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so there's welcome to a game called phasmophobia our objective is to discover what type of ghost we are dealing with and today i'm playing with these three idiots let me ask you a question would a ghost be this flexible oh yeah all right so we have to what we have to do we have to uh find a bunch of evidence to figure out which type of ghost this is right and also there's another twist to this game once we get out there we'll show you and we what do we do oh yeah there's also an activity board right here for how much ghost activity is going on so the idea is we have all of these things hold me grab my flash right there henry bought me uh let me grab this emf reader ah what else i think that's it everybody everybody suit up suit up i'm suited i'm shooting here i'm gonna grab the camera i have this very very important thing it's a book it's a journal look right look what it says look what it says what does it say that like button oh yeah guys listen here's the deal this is kind of a scary game if you're not a chicken crap like biffle hit the like button down below and if you're really not a chicken crap it'll turn blue [Music] all right guys ready here we go here we go now here's the next thing we have to do everybody mute discord oh my god we can only talk in game and when we get yeah when we give we are away from each other we can't hear each other and we have to use our microphone we have to use our radio hello hello we're all next to okay headway henry you're the pro at this game what do we do uh we well i'm gonna try and find a room that's cold um you guys just kind of say his name and anyway do we know the name of the ghost i got it i'll be back i'm going now i'm going to check the name i'm going so this game actually has voice recognition so whenever you say the the ghost's name he'll actually respond to you look boys there's activity in the house spiritual activity in the house it's out of five it's out of five it's out of three now you're fine the name is richard thomas and it also seems to respond to everyone you can be you should be able to use the name to anchor it if help us i'm my ice skater come with us oh yeah also this is an emf reader whenever this flickers up like if you see the first the first light is green once it gets to red that means there's a ghost literally cutting my toenails question i have a question i have a question answer do i have to be here yes before you are bait oh guys it's like five degrees right here it was five degrees for a second that's very coaching what another question can we are we allowed to rob this place no we're not gonna rob this place i want to find the ghost what do we do um we use our tools to try and find where the ghost is oh there's a basement it's there's here throw a plate at it what's down here is there anything down here oh i don't like this you guys are degenerating guys remember don't you leave this video yet don't be scared don't be scared i'm about to leave the game what do you mean it's it's it's like it was minus six degrees right there where i'm not getting any emf dude oh it's freezing in here i got three i got three i got three bars on my emf that's a characteristic of a ghost we need to know that one down okay so we need we need to look at the evidence yes it's freezing temps so everybody note that down under evidence evidence found freezing temps that'll limit the ghost type that we can get and that'll give us more money right yeah wait question who just opened the door i did it it's minus 10 degrees in the hair it's freezing this is definitely the ghost room so we need to stop bringing the green in here and trying to speak to the ghost oh wait i have i have a thing what do you have what do you have what do you have oh it's a ghost book okay what does the ghostbusters do you can right hit that like button on it oh the ghost can ride in it oh i'm actually mature in memphis two amphibious two rachel it's four the total activity was at 10. the tactivity was at 10. guys hit the like button if you're not scared we're fully grown men hit can i keep this mug that i found so somebody grabbed the ghost box and we could use that to speak to the ghost that's the one on the top right there is this what i have i got it let's go back here wait is it what do i have anyway what's the blue thing that i have uh that's a motion sensor if we put down the wall it will tell us if it goes by let me get let me get that let me get that ghost box let me get that ghostbuster let's put that somebody grab the motion sensor okay okay there we go okay what do i do what do i do with this what do i do with this so you turn it on ask those questions and it will reply to you in that room can you tell biffle to get out wait question hold on we need [Applause] hey guys guys who has the camera we have an objective we need to capture a photo of dirty water in a sink guys she left me in there by myself and the ghost breathed in my ear wait henry why do you have a camera on your head i have a head known to kevin you guys want to watch me as i go in there yeah i can watch you watch we'll watch don't let me die guys don't let me die okay i'm watching you henry i'm watching you oh this is terrifying henry don't die are you guys good are you guys good mr thomas it's richard guys there there is a little bit of activity activity uh activity three three activity you need the ghostbusters yes so whenever the ghost attacks right we can't use the radio yeah don't speed because it'll hunt you down it will hunt you biffle what's the name of the ghost richard martinez it's richard richard thomas richard thompson versus thomas okay outside richard thomas everybody going on right now give it a little bit three f3 f3 in in turn on turn on the radio turn on the radio so we can talk to it the voice box richard thomas okay put it on the floor give us the signs do you have the camera to take pictures uh yes i do you need to take look i just oh wait oh no oh i took a picture of you and now i already have full pictures left you only have five pictures yeah no i just took what i'm using for you're an idiot we need to take a picture of dirty water in his sink can we okay okay okay okay we'll find this thing can we find the dirty water in it what's the activity at before [Music] he's attacking right now if we talk in game it can find us and kill us lights are flickering that means he's attacked and we can't talk to people our radios are turned off is our radio richard thomas give us a sign does anyone have a uv uv torch i do not have a uv torch should we get that okay i'm going to grab it i'll be right back don't you let me don't you leave me don't you look i got two i got two on the mf are you going back to the truck oh gosh i'm getting the uv make the guy hey sigils schedules hold the house down hold the house down at the activity right there hey hey hey uh henry henry henry we need to take a picture of dirty water really quick oh he needs to turn on a sink and then we can oh he's here he's here he's here he's here where where where just made the sound he made the sound it's cold i'm out of joy manatee mfs too richard thomas give us a sign richard okay [Music] shut up everybody shut up we close the door that's all our sides we can leave we can leave [Music] is that e meth level five no it was it was that f5 it was that five okay okay okay okay interesting look at the activities oh yeah our insanity if our insanity goes lower whenever we're in darkness right boys we still have three objectives prevent the ghost from hunting with the crucifix and capture a photo of dirty water in a sink everybody go ahead and put in your journals what it is okay emf5 freezing temperatures and what's the last one figure emf and fingerprints banshee it's a ghost type banshee yeah so ben she's if you go to the page on banshees they'll tell you all about okay i'm looking up banshees banshee is a natural hunter and will attack anything it has been known to stalk its prey one at a time until making its kill sigils it was targeting you it walked right by me to target you i'm gonna be unique strength a banshee will only target one person at a time [Laughter] i hate this no okay so we need to get a picture of dirty water and guys is that eight right now is that it yeah it's fine i'm going in you guys i got the camera please watch the camera what happens when you it that whenever you get killed if you die you lose everything and it's very very scary so if somebody if somebody if you just run towards the cruiser fix when it starts chasing you it won't kill you really crucifix going to go get the voice box i want to see if it'll talk to us i got a three in here i got a five in here i'm gonna i'm gonna shake full of dirty water give me a second yeah we need to check for dirty water so that that that kid's bedroom is full of like death yeah i heard a footstep hey where's my footstep singles are you good i'm not losing i'm not leaving what was i doing how can you tell if it's dirty water it's brown like poop richard thomas please richard thomas take a giant dump in the sink please let's turn off the lights oh shut the door shut the front doors out of 10. we are getting attacked right now [Music] he's right here in the closet closet closet just just go to the i'm at the crucifix goes to the crucifix guys everybody just stay here we'll be fine stop yelling at richard thomas richard thomas we need dirty water how do we get him to poop in a sink he kind of just does it in his own time so we just gotta hang out he's chilling like vantally poops here you know what we need lights i'm going to turn on the thingy henwy come with me or biffle come with me i really don't want to be in here it was back here back here back here it was right here dude my emf reader's at one though so i think we're fine richard thomas dump in a sink he threw something across this room thank you richard thomas i'm at three in this room i'm out of three in this room richard thomas everything i'm gonna give us the sign don't close the door on me i'm out of throughout the third three five five five uh let me know well you just poop in a sink already i see him he's he's kind of a cutie oh what is he what is he doing yeah he's hanging out yeah you just get a picture get a picture no yeah yeah now we just need poop sing sing poop so that's all what was he doing please uh dude he was so cool that that was just chilling oh yeah the cruise is fixing henry i'm coming with you have anyone come with you wait did we actually defend yeah oh he was trying to hunt sigils and the crucifix stopped him we can either risk continuing and dying for the dirty water or we can even probably get a lot of money i don't want my dirty water i do like money just go back inside let's go back inside so just come up i don't want to just he likes me too much everybody go in the bathroom maybe he'll come in and turn the sink on for us oh yeah richard thomas gave us the sign richard richard and thomas come to the bathroom and probably thomas make our bathroom poop uh richard thomas come to the bathroom richard thompson eyes out of five it's out of five right outside that door richard thomas richard thomas poop in the sink thomas the tank is here oh jesus christ guys did you see him it's out of five it's out of five santa let's go check richard thomas this is your bathroom use it one last ghostly bomb okay the emf is at zero all right one it's out of five in the bathroom poop in the sink poop in the sink richard thomas richard thomas poop in the sink richard richard richard thomas dude break is down what what your your breaker's down we can't turn the lights okay it's a three in that bedroom richard thomas all right let's go turn on the lights you can turn the lights everybody come with me come with me i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared before before to turn on the breaker you go down into the basement yeah i'm on i'll go down there right now dude this emf route is so good there we go turn it back on there we go all right we got lights we got lights richard thomas go poop richard wait who wants the flashlight over here did henry die oh oh he's out he's out boys he's hunting oh first one the door's locked hide in the hide in the hot in the closet hide in the closet hide in the closet he just ripped off my eyeballs they're leaving without me did you die too yeah do we all die no you two no me and me and uh survive dude dang it yeah we survived we ripped off my eyes and i got sent to the grave this is why we don't need poop water we needed poop water and we we needed it guys oh my goodness if you want us to play this game again hit the like button down below maybe next time we'll do it in vr oh god oh god also hit the subscribe button if you're new around here click this next video to watch the next video we'll see you news next time
Channel: SSundee
Views: 2,768,370
Rating: 4.9669199 out of 5
Id: RxVw4QS8qKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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