What's The Strongest Food?

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- Today our groceries run the gauntlet. - Let's talk about that. (cheerful music) Good Mythical Morning. - Today we're answering a really important question, what are the strongest foods? Now, you may not know exactly what that question means. Strong food, like strong tasting? No, strong like strong! - I know about strong foods. I buy nothing but strong foods. You gotta have a thick skin if you're coming to my house, I'm a mean cook and I curse at all my vegetables. - No, I'm not talking about emotionally. Don't worry about it. Listen, you've already clicked. This is gonna be fun, and important. It's time for "What's Stronger Than Friendship? Food, Obvi. Now, Which Food is Stronger Than the Wonderful Music in Glee?" Welcome to the food flogging zone, and I am not a fan of Glee. - I'm not either, really. We're grabbing the strongest of foods, and we're putting them through physical strength tests to see just how much they can endure. - Yeah, we're basically torturing food. Awesome! The Mythical Inventioneers have built a series of medieval torture contraptions designed to test their strength, and over the course of several rounds, we're gonna be doing a crush test, a stretch test, and a smash test. - I would call that a few rounds. I always thought several was four or more. Who am I, though? - Well, there's three. - In each round, we're gonna both pick the item that we think will perform best in that particular test. - Points escalate each round, the winner gets an autographed photo of the strongest man alive. - I guess I'll add that to my collection. Since we're pushing these poor foods to their limits, today we're actually making a donation to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank in their honor. (medieval music) - Our first three foods are a hazelnut, a walnut, and a pomegranate. - Rednut. - Big ol' red nut. Now, these are the result of extensive preliminary testing by the crew, to determine what could be the strongest food given this particular test, a crush test. - Okay, and so we've got to draw these swords to see who has the power of choice to choose the first item. And since I dinged your car door with my car door this morning in the parking lot, sorry- - Seriously? - I'll let you, I'm sure it'll buff right out. - Well then buff it out. - Okay. You can go first. - Okay. What's...? Hey, buddy. - Hey, don't, that feels like cheating. - Saying "Hey buddy" to a dead crusader? Okay, here we go. Scoop. (Rhett guffaws) All right, I think that this is a little dinky. Whoa! - Come on, what? I mean, I didn't need to do the actual longest one. - Talk about wasting a longun. - Okay, I guess I get the power of choice. - All right, what do you choose? - Wow, okay, not the big red nut, I know that. But is it the hazelnut which is small and strong, or is it the walnut, which is a little bit bigger, but has a very woody, thick exterior? And this is until it cracks. I think I'm gonna go with the walnut. Picking the walnut. - Okay. You know what? I'm a big fan of the pomegranate. I don't know, I actually, so it's until it cracks. Well then I gotta go with the hazelnut. - Hazelnuts are hard. Okay, in every round, we're gonna take the third thing that neither of us actually chose and we're gonna crush it, too! - Yeah, let's decimate this pomegranate, get it out of the way. - But we're not gonna crush it, we're gonna bring in a man of mystery, might be Mad Dog Lucas, but I can't tell, he's got a hood on. - Mad Dog Executioner. Here to handle the weights on our behalf. - Wow, you look like a boxer getting ready for something. - All right. - Let's go, Lucas. - Load it up, man. Oh, he's gonna start with a big one. 25, yeah, just go ahead and kill it, man. - Now a pomegranate is sort of a hard fruit, but it's so hollow, and it's just got those little... (Stevie laughs) You gonna be okay? - You got an eye patch. Okay. - I can't see that well. - You've got depth perception issues right now. - All right, so, 25. Nothing. - You know what I'm saying? Like it's so hollow on the inside, with just the juicy little bits. - Well, I wouldn't say it's hollow, I'd say it's full of juicy little bits. - But those juicy little bits don't have any strength to them. You ever try to hold something up with juicy bits? (crew laughs) - You know, oh, so that's 50. - This thing's gonna make it, I'd be surprised if it makes it past 75. What are we up to? 105? - [Link] Hey, you have to do the math, too. - [Lucas] 105. - Now we're 110. - Come on. Come on! - [Rhett] Okay. Nothing? - [Link] I don't even hear a creaking, man! - [Rhett] 115! - [Link] We have chosen unwisely. - 120! What? There's no way a pomegranate's stronger than a walnut! 125? - [Link] Should I blow on it? - Stick your hand under there. 127 and a half, 130. 130 pounds, we're out of weights, Lucas! - This is like a prepubescent average boy. - All right, he's got sand bags. How much do those weigh? - [Lucas] 25 each. - Okay. - So you get to... So you're gonna drape it? - So, going up to 155 pounds. - Can you pull my hood back? (Stevie laughs) Yeah, all right. - [Rhett] This is 155 pounds. Oh. Oh, oh. It's settling. - [Link] Huh! Huh! - [Rhett] It's not cracking, though. - [Link] Huh! (Link blows) - 155, now we're going all the way to what would this be, 180? 180 pounds. Oh, there you go. Okay. - [Link] Nope, nope, nope, it's on the back side, oh, yeah, there it is. - [Rhett] Dude, I was about to say, dude, did you not...? - I'm pulling for the pomegranate now. - The whole thing split, so, it was somewhere between 155 and 180. Dude! That means you could've stood on that thing! You could've stood on the pomegranate and it wouldn't have busted. - That's gonna be my thing moving forward. - "Hey, Mommy, it's the guy that stands on the pomegranate." - Well, crap. - "Let's give him a little money, honey." - Okie dokey, my little bitty hazelnut is in there, 'cause I chose second. But now, I have lots of hope. - I mean it's a strong little nut. - Pile it on. - I've never bitten successfully into a hazelnut. Never tried. - 25 pounds, try to crush my nut. Don't look at me with that one good eye. - Whoa, it was giving quite a lot just on the shake there. Oh. Okay, that's a strong nut. You got a strong nut, Link. - Well it's, I mean, I'm not... What are you, you gonna get the 25? - You wanna go big? - Well not, hey, if you know something I, no, you do what... You can increment up, go with the 10. Go with the 10 if you want to, I don't know why. - 'Cause you could always put a 25 on top of the 10. - I don't love what this means for my choice. He's already just adding 10. - Okay, we're at 35 pounds and that hazelnut has, doesn't even know it's alive. You know what I'm saying? So it's not thinking anything. - Well it doesn't know it's about to be crushed. You're not giving me confidence just going with the little 10s. - I could switch if you want. - No, we gotta, I mean... - [Lucas] Just trust me. - Okay, we're trusting you. - [Lucas] Please. - [Rhett] Okay, so we're up to 45 pounds. And that nut's holding. - Yeah. - Okay, now he's just going to the fives. - No. You know what? I'll go for a 25. - Okay, all right, 45 plus 25, 70. 70 pounds? You think... Oho! Okay. - Well hold on! - Hold on, that wasn't even additional weight, man. - What happ, it crushed my nut just by... - Your nut got so flat! Your nut is gone, man! - Sorry about your nut. - Your nut's completely disintegrated and I don't even know how to calculate what happened. - Well we gotta call it crap. All right, so it was 25, 35, 45 plus starting to put on something else. 45 plus is my score. Take these off, lemme see my little, what's left of my hazelnut. - Not as strong as you would think. I mean a toddler could step on one and break it. - [Link] 45 plus pounds, can I be of assistance? - "Hey, mommy, look at that toddler standing on that hazelnut." "Give him some money, honey." - [Lucas] No, I'm good, I'm good. - This is like a medieval torture device, just watching you guys try to take that thing off of it. - Look at my hazelnut. - [Rhett] Dang, hazelnuts just disintegrate. - My poor little hazelnut. - Does it smell good? - Mm. - Okay, we got my walnut under there, go ahead. Start with a 25, I ain't bashful. - Now we know, I mean there's no way this is gonna beat what happened with the pomegranate, but will it beat me? That's what I'm thinking. - You don't know that. Listen, up until about 100 years ago, walls were made out of walnuts. - That's why they call 'em that? - Yeah. A wall can support a toddler. Or a boy. (both laugh) What happened to my walnut? - Look at your walnut! Look at your little broken walnut! - Oh my gosh, so pathetic. So less than 25 pounds. We were 100% wrong in every assumption that was made in this round. - I was a little bit more right than you, I get the point. (medieval music) - Okay, so we've got corn cob, a gourd, and a cassava, and we're gonna draw and halve these, not draw and quarter them, but... - Yep, 'cause there's only two halves. Now you get the power of choosing the power of the sword. - I'm letting fate decide, this one is close to me. (Rhett chuckles) - And then fate will decide that this one's closer to me, ha, ha ha ha. - So you get the power of choice. - Alrighty. Now, we're gonna rope these things up and pull 'em apart, but it's not gonna be, we're not pulling it along its longest axis. It's more of like a... - A shear force. - We're not pulling it this way, pull me, pull me. No, it's like this. - It's much easier to break a person's arm like this! - You pull that way, I pull this way. - Right. - So it's like we're gonna shear it off. So it's not the corn cob. - Yeah, 'cause I can break a corn cob like that. I do it, that's how I eat all my corn. Pass it around to the family. Daddy breaks the corn. - [Link] The cassava, that's like a root. - [Rhett] That thing looks like a piece of wood, you could hit a home run with it. - I think it's like a carrot, I think it'll snap apart. I'm gonna go with the gizourd, with the gourd. Have you seen these things dry, you can make 'em an instrument? - And then birds live in 'em. Okay, well... - [Link] The gourd is me. - If you're going with the gourd, I'm definitely not going with the corn, I'm going with the cassava, which I feel pretty dang good about. I hadn't even touched it yet, but I feel good about it. - All right. All right, this corn on the cob has been a bad boy, Lucas. We're gonna count each crank, so as to compare each item. Give it one crank. - [Rhett] If this thing works well, Daddy might have to install it at the dinner table. - [Link] One. Okay, it's digging into the kernels. - [Rhett] It went right into those soft kernels. - [Link] Two. - [Rhett] Whoa, okay. - It might just... You know, it might just get the corn off the cob. Three. - Four! That was four. I can count. - [Link] Counted three twice. - Oh, okay. So the beginning of the fifth crank. - Yeah, look at that thing, man! How's that for Daddy break corn, huh? - Okay, we've got my cassava, which is actually a tuber from South America, known to make tapioca. - Yeah, let's make some tapioca right now, give it a crank. - [Rhett And Link] One. Two. Three. - Oh! It's not even as strong as corn? (Link laughs) - Yeah, look at you, man! You loser! It's kinda like... It's like a coconut in there. - Daddy might have to break tubers now. - That's a gorgeous setup, man. Get it? All right, my gourd is in place. One crank. Two cranks. Three cranks. - [Rhett] No budging yet. - Four cranks. Go slow. Five crank- - Oh! - Four and a half cranks. So it's about the same as a freaking corn on the cob. - But that's better than a cassava. - Oh lookie, it's juicy! - Well you can't make a birdhouse out of it now. Sorry. But you did get the point. Actually, two points. - Yep. (medieval music) - Okay, before we explain what this contraption is, wanna remind you- - And it's scary. - Good Mythical Fridays are back! On the last Friday of each month, one random store item will be discounted by 40% for the whole weekend. As Society members, you get an exclusive sneak peek at what that item is each month, so make sure you go to Mythical.com and check out what item is featured today. - All right. This amazing food torture device has two huge blocks that are temporarily suspended. We're gonna test some blunt force trauma impact. Pendulum impact. It's gonna be huge, right here, on either a coconut, a... What is that monstrosity? - A jackfruit. - A jackfruit, and a pineapple. - [Rhett] And you pick first, my friend. - Mm... Yeah! - Oh, ah. - Longer than yours, longer than yours. Pokey pokey pokey! - Okay, you have the power of choice. You should lose it for saying "Pokey pokey pokey." I believe he should have at least two points deducted for that. - The coconut is a little hollow in the middle, it's like a big walnut. - [Rhett] That thing's gonna crack. - We've learned that, I'm not gonna choose that. That jackfruit looks like a freaking animal. - [Rhett] It's jacked. - You know what? It's got jacked in the name, I'm going for the jackfruit. - Okay, that's a strong choice. I'm definitely not gonna go for the coconut. The pineapple, I feel pretty good about a pineapple. Every time I really hit one out of anger, I haven't gone through it. - It hurts you. - Yeah. - Coconut's in place, we're gonna bash it, we're gonna count the number of times we have to bash it in order to kill it. - I predict one bash for the coconut. - All right, execute, executioner! - Okay. Release the hounds. Oh! - [Link] Oh my goodness! What a splash! - Did you see that? There's some coconut that flew over there. If that was somebody's head? Oh. - There was milk in it. There's milk of the coconut in the coconut. - Oh, look at this. Okay, you know? Looking at this thing, I feel pretty confident. It's got this protective shield on it. - [Link] Armor, yeah. - You know? Okay, let's see what happens. - Your champion is dangling, Rhett. - Come on, pineapple. You're gonna be better than the coconut. The pineapple with the coconut. Oh. - [Link] Ohohoho! You know what? We're still good. - Hold on, is this a rotten pineapple? Come on, guys. - No we are not. That thing just totally was decimated instantly. - You wanna suck on my pineapple stalk? - No, sir. All right. I'm feeling good. My jacked champion has entered the arena. - [Rhett] All it's gotta do is get more than one to take the top prize here. - Anything that's strong enough to replace meat in vegan meals is strong enough to bring you and your pineapple down. I'm ready. - I'm a jackfruit barbecue fan. Should we make jackfruit barbecue nachos with this later? - Maybe. Oh, nothing! Yes! - It's like it didn't even know it got hit. It didn't even know it got hit! - Let's hit it again, 'cause we gotta destroy this thing. All right, hit it! Oh, nothing! - I gotta get a jackfruit vest! - Dang. Hit it again! All right, go! Still nothing! - [Rhett] I mean, it's not even dented. - Hit it again! Hit it! Oh! Oh, you know what? - We broke the machine. - We broke the device! Oh, man! - Oh, you got a double, oh, it got a little bit of a dent in it that time. Release! Ohohoho. - Oh! Try it that way. Nope. Just spun. You know what? Screw it. Execute it. - Oh, there we go. There we go. - Come on, bring it over. Bring it over here. Put it back on the, there you... - Oh, wow, he's so angry at it. - It's not... - That's what, look at the thing, this is why, look at how fibrous the inside of this thing is! - Ladies and gentlemen, we have absolutely determined the strongest food. Uh-uh. - [Rhett] Really? - I feel like it's gonna be angry at me. - No, it's good, man. You should get some of that. - It's a freaking jackfruit. And I win. What do I get? An autographed photo of the world's strongest man. What is...? - Mark Strong. Famous actor. - Autographed by Chase. - [Rhett] Yeah, we couldn't get in touch with Mark. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - I'm Tianna. - And I'm Sebastian. - And we're in Boone, North Carolina. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Dink it. - And sink it. - Boone! - Illegal Chips in Boone. - Mm-hm. - Click the top link to watch us discover which heavy thing is heavier, like an elephant or an RV, in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Take advantage of Good Mythical Friday discounts every fourth Friday at Mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,864,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: OgR9WKnkTw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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