Don't Escape 4 | Part 4

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Hello everybody, my name is Markipli-- *vicious gagging* Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome back to Don't Escape 4 the moon is falling. Much in Majojo's Mask™, We are about to die. "We survived another night. This is the last day. This time I didn't even need a dream to tell me that. I can feel it. The moon will hit Earth today." "We have to go to the outpost and see if the ship is still there." and if it's not, we bend over and kiss our asses goodbye. "I'd better check this floor first." WHY? Why would I need to- Hoooooohhh. Oh, he's still alive! Interesting. "Cate, what are you doing? We agreed to let him live." Kate please stop. Oh boy look man. Don't kill him He's gonna die from the moon. Anyway, what would be even be the point? Wait, don't do it. Give me one good reason I'll help you all shut up. I wasn't asking you waste of a bullet. He's learned his lesson. You're better than this That's why I was gonna say the world ends. Anyway, it's over anyway Huh, the world is gonna end today. So what this scum doesn't deserve to witness it wait what you're for real? We've been guarding him for the entire night taking turns and that was the last night in my life. Thanks, David We should have killed him right away. So waste of a bullet. I'm gonna appeal to her Practicality here. We might need to defend ourselves. Hmm. I could still just smack his head with a pipe until his brain comes out Damn you David. You're too soft. I hope I'm not gonna regret that. Thank you. Just let me go you'll never see me again Shut up, you're doing the right thing you shut up - everybody just shut up I hope letting him go won't turn out to be a mistake. That was the right thing to do I'll ask you to say that again if he follows us and stabs our backs when we least expected I doubt he would so it is today. Is it? Yeah, I've seen it this time There's no way to survive this. We know where the ship is. Come on Kate How's that gonna save us? Maybe if you tell me more about that space station, the story would be more believable. But so far just a little longer David Let's go to that outpost. It's pretty far away. So we'd better take the car. And is there gonna be a spaceship? Yes, like a real one and we're going into space exactly. I want to go to space Oh If only what's-his-name surfer Who only wants his name? Oh, what's his name? I miss you much that iíve already purged your name from my memory Because I am a practical man and I don't need to keep so much crap inside by head But you will be remembered whatever your name was. I guess you won't cuz I don't remember but whatever your name was I'm sure you're in a better place than here on earth where we're about to blow up Okay, there's a pair of gloves in the bag Okay, did I get the gloves? I did I did get the gloves we decided to spare razor this place to see enough death I just hope it I'm not gonna regret that decision We have to go to the outpost and see if there's ships is still there See what I don't get though is we spend all night killing people and then the last one the ringleader of the people killing people We didn't kill right? I don't know why she didn't just shoot him right at the doorway. That was my assumption Why even have a moral dilemma, but you know, I guess I guess I get it I get it I get it Okay uh How much gas is in the truck? And what's in the truck? Period because we're probably gonna need to load it up with some goodie goodies before we do anything like that Oh shit, no time to bury them. I can't believe we killed them all. Yeah Wow. Yeah, it's fucked up man this useful Definitely useful crowbar always useful hammer always useful fuel tank definitely need that They'll probably do us for now If I if I miss anything I can probably come back or maybe not considering the worlds But I'll buy Rock I forgot about my rock. I'm like dead bird I forgot my dead bird too and the bandage why not take the band as well. Okay, we good Okay, we good does the kids still have the gun good? Who's gonna need it? I'll keep the rock on me and the bandage there. All right, let's get on our way Wherever our way may be. Okay, so that is 16 minutes away. Alright, well, that's that's close enough that we can get there but I kind of want to try the construction site first just because now that it's gonna be empty there might be Some supplies there that we could grab and I could hit the gas station on the way back Give me a full tanker, you know, maybe I should go down there just to see what we need first. Let me do my habitual Spastic saving habits. Hey, let's just go there first way to the man at you counter an abandoned bus. Do you want to investigate? Yeah, sure. Why not? Woo? That's a SideReel logo on it They were using this bus to move their people to the launch site too bad their driver didn't know how to drive Looks like they abandoned it here and continued on foot. Maybe they left something valuable behind. Alright, maybe they did Maybe they didn't that looks valuable. Is that a key? 13 I was just thinking about that Okay good but anyway Now I know war lab 13 is so I'm gonna go there right away because that spells to me Something special and if I spell something special I spell it som e Th ing SPE si CI Al I know my letters. Alright whoa What do we have here? Okay a chemical mixer. I See a chemistry flask like use that to retrieve it once the mix is done Whatever the mix maybe I've made the calculations again. The instability ratio is too high. It can't work We have to stop the operation. We have to stop it or consequences will be catastrophic Okey-dokey, then. It's not powered or it's broken or both piece of paper This is a list of patients. Yes, sleeper clinic patients each has another name assigned in a visitor column I've recognized those those are SideReel plexus officials. Why do they match coma patients with visitors Kate? I regret ever working for them. I had no idea no idea about what I'll tell you later We have to focus on other things now, whatever you say, okay? I guess I got some chemicals, but why? Maybe I should have maybe I really should have gone somewhere else first Oh well You know I probably should have gone to the Space Station because I know we would have needed some things to do first before We get anything that we need but alas, I'm an idiot and I'm just do things as Willy Okay, we need gas no matter what now, so we just gotta pop this bad boy in here Yes, then go here hop a dis bad boy under there pop a dis bad boy under there And then we Gucci er then Gucci ever Gooch and then let's go all the way back over here good Alright, there it is. You mean this? What did you expect? I told you the location of this facility was confidential don't look for any bright neon lights or signposts Yeah, but still come on. The whole place is underground. We have to get inside there might be security measures waiting for us. Great We arrived at the outpost the place Kate was after since the day we met seems like ages ago Yeah, Donna does actually I wonder why oh Shit. Wow, that guy got blasted corpse looks melted and the sand around it turned to glass shards I'm guessing he was zapped fried by the Sun But maybe maybe he was not this thing's weighs much more than I'll ever be able to lift What about with a crowbar you think maybe you could do them access pin? Warning defense system activated provide a valid ID card you have five seconds to comply. This doesn't sound good. Whoo shit I know I have a valid ID card in my cargo box for some reason I brought it I don't know why I brought it but I brought it. Okay. Let's try this one Warning defensive end provide a valid a cure do five seconds five. Oh, come on. Come on, come on, come on Hum hum hum far far far for there's an access panel up here. It's definitely shiny They really wanted someone to see this a metal plate is held by some screws I don't have my screwdriver god damnit always making trouble for me whenever I don't want trouble to be made Stupid wait, no no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, what are you doing? What are you doing? Get out of here. Alright screwdriver let's just get my tools back because I'm probably gonna need them at some point and I like having tools on me as Opposed to not on me flap flap. What do we got here? One of the parts looks burned it says duplexer on it Well, alright, that's good to know. I guess I kind of want to see what happens when I get zapped right on Oh My god, oh Sorry you had to see that kid, okay. There we go Huh engine with a transmission belt. Well, that's interesting this large engine surely moves something big However, it's not moving at the moment with a proper tool. I could remove the transmission belt All right, monkey wrench. You want to remove the transmission belt from this device It will no longer work unless you reinstall this action will take 10 minutes Well, I don't know what I'm doing, but I feel like it has to be done at some point fuse box All right. What do we got here Oh Looks like those wires power the electrical door mat in the elevator. Okay, the elevator line is down I have to find a way to restore its power while I'm at it I should disable the door mat before anyone gets hurt Good call buddy Wow mama, oh Shit, okay. All right, so you're not messing around here. All right So the objective is to never let power short out, which is interesting. I kind of like that That's a new twist on this whole dingle-dangle thing just have this all set up and ready to go So as soon as I flip this it should go to the elevator poink. Yeah. All right, cool Well, finally what took you so long. Why didn't we just jump over it? Uh, well, you know what Cody? I don't know Why you didn't just jump over it? Why didn't you just you know, you could have just run for it There was like a five-second delay. You would have been fine. Okay, whatever. What do you think of this place? Well, finally, er, yeah It's not over yet. The worst is yet to come, you know how to lift the spirits Kate I'm just being realistic we got here and that's great. We've been through a lot, but it's still far from over. All right So today's day. Yes, we either fly or we fry I can't believe you're able to joke about earth being destroyed then again I can hardly believe the earth biz being destroyed in the first place. Oh, yes. This world is lost There's nothing we can do just escape I guess you're not sharing any more details on our actual plan of what we do once we take off I'm also recalling the name of the game is don't escape and we're trying to escape I don't think we're gonna be able to escape. I have my big old doubts right now taking off isn't even certain the ship might not flyer might explode in the air if it's damaged there are a million with things that Can go wrong. So yes, let's focus on those things now learn about everything soon enough. Alrighty, then about Cody I was thinking about Cody. Jeez David. What do you want me to say that I like him? Yes. I like him there Are you happy? Well, yeah still think he overreacted. I just wanted to ask he's a good kid David, okay I'm surprised he's still holding up after all that happened. A lot of adults would have had a breakdown yet. He's still going It's admirable. Alright? Okay, real real nice about you. You know, I'm not gonna ask you about razor Okay, let's see if the elevators working now huzzah We're good. Okay good for us. You guys want to come I'll go down. Okay, fine Wow Okay, I thought it was just gonna be spooky darkness Not that I mind spooky darkness, but I that's what I thought it was gonna be. Okay piece of paper You're not gonna say anything about the fuel burning catalyst formula. This experimental liquid greatly increases fuels power output. Oh, You don't be then Kate what? Is that a trajectory map? Why does it go to the moon? We are not going to the moon. Are we you said we're going to Space Station I never said the Space Station wasn't on the moon what but the moon is gonna you've got to be kidding, please Tell me you are correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the moon going to hit us in less than 12 hours? Why the hell would we want to go there? It's the only way you have to believe me I don't know if I have any reason to believe you now you promised us safety. You promised us an escape You said you wanted to leave this planet. Those aren't the exact words I used. How can I explain it to you? There is something in that moon base that will help us sidereal has a base there What could possibly help us if we reach the moon an hour before impact? I wasn't there moon base destroyed in the mining accident. It was but they have another base on the moon It's called sidereal plex one and they how should I put this? How do you think SideReel has all this technology? Private space shuttles moon bases electric doormats weather drones heat absorbers the means to accidentally blow up the whole damn moon I'm not sure. I follow they're getting that technology from other worlds like other planets No other Earth's they are in contact with other versions of sidereal Plexus a vast network of connections across the endless universes Constantly discovering new versions of the world as they go our world is merely one page in an enormous library of worlds They have access to do you expect me to believe all that? I don't really care If you do help me off this planet or get out of the way Please don't fight you if we're going to die. We can be together Right. I don't want to be alone again Oh God so sad why so is that all right. Can I is this remote gonna boo it has batteries inside good thing They're secured with the screw. Otherwise, someone would just take them like me like me Oh Why is it on the moon even weak signals could corrupt our devices the moon's body shields? Our facility from Earth's intense radio interference. Is this a one-way trip? Yes, where will we end up in in one state a safe world will be selected You are likely to survive intact who is selected for this rescue? Why is X not here? We had limited time and resources and we could only bring as many people as we gathered since the incident if you believe someone crucial To our operation is missing please report it to your supervisor Why are we only taking one ship the other ship is a reserved spare vehicle. Don't worry We have directed our workers to multiple Launchpad outposts No one will be left behind as long as they present value to the company Wow. Good great. That's great Hope I have value. Let me use this on this remove the batteries without them. The remote is useless. Okay? Well, you know, I guess that's fine because that's what I was going for Anyway, all right, is this for an xn card an old fingerprint scanner? That's different. Okay I don't have that. It's locked. It's a fingerprint scanner That's what I thought. Hey Kate. Do you think your fingerprint would work? No. Oh wait I saw that there's a finger scanner on that door Yeah, so since you know so much about SideReel, I thought you could David I oh, come on You wouldn't have any idea about this place if you weren't somehow involved Even if I was do you think I'd still be here if I was important enough for them to save me humor me? Ah Happy now, okay. Well time to might as well try everything. Yeah Wow there it is. Look at that. I told you it bit here I'm sure you hadn't doubted me for a second. I admit this looks pretty impressive It's like a regular space shuttle, but smaller and more fancy. It is promising. Can we go inside don't celebrate just yet There's space for two rockets in the silo. See one launch pad is empty. So they took one shuttle and left the other behind Why maybe one was sufficient remember they weren't trying to save as many people as possible They were just saving who they thought was it worth saving or the other one was broken Anyway, a bit of time has passed the ship requires a general inspection before it's even remotely safe to use Okey dokey, then we found a space shuttle. Okay. What can we do to improve the condition of the ship? Oh, that's what we have to do Now I understand. Okay. Alright. Well, let's go for this control room. What have we got here? Wow There's a part at the bottom that seems to be open a part came loose. I'll take it. I hope it wasn't important. Yeah It's probably not I'm gonna leave the house keys here. I guess I'll be fine. Is it a duplexer? It's a duplexer. It's a DubLi. It's a dupe Lee. This computer controls hatch. Do you want to open the Silas house? Sure. Oh Yeah, and get her open operation to bleed. Hell. Yeah, I should save before I push any more Buttons, that's probably not the best thing to do when you find a spaceship is start ramming bamming on random buttons everywhere you go radar Screen system failure. Well, the radar won't be useful to us anyway, right? Probably not but on the other hand, I mean it's not like there are any planes left in the air or helicopters? but who knows David who knows a good call good call Sal Abbas's open hull integrity check fail their Compositions selected fuel mixture missing fuel catalysts missing air supply ok warning diagnostic system is damaged Please perform a manual onboard inspection to complete the Diagnostics Oh gay, that doesn't seem good Adjustment of fuel mixture might be required. Alright. Oh Oh, it's one of these deals, okay. Alright, okay. I see how we're doing here This is gonna take me a while ain't it? Yeah. Yeah there I don't think it could be done any better than this Yeah Yeah, couldn't noway know how superb like that superb I'm superb let's go back to the Diagnostics though. The ok fuel catalyst is missing So we need to go make the fuel catalyst. I'm assuming hey Cody. Do you have any genius ideas about this? You like it here Cody, huh? It's kind of spooky in here. Can we just go to space now? We're working on it You look anxious. I can't wait. I want to go to space already. Also kate says the moon is gonna hit Earth today Can we watch that from above because that sounds like really dangerous sure. We'll be safe in our spaceship in space Can I tell you a secret David sure, I'm scared like you almost all the time I'm just trying to think about going to space so I don't think about the end of the world Cody what I just want to say I'm proud of you for what for being scared fear is something we all feel Cody? Feeling fear doesn't mean you're not brave and you're the bravest kid I've ever met I am Yeah, and I'm sure you'll love it in space You still think Katie's mean, you know? She wouldn't be Kate if she wasn't a little bit mean maybe it's her way to show she likes someone, you know Like she tries to be a badass, which is pretty cool But at the same time she has to show her friends that they are on the same side That's very wise Ray's or is free I hope you're not scared by that know that guys always lose no matter what are you saying that the good guys always let the Bad guys leave. Yeah most of the time then they can return in other comic books and make some more trouble But you said you're not afraid of him coming back. Yeah, because we're gonna beat him again. Good point. Good good point Anyway, let me go see where this duplexer goes Oh actually, let me go to the launch pad first It's got to be something else here fuel catalyst console This console has an inlet for catalyst fluid that will be injected into the fuel tank. All right socket What is the socket for this is a high voltage socket for specialized equipment. Ooh-kay and up button. Hmm I hear the engine working, but the elevator doesn't seem to be moving without a transmission belt. This engine is useless a Conundrum You don't have anything else to say do you I'm not even gonna ask you about rays or because they don't care about your opinion Oh Let's go back Okay, let's go put this duplexer back in because there's definitely gonna need to be something there so we could get the transmission belt here But I'm guessing oh wait. No we can take this now because I'm thinking that was only for the silo be done there Okay, let me put something in the car first. I had to put a bunch of stuff in the car I still out this floppy disk phase control light. I don't know what that means Not a heart isn't sure what that's for, but let's go up here. Let's see about a duplexer. Oh Yeah, that's for the radar. Oh Maybe I should put the plate back on they do anything with this. I guess I have this now this is mine and There are many like it. But this one is mine. Hey, does your finger work on the fingerprint scanner? Let me try Okay, you can't do that. Oh you big bitch, baby. Let's go to launch pad. Let's bring the transmission belt over to the engine Yes, please. Go up this please. Let's see. What's in the Jeep please. Alright. So how does it look you? Tell me I don't know much about spaceships. I always imagined it would be more horizontal It can be confusing but the ship will rotate to a horizontal position after we launch still it kind of looks like some sort of spaceship Bus with all those seats its purpose was to drive people to and from the moon kind of is a space bus anyway look around For any systems that seem to be missing all I know is the system is missing if it's not there. Come on David You're smart. It's not rocket science. Hey Are we ready to launch I made some calculations we barely have enough fuel to get to our destination We have to limit our weight and you seem to be carrying a lot of stuff with you I like picking things up. You never know when you're gonna need a water sprayer. Ah He-he-he-He-HE Now you have to say goodbye to your belongings take only things that way say one kilogram in total That's not good one kilogram fought one kilogram one kilogram All right. Whoa nav control chip is empty. Wait Huh, the lithium hydroxide filter is installed everything seems to be fine here, okay Huh, all right toolbox We got in here I found a glue gun in the toolbox. It seems to be out of power. How did why would a glue gun be? Oh It won't last for too many uses though. Okay, it's all their tanks. Auxiliary air tanks are in place Everything seems to be fine here labeled engine calibrator, but there's nothing here Alright and then a socket this is a high voltage socket for specialized equipment Okay, I'm not seeing anything else. There's nothing interesting left in the box Okay, so we still need a lot of stuff. So we need the fuel catalyst number one a dangerous looking crack Oh, yeah, that looks dangerous. Hey, this fin is cracked. This can't be good. Right what we're here See you think it's serious looks like it might be best-case scenario We will lose a lot of thrust from air resistance in the worst case. We explode during the ascent Oh, well looks like the old blue guns gonna come out and play come on off the bench Mr. Glue gun Don't you worry, this will get it all spic and span Boink yes gluing the crack in the spaceship cell is totally gonna help. Hey, listen, listen buddy, listen Great, but I need something to create an airtight seal over this crack. How about a glue gun? This guy is so stupid you glue the metal plate on to the fin you go Up into space. It's so simple. You saw me so smart So while you let me do thinking and you do the gluing, huh? How about we go from there to that? Yeah, that's what I thought. I think I need a welder or something. Are you sure you know what you're doing David? Oh, yeah, Oh big. Yeah, Oh biggest of the years. Let's look at the radar. What do we got going on? What the an airplane an actual flying airplane? Wait a second. Okay, why hush see any difference? No, should I if it was flying you'd see it move? It's not airborne I thought radar was supposed to be detecting things up in the sky. Yes. It also detects active transponders beacons installed in aircrafts So we're looking at a possible location of an airplane on the ground Yeah seems somebody didn't disabled their transponder which might end crash. Give me your map all estimate this position based on the radars readings Fascinating, okay. All right. Good good. That's good Now we can go find a plane and potentially get more goodies and maybe find someone's finger. Dad be nice airplane Perfect. Don't know what I'm gonna find out an airplane. That must have been a tough landing. Believe me I've seen worse found out that the plane seems to be mostly intact. So it's a good landing in my book Did it belong to sidereal fleet most likely whatever it was carrying might still be on board. Come on I'd like the spaceship better. Can we go back to the spaceship later? Okay. Oh I make so much weird. Sounds are you sure you want to dig with the bare hands? Oh Excuse me Excuse me. You only use a shovel to dig. Yeah, let's do this. Ah, hell. Yeah. Let's go in here. Krei labeled. Seven Wow What convenient labeling craze sealed shut I won't be able to open to all Thank You crowby. Ah Let's see if we can narrow down which one we're gonna look for maybe there's a manifesto or something like that or a manifest not a man of The thing hello pilot is this person dead it would seem so kid Let's see if he had something that might be useful to us. Wait What if he comes back to life and bites you Cody lacks David as a professional he has searched like a dozen corpses I sure have. Yeah. What what happened? Did you just move Cody want to wait outside Cody? No, I want to see that you look at the mummified course Are you sure you want to touch it and search for anything useful? Wait, what if Cody's right? What if good what if he's right, I think flashed for long enough, yes just a piece of paper cargo manifest Let's take a look. I was right a manifest okay gaskets various sizes voltmeters nuts and bolts sizes 10 through 15 navigation Navigation ships instant noodles air tanks wires assorted all the above is property of sidereal plexus, so I need number six number four Maybe number five maybe number seven. I don't think I'm gonna need anything else here. Maybe I need a gasket I don't know probably other things could be wrong with the ship and they would need things like this like a specific size of nut And/or bolt but let's go four five six and seven Five definitely not sure why it's gonna take nine minutes to open that but okay sure Let's see. What's inside a lot of instant noodles. Hell, yeah Let's get four open this one. I had the nav chips. Okay, what's this a heap of electronic chips? We got an amp Okay, that's good. I need to put some stuff in the truck food and maybe we will need food for the trip I guess that is important air tanks. So we're looking for six and probably seven eventually, but let's look at six the crates open I hoping I'm not wasting too much time on that air tanks. Not many. They seem quite large and heavy. Okay good Oh, no, wait, we had air tanks. Oh god. Damn it. Okay. All right. Oh, let's so skip it for that for now We've got enough. I think we need that computer We need the computer. Why didn't I hit the construction? Oh Let's go back here first. Oh go go go. Come on. Everybody's not enough of a hurry. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go Oh, I didn't cut off the guy's finger. Oh god, I didn't do that. Here's an average it for this chunk. This thing's good we just need Engine calibrator. I don't know what that means. But an engine calibrator is what I need We already have the air tanks because I'm an idiot. Let's just fucking put it try it again The air tank is already installed. Of course it is. I just have a big fucking air tank because I'm an asshole Alright, so we got to go probably to the construction site They probably have some specialized tools that are gonna be able to help me fix this crack. Okay. We're at the construction site Let's see what we've got here Oh a magazine a last issue. We investigated sigh real Plexus sleeper clinic Well, the problem still exists and people are out. There are still being controlled by mine transferring technology We get weekly conspiracy began to wonder. Why does Sidereal Plexus have this technology in the first place together with all their other advancements in space exploration Energy and computers these days sidereal Plexus seems to be the first to come up with anything to us This just seems a bit too suspicious They might have the best engineers in the world but can't explain how they're producing countless advancements introducing many of them into our everyday lives one can only wonder what Fraction of their technology were actually saved Moore's law states that processing power of computers doubles every 18 months However, since SideReel opened their computer research branch two years ago. This increase is triple this defies any logic and leads to the obvious conclusion Aliens we at weekly conspiracy believe sidereel plexus has been in contact with extraterrestrial beings since its founding when you think about it It's been right in front of us the entire time side realizing stellar or astral it's pretty solid proof that their technology who wasn't created on this planet with by allowing alien spaceships to land in their secret facilities for By opening portals to other universes. They are importing this technology from another worldly place The real question is what is the price that they are paying? well, maybe we'll never find out because we weekly conspiracy fear this price might hurt us all I Don't know what this is, but whatever aliens man, no, David, no aliens don't believe in everything You read even if it's not far from the actual truth. It isn't let's move David Okay Whatever is a welding kit How do I get the welding kit me want welding kit me want? Ooh me one big li. Ooh How me get oh me want it about me rope it with a hook. It's a delicate piece of equipment I can't just toss a hook gun at it in hopes of pulling it back. I don't think it's that delicate, but whatever. Mr Delicate asshole man. There's got to be like a stepladder or something like that or some way to get up there I'm sure there is but I just don't know what it is. But either way I need to get this Shit God Wow, I left I Left the chemical composition thing in the truck because I'm an idiot. All right hmm interesting Uh button button button button Okay, so I need to put the chemicals in the thing all right, but but but Mix the selective components this will take a while. This action will take 15 minutes The mixer is finished worthless see a tray full of disgusting goop yuck. It looks and smells disgusting. I don't think that's the result I wanted I'll throw it away Okay Interesting So, I think I'm missing some Components here. I'm not sure. Oh wait up there. Oh, okay. I'll you sneaky peeky. I see you. Ah interesting Okay. Alright sneaky peeky. Okay, so there's four blues so we need at least four blues There's two Reds and three blacks so that would be it Yes bada bing bada boom put it in the bottle and We're good to go. Right we got it, right. That's all we need. Yeah bottle of catalyst Okay, we got that was easy enough for just if I would have seen the other ones I would have been done that sooner But oh well, alright, so maybe I could just run a few laps of fuel up to the ship anyway from the gas station Someone's got to have a ladder someone Somewhere has a ladder. Do you have a ladder? No, you don't have a ladder. Okay, you don't have a ladder. That's fine Ouch this man Oh God Oh, oh there was scaffolding right here. I'm a dumb-dumb. Oh I'll buckle this was used to pull heavy weights up and down Maybe this could be used to help me somehow maybe with a thing on a rope Ah Got it Okay. Now that was too easy. I should have known I should have known All right. So now I'm All good. God wait, no that we still need like the engine control unit Which I don't know where that would be. But that's what we need So where in the world would I get something like an NG control unit? I don't even know what that means maybe Maybe I could take one from the plane Maybe I don't think the plane would have had one but I think the plane might have you used one Maybe anyway, I'm gonna cut off this guy's finger. No, give me your finger. Give me your finger. I want your finger I'm gonna take your finger. Give me your finger. I want it. I need it Maybe at the bus, maybe someone got flung from the bus. I feel like there's got to be something else here, right? It couldn't have been just this thing right there had to be something else to it One would think one would assume one would suspect there's something I'm not being told Let's go ahead and weld this crack at least. Okay, so god, I left it in the oh I left it in the truck. Why did leave it? I don't know I left it in the why did you leave it in the druggie? I don't know. Why did anybody leave it in the drug? Why would somebody leave something like that in truck? I dunno. Oh The SideReel plexus building there was also a corpus. Uh, there's a body in here. I know there is there's there's a body There's definitely a body in here. Not that buddy. Not that body. Not the body of the former friend I mean dice only say former cuz he's dead now, but there's more body right here this guy Give me your finger take a finger for good luck or a fingerprint reader. It wasn't that bad. The body's pretty much mummified nevertheless I don't want to do this ever again. Yes. I've got a finger. Where's my finger there? It is a human finger right cool. Good now we're good to go. Now. We may leave up with this in here Yeah, and we don't even need to fuel it again not again, cuz I think we don't even need to go out again because we got Everything we need except an engine control unit, but I'm gonna get it in here with the finger I bet I bet I bet I bet I bet I bet you wanna bet cuz I bet There we go. There we go, baby. There we go, baby. Give me an engine control unit a weird device Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. That's what I'm fucking talking about That is the thing that I am discussing a weird device here. Give me that weirdness Oh, I want the weird Yeah, make it weird for me. Yeah, what do we got weird The Voice calibrator and a little filter The calibrator is what I need. I'm pretty sure oh, yeah, baby. Give me the calibrator. Give me the calibrator Oh, yeah, calibrate all over me. I'm gonna calibrate you and you're gonna calibrate me and did I get the metal blade? I sure did right Linkous the weakest that's done is oneness. Let me take this just because I needs it This is going great This it's going great. Calibrate. Boom. Oh, yeah Yeah calibre. Everything seems to be fine here. Everything's good All right. Looks like we might be about ready to go. Let me check the control room real quick And then I gotta make a dumb piece of all my unnecessary bullshit. Okay radar screen Selected field miss sure. I wonder what would happen if oh Yeah, the catalyst I wonder what would happen If I didn't open the hatch when we tried to launch Blanc owner would ever let you or the catalyst in the injector Okay, I think is wheeze. Aboutis ready to goes So we need to basically pick what we need. I think food I think food is a good idea I need to reduce my weight down as much as possible. So I think the food is in the truck So let's make this decision now and then once we're ready to go we go baby and we're gonna go so far fast hot and heavy and Super sweet. So I need only a kilogram is what I've been told I can only have a kilo grams So a bag of food, that's good. No hammer, no shovel. No Kroeber Let me just go ahead and drop things. You've been good to me, but not right now You've been good to me, but no longer. Let's see duct tape. You never know You never know when you need ok kids a knife. Sorry not coming with us gloves now We don't need gloves in space glue gun, probably. I don't know why but sure. Okay chemical formula. You don't weigh anything So you're fine a gun. Sorry bub. You gotta go rock it Pains me to say this, but you must stay here on the earth from whence you came and from where you shall return All right. So I've got point eight kilograms a lighter. You never know. It's weightless. So that's fine ID badge. Yes You're just in case is it nudes? Uh, that's one so it's a good bit of food I guess I could check the house But I don't know if I would need to I don't know what else could possibly be at the house That would help me launch this spaceship and survive long enough. I think this is enough. It's exactly one kilogram I've got food duct tape some goodie goodies, some batty Betty's and I can't think of anything else that we would possibly need Let's do this. Let's fucking do this. Are we ready to launch ready when you are David ready to launch? Are you sure you're ready to launch? If so, is there any item you'd like to use? How much does a water sprayer way you did mention that by a word Now, let's launch it. Let's see what could possibly go Ryan's fine. Just launch it All right, the world is ending The moon cracked into pieces was moving rapidly towards the planet both celestial potties pulling each other apart all systems green Well, some systems are green. You didn't have time to check every last nut or seal Like people did before launching rockets in the old days Kate looked at you with her headset on engines ready? initiating launch procedure Overriding safety protocols manual controls engaged nats was open leaving a clear way towards the sky It would really suck if that wasn't open five Three dude. Well buckle up. It's gonna be one hell of a ride would zero the acceleration force pushed you hard into your seat squeezing all the air from your lungs the rocket began its ascent you look back to See Cody in a seat the kid had been through a lot yet He was lucky enough to end up with you on this ride the seat next to him was empty at least you kept the kids safe like the big old man wanted the spaceship climbed through the Sky while Keith struggled with the engines power raised or traveled alone bruised and hurt hearing a loud roar in the sky He turned around and gazed up He sadly watched to soar clenching his jaws hard as he was clenching his fists looking around the wasteland He decided this place was as good as any other he sat down and waited looking at your ship going up in the moon Going down sergeant his men were standing on top of a hill He traveled far west since you would last seen him the whole squad raised their heads engaged in the sky Tracing the bright light of your rocket. Would you look at that? Smirk Sarge slowly shaking his head that kid actually did it Good luck with whatever you find there He added before he turned away The whole squad decided to open their last bottle of whiskey and drink it as the world around them started falling apart The vessel was gaining altitude At least life support seemed to work fine because the default setting had been corrupted You were forced to create the fuel mixture yourself composition was perfect maximum efficiency meant a lot of thrust and a smooth ascent you installed Navigation ship in the ship's systems with its help Kate was guided with a set of numbers angles and coordinates which is always better than just guessing you install the calibrator onboard it precisely Calibrated all the engines making them really well Coordinated good thing you noticed and fix the crack on the ship's fin with your repairs approved to add almost no air resistance Kate managed to compensate for the slight aerodynamics changes with her piloting skills You prepared a special catalyst for the fuel it caused the main rocket to burn fuel quicker But it also made the reaction much more powerful click to view the summary You made it orbit and from there was surprisingly a sure way to the moon Kate flew the ship towards the lunar pace Wow, it's a quick trip Football, okay. All right. Well you could have landed on that part of it I guess but oh well good enough Interesting Wow Kate are you all right, that wasn't one of my best landings. I've never seen you do any better. It could be worse though Couldn't it my defense? It was my first time landing on the moon Cody. How you doing Cody you okay? Oh, I don't know. Can you stand I think what's that sound? Are we gonna die we're losing air David now is the time to use the space suits if we have space suits Oh, we have space suits good Okay. Are you old enough? Oh, I feel dizzy. And I don't like spaceships anymore. Can we go outside yet? You're probably right we should hurry up. All right Booboo, I'm very slow to space you for some reason. Wow, we made it. We actually made it I never doubted we would but I guess I owe it to you. Come on. Let's move it's not safe in here All right. Okay. I'll be back maybe Initiating decompression procedure Boosh decompression to bleed and here we are Wow I Guess we're going to the moon base shit, I Guess I'll unlock it. No one worry about a thing. I've got it. It's no problem I don't mind doing everything myself Okay, a rotate fifth ring. Whoa. What am I? It's like some maze that's probably a reference to something that I don't know All right. I think it's safe to remove the suits great because I'm almost out of oxygen. Okay, so what now? Let's look around Okay Anybody home anybody card reader slot for an access card, how about this not really? Okay. How about this? No, oh good good good. Good good. Yeah, I brought that. Oh shit insufficient priviledges. Well, okay, that's good Nexus denied. Okay. Let's try the other side Then there's gotta be someone else or at least someone else's card here somewhere. What are those Kate? Sleeper pods, why are there people here? You said they all left you said they went to a different dimension or something They did is what they left behind Kate. You said they escaped they did David check out their neural activity monitors They're flat because their bodies are here sleeping, but their minds left this place They traveled through the realm of dreams and already woke up in safety months ago pods to sustain their empty bodies here Not that it's required. But if or any reason anyone wanted to get back, they still can at least for now wait I've got some questions so it's just some sort of hibernation. Yes. So the body doesn't die while the consciousness is elsewhere What happens if the body dies in any normal circumstance, your mind would die to the side real has discovered something I don't know what it is exactly but they can completely separate the mind from the body So when the moon hits Earth and everything here blows up, it won't matter them realm of dreams a poetic name but quite graphic sidereal is discovered that the human mind is capable of accessing this place a Vast network connecting every mind as it later turned out it reached for beyond every mind in the world It can connect Minds across universes. Why do the sleeper pods have to be on the moon? Why even bother fly here if all they do is put you in a pod their pods are extremely susceptible Danny interference Especially radio waves humanity used to produce a giant mess of electromagnetic waves of various frequencies radio broadcast TV Communications I can go on and on SideReel found it next to impossible to come up with a location Desolate enough for their sleeper pods to work as intended Faraday cage shielding was partially selective But it was apparently causing some side effects early experiments led to some awful failures. It finally came up with the idea The only thing that would shield the sleeper pods. Well enough would be the what about the moon earth communications? What about radio waves from space don't they interrupt the sleeper ponds sidereal loans communication devices work on frequencies outside the harmful spectra space radiation Damn it, David. I don't know they must have found a way around it. I'm not a physicist sounds convenient Yeah, you don't know the way we get into those pods and we dream our way out of here. Wake up somewhere safe I'm not sure I feel about that idea then again. What do we have to lose a black coward a System memory 32 megabytes floppy drive. No Interesting. I've got a floppy there's a console seems to be locked Okay, let's put the card in the other side. Oh Shit there that goes fuck. Okay, that's not good. Shit Wow. Okay. I should hurry then. Oh Fuck access granted. Okay, here we go. Oh shit. Okay. Oh, yeah, you only have to open and use the UH Okay, oh shit, oh fuck oh God sleeper pod unlocked okay anything else that we need to do Let's go. Let's go. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh, oh, oh fuck Bullshit Oh God go. I gotta put the floppy in the floppy The floppy let me just check the status before I started loading software into this. Okay? All right, uh, Rod's active warning phase control cannot date unable to select destination amazing. Mercy Mo's, no responsible to remember all awesome personality merge. Oh no No, no check that again. Maybe it was just a glitch. It still says phase controller color up did it has already happened? He's happening Kate. You're not making any sense Kate. Yeah Wait, what what is a phase controller? It's a system designed to transmit human consciousness to a selected target Target a human in another world. Yes, usually an otherwise brain-dead clone They've prepared especially for this purpose or a patient in a coma in the worlds like ours Where cloning has not been developed yet? this is how they used to navigate between Worlds go to sleep here target a sleeping human vessel in another world and wake up there I'm not sure if this is more terrifying or more unbelievable if that controller is disabled. We can't select a target body or world Okay Well fuck so what's the emergency? merge mode when the primary phase controller is disabled the backup system kicks in it targets a random world and random sleeping person without their Consent. Yes. However, for some reason when this happens you almost always end up in your own body, but in a different world, oh I get it I get what it's saying. I get it This is how I would keep everyone alive because that would have knowledge ahead of the time and it it's having it's having a canonical Way that you can play the game again and know what to do. It is that's amazing the dreams That's what the dreams are. That's what it's saying We can end up in limbo in a dream world without bodies or trying to or we can wake up in our own bodies in A different world of a different version of our world like one where all this never happened A world where there was no lunar explosion in 1996. Hopefully. Yes, hopefully Oh What do you mean? It's already happened? I'm not sure the dreams We both had warning you about incoming threats showing me where the SideReel office building was Those might have been our own memories from our past lives. That would mean I've been through this we all have The computer says something about memory loss. Yeah when your mind ends up in your own body in a different world This is what happens you merge your current memories become distant like a dream that you forgot Doesn't sound like we're going to make it in one piece after all it's better than dying Completely I guess but if my past me warned me about the incoming events who warned him another me who warned that other me when? Did it all begin as far as I know the number of worlds might be infinite? It's better to not think about it, right? We have no other choice David we've got to use those pods, whether they're fully operational or not Can't we fix the damaged systems, even if we knew how it would probably take days. We definitely don't have that much time Let's do this quick. This whole place is falling apart Well before you do that, I'm gonna plop II this thing I've inserted the phase control light disk drive be the computer reads it this program will not replace phase controller However, it will increase your memory transfer route rate in emergency mode. Oh So there's another floppy disk somewhere in the world to get There's another floppy disk somewhere And this this is just saying that you would go through it again. And again until you get it, right? I just want to see what happens if you just wait here. Ah That's so cool. That's such a cool idea It's it's is the concept of looping over and over again, but that's just really cool That's well done. I Like that a lot. Ah That's cool, he's about to go boom aren't we? Yeah wheeze about to go boom, uh, oh I just want to see if it actually blows up if it does blow up then cool if it doesn't blow up then I'll get in the pod Doesn't seem like it's doing anything. I was watching the shadow with the shadow wasn't getting any closer. And then the earth stopped moving I don't think it's doing anything. Damn. I wanted to see it. Go kaboom Probably gonna see it. Go kaboom. Once this lands all these bodies go, bye-bye I think I should ask the others if they want to go first Kate I've inserted phase controller light. I've inserted a special disk onto the console What disc a disc I found in the SideReel plexus office? The computer says it will increase the memory transfer or something like that. Do you think it's gonna help? Yeah I guess so Even a single helper program like this could make a huge difference if our memories are transferred intact or at least in a greater more Consistent rate. This could be huge David. This actually could help us. Okay. Alright time to sleep right or should I go first? It's okay. Remember to turn off the lights and promise you won't do anything stupid I've ever done anything stupid. Yeah, you're funny Hey Cody, um never change. Okay? Okay. See you soon. Good night Kate. Alright, David So here we are At the end of the road or is it the beginning? I wouldn't have made it here if it wasn't for you. Are you getting emotional now? I think I've spent too much time with you Where do you hope to wake up in a bed in a world where they have a moon and lattes? I hope that's what happens. Me, too. Bye David until we meet again. Just don't point your gun at me when we do Okay, can't promise that Hey there Cody it's time. I don't want to sleep I know but we all have to I won't be able to sleep now I'm too scared. This machine will help you. Come on. Don't be scared. What will happen, where will we go? I don't know but it's gonna be. All right, David. I don't want to be alone again You won't be where ever you wake up. I'll find you promise promise This is so cool, what's amazing is it ties all of script welders other? Storylines together, you know it ties it like all the deep sleep games. They're about this in this world of dreams. I love that It's it's like it's like tie. Aah God it wraps everything up. I mean, of course, they'll be like potholes and what that but I'm not gonna focus on that because open the new shove it all doesn't matter. What matters is that? It's cool thing What the Oh, oh shit. Never mind Error main powers offline unable to initiate sleeper pod Oopsies, well, that's not good. Oh Oh, oh Maybe I shouldn't have waited so long you have to take a look at the screen realized the sleep pods have their independent power reserves You won't be able to initiate another pot unless the main powers back. There's some uh necessary systems powered such as communication array There's a standard procedure. So the crew is able to call for help. But there's no one that can help me now You could try to reroute the power. Ah Do it rerouting power to reserves main power restored? All right, let's try that. Oh shit. Oh, fuck. Oh God Oh how about we go maybe I should have I should have I shouldn't awaited I Shouldn't no way didn't looked I shouldn't have looked and waited. I shouldn't have looked and or waited. Oh All right. Ah, yes, I've All right, just a little more drama just before the end I guess I could have seen it go kaboom, but whatever Wow What a nightmare It all felt so real I feel there was something more in that dream something sad and important Why do I feel like this already happened yet? Something is different. I'm gonna find out what I Love that. I love that I love that. I love that. I love that so much. I love that I love that that is Wow Script welder you have outdone yourself. You have outdone yourself incredibly. I love that So much and the game is not even over yet. Even if the credits are rolling here. I know That's not the end There will be more don't escape for in the very near future. This is not the end because that is just the beginning Now I am armed with knowledge. So there might be one maybe two more episodes with which I will plow My fists of justice into this. Ow my head into this Wow IQ. I got us up What the fuck? What the what the Hey, well you all right there. You're right there buddy. You you you Oh the awakening Oh Oh wake up David you have to wake up you have to wake up Dark apply our effects That's so fucking Cool. That's so fucking cool So fucking cool Yeah Yeah, oh Fuck. Holy shit Wow my god Spiders that the legs of spiders isn't what a nightmare it all felt so real Spiders feel there was something more on that dream something sad and important what I feel like this already happened if something is different I'm gonna find out what my back of Pecha Alright, so yeah, it's it's the same but it's different. So with that being said I will Continue this armed with the power of knowledge facing new crisis ease. Oh, that's horrible cobwebs, that's the Are the spiderwebs on the wind they're huge. I think my name there might have been more than just a dream I still have a couple of hours, but I have to find a shelter fast. Alright, so we will continue this very soon Yeah, Dave what the awakening here? We'll continue this in the next episode Thank you everybody so much for watching. And if you have not played this for yourself get it support script well, they're for making such a cool and interesting game with a really really convoluted but Fascinating story it is awesome. Link is in the description. Thank you everybody so much for watching And as always, I will see you in the next video. Bye. Bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,785,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: don't escape 4, don't escape, scriptwelder, markiplier, don't escape 4 part 4, ending, bad end, good end, perfect ending, true ending, guide, don't escape 4 markiplier, don't escape 4 guide, don't escape 4 walkthrough, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, gaming, video games, pc, scary, horror, funny moments
Id: 9x-Y45mYLVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 13sec (3373 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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