Don't Escape 4 | Part 3

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome at long last back - oh it's a golf don't escape for that's it don't escape for No don't escape for days in the wasteland alright you get me here you feelin me okay good I have been away I've been far away from home and things have been very sporadic but I am back and I played this guy's dead woohoo you oh he was dead before so I guess it's okay now are you sure you don't want to go no we need to do now if I remember how to play which I know I do where's my map how do I get my map we had a dream I've dreamed a dream or no oh wait Oh once again I survived that night here we go I had another dream we were attacked by a group of thugs bandits raided the hideout and started shooting they didn't want to leave anyone alive Kate wants us to go to the sidereel plexus office and look for a spaceship location things done yesterday that may help I have a rifle to defend myself against the attackers we have to protect ourselves from the thugs alright alright ok I think there's something that we can do hey listen everybody shut up you're all screaming you're all panicking about nothing that's right I can't get to the map unless I go here hi sidereal Plexus office how much gas do we got do we have enough do we have everything that we need we need to get to the truck the truck was at the roadblock okay so that's the first and foremost thing alright guys I'm feeling it out just let me let me feel myself for a look no the truck was not here was it drunk up there that's right the truck here okay truck is here we've got gas we've got all these coats that we do not need I can bring those back to the base to drop off some stuff because I didn't know if I was gonna need it and turns out I actually do not need it that is a fact right me that's a fact so we're gonna go back to the house and save a lot of time even though he just wasted ten minutes that's okay cuz who needed ten minutes anyway not me that's for damn sure oh [ __ ] did I leave the door open no that's probably not good that's probably fine definitely no one's in here anyway I'm gonna put this [ __ ] away I don't need this I know for a fact I don't need it what is this a bandage probably don't need it the nails I could probably keep here just because I'm gonna need them over here the metal bars are good oh it's bandits probably can't do good with metal bars it's a fax if you know bandits they can't do [ __ ] against metal bars okay i'ma lead us here so don't think I'm gonna need it with me um I'll bring the tools just because I don't know what's gonna help me get this [ __ ] done it's been I can't believe it's been weeks since I played this game like I really like this game and I really enjoy it and I really like what it's got going on but man I'm just an idiot for not being around and planning ahead and actually think no I have an excuse that's right I got sick and that's what happened let me put the propane in here cuz I don't think I'm gonna need that let's go for it I guess locking isn't nearly as important as it is at the end of the day so let's just hop in the truck and let's go see what the dealio is about the new sidereel plexus office good thing is we got the fuel-efficient car and we have the bridge all fixed up so everything is still gonna be real fast for us so let's just jet on over there the city didn't survive even the first weeks after the apocalypse hit by earthquakes it was quickly abandoned only to be swallowed by sands after the climate changed I never liked the idea of going there it was like a massive tombstone emerging from the wasteland luring travelers so it could become a grave for more victims if this was the place we had to go oh it's the place any questions uh yeah this isn't the outpost you were looking for right have you been listening to me at all no not at all of course this isn't the outpost I was looking for that one I had a launch pad and a spaceship you dummy Oh silly me I dig this one well this is an office all right what exactly are we looking for here coordinates we need to know where the launch pad outpost is located look for any documents or maps you can find it's gotta be somewhere here all right what are your connections with sidereal plexus don't know what you mean well how did you know about the spaceship thing in the first place we have this conversation another time it's a long story I mean we got plenty of time all right let's move on then did these all go to the same place is this all part of the same thing okay right well here we go then I suppose it's fine we arrived at the sidereal Plexus office in this destroyed city gate hopes to find the location of the spaceship somewhere around here all right well good freaking luck there's no way to get in didn't there be a door here there is it's probably a few feet underdahl that's and we could bring a shovel and you serious digging a deserts worth the sand would take us hours no time for that let's look for another way and hey hey listen come on now how about you let me just let means I can't see how that would work we just talked about how work yeah whatever alright let's go up the big sand dune everybody follow me I'm sure it's fine all right no one's following me all the ones oh you want to climb up the sand dune this action will take five minutes hey sure why not I wasted five minutes are oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] moons getting close oh yeah that looks good oh yeah it's good really scenic like it makes me think something Bad's gonna happen oh hi alright okay what's it out you know you gonna watch out or what oh [ __ ] wait a minute what are you damn it it oh okay alright I'll help sure you want to save Barry you might not have enough time to save both of your friends oh oh the kids spry he can pull himself up kids are crazy good climbers [Music] Cody Oh Oh [Laughter] [Music] I'm sorry but oh no there's gotta be a way I thought the kid would be able to hold on I didn't know he was weakened from but it knows four little limbs it couldn't take the strain I knew it was an ominous sequence for some reason they didn't know guys you're judging me I turned back the time clock I did my Harry Potter time turner timmy turner and i wished for a time redo alright I'm gonna go to the restaurant first because I remember there was something about the bugs and how they're all dead now maybe so I'm gonna go to the bug room see it's open perfect now Cody and good died here what's this oh this issue's special report sad real plexuses coma clinic is it a real legit clinic for people in a prolonged comatose state or perhaps it's something much more sinister than that we had weekly conspiracy believe there's something more to it than meets the public eye so let's take a closer look at the banker corporation's newest investment read more inside this issue sadly Alexis doesn't have to be introduced to anyone Oh blah blah blah a clinic for people in comas if your loved one had a misfortune of falling into a coma you might want to some professional care for them usually this kind of deal is expensive dirt cheap course people point out there's PR Sun an attempt to improve its image while the entirely probably don't believe it to be the truth cuz we all know the truth is always hidden much deeper some families that decide to use the clinic and who wish to remain anonymous to weekly conspiracy readers report seeing their loved ones in public walking around as if nothing had happened approached they don't even recognize their family members displaying totally different alien behavior well the wakeup rate is people in comas is low in general the of coma patients behaving like completely different people is unheard of could it mean sad rail is using them for scientific experimentation brainwashing is one many one option but we at weekly conspiracy have another possible and chilling solution sidereal plexus is working on some sort of mind transfer technology they're using people in comas vessels for other consciousnesses not interested in the well-being of the owner of the original body they're just using them as sleeves of sorts while this is totally speculative and we lack the necessary proof we have been contacted by supposed former clinic worker who confirmed our theory unfortunately all contact with that person has since been lost we don't know who they were and whether or not they were being truthful we will continue this topic in future issues of weekly conspiracy so stay tuned and remember they want you to think we're the crazy ones well we're not crazy oh sorry about that go by the way this room is not sound treated at all I got no foam here I put up a blanket see that blanket that's what I did I did all by myself wait so there was that it Oh God oh close door yes yes please a bottle of oil no it's not gonna do for me a bottle of rat poison how's it gonna help me stop Cody from falling it was imminent doom I'm beginning to suspect that it might not forgetting to think that maybe I'm not gonna be able to save nobody oh oh well nothing would have changed here nothing would have changed here right oh no you want to see your dead wife again here [ __ ] all right you know what let's just go there brick I just freaked I I hate choices like this boy well at least I want to hear Cody's voice one more time before he makes the plunge let's talk to him at least hey Barry how you doing hey listen if you were dangling above a pan you know what do you think of this place I didn't go to the city too often mostly just when Maggie needed something from here and I had to give her a lift living so close was kind of Handy it was quiet in our area but when you needed something who's only 20 minutes trip it changed a lot let me just look at all this it's even worse than anywhere else I wonder what happened to all the people simple they even moved out or I'm buried in the sand are you worried about tonight it's night I'm worried about this whole SideReel plexus thing that office isn't this is in the city nobody lives or goes there now I have a bad feeling about it Wow oh come on something wrong with Cody you're always looking at him think I envy him he lost like everything without family without friends without anyone he knows with a group of strangers who knows how long he was alone before you found and you look at him smiling happy and eager to play he's with the world dying around him listen bury all of this is cruelly ironic right now so please stop making me sad I wish I could be like that oh you will any new thoughts on Kate I don't know David the sidereal Plexus thing she claims she didn't know where it was but then she knows less you know it's just so much about them not to mention this whole spaceship idea isn't this ridiculous okay hey Cody hey how are you strong are your legs are your bones have they formed in like solid bones yet are they still flexible I like I'm really wondering how cushiony are you sure shoes are those Air Jordans you got on there what do you think Cody it's almost like a disaster movie one time some other boys from the orphanage wanted to watch this film about a huge earthquake the whole city was devastated it looked similar it's just more sand we kind of are in a catastrophe right now can I be the main hero and I will save everyone at the end the roles already taken kid uh-huh you can be my sidekick yay oh no what is it Cody worried about tonight yeah but also do we have to go to that side plexuses nothing office it sounds kind of scary oh come on did you change your opinion about Barry don't know he's still sad it's not that easy to let go after such a loss I know I'm trying to cheer him up I think today I saw I'm smiling people should smile more often everything is better then oh yeah okay when you put it that way it doesn't sound too complicated course it doesn't you make it complicated all adults do any new thoughts on cake she's nice but a bit scary how so like she's pretty but also kind of mean but not really not really yeah I think she's a good person she just tries to hide it why would anyone try to hide that they're a nice person I don't get it don'ts okay well doodlee do [Music] I've got a little I got a will guys rat poison wouldn't want that I would me first I say oh no oh no what have we done what have we done oh gods the mob marched yes maybe if we'd a held off on getting buried only one of them would have fell and then you know right no guys wait hang on I think we should rethink this just a little bit what about that art as I'm looking weird we arrived a desert really okay okay this is the place any questions no more questions hey which one of these two who looks like they have the strongest spine the most cushiony buttocks I'm sorry I know you guys would like stop being a [ __ ] and just go for and I'm like I'm sorry but I just you know okay all right there was no like rope I didn't have like a rope or anything right there was no rope let me just all right hand everybody indulge me we're just gonna go back down just because I'm just gonna check everywhere and then if there's nothing else I'll just load up the save where we're on the roof and I guess I got a pic you know I guess I got a pic we can't leave until we find what we came for listen Timmy Tim Tim Timmy damn Cody hey Cody listen old are you [Music] what if I just go in Oh God excuse me Kody meri save them day they won't all that much let me jump let me jump let me jump you just wait well I'm crippled with indecision and they're looping through so I think it's okay listen Kody I I gotta save you Kody I'm sorry you couldn't survive that Oh God I've emotionally distraught you're safe calm down where's Barry I'm sorry I couldn't grab both of you know why did you say oh you wanted me to save you I think he'd want to me to save you Kody so it's my fault out no [ __ ] I cared about you more than he cared about himself oh [ __ ] that's not good and it was terrible but we can't let him die for nothing get to the opening I'll try to find another way and find the location of that base look for documents or a map or some sort we'll just beat up later okay thanks k all right Thank You Kate hey there hey there how you doing hey sick kid no I should have saved Barry kids are spry you know Barry's dead I couldn't save them all this chart is some lives of different heights and curves I have no idea what exactly it represents I didn't have anything that I could shoot him it's what I could do I could hit him with the rock I don't like being here can we leave already this place is wrong it's evil can you feel it well you know kind of yeah it kind of can feel it chewy oh yeah I don't like this I don't like this at all completely collapse fire alarm think I've done enough glass breaking for now nope not for me hammer that [ __ ] alright whatever elevator door the elevators stuck mid floor I don't think getting inside would be a good idea you don't know that alright fine I don't like this place it's so dark in here don't be scared Cody I'm not what was that I am scared I don't want to be here it's okay I'm here we'll get what we came for and then we'll just leave okay I like it it's locked can I bash it open that won't open okay fine whoa Oh dead body he has an ID on his neck good that's what I came for not powered or it's broken or both oh it's dork we evacuate to our designated launch pad Adam EML do the map please find an email entitled escape and open the attachment in front of the building three buses will be waiting for everyone buses a and B are being prepared for less important employees please ask for seats in the coach marked with the letter C departure at nine C is the only bus that goes to the launch pad have your ID cards with you this is super important the crucial thing is to keep calm and to follow orders the trip to the mountains will take less than an hour and the departure is scheduled for 12:00 from there you know what happens next the sleep process will take place right after landing at the target location remind yourself of any training instructions you will need there's a strict and complete ban on talking with people from outside of the company do not share information with colleagues friends or family this will help us avoid panic sharing any information is permitted and excludes you from the escape list there are only a few days left in this world let's just keep it quiet we do not want any hindrance at the end other instructions will be available on site including group assignments and locations to which you will be sent each of you will be briefed about what happens so you can share this information at the destination it is very important crucial that we do not repeat the same mistakes anywhere else just remember the only way to escape is to stop running oh I don't know about that one chief why would someone print that out or fax it weird okay it's not powered or it's broken or both just got old silencer a gun silencer what is it doing here maybe it's the reason there's a dead guy at the desk assassins do you think they're still here no way come on Cody in the darkness there is no way I don't like it I don't like it I don't like being in the darkest County run okay you didn't run Cody but you know I appreciate the hustle I should find the outpost location before going any further mm-hmm you spent some time upgrading the rifle adding a silencer would make it possible to shoot without drawing a lot of attention let me hold off on that I don't know if I'm gonna need that but it's an interesting concept ID badge right click to view sidereal Plexus Jacob sallman unlucky guy oh yeah all right so I gotta use this on this I've unlocked it good all right what do we got here bada bing emergency power supply pin a equals 50 pin B equals 10 so a needs 50 B needs 10 so this is 10 and oh [ __ ] oh oh oh there we go okay so 60 0 10 0 blank bada bing 65 what the [ __ ] oh it's scratched out so that must be 15 so if I do negative 30 negative 30 instead 15 15 that's 65 15 50 okay so then 10 whatever this is let's find out how much is in here cuz that's zero so we just need this to go to 10 and this go here okay good right no no no no no no no no I'm pretty good right all right let's see what's in the scary room Hey look o it's things okay a working PC oh that's right I said it was in an email marked escape quert admin one interesting how's the Internet where's porn gimme porn I want that give give to me eBay eBay leaves Jessica is on leave so Human Resources your responsibility for now visit natalie stafford here's a list of people visiting from world sp4 [Music] a world as peaceful please take care of our combination fire someone who knows this miss an era when it comes to mr. sampling he will be accompanied by catherine and mayweather whoa she is our new pilot please keep her on a need-to-know basis only and do not disclose any confidential information it's not much time left Catherine Mayweather pilot could that be Kate we really need to have a talk also about these whole world things Flagg this email for breach of company policy hey so as we talked during lunch we should totally go hunting this weekend I've got lodge a few miles outside of town where I keep hunting guns and some bear traps yeah yeah I know traps are not perfectly legal but who cares right it's a nice forest with lots of game to chase check out the attached map if you want to know I get there Oh maybe worth checking out it marked it on my map interesting no mr. Douglas I will not go out to dinner with you Catherine Mayweather mm-hmm I could say I'm sorry but while I don't know you I assumed you'd valid me you me as a beautiful person except I have to tell you I'm not really sorry fair enough Kate reminder all employees are required to submit a corporate compliance report by the end of this week to find the attached report and fill it in after that please access SideReel ago log into your account okay interesting so yeah I've been working on configuring the power output of the backup battery on her floor as you know it's a little bit makeshift now there's no backup battery for the guys below us but it's possible to rewire our battery if needed just make sure to feed pin a with 15 volts and pin B with 40 volts okay um all right 15 40 got it easy you better print it out or write it down because once you start rewiring this floor will be cut off from emergency power not that it's likely to happen though our grid is secure and will last until the end of the world how about going hunting this weekend all right 15 40 God all right as you may be unaware an unforeseen incident took place on the surface of the Moon despite the incident today's still a normal working day please do not panic additionally we would like to remind you that you are legally obliged to the company agreement to deny any connections between the company and the recent incident Oh easy is that good great Oh Ari really important are we in danger no remain calm and proceed with your duties the explosion on the moon poses no direct or indirect threat to earth and/or the company are we in danger people say the moon is going to hit us is it our fault or not I have my doubts can you give us any more detail as you may be aware an unforeseen incident took place on the surface of the Moon just by the incident today still working it just along okay all right escape all VIP personnel and researchers must evacuate immediately please find the attached map of the launch pad location in might be useful in case of our transportation fails mr. sampling if you're reading this one of our employees was causing trouble by spreading unsettling emails as requested he has been disposed of that's it this is the location we needed I marked on my map now I can finally get out of here oh well not yes okay Joshua simmer you bastards you did it you thought nobody would find out you've destroyed the entire world you maniacs I'll make damn sure every Police Department every military organization everyone will forcefully detain each and every one of your workers on-site you are no scientists who are all charlatans there will be no place on earth for you to hide Joshua Sumer sunrise telegram that's fair fair's fair and that sounds fair alright I learned about the lodge in the woods up north it might be worth checking out I found the location of the outpost okay um what happened nothing David do you think you think Barry's alive I don't know kid I hope he's okay me too I don't know 50 and 40 maybe maybe he mean he'd be downstairs so I mean very unlikely 15 and 40 okay and that should be downstairs power Oh redness all right elevator door I think it's see the bottom is too high to jump okay fire hose locked into glass cabinet well it's not gonna last up against this I'm thinking I use the fire hose too yeah that's what I thought that's what I thought that's what I thought it's what I thought Oh is what I thought let's see about this door seems to be locked from the other side a pipe oh it's too heavy here could give me a hand I bet if Barry was alive he could help me hey there hey Chum how you doing pal I can't fit in there hey Corey hey can you uh vent hey Cody do you think he'd crawl through that vent over there huh why because this door is locked maybe there's a way to open it from the inside okay just wait here I'll open it oh yeah there's nothing here so just some office stuff thanks Cody it's like whoa whoa whoa whoa the year of the beginning in the end you give me a zoom on that Wow whoa all right floppy disk a floppy disk labeled the phase control light have no idea what it is yet I feel it's really important I definitely don't want to leave this thing behind all right well I'm kind of running out of space here stack of papers all right oh patient Nathan harvies the patient has recently joined the travelers team with the first training finished he was admitted to the practical part promising results leave control at a level sufficient enough to visit other facilities in the near future all right he's in good health and all indicators are normal his mental state is currently questionable the patient feels strong anxiety after waking up since the past few days he has been experiencing the feeling of someone else's someone's presence this is probably due to the scene incident during the last control dreaming he's a testimony it was there almost for sure it's stood in the shadow it was looking at me I did not see it at first but I felt it I couldn't move I wanted I tried but I was paralyzed I was not even sure if I was still asleep or awake then it moved no train solutions helped I lost control so that's probably reality right if I couldn't do anything must have been reality if so why was he there I woke up after all recommendations conducts psychiatric tests again moved the patient away from the dreamers for an indefinite period prescribed sedatives the patient has also made a sketch of an encounter creature gross we got that so I'm guessing if we had Barry we'd be able to move that pipe oh yeah code your way to go bud okay you want to climb down the elevator shaft yes let's see what's going on down here [Music] No Oh No Barry's gonna be all mangled I need a key to open this door oh oh oh no oh no oh [ __ ] ah Barry you're alive looks like looks like my expectations about this place have suddenly dropped huh you're terrible Elsa feel terrible what should I do you got the location of the base yeah good get out here then I can't leave you like that I'm good it's done David take it and go I'm sorry so sorry I let you fall it's all right you made the right choice Maggie knew you wouldn't make the right choice huh my wife she knew in her note she wrote that she knows you'll make the right choice when the time comes the note was for me with that section that line that was for you I know it I see it Oh get up please in a sec okay kid uncle Barry's gotta rest his bones a bit go David get good care of him okay I don't know what you're going but I'll meet you in another life goodbye Barry maybe Cody could have made it he's spry he's a spry kid he could've made he's a spry him that sucks poor Barry I have to leave him like this for now maybe after finding again it's it there will be time to honor him oh the Dunas sand on the other side I better find another exit nothing usual here kalam Klump no no oh I've unlocked it great great Kate David you've got the location you really don't care about Barry do you don't you want to ask about him first I just assumed he's dead he died for this information Cade he died for God's sake like I said that's what I assumed okay soom I've got your stupid map then show me it take a look the launch pad is here in the mountains you can go right away what about your dream the bandits Raiders what about them if we get to the launch pad fast they won't be our problem I don't own David you had that dream I mean we Mo's escaped them just like that if the ship is still there might require a lot of work before it takes off those thugs follow us there they can't find out about the ship we have to deal with them first we have to stay one more night you realize you're putting our lives at risk they have guns we can't lead them to that ship so what do you think of this place I was expecting something more to tell the truth I heard so many things about this place but I never made it here myself until now of course Hugh City the bigger they are boy any ideas for today the best defense is a good offense what what me we won't have any chance we need to go to their camp and do as much possible to stop them a little sabotage won't hurt actually maybe it will will hurt them that's the point just make sure we don't get spotted we wouldn't stand a chance in an open fight like that poor Barry yes yes it's all you have to say I regret he died I wish he had was that so difficult to say this is exactly why I don't want to get attached losing friends is difficult losing strangers not familiar I can handle it almost too easily so do me a favor in mourning for the both of us please anything new on Cody what do you mean he's not that annoying profess what you're asking no I didn't mean that I told you already I think he's a poor kid I was expecting him to be into the obstacle but for now he's doing well enough I'm pretty sure he's afraid of me maybe that's for the best at least he'll listen to someone you think he wouldn't listen to me David please Mayweather Kathryn Mayweather huh is that your name why do you ask I've seen it in one of the documents you worked for SideReel didn't you briefly I didn't even know where this office was before I had the dream I just had and I definitely wasn't important enough to earn my place on the lifeboat it appears alright why hide it why conceal that information isn't an obvious David sidereal caused it all of it the moon yes and more than that I wasn't directly involved but you can imagine oh you can imagine I don't want to be shot in the face by a stranger for mentioning that my employers accidentally destroyed the world what else are you hiding nothing geez David I'm sorry but I think you know more than you say that turned out to be the truth in the past and I think it's still the case all right you don't have to trust me if you don't want to just help me get to that ship where do those dreams come from oh the ship is gone so from the documents I found it seems people from this office were evacuated to the launch pad wouldn't that mean the ship is long gone it's not gone how do you know dreams David I also keep having them where do you think those dreams come from how is it even possible I believe those are visions sent by someone I think you're crazy if I didn't have the same thoughts myself maybe we're both crazy then well that's always possible I'll be back I'm sure you will come with me I need your help with something very um I'm sorry David poor man yeah poor man God what if it was Kody jeez I'm so sad I couldn't do that Oh what Barry wanted I guess it's fine then if you want you could save some time and build a simple grave for your friend this reaction would take 30 minutes yeah come on we have to go farewell friend goodbye Barry he sleeps calmly watching the blue sky through the hole in the ceiling above him but there was one more thing that I could use people's help on if they wouldn't mind climbing up a whose hey get over here with your big strong muscles me not strong you you big strong who bad strong can you help with pipe plays terrifying and dangerous oh come on I mean it remember what happened on the roof let's not stay any longer then how about that we have things to do okay but could you help me with the pipe could could you help me with the with the pipe help with pipe maybe only Barry could have helped with the pipe ah all right whatever it's ply not that important because only Cody would have been able to go through the vent and then maybe only Barry could have gone through there and you have to somehow save both of them who knows okay let's get you out of here we gotta go let's just go right Pat I don't want to see the grave we're just getting out here we're going going we're going and just I didn't know that there was a sighs wait was this wait a minute hang on a second hold on a tick Declan second here hold on tickling second hang on a second wait I just have to see something I just got to see something I'm just gonna look at something and then I'm gonna shave mmm oh my god this was here wait a minute wait a minute wait wait a minute seems to be locked from the other side wait a minute wait hang on hang on a second it's no use the lock is too strong all right okay there's nothing to be done I guess let's go home first I got to drop some crap off oh gottoms mmm-hmm there's gotta be way I know there's gotta be some way like maybe a few new game+ it and it's like you have all this information that you wouldn't ordinarily wait face control light wait a minute wait wait hang on wait stop everybody stop hang on let's go back here uh hey I'll be right back okay so I got this on I'm gonna use this floppy disk on this PC right huh reading disk err this disk has been encrypted and will only work on a designated workstation Flo's worth a try I've taken the disk back okay at least I tried that okay at least I tried that okay I'm gonna go back to oh did I not save when I was do all why didn't I say when I was we're gonna leave I'm done with this we got to get out of here we're gonna get in the car we're gonna go back home cuz we got to drop some [ __ ] off no good here they're everywhere bada bing bada boom bada bing okay and put the rat poison away that may be the rat poison maybe they could help sabotage something the silencer keep the keep in no matter what okay I'll keep it on me the rock that who needs it maybe distraction I don't know um we're gonna call this a day for now okay we're gonna go back here we're gonna go check out this hunting lodge all right let's get yeah let's get going all right ooh all right well let's check the outside first before we're going anywhere oh oh what a terrible stink is it the outhouse or is the animal carcass it's crawling with maggots I think I'm gonna throw up Oh should I hold your hand damn it Kate this is sickening yuck it smells like I don't know horse scent anything all right it stings like hell I'll give you that move the corpse and prepare the trap for another use uh yeah we're gonna need him right now I smell no better than dead boar your bear trap all right a bear trap bear trap easy enough okay that's good that's gonna help Kate what do you think of this place it's not that great could be easily compromised or is gone even if we secure the windows it would still be easy to get inside you always have to give me those tactical explanations what else you want from me I'm never say how I feel not who know my therapist Hey all right Cody what do you think of this place Oh what's wrong Cody I don't like this place the trees here look scary I think I saw a monster over there monsters don't exist you don't have to worry about that I still don't like it I always wanted to have a cat but we couldn't have animals in the orphanage we had a hamster once but yeah the boys didn't take care of it people didn't seem to take care of animals either there's always reason behind everything what is it Cody you said there are bandits can we just talk to them they're bad people Cody they won't listen I chatted with you yesterday even though you could have been him evil I wish it was that simple maybe believe some of them Cody maybe maybe are you old enough kid I miss Barry he was so kind and good did he fell in a hole Shh don't cry I'm not crying just don't cry stop dude no don't ask in here uh this looks gross enough time to sit down the painting depicts a wolf or a large dog in a snowy hill there's a human settlement in the distance night is dark in the sky seems hazy I think I've seen this picture somewhere before no idea where so what do we got I've been thinking and I still don't get it what no you why are you so mean to David sometimes oh I thought we covered that cuz he's a dork I thought it was goof-goof right well that's that but that's why I don't get it wasn't he like that before before what before you and him got married yes he was a goof why would you marry him I wouldn't marry him wink wink wink wink wink wink then did he like make you marry him Why What that's what villains do did he pretend to be different or did he threaten you kid listen you're when a man and a woman love each other very much I'm getting a nasty headache just the thoughts of being married go doll me mark I forgot I was replacing the name with mark the fireplace is empty with a thick layer of ash on its walls and floors it smells like burnt wood one of those antlers is skewed I can't reach it why would I want to fix it can I poke it with a shovel you shovel on hunters trophy it seems long enough to be able to push the antler there there was a loud click somewhere in the room ah and where in the room would that have been ah what about in here anything bear trap it's too heavy I have to put something down first okay let me load up the car real quick can you guys stop being lazy and carry something for once okay what do we got here workbench of some kind we got a bottle of whiskey maybe get the guys drunk riflescope that's handy sake won't solve any of our problems well anything to plug in okay so what went click clunk what clunks scratches oh there are some visible scratches on the floor as if something was pushed back and forth repeatedly [Laughter] there was a revolver in the safe there's still something there what do we got there was a box of rifle ammo in the safe there's one more box inside there was a box or revolver ammo in the safe the safe is empty are you sure you sure about that oh no you sure okay so I don't know if that was everything in here but that's a lot of goodies good get a gun that's a rifle scope and a rifle silencer we got a bob some pops of rifle rounds box of handgun rounds so that's good um we got another one of these bad boys and I think we're good why do we have kitchen oil though we got oil let me just double-check it I got everything here I'll save before I leave that's a good haul for now let's go here all right let's hop in the car and we can't make it down to that way but where would we find the bandits is the question because if we were trying to mess with the bandits the only way we'd be able to do that is if we actually found where their base was so maybe the roadblock would have something maybe up by the car wrecks something new happen here nah still same ol same ol yeah let's scrap by the RV maybe there's something that's leading because otherwise I'm not a hundred percent sure what we would need to do I've removed the hook from the crap that route might be useful elsewhere wait wait a minute I just had a thought you don't think wait you don't think do you do you I don't know if you think you you wouldn't think would you you I'll be right back okay it did not work you couldn't use the rope to go down and save one of them quicker or anything like that so that's a big old no Peas on that one so we are left with no one beside us just to try to prepare for the inevitable there's really nowhere else to go in the map and I don't know where the bandits would be coming from so I guess we just start preparing my guess yeah it only carries so many of these at a time but yeah I guess if I just start laying him out best idea I would have would be to like put them by the doors so that if they get in there you know it's like I don't want them to see them coming so I don't know man it's all a mystery at this point so I only have two sets of nails I need more nails eventually I'm not 100% sure where I'm gonna get more nails but I do need more nails daddy's a good Quast all right let me go ahead and combine these oh [ __ ] that takes a lot of time but I do need a lot of time to get this stuff set up I'm out of nails to get from there but I think there are places where I can go get nails out of stuff that I've already broken because I think I'm fully there's not a no nails left yeah no nails left or as far as wood goes this is really not gonna help me as I'll just drop them on the ground I mean I don't know what else I'm supposed to do I feel like if we go back to a certain place we're eventually gonna find some kind of answer Oh while you're traveling past the gas station you saw some movement around the area from a distance you want to investigate yes yes I do stop shut up and stick to the plan you hear that guys yeah somebody's talking they won't catch much from here we could sneak to the shop and listen from there and that's why I'm not sure if it's a good idea you're a coward and a fartknocker Sarge we need their supply so we're gonna take their crib is totally though amazing defensive spot for us to use my politics are there this is gonna be a good defensive part for us it is a good metaphor for them yeah track me up we've been watching them for some time now it's just two dudes a chick that a freakin rat one trifle a happy family plus a blaze uncle and there's freaking plenty of us there including your army boy scout yeah oh yeah right damn right I am I want your men to be ready at dusk I've welcomed you into the gang what it's time to start paying off scars yeah I are already we're heading back to the construction site to tell the boys the plan construction site you talking about I've seen one back in the helicopter I'll mark it on your map maybe we'll visit later do come in the fuel tankers I have another lawyer the guy's a okay catch you later pal jerk ah so we should talk to this guy yeah we should probably talk to this guy I'll say before I talk to this guy but we should definitely talk to this guy definitively definitely let's talk this guy are you guys you stay here I might need your help in case there's trouble have you know what you're doing give me one good reason not to unload the whole clip in your face I better be a damn good reason I could have killed you I want to negotiate I could have killed you I saw you talking with the rest of your gang then you turned your back to me and I could have killed you easily what you did what exactly violence does that currently give you what I mean is I didn't shoot you because I thought we could have a civilized talk civilized talk look around you son my stuff dude I didn't know he was gonna be an actual character look around you son how much of a civilization do you see rounder yourself huh exactly I'll tell you what your attitude amuses me we can talk people that were with you cause you Sarge are you really a sergeant I used to be sergeant first class to be specific but that doesn't matter anymore it's in the past it's all in the past now my nickname is all I have from that life that guy the bike mentioned something about your men is your squad Jesus you've been listening to all that well yeah it's my squad all right what's left of it for men they still take orders from me even if we're no soldiers anymore who's the guy you would talk to a : raise war he is the leader of the gang and technically my boss also a guy that will most likely kill you I would avoid him at all costs if I were you so why did you join him are you kidding me is if I had a choice we were alone me and what was left of my squad there's no more army no HQ no government we have nowhere to go no supplies no food no shelter raise war took a sin in exchange for our muscles even if I'm not proud of it okay well so that's all for now I think from now on we shooting each other next I was hoping that could be avoided just go away and I'll pretend I haven't seen you okay all right okay cool see you later bud well that was interesting Kate hey what about this guy what are you looking at me like that I'm just wondering why you let that guy live it would be easier to deal with them one by one I'm not some cold-blooded murderer you realize that we're living in times when it's us or them right it's not some fairy tale with a happy ending stop acting like a child David grow up I'll be back I'm sure you will hey there squirt are you worried about something no I'm fine well yeah maybe a little if it's about that soldier you don't have to be worried he looked like a good guy I'm pretty sure I can recognize a villain I read a lot of comic books good to have the specialists in the field oh yeah the construction site okay let's go down here and see what is up Oh Scouts that's no good Paul I shouldn't just wander right up to it Kate yeah any thoughts we've got to be really careful this place seems to be swarming with those guys I'm sure if I walk up to him I'm gonna get shat so I'm gonna just save a little bit just a little bit just a wee bit hey buddies the entrance is guarded who would have thought well going there would be suicide let's go there alright whatever fine you big baby I can sneak through there maybe they won't notice guys you better stay here are you sure there's a good idea no but it might work maybe there's a back door somewhere alright even if you sneak past the guards even if you find a way in what exactly do you would intend to do you're not exactly a special task force's type I'm just gonna look around maybe I'll find something useful don't get yourself shot please be careful okay I promise I'll be back soon ooh it's a sneaky whoa don't mind the Boyd Oh God why did I get this oh why did I do this go now well that didn't work okay so what do I do with this what is it what is the point of this that magnet could be used to distract the guard but not directly maggots don't randomly fall from the sky it would just make it more alert if anything sure okay all right then um fence shelf what is that oh oh that was just a matter of finding the right spot okay that's better okay good good it's raised or okay food supplies oh yeah ham boxes we it's a bit upsetting to think all these bullets will be flying in my general direction a few hours from now food supplies what have you got I've taken some food all right already taken some food I don't want them to notice what about that don't I want that okay all right well hey listen buddy I don't think getting near those guys is a good idea um rat poison wait no hang on maybe that's not the best idea in the world is it that seems like a good idea don't it don't it after you poison the food it will no longer be safe to eat looking at the warning of the poison level some thugs might expect nausea internal bleeding liver failure or death you cannot undo this action sometimes you have to do what you have to do to survive on the other hand are you this kind of person oh I don't know I I don't I don't know maybe I could sabotage the oh I don't know keep away from fire keep dry keep dry where could I get water interesting so I can poison their food supply and then I could either burn oh if I had my gas that's what I could do I'm running he's distracted oh good I think I've got the the gas in here what if I burn it I mean it would cook off immediately probably but I don't know if there's any place that I could get water okay so if I pour bad idea well you don't know it's a bad idea come on you've got to down that food with something right oh oh oh that's a much nicer way to do it uh-huh I don't know if I should be nice but okay sure I don't know where I'm gonna get water though okay let's get out of here I think I used up all my bottles of water I mean that whiskey's got to be good enough right I have no idea oh hello everybody hey you again okay never mind you mind if I grab some more gas I kind of need it you mind if I just grab a little while your your mind don't wait sorry I'm dumb I forgot that didn't put a can down don't mind me I'm quite stupid I forgot okay so I know I don't have everything I'm well aware that I do not have everything I need but I'm I'm just curious as to what if I can conglomerating I have I'm gonna get this together I'm gonna get this together I'm going to close the door I'm gonna lock the door where did I put it put it in the truck did I put the keys in the truck I did didn't I I'm so stupid okay so I've only got two sets of this which is unfortunate but I think yeah what if we're in the whatever in the sealing compartment there's a hatch oh [ __ ] hello hatch Oh what the [ __ ] I didn't know this was up here how long has this been up here what the [ __ ] what is it with this new area Oh chiminey chim chiminey chim chiminey true seems chimney is clogged by something inside I can't reach it um that wouldn't work why wouldn't that work what are you gonna reach what what you can't reach it maybe I could Oh use the rope I guess maybe what I didn't this is new to me okay all right then rope let's take you out let's put you back in for now do the rope thing actually let's make some space here there because now suddenly we have another mission that we're trying to accomplish what else do I have this long yeah there we go a dead bird that's what I got a dead bird okay oh that's if I needed to use the chimney oh okay alright then alright well that doesn't help anybody okay yeah I know I way off the mark in terms of preparation but I just want to see what's gonna happen cuz I want I want to get an idea of how much more I need I might give the gun to Kate you might need this thanks I already have a gun remember right okay Cody listened you're gonna get a gun tell me her him butter bag give her Cody revolver that was a plan well I'm not sure if there's a responsible behaviour I want a gun he has to be able to defend himself Kate yeah but can you actually even use it I know where the triggers I've seen enough action movies that's not really enough to be able to defend yourself Cody but I'll teach you you still have that can I give you at the restaurant yes but it's empty that's okay well we need is an empty camp we'll use it for target practice put it over there and come back yeah let's teach him there those are the basics did I do well yeah you just have to be really careful hey what did I do something wrong no it's just I really don't want you to have to get involved in a fight I'm not making you a soldier feels like you kinda are David okay well here have some ammo no bad idea alright well alright let me just gonna see here we go a group of raiders commanded by a name named rays or arrived at dusk they weren't trying to hide circling your hideout with their bikes engines roaring horses screaming your time for slaughter has come piglets that will be your wolf some of his gang was missing two thugs found a fine bottle of whiskey in their supplies how can you say no to an opportunity like that we were too drunk to move out and we're left to sober up missile party okay the attackers opened fire bullets swoosh through the air some flew far closest your head the walls sitting in the upstairs window armed with a sniper rifle you fired at the attackers with a view enhanced by a scope you managed to get five of them sending them to the dusty dirt they didn't get up afterwards keeping some extra Meniere's after all even if it was an accidental without extra ammo you managed to shoot one more thug as he was nearing the house closed door and locked the front door solid metal stars while they were forcing their way in two of them Cody was nervously looking at the revolver that gun was big but in his case looked huge couldn't accept by the fact that he was killed by a kid [Music] [Laughter] okay so I was way way way off which is fine because I assumed I was anyway real sad the bear traps did nothing why did the bear traps do nothing because they weren't outside and covered or something like that maybe they need to be covered let me try hang on I got an idea okay so if I drop a bear trap right here and then I like try to cover it with you know cuz it didn't say a thing about the bear traps I just don't think they're very cleverly hidden oh that makes sense I gave him everything except the monkey wrench just a little bit ago come on you'll never open the valve with your bare hands he's been sitting here for six hours trying to open this with his bare hands I literally went up next to him with the monkey wrench the game should at that point be like oh nice monkey wrench you got you want to give me your all right why do you even help me because I feel it's the right thing to do oh thanks alright nice gun you got there why'd you have to pull that out on me okay you again are we talking now okay help got enough fuel yeah thanks for your help I guess no problem I guess this is how it should be we don't have to fight you know there is no need for violence we can all live in peace can we I'm not sure there was a kid with me Cody he's 10 or something he doesn't have to go through this oh but he does he very much has to go through this we all go through this nobody ever asks us I had a son you know do you think anyone asked me for an opinion when panicking crowd trampled my poor boy into a mass sack of broken bones I I'm so sorry yeah I'm sorry too I was supposed to protect those people when they tried to evacuate and I couldn't even protect my boy so no the fact that you have a kid on your happy team doesn't give you a golden ticket of mercy not for me at least all right dick the moon is falling on our heads yeah Wow I didn't notice maybe I was too busy trying to look after myself and my squad because the damn moon exploded and is falling on us what I meant was it's gonna crash into Earth like really soon good good it's all gonna end it has to this whole nightmare let me tell you a story okay oh boy our squad was helping with evacuation we were on a chopper hovering above a football stadium where people were had gathered we were picking up the wounded to get them to safety suddenly BAM another earthquake started and everything went to hell literally the ground split open burst and now red flames do you know the Bible I'm not an expert I wasn't a religious man either but I have to seeing all this I have to see in a whole stadium of people being swallowed by Hell itself in one chomp it was then that I realized there is no hope nothing is gonna end well this is Judgment Day the final chapter of mankind we have they might have a clue to where to find a spaceship yeah would you need that for to escape to escape you're out of your mind where would you escape well there's a Space Station supposedly son I understand you want to survive at all cost but this being delusional the entire world is dead this isn't something you just escaped from you can't there's nowhere to go there is no magical kingdom no wonderful utopia waiting for survivors no Space Station will save you don't let anyone fool you like that I still think there's got to be another way we don't have to kill each other I doubt that you were a soldier a man of honor I can't believe someone like you would sign up for a slaughter of innocent people the times have changed son I've changed nothing is as it used to be on a won't feed you it won't give you shelter the times have changed and so did we to survive the times are not just changing the times are coming to an end these are the final days can't you see we'll all be over soon maybe yet we still bother we're not all pulling bullets to our heads we still fight to survive yes we're still trying to survive against all odds still we're most likely all going to die but time is running out and here we are standing in the wasteland with our hands close to our guns preparing to fight like a bunch of idiots what do you suggest we do then let us go let us go the house is yours with all the supplies if it was that simple I would let you go believe me I would but it's not that simple you can leave the raise all will follow you and hunt you down because you're more than just an obstacle for him you are his prey oh ok well let's try this again you're a soldier man you be ran your new moon you should go what are you kidding you don't like when we're working for raise or you know respect race or you don't like him you only work for him because your squad is counting on you but this is not the right way and deep down you know I'm right razor won't save you from the end the question is what kind of man are you gonna be when the end comes what do you want to see in the eyes of your squad you're right there is no point in to none it I'll talk to my squad we'll change our ways while we still can oh thanks oh it's that easy huh ok alright see ya I guess this is goodbye then take my squad and leave right before disk make no mistake Rizal was still trying to get you so you'll have to deal with the rest of his men how many people we have without us he's down to 15 still that's a hell a lot more than you might have good luck soon you'll need it hey Sarge Martin Thanks good luck out there in the wasteland I mean you're gonna die when the moon comes go boom but you know that's it ok alright so that's 15 that's good so oh god I'm almost out of fuel um good I bring the kid did I did I go alright so I didn't bring that because I'm an idiot ok wasting time I've got like no time left can I don't know why I didn't bring it is there anything else I need okay I don't know I don't know I've got that there's got to be one last thing I can do at the camp they had three hours and 18 minutes I've never actually gotten close to running out of time I've also already got some prep work done for the journey over so I'm gonna figure out what the hell to do because I know I know there's something to do with that ammo I know it says very specifically keep away from fire keep dry the easiest thing that I would think would just be to dump gasoline on it cuz that does both things in both wet ins it and then it also could make it cook if they were to try to fire it like to me that's a logical thing you know what I mean I feel uh how many were left there were nine left so really I'm close I just need four more kills if the bear traps work like maybe I need to put him outside instead of inside but I don't think that inside would make sense to do the oil I mean that's no different than gasoline I guess there's no other reason for it so vodkas contain a lot of different kinds of bullets both are far too heavy or clunky to move i've porta I have a canister of gasoline that wouldn't be better it's fine it's fine it's fine you know it it's fine okay with that I think if there's that and then I go home I put the bear traps like this maybe there's a way I got food maybe I can use that to like cover something I don't know only and I gotta empty my inventory a little bit because I'm full up I'll get right by the window I'll put two out front and I'll go in here we're gonna lock this bad boy right up lucky lucky we're gonna go out back we're gonna put two bear traps right one on the door and one right here oh yeah baby okay two bear traps are ready to go luckylucky get the I left the ammo in the truck no no I don't know I always get frustrated towards the end because it's like it's like that point where I've been wandering around so long and now that I know what to do it's like oh okay I get it now III understand the necessity of the situation so I'm gonna do that there we go okay and now everything should be good and it should work perfectly right right this day is taking so long but I was getting back into the swing of things so I think we can wait it out now I got my gun okay a grouper Raiders commanded by a man named Rees or arrived by dusk if we're trying to hide circling your hideout screaming your time for slaughter has come piglets and I will be whoa somebody's gang was missing two thugs found a fine bottle of whiskey they were too drunk when the bandits moved out from their base of small groups split off from them win the opposite direction Sarge wasn't brave enough to confront rays or but he thought things through sufficiently he and his four men never showed up to attack you 30 men including razor and close-in to attack the attackers opened fire bullets swoosh through the air some flew far too close to your head decorating the walls of house with numerous small holes some of the guns didn't spit out any deadly protect those with a dry click they refused to work properly - someone meddle with their ammo supply three the attackers found themselves unarmed and had to retreat before the attack even truly started good sitting in the window armed with a sniper rifle you the attackers with a view enhanced by a scope you managed to hit four of them sending them to the dusty dirt they didn't get up keeping Symmetra ammo I managed to shoot one more thug near in the house before dusk here we go out of the fort rafts three caught razors men hurt and unable to proceed they retreated happy to be live you closed and locked the front door you close and lock the back door you put solid metal bars on the ground floor window while they were forcing the rain Kate shot one of them with cold blood after that she had her treat upstairs as the entry was breached Cody was nervously looking at the revolver in his hand he aimed and pull the trigger trying not to look away and no [ __ ] killed rays or oh [ __ ] wait no oh was my incoming punch oh [ __ ] oh cool the fight was tough but with the tactical advantage of your hideout and proper preparation you managed to defeat them all with just minor wounds on your wait no no no wait hang on hold on a second where no wait no stop that's not right that's not what me live for that's no that's no good that's not that's no good that's no you think you can just come to my house and [ __ ] all over my face like this do you think you can just do that you think you can enter my house with your guns and your ammo and your fancy whatever's and you're screaming with your megaphone you think you can do that and you think I would just let you get away with such an act you you think that I would just let this happen you think I would not take action against such a thing as that you you think that I would do that well the answer is where is that last nail that I know exists I know you exist nail oh I already Bardo why was that not a perfect score I don't I don't put the rat poison and it was very clear about that what did I miss I had this perfect everything was perfect everything was fine everything was great what about this guy oh maybe I should distract him first okay all right there we go I'm a brutal murderer I'm a Buddha Moya okay that's one that was one more death and not the nicest thing admittedly admittedly not the nicest thing to do but that's one more and I think he that's I just needed that one more I think I think he that gonna give me we fix Scully I don't know if that was like a good idea to do but whatever just in case I need to redo all of day three I'm gonna save at number two now okay all right let's try this again okay your time is comment oh yeah there goes the one down okay okay good idea for left one closed door locked front razor himself was trying to force his way into your hideout gates simply open the door and put it her gun to his head you managed to repel for the evening on your house that was a terrifying performance on your side who would have thought you're such an efficient killer you prepared your hideout perfectly and it paid off not only did you survive but you also had some good rest last night slept like a baby yes yes your ass what are we facing what have we got what is it what is it now what are we doing what let me look out the window stick my face right out there get a good smell a cold night outside okay holy [ __ ] I'm awake where is everybody well so that is it for day 3 of don't escape for thank you everybody so much for watching look forward to the next episode as soon as I am able we start filming the big projects out here in Austin Monday I don't know when you guys are gonna see this video but it started Monday so thank everybody so much for watching we're gonna finish this up in just one more episode and as always see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,889,799
Rating: 4.9548826 out of 5
Keywords: don't escape 45, don't escape 4 part 3, don't escape, don't escape markiplier, don't escape 4 markiplier, guide, how to, ending, best ending, perfect ending, good ending, bad ending, gameplay, gaming, fun games, flash games, scriptwelder, scriptwelder markiplier, survival, survival horror, scary, scary games
Id: L2Ebxo1g4us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 45sec (4185 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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