It's The End of The Night Mare

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[Music] can do more than we could ever ask or more than we could ever think Oh God so help us to think positive oh god help us to think more victorious Oh God because God we are more than conquerors now god I ask that you would just bless the men Oh God allow us to get into our rightful places in the kingdom Oh God we thank you for the women who hold it down but God moves the men into their rightful places we thank you O God for all that you can do we thank you O God for all that you have done we thank you God for everything that you will do in our lives God we thank you O God that you are the God of immediately you are the God that can heal immediately you are the God that can save immediately you are the God that can deliver immediately you are the God that can help us recover immediately and for that God we thank you we thank you O God for your blood Oh God it ain't chameleon Sunday but we thank you for your blood that can save us we thank you for your blood that can heal us Oh God we thank you that there's nothing to beat for you O God we thank you that you can't fail o God in the name of Jesus God we're in some dark times and we need you O God but we thank you O God that you'll never leave us O God you'll never forsake us O God so God we cry out Emmanuel God with us God be with us in this season O God be with us in these towns Oh God God we know that you can touch any and everybody you can touch the minds of everybody get into Washington DC Oh God touch our crazy president Oh God because god you're still in control the government is still on your shoulders and we're still gonna trust you O God even in the dark times now God I pray that you would cover the chief angel the pastor the shepherd the visionary of this household God God continued to lift him up on every lien inside Oh God as he declares your word to the nation's give him rest Oh God in the name of Jesus Oh God God remove anxiety Oh God remove depression Oh God remove anything that our pastor may be dealing with that's not like you the devil you have no place in this in our lives and our minds Oh God we thank you God for what you're gonna do Oh God and after God you've healed us and after God you saved us and after God you've transformed our minds and after God you've changed our thinking and after God you've helped us to recover at all we will be ever so mindful to give your name all the glory give your name all the honor give your name all the praise O God because it's all about you and we thank you for what you can do all these things we pray in that wonderful mighty matchless name of Jesus our God in the name of Jesus we pray all cost children say amen amen and amen you may have your seats on this morning I just I just want to give God glory for that prayer this morning I gotta give God glory for that alright I'm ready for you to join the ministerial stuff whenever you ready this October empowerment temple has been full of brothers who have stayed on a mission fist up prayed up and looking to play our rightful position when there was pastors preach words was a hurricane force gospel of matthew stevenson during our men's season revival we've taken our place in the lord's army sword shield in a Bible we've tried to carry the anointing that you read about with Gideon Samuel Joseph and David hoping that the idea of being a real man on fire for Christ it's just a little contagious we are looking to be the fathers uncles sons brothers and husbands who can lead you and worship and praise so that the next generation will be able to say I love God because that's the way I was raised not to mention we're raising up a legion of brothers who aren't afraid to take a stand by taking a knee when we march down to that stadium militia every single one of y'all could have been there with me so that you could have seen the faces of the people full of confusion I even saw someone clutching their chest because Americans have been trained to have a palpable fear at the sight of black unity and strength so even with a few choice angry words thousands of stairs and even a push in a shelf I am proud of every soldier who came with the spirit of Jesus's love because our protest is not about the flag the military or some song from which they only sing certain parts this is for Trayvon Freddy Tyrone Samir and those who will only be able to live on in our hearts this is about police brutality criminal justice reform in the Equality that this country has never achieved and you tell us to be quiet because you only love our black bodies when we score some points for your team so don't tell us when to speak up how to speak out or way you want the protests to be done and don't tell me to go back to Africa until you show me the records of exactly where you snatch my ancestors from so in the season of playing our position brothers let us take the position of taking a knee because there is no reason to stand for that doesn't mean full freedom to me but we won't kneel for long because soon we shall rise as the men of valor meant a purpose men of Christ standing on the frontline well come on put your hands together for Minister Anthony and brother TJ Lee for leading us even in worship this morning come on stand to your feet if you're here to declare war on the kingdom of darkness come on if you're here as a soldier in the army of the Lord we just stand as we offer unto God the sacrifice of praises the fruit of our lips giving thanks unto his name the men of valor have rehearsed and we're ready to lead you in worship this morning hallelujah and the song [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go back to the same but you know I won't turn back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can't have my hair [Music] you can buy you can [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on we bless the name of our God ah the kingdom suffers violence but the violent take it by force be seated in the presence of the Lord we've got a special treat for you sister Lolita Kelson and brother Lorenzo are coming to give us a a little bit of a skip this morning to emphasize the message that would come from a man's sister Lolita would you come at this time we love her she's a connected to this house can you put your hands together for sister Lolita as she comes good morning as I sit in front of the chapel on the campus of Morgan State University my memory takes me back to the days when I walked the campus otherwise known as the yard many of those relationships and friendships were with young men seeking to find themselves while being challenged to understand the women who shared their space at the time these women some of them were confused by the way some men had communicated or did not love them or could not and express their needs once into dark desires or chose not to plenty of time has passed since those days at Morgan State University with time comes wisdom and knowledge some things change and some things remain the same it's a new day a new culture yet some of the same issues and concerns that surrounded relationships well over 30 years ago still exist today what do men want from their relationships with women what is it that men try to tell women without speaking the words which words would they choose if they only had the forum to speak freely and openly the platform to share those needs once and deep desires with their female friends significant others and wives have we really given our men the opportunity to express those concerns and deep desires do we really listen when their hearts speak to us and most importantly have we provided them with positive answers supported by timely action we need to listen we need to act and we need to hear what our men are saying if he tells you he loves home-cooked meals from time to time then why do you microwave everything if he tells you he'd like your company on a Friday night because he feels time is impoverished and a little neglected why is your reply sorry I'm spending time with my girlfriends I have a meeting on Friday night and when he's feeling romantic and tells you why do you gloss over his requests with maybe another time I have too much to do right now men have quiet desires that are screaming for attention listen and learn let these men speak let them emote let them heal let them love he was gone before he left he was gone before he left it's something to be said about that for the male point of view and the female point of view what is it about men we don't feel comfortable communicating with our woman he hurts when he loves you shows you but never tells you until this is who laid he's lost you he hurts when you always make money and issue because you learned more than him and you never let him forget it he hurts when he no longer sees a glimmer in your eyes when he walks in the room he heard said he hurts when you compare him to your father or your pastor somebody he can never really live up to he hurts when you shut down on him and the silent treatment lasts for days I don't feel comfortable communicating with that he hurts when his careers over or has not begun and he cannot take care oil his family he hurts when he hears you say I don't need him he hurts when you question everything he says how can I trust that you love me when you don't even trust me he hurts when he feels disrespected he hurts when you constantly remind him of his failures it's a lot to be said about the things that aren't saying from men but it's not just about what what hurts us it's also about well what we do with the women do to secure us up love did they do he loves it when you realized that he is not a mind-reader communicate that's the number one thing it's the number one thing he loves it when you realize where you affirm his accomplishments if your man does something good if he's coming to the empowerment simple to speak on the man's issue come support him tell him that he's doing the right thing he loves it when he trusts you to not go read his text messages or emails when he's not looking once again how can I trust that you love me if I know that you don't trust me can you put your hands together and let's thank God for brother Lorenzo and sister Lolita Kelsey Kelson come on put your hands together and let's show them some love he was gone before he left come on brother Cory and brother che Lee is an old old old song think 1995 the Winans that the question is will I ever leave you the answer is what will I do your will the answer is what and when does Jesus coming the answer is [Music] the question is believe the answer me [Music] so the question is will I believe the answer [Music] [Music] now the question is [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] the wheeler [Music] question [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Holly wait for Jesus to return for his return my heart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you wonder when Christ is coming the answer [Music] come on would you give God some praise I need you in an overwhelming way I need y'all to salute the fifty heartbeats come on give God some praise for me didn't they do a wonderful job this morning as you stand to your feet I am expecting God to do some amazing things in the lives of the men in your life today I would did you would would you extend your hand towards heaven hallelujah on this men's Day I pray for every man connected to you your husband your son your brother your father your nephew your neighbor your boyfriend your son I want you right where you are that hand is lifted would you speak the names of two men would you speak the names of two men come on speak the names of two men God I need you to find that man I need you to cover that man I need you to bless that man I need you to deliver that man I need you to heal that man I need you to make a way for that man God I need you to anoint that man I need you right now to elevate that man I need you right where you are to slow that man down I need you to give that man another start a fresh chance a greater possibility or open door an Occupational advancement give that man the scholarship give him a job give him a reason for being give him a prayer life give him us hard for other people god bless that man and those of you your faith is connected to mine and you believe God is gonna bless the men in your life in your family in your space and in your home would you in an overwhelming way give God glory for it even now I need y'all to really go crazy would you cheer for whatever men are on your rope come on cheer for whatever me on your own hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of our God man your pastors so proud of you today I'm telling you I was listening to you in my office I thought it was a CD plan y'all did it I am so proud of our men now what I need real quick what I need real quick I'm getting ready to draft well I'm gonna do that in a minute I'm gonna do that in a minute to whom much is given much is required how many of you have at least one thing to be thankful for you've got at least one thing to be thankful for would you turn until your neighbor that one thing you're thankful for if you can think of one thing can you tell that one thing to your neighbor please hallelujah that one thing that you thankful for my dear friends let me tell you what your church is endeavoring to do your church is endeavoring to feed 1,000 families in 72 hours how many of you believe with God's help we can do it 1,000 family everybody put up that one 1,000 families in 72 hours now we've got a biblical model for this taking place is where we've got evidence scripturally of Jesus feeding 5,000 in one day so 1,000 is lightweight work we can get that done on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving let me tell you what's gonna happen the seat that you're sitting in right now is going to be lifted up it's gonna be removed it's gonna be stacked and placed in the balcony pastor why are you doing that because we're pulling all of the chairs out of the sanctuary the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and we're turning our sanctuary into a supermarket and we're going to invite the entire Park Heights community to come those who are dealing with food deprivation and food security scarcity and food insecurity and even people within our own congregation and people throughout the city are going to come when they come to the door they're gonna be entrusted with a box and then they're gonna pick the food for themselves of what it is that their family eats we don't want to be so presumptuous that we assume what everybody likes to eat amen and what a person beside you tell them I know that's right I know that's right now in order for us to get that done is going to take a lot of effort a lot of sacrifice and a lot of work to get done and so what is going to happen not just for you but I do a covenant partners who are watching online and we're gonna need you to bring canned foods every Sunday in November leading up to Thanksgiving every Sunday I need you to go under cost' coals I need you to go to Walmart and did you go to Target and Safeway on Whitman's giant wherever it is that you have it if you bring in canned foods from out of your home only thing I ask is check the expiration date please don't bring people stuff you wouldn't eat amen so as that you will please bring it every Sunday and then the second thing that we're doing is Thanksgiving morning we're having service here in our church at 10 a.m. can I tell you why you ought to be excited about we've been doing Thanksgiving service for over 10 years but the reason why my heart does a somersault is that on Thanksgiving morning at 10 a.m. we are chartered for motor coach buses and we are bringing four buses because we have adopted for homeless shelters in the city of Baltimore to female and two males shelters some I give God some praise [Applause] now we operate with the level of christ-like compassion and family as a consequence when they come in the room on Thanksgiving I want you to hug on them I want you to love them I want you to extend graciousness to them they are not works at the Smithsonian for you to point and to look at but for the grace of God you could be in that exact same set your any buddy gonna keep it real with me I don't know how you are again and you two paychecks away from being homeless CEL now up they're gonna come and worship with us ten o'clock on Thanksgiving morning after service will conclude we're putting them back on the motorcoach buses we've partnered with a black owned restaurant in Laurel and in Bowie Maryland Carolina kitchen and they're going to feed them a four-course meal on our behalf on that day come on y'all got to do better than that then at 5:30 5:30 still on Thanksgiving Day 5:30 we have taken over the up to North Recreation Center those of you who are watching online those of you live outside of the bounds of Baltimore where is up to North up to North is the community watch this it is the community that Freddie gray was raised in and was killed in we're going into that community because God arrested me that just because the camera is gone doesn't mean the church should be gone that community is still in need of our assistance our love and our demonstration of selflessness now I got to tell y'all I needed for what we were gonna do with up to North I needed a hundred and twenty-five volunteers to handle setup serving and cleanup I need a hundred and twenty-five volunteers to handle set up a serving and cleanup I need y'all to go crazy can y'all believe we got every volunteer we need it from 7:30 service come on I can't hit oh come on y'all ain't shouting good a 7:30 service said we got this one all right so here's where it is we've got two more things that we've got to check off of the plate let me ask those of you who heard the announcement whether it was through social media or whether you were on my periscope this week and you heard the call for us to bring canned food items if you brought them today you've got every Sunday leading up to Thanksgiving but if you brought them today would you bring it to the altar now please I want you to begin moving from every area the sanctuary impoundment clap your hands to every person that's coming come on y'all not doing good come on clap your hands come on clap till your hand turns ready many of you did not get the memo you didn't hear the announcement good news for you come on come on come on this is my favorite member she brought this for me and her come on thank you will it all the way down thank you come on somebody give God a hand clap of praise yes yup she want her caught back thank you we're gonna take your cart thank you y'all help her get her cart back please thank you so very much thank you thank you you got it Steve wheel it back for she came all this way thank you we gonna take it to your car you don't put all them greens no so the only thing that we have on left 9:30 and I'm gonna need you to step up to the plate for also our 5:30 feeding on Thanksgiving men y'all already know what to do I'm expecting you to just assume your rightful positions is that our 5:30 feeding of the 350 is already handled so now the only thing that we've got to take care of 9:30 and I hope 9:30 you all will step up to the plate is we're gonna need a hundred and a hundred volunteers for our empowerment supermarket those of you that will help with the dispensing of boxes those of you who will help us set up the sanctuary so that it looks in a five star matter and means so I hope that you will please sign up immediately after church I need a hundred a hundred and twenty five volunteers for our supermarket Tuesday I hope that you'll do it now let me say this to you you do not like people don't volunteer just pray from home if it's hard for you to smile this is not the committee for you amen if you know that you gonna have a problem trying to sneak canned foods into your purse please don't sign up for this committee but for those of you that really got a spirit and a heart to give then I want you to please sign up to help us do this now to that end ladies and gentlemen it is going to cost us outside of our campus especially for our feeding of the 350 and I need you to hear my language with clarity not 350 individuals we are feeding on at the 5:30 feeding 350 families somebody shall family's in that important 350 families are we're gonna do at that feeding that is in fact going to cost a great deal but a church of our size of church of our grace capacity or to be able to handle that out to that end I'm asking you for us to be able to feed two families I will cost us roughly around $100 to families it'll cost us $100 to feed what our men are decided to do is that their project was our new watches was going towards our men's day and what our men's committee elected to do ladies and gentlemen is any persons of families that give $100 the minute just don't give you one of their watches now the e watch ladies and gentlemen are is amazing because words and scriptures of encouragement come to your watch three times a day aside from giving you the date and the time and how many steps you've counted of the Word of God will come to your wrist three times a day with that seed of just a hundred dollars here's what you can do and some people did it at 7:30 is that they didn't even take the watch they said give it to one of the families I give it to one of the individuals to one of the young people or one of the men who are getting bad or on net their feet I want you to challenge I'm gonna challenge you on this day because there are those of you that remember moments where you had food insecurity where you weren't sure what you were gonna eat or whether you would have enough to eat how many of you all had a day like that how many of you had a couple days like that how many of y'all have lived through a season like that well here's the newsflash you are blessed to be a blessing how God doesn't do that just for you he does it so that you can be a blessing to other people I'm gonna challenge those of you that can and will even those of you that are watching online I want you to partner with me and taking on two families for Thanksgiving we said pastor I'm gonna step up to the plate I want to give a seed of 100 dollars I in order for this to happen this is not for me this is not for a empowerment Academy it is not for our church it's not even for the garden hear me this is 100 percent is going towards our feeding program I'm calling on this initiative to fish and five loaves of bread how those of you that will partner with me and adopt two families for this Thanksgiving enterprise would you do me a favor please would you line up at this table where our servant leaders are I'm gonna be a blessing to these families without any reservation or without any pause would you come quickly they're beginning to move even now some of you can go over and beyond that and say pastor you got no idea how much God has blessed me and so I'm gonna be a blessing to other people empowerment y'all gotta clap better than that hallelujah come on come on quickly quickly please you ought to be thanking God for how God has continuously made a way for you hallelujah how many of you all know I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread I want three more of you to move quickly you right on the heir to your seat oh come on God loves a cheerful Giver as long as it's just about you God can't trust you but when you begin to think outside of yourself and say I gotta do something for somebody else cuz I remember the day I would have been on the receiving end of that how but God continuously keeps making away from me and my testimony is he's better to me than I've been to myself hallelujah would you give God some praise this thank you thank you can you tell the people what you just say you too made my day can I get a hug please thank you you're doing good in school where you going where you going whoo you win huh your grandmother I want you to come sit with me they got me sitting by myself can you come sit with me go sit in my chair thank you that's my man I want you to listen right where you are I want every person pastor I don't have $100 but I want to give something towards this because I know that this is gonna make a difference I know to make an impact right where it is that you are all over the room all over the sanctuary will you get a gift that in your hand this is not our times this is not our offering this is over and above it's over and above the reality is if you were in this lot you would want somebody to look out for you you'd want somebody to sew into your life you want somebody to be a blessing to you would you help me come on let's feed 1,000 families the week of Thanksgiving I can't do it by myself I can't but we can if you got a speed in your hand to help us with this Thanksgiving project would you come late bring it to the altar even now come on everybody I just wanna thank you forever [Music] for all you done [Music] let's see it thank you Jesus [Music] I just want to thank you just wanna thank you [Music] and [Music] you don't be [Music] they're sentient Cory thank you Jesus let's Lord I want to ask all young boys every young man from 9 to 13 9 to 13 that's who I want this morning 9 to 13 would you come to the altar please every young man from 9 to 13 I want you to come to the altar 9 to 13 9 10 11 12 13 9 10 11 12 [Music] 9 to 13 this is the age that the enemy tries to focus on our young men tries to take their self-esteem tries to mess with their mind begins to dally in their sexuality but we covered these young men that all of these young men are gonna be history makers all of them are gonna be world changes all of them are gonna defy the odds all of them I can't hear anybody are gonna break generational curses all of them are gonna go further than their fathers I believe that here's what I want you all to do all of you young men I want you to come sit in the pulpit with me today all of these young men come on sit with me today come on give God a hand clap of praise for our young men bless the Lord Tyler don't give up your seat now take your seat take your seat let them know you were there first thank you it pays to have a gift amen you may be seated I'm telling you your gift will open doors for you tell me Tala gonna go far amen bless the Lord I'm gonna introduce you to an incredible young man we're going to the Word of God incredible young man I just fell in love with him his spirit is so pure and his voice is anointed for heaven and earth young man 26 years of age he's a finalist on The Voice I and so many of you have seen him on television the anointing on his life is undeniable and irrefutable I and I just thank God for his consistency and thank God because I believe this is just the beginning this is just the beginning the whole world is starting to know his name but I wanted him because he's from Baltimore and Baltimore zone I wanted him to know that he celebrated at home that you ain't you ain't got to go to Hollywood in New York to be recognized but right here at home he is a celebrated he's going to sing our sermonic selection and right after Devon yeah there y'all come on deaf right after Devon has completed then I want you to stand for the reading of God's Holy Word I told him in my man I can grow hair that long in my man I can't I really want you to affirm them I want you to please put your foot on the brake right where you are real quick I want y'all to affirm because the clap y'all get did really don't match up to what I really want you all to do 26 years of age and I want you all to know why I really wanted you all to know this Kia he's II auditioned for Sunday's bests the auditions for Sunday's best and it blew my manual because when he went to Sunday's best he blew him out the part and they told him he wasn't marketable for church young ain't saying nothing to me that he wasn't marketable for church and so the church rejected him he went down the street audition for the voice and they said we'll take you and the church is gonna have to repent for pushing our children away when the world will take them in yelling saying nothing to me and so I don't want his only memory of affirmation to be that that that the world celebrated him in the church turned their back on them and so I need you all when I introduce him I need y'all to go absolutely crazy cuz no matter what happens with the voice I want him to know the church loves him and the church has a place for him and that there is room for his anointing in the earth realm would you help me welcome God's man [Applause] break below and everybody come on praise the Lord everybody hallelujah giving honor to God to the head of my life and can everybody just give your man of God a round of applause who's amazing hallelujah thank you thank you so much for this opportunity this platform I don't know about you when I came with an expectancy that God is gonna do everything that he said he would do hallelujah so come on can we just lift the back hand to begin to worship the Lord right here come on open up your mouth and tell God how great he is and how great and mighty he is hallelujah come on crowd God is his name [Music] [Music] in you why [Music] yeah it's able to do just what he said [Music] it's gone up for me every bride much to you don't give up um yeah and he won't come on fill up the load open up your mouth and say [Music] come on does anybody believe that he's gonna fulfill [Music] don't give up oh God [Music] [Music] Yoga [Music] the bus every Levi throwing up your mouth the blessings of Jesus come on a simple problem like the shake Oh Oh you're crazy [Music] [Music] you can do it don't give up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh boy less time and only for believe come on lift up your head the stream towards heaven instead he's able come on just begin to cry hallelujah Jesus come on up your mother bless the name of Jesus I want Devon Devon yes I want to ask the men from the men's choir would you come quickly please I want you to come surround him [Music] I'm men from the men squad come on surround them lay your hands on them brother Eugene I want every person is standing I want to ask our Minister of Fine Arts Minister Eugene to pray over him cover him in to protect his life protect his anointing and protect his call would you stretch your right hand of faith towards him even now in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus the Christ we pray that even while we lay hands on him with the grace that's extended from our pastor and from this house I thank you Father that no weapon that's formed against him will be able to prosper and that every tongue that rises against him in judgment he shall condemn his heritage is of you and his righteousness is of you thank you Father fill him with the knowledge of your will with our wisdom and spiritual understanding the eyes of his understanding will be enlightened and he'll know what is the hope of your calling what is the exceeding riches of your grace that you've extended to him and what is that power that you have invested in him according to the same power that you wrought in Christ when you raised it from the dead and salamat your own right hand in heavenly places far above principalities powers dominions and might we pray the spirit of boldness be upon him encourage him even in the midnight hour we bind the spirit that will come to depress and to hinder for you've not given him the spirit of fear but of love and of power and of a sound mind we commit him to your care and we thank you that we'll be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving we make this request known unto you and now the God of peace that passes all understanding keep his heart and his mind through Christ Jesus and we pray in that strong name of the one who ever lives to make intercession for us and all of God's children so be it come on let's give God some praise would you clap your hands I say clap your hands right where you are Joell chapter 2 Joell chapter 2 Oh Testament book of Joel chapter 2 would you mind standing to your feet for the reading of God's Word come on young preachers y'all stand up now thank you yup day with their ladies cross Joelle chapter 2 verse 28 Joelle chapter 2 verse 28 once you've found her want you to Clare heaven let's read it together and afterwards I'll pour out my spirit on all people your sons and daughters will prophesy the old men will dream dreams your young men will see visions let's repeat it again Joel 2 verse 28 come on everybody and afterward bless the Lord you may be seated and afterwards I'll pour out my spirit on all people your sons and your daughters will prophesy old men will dream dreams young men will have visions I want to preach for a little while this morning using as a subject it's the end of the nightmare it's the end of the nightmare would you look at whoever's beside you tell them today marks the end of your nightmare [Music] my dear friends every convenient store that sells lottery tickets should be playing through the intercom Andy Williams song to dream the impossible dream to fight the unbeatable foe to bear with unbearable sorrow to run where the brave dare not go the reality is buying a lottery ticket has a very low probability of paying off yet eerily many people in our community make the investment without ever seeing any return or interest I'm in awe that in the United States it's been estimated that half the population has brought at least one ticket I mean back up and give it to you again in the United States has estimated half the population has brought a lot of reticular which means half of you in this room have bought a lottery ticket please don't look at your neighbor I would have you to know citizens of this society have purchased 1.4 billion dollars worth of Mega Millions tickets with the staggering odds of a hundred and seventy-six million to one a hundred and seventy six million won the logical question that comes to mind is why would so many blowhard earn cash with virtually having no chance the answer according to therapists is riveting it gives people a chance to dream did you hear what I just say it is that many people buy lottery tickets knowing they're not going to win but they want a chance to dream people are willing to invest in dreams even if they know the odds are against them my issue is how do you invest in a ticket but you won't invest in entrepreneurship you were standing lying to scratch off but you won't sit down and write your vision you drive to a casino but you watch Church online are you willing to invest in your dreams dreams are really connected to faith the sanctuary ought to make you excited about your dreams and extend your belief that they are in fact achievable if your dream is mundane it won't be able to maintain your enthusiasm your dream must surpass the the love of money your dream should be attached to a mission your dream has got to have an enduring impact the Harvard Business Review recently chronicled how a senior executive director of a pharmaceutical company talked to his team of managers about the limited availability of a particular medicine on staff analysis already surmised why they were missing their targets due to inaccurate forecasting inadequate IT and insufficient resources what accounting however miss was the human cost the CEO underscored in that staff meeting that if the medicine wasn't appropriately distributed four million patients would unnecessarily die with that sparkle in the priorities around the table shifted they were in that moment reminded of their life's assignment why they had to work on their dream not because of themselves but if the dream doesn't come to pass somebody might not live and I hope that you'll take that to heart in relationship to your own dream that if you don't follow that dream somebody might not live if you don't do what's in your heart somebody may not come to the full capacity of their life's journey you being disobedient to your dream may cause some he to miss the mark considered by archivists as one of the greatest speeches ever given in American history was dr. King's address on the march on Washington in 1963 that only last friends for 17 minutes it was originally entitled normalcy never again it was dr. King's intention to remix the Gettysburg Address people had been there for hours hearing scores of speeches and Arthur King was slated to be the last one to speak that day and because the Sun was battering down on them and people had long drives home in an air-conditioned church vans they began leaving dr. King ladies and gentlemen in the middle of that speech normalcy never again people started walking out people started leaving people started turning their banks and from Mitch sayers woman by the name of Mahalia Jackson started screaming behind oh forget the speech tell him about your dream he is wrestling with it because the night before Wyatt tee Walker told them don't talk about the dream during your speech it sounds trite and ridiculous and the young told them don't talk about the dream is elementary but Mahalia Jackson just kept yelling Martin tell him about your dream dr. King was watching people leave watching people unengaged disconnected and he kept trying to ignore her because she wasn't on the Advisory Council she didn't have a seminary degree she had no religious training but a sister saw something in a man that was failure like a man that was getting ready to miss his moment a man who was poised to make history and said forget everything else tap into your dream man I came to tell you if you can find one woman that will believe in your dream one woman that will remind you why you were created why you were born why God has dropped you in the earth realm forget about what your friends say if you can find one sister with a prayer life one one sister that understand that there's a calling over your life that nobody else will understand my hell you seem bothered tell them about your dream my dear friends because of that moment history change forever things may be getting away from you and a reason why things are getting away from you is because you stopped talking about your dream life has convinced you that your dream is triped your dream is elementary then your dream really has no merit but I need you if you will please today starting today go back to talking about your dream the dream that you've not mentioned in a long time the dream that you put on the backburner the dream that you think is beyond your grasp and too late for you to accomplish and conquer dreams can be the demarcation of the divine some of them are explicit while others are instruction in the Bible I want you to take note of this in the Bible there are 21 dreams recorded 21 of them are recorded in the Bible this committed to blow your mind watch this and of those 21 dreams are recorded in the Bible eleven of them are in Genesis so when you are dreaming you are at your beginning you just miss what I just said I said when you begin to dream it means God is at the start of something it won't be long now before you get the revelation revelation is never in Genesis so when you start dreaming you don't even know what the dream means you don't even know why God is giving it to you all God is trying to tell you yes I'm getting ready to create something and I'm going to create something out of nothing y'all please forgive me I'm talking to some people in this room they've been dreaming a lot lately and you don't even know why God is impregnating you and inbounding you with that dream is because he's get ready to start something in a dark place every dream the recipient is always asleep because if you're not sleep then it's a vision you have in fact in this generation of Millennials the colloquial expression stay woke but those of you with a prayer life that may not be a good at mana shman sometimes God needs you to sleep he need you to sleep just so he could give you the dream afresh and anew he needs you to sleep because you so tired of going and running and maintaining and doing and handling and fixing and changing that being in charge he said go to sleep I need you to go to sleep so I can show you the not-yet as if it is already go go to sleep I got this that even while you sleep I'm getting ready to give you a sneak preview of coming attractions some of you don't even understand why God need you to go to sleep pastor please tell me why is there he made Adam go to sleep and while he would sleep he pulled the Eve out of him I gotta say this 220 of you God said while you sleep I'm pulling somebody out of your system I'm pulling somebody out of your spirit you you've been carrying somebody who doesn't belong there in Genesis 20 and Genesis 20 the first dream happens to a gentleman by the name of Abby Malik and God gives him a dream because Abraham lied about Sarah and Abraham lied and said Sarah was his sister and the Lord woke Abimelech up in the dream this give me Michele luck the very first dream God ever gave is in Genesis 20 and it gives it to Abimelech watch this cuz Abraham lied in the lie the dream ain't even a to Abimelech god help me and he says to Abimelech in the dream don't sleep with her y'all the slope let me see if I can help you the very first dream that God ever gives to anybody in the earth is about who not to sleep with god help me don't sleep with her watch this coz she belong to somebody else God is giving it tight right through here I'm praying right now that God gives you a clear understanding as to who you are not share intimate space with because it's gonna mess up your destiny mess up your car mess up your assignment cuz they don't belong to you God got somebody else in man first ring God it begins as in Genesis 20 on who not to sleep with I'm in Genesis 40 now in Genesis 40 a cup bearer has a dream and he has a dream while in jail he had been serving all this time watch this under administration that is in fact known for not letting people have a long tenure they fire people quit they can't even keep up on who's on the staff consumes you there there comes an indictment they want to know who sent the Russian emails who met in the hotel y'all ain't saying nothing to me and so all he is is a cup bearer he ain't done nothing to nobody but he gotta be the fall guy and he ends up going to jail and God gives him a dream in jail and the dream that he gives him in jail I hope 50 y'all get it is that the Lord said to him they fired you wrong I love you they didn't handle you right with your position and I hope somebody will shout in here he said in three days i'ma give you an offer let's go restore your position and I came to preach to somebody who's in this room God said if you give me glory because they put you out wrong God said you gonna walk back right I am getting a but you and your rightful position be seated please those of you who are presently unemployed you are presently unemployed would you lift up that hand please I talked to God the other night about you I need your hand lift it God told me to tell you the nightmare is over hallelujah I'm getting ready to put you in position that matches your skill set and you ain't gotta beg nobody for nothing when you give it you shouldn't have the negotiator because you know what you bring to the table the nightmare is over [Applause] turn the page I'm in Genesis 41 and in Genesis 41 there's a dream about seven years of famine and seven years of plenty and I came to tell just those maybe who are watching online God told me to tell you I've seen you since 2010 hallelujah needs these have been some dogged years the last seven years how about God told me to tell you just live till December 31st the Tigers get ready to shift on your behalf god I can't hear nobody if you can make it to 2018 you're seven years of famine is hope the reason why I'm excited about next year early yes I'm getting ready to walk into the best seven years of my life beginning in 2018 I got the wrong church God said beginning in 2018 seven years of uninterrupted faith she said the next seven years you go see me work it's fading Lee beyond what you can sing three hope or even imagine I'm done preaching let me prophesy your increase is on the way I speak to every believer that's in this room you've been going through a lean season logging nah but God said don't you dare wait another minute if you are gone in the last seven years so I don't turn to your neighbor I need you to speak to yourself [Applause] Hey hallelu be seated please hallelujah you may be seated hallelujah would you be seated please hey Thank You holy God Holly y'all ain't lived through nothing I need you to look down your role and tell em I'm a killer demon because the last seven year almost made me lose man the last seven years homos do in the tower seven years be more than a conquerer [Applause] [Music] be seated please Hacha god I feel this glory right through here I need you to just pull on some pulling on Oh we see the please hi Hannah knew you you may be seated I just need 50 yard shout is over I'm not oh god you didn't hear what I just said I'm just getting started [Applause] I'm in first kings be seated please I'm in first Kings little you somebody just make it echo in the room and just shout it's over it's over yes god I can't hear enough I'm telling you y'all better learn how to encourage yourself the devil party had me [Applause] is that all y'all got I'm telling you you Oh God seven years was a bad place you better place him for everything you've been through since 2010 the nightmares over that might pass over that nightmare assault challenge he seen it please be seated if you will I'm in first Kings [Applause] y'all I gotta move and I wish I could get five people to just put a dance on it I wish you would just pick them up and put them [Music] [Applause] in 1st Kings whatsis in 1st Kings Solomon receives a blank check what's this through a night deposit called a dream [Music] first King Solomon versus a blank cheque through a night deposit in a dream and watch what God tells him in the dream God says to Solomon you can have anything do you want militaristic strength do you want wealth do you want governmental authority do you want popularity and watch the nerve of Solomon Solomon says no I want wisdom God help me and the Lord says to him because you've asked for wisdom i'ma give you everything else only more tour people are gonna shout over this I promise to God only mature people who are shout over this God said if you give me glory no more bad decisions God God God I can't hear nobody I said if you open up your mouth I know I jump out no house God give me wisdom sound decision [Applause] Joseph from Joseph who is the father of Jesus it's amazing Joseph who is the father of Jesus is blessed with 4 dreams would you be seated please hallelujah Joseph was the father of Jesus it's amazing everybody named Joe in the Bible is a dreamer yes it's almost unfair is there Joseph in this room am I in here named Joseph yeah would you come to me please if you name Joseph please thank you [Applause] anybody in the room named Joseph hallelu hallelu anybody in this room named Joseph Hollin bring me that all your place every Joseph in the Bible hallelujah get just anointed to drink hallelujah y'all ain't saying nothin to me I ain't no way in the world you can carry the name Joseph hallelujah and not have a radical anointing on your life hallelujah come on if there's another Joe in this room I need you at this altar quickly please please I don't care if you 3 if you 13 you're 30 you're 37 I dare you right where you are you ought to be glad why cuz you in a room of dreamers I need 50 of you did it in the room would you lift up that hand and open up your mouth I can knowing every dream that you'll ever have in your life hallelujah pray that God to give you the desires of your heart and everything you think about is getting ready to come to pass i anoint you Joseph for your dream I thank you dear lord I don't know whether your Old Testament Joseph or New Testament Joseph but I pray that everything that God has given to you your family won't throw you and appear you're gonna avoid prison and you gonna make your way all the way to the palace I speak and anointing all the officials of that God will give you a direction over your life that God will give you clarity and understanding and position about your gift in your next chapter and every person connected you it's gonna go up because of the anointing that you carry I can't hear nobody I need the whole sanctuary will you shout for Joseph anointing in this room you can go back to your seats Joseph the New Testament Joe is the father of Jesus and Joseph is spoiled the father of Jesus is spoiled pastor why Joseph is the only one in biblical record that gets four dreams first dream he gets his stick with Mary don't you leave the best woman I've ever given you second dream that he gets watch this is go to Egypt second third dream that he gets has come back to Israel fourth dream that he gets is go to Judea I want everybody in the room to lift up that hand I want to speak something over your life every person is watching online I want you to lift up that hand I want to speak this four dreams don't lead that woman she's the best thing that could ever happen to you go to Egypt somebody trying to kill you come back to Israel that ain't where you belong go to Judea your assignment starts there I speak of every lifted hand why pastor the nightmare is over because as of this moment for every lifted hand God is giving you clear direction as to where you're supposed to go next in your life those of you who have been at a crossroad of indecision and you want to know God am I supposed to take this job am I supposed to keep this win am I supposed to stay in this relationship am I supposed to leave is this the Ministry I'm supposed to be a part of is this the church I should be in connection with God said over every lifted hand get ready for me to give you clear direction those of you who have been needing direction from God would you right where you are I know that we've shouted but would you take one moment and just worship Him for direction I said worship Him for direction [Music] I'm coming around the mountain my time is about elapsed I'm in Matthew 27 it is amazing on this men's Day and I wanted you to have this I told you for those of you that are taking notes there are 21 dreams in the Bible it's gonna blow your mind men 21 dreams in the Bible and of the 21 dreams 19 of them come to men y'all didn't hear what I just said of the 21 dreams in the Bible 19 of the dreams God gives to men only two does he give to women I need you to stay with me the first one you know it as Mary the second one watch this we don't even get the dignity of her first name we just know it's pilots wife and pilots wife this can we blow your mind don't even have a dream pilots wife has a nightmare and the nightmare is don't bother Jesus I only want you to lift your hands cuz I'm scared I won't be able to get you to pull them back down the people who are plotting your demise [Applause] will no longer have dreams the people who are planning your downfall and setting up traps God said for the aleph that I in this room your haters are getting ready to have a nightmare because everything they hoped you would not accomplish you are getting ready to take a hold of you are standing today because you are the devil's greatest nightmare he wanted you to but you're still here but you refused to surrender you today make demons scared to go to sleep god I can't hear nobody you are so engrafted in their spirit they can't stand you but they dream about you God I can't hear no worshipers in here I'm speaking only to those of you that don't man worshiping the Living God God told me to tell you when you praise Him you are giving the devil a nightmare there you don't open up your mouth not devil I know you didn't think I would survive I know you didn't think I was gonna come out of this I didn't know you thought I was this charm the devil's greatest nightmare [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelu [Music] hi little hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I'm getting ready to move [Music] [Applause] hellooo you thank you hallelujah I feel this love I feel this grace I feel this mercy and y'all sitting around here hallelujah you worried about what folks think about you you can't give them a nightmare and he said in that day Anthony don't bring that vowel for me he said in that day I'm in Joey oh he said in that day something is getting ready to happen yeah I'll tell you something is getting ready to happen hallelujah how many y'all believe something is getting ready to happen hallelujah Tom give me a favor I want you to line up those young men right across this altar for me I'm almost finished I know y'all thought I just put them up there y'all didn't even know they are part of the sermon gosh let me tell you what I'm getting ready to do I'm a pour out my spirit God help me on all flesh but I need you to know what I'm getting ready to do oh man I'm gonna dream but if you can give me young boys between 9 and 13 when I am the dream God I came here nobody I need to give the sound the worshipers these are the ages of boys that was the age of Shadrach shacking up indigo and he did a lift up that hand the parents of these young men I want you to come stand behind him the Guardian the grandmother come stand behind him lay both of your hands on their shoulder hallelujah I need to kill worshipers in this room he said I'm pouring out an anointing on your son hallelujah your son is anointed how do you take that top off your son isn't on it hallelujah your son is anointed hallelujah he goes see things you didn't even know was possible your sons are anointed imma take your places nobody in the family has ever been your son is anointed I need you right where you are need you to charge the atmosphere Sam you got the message from God I'm getting ready to raise up a new king and they went in the house and brought all the brothers but none of them could get the oil but the youngest son that was out in the field the Lord said that's who I'm gonna annoy I need to empower me to lift up your voice I need you to cry out on our God there is an anointing there's an anointing of our sons I need you to shout out loud there's an anointing of our sons I need you to praise the name of our God around them lift up your voice your young men shall their visions dreams [Music] with no news they let me just hear the sound the worshipers I needed a shout for the vision of these young men [Applause] holy God huh [Applause] I speak over the destiny of every young man's life nothing can stop you you on your way up I speak over your life everything you dream God is gonna help you accomplish everything you attempt God is gonna give you supernatural success you will be a stranger to failure y'all didn't hear what I just said you will be a stranger to failure and those of you who are in this room and you believe in the limitless possibility of God's favor over our black boys would you do me a favor right where you are I need you to lift that hand and open up your mouth and I need you to just begin to cry a shout of victory like you believe they shall be the hair and not the tail I need you to cry out [Music] [Applause] [Music] every man nests at this altar I want you to embrace these young kings and tell them I believe in everything you're gonna do come on embrace them tell them I believe in everything you called to I believe in your future I believe you're gifted I believe you're brilliant I believe you gonna break generational curses I believe you're gonna go far I believe you can get a scholarship without sports I believe in you [Music] impoundment clap your hands for this generation of young kings [Music] come on keep clapping applause for affirmation I need every person standing now how believe in you how believe in you I believe in you Yuda smartest one in the class I believe in you they don't have a test that you can't pass I believe in you you gonna be President of the class I can't hear nobody I believe in you you're no need for Dominion and for authority you're no need for global leadership you are a captain of industry would you right where you are in an overwhelming way whenever young men are in your family would you cheer for them now [Music] come on I can't hear anybody I said would you cheer for the men in your family god anoint their dream you are no need to dream your dreams are knowing it the dreams that God has given you are coming to players and they are coming to pass to set the stage for the next seven years of your life you have handled the last seven years with class with dignity with distinction you went through some stuff that if God went with you you would have become bitter but God kept reminding you that greater was coming those of you that are crazy enough to get excited over the next seven years of your life would you demonstrate it right now [Music] everybody is standing I'm gonna open the doors of the church I want to talk to you as if it's just me and you in this room there are those of you who are going to perpetuate the nightmare if you don't put God the center of your life you don't even know that you will extend the drought if you don't get in alignment with what God is doing I need you right where it is that you are right where it is that you are you are not saved you don't have a church home you don't have a place to go when you feel like your nightmares are getting out of control I want you to know this is the day God is pouring out his spirit on our sons and our daughters a question I gotta ask you how you gonna let your children get anointed and you dry [Music] your sons and your daughters will carry the anointing and you gonna have to get anointed so you can answer their question so you can deal with their complex thoughts so that you can help walk them through situations that are not common for somebody thirteen where you are in this room and you're saying pastor I don't even know how you knew what I was going through how are you understood what I'm dealing with what I'm wrestling up against I didn't know God knew I need you right with you I forget everybody else act like it's just me you and God in the room I don't give his ministers if it's stewards if it's security don't stop do you get to where I am whether you are in this room and you're saying pastor you don't know rest you gave me our just visiting hour just hanging out I wouldn't expect it all it is but I feel like God was talking to me that's where you are I need you to please excuse yourself I need you to come meet me right now I want you to come give me your hand I want you to give God your heart please don't delay I need you to move [Applause] I need you to give God some praise here come the dreamers come on here come the dreamers I'm saying I'm thankful for these three but there's so many more of you that are coming come on dreamer come on come on here come the dreamers you ain't regular you ain't ordinary come on dream up hallelujah do you know how much further you would be if you wouldn't have stopped talking about your dream stop working on your dream stop focusing on your dream people that stopped working on their dream end up working for somebody who did I need you to come very quickly please I need you to come this is your time you've wasted enough of it come on God had you to awaken just so you could see God's handiwork alive in your life help me please everybody in the room everybody that's in the room I'm thankful for these four but there's still some others that need to be with us would you go find two people that you don't know here come another man I'm getting ready to jump out of my own skin [Applause] there's somebody else that needs to come I'm begging you you shouldn't make me beg for your life you shouldn't have to make me beg for your destiny huh look begging for you to get better you should want to do better Jesus ask anybody before him do you want to be made whole coz if you want to stay like this imma leave you right there only get with me of you serious about changing that's what Jesus asked over and over again come on help me please would you do a road check real quick ask the people on your road you sure you saved you sure you don't need me to walk you down there I'm telling you to walk ain't that long it's just in your mind once you get into our you halfway down come on quickly just put one foot in front of the other just start moving come on empowerment I need y'all to shout for this young man he's got an incredibly crazy future in front of him [Applause] hallelujah on this men's Day I cannot go another step further without me bombarding the brothers I need you to talk to a man around you find out if from the men around you hey man you sure you say come on ask him you sure you got a church home you sure you've given your life over to God come on everybody ought to be talking to somebody I surrender [Music] all to you everything oh yes I can - you just that right hand of faith repeat after me you're in the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the only God and I notice right if you're known right come on give God some praise as is you'll follow I dear friends we just want to get some information from you empowerment if you believe your dreams are gonna come to pass but you give God a boisterous exuberant electric come on break the sound barrier you may be seated in the presence of our God it is amazing all over this country all over this city all over this community people will sew into dreams through a lottery ticket knowing they got a hundred and thirty six million chance to one of it coming to pass and yet you won't give in the house of God in case you forgot it God is the giver of your dream and you ought to be investing into your dream I use the example often frequently what's this that if in fact tonight today are you would write the best proposal you could for an entrepreneur you're undertaken and tomorrow morning at nine o'clock I took you to see the president of Wells Fargo president and Bank of America president of meek you and you've got a one-credit I mean you ballin right at 700 I'm telling you your your proposal is out of this world no matter how good your credit no matter how good your demographic study no matter how well written at your proposal what's this Wells Fargo Bank of America meek you watch this will only finance up to 80 percent of the loan because the bankers of the mind if you won't invest in your dream why should we it's amazing how many of us want God to deliver breakfast in bed and then want him to do two dishes God says I need you to do something to invest in your dream let me see the hands of those of you they got an amazing dream you got an amazing dream put that hand down for me I don't even want you to lift your hand how many of you have if you stopped stopped talking about your dream just blink at me you gave up on your dream blink at me you thought it was too late for your dream blink at me blank not wink blink both as I want you right where it is that you are our ambassadors are coming ambassadors are coming and today ladies and gentlemen I want you to secure a dream cede a dream seat ladies and gentlemen is I am giving towards what I am believing I'm giving towards what it is that I am believing a dream friends is nothing more than a seed a dream is nothing more than a seed this is where Joseph's brothers messed up Joseph ladies and gentlemen was no threat as long as he was above-ground because a see can't do nothing above-ground it is not until he it's been planted people that throw you to the curb kicked you to the curb didn't even know that they were planting you they were getting ready for your takeoff I want you to get a seed in your hand that is sizable that is substantive that is significant I want you to get that seed in your hand that sends a signal unto our God God I trust you watch this for the dream you gave me I wouldn't even been thinking about this you planted this in my mind you gave me the vision now God give me the provision I give a seed today not just for me I give it on behalf of my children cuz I want my children anointed I want my children's visions to come to pass I want you to get that seed in your hand I want you to get that offering in your hand if you're writing a check you're gonna write it to empowerment temple if you're giving electronically through a debit card you're gonna do so on either side of the sanctuary hear me very carefully watch this if you're writing a check you're writing it out to the church I want every person even I dear friends who are watching online I so desperately need your partnership I need you to be a part of what it is that God is helping us to do every person who's in the room would you please stay under your feet you'll stand to your feet hallelujah lift up that gift above your head lift up that gift above your head we're almost aware we get ready to go lift up their gift above your head please repeat after me Lord thank you for the drink thank you for the vision thank you for the anointing use this scene as an investment for what you showed me amen would you turn to your right I hope you won't mind yes um I tell them you don't have to you don't have to listen here's what I need you to do if you were blessed today in an overwhelming way would you give God a standing ovation come on I say give God a standing ovation my dear friends here's what I need you to do by way of reminder would you look at your neighbor and tell them don't forget canned foods don't forget canned foods I need you next Sunday here's what's amazing you ought to be excited and humble I'm pinching myself can you believe next Sunday is our 11th communion of the year we didn't have communion together 11 times this year next Sunday you cannot afford not to be here on next Sunday also make sure that you are here and you bring your family with you I need you in an overwhelming way would you help me salute our men who led us in worship today if you will pray I don't know why the cameras that far away I feel like I'm in outer space thank you so much those of you who are watching online for our online family friends whether you are in Facebook I'm with you and Instagram you're on Twitter listen to me very carefully this coming Saturday at 8:45 I'm having a fellowship just for our cyber members our internet followers I need you to meet me in the sanctuary Saturday morning at 8:45 you'll be out the door at 10:00 I stole this idea from my kids at their school they got donuts with dad so Saturday doughnuts with dr. Brian is really my excuse just to get Krispy Kreme but I need you here just to legitimize that so if you'll please meet me here Saturday yes Saturday at 8:45 Institute please and make sure you join us I needed you to stand because October is an incredibly special moment and month for me yes my momma's birthday my mama watch this my mama yelling Carmelita's is spirit-filled filled with the Holy Ghost she got a prayer life and I'm telling you talking about being Satan's nightmare can y'all believe my mama's birthday is Halloween is it's only God I would have at that sense of humor I'm gonna ask Rhett Montague out once to in fact say some on behalf of the intercessory prayer College so if you [Applause] privilege would you celebrate my mama come on come on y'all better clap for my mama better than that [Applause] listen to me everybody is standing are you you all know that we are in a partnership with Fox in century 21 and spotlight films every black centered film in 2017 we've had an advanced screening of Denzel Washington has a new movie coming out and guess what your church is having a private screening of that movie on next Monday all you have to do is send an email to Ravi brown or our brown at empowerment temple org we will email you the passes we will email you the passes and the location but it is next Monday not tomorrow but next Monday would you lift up that hand right where you are lift up that hand right where you are if nobody told you this week your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day I brother Devon from The Voice because I'm running short at one time I asked him to go to the lobby I'm so for those of you I'm asking you to please encourage them out this week they started the semi finals so he really needs to know that we pray informing that we push enough amen so y'all embrace of real good hard and tight cuz if you win you gonna act like you know I'm a man so I need you please a please go out and share our just words of encouragement to him I need you to bring canned foods on next week on 9:30 7:30 don't get from half-court they took all of our Tuesday 5:30 feeding on 11:00 9:30 what I need you to do is volunteer for our empowerment supermarket I need a hundred and 25 volunteers I need you to please when you go to the lobby to please sign up for that lift up your hands for me please now I went to him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may god risks rule and abide with each and every one of you hits for now and forevermore and the blessed people of God said that amen bless the Lord would you hug three people and tell them better is coming you Jane let's start in ten minutes let's roll you
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 2,761
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2017, dr jamal bryant, the end, night mare
Id: rrnOwTpdeLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 7sec (7207 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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