Don't Escape 3

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to don't escape 3 this game was actually released six hours ago and I love the past script welder series I love script welder as a developer he does a fantastic job on all the games and he makes and I just so happened to be here over at Wade's house recording a few solo games so thank you to wade for letting me use his space that's why it doesn't look the same everybody don't panic it's okay I am me and we are doing this but this is don't escape three so I don't know the premise for this one Oh warning vacuum I wake up with a terrible headache like if someone hit my head really hard things were coming back to me slowly I knew I was a pilot of this starship the u EFS horizon but I had no idea how I wound up in here I also had no idea what I didn't like more the fact that I woke up in the ship's airlock or the fact that the computer was counting down to something oh crap oh so that's what we're all crap oh uh uh board injection oh crap life-form detected air aboard ejection aboard ejection okay well I survived my first travesty very quickly okay cool so apparently I am NOT trying to escape into the vacuum of space because that would have been very bad so decompression without a spacesuit that would be suicide of an interior door there we go okay I could initiate injection procedure but I'll do that after I beat the game and you can see how a game overs that way okay what is this that doesn't sound good we've located what is left of the derelict something tore it apart like a tin can we found something among the debris z' remains i think they're human remains we also found some strange glow and crystals attached to the bones we brought it on board for further analysis dr. kronborg will perform tests in the laboratory rick says there was another crystal floating in space we'll have to check to that later yeah it couldn't be murderous aliens why would it have been murdered aliens navigation offline communications offline warning lacks abode online it will run out in one hour distress call activated warning possible intruder alert oh so I'm not alone here good oh boy okay so that's that's bad that's me okay so what did I get anyway I got a personal data pad fuse box one fuse is missing give lab okay so empty flask subject is what appears to be an upper half of human remains all the soft tissues decomposed would suggest the death occurred along before its exposure to the vacuum of space there's a large crystal form attached to the bones of the abdominal region the crystal itself produces the bright blue light despite being highly energetic no other forms of radiation have been observed however it seems to be emitting subtle acoustic vibration further tests are required it's taking over our minds why would we allow it on the ship why are we study it okay it sort of components this is amnesia I have no idea what to do oh okay it's probably gonna take a lot of wool covered with blue crystals I'm imagining that's a bad thing okay got an empty flask okay crystal dissolving formula I don't know amplifies explosive material that does sound good okay so I need three of those plus two of those plus four of those and then it'll all explode okay wait wait is that another okay so don't do the one at the bottom but definitely do the one on the left but the one at the bottom okay one on the left will dissolve the one on the bottom there will explode so that's probably useful in some regard somehow hello open the pod bay doors I don't have a thing to do that but if I put an explosive on that maybe maybe just maybe it'll work okay so I think I got no Dana pad I didn't get a key card so I need to go over here oh I see I can't go in these kids oh hey Oh so I don't have a whoo okay so I got a plasma torch but no fuel and I devil is I'm gonna be good for a oh I don't think really I don't father care for me I didn't know him well his name was Rick I think he's dead very dead something killed him ooh what is that he'll buy some screws I don't have anything to do that it's good on the bridge oh hey you're dead dead strangled help me get strangled oh crap this is a u EF s Warsaw we've picked up your distress call and we are setting our course to intercept be advised we won't be able to reach you for two days from your signal we know that your life-support system has failed if you were unable to make repairs use the escape pod and wait our survival arrival good luck wait how much time do I have I still have one hour so I haven't done anything that could take time okay so I got a fuse I can put that in the fuse box captain's console.log last entry ah crap self destruct well probably I need to do that access mission orders your mission is to investigate the anomalous readings in the sector we have detected what may be a signature of one of our mining ships that went missing a few years ago move on to the designated coordinates and scan the area if any signs with a lost ship are detected investigate and report back definitely do not bring onboard the blue crystal aliens probably very bad okay so does he have an access code of some sort can I like steal can i plunder his body please is this bad okay fine whatever so I did what I could there so I have a fuse which means I can put that in the fuse box right cheer cool oh did that turn on the lights in the other dark room maybe yes did I still don't want to go in now let's go let's do this like a boss not cool standard meal ration Bon Apetit a cool take today's dessert cool thank you alcohol please lots of alcohol I'm gonna need it okay so I got alcohol which means might be fuel for the plasmid or no of course it wouldn't be that be to ingenuity cyst and not chemically sound ooh boy what's in there oh good the bathroom I can't wait for this go horribly wrong good detergent I don't have to use it right now sink here Amir oh crap did I somehow I couldn't stare at my own reflection what's that mean is there something wrong with me there's something wrong with me okay so yes okay so maybe I could like if something if some other alien is here maybe I could like I don't know lay some food out you know lucky this you know lucky this says bad news written all over it bad news written all over it okay so either way I got more stuff now that's good I guess right okay so I need an ass coast card to get that I can't go out that way do I still have time left yeah I don't think any time is actually past then assuming that I've been doing okay okay so I guess somehow do this maybe I could do Oh detergent maybe these are chemicals that I can mix that's my only other thought here that I could do I mean I don't want to consult a walkthrough until I absolutely know exactly what I'm doing okay insert components Val of antibiotics okay there we go ah so it is a thing okay so I got two chemicals ah there we go begin mixing oh crap sure why not it's the best bet I got probably not gonna work why not gonna work okay thank you thank you I'll put it in this flask here thank you oh boy what is it I have no idea what it is oh okay tell me what is it oh crap oh I didn't know I wasn't paying attention damn it okay well that's the thing least I could get more I guess maybe maybe I could take a flask of blood oh I should do that I should get a flask of blood I should totally do that then I can chemically analyzed it and then determine what it's made of and then in the chemical mixture I should be able to do what I need to do I can't get another flask tits need to do i boned up eyeballs doll over the place great Fermi so I'm willing to bet this is bunk okay there we go I emptied it out now I can go get more let me go analyze blood can I analyze blood please yes I can I can indeed okay give me alcohol thank you all right so I'm gonna go over here dun dun woo who did that who is there is that my reflection I can't stand to see the side of is that why the oh I'm the only survivor here result uploaded to your data pad good let me look at that okay chemical analysis blood cells oh cool cool okay cool okay so I just need to analyze all this way I need to dump this that's why that's there dump that but oh oh I see I got it I'm hip to it I got it nice okey-dokey then okay so chemical analysis all right so according to the log I needed what did I need for solvent I need three to four three to four okay so I need to get three to four in some combination here so I need whoo boy so I need one blood cell one detergent and something else that's not gonna work anymore there got to be more stuff that I can look up okay so I got to find more stuff to analyze oh they're all those more oh cool cool cool cool got it Oh some blood fuel for plasma torch grass yes please creepy I don't know this how would I know this I don't know that prolly probably some clue here at least I got more stuff to analyze cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool so now but I don't have a mask so I might blind myself I'll probably be bad no reason to scan that please okay what does the plane leave yet chemical analysis please yes exactly what I needed okay so I can do it with the plant leaves blood and then antibiotic yeah that would do it right I need three to four plant leaves blood antibiotics and then I got the right mixture for dissolving okay let me do that plant leaves blood antibodies let me go get some more blood excuse me third would you like to donate some blood to a good cause I probably didn't murder you at least I don't think I'll go in here into the dark scary room sir thank you for your donation I'll be on my way now bing-bam-boom mix yes I already wasted time but hopefully I don't need all of it what am I talking about of course I need all of it okay so I got it put it in the flask put the flask ins ding won't open but it's but it's it's correct it's correct I know it's correct it's gotta be correct fine I'll do this then it's a product line me probably need that protection the flare would burn my eyes up damn it what a bunch of baloney maybe I can use the knife as like a screwdriver maybe I might be able to do that yeah ok that worked ok i got a key so the key goes to where that's an excellent question maybe it goes to the door here this door here no what about the cabinet yes okay cool acid bottles goggles protective glasses they look like really cool sunglasses thank you very much okay so I got that and now I've got that was the last chemical that I needed so I got the a suit as well so now I have all that I can put these on and look really cool who let go cool I look I mean look how cool they look then put this in here do this ahh whoa I have to do it manually very nice yeah but never like alien isolation all over again done it thank you ker clunk clunk cool okay so this is good what is bad okay that wasn't I bet I can't stay long in there to repair with some tools like what knife damn it okay I don't have tools what Oh access card perfect so I got the access card so now I can use the access card to get in here there we go tools perfect okay so I need the tools to go do the thing almost almost almost repair with some tools baby dip over taboo take 20 minutes damn it that's like all my time chips engineer he's dead you seem to be very dead okay ooh that looks thing okay this looks thing okay activate main life support a day auxilary air reserves still degrees damn it fire girl maintains okay how about the oh okay that's how I do it I put this in the system yes and then I text the sprinklers Oh in the isolation ward BAM yes cool so that must have done it right what is that oh this is what I put in the data cube okay or the disk data cube all right what is that oh no way oh wow I don't know what I need I have no idea what I need so I'm gonna wait on that one but I think that it is must have dissolved everything in the lab yes I knew it was correct I was right okay poor soul Wow going in her head explosive materials with no igniter okay whoa log five I was wrong really wrong the corpse didn't rot for any period of time it's been consumed by the crystal it's been growing inside bursts that man opened and continued to grow using soft tissues as building material I think this is what happened to the crew of the destroyed ship and we might be next as for now I'm working on a formula for something that will dissolve the crystal or at least weaken it so it may be destroyed by force an explosion might work the sound is getting louder indeed it is I probably shouldn't be in here makes me really uneasy and tense yeah no joke okay so I have was it was that slappy sound what does that sounds flappy sounds sloppy every single time it goes up wait don't I need it oh I could probably get the suit there we go okay I won't put it on just yet I guess I don't know why I wouldn't but okay so next I guess find out how to fix this [ __ ] I'm beginning to think that maybe I should leave everything alone in the other people they sabotage the ship so it wouldn't get out that's probably what it is but if I was smart I would probably blow all of this up okay so now I need to make the explosive because I know that I need a a more powerful explosive and to do that I need 3 for 2 so 3 for 2 is what I need alcohol acid and detergent alcohol acid and detergent alcohol acid and detergent ok I got all of those put that in there I've got that explosive mixture so whoops nope those two okay did that strong explosives now are stronger but they still don't have an igniter so I need mix in the igniter of some sort to be able to do what I need to do so to do that I still need like the captain's key maybe I could take the knife to the gap no portable igniter it's sitting right there what kind of idiot a my portable igniter of course yes I need that okay so Construction complete how about I say thank you thank you very much now I have a portable igniter for this ok there we go ok a powerful bomb because it's super powerful yes you stayed a pad to detonate ok so now I can get out question back ok so if I I think about this logically it looks like there's pieces missing here down at the bottom but these skate pods here I could put the suit on eject detonate and then it would all be blown up I would survive and I'd be ok question mark question mark I'm not sure okay all right I don't know what else to do at this point so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put on the suit I'm gonna wear it I'm gonna eject I'm gonna detonate and then see where that leads me because I never get this right on the first try so then I might look up a walkthrough and see oh the reason we're here of course is a reason to wear it here I'm in an escape pod yes wait wait wait wait what something on board the horizon killed everyone and tried to kill you it had to be stopped dr. God Berg's chemical recipe worked as intended weakening the crystal and making it vulnerable unfortunately you had no idea how to destroy the crystal what's even worse you never learned the entire truth your escape pod was picked up explosive all contact with the rescue ship you ef-s Warsaw was lost to view as after a crew picked up the escape pod ship remains missing let's continue do oh good okay good for me okay let me look at walkthrough real quick BRB okay so apparently the first thing I did wrong let's go over here and in the bot whoa what was that hello okay okay I think I know what I need to do I think I know I think I got it I think I got it okay alright so what I didn't see here is I didn't read close enough here datapad mk2 processors so mark to data pad that's what I need I think that's as far as I looked in the way I didn't actually look any farther so I'm stupid but I got an upgraded one now so what does this mean now status security camera how is this any better Oh better how is this better go apparently I'm supposed to go here and look at the security camera security feed in this area has been corrupted and cannot be displayed you can recover the video but restoring the feed will require users attention process will take 15 minutes okay I got some time just whoa hey I was going on mr. spacesuit man what are you doing yes you just stand-in there you stand-in there being a creeper okay think he stopped the fans first wait Oh what oh oh I'm doing this I thought he was just creeping there like a weirdo okay well that explains a lot good good Oh restore more corrupted video feed to reveal the passcode I don't have enough time for that I'm fairly certain I don't have enough time oh maybe I do maybe I've barely enough time so I just got a look at the feeds try to find the feeds in various areas probably where people have been murdered if I had to get if I had a favor a guess as to where this all went down probably right about here security cam Lewis hello yeah that's that's okay Oh grab someone wearing a spacesuit appears indeed and does something bad to them I probably used a weapon or a tool oh that's what he used the full canister [Music] that's not cool bro it's not cool okay security camera yes oh boy it's taking way too long it's a kid is that a kid now can be a kid they would have a kid on a spaceship that's is a very short adult I know the feel oh crap well uh it doesn't look too happy what the hell oh it was right up on the screen I wasn't sure what happened there okay cool so nine three seven wait not enough so I just got to go to the captain who was strangled he was strangled not available in this area really really all right would have thought no well where else would it have been maybe in the airlock that makes sense because I saw him in the airlock and I'm boiling about it's me I'm willing to bet that this dude is me probably what about the lab here in here probably in here yeah here we go see this what are you doing that was sudden and weird so okay fighting oh [Music] okay again all the numbers 9 3 & 6 cool nine three eight six and I hopefully have enough time to do everything that I need to do hmm nine three eight six nine three eight six let me double check make sure code nine three eight six got it nine three eight six there we go got it cool so I go in I want to oh honey [ __ ] you hello I should have put on the space suit all the suit is empty and that's my nametag it's going a Saturday I went to sleep in it use me to kill everyone oh my god and then I tried to get rid of me in the airlock oh okay I'm infected I know what I must do is this I must blow it all to hell blow it all to hell okay nothing else in there oh okay good good good goody gumdrops okay cool this is bizarre and weird so now do I blow it all up small crystal that I coughed up let me put this in the analyzer or something I guess no reason to scan it alright Oh captain's access card I can go and look at the captain's stuff cool cool cool cool I hope I have enough time okay here we go log last entry someone is killing everyone rick is dead Jesse's Devon I've locked myself up on the bridge I will send a distress call and captain oh my god lieutenant is that you yes please let me in I've locked the killer in the bunk room hang on I open the door for you sounds of a struggle log ends great don't trust anybody safety protocols Curley online deactivate self-destruct unable to comply good well I know what to do now I had time to boo I don't look good time to blow it all up which I should have done a while ago I guess unless there's something else that I need to do and I don't know what it is but maybe I should just blow it all up is my inclination as to what I need to do yes please do that something on board the horizon killed everyone and tried to kill you it had to be stopped dr. Grogg Berg's chemical recipe worked as intended weakening the crystal and making it vulnerable you tried to destroy it with a bomb by blowing up the whole ship just to be sure a powerful blast left nothing behind or at least that's what you hoped when you open the bunk room you learned the truth the crystal had possessed you somehow those quiet acoustic vibrations were enough for it to spread and start growing inside your body you knew there was no way out of it so you did what had to be done when you detonated the charges the explosion consumed you together with the crystal yes chip contamination level zero you ef-s Warsaw found nothing more than scraps of metal floating in space nobody knew what really happened until a strange glow oh come on come on I guess I did it though did I do it did I done it did I do it right I think I did all right I think that might have been it right I'm pretty sure let me know if it's not but let me check a beer I be okay I just checked yes that was exactly what I was supposed to do so I did it right good for me he did it look at me I'm killed great and smart so thank you everybody so much for watching thanks for watching this video it was a lot of fun I always loved these games by script welder they are a blast to have a pun in there I am in Wade's house and waves recording room so it seems fitting that but thanks getting everybody and as always I will see you in the next video you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,251,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: don't escape, don't escape 3, don't escape game, scriptwelder, 400 years, don't escape markiplier, markiplier, flash, flash game, flash animation game, point and click, escape game
Id: K0m_QiUInYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2015
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