So I Hacked Plague Inc & infected billions of people in minutes... (MAX DISEASE)

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today i've hacked plague inc so that every single upgrade for our plague is completely free so let's see how long it takes to wipe out all of humankind now we're gonna be playing with the bacteria and i'm not gonna modify any of the genetic code because i think it's already to be good enough so we're going to be playing in mega brussels because i feel like if we did casual we just kill everybody instantly i like you in brutal mode it says that sick people are literally locked in prison but for mega brutal which is meant to be harder it just says the random medical checkups i don't know about you but i definitely prefer random medical checkups to literally being locked in prison if i'm sick so i think i'm gonna name the plague of ducks because dog life's been doing really well on my channel recently welcome to plague inc you're a new bacteria to when you must evolve and spread across the world and wiping out all of the humans in the ultimate play oh you bet this is the ultimate plague i'm hacking so this is gonna be really easy select a country okay so we're gonna start in the uk my home country let's start this plague and let's see how quickly we can wipe out everybody ducks has infected its first human oh no why did i name it dogs this is so stupid weak but used to cold temperatures it must evolve using dna points to infect more people so we can evolve our disease with dna points however every single upgrade as you can see right here is going to be completely free it only cost zero dna points to evolve so we're just going to make it so every single animal over here kind of spread the disease and as you can see the infectivity is already going up so i don't want to make the disease really deadly to start off with i just want to make it as ineffective as possible as you can see we've only infected two people right now but trust me guys it is gonna go up a lot so not only am i hacking the game is mutating the virus for me as well this is absolutely broken so as you can see there are a bunch of planes there are a bunch of boats they're all spreading it to different countries so very soon this 10 infected people is going to turn into a hundred and then a thousand so this medicine in the uk slowing infection that is absolutely fine because this infectivity is going to be seriously high this game is still mutating it it's making it way too easy for me right so it's at 18 right now but this isn't going up fast enough so let's get every single upgrade right here so not only is it spreading via animals it's also spreading via insects and a whole bunch of other stuff oh look at the infectivity right now it is nearly max already and we are like in the first month you can really see its infectivity is going up a lot you could use dna points to evolve or or i could just use hacks oh it's going up really fast now we're past 200 we're about to go past 300 and it's already it's evolving more things so dux has mutated and develops the hemophilia symptom without using dna points well i mean nothing is using dna points because everything is free but i appreciate it game it is helping me kill everybody oh we've hit our first thousand and it is just gonna go up and up from here as you can see we've hit our second thousand we're at five thousand six thousand seven thousand no eleven thousand this is going up seriously fast and it's still not even at the max guys we've infected france with ducks france has been infected your disease has taken an important step in becoming a plague let's go oh we've developed tumors as well that's really cool but if you click this you're meant to just get yeah you can see we get more dna points and they're popping up really fast because we've already infected 300 000 people this is going up way too fast look how many points we're getting this is absolutely insane we're about to hit a million already and we're like less than a month into this it's telling me to pop these bubbles but i don't need to pop them because everything is free so we're actually killing people already because i think it's evolved some stuff but let's go into the abilities so we can survive in like harsher climates and we're just going to get everything so it's going to be able to survive cold temperatures and hot temperatures and all types of medicine and everything like that this disease is literally going to be unstoppable well our disease is more infectious than tb you know i i'm pretty sure it's the most infectious disease in the world yeah look at the infectivity the severity is really really low and the lethality is low too but the infectivity is nearly max already so my plan is we're just gonna infect the entire wilder and then we're just gonna turn it really really deadly so the game is saying that a new minor disease is spreading in the uk but we've infected over half a billion people that is more than just a minor disease you can see all of these red bubbles popping first death in ukraine uh okay well we've already killed 150 000 people so we don't really care about that too much okay we're more infectious than the common cold very very soon we will have infected the entire world with ducks this is going way too well we've already unlocked internal hemorrhaging symptoms that sounds super deadly also if we hit 5000 likes on this video i will do a part two because that shows me that you guys really want to see more of this game and honestly it is really fun so turkey is starting to work on a cure but we've already infected five billion people i don't really think that is gonna do anything but you know you can try your best the world is literally just a mass of red bubbles everywhere okay india is shutting down airports but by the looks of it i i think it's a bit too late for that well we've killed him more than the black death apparently wait we've killed 75 million people it says we killed 59 million oh wow okay it is going up seriously fast we are killing people insanely fast now coughing symptom as well i mean i don't think that's gonna do much to raise the deadliness guys i think it is time we're gonna unlock every single symptom for ducks and we're gonna see how quickly it kills everybody so we're just making it infect absolutely every part of the body it's gonna do all manner of horrible things to the body you know i'm just clicking on everything i don't know what half of these do uh but we're gonna see how deadly it is and as you can see we already have max infectivity max severity max lethality i don't see a way that anybody is gonna survive this so the world is four percent towards a cure and honestly i'm kind of surprised that they are doing that well like how are they actually working on this oh look at the deaths look at the desk we're already over half a billion people we've killed more than smallpox already and i i don't think there's any coming back from this guys look at this there are no healthy people left in the world the last healthy person on the planet recently became infected with ducks why did i call it dark skies well more and more people die honestly i'm surprised that there are still boats going places no it begins to break down you know i'm you know i'm impressed with you know why you've already lost it this long that's more than most of these countries has lasted so props to you the number of dead is just going up and up and it looks like places are starting to fall into anarchy no cure research can take place well you're actually i'm kind of surprised that the world got eight percent towards a cure but there really is no coming back from ducks ducks is the most deadly disease on the earth well the game is telling me that global research is focused on a cure but you know with six and a half million people dead you know i think you're a bit too late for that yeah you can see the red color is slowly getting darker and darker everybody is just die i think it's barely been like two months or something and everybody is nearly dead and it looks like there is a tiny there are tiny remnants of people left we've got seven million four million three million is going down and down and it looks like we have killed the world already so it looks like ducks has destroyed the world despite the world's best efforts the last few humans like dying in holes what why holes why would they be in holes with no chance of survival okay well it looks like yeah we won it that was really quick well it was definitely longer than two months it actually took 209 days but it took less than a year that is insane now let's see how fast we can kill everyone with all of the easier settings so we're going to be playing casual and as you can see this this seems way too easy sick people are given hugs instead of medicine no one washes their hands guys wash your hands and research doctors don't work that that seems way too easy so we're going gonna have a really original name for this one we're gonna call it ducks too so last time we started it in the uk but what if we started with other countries neighboring that country i feel like that might be a bit easier i'm just gonna unlock every single step right here and we're gonna see how fast it can wipe out the world's population we're going to make this the absolute max disease and if it doesn't work i don't know what to do because this should wipe out the world in literally less than a month i present to you ducks 2 the world's most infective severe and lethal disease in the world let's see how good this does ducks 2 begins in germany ducks 2 has infected its first person and very very very soon it is going to infect everybody you can see it's already saying dogs 2 is becoming scary what so ducks 2 is beginning to spread and as you can see it's starting pretty slow actually wait this is starting way faster than the other one we've already infected a hundred people this is okay this is way way way faster oh look new worrying disease spotted in germany yeah this is probably the most worrying disease the world will ever face because everyone's just gonna die anyway well we've already killed 93 people and infected 24 000 i like how the pop-ups are just coming so fast because we're not meant to play this game this fast what we've already spread to russia and places like that we've already infected four million people we've already killed a hundred thousand people this is way faster than i expected 88 million we've already infected a hundred million wait is going down why is it going down oh is it going down because we're killing everybody so fast oh no that might be a mistake we may be killing people too fast we may have made this too deadlier oh no dude we may have actually been killing people too fast look at this look how quickly the red is spreading we have just wiped out this continent that fast it may be too fast to spread to like places like greenland because as you can see we haven't infected any people in greenland yet already two billion people are infected we've already killed four billion people ducks to killing very fast people are dying in brazil faster than new people are being infected yeah that's not a good thing hopefully we still will be able to win it looks like greenland is holding out though zero people infected it looks like no one is going anywhere near greenland i like how the border is so effective it just completely stops along the viruses look at that so mexico is shutting down airports i i think that's too late mexico i i think you're a bit late to that yeah we've killed a seven billion people but it did say greenland was working on a cure and that is really worrying because greenland has not been infected yet no have we been beaten by greenland i can't believe it i think we may have actually been beaten by greenland look we've literally killed everybody with the disease basically oh no it's spreading it's spreading to 3151 000 have we hit no greenland has still not been infected everywhere else is probably in anarchy right now but greenland is just the one place it looks like guys guys doug's two killed all of his hosts some healthy people survived we were actually not able to kill everybody because we made the disease too good what we killed is 7 billion people or so in 91 days which which i would call a win well i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you do want to see more of this make sure to like and subscribe and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 3,009,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hack, hacker, hacks, plague inc, plague inc., speedrun, world record, easyspeezy, max level, trippypepper, game, gameplay
Id: IDBZYoa_dJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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