How To Live A Fulfilled Christian Life | Pastor Mickell Tyler

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going to get right into the word of god i'm going to read a scripture and then i'll let you guys sit down um the title today is kind of a two-fold title and man i was chewing on this word and i was going over it with my wife and we're talking about it that's that's one of my favorite parts of doing the word by the way is just being able to talk over it with my wife love you honey she's watching from home right now my daughter had dance so they couldn't make it but um um so the title is how to live a fulfilled christian life and we're gonna answer that question in a second okay just for the sake of time i'm gonna go right into the scripture second peter uh nine and it and it's three through nine and it says this by divine power god has given us everything we need for living a godly life we have received all this by coming to know him the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glorious and excellence glory and excellence verse 4 and because of this excuse me because of his glory and excellence he has given us great and precious promises these are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and uh and escape the world's corruption caused by human desires we're continuing on verse 5. in view of all this make every effort to respond to god's promises supplement or add to your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence and moral excellence with knowledge and knowledge with self-control and self-control with patient endurance and patient endurance with godliness and godliness with brotherly affection and brotherly affection would love for everyone verse eight and we're done um the more you grow somebody say grow [Music] let's say that again grow like this the more productive and useful you will be in your in your knowledge of our lord jesus christ okay and we'll read through the last part in a second you may be seated all right um how to live a fulfilled christian life grow you want the answer grow right and this is not easy growth it doesn't feel good but this is the truth about listen to what the word fulfilled means fulfilled is satisfied satisfied or happy because of fully developing one's ability or character satisfied or happy because of fully developing one's ability or character so this is what i want to let you know take a note of this you can't be fulfilled if you are not developing or growing that's interesting huh you thought you can live a fulfilled life by just being complacent by just chilling and just we good we got we got everything's in place everything's fine my life is going to be you cannot live the very word fulfilled means satisfied or happy because somebody say because a fully developing one's abilities for character right so so how do we live a fulfilled christian life grow first area we got to grow in well first of all this would be the foundation because it says add to faith okay so first you've got to have a foundation of faith somebody say a foundation of faith what does faith mean it's it's the conviction that god exists and is the creator and ruler of all things the provider and bestower of eternal salvation through christ a strong and welcome conviction or belief that jesus is the messiah through whom we obtain eternal salvation in the kingdom of god that's faith okay so we're talking about having faith in god okay not faith in a man not faith in our money not faith in the government not faith i said this i preached the other day not faith in the stimulus check i hit a nerve right there put your toes in put your toes in right uh and and i i just i just wanna let me hit that again really fast be careful because when that check is gone what are you gonna do what are you going to depend on next let's put our faith in god so so the scripture says this is how we grow add to your faith a generous somebody say generous and i'm in verse 5 second peter um 1 and verse 5. it says add to your faith a generous provision of moral excellence yes moral excellence this word moral excellence it means a virtuous course of thought feeling or action virtue moral goodness any particular moral excellence as modesty i love this one right here this this is going to hit a nerve right here purity purity right it means that so we we set faith first which means we we're believing in god we're trusting in god for salvation but now what we have to add on to faith is moral excellence so what this means is it means one of the words that stuck out is purity with what that means is that now that i my faith is in jesus and jesus has become my lord i can't be sleeping with my girlfriend i can't be cussing at work see see this is what's interesting about this it said it said a add a generous provision be generous with the moral excellence right i i think some if we're not careful we walk the line of moral excellence we're like borderline sinners like moral excellence moral i don't know what's the what's the opposite of moral excellence uh sinning right we walk the line but it says a generous in other words i'm staying far from the line i'm i'm i'm going to be generous with my moral excellence i i want it when you look at my life i want you to know very clearly i am a man or a woman of god have you ever just seen somebody and go he's a christian they're a believer i that excuse me sir are you a believer yes i am i knew it moral excellence right ephesians 4 1 it says this therefore i a prisoner um for serving the lord beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling for you have been called by god we've been called by god right another interpretation says this live a life worthy of your high calling and and see see this is this is i think one of the challenges is we don't realize it's a high calling god is calling you higher god has called you higher than the life you're living than the life we've lived or we're living gotta say come higher son come higher come higher i know you're used to doing it this way i know you're used to acting this way i know you're used to cussing them out this way i know you're used to talking to your wife this way it's time to come higher right god is calling us higher moral excellence all right next one we gotta move we got we got we we're on the time limit here we're on the time limit here um and more add to moral excellence knowledge knowledge this word it means the general knowledge of christian religion the deeper some might say deeper more perfect and enlarged knowledge of christian faith such as belongs to the more advanced especially of things lawful and unlawful for christian moral wisdom such as seen and right living knowledge in other words you're a believer now you have faith you're you're you're adding some more excellence now let's learn about god let's this god that we're serving that we're proclaiming let's learn about him let's read the word of god let's let's let's let's be a disciple let's be a student right of the word and and and i want to read the scriptures in second timothy it says this second timothy um um 2-15 it says work hard so that you pre so you can present yourself to god and receive his approval be a good worker one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth right another interpretation says one who rightfully divides the word of truth as believers i just want to say this it we should not especially being a believer for some time we should not be a believer for sometimes in some years and still not know the word of god you're a believer you believe god you love god and you don't know the word of god um misquoting scriptures uh i'm telling you uh it says add knowledge every day we should be eating taking in the word of god every single day the scripture says this is to pray this way give me this day my daily bread i should be having daily bread i should be having the word of god daily right and we're going to go we're going to go for the sake of time here we go the next thing we're going to add on is adding on to knowledge self-control uh-oh the virtue of one who masters his desires and passions especially in sensual appetites self-control you don't have to look again and again and again right self-control one uh the scripture that i used i really felt led to use but the other thing is and this is something that i i practice i am actively practicing uh controlling my impatience and anger right i'm actively doing that i have to have self-control if i don't intentionally and and let me say this because that's what i meant to say with with growth period growth is intentional if you're taking notes write that down growth is intentional you will not grow if you are not intentional about your growth and so and so with this self-control oh my gosh talking about something intentional if you are not intentional about self-control there are things going on all around you that will make you lose control the job um your kids right it's the world the world is bombarding us with things that will make us lose control and if you are not intentional about having self-control you will not be a believer that has self-control self-control proverbs 12 and 16 says this a fool is quick as is quick tempered but a wise person stays calm when insulted why did i choose that scripture god knows for us chris quick tempered people amen for all the quick tempered people say amen [Laughter] got to be my no it's it's so funny but it's so right you you we have to be mindful of our temper you you you got to walk and see if you if you got kids that you know strike nerves you gotta walk in the house with the nerves protected you got you gotta go to the door like this honey i'm home somebody say be intentional somebody say be prepared amen add on to your self-control patient endurance this means steadfastness steadfastness consistency endurance patiently and steadfastly um a patient steadfast waiting for a patient and steadfast waiting for a patient enduring sustaining perseverance that this is this is the one that just gets a little it's a little hard because the only way you build patience is things gotta happen that usually you're impatient about nobody likes sitting in traffic but the truth of the matter is patience has to be developed somebody say develop we have to be matured in our patients and so you're going to sit in some traffic this is the truth that i found to be so true the thing that you're the most impatient about is what god is going to allow to happen to build patience in your life it's a hard truth look at your neighbor and say it's a hard truth um write this note down developing patience 101 have a toddler [Laughter] that's my wife's wisdom right there does anybody got any kids that are two three right in that age right there right god bless you developing patience developing patience right james 1 2-4 says this it says dear brothers and sisters when troubles of any kind come your way consider it an opportunity for great joy why you know that when your faith is tested your endurance or patience has the chance to grow there we go so i always say this i i look at i go whenever things don't go the way that i expected them to go it is a time for my patients to develop honey we supposed to been there 10 minutes ago it's time to go honey hang out for a second let your patience develop [Laughter] so i say it's tight but it's right [Laughter] add to your patience godliness oh this is another one right here respect reverence for god this is one right here this is one right here holiness holiness right we should be developing maturing into a holy man or woman of god one of the words that stick out with holy that becomes very relevant is that my life is set aside for god's use that that i develop to a place that i set my life aside for god's use holy godliness reverence i reverence and respect god so much that there's things i can't do there's things i won't do there's things i won't say there's places i won't go because i reverence and respect god and my life is set aside holy for his use amen godliness and we're going down to the last one let me give you a scripture for this i love this scripture and even the way this reads in the nlts says um and first timothy 4 8 it says physical training is good i'm trying to get some physical training in i've been trying to get it in a little bit i just need some help being consistent like but training for godliness is much better promising benefits in this life and in the life to come promising benefits in this life and the life to come let me let me let me say something about that there is nothing in life more fulfilling than being used by god you will not find anything in life more fulfilling than god using you to touch change love another person it is the most fulfilling thing you will ever experience in life and how do you experience this godliness set your disciple your life aside for god to use it amen so powerful it's so true it's so true and we're and we're wrapping it up here last one last couple next one brotherly kindness add to godliness brotherly kindness okay this means love of brothers or sisters love of brothers or sisters brotherly love it's literally even talking about in the faith this is what i find to be so interesting um before we became believers really put our best foot forward to start living for the lord and being who god has called us to be living god's purpose it was like those people we were hanging with you can cuss each other out punch each other beat each other up get drunk kick each other shoot each other accidentally some of y'all laughing cause you've been you've been shot by one of your friends you're like damn stabbed you've been stabbed you good bro i'm good dog i'm good just call it call the doctor bro call the doctor right but we become believers in the household of faith and you sitting in my seat oh no he didn't oh no he didn't oh oh oh oh no he didn't oh oh oh no he didn't why are we so so offended when our brothers and sisters do small minute things to us it's like we we become christians in our skin it's it doesn't get tougher it's like it gets softer squishier other plastic joe cracked me up the other day instead of squishy we get we become christians and we get all squishy offended let let me give you some insight let me give you some insight to help you because this is why the enemy makes that small my new thing seems so big because he know he knows this that if you can agree with your brother if you can come in unity with your brother or sister starting with your wife or your husband at home it is one of the most powerful relationships unity in the universe that will happen and and there is nothing did i say nothing that you can't do when you walk in unity did i say that there is nothing that you cannot accomplish if you walk in unity with your spouse that's why the devil doesn't want it to happen that's why he makes small minute things seem like they're so big and out and out of proportion and and he's whispering in your ear did you hear what she said did you hear what he said did you see what they did did you see what he did did you see what she did they didn't do nothing kick back kick back it's nothing it's small it's small in comparison to your purpose it's small in comparison to what god is going to do when you and your wife decide to get in unity oh my god i i i've learned it i've learned it there's a saying it goes something like um some some fights aren't just aren't our battles aren't just or aren't even worth fighting it's just some things that you just you you just you just overlook them they're not even worth going into they're not even worth stressing about i'm talking to the men let me give you a phrase man that will bless your life and bless your marriage okay dear i'ma say it for this side okay dear it's so simple but it's super powerful all the married men who know what i'm talking about say amen say it with me stay with me okay dear on this side on this side one two three okay dear just and just so you know just so you know i'm not being superficial i'm being very serious and i'm not saying say it in a sarcastic way okay dear we gotta move on no get your heart right understand the moment that you're in understand that this moment this moment that you're deciding to argue can really mess some things up it can affect your family your purpose your children your ministry say okay dear with that in mind okay this is the word we have to humble ourselves we have to humble ourselves amen amen brotherly kindness and i went into um you know spouse but i mean brothers and sisters if someone says look at this in john 1 john 4 19 21 it says if someone says i love god but hates his fellow believer that person is a liar this is the word that said this not me for if we do if we don't love people we can see how can we love god who we cannot see and he has given us this what is it what is it i i heard probably that's probably half what is it it's a command to excuse me those who love god must also love their fellow believers love one another love one another work it out i'm hanging out here for a second because god's hanging out here for a second work it out talk it out you may get a little loud you may have to get a little out but work it out leave the room in unity leave the room leave away from that situation with it worked out humble yourself i'm sorry that's another one i think we all need to practice and learn to say right i'm sorry work it out and watch what god does watch the power that comes in your relationship from real love and unity and this the last one that says and love for everyone this is for for everyone else and this is this is uh agape affection good will love benevolence and there it is again brotherly love or a love feast love like one of the things i love about this church and you hear it to to people who come from all over the world i felt god's love there when i walked through the parking lot god's love was there i felt god's love and and let me let me let me say this it's very intentional just want to let you guys know that from our pastors on down to the leaders in the church the love of god is very intentional in this place amen and so add love okay um and the scripture uh this scripture is this is my command it's uh john 15 and 12. love each other in the same way i have loved you another command there it is again right he commanded again okay and and second peter i'm going to continue to read this down when we add these things on this is what happens second peter uh eight one eight and nine it says the more you grow like this the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of our lord jesus christ and i'm gonna read uh on to nine it says but those who fail to develop develop in this way are short-sighted or blind forgetting that they have been cleansed from their old sins okay and we're gonna end here and this is the truth about this okay i want to just make this point very clear okay all this list and i pray you took notes the truth is all this list we could we could probably live it you know part of the time do a good job for a second not really be consistent that's in our own strength but i want to make it really clear the way that we walk this way consistently somebody say consistently in galatians 5 and 22 it says this but the holy spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives it's what's crazy about this is this in a different order but it's the same thing love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control there is no law against these things those who belong to christ have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them since we are living by the spirit living by what that's the key how can we do this come on say it louder how can we do this by the spirit let us follow the spirits leading in every part of our life holy spirit be my leader i heard this and it's so good it's two words that don't go together no lord because if jesus is your lord it's yes to whatever he says you say well i haven't really done that list really good i've been there but the key is this is that we're maturing we're developing right and and that i love what this scripture says it makes it so clear we have to understand the way that we are going to do this what are we talking about living a fulfilled christian life growing the way this is going to happen is by the spirit you know i've learned this it's not all the knowledge that i get and what i've what i learned to do over time that's all good but one thing that i learned to be super powerful in my christian walk that has been the most important thing that i'm learning as i mature is that i can't do it i will jackson stuff up i am learning to submit to god i am learning to follow the lead of holy spirit and say something like this holy spirit what would you have me to do today with my children holy spirit how would you have me to respond to this and i'm going to be honest it's an active commitment that i'm practicing i don't always get it right it's an active commitment and this is what we're talking about is an act of commitment being intentional about growth right about allowing the holy spirit to lead and direct our lives we're done and this is my call i and we can all stand please you know what is with a sermon like this it's just there's one thing that just becomes very clear when you hear all these things about love and walking in love and being self-disciplined and when you hear all these things you go man that's a lot i don't know if i can do that that's a that's hard god you don't know how much they get on my nerves i'm supposed to be patient with them that's a hard one jesus relax what he's saying is i'm gonna do it through you if you allow me to my job is to allow god to be the lord of my life spend time with him you want you you want me to give you an action step that will help you really move in this direction spend time with the father we get so rushed we get up look at our phones we're out we're leaving we get up late i'm we and we're so rushed we're rush rush rush and because of this we're moving ahead of god we're moving out of the grace of god and he's there he's there saying i'll help you son i help you daughter i'm patient i'm loving i'm kind it's all right here in me spend some time with me i i don't need pastor i don't even know how it works it's so crazy and i i say this all the time in my p-12 when when it comes to prayer time with god it's when i do that this is what happens the miracle of results i don't even know how it works i well i know how it works because it's him doing it that's how it works but it's so amazing when you're walking in it and you see something that you were very impatient about and because you spent time with god that day god just gives you supernatural patience holy spirit just rises up in you and you go oh it's nothing it's okay dear it's amazing god is real and his spirit is present and he's waiting to lead us into the good life and purpose the fulfilled life that god has for us amen this is a call i want to make first of all if you do not know first of all like the scripture says the first step add to your faith first step is faith our belief in god that we believe that god sent his son jesus to die on the cross for our sins why is that well he sent the son because we're all sinners the scripture says this that we have all sinned and fallen short of god's glorious standard right and and and it goes on to say that the wages or the penalty for sin is death we know what death is but there's a scripture in revelations where it talks about the second death and that is the lake that burns with fire and brimstone it is eternal punishment for our sin this is where jesus becomes very relevant jesus is the scripture i love the scriptures one of my favorite scriptures i believe is going to be known from the ends of the earth before before he comes back god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life won't you receive life you may be in here tonight and you say i don't know about this jesus i don't know what you're talking you're talking about god i don't i don't really know about that well the first step is this it says that you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that god rose jesus from the dead what is that it's confessing with your mouth that god sent jesus as the perfect sacrifice for our sin how did i end up a sinner that's crazy i didn't do nothing no it was adam and eve it was adam it's what they did and because of what they did every man what did they do they disobeyed god every man or woman born after that was born a sinner that's what we got there's no good work there's nothing you can do that can wash away that penalty the only thing that can wash away the penalty of our sinful state is what jesus did he died on the cross over 2000 years ago shed his blood as a payment for our sins and this is was so awesome he ascended he arose again on the third day and he ascended up to heaven and the scripture says this that he's making intercessions he's praying for us he's praying for us somebody's here in this room right now because he's praying for you and this is i could just hear the prayer right now father give them another chance they're going to receive me what are you receiving life a good life here purpose fulfillment and life more abundantly life eternal what a loving god who loves you dearly so if you do not know jesus christ as your lord and savior this is my call i want to give you that opportunity to receive jesus christ as your lord and savior right now i know your heart your heart you feel it in your heart it's fluttering so he's talking to me he's talking to me you're not here by coincidence god is talking to you what about this deal wouldn't you like is it the fact that he will give us joy unspeakable full of his glory in love is it the fact that like i said he wants to give us life life more abundantly a good life here is it the fact that he wants to bless you is it the fact that he wants to be there be your father your loving father what about this is not a good deal what about this would make us say no i'm good i'm good we've been we've been learning about a good father and the truth is all goodness comes from god every good and perfect gift comes from him and this is another simple very simple truth all bad comes from the devil which one do you want the good that god has to offer or the bad that the enemy the devil we've all experienced that from him so this is the call at the count of three if you want to receive jesus christ as your lord and savior i want you to raise your hand and you can raise it before three if you want one two god is tugging on your heart don't leave that hand down i see that hand already three every hand go up who wants to receive jesus christ as their lord and savior who wants to start a life of purpose experiencing a loving father this is the next step i want you to do i want you to all come to the front all come to the front everyone that raise your hand i want you to come to the front [Music] this is this this is also and god is dealing with your heart come to the front if god is dealing with your heart come to the front i i tell you give them a hand as they come give them a hand as they come [Music] this is the next call i want to make and come if god is dealing with your heart please come it's not too late this is the next call that i want to make you may say you know what i i believe in god but the truth is that what god spoke today i have not really been applying myself to growth i have not been intentional about developing as a believer i want the ones who would say that i want to make a new commitment today i want you to come to the front those that are saying you know what i want to be from this day forward i want to be intentional about my growth as a believer i want you to come to the front hey this is the thing this is the thing that i that i that i feel that that happens sometimes is that if we're not careful we care about what people say what people think let let me ask this question what's bad about wanting to grow what's bad about wanting to be better what's bad about wanted wanting to fulfill our purpose right nothing at all all right god bless you and as we're going to pray right now as we're praying you could still come please feel free to come thank you lord even online right now for those who do not know jesus christ as your lord and savior we're going to say a prayer right now say this prayer with us to receive jesus as your lord and savior and start your new life say this repeat after me say jesus i believe you died on the cross for my sins i believe you shed your blood for my sins i believe you rose again on the third day i believe you ascended up to heaven and you sit on the right hand of the father jesus be my lord and savior be the lord of my life lead me and guide me into my purpose in jesus name now let me pray for you right now in jesus name lord i pray that everyone said that prayer right now first of all we find the enemy that had a hold on lives here right now we break every assignment of the devil we break every curse of the enemy in jesus name even those that came up to say i want to grow i'm making a new commitment to grow holy spirit fill us afresh lead us and guide us we submit to you we say and say say it with me say have your way holy spirit have your way holy spirit have your way holy spirit have your way holy spirit right now i pray for your people god touch them in jesus name they will never be the same they would never be the same everyone that came up here they will never be the same in jesus name and we seal it in your precious blood lord in jesus wonderful name we pray amen and amen right now as their friend online your next step you can go to go to there's some information there that will show you your next step even for everyone that is here let me mention this but as we're leaving one of the major steps to grow i mention it a little bit is discipleship this is the question here that we have here at the wayward outreach that i want to ask you who is disciple in you who is discipling you you want to be intentional about your growth get a mentor get a disciple somebody to disciple you we have what we call power of 12 they are care and growth groups you can go on the way world outreach app go under the power of 12 tab and you can actually sign up for a care or a growth group also if you're in this room you can go and get information in the foyer or just go on your phone on the app and get plugged up with a power of 12 or a care or a growth group it is super important for growth also like like we talked about our discipleship classes our next phase of discipleship classes are starting you can also go on the app and know a little bit more about when that next phase of discipleship classes are starting we love you god bless you have a wonderful night remember if god is for you there's no one can come against you god bless you love you
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 506
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus Christ, Christian Church, Southern California Churches, Online Ministry, The Way World Outreach, San Bernardino
Id: vH00hVOBe58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 26sec (3086 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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