You Are Loved | Gay Awareness | Landon Schott

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thank you so much for tuning in today we believe that today's message will impact your life forever so grab a Bible grab a pen or wherever you are get ready open your heart today's message it's just for you you may be seated it's awesome to be here I want to thank you Pastor Marco for inviting me and what an honor is what an amazing church come on you proud of your church there's a few churches that are truly shaking their City and you guys are shaking your City come on you could do a better hand than that my name is Landon I'm originally from Seattle go Seahawks someone spirit-filled over there and we are planting a church in Fort Worth Texas next year called mercy culture I've been traveling the country for the last seven years I've been married 13 years got a picture of my family to put up from it that's my family my wife was a teenage drug addict alcoholic overdosed on oxycottons at no recollection of three days walked out of a drug house into God's house got saved and met a youth pastor three months later we don't recommend that to all the young people it's like 20 young people like yes and so we've married 13 years my wife is incredibly prophetic when the most dynamic female voices I've ever heard in my entire life and that's my daughter she's Payton Olivia she's six years old she said dad two boys at school want to marry me I said two boys are gonna die I said how you gonna choose which one you're getting married she goes eenie meenie miney moe I said that's how girls in church do it relax kid relax relax relax but it's true that's my son Preston Noah also known as Batman woke up yesterday Morgan he was six inches from my face with his Batman mask on he goes dad I have to poop bad if I go thin frog oh the bat suits hard to get to but that's my wonderful family and we love Jesus we love Jesus I'm a pastor's kid I was born raised in God's house I remember giving my life to the Lord at 3 years old at 12 years old I was baptized in the Holy Ghost preached my first sermon in India at 14 started preaching full-time at 16 in two weeks I'll be 35 and I've been serving the Lord with a reckless abandon my entire life and I am passionate about countering God how many love the Holy Spirit how many love Jesus got my friend Joe with me from Huntington Park he's here say what's up to my friend he's wearing the cool hat in the front and I've been asked to come speak on on the topic of Christianity and homosexuality and I wrote a book I'm gonna need some more monitor guys there's nothing much coming out of this I wrote a book a few years ago called gay awareness discovering the heart of the Father and the mind of Christ on sexuality the book is in the bookstore somewhere in the for year I'll be out wherever the book table is they're saying that way right I'll be at the book table afterwards and I wrote this book for really really two reasons and that's because God loves gay people and I love gay people and we need biblical clarity in a sexually confused world so tonight I'm going to take you on a Bible study if you have your Bibles turned to you just write it down and look up on the screens cuz we're gonna go go a lot of Scripture tonight first Corinthians 14:33 says this for God is not a God of confusion but of peace we pray together it's a Holy Spirit we welcome you come on we're my intercessors Adam come on intercessors do what you do we welcome you Holy Spirit we say have your way Holy Spirit we're not making room for you we're giving you the room come on church come on Saints pray with me we pray your kingdom come your will be done in this house in our house in our family father I thank you Jesus you died to give us dominion and we declare the Dominion is ours in Jesus name I pray that you expose lies I pray that you expose darkness I declare when the light comes in when truth comes in darkness has to flee devil you are a liar and we replace your lies with the truth of God I declare tonight we worship you in spirit and in truth tonight we worship you with the reckless abandon father I pray tonight Jesus be magnified come on you feel that shift [Applause] thousand a different kind of church someone be running about there I tell you what I even feel the Holy Ghost shivers come on just lean in lean in lean and lean and lean and lean in I love you Holy Spirit we could do an altar call right now first things first everybody take a big breath breathe in breathe out relax here's what you need to know God loves gay people it's quiet God loves people Romans 5:8 eight says why you were yet sinners and quote why you were yet sinners it doesn't say why you were yet heterosexual sinners because I know there's a whole lot of heterosexual sinners in this place come on somebody I'm a prophetic minister don't make me go there the church has lost its voice to the gay community because the heterosexual sin and hypocrisy in the church you want to talk about someone spec why you got a plank girl you can't even see straight profile says child of God pictures say fornicate here it's quiet in this spirit-filled Church the Bible says whoever looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery you don't got no time judging anyone else it's sin because it's not your particular flavor of sin come on somebody Jesus died for the homosexual in the heterosexual he died for sinners I like you mama this is what's important listen to me hear me first things first God loves gay people I love gay people the title of my my first chapter is I love gay people and you know what I didn't always love gay people I remember I was walking out of a department store about 12 years ago and you gotta watch that step don't you and I was walking out the department store and a man dressed like a woman offered me a sample of something and I walked out in my with a hard heart I thought to myself be a man are you looking at me like that alright I see how it is and I heard the Holy Spirit say you'll never reach them if you don't love him so in the middle of the mall I repented I said lord I don't love what you love give me a heart for what you love this church your pastors love gay people I need to lean in on you for a second your pastors love the gay community they went to brought me in if they did it they want to put up with the trouble that this causes if they did it they love them enough and they love you enough to speak the truth I want to let you know nobody's judging you here turn your neighbor and say relax nobody's judging you nobody's calling you out I don't even know nobody here but four people on the front row nobody's judging you not one thing that is said tonight will be judgmental why are we talking about homosexuality because the entire world is but the church because your teachers our Lord knows the university professors are because the talk shows are because the new stations are because I can't open Yahoo without 13 articles go it in my face everybody is talking about it except the church I hear this all the time Landon how can you talk about homosexuality when you're a heterosexual white guy pastor Carlos like that I'm like my bad my bad my bad well then now that would be like saying pastor Marco can preach about drug addiction or any addiction or any issue unless he personally went through the issue that would be like saying you're pastors can't speak on self-mutilation unless they were a self-mutilator or the Apostle Paul couldn't preach or teach on anything he was inspired by God to do unless he personally went through it so why are we talking about I hear this all the time why'd you write a book just on homosexuality I didn't I wrote a book on spiritual warfare call Jezebel and ain't nobody ever said why'd you write up spiritual war for a book on Jezebel so the reason I did is because I read I saw no one else was I think that all these people that need to hear God's love and truth and everybody's scared to talk about it so the reason why is because the Great Commission isn't to go out and get people to right decision cards the Great Commission is to go out and make disciples teaching them to obey but teaching them to obey what the Facebook theologian now it's impossible to obey the Word of God that you don't know because you don't read hey let me say it like this what would you spiritually look like if you only ate food as much as you read the word that's the picture of the American Church starving to death we're talking about this because God's Word talks about it we're talking about this because we're instructed to preach the truth in to refute false teaching we're talking about this because God's Word addresses it we're talking about it because it's my job to make this a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path so quickly three mistakes the church is making when it comes to homosexuality number one they're making it the greatest sin is not the greatest sin oh it's oh it's an abomination yes we know what the word says I'll get to that later it's not the greatest sin there's many abominations proverbs 6 says that a prideful look a lying tongue it goes over many abominations so guess what if you are a gossiping lying proud individual you are an abomination so homosexual practice is not the greatest sin pride is where does the Bible say price the greatest sin well let me help you the Bible says that God opposes the proud Satan fell from heaven Oh Morningstar cuz he is pride pride comes before the fall opposes the proud and the Hebrew means the point of the spear or you're an enemy of God proverbs 6 says God hates the proud look pride is what keeps you from repentance of any sin now it is interesting that pride is the slogan of the gay community second mistake the church is making I call it scared speechless they are afraid please stay with me on my notes please on the PowerPoint I sin they are afraid to say anything because the moment you say anything you are a hateful ignorant bigoted judgmental intolerant come on with adjectives I get called them on a weekly basis I love people you're so hateful really your book is so intolerant have you read it no it's not really tolerant to not even listen to someone else's addressing the Word of God it's pretty ignorant to hate a book you haven't read I mean I don't get on Amazon review Moby Dick this is a dumb story it's not even real I haven't read the book I don't know we're so afraid because we don't want people to not like us because all of a sudden skinny jeans and in haircuts and Christian hipsters became really cool all of a sudden but eventually your popularity and your Christianity can't go hand in hand because you can't be intimate with God and intimate with the world at the same time they hated Jesus and Jesus said they will hate you not because of you but because of me scripture says you'll be persecuted because of righteousness hey nobody has come after me and hates me because because they don't like land and they haven't even met me they hate me because of the Scriptures that I quote because of the truth that I teach listen they're not gonna like when you speak truth no matter how you say it now it helps not to be a jerk amen it helps when you're not given one liners can I just help you little your dumb one-liners on social media help no one God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve you just you're not help nobody you're making this worse for all of us stop can I help you you're not gonna win on social media you win through relationship and you won't reach who you don't love third mistake the church is making if you're taking notes third mistake the church is making there begin to affirm it and you can't affirm what God's Word doesn't affirm you can't call bless what God's Word calls blessed well if two people love each other then why can't they be each other because God's definition of love and your definition of love are two different definitions God definition of love is denying himself 1st Corinthians chapter 13 talks about love and has nothing to do with sex except for love doesn't delight in evil so you say you love someone but you also love chick-fil-a so your love for God is the same word as your love for a chicken sandwich so you describe love as a feeling God describes love as a choice because jesus said if you love me come on somebody help me quote the Bible you will obey my Commandments so I'm going to go over with you the three places excuse me the six places that the Bible talks about homosexual practice but let me tell you this church here is the message of gay awareness and here's the message of this ministry is we must be unrelenting in our love for people while remaining unwavering in our loyalty to God's Word so there's a six scriptures and I hear I call them the top six and it's so important that when when you're addressing these scriptures that we address it with grace and truth if you have grace by itself it's just lawlessness if you have truth by itself it's just legalism and the two have to be married and that's where you find the mercy of God Jesus saw a woman at the well and he met her in grace but then he spoke to her his truth and said go and sin no more and that was heterosexual City we must be loving to people but honoring to God's words because you can't love people if you don't love God so I call them the top six or the big six the six main scriptures and I hear this all the time for opponents of God's Word they say well there's only six scriptures that even speak to homosexual practice and I think that's funny because how many have taken Communion before do you know there's only five scriptures that deal with communion I've been saved all my life and I've never been in one Easter service that someone stood up said nope not taking it not the little wait for there's only five scriptures that speak to the communion but when someone says well there's only six well here's the truth if there's only one it should be enough for dedicating Christ's followers so here we go three in the Old Testament three in the New Testament number one is found in just take notes and you could read these later Genesis 19 it's the sin of sodom and gomorrah it says this in in Genesis chapter 19 this is where the men where we're trying to have sex with other men but were actually angels and if you go and read the story and I don't have that a lot of time you could read the book and I go into great detail but this is where men were banging down the door trying to have sex with other men and in in the arguments against the scripture that you'll hear from activists is in people that come to agitate and distract they'll say well the sin of Sodom wasn't homosexual practice it wasn't homosexual rape it was in hospitality and it's true Ezekiel chapter 16 does speak to the sins of Sodom as in hospitality but I haven't seen anyone who read Genesis chapter 19 as men are trying to beat down the door to have sex with angels that they think your other men and saying man can you believe how inhospitable these people are so where do they get this well in Ezekiel chapter 16 it talks about the sin of Sodom one is in hospitality but it also lists pride and it also lists abominations where there's no other scripture that relates an abomination to in hospitality and every scripture that refers to Sodom and Gomorrah in the New Testament doesn't refer to in hospitality but to their grotesque immorality Jude one-in-seven says in similar Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversions the servant example for those who will suffer punishment of eternal fire second Peter 2:8 also speaks of their lawless deeds this scripture is talking about individuals that were engaged into what the Bible calls abominations Leviticus chapter 18 nobody's being judged here I'm teaching the Word of God you hear me nobody's judging you we love you we're glad you're here Leviticus chapter 18 in verse 22 it says you shall not lie with a man as with a woman it is an abomination what is an abomination an abomination is an inn heightened sin I already told you the Bible does list and many abominations but we do want to pay attention when the Bible uses the word abomination because it means it's an inn heightened in well the argument to this is people will say well is it all sin the same no but if you follow a facebook theologian they'll say well all Sims to say I had one cocky guy online say what Landon would you list the sins in order for me said sure that one joking it's joke relax where do they get this they get this from Genesis gems chapter 2 verse 10 4 it says if you have broken a part of the law you are guilty of breaking all of the law what does that scripture saying if you are sin if you sin you're in the category of sinners but that doesn't mean that all sin is the same give you example if I'm late coming home and I speed and run a red light I'd say hey babe you know I was running a home and I speed to done that I read a red light you know I just wanted to confess my sin to you she'd be like babe chill why are you doing this why are you rushing well what's wrong not to slow down what's with this you're gonna hurt somebody gonna hurt yourself we would talk about it and I would address my driving when I said baby buzz saw my way home and I'm speeding I ran a red light cuz I just got done with ten prostitutes I just wanted to let you know probably know that conversation would go a little different and I wouldn't be here my wife's feisty I like it that way I'll put it this way let me give you a scriptural reference when when David committed immorality in slept with Bathsheba two people died when he directly disobeyed the Holy Spirit in number of the children of Israel 70,000 died so I asked you which sin was greater he directly disobeyed the voice of God what's the lesson disobeying the voice of God the Word of God will always lead you to your greatest sins so yes when you sin you're in a category of a sinner but when you commit willing knowing since you wouldn't you want to watch yourself church Leviticus chapter 20 is a third one Leviticus talks about the law the argument for this is we're not under the law I've always find it funny when people use the argument they're not under the law it's usually just when they don't want to do something like tithe not under the law oh you don't want to tithe cool how much more do you want to give I always like do that are you cool show me a scripture that says you don't have to tie go ahead I'll wait I'll wait forever well the Bible doesn't talk about the New Testament yes it does Jesus said you think I'm talking about tithing tonight well I am because it's a hard issue so is this Jesus says do what the Pharisees tell you to do tithes just don't forget the greater so I've never said much murder that's whole Testament [Applause] note that everything is greater in the New Testament under grace so the Old Testament says don't murder the New Testament under grace says don't hate the Old Testament says don't commit adultery the New Testament under grace says don't even look at a woman lustfully and even if we weren't under the law they said it Jesus what's the greatest commandment so they are still Commandments that we live by we're not under the law we're not on the Old Testament or that doesn't deal with with everyone that only dealt with you know they'll use the argument where you're not gonna eat shellfish they think they're so smart because they googled something you don't wear mix pattern so you're wearing a mix pattern so you're gonna believe all the lot well know there are some dietary laws for Jewish people they thank God I don't have to follow cuz I like pizza and tacos but in Leviticus chapter 18 and 19 through 20 these are universal prohibitions for all people everywhere he said what are you talking about Lannon remember when the children of Israel came into the land and God judged the nation's because of their sin it's because of these ones not because they're eating shellfish and had skinny jeans on you following me 3 in the Old Testament ran agree on hurry 3 in the New Testament 3 in the New Testament is Romans chapter 1 this is about God's wrath on a sinful humanity I don't have time to read it all you can get the book or you could go and I break it down or you could go read this for yourself but it says this in verse 26 but because this God gave them over to their shameful lusts even their women exchanged natural sexual relationships for unnatural ones and the same way men also abandoned natural chips with women in were inflamed for lust for one another men a committed shameful acts with one another receiving themselves due penalty for their error therefore God gave them over to a depraved mind do you know Isaiah 5:20 says that a day is coming where men will call good evil and evil good church that's the day we live in this scripture is so obvious but those agitators that come against it say this well well it's only if it's a shameful lust but if you're not lusting for someone and you're in a monogamous committed relationship then it's not sin but here's the problem the Bible doesn't say that I like when people like you show me one scripture where Jesus talks about homosexuality I'm like exactly because he talks about marriage he talks about creation he talks about order exactly so they're like well the other argument is this okay so so it only says they exchanged natural for unnatural but what if I am naturally born this way this is how I'm born well I'm born a jerk what are you born and all of us have to be born again [Applause] and it's not talking about your sexual disposition that word is talking in the Greek about God's divine order his natural passions the word Fosse Co which means according to God's divine nature not your preference 1st Corinthians chapter 6 is the second one in the New Testament the fifth overall it says do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God do not be deceived the sexual immoral the heterosexuals nor idolaters nor adulterers those are those that cheat on each other when they're married or men who practice homosexuality will not inherit the kingdom of God goes on to say the argument against this is the word homosexuality was added to the Bible in 1946 so they say people just put that word in there well yeah they put all of the English words in there the Bible wasn't written in English or King James y'all so the word homosexuality was it even invented till the 1880s but when someone says well if they just put it in there in the NIV in 1946 like whoa I didn't even know that my church has been lying to me no you've been deceived by a smokescreen because the Bible's talking about watch the Greek words Malik hosts and arsenic or Knights that is the soft man or it literally means the men that penetrates the other man it doesn't matter what words you're using it's talking about is that is it is that being dark is it is it great I I'm not sure what the color is but but it's it's it's a dark color being right there it's describing what it is are you following me so the Bible is so clear the last one in verse first Timothy chapter 7 now talks about false teaching and that false teachers are gonna come but it clearly says men who practice again homosexuality but it warns against the false teachers see 2nd Timothy 4:3 says this for a time will come well people will not put up with sound doctrine instead they will suit their own desires and will gather around them a great number of teachers and pastors and false prophets and Facebook theologians that will tell them what their itching ears want to hear the Bible is so clear why are we still so confused I'll tell you why because the devil is the author of confusion and he's been doing this the Bible says in Luke chapter 8 he's the father of lies and watch in Genesis chapter 3 Adam and Eve were in the garden and it was the same attack in the garden it is today on Facebook at your university with your friends at the coffee shop Satan said did this did God really say did he really say well what if two people love each other is it love love and we say these cliches that sound good but there's a problem it's not God and they make sense and then we feel bad for people and we feel empathetic for people and instead of teaching truth with grace and love and winning people to the world we have sat down put down our armor and we are letting people walk and deception and the church stands at the gates you're afraid of what someone's gonna think of you as you call them your friends and they're two people that are living together and they're not married they go to church and no one ever confronts them of their sin there's people in this room that you're in sexual sin serve man that sexual sin will lead you to hell and Jesus came to save you from it that's the message of the gospel church listen to me listen to me listen to me I have one question for the gay activists and they get so mad at me every time I asked them and I asked them the same question over and over and I haven't found one that can help me with this question I say would you just please give me one there's thirty one thousand scriptures in the Bible just give me one scripture where Jesus Moses Paul a disciple a prophet a minor prophet any prophet any what the cup bears somebody give me one scripture that will promote that will endorse same-sex practice in church there's not one but if you really want to scripture it will support same-sex practice you have to close your Bible and you have to open the Satanic Bible because you'll find five there because I went bought one and I read it so if the world celebrates it and the Church of Satan authorizes it why would you think God's house and God's people would align with it who would have thought that your theology who lines up with the Church of Satan more than God's house hold on because we ain't done the Bible says 1st Corinthians 6 that that's what some of you were but you were washed sanctified justified you sail and amaya have to deal with this my entire life and what the Bible says don't worry about tomorrow I get a piano player musician to come play let tomorrow worry about itself listen a life of holiness is lived one day at a time to the young man that's struggling with pornography to the young lady that struggling with same-sex attraction to the businessman that's struggling on cheating on his wife when you're out of town listen I don't know who you are or what you're dealing with but let me tell you tonight your temptation does not define you it does not create you it does not identify you there is one identity in this book and that is a child of God a son a daughter that's who we are the Bible says that all of us were separated from a God of love but he pursued us with reckless abandon the Bible says he pulls us up out of the miry clay such as on a rock Jesus died for your sins in mind he came to save you from sin thank you for listening to today's sermon it is our prayer that you encounter God his love and his presence and his joy before you go we'd like to pray with you whenever you're dealing with whatever the issue understand God is there for you and he will never leave you or forsake you let's pray father I pray right now for your people this is your son this is your daughter God speak to them in amazing ways comfort them give them a sense of hope God let this be a life-changing day for them and I pray that their lives would just speak volumes today let them be filled with hope let them be filled with joy and we thank you so much for that in Jesus name we pray hey man hey man again thank you thank you so much for listening it is our hope and pray that you would share this message if its impact that your life go to our website page at the way Road outreach and share the message and if you would like to impact lives together with us go to our website at the way Road outreach dot o-r-g slash donate today we love you and thank you for listening [Music]
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 5,409
Rating: 4.7045455 out of 5
Keywords: churches located in San Bernardino, Churches in the inland empire, On fire churches in San Bernardino, Sunday services in San Bernardino, wednesday services in San Bernardino, Pastor Marco Garcia, Pastor Robert Cuencas, The Way World Outreach, The Way Outreach, World Outreach, Jesus, God, Christian Churches in the Inland Empire, Christian Churches in San Bernardino
Id: 3ylpsSfCrmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 6sec (2526 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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