Poor Ted... (60 Seconds)

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[Music] so welcome back to 60 seconds where your job is to survive the nuclear apocalypse I have never beat this dang game but today it's gonna happen the very first time I played this was over four years ago I still haven't beaten the game at listen like I said last time I played this four years ago and that video only has a hundred thousand likes in four years just listen we can get a hundred thousand likes within the first day let's do this boys new game apocalypse and this time we're going in with a different strategy I will beat this dang game so since Dolores is a lot skinnier and Ted's a little fatty I'd say that legally I'm gonna take her because she'll be easier to maneuver and there's a list there's a list of things that I need to bring to up my chances of survival here we go okay okay yes there's the radio I need the radio uh excuse me fat daughter Oh gas mask need the gas mask I don't really care about to make it but I'll grab it just a case okay I need to act map is right there okay Timmy's in here with the checkerboard okay okay time's running out okay grab this gas mask hunting rifle give me the radio yeah it's got the radio hi yeah come on Dolores um water I'm gonna do a water and a food trip right now grab all the food grab all the food there we go okay okay it looks like the kitchen is done don't have to go back in the kitchen Tammy you got to come with me boys grab the playing cards two flashlights get the flashlights Dolores what are you doing I have half the time left Oh give me the map the map is really good to have as well um okay okay food don't want food oh crap oh crap oh crap water give me water come here come with me fat Mary gah we have 20 seconds left if the okay okay we're groovy grab water grab Mac why need that axe I need that axe drop this I need to go grab that axe oh I don't like five seconds left grab the axe bug spray Oh I left ed I can see the tight Oh Ted Oh No how much water do I have four cans of water or four bottles and five cans Oh [Laughter] divorced you got this you can win this without Ted we got this all right so we have everything yeah we have what we needed we have the cards we have the radio we have the map we have the axe and the rifle that's what we need and for you new guys to this game how this works now day one so here we are the three of us are safe and sound we just need to make it work from now on we really wish it was four of us poor Ted we can't remember bringing those supplies down the shelter so yeah down in the shelter there was already bullets a Boy Scout manual and a harmonica our shelves are full of cans we eat from cans well sleep on cans we'll even talk to cans some of us already do Oh guys okay so how this game works like for you new guys you ration out food whenever people are hungry and water whenever people are hungry you can also do different tasks and you can send people on expeditions outside of your bunker to get more food and water and supplies now it's day two all right so what I'm gonna do right now everybody when if I click on their names Delores Mary Jane and Timmy none of them need food or water right so I don't have to give them anything just yet but I can go up on top or go out of my bunker and do an expedition for food but I don't really need food yet or water yeah we're not gonna do an expedition yet what is this how about the trip to Nevada ain't nobody can do day three if we go boy I have to beat this game I have never beaten this game yet we will do this with Dolores okay Dolores is thirsty Mary Jane is thirsty Timmy is thirsty but it's only day 3 I'm pretty sure I've gone at least seven days without water okay guys don't go seven days without water I think the most you can do is like two okay I really look okay everything's good I'll wait one more day maybe two more days to give them water maybe I'm not gonna go on an expedition yet what is this okay nothing all right I gotta beat this game don't think I can finally win this hit deadline I will treat this here we go what is this they're probably dehydrated now yeah dehydration so I need to give them water now let's give them all water yeah all dehydrated Mary Jane Timmy all dehydrated should we go on an expedition for food I mean our neighborhood is still highly radioactive from the bomb trips to the surface are a big rich risk to our health right now no I'm not gonna go on an expedition what is this there has been some radio chatter about air drops from the military it's about time all those taxes out of hell shall we head out to get them there might be a crate out there with food in it yes what oh let's go get that crate gimme yeah I need any water I need water or food I don't know what I need look at all the food seven cans of food from that crate out there we got to water and to food the airdrop crap we found wasn't exactly all buzz oh all right here we go we're not gonna go on an expedition we have everything we need what is this there's nothing more annoying than silence and that's all we're getting from our radio no music no talking nothing is there anything we can do with the yeah okay let's use the radio we're gonna listen to the radio so we don't go insane yes all right next day day six well we did what we could but we still didn't hear a thing okay there we didn't hear anything on the radio okay let's keep going we don't need to do an expedition because we have more than enough water and food for now so there's a guy at my door trying to play a game of cards and if we win we get to soup cans I am not opening my door for nobody what's wrong with you that trash can of ours is getting disgusting those giant greeny cockroaches are pretty I gotta kill the cockroach wait no I heard about this if I don't kill the cockroaches something could happen to Mary Jane maybe all right day eight they're hungry and dehydrated all right we'll give everybody a look at the cockroach ha ha ha yeah commuting cockroach yeah it's icky all right so I need to give them all water and food there we go go on an expert it looks like there's an area is still ear irrigated yeah from the nuke the freakin nuke went off and poor Ted going to the wasteland right now is so unsafe okay got it we found some weird mushrooms growing on one of the walls food sure there's no laughing matter so maybe it would be a good idea to grab a mushroom bite no we are not gonna eat mushrooms what is wrong with you Deloris don't ever ask that again hello nobody's here if there's one sure way to get our attention it's definitely banging on our shelter door whoever it is they're quite persistent they've been at it for the past five minutes should we open no you do not open that door Delores you sit in the corner and think about what you've done we were about to finish what our dinner if you can call it that Oh somebody's trying to trade they want ammunition or wine what are you okay I'm giving them ammunition what are you gonna give me give me Ted yeah give me Ted dang it what you give me anything good ah one food I needed water give it my ammo bag I will find you we always wanted to pay oh they're talking about the cockroaches they want me to kill the cockroaches they're as big as small puppies Oh oh sure you hear that noise nope we are not gonna kill it because something might happen to Mary Jane how gross says her hole in the wall that smells and they want somebody to go check it out now leave it cover it up cover it up with Mary Jane's shirt new day 13 Oh Dolores is sick Oh No okay okay give them all water should I give Dolores the first-aid kit no we'll wait one more day to give her the first-aid kit the contamination in her town is still strong we're gonna wait what is this we know very little about what's going on outside it'd be a good yes start the radio this could start the process we were able to get a weak signal and tap into the government emergency announcement service and guess what great news they'll fall out outside has mostly gone it should be much safer to travel on the surface now so I think I'm gonna give Dolores the first aid kit I don't want her dying and then since it's safe outside we're gonna go on an expedition tomorrow what is this if there's anyone who can arrest you yes another radio signal here we go so Dolores is gonna be healed here comes the radio yes Dolores is good everybody's good there we go nobody needs food and we're gonna send Timmy out on the expedition with a gas mask just in case there's any more radiation out there we didn't expect to get a phone call so soon after the atomic bomb should someone go answer the phone oh gosh um Mary Jane you got it go girl oh go answer that phone what's this a Mary Jane they introduced themselves as survivors and Anil and a nearby town of Hill Valley Oh they exchanged information I let's give them food and water what's the road okay this is about the bugs again I do not want to kill them alert there's a gang of fire fighters outside or at least they are dressing dressed like oh wait they've been banging on the door ordering us to surrender all of our supplies no how do we oppose them shirt on Delores defend yourself the safe oh but the gun is destroyed is that surprising than a few shots were okay it sent him running but we destroyed the gun the next day wait oh the gun was fixed so listening to the radio taught Delores how to fix the gun that's pretty cool Jimmy's back Timmy Oh Timmy what happened to you Mary Jane is sick timmy is tired and hungry but what did Timmy bring back oh look at all the food Timmy how much food you Timmy bring back to food in three water Timmy you demand homie I don't care what's wrong with your head oh ho Timmy Oh Eddie brought back a lock Oh Timmy you are the man wait a cat I can let a cat into my place ah all right we got a new animal Oh oh I just got an achievement out of the bag we got a cat cute kitty well what's wrong with Mary Jane oh gosh Mary Jane you looking nasty the military is transmitting again they said they'd just step it ooh yeah this is the military anytime you see a military thing you have to do it I think hello aircraft weird out here everything was going as planned but then the flashlight stopped working we were lucky to get it fixed the time way did we hear from the military Oh that'd be sick what is this when we open the shelter door today we saw a letter lying on the ground they're asking me to give them a can of soup and we won't regret our generosity okay I'm being generous please don't kill me the authors of the note turned out to be twin siblings a brother and a sister they promised to contact us again soon Oh hopefully they'll bring me supplies so it looks like everybody's thirsty but we'll wait another day to give them water what is this ah all right they want to look for photos of their aunt Ida in that book now you guys have fun just don't ruin the book at all on the cat's collar says an address should we go check it ah yup we're going boys all of this is so bad why am I doing this day 30 before we reach the end of the street we were stopped by two men wearing dark coats no they took my cat my cat what the heck was that what is this what's that glowing in your pocket Timmy oh no mutant ants so if I click on Dolores we get rid of the mutant ants but if I click on Timmy we keep them we're keeping the mutant ants I want everything mutant for Mary Jane day 30 alt Mary Jane looks terrible all right everybody's bored who's gonna play the harmonica we're giving it to Mary Jane Mary Jane play that harmonica or vomit on the harmonica oh you're disgusting ow we might have to go on a trip Oh should we let's see it seems awfully quiet outside maybe it's safe yes we are going on a trip for more food and they also want to read the Scout Handbook all right we're gonna do that we're gonna send Timmy back oh the cat's back all the cats back hello sharikov Oh all right wait we lost the book no they fought over it you guys are bad people well give them all water before Timmy goes out with Timmy you're gonna go out with the gun ha good luck Timmy oh please come back soon day 34 curiosity it almost killed the cat shark I found a tiny wire sticking out oh gosh should we examine that wire no we are not gonna get electrocuted not right now all right it looks like Dave 36 both of them are thirsty but wait and what is this the siblings are back their group is growing bigger they're asking to use the map oh no I want my map oh okay we'll help them day 37 uh-oh we still have the map though oh nice and we saw the cat a group of doctors knocking the door today requesting some supplies should we help the doctors with water no scientist Li supposed to arrive to their doorstep yell wait a scientist is looking for his cat all right I don't know what that Timmy Timmy's back Oh Timmy broke the gun no dang it Timmy what did you bring me Timmy he's bringing anything food ammo and a broken gun damn oh gosh and Timmy's hungry now oh that's not good Timmy oh wait we can do another trade I can get a medkit for a lock yes let's get that med kid exchange fair exchange say 41 we got a medkit boys who are we out here so the calf found a note from that crazy scientist and he wants help with his next project the doc told us to start stockpiling for the trip hmm we need several bottles of water so we need to go out on a trip again but Timmy can't go Oh No Timmy you need to get better so you can go boy woke up today feeling very uncomfortable it was like something or someone was watching us oh let's go ahead and axe it a question whatever it was it's dead now quite dead oh good job boys Oh Timmy can go on an expedition now day 46 yes Wow what is this cockroach alert no we are not killing the cockroaches it looks like everybody's hungry but Timmy's about to leave so I'm not gonna give them food Timmy it is time this time you're going out with an axe boy Oh ham fine we're gonna give them both water sister dehydrated and we're gonna give Delores the medkit yep all right here we go boys please a chief and a walked she turned into a beauty of the cockroaches boys that's what I'm talking about the reason why that's so good she doesn't need to drink water she doesn't get sick she doesn't get bored all that is so soon we could use some extra supplies who do we send out mute Mary Jane go ahead Mary Jane have some fun day 51 did you bring anything back a water and soup boys mute Mary Jane out here oh they want me to go rob an elderly shelter for food oh yeah go ahead mary-jane have fun day 52 so when Timmy comes back I can sit all look at that handprint oh gosh that's gross uh-oh we got a padlock from the old people oh that's kind of mean alright nothing new today somebody wants to use my mat alright well let them look at our map hopefully they don't steal it from us day 54 all right we still got the map so that's good what did they did they give us a oh they gave us a checker table thingy yay we need to use our flashlight to find our ammunition all right whatever maybe Mary Jane Oh Timmy's back day 55 hello Timmy Timmy would you look how much food water we got for food four waters a gas mask a medkit TV you are the man aha take some water or take some food Delores is thirsty and we're going on an expedition because Mary Jane Louis's it's the army again we can use the gas mask to go out we're gonna send Mary Jane on an expedition and use the gas masks to go check on the army we're gonna give them all food we're gonna send Mary Jane out and we heard from the military let's do this goodbye Mary Jane boys can we win this day 57 so it looks like Timmy needs everything he's thirsty and hunger what is this time to listen to the radio yeah okay let's listen to the radio again Oh another trade we could get a gun for a padlock yeah we're gonna go ahead and get a gun over a padlock thank ya wait there's a suitcase on my front doorstep should I open it yep oh please don't be back give me water who's knocking at the door hello okay nobody's sick nobody okay we're looking good oh we got a suitcase what suitcase alright so I'll give Timmy food we'll wait a day to give Dolores water oh I can get a bottle of water for bug spray now I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna hang I have enough water and Mary Jane's about to come back hello Mary Jane day 63 what do we got Mary Jane oh look at all the water Oh Mary jab a block food and water oh go what the heck is brig Rick came free epic cooks Mary Jane is really lost it all right Mary Jane you going on a expedition have fun go ahead and give her some more food before she heads out and have fun Mary Jane wait the cat is eating my food you can't you need to see I there was another military announcement on the radio Timmy you need to go check on the military all the time all the caches yelled at me day 67 wait why is there another cat barren haha there's a there's three cats Vera where's all my food going another cat showed up at the shelter overnight and they ate more food am I gonna die two cats now the cat wants to play with the checkerboard yes I don't care play with your stupid why do I have three cats in my place I have no more food another can of food is gone what what am I supposed to do about this the cats are eating my food the end wait did I win why is there a cat with a gas mask we've been exiled from my home and overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of furry beasts unable to fight for them what weight their claws and teeth are too sharp for our soft flesh we'll have to try our luck elsewhere we'll miss the shelter we survived for 69 days wait does it say perished feline domination [Music] I was driven away by Ted I survived does that mean I win this if you guys have enjoyed this video and want me to play this again hit the like foot double I don't know if I want or not I think I did but I don't know and to subscribe but if you're new around here hit that a little bump that was fun thanks again for hanging out watching this video and once 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Channel: SSundee
Views: 8,612,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ssundee, sundee, SSunde, ssundee game, kid friendly, kid friendly game, new game, kids, games for kids, new kids game, games for kids new, new games for kids
Id: InF_Op6L_OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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