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okay I think I'm life I think I'm I know I know you're looking at a blue screen okay I know you're looking at a blue screen and there's a reason for that first first of all dudes when I turn on my camera just understand that I'm a little bit burned i I I was in the pool I was hanging out with Craner and TN we got burned so you ready don't judge me be nice I got a little burned so I look like a tomato look good [Laughter] I'm not really this burned a little hold on I'm just memeing I was just memeing hold on I'll fix it you guys ready I was just moving a little bit let me mean okay look I'm gonna fix it there we're good what was it that burned what's wrong with you people but I'm a little bit burned okay I got a little bit of burn going on here you know it's not too bad but it's a little bit but okay so dance while we're doing challah we go let me go to the screen there we go so what we're doing today we're gonna be playing a game called clue I've played this game since I was like two years old so we have Nico and AM brew in the call we're gonna be playing clue ed for you guys that have no idea what this game is ah can you guys hear me just making sure everything's good okay we're good can you got done need to turn the volume up is everything good so what this game is I'm gonna try to explain it the best way I can for you guys that don't know what's going on here but the main idea is to find out who the murderer is with what weapon and in which room and it's a process of elimination so I'm gonna unmute really quick uh hello hello brother bro I want to yell at me ready what players left please start a new game no oh crap in my undies let's try this all right oh my bad my bad my bad okay okay joined that give me the passcode I'm gonna hide my screen i I'm mining my screen to on it okay I'm gonna send to you in a disk er okay okay God okay okay okay okay okay that one that one that one that one C for this incorrect Pasco oh wait no I did the wrong one I'm stupid you're up again alright we're did we did it we did it okay cool alright okay we're in it we're all in yeah you guys in everybody in all right cool okay so I am ready myself oh yeah I may have hit escape and escape back you out I'm ready okay I'm in okay here we go here we go there's what'll we put on my glasses okay there's been a murder so it's selecting the three cards right now in that little black packet was the murder was the weapon and was the person that was the murderer was the weapon and the place that the murder took place so what what you guys see on the right hand side they're suspects up here there's weapons and then there's rooms where the murder took place so what our job is to do is to run around all to all these different rooms yeah try to figure out who's the killer with what weapon and in what room by a process of elimination okay so with Amber or Niko's turn right yeah yeah Miko is a mustard hey your mustard is mustards nasty mustard no so Nikko went to the library he's guessing orchid literal with the candlestick in the library so what it's gonna do it goes to AM brew down here and Ambrose showed Nico one of the cards which means Nico can mark it off the list right and did you do that Nico you good I did dude I did the little thing okay continue amber has the click continue yeah glasses do don't guess all ready what's wrong with you okay now it's Amber's turn oh it's my turn yeah so Amber's gonna go to a room and then ask me to show him all of my cards right give me your cards what are they what are you not gonna tell you nothing not gonna tell me tell me dude we're going to the study I feel like if something murder something you were frustrated from studying so much that they they kill so you know okay who are you gonna choose as the killer I I think all right this elephant kill it it was plum right professor plum is any fat sorry Wow okay I'm gonna say he was a dagger and a study that's what we say okay so you're gonna say professor plum killed somebody in the study with the dagger yes look how angry is dead okay right so you asked me if I had any of those cards I don't show it skipped me and it went to Nico and Nico showed you one of his cards which one did he show you okay so now it's my turn I feel like I'm gonna say like I'm gonna the give Oh what I'm not supposed to hmm okay your turn weird rock why is my name weird rock okay so this is me those are my cards everything's marked off so let's roll okay where can I go okay so I just muted discord so they can't hear and I'm also I'm not we can't hold on let me tell them for you remember Nico and amber ooh yes we cannot read our chat remember that because people can people can give us hints don't read the chat you just read your chat no I did it okay so I muted discord so what I'm gonna do I have a strategy for this game check this out I'm gonna go to the billiard room right uh-oh I don't watch the billiard room when I can't um hold on ballroom no dining room okay I'm gonna go to the dining room since I have dining room in my hand right so let's go to the dining room and I got a strategy what though hello we'll just to throw things off I guess let's check this up since I have mr. green in my hand I know he's not the murderer I'm gonna select mr. green right now I'm gonna choose a weapon that isn't here so let's say lead pipe if I select lead pipe right suggest this if neither of them show me lead pipe that's the murder weapon do you guys ready all right I'm ready okay Nico it doesn't have anything Nico doesn't have anything I'm gonna destroy them in this game okay are we good yeah are you gonna guess so so how you win this game I can do a final accusation and choose the three cards that are in better in the package if I do that I win but if I choose wrong I lose and we're trying to figure out what those three cards right everybody hit continue now it's Nico's turn to roll and continue guessing so as you guys see on the right hand side all of the X doubt things are not the murder weapon are not the killers are not the room that it was done in yeah okay where are you going not to the study with you guys yes thank God debt why are you going to the billiard room dick God bit well just you know let me live my life okay so I what dude so mister mr. green with the candlestick in the billing room why are you saying I killed somebody dead it was you cuz I smelled the blood on you that's messed up you think that with somebody on fire game I mean dude you're in a pool room you usually just go a cue ball or like you know pull secure stop okay so did you get what I showed you yeah don't tell amber well why does it tell me don't tell amber it was a it was the billiard room yeah Billard it was the Billard feller billiards okay what am i on Chris you guys mad about that five minutes rolled a little bit kinda what is the five mean where are you gonna go amber so now Amber's gonna go to a room where you gonna go every plotting he mute a discordant amber don't you you I don't you keep plotting don't you be plotting don't you telling your chat nothing do dr. Orca bet your Chad doesn't even know all right so you're saying the murder took took place in the kitchen with what weapon and by who missed who missed his work just roll with it oh my gosh they're both muted you don't like this Chad they're plotting against me and I can't even read what you're saying to me Oh No okay so he's saying peach he's saying each murdered somebody with a rope in the kitchen oh and I have kitchen I'm gonna okay okay uh and amber are you ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready okay I'm gonna show you this one show me that okay tell no one tell no one I I know no one it was this so now am bruno's oh that the murder did not take place in the kitchen okay so I'm gonna continue so now it's my turn to go you guys ready no all right tell us are you doing who do you think so the killer okay let me roll more good oh that's good I can go anywhere I want now okay so I'm gonna do my phone I gotta mute this court I have discord meeting so I'm gonna go back to what I'm billiard-room yeah let's go to the billiard room again because I already know that the billiard room isn't part of the the endgame and I'm gonna choose mr. green again and I'm trying to fish out what the weapon is so let's do I know am brew doesn't have the rope maybe let's do rope let's do rope you guys are ready any you guys got it oh okay uh Nico what do you got homie what are you gonna show me did ya I don't want to talk about it what are you gonna show we dude okay so I know it wasn't I'm an intern okay I know it wasn't lead pipe rope of Rhenish so now it's my turn whoa Nico don't you don't you cheat dude are you cheating again are you looking at my are you looking at my stream Nico [Music] okay so I know it wasn't so the candlestick the reason why there's an X on this because I don't know hold on it could be the candlestick alright did okay so you're choosing library [Music] oh you layman yourself why happy Wow you don't know oh no okay how do we do this so we know so we know I I have this chord muted whenever I'm talking strategy I'm talking to you dudes so we know that AM broom showed him the lead pipe most likely and turn did you get it right now no you know it dude I know it is no you don't you're a little only fun dude you're not even go to new room I don't what do you mean Amber's feeling real confident after winning last time okay so who are you gonna say killed who with what in the ballroom come on amber ooh I don't like this Nico he's plotting dude I don't like this Nico daddy is right alright there we go guys okay so you have you're saying peach with the wrench in the ball room that's your boss all right dad yeah dang you got for me there you got it okay all right all right did you get it I got it I got it okay all right now it's my turn wait is Nico give me a second give me I'm just okay are you good it's a plot and you know I'm just plotting I'm like a like a so now it's my turn I meet at this court again I'm going to figure out which weapon it was right here here we go okay where am I gonna go let's see here uh wait dang it I can't go to a room okay so I got a strategy for this I got a strategy for this I'm gonna figure out if it's one of these three rooms let's go to conservatory right I'm coming for you okay so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna choose mr. green since I already know he can't be the killer because it's marked off and I'm gonna choose the weapon of what weapon am i holding a wrench I'm gonna choose a wrench so if neither of them show me the conservatory it's the conservatory here we go you guys ready stop showing me things Nico I don't want to see your cards what is it what is it was it I'm not telling you nothing I'm not telling you nothing all right go ahead John you Nico right all right okay we're good okay enter key now all right now it's Nico's turn why is your name Matt Grundmann because I was mad and I was stuck under a tree okay yeah seven all right where are you at no I didn't mean to click top are you going to the hole okay so who are you gonna say killed who with what and whom and what in the hall no Nico's plotting I don't like this they keep muting and plotting oh you're saying yourself did it with a wrench in the hall I can say for a fact no oh but what what am I saying no to man you know what am i saying that he didn't do in the hall am i saying that he didn't use a rich am I saying he didn't even do it what for what am i sayin I don't know dude okay get over round man okay well you yeah it's right there maybe have a one two three chance of get me right dang it so so what I was thinking there since I had the wrench in my hand it was guaranteed that ambu could couldn't have shown him the wrench but he could have showed him the hall or mustard alright Nico or amber what are you gonna do - you're saying the conservatory was this person who you thing using okay using this what the conservatory say that's it standing the chat I won I just won starlet using the revolver yeah in the conservatory okay well I guess that's not it then I know what he just showed you I know what he just showed you yeah I'm not saying I'm not saying big ball then don't say it don't say it okay so continue now it's my turn okay okay okay try to figure out how I do this let's throw that okay give me a high number eight Oh cheater what did she have a stroke for West eight and then you got it I saw you the most Oh what's wrong with you dude what this is uh great okay so let's go back to the billiard room since I have the billiard in my hand right we're gonna get this weapon right here okay billiard I think it's I think it's the candlestick so let's do green again with the candlestick if nobody shows me this candlestick then the candlestick is the murder weapon okay you guys ready mr. green with the candlestick in the billiard room oh wait did you already say this didn't you already say this I'm pretty sure you okay okay continue somebody hit continue I'm so entered okay whose turn is it it's mine cheater cheater pumpkin eater dude what are you talking about dude late guess I'm not gonna miss click you guys better not be reading your chat you bunch of cheaters won't you be reading chat I'm talking to you amber I know you I see you ran through what look at me that's weird okay dining room who are you gonna say Nico who killed who with what in the dining room scarlet okay Scarlett Johanson with a wrench in the dining room your wife Scarlett Johanson doing that can't Scarlett oh all right it was it something of the three I'll give you that hidden which one wasn't it did I see I can't tell you that much okay okay whose turn my turn oh it's Amber's turn amber why are you a guard you guys chose the male characters are you talking about we got a sick suit we're gonna go they both muted discord they're plotting I don't like this okay okay team I wish I could read chat I wish I could talk to you guys but I can't because then that's cheating you got you guys we'll go watch their stream and then tell me what they have you know cheap cuz you guys are a bunch of cheaters okay you went to the ballroom the billiard room all right amber what are you gonna say what you gonna say who's gonna who killed who with what and with where and in the what with the room that yep I'm saying pitch did it what the peach in the billiard room okay well I've got to show you something about my face there you go your face oh my gosh that's a bad selfie I would take off internet right now oh my gosh okay now it's my turn let's see here how can I do this uh Nick are you there hello Nico yeah yeah yeah sorry I'm just I'm just thinking oh so sorry yeah Nico are you new to Minecraft yeah my first time playing Nico figure out how to play micro kay it's my turn here we go okay so I need okay I just muted discord I need to get to the ball route my next target I want to find which room it was in so I need to get to the ball room the hall the library or the study okay give me a high one six jacket okay can I get to any of these okay and get you the ballroom let's go to the ballroom okay we're gonna go to the ballroom you guys ready for this you gonna play some ball let's go have a ball do you okay so we're gonna choose green because again we know I have that card we're also gonna choose the wrench because we know I have that weapon if nobody shows me the ballroom I know that's the room yeah hello you guys ready I'm gonna say it's mr. green with the wrench in the ballroom Niko wait what are you showing me did Niko put that away don't show me that card stop showing me cards Niko I don't want to show you cars all right now it's your turn okay roll roll roll okay I want to miss click again okay don't miss click to end it don't miss click then okay that's a good idea oh and that's a nice roll 10 nice dead we're gonna go dead uh-oh here we're oh the lounge what's the first time we've been to Laos just as pretty dude I like it good looking out of the chairs man nice little fireplace you know I'm a dimensional fireplace you know really homey yeah it is a homey dude you know what we can do in here we could play clue in here oh dude do you want to play clue inside a clue oh my gosh food section all right Nico who you're gonna say killed who with what in the lounge oh you're saying plum with the Grinch in the ground and wood and show me you show you that one let me show you that one dead okay did you get it hey I saw I saw I saw it did you get it did I got it got all right Nico or I am brew your up all right a rolls big rolls big rolls big rolls that's not that big of a rod ah I want to know I'm gonna roll get a mulligan guys I have a theory Niko wanted to know about plumb and brew didn't have plumb so plumb might be the murderer this could be a good theory hold on so I have nobody that's the library okay they're exchanging cards okay can you guys not exchange cards please can you show me the carnage that you're showing each other yeah yeah it was it was the man on the floor that was him he told me that card oh that dead guy dang it yeah the dead guy he is pretty old okay okay I'm rolling I'm rolling here we go six okay I'm muting so we could figure out if it's plumb right now hold on hold on so if I go to the kitchen if I go to the kitchen if I go to the kitchen and ask for poem okay so are you guys ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready there we go so I need to do the wrench and I have kitchen and the wrench so if nobody shows me plumb it was plumb it's ready when Sunday eats while you scream well we play the games I mean what do you mean did okay why did you show me that mustard mustard Nico I won't literally punch you in the hole [Music] all right dad I got you dead wait is that it oh it's on AM brew and turn all right Nico it's your turn okay are you good dude yeah ten all right where are you gonna go I'm gonna come with you dude hey dining room just cook in my dining room deck okay so I can show you that I can show you the dining room you think I can show them the dining hall really call and they'll mustard yeah okay professor plum I see what you got going on here so I have the dining room we know Nico has plum why I'm stupid already know the murder weapon I'm an idiot ignore me dang it all right Nico how you doing dick oh just dandy what about you all right amber what you got going all right I need a big roll big roll please big roll is so stressful dude I got it all right dude I'm telling you right now okay where you going I'm going to the hall man no get out of the hall dude get out of the hall dude there's literally a murderer running around you're running around in the hall come on you got to be smart oh he's muted again he's contemplating oh he sang peach with the candlestick with the candlestick in the hall okay what did you enjoy we know he didn't show him the candlestick but we don't know if he showed him Picchu the hall dad Nico why did you show him dad did that good stuff death okay all right let's roll my turn guys we're getting this we're getting this right here right now we will figure out which room it is um okay let's go to this study let's go to the study you guys want to study with me we're going to secret package passageway cheater I'm a little okay you gotta study you got to get there quick so I'm gonna say so I want to figure out if it's a study so I want to say it's professor green or whatever his name is mr. green with the wrench with the wrench if nobody shows me study its it hello hi what are you saying oh you said it mr. green mr. green with the wrench in the study so we know it's not the study dang it so see the library the hall ah it's all about look come on Ambrose stop cheating you'll hacker I'm sorry I my bad dude I got a csgo hacks all for my computer I'm sorry six seven all right Nico where you going where you going Nico Vallon you're going to kitchen dude you're making me a sandwich make me a sandwich do I want a turkey and french toast sandwich throw with it what are you gonna pick who killed who with what in the what Colonel Mustard chose plum with the rope in the couch Oh ah so we know wait he's trying to fish out the murder weapon cuz I have the kitchen he has plum I already know the murder weapon you know I didn't want to show you that dick I didn't want to show you that Nico all right amber where you going I'm not going anyway what do you what do you mean okay I know it's not bad three oh you're not gonna get anywhere stay here you got a click a space in the center I can't go this game is rigged dude then why are you sit in the center like that come on Andrew I grow a skirts too tight or something she can't walk or something okay here we go my turn five Oh No um or man oh okay okay okay this is good this is good this is good let's go here are you gonna library you guys want to go read some books yeah I don't know how to read dad okay so again the strategy is the same we're gonna see if it's green because I have that card with the wrench if nobody shows me the library then it's the library if somebody shows me the library then it's the hall here we go you guys ready Ambra what did what did okay so we have we have the weapon the candlestick we have the room which is the library we just need the suspect we know it's not mr. green because I'm holding mr. green we know it's not plum because Nico showed us plum who is it though waiter don't don't go to the study don't go to the study and get what what I told you think I know what it is no you don't I think I know what it is in your you don't I had a second okay guys oh okay sorry there bud okay so now it's my turn or now it's Amber's to Amber because if he gets this wrong he loses no pressure dude Colonel Mustard has solved the crime better I had everything circled but peach I had the worst rng ever wow that was good all right let's go again you guys want to go again one more time yeah hide the screen no I what are you doing dang it chat chat chit chit chat okay okay Nico give us the numbers a.m. Sunday a dude I'm shaking dude I'm so lit are you letting me go just one dude alright there we go we're in Boise we're in Boas oh we can reach at now until the game starts yeah read a chat a chat you guys want us to do another one spam Nico is nico nico knee dang it how did you guys get it so fast oh dude I knew it was that I knew it how'd you go so fast tell us my strategy I think I think I knew before I just didn't it just didn't click in my head that I had the answer really mr. Greene can you click can you go can you uh click go oh sorry sorry I I first time play minecraft tap one rate though I want to change my character um yeah I'm gonna be plum you know chikkanna be whatever there's that many options all right tap one right okay okay everybody spamming me koni koni sooo no more chat hi chat did you actually think was mr. green or you just throw those for mind games do you know he had mr. green yeah okay or did I or did I gotta do it dude there's been a murder oh crap uh hold on I did it wrong okay then I started last game so it should have let us all guess so these are what we have this is a good start I go first these are my cards right here oh those are nice cards dude do you like him yeah I like them oh man I don't know dude he would treat I don't like this one he's a pretty he's a good looking dude okay I'm going for I can't even go anywhere stupid chat um okay all I can do is this one dang it uh okay hold on let's think about this okay so we're gonna do the same strategy but reverse so I know the ballroom I have the ballroom so that is not part of it I'm still shaking from that I want to find out and I want man and I'm also gonna do the Rope I'm gonna do the Rope really if I didn't say all right so if nobody shows me professor plum he's the killer and we just got lucky but now here we go now I know what I need to do okay Neko show me something ambu show me something anything sorry I can't do it in you I guess you're Jesse get guess that right there guess okay alright whose turn is it whose turn you see just calm down dude I think and brew did it okay so you're in the conservatory with Scarlett with a candlestick in the conservative dude why are you hitting why are you hitting wait huh when you got in which one is it in [Music] let's show you that one did you get it I have a wife I rise to you sure I should just guessed so we know that AM brew does not have the candlestick because he didn't show anything oh this is getting good the strategies are good so I'm gonna see if he has the candlestick all right dude where you going why are you part of the ballroom she was bald man why do you want to go in the ball room all the time get out of here dead okay so you're saying a ballroom who's the murderer with what weapon am Bruce stop strategizing with your chat Ambu Andrew stop it stop you're cheating no I'm trying to tell my chat what I'm doing you know stop cheating you little cheater what is he gonna do it Oh what you got ooh scarlet with the candlestick in the room a ball okay okay there you go there it is yeah okay so now you got it all right now it's my turn okay well I'm not saying nothing dude I'm not saying nothing dude don't tell him nothing dude don't tell I'm not gonna bid on last both games something [Laughter] No okay so I have the conservatory so I want to go to the conservatory because I'm trying to fish out the weapon which is the candlestick okay okay I think it's gonna be miss white miss white did it look at her she's got a dog dude that dog did it wait so he's but did the dog this dog do it or did the despites do it with the candlestick there we go suggest if nobody shows me the candlestick [Laughter] okay so we don't have the candlestick we got it in you you know this now what what do you mean what Candlestick okay whose turn is it Miko Miko don't don't be doing this so now all I have to do is find the room I just have to find the room and it's over so I'm gonna go to the billiard room with Miss Scarlet and the dagger yeah what was that sorry I yelled I yell things sometimes I know where you go I don't like it gets yelled at you know the ballroom going back to the plastic where you going to the ballroom dude trying to think of a strategy I have the ballroom plum is the killer candlestick is the weapon does he know this already oh no I gotta show the ballroom okay there you go there you go Nico take it take it and love it take it and love it oh they're both plotting oh no they have muted and they're plotting okay whose turn is it it's my turn come on Rosalie Rolo one roll of one oh you don't want it me let's go to the kitchen why are you going to the kitchen dude I gotta make a sandwich all right I'm home you gotta make a what a sammich okay what are you gonna do dude who you gonna say did it with what in the what with the whom with the we're just remember before you make a guest a final accusation you have to put on glasses and say this there's a big earring I guess I was like a monocle but all right okay wait person it is suggest Ahmad ah Miss Rose with the candlestick in the kitchen okay oh I was trying to think coz candlestick isn't in the rotation neither of them have the candlestick but I have kitchen wait no I don't have kitchen I'm an idiot all right so we could have showed him rose or kitchen dagger you guys aren't helping me help me okay so it's my turn let's do this for one that equals seven Oh let's go here okay let's go here you guys ready for this no you guys ready for this I'm ready I'm ready you hit me up so I'm gonna choose yes it this time scarlet whiff yeah let's go with dagger because I have both of those remember I have both of those scarlet dagger in the bill room if nobody shows the billiard-room dressing I got this man [Music] scarlet dagger in the billiard room killed that poor dude on the floor dang it aunt Nico stop joy you say it's he sands me Danya Nico stop stop showing me things no I didn't like that at all what could you show him you tell me uh he showed me the window that window back there with the tree oh okay was it a good picture I got a good joke you guys want to hear this yeah go ahead colonel mouse turd get it Mouse mustard Mouse did you like ado 7 I think if you hashtag cringe me in the chat I will ban every single one of you okay conservatory with what weapon dude and whom Nico stop plotting dude my pipe um what you gonna show me there you go there you go dude you saw it you saw it did you love it I like dad dude dude everybody's spamming hashtag cringe every single one of you were banned and I just dude I just I just grown up for half a second I'm not actually ringing a chat I promise dude I just read it to see if there were spam and cream cheese oh my gosh you've been cheating this before a cheater pumpkin eater dude you're a pumpkin eater okay I take offense at oh okay amber where you going where you going but you ever hear blue yeah Chad telling you what I have is my cards because they're not dude they didn't see anything dude are you going to library dude what's in the library de Dorina so we have to think about this smart we have to keep an eye on what he chooses and then we can eliminate something miss or plum we know plums the killer in the library I don't know if the e has lead pipe so since Nico definitely showed and brew something in the library I'm not gonna go to library I'm gonna go to somewhere else okay you guys ready I'm goin in I'm goin in give me something high please okay I'll take an 11 I can go anywhere I want I'm going to the moon um okay so I'm not gonna go there I can't go there yeah you guys want to go too you guys want to go to the lung-lung key let's go to London B we're in the lunga dude okay the DeLonghi doesn't seem very funky you don't like the long gated I could be more lucky you know it you know so if nobody shows me the lung guy oh so let's do the rope let's do the rope you guys ready I think it's I think it's am brew it's gotta be am brew am losing you it might have been me dude it might have been me died dude I got like that card do you why that card I did it I didn't at all okay all right all right now it's Nico's turn all right yeah I'm just thinking it's thinking what are you thinking about dude stop thinking so much uh dog stuff what about dog stuff oh you know no oh okay where are you going where are you going big bay um dude why are you going to the lunga dude and you're cheating to get there well I'm gonna quick quick mouse oh my gosh can you not go to the lunga please yeah [Music] all right so who are you saying murdered who with whom with what in the whom exactly do I really like this lucky I really like the lucky roads with the wedge Oh what did you show them dead okay now it's am Bruce turning where you going amber amber roll up roll up to again roll it to again dude you got this I believe in you please now please no six seven eight nine oh you go anywhere we're gonna go though these are the questions conservatory dude we were just there am brew but dude I love forgot my purse all right conservatory with whom and what in whom dang it doesn't help me they're both Pilate both muted I just okay I have one two three four five so I have a twenty percent twenty forty sixty I have a 20 percent chance to win right here um I'm gonna show them mr. white there you go do you like her or it okay [Music] now it's my turn I have a 20 percent chance to win right here come on okay we got an eight I'll take it alright where's this gonna take me um oh it shows you your number way before I see it Oh does it yeah yeah we go there you guys want to walk to the hall with me do really nice okay so I'm gonna say um this angle this evil lady yeah with I hold on with that evil weapon 20% chance if nobody shows me the whole gig amber amber you need to not grace to me quit saying I did it dude okay well then stop killing people with a rope dude I bet know what's out what's up so this next turn I have a 25% chance to win all right all right Nico what are you gonna do dude where you gonna go Amber's up there plottin dining room yeah are you gonna get some mustard in there dude get it cuz your Colonel Mustard get it I'll get it all right rows with the lead pipe in the dining room so it's not the dining room or the library it's not the dining room or the library it's got to be the study it's gotta be the study okay how close are you guys getting you guys getting close to the the mystery okay go ahead Oh 11 you'd your little hack all ready go ready go here okay going to library I like it I like it the library gotta read a book what are you gonna read read me a story dude read me a story he's plotting again it's gotta be the study wait oh sorry what wait wait where we mean wait nothing I know it it's a library those three cards are int okay continue alright I know exactly what you're guessing too I know what it is to let CV gets it if he doesn't I'm getting it if he doesn't I'm getting it okay okay let's go baby take it you guys are a bunch of hackers dude guys are a bunch of hackers dude what's up dude I had it all circled every one of them circled yeah rip in the chat that is a very fun game I like that that's fun that's good this we're gonna I'm gonna end my streamer you guys can end your stream i man mine okay I'm meeting I'm gonna my stream here if you guys have enjoyed if you want us to do this again hit the like button down below I'm sorry I didn't win I'm a failure dang it it's just they get it right before me oh well if you guys want us to do this again hit the like button down below also hit the subscribe button and yeah I guess that's it dang it I am an awful awful human being dang it amber ooh I mean I'm gonna sue you dude debt buzz no dude please no III beg I beg see you dues next time also amber say it hit that little Bell dude say it yell it that little bell we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 4,387,729
Rating: 4.8940935 out of 5
Keywords: Clue, Cluedo, SSundee, board game, board games, hasbro, Monopoly (Game), Board Game (Game Genre), Gameplay, Hasbro, Murder Mystery
Id: mCgJZmSTkI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 30sec (3270 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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