Don't Fall For It! | Pastor Robert Cuencas

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hello and thank you so much for tuning in to this week's word here at the way road outreach we believe that God's word has the power to change your life and breathe new purpose into your week so thank you for tuning in at this time I would love to invite you to make sure to LIKE share subscribe and hit the notification bell on youtube so we can make sure we get you that amazing content as soon as it goes live now let's get ready for this week's word all right you guys ready for part two from Wednesday I want you to take out your notes you guys I I'm gonna do my best Wednesday we have only covered one thing I don't know what's gonna happen today 11 o'clock I think I covered a couple of things um if you have your Bible certainly to Luke chapter 21 as you're turning to Luke 21 here's the title don't fall for it don't fall for the the snares of the devil don't fall for the traps of the devil has anybody ever fallen for something you thought it was legit you found out it was not legit I think I mentioned it Wednesday you dated a boyfriend he dated a girl you thought they were just so great you found out by the fifth date they were full of demons or some of us married don't go eat it marry those people in the home have you ever fall for something you ever fall for a car do you think it's this you think it's that and there's all kinds of things the enemy is trying to make us fall into he's trying to make our kids fall in this stuff and this scripture Luke 21 it just reminds us to stay alert and this is our opening Scripture and after that we covered Wednesday one part I want to cover for demonic spirits that are really being unleashed in the last days it's being unleashed in the church in our country in our nation in our city but look at Luke 21 just to alert us to wake us up a little bit Luke 21 34 watch out now if you see that I look at the scripture up there has an exclamation point watch out what does that mean Josh comes up they're not hearing me may come up real fast you stay right here face the crowd I'm gonna act like you're sleeping to come close to me act like you're sleeping put a little snore to it man come on be real come on put like a little snore to like you knocked out do a little snore are you gonna get a camera on they're bringing a special candidate you had this kind of camera crew with you man act like you're snoring or something snore again okay that's okay you don't snore yeah he does he snore he doesn't start okay my wife's north act like my wife's just snoring I'm sure I did in trouble up here Josh they shouldn't give me this Mike snores it's backing asleep this is how most Christians are right now we've fallen asleep we're not awake in the spirit we don't have a clue what the Spirit of the Lord is saying we don't have we have no direction and we're gonna talk about that is a spirit of confusion is all kinds of stuff that's messing with us the scriptures saying it's an exclamation points like watch out dude wake up it's like dude why are you sleeping wake up now you can wake up now you wake up wait when I say we can wake up I got to get a different actor 11 o'clock you're snoring act like your store and act like you're snoring when I say wake up do like two jumping jacks can you do jumping jacks yeah okay act like you're sleeping let me hear a snore now the Word of God says in Luke 21 34 we'll wake up hey have a seat you're good example thank you give it up for Josh she's still watch out watch out for what look at the scripture look at the board is green watch out for what that your hearts don't get dulled watch out there your hearts in these last days don't get dull what's happening in America and in the church we're raising up an army of dull Christians not alert to what's going on not alert to a spirit to try to come into my house right now not alert to this movie I'm watching and now be a full of demons not alert that I'm going to the to pot concert oh there's nowhere to park when I say to park who's hip these days who say that was my hip days to pot who's hip these days to face all right to the face concert two faces that some that's not what it's called again she's laughing at me Lady gaga that diabolic video she just posted her a new video do you see that video wake up I don't watch that stuff but someone showed it to me who showed it to me was a you and my dog my Veronica showed it to me because it's being posted is very diabolic did you see that big motorcycle gang Lady Gaga brand-new video I forgot what the name the the song is don't look it up later don't forgive me the info right now be alert of your kids ain't watching this she's with a biker gang in a new video she's on the bike with Jesus Christ exemplifying Jesus no that's not bad that's good that's a good part of the video here's where the the the the video becomes demonic this is good she's with Jesus I want to ride with Jesus that's the good part of the video then it gets very demonic she's on the bike with Jesus all the disciples are riding behind the biker gang her eye is on Judas not on Jesus and the whole song is saying I hate the truth I want Judas I hate the truth my eyes are on Judas a lot of our kids are watching this video right there in the living room on their tablet on their phone because as parents maybe we're not as alert as we need to be look at your neighbor and tell them watch out tell the person behind you watch out [Applause] be alert that your hearts are not going to get dull in these last days by carousing and drunkenness that carousing just Lee's partying and get-together just hanging out with with no purpose and by the worries of this life this is Luke 21 34 don't let that day catch you unaware and what day the rapture of the church don't let Jesus's return catch you and I asleep don't let that they catch you unawares verse 35 like a trap for that day will come upon everyone living on the earth keep alert at all times and pray and I say pray and I say pray and I say pray that you and I might be strong enough to escape these come in Horrors and stand before the Son of man one day what come in you think we've seen something in this nation in this world we haven't seen nothing yet there are Horrors that are coming that are according to the scripture that if we're not awake we could fall into it and the Holy Spirit is waking us up and saying don't fall for it don't fall for what the enemy is trying to do don't fall for that boy trying to hook up with your daughter right now she's not ready to date she doesn't finish college yet look at your parents she went crazy at that moment alright kids can't date until they finish college no no no come on parents you got to get that roar our kids can't date until they finish college buying our kids stuff to go on a date and she's only 14 years old watch out stay alert now what I want to do I started it Wednesday I don't know how far we're gonna get the Lord the Holy Spirit a few days ago is in my prayer clock when I go before you I don't like to waste time I like to get a job done and not only get a job done I want to equip you how many want to be quit one of the jobs is the passing the teacher is to train you and lift you and equip you for what's about to come for what the enemy is trying to bring the Holy Spirit and these spirits had already been here and these spirits are deceiving spirits put these spirits up right now these are the four spirits that is hitting our country that's hitting our church that's hitting this nation and it's trying to take over don't fall for it don't fall for it in your families don't fall for it in your group and you're said in a church here's the 4 spirits put it up put it up one two three put it up but put up no no the four spirits we're past that scripture go to the four spirits now girls write them down take a picture of it comes down to these four right now there's the enemy's he's got a boil in hot steam that's coming right now it's hot it's fervent Wednesday I can't go in too much because we covered it when you didn't come Wednesday look at the app I'm gonna cover a little bit because I don't want you to feel left out these are the four spirits right now there's attack in this country trying to attack Church is attacking your family they're right here we got a fight against these spirits these these deceptive spirits we got to come against them with everything we got to come against them with the kingdom of heaven because these spirits are trying to take over what they trying to do the demons are not trying to play pattycake with you there are real demons after your kids there are real demons after your marriage of trying to self to separate you first one the spirit of selfishness that's what we covered on Wednesday I'll cover a little bit today number two spirit of confusion job to job church to church great relationship to relationship today the spirit of confusion is about to get broken today you're gonna have a sound mind you're gonna start thinking really clear precise and sharp next one is a spirit of the Antichrist taking the Ten Commandments out of school they're taking Jesus you convinced whatever you want but don't mention Jesus Antichrist and the last one if we have time which I know we're not gonna talk about despite mention at the end is the spirit of Jezebel spirit of Jezebel trying to bring fear and intimidation the the spirits that's being released more and more in these last days how am I know the part of the last days go to second Timothy with me really fast for review for a couple of minutes second Timothy go to Chapter three second Timothy chapter 3 how do I know selfishness and these things are in the last days is sure it tells you right here in Scripture the spirit of selfishness like a second Timothy 3:1 and we gotta fight against it you should know this is 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 1 you should know this Timothy that in the last days there's going to be difficult perilous times it's gonna get dangerous up in here now if I just stopped it there I would think dangers okay that means that demons are just gonna walk the streets 24 hours oh yeah but not necessarily per se we're gonna come up to the most craziest times in our life history America's history because of this selfishness for people will only love themselves and their money how many see that today when I was at well when I was in the car business the biggest day of the week was Sunday when he bought cars I came from a little town Fort Meade Florida when I first got there it was such a it's still a good town as far as God liquor you couldn't buy beer on a Sunday in this town you couldn't do certain things because they proclaimed that that city or that region that County belonged to Jesus Christ and we're in a system now that's all about me myself and I they're gonna be lovers of themselves we covered this on Wednesday I'm just little snippet of if you missed Wednesday they're gonna love themselves they're gonna love their money they're gonna be boastful this is second Timothy chapter 3 the last days they're gonna be boastful this is what I'm doing this is what my churches doing this is what my family is doing this is how much money I made last year and this is what I accomplished last week and this is what my kids dad last week we heard even that some of the stats that I put on there on average America on an average there's 93 million selfies posted every day and every 10 seconds someone's posted a selfie on Instagram so literally our nation looks like this one - who has a funky funky phone come on Josh why your phone man I never taken notice gotta work with me Josh this is our nation now one get to riff myself eat all get ready brother one two three Instagram here we go to set up on a change of color I don't look good ah there's my beautiful face got a fresh haircut all right Rob's lookin good way to back her hold that light ain't ready over there oh they didn't come out good let me take it one more time the other day I was hanging out with somebody to take about ten patient dude would you stop you've trapped my right side you talking about ain't gonna get no nicer than this just take the picture pastor what are you saying you got a problem with Facebook and Instagram I got a problem none of that but I do have a problem in me I got to watch it then I'm not doing it every 10 seconds it's just a selfishness that's hit it's all about me if you go down to verse 4 really quick we're done with selfish we did that on Wednesday look at verse 4 it sums it up they'll betray their friends they'll be reckless puffed up with pride they will love pleasure then they will love pleasure rather than God there will be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God that selfishness right now we bind the spirit of selfishness right now in the name of Jesus I want to operate in servanthood we'll activate it right now how many in this room you don't know how you're gonna pay your bills next month you're in a job transition maybe and it's just getting kind of scary you don't know how you gonna pay these bills can you slip your hand up this just be wrote you didn't how you gonna do it stand up stand up just for an example you know how you gonna do it now you're stressed out a bunch of bills you don't know how you'll pay your bills next month you're already thinking about moving because you can't afford that like and all these people look around the spirit of selfishness won't allow you to see this the spirit of selfishness it's all about you so whatever you're going through forget about this brother's going through I got my own issues and that's right I got my own issues but the spirit of selfishness will say this no or the Spirit of God no it's not about me for a second I'll take care of my stuff how about me for a second I want to help the sister right here I want help this brother his mortgage is not going to get paid how we're gonna do that we got to figure it out together where's your job do you need a job you got to get a different job you need job making more money we got a staffing agency at the way we run outreach my only day off is on Monday I'll take you on a Monday and we'll drive together looking for the best job you've ever had because it's all about you it's not about me but the spirit of selfishness won't allow that the spirit of self squash that you got joining she's broke good luck I went to college it at this you made a bunch of mistakes Bob I'll get my own stuff done no I'm out for my brother right here pastor keV love your family god I thank you these bills will get paid everybody's standing there in transition for a job they're getting the best job they've ever had for his name is to hold for Chara that God that provides so if I'm servant Jehovah Jireh all my needs will get met according to its riches and glory if you believe that give Jesus a shout of praise hum you're thankful that's how Jesus speaks about us he stops what he's doing he says man you're the apple of my eyes you're my cut you guys can be seated you guys can be seated bless somebody you see somebody Stanley the job you'll see them and get them a job screw it itself you want more experience else you got to get all that on Wednesday here's number two spirit of confusion again these are for deceiving spirits for demonic spirits that's attacking us and it's like a fire that's boiling that's even more so first Corinthians 14:33 tells me about my God tells you about your God first Corinthians 14:33 says this for God is not a God of confusion I don't change I don't have to change my mind every five seconds I don't have to change my mind every five minutes I could hear from God and I could get clarity and I could get peace about a decision that I'm making for my god is not a God of confusion but of peace how many want some peace today in decisions spirit of confusion is trying to attack what's the root of it let me show you the route go to Romans chapter one we didn't cover this song with a brand-new stuff go to Romans chapter one and I'll do my best to teach as much as I can I think we need like ten hours on this subject the devil is not playing games with us he's not playing games with you he's not playing games with his church this ministry this this city I'm out to take over cities me and pastor Marco and our leadership here and you guys we are here to take over cities I'm not here to take over a block I'm here to take over a city to kick out devils and bring the Spirit of God back into a city that's why when Pastor Marco went to Las Vegas years back or outside of Vegas he was on just a little couple days there and he's in his hotel room and a big demon came in his room big ole demon a demon that represent the stronghold of Las Vegas his demon he says about pride 12 feet tall this demon was half-man half-woman said representing immorality and sexual immorality half man half home and he's in his room he met Lisa this demon is in his room the stronghold of Las Vegas it looks like a gangster half-man half-woman necklace isn't change kind of just representing the Mafia and the money and all it represented Las Vegas so Pastor Mark was looking at this demon in his room because this is real real spiritual warfare I mean oh we're a spiritual world for we're not in patty-cake stuff anymore this is real stuff you're looking at that demon demon goes the demon says these exact words what are you doing here are you here to take over Las Vegas - it's like when Jesus was walking and the demons hate but why you before my touch what are you doing don't don't in a demon if Pastor Mark looking at the demon said no we're not in Las Vegas yet I'm just enjoying a few days with my wife here and how dare you come out room with disrespect my room so double you have to leave in the name of Jesus and we find a stronghold of Las Vegas and we will start a church in Las Vegas and pretty soon we'll be in Las Vegas and we're gonna tear some of the strongholds down this church has been called to take over city's spirit confusion what's the route go to Romans chapter 1 let me show you the root cause of it Romans chapter 1 Romans 1 then I give you a verse go to 21 for time 21 you guys got it Romans 1:21 this is how the street of confusion enters someone Romans 1:21 yes they knew God you could come to church every day and still have the spirit of confusion you could go to a hundred Bible studies that we have here a week and still have the spirit of confusion you could be reading your Bible and still under the spirit of confusion making irrational choices ended up in total destruction and chaos so pastor I'm going to church what's going on they knew God , but they didn't worship him as God that's a big difference they knew God this whole chapter talks about the creation how you can see you can tonight there's not a gun look at the mountains over here you know there's a God you knew God you don't bother them you've heard about but they didn't worship him as God or give him thanks and they begin to think of foolish ideas of what God was like as a result their minds became dark and confused how I'm gonna give you three areas how the spirit of confusion enters number one write this down through a lack of submission to God and authority write that down how does a spirit of confusion enter through a lack of total submission to God and authority underline God and underline Authority is a two-part thing here how does the Spirit of God answer we know God but we don't worship Him as God we come to church on Sunday but we really have a surrender to God we worship God with our lists but our hearts are far from him how you can hear what the spirit of confusion is coming to a church service like this not dealing with your issues and leaving the same way you came and not submitting to God once I submit myself to God 100% now I could develop the mind of Christ a lot sharper and I'm submitted to him that means 24 hours my body belongs to Jesus my body doesn't belong to Jesus just from 11:00 to 12:30 my mind doesn't belong to Jesus is from 11 at 12:30 my mind belongs to Jesus every day so I submit myself to him I surrender so when I surrender to God 100% I'm submitted to his ways now I'm submitted to his word now and not only that the confusion hit there write this down not only submitted to God the spirit of confusion will also come when you make decisions on your own when you make decisions on your own and not seeking the leadership that God has put over you the spirit of confusion hits when I make a decision I talked to God number one how many go to God that's good right who else I go to my other one I don't want to sleep and I don't wanna sleep in the dog house I'm reading a dog house earlier I told her she snores I'm so sorry forgive me honey I go to God I go to my wife you got her back thank you got her back ok I go to God I go to my wife but it still doesn't stop there the Bible says if you have it up know if I gave it to you proverbs there's wisdom in the multitude of counsel so the spirit of confusion will come 1 when I'm not submitted to God now submit it to the enemy the confusion hits me when I'm making decisions on my own and I'm not submit until the leadership God has put over me all it takes is one decision if a leader says do this you come up for counsel right we're gonna have prayer in a second counsel you're gonna get prayer you might need another four or five weeks talking to one of our leaders here it's not gonna struggle here because I prayed before Michael back deal with a little struggle what what are the steps pastor taught pastor Todd tells you this well our steps here you get baptized our steps here you go to the journey class now and you here at the altar you go okay good thank you I love you it made us great advice oh I feel good Pastor Tom got a bunch of goose bumps man I feel good then you go home and you're supposed to be at freedom class on Tuesday because that's what the leader told you and you say nah ooh watch it you just defied a word that a leader gave you someone in authority so once you defy authority once you defy that now you're submitting out to the enemy you're submitted to your own thoughts now and that's where confusion starts to in turn your boss tells you I want you here at 7:30 from now on was his boss gotta tell me about to leave this job anyway I care about this stupid job so but 745 like I normally show up at 7:45 dumb boss trying to tell me 70 leaving this job anyways you don't know I got some line that window is I'm leaving careful be careful Romans 13 Romans 13 all authorities set up by God soon as you and I decide to defy that authority spirit of confusion comes because now you're putting matters in your own hands now everyone's must submit to the governing authorities for all authorities come from God and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God keep on going verse 2 so anyone who rebels the rebels against Authority is against now their authorities rebelling against God has instituted Authority and they will be punished one of the punishments you start to receive and not submitted it's a confusing spirit here's number three how confuse minutes is this is this is good stuff this is revelation it's scriptures so number one how do you get confusion let me see yous paying attention to God and authority put the hand and authority number two how do you get confused in spirit I bounce it off with my wife then I call pastor Marco well I thought you spoke to your wife already uh-uh multitude of counselors me and my wife could be emotional right now we could be making decisions based on emotions right now pastor Marco what you think I used to call my mama mamas in heaven now I got my dad daddy what you think now I got a group and I make a decision with a group of people because there's wisdom in the multitude of counsel so now I got 10 15 people you agree yeah how about you dad you agree wife you agree yeah everybody's loved it and I make a decision together with a group and God when I don't submit to the authority confusion my own ideas pop up I think I should be careful to say this before you bounced it off multiple counselors be careful you do this pastor man I've heard from God and the Lord saw me boom boom boom boom I'm gonna move into Texas I'm supposed to do this and that's also Mary Susie I guess someone's gonna try to marry Susie I mean I must have been God right now that's okay we hear from God not saying we don't will you slow it down this is how we talk how we should talk pastor Robert I'm thinking about moving to Florida or Texas with I'm thinking about marrying Susie I'm thinking about it I've talked to my mom she's okay with it I've talked to this person and now pastor or my leader or boss I'm going to now what do you think right now didn't I tell you well maybe that could be it but are you ready yeah are you working are you set up financially maybe back it up with two months let's wait two months before you even propose or you make that decision I didn't think about that I didn't think I needed a house and pay bills Wow did you run their credit [Music] you want to really find somebody out run their credit fill the old now you got a multitude of counselors now you make a wife number three leave this confusion through unrepented sin the spirit don't fall for it don't fall for it it will come through unrepentant sin Romans 1:18 God shows his anger from heaven Romans 1:18 look at this now move on to two more we're done to one one more Romans 1:18 but God shows us anger from heaven against all sinful wicked people Romans 1:18 who suppress the truth by their wickedness but God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness that word suppress means to push down and to resist so when there is unrepented sin when you do it willfully you're suppressing the truth and you're pushing it down and you're resisting it so what happens when you resist the truth well you got a light coming your way got it I suppress the truth by willfully sinning and now going to gossiped God I blew it I made a mistake let's get this thing right because I want to be in your spirit but we continue to sin willfully we continue to do things we shouldn't do we suppress it I don't want to listen to it I don't wanna be told what to do and you suppress the truth and a deceiving spirit comes today this confusing spirit is gonna be broken off of you in the name of Jesus our 9 o'clock service where people are getting healed they started get to some lady I had laid hands on at 9 o'clock she could not deal this confusing thing she admitted some things about authority after there goes you said it you got it you got it I said submit to that authority as soon as she said that I heard like something snap off her like I hear something snap in the spiritual realm and she looked at did you hear that I thought I did hear it it's like a snap it she just looked at me she thought okay my mind is clear right now and she literally went through it just like just a deliverance where someone just snapped in her mind when she said you know what I'm gonna submit properly she began to cry and the Holy Spirit an offense to get ready you're gonna hear from God you're gonna get dreams at night your mind is gonna be so clear you're gonna make good decisions you're gonna make good decisions coming from God and you're gonna get God's reasons how many want God's results man this is good number three write this down for sake of time don't fall for it spirit of selfishness don't fall for it you can't even get to Christ without releasing the spirit of selfishness it's all about me don't fall for it number two don't fall for that spirit of confusion don't fall for it number three don't fall for the spirit of the Antichrist we've taken out of the ten commandments and out of the schools don't mention Jesus don't fall for it don't fall for it you're in this room right now don't fall for it you're in this room right now and you're really thinking you know this is not true this is not God just got a crazy Puerto Rican up there screaming or getting all sweaty this is hogwash don't fall for that spirit and a lot of times we have an antichrist spirit anti-god you're against a lot of times we've been hurt a leader in the church hurt you and I apologize for all the bad leaders I apologize you're hurt because of mom and dad they had a divorce they separated you're hurt because mom left you when you were a kid dad left you and if there was a real God how did my mom leave me how did my dad leave me how was I raised in this foster home to that foot and there's a hurt there and some of us are dealing here in this room and I believe him because if such a hurt there and I'm here to tell you today Jesus is gonna set you free from that hurt he's gonna set you free from that spirit of abandonment that spirit of rejection so you could receive Christ that Antichrist spirit first John 2:22 and who is a liar well anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ who's a liar anyone who says Jesus is not the Christ anyone who denies the father and the son is an antichrist that's just plain and simple huh now I want you to tell all your neighbors you're an antichrist but yeah if the conversation goes there you might have to you might have to show them there's a man you're under an antichrist spirit right now first John 4:3 but if someone claims to be a prophet and does not know they acknowledge the truth about Jesus that person is not from God such a person has the truth has the spirit of the Antichrist which you heard is coming into the world and indeed it's already here how do I know the spirit of Antichrist has taken over the world almost per se pull up the religions of the world really fast for sake of time about six of them you got a little group of them look at this look at the screen you guys go fast we're almost done look at this straight of the Antichrist Christianity 2.4 billion people on planet Earth but now this report I try to get the most recent this is two years ago I couldn't find nothing a little closer two years ago the numbers okay Islam 1.8 billion agnostic the atheists which predominantly that group right there predominantly is high school and the new Millennials the college age they don't believe in Jesus they're totally against God leave that leave that up there let me blow your mind for a second this stat that I just got this one can't speak for all of them I did research on this one that Christianity group there they also include the Mormon religion that's about 15 million and Counting they're hitting the doors every two seconds Mormons did you see him probably Peru be pricing them and Peru they're all over the place I'm not here to down Mormon if you got a family they don't believe the same doctrine we do it's a false doctrine it's a false doctrine they don't preach the Word of God it's false it's a false doctrine so in this number Christianity Mormons are in that in this stats Jehovah Witness is in this stats Jehovah's Witness 8.5 million now Jehovah's Witness they don't believe in Jesus and all as the Savior at least I'll give a tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny credit to the Mormons they do believe in Jesus but it's a false doctrine Jehovah Witness it's zilch nada zero they've changed scripture taking God's name put your hope his name total it's a cult they don't believe nothing we believe Joel was Wednesday 0.5 the biggest one which is a lot a lot of safe people they're in this Christianity number the Catholics are in there 1.2 billion now bit Catholics they do believe in Jesus so they believe in Jesus Catholics they believe in Jesus so if I leave the Catholics in there and then Christians come on this be honest how many NS on that thing is real Christians they just know God but they don't worship Him as God so you subtract some of the numbers I gave you not trying to download religions I'm just trying to find out the facts here because I got to know what I'm fighting against III got to know what's trying to come against his city that's why I just met with the mayor last week we had a meeting our last meeting got canceled and I just got back fake ation and Haiti one is y'all wanna meet with them because I want to pray for our city I know what demons are attacking our skulls just spirit of the Antichrist in schools right now it's here how would I come into agreement with the leader of our Satan wanna hold hands and I want to agree with the head leader with head leaders Jesus but in the mayor and when with the mayor and you start to talk as a mere hold on for a sec John I said can we just pray anyone talk about this can we just pray I want to come against some of the deceptive spirits and things that are attacking our city he goes off thank you he kind of put his head down I seen the mayor he had a lot of weight on him that day he had to beat and right before when I got this Lao I thought wait I just I praying and I stop for a second I let the Holy Spirit speak for a second he's just getting touched and he goes oliver hop thank you I felt a heaviness come out of this room right now and that's not addressing some of these spirits it's deceptive spirits in our cities and schools of community and I started naming them and I believed it that started me name and then even with the mayor as we're holding hands I believe some of these strong homes were getting broken off our city I believe the strongholds are now these are last days don't get me wrong mean you're not gonna change the Book of Daniel the book of Matthew the book of Revelation we're not gonna change that but my hope is in job that in the last days he's gonna pour Holly he's gonna pour his spirit upon everybody we're about to see a revival if this city like never before we're about to see a revival if this nation he's like never before bone starts up these revivals it's you and I and write this down for time we're done spirit of Jezebel just a little have time I'll talk to Pastor Mark I love these preaching next sundown Oh what's going on might have to attack this next Sunday we'll have time spirit of Jezebel just write these digs down for the sake of time I'm so sorry for note for if you want a lot of homework and you know if you like homework you want to really study this write this down look at Robert Morris's video on tolerating a Jezebel spirit I just seen that again the other day for again if you want to get more look up Robert Morris tolerating the Jezebel spirits the Jezebel spirit has four things it really wants to do bring fear and intimidation to a family to a city to a church to a family to a husband to a wife and Jezebel we know in first kings of the woman news Jezebel spirit can control a man or a woman Jezebel spirit wants to bring fear and intimidation Jezebel spirit wants to manipulate and control things the Jezebel spirit wants to bring sexual immorality answers at its highest point and a Jezebel spirit the most important one of the most dangerous things this person will do with the Spirit is to substitute Almighty God for all the other false gods when Jezebel married a Happ she brought the religion or the theology of bail and said Ahab we're gonna worship bail okay Jezebel not to hurt to the spirit and Ahab became one of the most wicked kings on the planet as he began to worship other gods Jesus is the only answer Jesus is the only way out Jesus is our salvation Jesus is our healing Jesus is our deliverance I'm gonna say this real quick listen up you're getting counsel from a from a from a secular psychologists be careful if you're getting counsel from a secular I'm not saying this it's all wrong but if you're just getting counsel from a secular psychologist and it's nothing about Jesus well you've stripped Jesus out of that conversation and ready now that conversations become an antichrist conversation now I just talked about pills and do this and do that read this and do that's all that might be good but we need Jesus woke up with one of our counselors here hook up with one of our psychologists here get a man or a woman is full of the Holy Ghost that's hearing clearly and I know what that is that's a spirit of confusion oh I know that is a spirit of abandonment well I know what that is a spirit of rejection well delivery in 15 minutes you'll never deal with that ever again and spending 50 hours with the counselor and all you need it was a 20 minute deliverance session and that's all you needed everybody stand up what an amazing word that way aren't you so glad that you tuned in today would you allow me now to go ahead and close an award of Prayer dear Jesus I thank you so much God for this word I thank you Lord that it's already changing our perspective and giving us a fresh vision and God you're bringing peace into our situations lord I ask you guys that you would continue to just breathe this life into us throughout the week God that you would continue to speak to us and show us how you're working and moving and shifting things for our favor you are so good to us God we love you and your name we pray amen thank you once again for tuning in we love you joining us here on the way word outreach now if you love it too and you love what we're doing here and you want to partner with us consider making an impact today click the link bub above and if you can go ahead and do that today so thank you once again we appreciate you and we'll see you on next week's word [Music] [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 1,424
Rating: 4.8032789 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus Christ, Christian Church, Southern California Churches, Online Ministry, The Way World Outreach
Id: 9Clp7AyEvgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 36sec (2856 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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