Choice Words | Don't Say It | Pastor Marco Garcia

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hello and welcome to a wait world outreach sermon we are so glad you're here because we believe that the Word of God has the power to impact and transform your life so let's get ready now for this week's word we're in a series choice words and and the title of this sermon tonight is don't say it don't say it there's certain certain things that you don't want to say because once you let it out of your mouth you're planting seed and you're created a new harvest and some of the harvest that were that we're sending out we don't want so don't say it see we don't say it because our negative words will trap us I want you to get this there's certain words you don't say because they'll trap you there's certain words you won't don't say because they'll trap you I'm gonna give you an example me and Lisa we've been married for 28 years and we're gonna be celebrating our twenty twenty or twenty eight year actually right o 29th it feels like only two so it's about 29 years of marriage we're gonna be celebrated in June 24th that's right right right told you June 24th and and we when we got married we got married by saying I Do's and we said vows to each other but there's some extra things that we said to add on to it we put you know the cherry on top and we said this I will never ever mention divorce because the minute I bring up that conversation or or I talk about separation I could get trapped by my very words see don't let words out that you don't want to live and you can't there are certain words you can't say even if you feel like saying them because those words are there to trap you look at proverbs 18 7 says this the mouths of fools the word fool really means a weak-minded person the mouth of a weak-minded person or a person with no discernment when we're talking about a person with no discernment this person has really has no judgment they just say stuff there's no discernment or what they're ready to say whether it's you know if it's a riot or it's productive or as fruitful or not but the mouse of fools they just say whatever comes into mind and are their ruin they trapped themselves with their lips so how do they trap themselves before you get trapped physically you get trapped physics spiritually you trap yourself physically by your spiritual condition but before you ever were in a physical prison you are already in a spiritual trap see the devil can ruin our lives by just getting us to turn our mouths against ourselves the enemy could destroy us by turning our mouths against what ourselves this example I'm gonna give you some examples of words that can trap you this can trap you so the mouth of a fool ruins his life and it traps them there's some of the words I can't you could put yourself in a prison of I can't by keep saying I can't something like this I don't believe you believed until you and the more you said I don't believe you got trapped in a prison of unbelief and if you keep saying you don't believe the more you say it the more trapped you are you could even turn a believer into an atheist if he keeps trapping himself what by words of unbelief I am poor and broke you can be trapped by keep saying I am poor and broke as long as you keep saying I am poor and broke you just put yourself in a prison of poverty you could say something like this I have a certain disease I'm gonna give an example you can say I have cancer I don't care if the doctors diagnosed me with cancer why do you have it it's mine no it's not yours you have healing I have healing at my disposal and I was diagnosed with cancer he said well is this a play on words no your words can trap you that's what the scripture says so the fool just says whatever comes to his mind he doesn't think before he speaks and then he gets trapped by the very words some more trap words I will never forgive them for what they do to me they did to me I'll never forgive them do you know the minute you say you'll never forgive them you just trapped yourself in a prison of unforgiveness or something like this that's just the way I am oh really if you keep saying that's the way you are you're trapped your present existence I thank God I thank God I'm becoming what I've never been there's areas in my life that I need to grow in I need to improve in I need your maturing I'm not just gonna say something like this that's just the way I am do when I say that's just the way I am you know what I'm saying I don't want to change accept me with all of my flaws and I hope you could put up with it but if you if you can't put up with it too bad I'm not changing trapped by your present condition your present character your present attitude your present mindset I just is where I am thank God Jesus didn't come to leave you the way you were you could trap yourself by saying some of this I will always be alone I will always be alone if you keep saying that you're trapped in a prison of loneliness see I'm always alone yeah because you're trapping yourself in a prison of your words so so don't say we don't say it because our negative words will trap us say with me we don't say it because our negative words we're what so you have to think about this think about it don't just live life let's live life with purpose with clarity with skill God come on with with intention number two we just don't say we don't say it because our negative words were ruin our lives negative words ruin your life proverbs 13 3 says this the one who guards his mouth so there's one who guards his mouth you know what guard means it says it right here he thinks before he speaks what's guarding your mouth mean thinking before you speak there's one that thinks before he speaks he just doesn't speak he thinks before he speaks the one who guards his mouth protects his life the one that guards his mouth doesn't ruin his life he what protects his marriage protects his children protects his business protects the good things in life because I want you to get this there's a real devil that's looking he's looking for an open door you can create an open door to the devil to kill steal and destroy by the words that come out of your mouth so we protect our family we'll protect our church we've come out we protect our business we protect our careers we just don't let the words come out protects but look it goes up the one who opens his lips wide and chatters without thinking comes to ruin the one that just lets words out in the heat of the moment I'm angry let me give you a piece of my mind not always do we need a piece of your mind well the way I see it sometimes we don't need to hear how you see it because right now what you're ready to say it's going to hurt a lot of people it's not just gonna ruin you it's gonna ruin the atmosphere and and this is this is the problem to let negative words out is easy because we have a sin nature that's naturally critical and negative you go to a church and easy to find something to criticize than something to say hey man that was awesome it's easy to find something wrong with your kids something wrong with your wife something wrong with your job instead of remember when you first got that job I mean you were excited man I got a jo B you were calling your friends hey man dinner on me what happened I got a job I went to interview they hired me six months six months later can't stand my job I can't stand my boss I can't stand and now they're ready to layoff somebody and who there to do that if I can't stand my boss I can't stand and then you're wondering how come they laid me off could it be that you ruined your life by the words you were speaking and you stopped being grateful for what God gave you this is a great church and if you don't like this church you won't like any Church we got great people the Holy Spirit's moving we got great worship we got service we're preaching the community we got a great church if you don't like it here you're not gonna like it because heaven is gonna be just like this multicultural multi-race it's gonna be loud they're gonna be whole bunch of eggs drug addicts and spit edge whole let's don't be the pastor you just say that that's xx that if I mention your X we'll get to it by the time the service is done and you know why we get loud because we are so grateful for what God has delivered us from and come on he turned my darkness into light he turned my pain come on into a ministry it come on he turned my tests into a testimony how can I keep my mouth shut [Applause] so we gotta watch it we say we don't ruin our lives rule means destroy our lives so what's the solution we got this is what is the solution this is a solution the solution is not to not destroy in our lives is guarding our mouth it means think before you speak and watch what you say this is this is important it's time to budget your words you budget your money it's time to budget your words because there's words that are coming out of your mouth that are actually causing ruin so words so let's go over some words that we need to guard from saying say with me words that we need to guard from saying words that we should guard ourselves from saying number one guard against complaining words this is what should be happening think we should be thanking God at all times not complaining on all times if you're complaining at all times I know this your life is getting worse you'll never complain yourself into you'll never complain yourself into a spiritual breakthrough but you'll you'll complain yourself into a mess into depression into hopelessness we have to guard our mouth and I'm not saying that what you're complaining about doesn't Durst's deserve some complaining about we have to learn how to praise God and thank God in all things even when everything around you deserves a complaint because what the enemy wants you to do is walk by your circumstance talk by your circumstance instead of walking by faith guard yourself from complaining look at first Corinthians 10:10 and don't complain see that's enough right there that will change your life for the next day just work on that all year and you'll start getting promotions come on you're gonna be happier your marriage is gonna be better your kids will be here yeah I mean everything will just turn around and don't complain but God also gives you a motive and don't complain as some of them did what he was saying there's a group of people that were constant grumblers and complainers and god I said I've left them in the Bible for for an illustrated sermon I've left them there to teach you a lesson let's learn from them don't try to learn this lesson on your own look what he says and don't complain as some of them did because they complained because they complain because they complained they were killed by an angel that destroys this is all the same complaining words attract a spirit of destruction there's an actual angel that his assignment is to destroy complainers the devil is out to kill steal and what he's looking for whom he may devour this what it means he can't devour just anybody he's looking for someone that qualifies for the spirit of destruction devil can't just come up and try to destroy stuff in your life for my life but he can be given permission just like God and habits the praises of his people saying and habits the complaining of the people you want a house full of a spirit of destruction where everything's being destroyed complain about everything this is spiritual stuff and why is it so important Howard to reach the world with the wrong spirit what the enemy is doing is capturing us with his spirit and we both we got filled with the Holy Spirit but the Holy Spirit can reveal himself because our mouths are contradicting the spirit that's in us we want power we want breakthrough we want healing we want our families to be safe but this is a problem our families can't see Jesus because they can't get past our bad attitudes and negative words they were destroyed but they were killed by the angel of that destroyer see complaining words attract a spirit of destruction which will end up destroying our love destroying our ministry destroying our creativity destroying our faith destroying our business destroying our hope destroying our marriage before our marriage is destroyed I want you to get this a marriage is destroyed first by words then actions it's a little babies crying it's a pastor you're telling the truth I got a cry Holy Spirit's touching me right now these people need to wake up that's what the baby saying right now so we're God we're guarding ourselves against complaining words say with me stop complaining point to yourself stop complaining okay very good tell your neighbor nice good you could tell your neighbor here speaking to you they'll go ahead and tell him that he is speaking to you all right so what does complainer just real quick definition it's to say something like to say something against in a low tone because usually complaining happens in a low tone it happens in a break room and they're innocent alota and you think because it's low that the spirits can't hear you because while you're huddling there's a demon in there saying we got this I got your job I got your kids I got your joy I got your praise before you know you're we backsliding I got you because Wednesday nights not doing nothing for you because you should be praising God you should be thanking God but you're still in the low tone complaining low tone describes those who come first secretly secretly together together I don't know where describes the who come first secretly together I wonder night now you gotta wake up because you know what gods do or not is waking you up and he's saying is there a group that you're conferring secretly together and and that group we got a saying it's destroying your life it's killing your spirit it's killing you the unity come on it's killing your drive come on it's killing it's killing killing your loyalty it means express resentment find fault whine find thought whine and not tell my drinking wine I my whining fine I found wine no and I talked about that when I talk about alcoholism which I my whining and and finding fault some of us think that we have a gift of the Spirit and it's fault-finding and you call it discernment though no it's not the sermon it's fault-finding and it's being critical because it doesn't this sermon is not meant to whine complain and tear people apart this sermon is to help people discover things that they can't see to give them insight so they could get a breakthrough come on give God some praise let's get this together God is ready to do some great things but he needs his army in check and that's why when he baptized them with the Holy Spirit the first thing to happen they started speaking in tongues because God was saying if I can't get ahold of your tongue I can't I can't use you I want a better marriage then you're gonna have to have some better conversations okay I don't know how much they uncover but I got live stuff here this is school right now sir so I'm in school right now I'm a talking school because you could get trapped in ministry you could be up here trapped you could be down there trapped you can have a position in ministry trapped you can have a title trapped you could be a preacher trapped oh no what's going on with the church is so dead there you go all you can do is speaking how dead the church is and how this church ever gonna become alive gee you don't speak death and get you don't get speak death and get resurrection there's a time in your life that you gotta call things that are not as though they were they say you know we are on fire Church we are a holy group of people thank you Jesus for the five people you're giving me and I'm gonna love them and I'm gonna take care of them and that God says now give me I'll give you ten we want more but we're destroying what God has given us number two what do we need to guard ourselves from we need to guard our we need to guard against gossiping gossiping words gossiping words will destroy our relationships and friendships you'll never be a great minister if you have the gift of gab and it's a gift of gossip and some of our parameters are not permeate is their gossip sessions I got some real juicy ones this week let me tell you what's going on what's going on I heard I'm not saying I'm just I just heard something I heard something going on and my discernment was kicking and it was going like this I just I was going like that I felt it man he's going boom boom that's what I do that's when I knew no where pastor said this boom I put it together this was going on we got to really pray you'll never be good at relationships if you're talking about the people you're in relationship with can't you'll never be a great church member if all you do is talk about church members you'll never be a great disciple if you're constantly talking about the one that's disciple in you proverbs 17:9 this needs to go throughout the world I'm telling you and we're ready to go worldwide we are ready to go worldwide the preaching in this house I want you to get this needs to be spoken throughout the world God is preparing his church for great works not just the way the world proverbs 17:9 says this he who covers and forgives an offense seeks love but he who repeats or gossips about a matter separates intimate friends so what gossip does is destroy relationships and that's why the devil wants us talking about each other and you say pastor was gossip has to do rumors especially about someone's private affairs that can destroy their reputation gossip is usually malicious and negative so you're gossiping when you're talking negative about someone and it's malicious because you're talking negative about them because realistically you don't like them and you want to hurt them and you want and you want other people to feel about about them the way you feel about them that's reader than the CEV it says you will keep your friends if you forgive them and how do we know you've forgiven someone when you forgive us someone you no longer talking about them we know you've not forgiven them if they're stealing your conversations got quiet right there I forgive you but all day long you still simply jinx it but early did it it'll take a little bit you're not professional rapper you gotta go on tour and this is crazy the more we talk about the incident the more we destroy the potential for that relationship to ever be healthy there's a lot of sick relationships in the church sick relationships at home sick relationships and your workout mascara and they're sick because of the gossip you'll never have healthy relationships with negative input negative talk will never have a healthy Church if all we do is talk about each other and I want to did this different I'm gonna let that that's like that relax worship come on worship worship praise Him worship thank him worship are there any worshipers in here and the last thing I'm gonna mention today because they're gonna do part two next week about y'all be here and I'll bring somebody and don't trap yourself this week by saying somebody can't even get the church because you drop yourself there's people that don't make it to church because they trapped themselves with their mouth I'm too tired too tired I I don't think I'm gonna go to church this Wednesday it's Monday I know but I feel like something is coming on you know yeah I feel like something my something's coming on I don't know what it is it's coming and then your friends that are negative I know I feel it too I've been feeling it do like it's like a summer cold or something like a summer breeze I don't know you know I was thinking it's just too hot I only go to I want to go to church whenever temperatures just right it's a little bit too hot trapping yourself don't trap yourself because you're headed you're headed to where you're speaking your words are actually pointing you it's your navigation system okay last thing guard against doubt filled words guard against doubt filled words doubt filled words will destroy our prayer life and stop our prayers for being answered this is basically what's happening you could be praying for something and then speak a negative over it and this is what you're doing you're aborting your own prayers and there's times that God's ready to do something but there's a problem the but that you put after your prayer cancels the effectiveness of your prayer god save them and then you say I don't think they'll ever change they're like a hopeless situation Lord I'm gonna put them on the board I got says you could put them on the board all day long but the problem is what you say after you put them on the board and they gates what you just did we're gonna work on this marriage we're gonna this marriage gonna get restored I just can't stand him God do something with him if you want to take them take them just do something my guy says which prayer do you want me to hit man prayer if we're gonna take him out or restoration prior don't know which one you want because we got a lot of Christian hit men use prayers a Spanish ever loss in your take-home Javal Oh right guard against doubtful words and I'm gonna end with this Jesus could not answer a prayer request until all the doubtful words were eliminated out of the conversation in Matthew and Mark chapter 9 verse 22 the spirit often throws him to the Father that's talking about his son as demon-possessed and this he's describing the situation to Jesus Christ he says the spirit often throws him into the fire or into the water trying to kill him have mercy on us and this is what he says help us Jesus if you can help us if you can't wait wait would you believe I can or do you believe it I don't even know what are you talking about so Jesus says I can't even I don't even know what you're saying I can't even touch your son I'm gonna have to leave them with demons until we start clearing up the doubtful words that are mixed up in your prayer request and then Jesus says this what do you mean if I can like what do you mean that I know you just told me your kids possessed and he lands in a fire and he lands in the water and there's a demon trying to kill them but I can't get over we just said what do you mean if I can because right now I can't even begin to touch your son with all those negative faith i mean- filled words I can look at this Jesus as anything is possible if a person belief anything's possible if a person believes but don't come to me with this double minded stuff either I can or I can't either you believe I can or I can don't look at the circumstance don't look at the situation don't look at the past go back to my word I am the word I created everything when I said let there be light and there was light when I speak it will happen go back to my word don't go back to your last situation when the disciples couldn't deal with it because I'm not one of the disciples I am Jesus Christ and this is where we're going this were we're saying in the name of Jesus we come in the name of Jesus and God says believe and this is what he says the father is she cried out disease it's so cool I do believe let me correct this conversation here because I maka I realize what I just did I just put a plaque for my own miracle I do believe but help me overcome my unbelief when Jesus saw the crowd of onlookers was growing he rebuked the evil spirit listen you spirit that makes this boy not Jesus and I got you now don't you know you can move out of the way because you took the doubtful words out of the way now I could touch your situation and now he says listen you spirit that makes this boy unable to hear and speak he said I command you to come out of this child and never enter him again then the spirit scream and threw the boy into another violent convulsion and left him the boy appeared to be dead a murmur ran through the crowd as people said is he dead no he's not dead he finally has some peace but how did Jesus cast out that demon with faith filled words come out he had to get rid of the doubtful words and now the faithful words came and anytime God's ready to do something he does it through faith filled words and how do we get faith filled words we're gonna have to go back to the word faith comes by hearing the word we're gonna start meditating on the word we're gonna have to start speaking the word come on we're gonna come on we need to wake up again and start realizing the authority see God's Word in your mouth is as powerful as God's Word and Jesus mouth but God is saying I've given you my word I've given you my word Church go out there cast out demons heal the sick preach the gospel me go make disciples of all nations and how do we do it through the word and until your conversation changes your life will never change it's time to change wow what a powerful word would you let me pray with you real quick father god I just thank you so much for my friend on the other side of this screen and I think you got first of all that they're here that they made their way here to the page and we thank you God that this message impacted their life today I ask you Father God that this word would go into their heart and touch those those deep places God that that need to be stirred for purpose and for change and for breakthrough and for healing God and that you would just provide all the necessary steps to get them to the next season that you have for them in their life god I ask you Father that you would just bless them that you would encourage them that you would bring them peace and joy in every area of their lives in Jesus name I pray amen all right guys well thank you if this video made an impact in your life like I know it did would you consider making an impact in someone else's life how you could do that is by heading over to the way world outreach org slash donate today also while you're here want to take a look at one of our other great videos that we have on the page and of course if you haven't already hit that subscribe button we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 2,830
Rating: 4.9101124 out of 5
Keywords: churches located in San Bernardino, Churches in the inland empire, On fire churches in San Bernardino, Sunday services in San Bernardino, wednesday services in San Bernardino, Pastor Marco Garcia, Pastor Robert Cuencas, The Way World Outreach, The Way Outreach, World Outreach, Jesus, God, Christian Churches in the Inland Empire, Christian Churches in San Bernardino
Id: mtZLmFqajz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 15sec (2055 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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