Don't Fall for the Trap! | The Way World Outreach | Pastor Marco Garcia

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hey everybody and thank you for joining into this week sir we believe that this word is gonna have a major impact on your life so let's get ready so here's one and Jesus starts off the teaching and this is what he says then he said to the disciples so Jesus is speaking to his followers it is impossible that no offenses offence offenses should come but but woe to him through whom they do come so Jesus is opening up this chapter or we're seeing opening up this teaching and he's teaching his disciples his students he's getting them ready for purpose he's getting them ready to change the world he's training them how to live this out but he's also warning them and he's let them know that you can I want you to get this in life in life you will have opportunities to be offended you'll have opportunities to be offended now I'm gonna give you two facts and two ways to not get offended or not to get trapped with an offense fact number one life is full of opportunities to get offended now the word offense means this it means trigger of a trap it means impediment place in the way causing one to stumble or fall obstacles or hindrances this is what Jesus was saying it's impossible to go through life without obstacles hindrances impediments or traps there will be traps in this life in the life to come in heaven no traps no obstacles no impediments no hindrances so what's the purpose of all these hindrances to stop us from fulfilling our purpose so anytime you want to do anything that's worthwhile anytime you want to accomplish a guy vision understand Jesus is telling you there will be obstacles and there will be enemies trying to stop you from accomplishing God's vision on earth this is what we want we just don't want to breathe in this life we just don't want to survive in this life we want to thrive and accomplish God's purpose on earth and God's purpose is people God is interested in reaching your world the world that you're in the people in your family your neighbors your co-workers and the only access that he has to reach the unsaved the lost the broken is you and I if we get distracted or we get trapped I want you to get this people's eternal lives are at stake it's a big deal you're dangerous to the spiritual realm you're dangerous to the devil so what he wants to do is hold you back or get you majorly distracted in life so Jesus saying I'm training you I'm gonna die and I'm gonna resurrect from the dead but this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna leave you with the mission I want to warn you it's impossible to go through life without offenses you will have opportunities to be offended so fact number one life is full of opportunities to be offended and I want you to get this if we do get offended and hold on to the fence we are trapped it will cause us to be hindered it will cause us to be frustrated it will cause us to not be able to move forward and carry out God's assignments so the title of this sermon is don't fall for the trap but fact number two is offenses come through people well how do we know that because it is impossible that no offenses should come but woe to him through whom they do come what he's saying is these traps and these triggers have you ever met someone that has you like your number like they could get on your nerves they have it all the right nothing like buttons like boom gotcha is there anybody like that in your life that could just push the button and just a gotcha they got you upset they got you acting crazy I mean you're throwing stuff now you're all of a sudden you're saying words that have nothing to do with the Holy Spirit right that it's a trigger so we got what we want to do is be alert so we don't fall for those triggers and I say this remove the triggers we got to grow up and remove those triggers if they're getting on your nerves don't blame them it's an area that's a weak spot in you anytime you're getting offended understand yeah they got issues but this is it this is the other issue we can't fix everybody to make you happy so we're gonna have to learn how to grow up and deal with offensive and difficult people it says offenses will come but woe to him who causes or brings the offense so there's people that are full of offensive behavior they're offensive they're people see some people in your life are traps they are vessels of the enemy to cause people to stumble fall and be hindered there's some people that are being used they're not the devil they're being used by the devil right I could deal with a dog that bites me and forgive them but sometimes it's hard to forgive a person that talks about me right or cuts me off on the freeway I'll knock you out people people are the issue what do you say people are the issue look at look in this scripture Psalm 50 76 it says my enemies set a trap for my feet to bring me down they dug a deep pit to catch me but they fell into it they were trying to trap me but they trap themselves well God is saying stop focusing on your enemy they're only trapping themselves so anytime I watch it again this anytime you get involved in trying to get somebody hurt somebody or I want you to get this or talk about somebody this is what you're doing you're trapping yourself that's sickness the worst part of it see focusing I want you get this focusing on hurting others only hurts you so you're you're not created God did not recreate you as a believer to hurt people God created you to heal people in Christ you're a believer not to hurt people but you're a believer to help people your mouth is supposed to encourage people your mouth is not - it's not to be used to discourage people well they deserve to be discouraged I get they deserved it but you deserved also to be come on you deserve also punishment for your sins and thank God Jesus said I'm gonna give you mercy instead of what you've earned and all Jesus saying here while he's teaching this lesson he goes we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna launch this worldwide ministry but I gotta warn you if you don't understand the mind fields are gonna be out there it could be stopped in the first week there will be offenses there's some people that just want to drop us Luke Luke 17 - says this it would be better for him who's him it would be better for that person that's trying to trap people hurt people and hinder them if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea that he should he should I can't read my writing sometimes that he should offend one of these little ones that he should have been we saying is once we get to the point that we're not only offended but now we are offenders and we're trying to hurt someone like you wake up in the morning you can't wait to get to that person I can't wait to talk about them oh man it's gonna be sweet I can't wait to put that little facebook sarcastic statement you know who you are I ain't saying no names right you know what the worst thing about about that is you've lost your whole focus and what God is saying it'd be better because you're trying to cause people a stumble it'd be better you you put a millstone around your neck and just hung yourself throw yourself into an ocean or lake so why would he say that this is what he's saying when we're focusing on hurting people were useless it doesn't say commit suicide that's not what the scripts are saying what is saying you're useless because you're not fulfilling purpose you were not created to hurt people you were created to help people so we're doing siscon fact number one the effect well fact number one is life is full of opportunities to be offended fact number two where defenses come offenses come through who people through what people see goes be aware be aware of that because if you don't watch it you'll be trapped with people okay and there's a lot of opportunities to be offended but this is a sign of a mature believer they're hard to offend well how do we know when Jesus was on the cross every opportunity to be offended was there they spit on him and Matt just someone spit it on you like oh no you did not just someone like in your face but Jesus took that and they don't only spit in his face they start pulling out his beard come on girl another girl pulls your hair then they talk about you they talk about your family then they beat you then they crucify you half-naked on the cross and your God and you can do something about it you could call angels from heaven and said that's enough but Jesus took it to the limit to show us there is no limit you keep on going so at the end Jesus says this forgive them for they know not what they do but he was showing us that's how you're supposed to be we're getting offended just someone cuts in line MacDonnell's can't you see we're in line I go to the way outreach you need either and that's that we can't even handle someone cut it's summer come on maybe you're supposed to witness that person got put it right in front of you and you're worrying about a hamburger or fry there's gonna cost cholesterol we get all distracted you know why because we haven't even learned this basic 101 lesson said you know I should have titled this Christianity 101 because dealing with difficult people is what Christianity is all about forgiveness is what this is all about God forgiving you and you forgiving others that's what it's all about it's not about your talent it's not about your gifts it's not about your call it's not a bunch of degree it's not about your good looks I know you're good looking I don't it's not about that it's about your relationship with God and your relationship with people the greatest commandment is to love God with all of your heart with all of your mind with all of your strength and then love your neighbor as you look if you love yourself does let's get this foundation done first you can't do ministry if you're always getting offended how do I know how do I know when someone's offended I know they're offended because praise is no longer in their mouth you know what's in their mouth people well who did what to you well she did she did I will get her okay was he hurt yeah what does she do well you know cheating she said no to me she said no whoa and then she corrected me the other I don't care she's not my mama she can be just correcting me and we want to change I'm gonna change the world you can't even change your attitude change the world see if God can't change you he can't change people through you are we here to learn so now how do we avoid fall into trap it's just it's very simple I give you two points I can't give you more two points because I don't want you overloaded they give you like ten points and what was number eight the eight points so how could you carry out an eight point sermon it's that hard so I'm just giving you two points one is this is how you deal with make sure this is how you avoid falling into the trap love offense number one address offense immediately don't don't this is the issue we try to sweep things underneath the rug and then never are swept on the rug this is what happens it becomes a cancer in you and the longer you hold on to the resentment and the fence and not deal with it the more corrupted you become in your soul and your emotions and your marriage and your relationships whatever whatever relationship and your ministry some of us right now you could even be offended with this ministry and I'll tell you why you never dealt with it with because part of being offended is part of growing up there's no such thing as the perfect Church come on somebody well there's no such thing as everyone healthy in a hospital yeah I talked some of the other day well there's hypocrites in the church with their sick people in the hospital so you're not gonna go it's the same thing we're dealing with a whole bunch of people that need God they need training they need teaching that's why we're disciples of Jesus Christ maybe's were students he's the master teacher we're students so we need to address things immediately and Luke 17 3 says take heed to yourself let me be alert now you know what Jesus is saying be alert pay attention this is why I saying this do you know that you could be offended and not know it but you don't even know you got trapped that's the scariest thing to be trapped and think you're free but I don't know you see I don't know if you're free or trapped ''tis try to do ministry because once you start trying to do ministry start trying to carry out an assignment if you're trapped you will not be able to do it that's why some people go to church but they can't serve they can't serve because they're trapped you guys get this to join a team but it can't stick with it because they don't like people I love you God but I don't like people people get on my nerves you're not gonna like heaven haven't going full of people hug all that means you got to grow up our hearts have to change we have to start dealing with things instead of running from them you'll never you'll never you'll never ever solve a problem with your back turned against it you'll never win a battle running okay um so take heed to yourselves if your brother sins against you so this is what it's talking about Christian brothers and sisters talking about us staying in unity here in the church staying in UT as a family of the in the body of Christ staying in unity in our marriages same in unity says if your brother sins against you no means he offends you rebuke him and if he repents forgive him and someone like to say I like that rebuke um that's what I've been talking about tell him off someone that wants to rebuke somebody right now today like I got a scripture come here let me rebuke you tell you off in the scripture right now now we're going to look at the word what the word rebuke means there thank God the the new test was written in Greek and we have the actual original definitions that were rebuke it means to show honor first it means this to admonish you know what does it mean what does it Mohnish means it means to address to address or correct in a mild and good-willed manner so what he saying is when you're when you're when you're addressing the issue you come with a kind spirit you don't come with a ghetto spirit you don't come with an attitude you don't come to suckle second oh that's how you come you come in a in a mild goodwill spirit because what's the purpose the goal of addressing it is to always is always reconciliation and peace the goal is always reconciliation and what you don't why because if your address in anything is someone else's life be honest you got issues too that's like the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what that means but you know what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about Hebrews 12:14 says this pursue look at this pursue peace with all people and holiness without which no one will see the Lord so he's saying we don't pursue a fight we don't pursue drama we don't pursue revenge we always as believers pursue peace that word peace means exemption from rage it means harmony in your relationships and also means prosperity say with me harmony and prosperity see why the word harmony prosperity because peace and harmony make and keep things safe and prosperous so when we're walking in harmony it keeps things safe and prosperous you want to ruin a business start fighting you want to ruin a marriage start fighting you want to ruin the ministry start fighting and this was gonna happen when our relationships are destroyed our finances ministry success and victories go right with it a key to having some kind of prosperity or advancement that you're actually gaining ground is having harmony and unity so he's saying in every situation look to make peace and I know this that we weren't trained as as we a lot of us then all we saw was fighting and arguing and we just thought that was the way to do it because you're not gonna take advantage of me you're not you don't I know you're talking to me I'm not who you think I am not that your ex-girlfriend you ain't go treat me like that yeah I'm a Christian but I'm not your doormat let's get that straight right now and God is saying you could deal with it that way but you'll never gain spiritual ground that way so what do we do with if we're if someone's offended us he does this what we want to do don't sweep it underneath the rug let's deal with it there's a scripture here I want you to read in Proverbs 10:10 it says people who wink at what wrong cause trouble but a bold reproof promotes peace peace if so much you guys what he's saying is when we deal with things boldly and some of us I'm gonna say some of us here like confrontation and some of us hate it like me I don't like it so what so my my problem I could just ignore it hoping it goes away but while I'm ignoring it the resentment building and building in me see if I'm not talking to them I what about what they did I'm talking to someone else about what they did but I am talking is that right you know you're supposed to be talking to the person offended you you're not supposed to be talking to the whole church about the person that offended you you're supposed to be talking about the person offended you at work and I supposed to talk about every single person at your job about the and offended you if you're doing that you're just causing more trouble see we will never I want you to get this we will never see a great move of God great get great revelation or experience great prosperity where there is division and fighting those two never go together it was on it was interested about the Dodgers the Dodgers were like really bad years ago and all we need to do is look at the owners a husband-and-wife team that we're fighting and arguing and divorce and just a mess they sold a team and within a short period of time they're going to they're winning their league they're winning their division what's going on different ownership I want you to get this they could not prosper under a divided a divided leadership and I want you to get this your kids can't prosper under your divided leadership this this church can't prosper if we're divided as leaders all right so Jesus said don't get trapped don't get trapped and get stuck and I'll be able to progress because a person offended you and you didn't deal with it properly so now this is not hard so now I want to say one more thing it says if your brother offends you go to him and if he repents forgive them so let's talk about another part about this reconciliation thing to dress in it it's the other side because if someone's getting offended there must be someone that's an offender sometimes we're the offender and sometimes we're the ones offended but in an offensive situation we're playing one role or the other so now this is important when you when you're getting offended I mean no one when someone's addressing an offense with you that means they're they're coming to you and they say the way you dealt with that you know some let you know made me feel last night and made me feel it hurt me it made me maybe feel you don't consider me this is what we need to do there's a hard part we need to listen instead of being defensive because this person that's address in it they're honoring you but they're saying you're valuable enough in my life for me not to throw you away I just want to deal with the situation will you let me share how I feel I might be wrong in the way I feel but I gotta clear it up with you so we got to listen and not be offended and I know it's hard to be corrected but not always are we doing the correct in sometimes we're the ones being corrected so our response when we're being corrected it's hard but do we want to do is repent repent means is we change change our mind for the better with an app with warrants to pass in and behave what he's saying is I get it I heard you it's hard to swallow but you're not the first person to tell me this you're right I hate that part of my life and I'm ready to turn from it and you'll never change until you see see what we want is forgiveness but we don't want to repent so with our repentance there's no change in our lives there hasn't come a time in our life where we saying I abhor that side of my life I don't want it it's repugnant but repugnant to me I don't want to live that way anymore help me Lord and God says let's do this okay so being correct I would read description proverbs 90 says so don't bother correcting mockers or fools they will only hate you but correct the wise and they will love you I want to get to the point that when I want to learn I want to grow but some of my learning and growing comes through correction we got a love start loving correction not running from it not hating people that are correcting us because the people are correcting you at least love you enough to address it this is what marriages can fix stuff because anytime the other couple mentioned something they're just defensive and they start hitting each other instead of loving each other right and the second point hot is only two points how do we avoid falling so traveling one address offense immediately how do we address it the faster you deal with situations that are offensive the healthier your relationships will be the longer you wait the sicker they will become okay so number two forgive immediately and continually so we address it immediately and we also what we forgive when immediately and continually immediately and so when do we stop forgiving when do we stop forgiving when do we stop forgiving never so forgive he says forgive to let go not to discuss I want to just come to forget for a minute it means to let it go it also means this not to discuss anymore it means to give up debt it means to refrain refrain from inflicting or enforcing punishment it means to show mercy so how do we know we're forgiving we made a choice stop talking about it we made a choice I'm no longer going to try to get you back I'm gonna give you mercy matter of fact I'm gonna start praying for you matter of fact I'm gonna start blessing I'm gonna send your Christmas card instead of key in your car I was thinking about key in your car but the Holy Spirit said send your Christmas card and I put a gift card in there so she could get something even because I really don't like you so I gotta overcome this thing and really bless you you know what I'm saying that because it's not always a feeling it's an action Luke 17 4 and if he sins against you seven times Jesus saying this in a day Jesus teaching now he goes you forgive and he goes now let me go deeper let me go deeper now disciples because I want you to get this lesson because I don't want the gospel to be trapped in you with the first person to persecute you and if he sins against you seven times in a day okay seven times in a day and returns to you saying I repent I'm sorry you shall or you must forgive him the moment we refuse to forgive we are trapped hindered at this I want to get this and we're tripped up and the scary thing about being trapped and hindered and tripped up you might not get up for a decade I see people offended for a decade I see people offended for a lifetime even if the church dogged you walked out and you forget that let it go don't let the offense don't let the offense trap you from your purpose and your ministry because I've learned this the people that can hurt me the most are the people I love the most see it takes faith to forgive our offenders now how do we know it takes faith because the disciples said you must forgive him seven times a day even if they do the same thing seven times in a day that's crazy they slap you once I'm sorry man I realized I was offense and they come back back I'm really sorry man I realize I shouldn't be slapping you back you mean like quoting scripture now scripture says turn the other cheek I only got two and when literally that ever happens ice almost slapped you seven times in a day but they might say something sarcastic and offensive seven times a day and I'll tell you why because they're probably hurt and they're probably offensive and they're probably been offended they're probably hold on to bitterness and if all they got is bitterness in their heart that's all they could give you so you gonna have to have a lot of forgiveness to deal with them just like God had a lot of mercy and patience to deal with you and me and you and me I mean you and I right what about kids are they sometimes just really offensive like kids like No [Music] and then you whippin thank you have you ever done when you were kids and you can remember those cries I used to love those cries you know I'd buy because after you cry like that you fall asleep remember like the best sleep in the world and you wake up like a little angel like I love you mommy remember those days so that was like peace then thank you mama for my weapon never experienced so much peace after the whooping but kids and people and I would say sometimes people are kids what I mean that's they haven't grown up just because someone is 30 years old 40 years old 50 years old 60 years old 70 years old does not mean they're spiritually mature so now the disciples answer you got to forgive him seven times in a day and they're like oh whoa so this is what the answer is in verse 5 they says Luke 17 verse 5 says and the Apostles said to the Lord increase our faith like that's some serious double you're talking about like I I bet Peter pryzen one asses like I I i can't even handle someone looking at you wrong Jesus I'll cut the ear off I promise you but Jesus answers and we'll end with this last portion which is really interesting he answers so the Lord said because you want to increase your faith and this basically what Jesus is gonna say what I'm asking you to do don't take a lot of faith it's Christianity 101 if you are faith right faith to forgive this is easy stuff wait try start giving some real assignments this is just about lifestyle there's not about purpose yet so so the Lord said if you don't need more faith interesting you don't need more faith because if you have faith as a mustard seed what you do you can say to this mulberry tree be pulled up by the roots and be planted into the sea and it would obey you a lot of us have read that scripture about tell the mountain to be lifted up but this one has roots and it's a tree so why is it saying roots in the tree because he's talking about bitterness and unforgiveness what he's saying is a bitterness unforgiveness if you don't deal with it and take action on that thing it will take it will take root in your life and start bearing wrong fruit in your life and if you don't address that thing it will stay and pull deep roots in you and and get you to the point that you can't move forward so he's saying now you got to speak to the mulberry tree that means you got to speak to the offense and you got to say something like this you can't forgive without opening your mouth so this is how you remove the mulberry tree by its roots and place it in the sea like that's not me they're gonna put roots in me my spirit and I'm not gonna become a bitter person based on that offensive situation I went through and now I'm bitter with my family I better my wife I'm better my kids I can't even show up to a Christmas party without fighting with everybody you got a mulberry tree some of us have had a lot of bitterness and we gotta let it go tonight so he says this way says he go speak to it so what I mean forgive this is how you speak to it I command the spirit of unforgiveness to leave me I forgive my mother I forgive my father I forgive my sister I forgive my church I forget I just forget I forgive I forgive because I've learned this that if you don't if you don't get a habit of forgiving you got all kinds of branches with people you got like a family tree of people that you were offended with branch out the branch of the branch at the ranch amen so we got to learn so much that let it go and Jesus Tracy was saying is this stuff you don't need a lot of faith for this you need a faith of a mustard seed this is Christianity 101 because understand this if you don't forgive you can't even forgiven if you can be forgiven you can't even accept a ton of assignment I don't I don't give assignments to people that aren't under my authority because when we stop forgiving people we're under the authority of the devil instead of being under the authority of God today God says I can't give you I can't give you an assignment right now because you're under the authority of your unforgiveness your anger and your hate so let's let it go how many receive some from God tonight this will help you 2019 us I'll stand up this will help you in 2019 if we could learn this we got it made in the shade I'm just gonna Whittemore I forgive you I forgive you I forgive you I forgive you I forgive you what would I do it don't matter I just know your offense and I was given do you know you have to make forgiveness a lifestyle and what I mean by that is is that what I mean by that is is that not forgiving someone is not an option for me could have that little on paper ripped I mean little she right there you know this is so cool I had a couple this with this message all about tonight I had a couple that came up to me and this is Michael and Rita and they gave me a picture I'm Irina they gave me a picture of both of them so what's so special about this picture because it comes with divorce papers that were canceled and it says right here devil defeated [Applause] let's give the Lord a half for that that's that's really cool they canceled it how do you cancel it this is move removing the mulberry tree let it go I'm gone it's a choice and now they could come together holding hands and now they could receive an assignment from God Dean are your first assignments are just the people around you if you can't love those that you see how are you gonna love really God you know why we're teaching this and why Jesus taught this is he wanted us to be unhindered let's just go for it let's get this thing done because any neighborhood you go into any city going to the nation that you go into there's gonna be a resistance there might be persecution you might have to do jail time in some places some people what Christians are actually beat for their what they believe they're talked about they're ridiculing we're living in a time right now that Christianity is not I might say it's not gonna be that popular not true Christianity because we are standard and we're living by the word and this world's going farther and farther away from the word so you're gonna start being called bigots you're gonna be called all kinds of names and you're not a bigger you love people and and we're gonna walk in the Lord but we can't get we can't fight fire with fire when they come with all that nonsense we're gonna come with the love of Jesus Christ I'm gonna let them know you could talk about me could do whatever you want but you're not gonna get me out of character I represent Jesus and I'll continue representing him and sometimes after the persecution is when you finally reach them you guys get that wow that was such an amazing word would you allow me to pray with you real quick god I come before you right now God and I pray for the person on the other side of this land sky you see their needs and you see their hearts God and I pray that you have your way in their life God and in the name of Jesus I pray amen so if you believe that this word has made an impact of your life and you would like to impact somebody else's head over to the way word outreach dot org slash donate thank you and we'll see you next week [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 2,039
Rating: 4.9480519 out of 5
Keywords: Churches, San Bernardino Churches, Inland Empire Churches, Christian Churches, Christian Sunday Services, The Way World Outreach, Christian Live Stream, Pastor Marco Garcia, Pastor Robert Cuencas, The Way, World Outreach, San Bernardino Way, Jesus, God, Southern California Christian Churches, Online Church, Church Online, God's Word
Id: xLiK5W1Occ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 44sec (2504 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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