woke up in the middle of the night and all tabs are like yep you need to take out the trash you need to do this I got so many problems in the light day I can't remember what those things are are so your subconscious mind is always going and by the time you're 35 you're hardwired with a bunch of memorized patterns a bunch of memorized behaviors a bunch of motional beliefs and reactions that keep you from becoming who you should be now let's talk about that so man think it's so easy you have the mind of Christ no it doesn't happen in a day you can't retrain your brain in a moment you have to treat rain your brain by neurons that fire together wire together so now you're saying I work out and I love it I eat good and I love it like I don't eat what everybody else eats because I've developed a pattern of a lifestyle because I modeled other people and I remember dr. Eric or excuse me dr. Mike for sale I went to his office one time he was earning a green smoothie and he said you should try to screen smoother you absolutely love it it's absolutely phenomenal I tried it and I liked us threw up I'm like my god who in their right mind would do this he's like no no I'm telling you develop a taste for it to like it someday and I'm like okay he's like look at my hair it's so full it's so bushy and I'm like yeah it is is that a wig I pulled on no I mean it's real okay and his abs were looked good he's awesome he's like you know 80 years old I'm like man so then I started trying a little baby green smoothies and meant that you know while I was drinking a milkshake I also drank a little too green right get rid of the taste come on help me with this way so I started developing a taste for healthier foods making better choices and now just like him I can actually get rid of the erroneous beliefs that this is what I like I like stuff that kills me no I like stuff that makes me healthy I don't want the diseases that are associated with the old age I don't want growths and tumors I don't want one out of every four people in my family down of cancer so that's why I say hey wheatgrass shots kind of nasty I guess what you can chase it down with something else green smoothies kind of nasty but I tell my daughter it beats chemo I'm here to tell you that if you change the way you think you change the way you live and you live long strong prosperous and healthy come on let's try that one more time a little bigger now now these so these programs that are running in your and your in the background here's what they said to me years ago when my dad died a lot of bad things had happened to me up to that point my wife divorced me my dad dies I take over his church my mom decides to she doesn't like the way the church is going so she tries to start a coup and a board take over in a whole mess and so I still love my mom and send her a check every week for $1,000 and a half for 15 years but she never calls never comes around but she cashes the check so there is something in here on Mother's Day when I preach that for the first 13 years I was mad and then all of a sudden I had reprogrammed my brain reprogrammed my brain not to say I hate Mother's Day now I started thinking about the godly mothers that God put in my life and I started thinking of my wife who is a great mother and now I love Mother's Day but it took a long time to do that so now I start to church right yeah and now God begins to put desires in my heart and that might be you today he said he gives us the desires of our heart here's the trick though those aren't our desires God put those desires and hard-wired those in from the factory for you to do the mission you to start the business you to do the great things so it's not selfish if you don't want something more out of life but then things happen and neurons that fire together wire together and so now I have memories of my dad statements will never be that we're not good enough here going to the mall if you're from Palm Beach County you won't know this but there's a mall here in st. Louis and it's an expensive kind of mall in Ladue area and we'd go in there and he would say we don't belong here he's telling me this out loud we don't look like these people and I was kind of looking around going they have to know they have two ears 1 nose two eyes they look like that to me but because his family had programmed him bad he was programming me bad although inside I kind of thought I don't understand why now I go through that same mall knowing I do belong here everybody knows me I spend my whole check here I want to die here so my wife and kids come visit me come on somebody all right I'm gonna be buried here ok so Pauly's County be like worth evany right so what I want you to do is realize all that stuff is running in my in my background so now my dad dies and God puts the desire in me to start multi-site Alta campus so now I go to buy the highway 70 property and I could hear in my subconscious mind this voice that says you can't do that nobody in your family has ever done this your dad said you couldn't do that listen it's very hard when you love somebody and they programmed you from the factory that you won't do that but I had to make a decision consciously to reprogram my subconscious and go I know my dad said that but my father said that I am his child I am created for good works he owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills somebody ought to shout a man so I don't get what my dad said I get what my father said but I'm going to tell you honestly in the back of my mind and that's great because right now it's rolling to the back in the back of my mind I would still hear those thoughts those programs were still running and I had to fix the operating system which didn't happen in a day it took weeks of meditation as a man thinketh so is he as a man thinketh so is he I'm talking to you on television right now as you think so you will be if you think negative thoughts you will live a negative life now meditation is powerful New Age people say people say we're preaching New Age now New Age is preaching the gospel okay Psalms 119 verse 15 it says this I will meditate on your precepts and thoughtfully regard your ways the past that rut that past of life established by your precepts I will meditate I will meditate meditate we meditate to meditate is to close your eyes and see your preferred future now here's what I did I learned this science technique in art that I want to share with you right now I can control my heart rate I can control in bad situations I'm a pilot so I've been in real bad situations where bad things happen and it looked like we were gonna die and I couldn't close my eyes because I was the only pilot in the plane so I had to control my thoughts and go I've got this I've been trained for this here's the one thing I'm gonna do well everybody else yelling I'm gonna yell at them say and I'm gonna land this plane guess what I must have done it I'm alive alright so I've been in situations but if you lose control of your mind you lose control of your life so in my preferred future I meditate upon the goodness of the Lord what he's called me to do and I begin to create a reality and here's what I'm about to tell you right now whatever you do don't lose sight of this this is phenomenal teaching by the way this has changes everything I really want to go deep today anybody ever had a dream that woke you up your heart was accelerating and you were freaked out because you were scared out of your mind where's your hand your body had your mind had perceived that this problem was real you were asleep but your mind thought we got a problem this is really happening and it started dumping all kinds of chemicals in your body the fighter flights going and you wake up and Nicole's like are you okay yeah I'm all right I think you were trying to stab me again and it's rough I made that part up okay your mind doesn't know the difference between reality and a perceived reality so let's use this for our advantage many times what I do is I close my eyes and some people close your eyes like I close my eyes and now you want to close your eyes and it takes a while but see your preferred future I would see myself preaching at Earth City I would see myself being multi-state multi-site multi-campus reaching the world and so my mind would grab me and it would subliminal II say you'll never do that who are you kidding and it's the shut up casting down imaginations and every high thought that exalted itself above the knowledge of God I can do all things to Christ you I see myself having churches off the highway so then when the opportunity met the preparation the opportunity meets the preparation the neurons that fire together wire together and I already felt like this was normal for me how do you have a budget of this how do you Pastor 18,000 people because the way we pastored when we had a few hundred we couldn't Pastor that way when we went to 2,000 because all the data didn't in put to our software all the programs have to change everything about me had to change mostly me I had to get into my mind and rewire my mind just like you with the bad dream I'm awake that same thing can happen to your mind most people do this I'll be happy when I lose the weight I'll be happy when I get married oh I love this one I'll be happy when I have kids tell me all that I are so we keep putting happiness off to a feeling we will get when we arrive may I suggest to you that you will never arrive until you first arrive in your mind with prayer and meditation saying god I believe that my future is looking good I believe that my blessed days in best states are out ahead of me I believe that I can lose the way I believe that I can love again I can't live again I can't enjoy my life but until you take charge of your mind all of this software is running in the background telling you all the reasons why you can't why you should do it tomorrow and now you begin to question why was I here now some of you and that's okay you don't know why you're here you're here because God created you in His image I was a mistake no you are God breathes his numa we get our work pneumonia into you he created you with the purpose and I know you were molested and that it's running in your mind and when a guy comes at you you just can't have normal relations because you keep thinking of that horrible dark night that might have happened over and over again maybe you're actually in a bad scenario right now to where you abuse alcohol or do you abuse people because of something that happened in your past don't let that keep you anchored you want to go forward and say I'm not what I did I'm what I do what am i doing I'm renewing my mind and I'm a new creature in Christ Jesus I'm created for good works I don't care what they said about me I care what God said about me I'm gonna say what God said about me I'm favored I'm blessed I'm anointed I'm a queer I'm empowered I'm prosperous I'm healthy I'm good-looking I'm in shape I love take charge of my life I have a destiny to fulfill God is on my side his blood has been a prize and the devil is mad and he's tried to pull me back to an old way of thinking but I'm pushing forward in a year of 19th in 2020 these are my years come on I give God praise for a moment all right you can be seated only have three minutes in 19 seconds to wrap this so you have to look at the emotions that keep you tethered to your pass people are always trying to change their reality with that old personality and it doesn't work that way so now you control your brain and go I know everybody looks that way but I'm not looking that way I know everybody thinks that way but I'm not thinking that way he changed the way you think he changed the way you live a mind stretch never goes back to its original size so when you stretch your mind and you go I work out no matter what I don't eat that I broke myself up drinking diet coke and eating pepperoni pizza which by the way was the best mix for me ever I love that which is phenomenal the sizzle of that diet coke coming up out of the top of there with the taste of that pepperoni pizza it was just bizarre to me and then when I started studying about health and nutrition come to find out that that stuff won't kill you and I was putting poison in me and then I was soaking my brain the brain is like full of water right so you're what is that eighty or ninety percent your body so that's supposed to be soaking in water instead mine was soaking in diet coke like a big one not a little one because that coke is very addictive and I would drink it and I would be like oh that's not big enough so I'd go in quick trip and make it bigger and bigger and then eventually you're walking out anybody ever seen anybody walk out with a trough you like help me to the car with this well raise your hand you're not raising your hand my assuming that you you're like I brought mine to church today okay so now I'm soaking my brain and I wonder why I have mental fog I wonder why I'm aggravated my joints hurt because I'm killing it the body's so incredible the brain is going you can lift if you live you can live you can live you can live I don't know how today if you went poured a bunch of Diet Coke in your car instead of gas it wouldn't function long stay with your body now again everybody does it you can keep drag coke in your system all you want I'm not either lecturing you on what to eat and what not to eat I can just tell you the way I felt and I can tell you the science behind it and the facts there that it does produce brain tumors okay so I wanted to change the way I live because I watched my dad here's another firing neuron it's 56 I'm 50 this year 56 six years from now I watched him die st. Anthony's Hospital just a few miles from here a brain tumors cancer killed him at 56 so in my mind there was for a long time something going you won't live long either your grandpa he died early your grandmother died early your daddy died early your aunt died in her 50s everybody and your family dies early and just think of the stress that you had you owe 10 million dollars they didn't know anything they had a little church with a hundred eighty people you have 18,000 people and half of them hate you oh and they did love you until you got it for their diet coke but that's real so all this is running in my brain right so I had to go in there and go no no no no no no and it took me a long time to see myself different now I have reprogrammed my brain and I have made neurological associations with people that are 80 and 90 Kenneth Copeland 82 and he could drop down and do 100 pushups 15 percent body fat and looks great and feels great passes it's physical I mean associations with my spiritual mom Joyce Meyer who is now what is she 79 or 80 something like that I'm gonna talk about it and here she is she looks great she looks so young cuz somebody you know if you got enough money you can just keep your face looking incredible come on somebody help me right now you can change the way you look and the way you live but it doesn't change outside till it changes inside if you think you're getting old I'm old and I'm 40 you're just beginning 40 is the new 20 come on somebody 70 is the new 50 take charge of your brain you the right people plug in the right inputs renew your mind and then become an agreement with God's Word last scripture Amos 3:3 it says do two walk together except they make an appointment and agree in other words your mind your spirit and your body you need to march in the same direction I'm not who I am today even because I want to be that I am Who I am today because I'm called to be that so when the temptation to do other things come I subconsciously there's a little bitty voice in there that says you can do what you want you're an American because there's temptations all on my trail and I'm able to say no to that because there's a bigger yes for me to say yes to so you can say yes to your future if you can say no to the things that are holding you and tethering even anchoring you to your path but you have to walk in agreement come on somebody give God praise today with his work listen if you enjoyed this talk today I want you to come out to fake church we're gonna make you feel right at home st. Louis has multiple locations Palm Beach County two locations uh and myself and Nicole we preach this kind of stuff that really can impact your life in a big way you might be watching right now in a hotel room or sitting in a scenario where you're divorced and bound a think man could this possibly be true this is a different kind of sermon I'm here to tell you that God loves you just the way you are sometimes people believe this erroneous information going in the back of your head well I'll go to church when I clean up well that's probably never gonna happen if I waited till I got right to go to church I wouldn't be here today I'm telling you God loves you and His grace is sufficient he's forgiven me he's forgiven us and he has forgiven you come on somebody give God praise today come on you can do better than that [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 7,724
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor David, David Crank, funny preacher,, church in St. Louis, church in Palm Beach, banner years, mind control, positive thinking, missouri, faith church, Faith Church, crank ministries, west palm beach, st. louis, estudiando la biblia, breakthrough, st louis, healing, bible, mentors, freedom, mental health, stl, depression, christianity, health, pastor, encouragement, marriage, disappointment, salvation, self improvement, obedience, discouragement, wisdom
Id: QH23kpIidNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 37sec (1837 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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