God Is A Good, Good Father | Pastor Marco Garcia

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good morning everyone how you guys doing out there you know we're we're here to remember and celebrate how good our god is and today we're going to be talking about in these next few moments about this exact song the title of this message is going to be a good good father we've been on a series that god is good but we're going to go into our relationship with god some of us have a hard time with a relationship with god because we don't know who he is or maybe i've heard a thousand stories of what they tell me he's like but i like to know him by my on my own i want to have an encounter myself with god i want to have a relationship with god and then the scripture i mean that song was saying that when i when i hear what he says you know when you hear encouraging words i'm pleased with you i love you you'll never be alone you have a father not like your earthly father and i know we're gonna make that we're gonna make that leap right now from our experience with our earthly fathers and we're gonna tie in a relationship with a good good father and i don't want your relationships with your earthly fathers to to taint your relationship with your good good father because our good good father is a perfect father and every single one of us we're created to have a relationship with him and until that happens there's going to be an emptiness in your heart so we're going to pray right now we're going to get ready for the word i'm so proud of every one of you being here online and also here in the house of god let's today spend some time getting to know our father better how can you love someone you really don't know so by the end of this sermon i'm going to introduce you throughout this sermon i'm going to introduce you to god himself as your father and by the time you're done you'll be able to pray like jesus says our father and get a little better understanding of what that means i want you to not just know about god i want you to eventually love god god loves you but i want you to get to a point where you can say i love you father oh that'd be great great place to be now when you learn how to love your father in heaven there's nothing else that can replace that relationship with your father in heaven most of us don't have a temptation problem you think i just keep tempting and falling this is an issue you just don't know god good enough and when you get to know him better you're going to be able to say i know you're offering something that sounds really tempting but i get that from my father already so i'm going to be able to say no i love god my father more than i love my own pleasures and things that are trying to tempt me i don't need that anymore i found something that's more fulfilling and that's my relationship with my father we always say this we are not offering your religion we are offering your relationship with your creator and i i just i pray that today somehow you get a realization of how good good god is or we have a good good father let's pray father we just thank you for this time that we come together to study your word and when we're studying your word we are learning who you are your word is a letter to us you want to know me study my word so i just thank you lord that we'll not get a thousand prescriptions of who you are from social media from people's opinions but we'll get to know god our father ourselves today there's different people in different places there are those that don't know you at all in this room but you know them and you love them there are those that we know you but we need to get to know you better there's another group that are just totally in love with you already and their relationships is going to grow today even more have your way today and we pray this in jesus name we pray amen you may be seated so glad again to see every one of you here and we've been on a series that god is good and this would be our last sermon teaching on this series and today we're going to be talking about god is a good good father and we're going to get our teaching from james chapter 1 verse 16 and 17 and was stood out to me in this portion of scripture where it said god our father let's take a look at the scripture so don't be misled my dear brothers and sisters this portion of scripture is saying don't be misled about what about who god is don't don't allow yourself to be deceived and get a false image of who god is they're brothers and sisters whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from god our father who created all the lights in the heavens and this scripture is just saying something real simple the god is the source of good anything that's good that's pleasant that's excellent that's beneficial that's that's joyful leads to peace and happiness freedom comes from god and last week we covered that bad does not come from god bad comes from two places our own wrong decisions lead to bad results and also there's actually an enemy or an adversary the devil that's out to kill steal and destroy so we got to be careful that we're not blaming god for the bad because we start blaming god for the bad in our lives this is what we're doing we're eliminating our answer god is not your problem he is your solution so everything that's good comes from god our father he chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word and we out of all his creation became his prized possession what he said after all the things i created you're the center of my creation god that created the heavens and the earth he created all of it to have a relationship with you and until you have that relationship with him something is missing you know we call that an identity crisis and every one of us are looking for where do we fit in what is my identity who am i and this is the greatest identity you could ever have if you could just discover this i'm a child of god say with me i'm a child of god and until that becomes a reality in your life you're going to be searching for your lineage you know lisa lisa my wife um she was born and she was when she was born she was adopted immediately she was set up for adoption immediately so lisa i remember when we first met her when i first met her i asked her what nationality are you and she would say i'm french italian and cherokee i go okay and she goes and i think she meant she was saying mostly cherokee i don't know where she got that from but somehow someone told her that so later on i would say maybe uh i mean it's really later on 25 years into our marriage i go why don't we do one of those dna tests because i i gotta i got and when these two would get just get a little stubborn i go that's the cherokee in you there it is right there you little stubborn cherokee right she get fired up i go there's the italian in you so we did this dna test because lisa does not know her true identity until we get this dna it's all hearsay so we we get the reports back and we find out she's not french at all she's not italian at all there's zero cherokee in her bloodline and we found out she's like 90 something percent english british i go no wonder let's get it i go baby you're white that's what you are you white but until we took that dna dna test we didn't know who she was and a lot of us right now you think you're something that you're really not you think you're a loser you think you're a drug addict you think you're a failure you think you're depressed all these things that people told you you are you're still struggling with your identity and you're searching out there where do i fit in and today i'm going to give you your dna test we don't have to go through dna.com right now we're going to get your dna from the word of god god created you and i to be his children and you have a father that's all-powerful almighty and he loves you unconditionally and until you find that out you're going to be searching everyone's looking for your identity your identity is not your desire your identity is who you're created to be i am and you start saying you know most people find their identity in their lust i am this because i lust after that but we have our father someone say our father so god created us this is a major point i want to make god created us to have a relationship with him as our loving father god wants to not just be a father he wants to be your loving father maybe you have a struggle with that because when i grew up i had a father um and my blood my biological father that wasn't so loving he loved himself he loves his partying he loved his lifestyle and he chose that over his family and the more selfish we become and the more we make our desires our sinful desires our selfless desires our identity this is what happens you start leaving your assignment so my dad left his assignment to be a loving father so if i'm trying to get my reference point of a good father from my father biological father on earth i don't have it but just because i didn't have a reference with my biological father on earth doesn't mean i can't find my identity my identity is not my in my biological father my identity is in my heavenly father i want to introduce you to your creator that loves you so god created us to have a relationship with him as a loving father jesus taught us to pray by addressing god as our father father is a relationship word god desires to have a loving relationship with us by being our father in matthew 8 6 9 it says this matthew 6 9 says jesus said pray like this our father in heaven may your name be kept holy he says when you address god you could address some as anything but this is how you're supposed to address them as your father in heaven see and until you learn how to until you have that father-son or father-daughter relationship this is what's gonna happen there's gonna be an emptiness within us we're gonna be searching where do i who am i you are a child of god god loves you you are not a mistake you got to know this that word father our father is a hebrew word pater and it says it means nourisher a good father is a nourisher he's an encourager or it means a protector when you're a good father you're a protector i remember there was a night in our house and and it was late at night someone was knocking on our door like trying to break into our house now when they were trying to break into my house my girls i got five girls and a wife they called me like you go answer that door okay i got to be a good father i'm not going to send my wife to go fight that guy could it be that some of you guys are actually fighting spiritual battles and you're sending your wife to fight your battles instead of you standing up as a spiritual leader of your own home [Music] see the problem to get to my family you're gonna have to go through me it's a pastor i mean are you that bad i i'll tell you what i know my position i'm a protector i might die protected but i'll tell you this you're not going to get to my wife and my kids at my house through that front door without a fight on your hands [Applause] a good father is a protector he doesn't open up his family to danger he protects his family from danger come on god is raising up some good fathers in this place as they follow the good father [Music] so they knocked on my door and that guy was knocking i looked through the people and the guy's crazy like someone it was somebody that was strung out on drugs full of demons spitting on the shoulder and the front porch so this is what i did i got my bat i lowered my voice a little bit hey you don't want none of this because if you get through this door you're gonna have a beating in the name of jesus the idea is a good father is a protector and what god is saying i'm a good good father i'm your protector you don't need to fight come on you don't need to fight this battle i'll fight it for you i'll defend you i'll protect you come on i got your back aren't you god glad you got a god that has your back father means provider someone say provider i love that why why are you all worried when you got a god that's rich my little daughter one of my daughters amarisa she don't have a worry in the world she was in some special needs classes when she was in school and she lives with us she has her own room yesterday she goes dad i'm going to disneyland and i need some money she doesn't know what a big my she don't know how much money i just needed enough money to do what i want to do that's what she told me i go how much is that she goes fifty dollars she thinks fifty dollars a lot of money i go that's not enough she goes more a thousand that's like a conversation with no not a thousand either like about how about a hundred she goes okay let's do that so she comes up to me say daddy and she brings me her wallet it's empty that was last night i need to fill this with that hundred where is it so i gave her 20 i gave her 40 i gave her 60. and she go i go is that 100 she goes i don't know is that 100 i go counter she was 20 40 60. no you still need to give me more and i gave her another 20. he goes 80. like was that 100. she goes not 100 yet you have to give me some more and i gave her the other i gave her the 20. it was 100 i'm going to tell you this my daughter is not tripping she just knows that she has a dad that's a provider you know why some of you guys are all worried you don't know you don't have a father that's a provider and you're still thinking that you got to do it and god says why don't you let me provide we serve a good good father that takes care of his children do we have do we have a picture of this bill i don't know if you guys still have there was there was a time in this church we're building this church i don't know if they have the picture of that bill to see if they got oh here it is what needs to be paid this was like five years ago we have no money in the bank we're building a church we had we had a we had a truck drop off two truckloads with the drywall and we didn't have the money to pay for it and i remember i go i talked to one of my leaders i go um write down what we owe this week i know we don't have no money let's just write it down it was 265 813 see if you don't know who your loving father is you get freaked out so so i remember as soon as we have this meeting she goes um uh uh how are we gonna pay that i go that's none of my business i said zach why should he go me what's none of your business it's not my problem this is god's project we need a miracle we better go talk to our provider well you know what happened within that week that money came in we didn't miss a beat somehow it came in it was more money that we ever had come in because we serve a god come on when he gives you a vision and he gives you an assignment he gives you the provision you know why you're freaked out you're trusting too much in you your ability's not enough for the dream that god has put in you someone said god's my provider let me see is a teacher too teacher parent a good father to teach a parent it also means this one who has infused his own spirit into his children so when god says i'm your father i want you to get this he's not your father until you've been infused with his spirit why does he infuse his children with his spirit because when he infuses you with his spirit he infuses you with his dna so you could be like him you could walk in his power you can walk in his wisdom you could have conversation with him you can know him so what he does he infuses his spirit in you so you can have a deep intimate relationship with him god is no longer out there he's now in here oh man religion can infuse the spirit of god in you but a relationship with god begins when god's spirit moves in to your life and transforms you from the inside out i'm not here to change your behavior i'm here to change your whole being that means i want you to become a person that god is living inside of you i'm so close to god he's in me [Applause] he's my father i know him some of you guys are freaking out right now i said pastor i don't know god like that why don't we just start today open up your heart say jesus come into my life fill me with your spirit make me into a new person i want to know how good you are i'm tired of hearing it by her hearsay i want to know you personally how are you going to sell a god you don't know infused with the spirit this describes a relationship of those who through faith in christ have been united in especially close relationship with god and who no longer fear judgment for their sin but honor him as their reconciled and loving father see before you come to god you see god as a judge once you come to jesus and he forgives you of your sins and he fills you with his spirit you see him as your father not a threat i love it so jesus taught us to pray by addressing god as our father someone said our father said our father oh i pray that you'll get one day and say father i love you man i love you more than anything man you you teach me you provide for me you're my you're my protector you're my nourisher i get everything from my jesus i love you number two i'm describing this but god the father loves us so much check this out we're making a point here is that god created us to have a relationship with him as a loving father but god the father loves us so much that he calls us his children this is the most endearing word he could use to describe his desired relationship with us it is more intimate than being called his servants his friends his people he calls us his children there isn't a greater name to be called by god than his child a child comes from the father he has the father's dna and qualifies for the full inheritance he goes as soon as i call you my son everything that's mine becomes available to you i love it say with me i'm a child of god and if you're not there yet by the time we're done i pray that you become a child of god and you have a father in heaven not a religion do you know god well yeah i go to the catholic church that doesn't say you have a relationship with god let's just say what church you go to i'm not talking about relationship with an organization or relationship with a religion i'm talking about having a relationship with a father yeah i know god i love him his spirit lives in me i know him he nourishes me he protects me he gots my back he's my teacher i don't fear nothing because if god's for me who's gonna come against me see when the devil comes knocking on my door jesus answers like what what you got to do in this house excuse me i thought marco was going to answer yeah i answered this is my well house someone praise god i want to introduce you to your loving father that has your back [Applause] in first john 3 1 says this see how very much our father loves us for he calls us his children he's saying you know how much i love you i'm going to tell you what i call you i call you my child he don't call he don't call you a failure he don't call you a sinner he don't call you a basket case he don't call you a backslider he calls you by your relationship that's my son that's my daughter but but they got me they got issues i know they got issues but that don't change anything they're still my son they're still my daughter and height what are you going to do to change that come on does anybody want to become a child of god i'm tired of living in a fickle environment that people like me based on my performance i want to have a relationship with someone that loves me unconditionally and it's for me no matter when i mess up he can say son get up start acting like your father i didn't put my spirit in you to leave you barely making it surviving i put my spirit in you so you could be more than a conqueror prosperous powerful come on son get up [Applause] and that is what we are looking at see how very much our father loves us for he calls us his children what do you call us what and that's what we are that's who i am i'm a child of god i am not my last failure i am not a sinner i am not an addict i am not bipolar i am not depressed i i am not fearful i am not abused i am not rejected i am not unworthy i am not a drunk i am not a bad father i'm a child of god that's right god called me his child and that's what i am so i'm going to resist every spirit every mindset that tries to come against my spiritual identity i'm a child of god someone say get this in your spirit i'm not fatherless i got a daddy i'm not an orphan i got a father and he's the best father there ever has been [Applause] do you remember back in the day day some of you guys had a father living in your house you thought your dad was the baddest man alive some of you guys said someone messed you said look bro don't mess with me my dad will kill you my dad could beat up everybody the other day my daughters still think this a lot my 18 year old came up to me and said dad i went to the gym yesterday this is this week this story i went to the gym then people were surprised i was just curling and so the guys were like she i was curling almost the same number as the guys and then she said she said she she she said um daddy we got our our strength from you i'll go that's right we're naturally strong and at least it says i'm strong too there was a day when i was 12 years old i was picking up a whole log and people were just amazed that was exactly what happened and the kids just started laughing ah mama you're not that strong we get our strength from daddy you know why some of you right now don't think you're strong you're getting your strength from the wrong place you should be getting your strengths from your daddy come on you should be gay come on you shouldn't be identified with his strengths not your weaknesses i love it but the people look at but the people who do lot look check this out but the people who belong to this world wait a second oh wait a second we just got introduced to another group so you mean that there's a group the god is not their father there's another group that belong to the world they don't belong to god they don't have the they don't have the good good father uh-oh there's another group and i want you to understand this there's only two spiritual fathers that are available the good good father or the bad bad father i served a good good father i used to serve the bad bad father and that bad bad father was bad but let's we'll discuss that in a second but but the people who belong to this world they belong to what they don't belong to god their father don't recognize that we are god's children back in the day like in the 90s you'd say something like this you better recognize that is it better but recognize who you're talking to well but the scripture is saying that the people that belong to this world they don't recognize something really great about you you're a child of god they try to minimize that because they don't understand the power and authority that you're connected with they're misjudging you you know why they better recognize because you're a source of breakthrough you're a source of healing you're a source of eternal life come on the the god that's in you the resurrection power that's in you is the answer to their every single problem and their identity so you better recognize i'm a child of god i'm connected to everything you need i'm not saying walk in pride but you got to brought to some dignity walk in some confidence i know who my father is i know him really good and i'm getting to know him every better and every every day better and every day i get to know him he's gooder and gooder i know that ain't proper english for english she's oh my gosh like just get them from my nerves it's just like your fingernails on a chalkboard what he just did improper english i'm just teasing that's why i said that i want to get on your nerves now but the people who belong to the this world don't recognize we are god's children because they don't know him so there's a group that don't know him they're not only not children of god the problem is they don't even recognize we are children of god and the reason they can't see it because they don't know him hmm let's think about that see those that belong to this world have a different father man i just got into the intro today this is sad i thought this was the last sermon i don't know what's going on here but i mean we serve a good good father we're gonna i'm gonna have to do part four next week i gotta this is intro stuff look around john 8 44 says this for you are the children of your father the devil yo soyunijo i'm practicing my spanish for barack concert you are imagine jesus saying that imagine you having a conversation with jesus he goes you are a son you go you got it of the devil and imagine this saying your daddy is the devil well how do you know if your daddy's the devil now this is really important because if you got a bad bad daddy god's offering you a good good daddy thank god you don't have to stay under the authority of that bad bad daddy i love it for you are the uh you are the children of your father the devil how do you know and you love to do the evil things he does so how do you know that you are of the your devil the devil's your daddy you love doing what he does you love talking the way he talks he got lust in the way he loves you like being angry with the way he's angry you love being vengeful the way he is you love the things that satan loves hmm got quiet right there i was like oh hallelujah what he was a murderer from the beginning and you know what that means he was a hater from the beginning and how do you know that the devil's your daddy your heart's full of hate and anger he has always hated the truth how do you know the devil's your daddy you don't like god you don't like the word you don't like truth you don't like church you don't like god's people there's a burden to you ooh [Music] because there's no truth in him because when there's not truth in you there's no desire for truth but once you start living by truth and you see the breakthrough of truth you see the freedom of truth you see the peace of truth you see the joy of truth you see the confidence of truth you see the purpose of truth you start loving truth even if it hurts tell me the truth i don't want to live a lie i don't want to live depressed i don't want to live in poverty i don't want to live as a loser i want to live not know what my future holds for me tell me the truth even if it hurt for a little bit does anybody love the truth when when he lies who lies when the devil lies he's consistent with his with his character for he is a liar and the father of all lies he's a liar so how do you know the devil's your daddy you lie all the time it's not that you once in a while lie lying is a lifestyle sin is a lifestyle sexual morality is a lifestyle yo you know what he was telling he was talking to a group of people that thought god was their father you know what's crazy about this you could think god's your father and the devil be your daddy and the devil's like a pedophile this is what he does he parks his white van in front of the school he might even get some music that sounds like the ice cream man and he's offering candy but once you take the candy his plan begins to unfold because he has no good intention in you he's going to rape you he's going to abuse you and maybe at the end he's going to kill you see and when you're serving the devil you're addicted to the candy but he's gonna rape you he's gonna abuse you and he's gonna kill you you cannot serve the bad bad daddy and end up with good good results you serve the bad daddy you get in that van and you get addicted to the candy i know it tastes good for a minute but at the end it's going to separate you from god it's going to separate you from joy it's going to separate you from your family it's going to separate from your dreams it can separate from your future it's going to separate you from your dignity it's going to separate from your kids it's gonna separate from your marriage it's gonna separate from your church and at the end your life will be a living hell and it will end in hell forever if you serve the bad daddy but i thank god there's an option our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name your name is more holy and more important than any other name because it's through your name that i'm saved it through my identity with you that i get delivered it's through my identity with you i fulfill my purpose i've been looking for peace well you know i'm the prince of peace i've been looking for healing from my heart do you know i know that i healed the brokenhearted i've been looking for to provide to prosper don't you know that i will supply all your needs according to my riches and glory i need some direction don't you know that i'm a god that will counsel you and guide you i'll give you my holy spirit you know what we need we don't need to fix the people in our lives forget that we need to restore our relationship with our father how many know god is a good god how many know gods are good someone said god is good he's a good good father oh man we'll just end it right there because next week is going to get good the good thing about i don't have to study for next week i already got it next week we're going to cover how do we know that our father in heaven is good how do we know that and then we're going to just discover this how do we enter into a relationship with our father in health it's going to be good i'm telling you so we'll learn how do we know god is good well we're going to find that out next week well how do i enter into that relationship we're gonna cover that this week but we'll cover it this week as well let's all stand up someone say god is good all the time all the time god is good we serve a good good father someone say good good father oh man he's good church i'm going to dismiss in just a second before we dismiss i want to give an opportunity for every single one of us to open our hearts and you know how you come to your father in heaven you come to exactly the way you are you don't fix yourself up you don't have to comb your hair brush your teeth vises fix your marriage right put on some cologne god says look let me tell you about me i'm love i'm a good god good father and i love you i love you in your worst condition so you'll never doubt that i love you and if i love you in your worst condition why would i abandon you when you become my child i'll never do it i pray that just a little bit something happened in the spirit that introduced you to your father a little bit better even as a seasoned believer like i almost forgot that the god is good i've been trying to do too much i've not been dependent on my father i've been dependent on my abilities i've been depending on on what i'm doing i'm all stressed out you know why you're all stressed out too much you not enough father [Music] [Applause] i love it god paid those bills still doing it and you know because of that i step out into scary places say pastor are you always confident no sometimes i'm scared why is scared because i'm going places that if god don't show up i'm going to look like a fool understand this god is not in your comfort zone he's in your vision zone what i mean vision is what you've never done don't let fear freeze you let faith move you and not always he said well i'm still a little scared just because you're a little scared does not mean you don't have faith you should be scared a little bit because the assignment and what god's calling you is way bigger than your ability thank god for your daddy's checkbook thank god for your daddy's power thanks for your daddy's wisdom thank you thank god for your daddy's support i got this because of my daddy not me you serve a good good father it's okay some of you guys right now this is your moment you'll never have jesus as your father until you finally say jesus jesus save me connect me to the father [Music] i want to have a relationship with him you can be forgiven today you can be set free today this is the miracle when you give your life to jesus and you realize man i'm a sinner i've messed up i've had a bad bad daddy the devil's been my daddy and he's got me doing some evil stuff corrupting my marriage corrupting my identity corrupting my integrity i've been doing some underhanded stuff because the devil is taking me lower than i ever thought i would go i would say this don't be condemned by that but get mad about it condemn me is all man i'm a loser you're not a loser get mad at it like i can't believe i'm letting the devil do this in my life i'm choosing a new father i'm tired of that thing ruling me the past ruling me my lower nature ruling me my lord desires ruling me i'm tired of it i need an infusion of god's spirit in me i need a new start today's your day and i will say this how do you get to the father through the son how do you get to the father it's through jesus whoever calls upon the name of the lord will be saved you know what that means reconnected to god lord i wanna i wanna be connected to you god i want to be connected with you well you got to go through the sun give your life to jesus he died for your sins stop paying the price stop living under guilt and shame you might have messed up but god doesn't want to leave you there he's saying come on son come on daughter get up and will you accept what he's saying about you son daughter will you reject your identity or will you accept it it's your moment i'm gonna count to three if you're in this room and you say pastor i don't know if god's my father because i've been practicing stuff that has nothing to do with the father and god says i know but don't get all mad don't get all depressed about it say okay admit it admitting you're off track is the first step getting on track is the second step i'm off track i don't have the right daddy i'm allowed the enemy to ruin my life i'm tired i want a new desire i want new power i want a relationship with my father i want to place my faith in jesus i want to be forgiven of my sins i want to be set free today's your day the biggest miracle ever happened in your life you become a son and daughter of god you belong to the world and you belong to the devil but you make a decision today i want to give my life to god i want to give my life to jesus i want to have a heavenly father when i count to three say pastor that's me i want to be forgiven i'm not sure if i die right now i go to him and i feel like my life has been a living hell i know i've been off track but i want to get on track today i want god to save me i want god to make me whole i want god's spirit to live in me i want to become a new person i want to get to know that father in heaven start where you're at i'm so proud of you you're here start with everyone take action one when i say three i want you to raise your hands all this building i want to place my faith in jesus i want to be saved i want to know god as a father two when i say three you're making the decision god's already chosen you will you choose him will you say yes son daughter son daughter you go yes father yes father yes father when he calls you son are you going to say yesterday i'll let the devil be my daddy today's your day one if you even thinking i don't know today's your day raise your hand when i say three one this you get you're you're saying jesus i want god to be my father one two three raise your hands all of us buildings i want god to be my father i see i see the hand there i see the hand way in the back over there probably you guys i see the hand over here anybody i see the hand over there anybody else over here come on come on god don't be my father i want those to raise their hands i want you to do one big i see the hand over here proud of you i want i want those to raise their hands this is the biggest day of your life i want you to take action someone say dang take action will you give me the privilege and honor to just pray with you we're not trying to embarrass you we're trying to help you to your next level if you just raise your hand and you want god to be your father through faith in jesus christ i want you to leave your seat and i want you to come up here you're saying from now on i belong to god from now on he's my leader he's my father he's my provider he's my protector he's my teacher come on let's give the lord a big hand come on somebody needs to be up here nothing's going to change the addiction doesn't change the depression doesn't change come on the life doesn't change the relationship don't change until you choose a new [Music] come on let's get the lord ahead come on someone's giving their lives to [Music] this jesus who you are [Music] [Music] here i am [Music] i'm a child of god that's who i am sounds like a rap it's who i am it's who i am it's who i am it's who i am i am not who i used to be i'm a child of god it's who i am i am free i am whole i am a child of god it's who i am i'm protected it's who i am i'm provided for it's who i am [Music] all right let's pray church we're not a church like in-n-out burger get your burger jam we're a discipleship church we make disciples of jesus christ you know that takes labor it takes work it takes prayer that's why we hang out and we have altar calls we make sure people get an opportunity to connect with their loving father we're here interceding praying for them are there ladies sign up for the i mean sign up for the women's conference it's not an option this is what we do we have conference we spend 48 hours every single year in the presence of god we get our breakthrough we get our instructions there we show up and and when we show up god does the rest so say this is what we do all right let's pray we're going to pray right now god hears you god i don't care how silly you think the prayer is god says i don't even care if you're babbling i get it i love you let's pray together bow your heads close your eyes repeat after me say jesus i know i'm a sinner i've done it my way i've followed the evil instructions of the devil in my life and i ask you now to forgive me i believe jesus you paid the price you suffered and died for all the wrong i've done all the sins i've committed but i also believe you rose from the dead you conquered my greatest enemy which is sin and death forgive me fill me now with your holy spirit make me a new person with new desires jesus you're my lord and i have a father in heaven that loves me and i am a child of god from this day forward i will follow you for the rest of my life in jesus name i pray amen let's give the lord a big hand church make sure you show up this wednesday it's gonna be awesome excited for the barack concert if you want to see me preach in spanish it's gonna be a trip i don't even know what i'm gonna say i'd love to see that god bless you guys we love you remember this and god's for you if your daddy's for you who can come against you i need some prayer up here i need some other leaders up here
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 630
Rating: 4.8490567 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus Christ, Christian Church, Southern California Churches, Online Ministry, The Way World Outreach, San Bernardino
Id: iMVa8p9cO8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 2sec (3062 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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