Overclocking the 4090 should be illegal!

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I love how only the middle fan turns when it's like booting up anyways it's that time we're gonna start talking about overclocking because you know with these big old giant coolers and stuff that are available why the heck not so there's a few things that are actually kind of different this time around when it comes to the overclocking logic and that's specifically because of the new PCI Express or PCI Sig um specifications for pcie Gen 5.0 power cables I want to kind of show you guys uh sort of the new methodologies for overclocking and see where we can land on the leaderboard today's video is brought to you by the json's merch store we got t-shirts gaming mats and mugs and all that kind of stuff so whenever you go buy our stuff we don't have to put other ads here and other annoying crap so go buy our stuff uh so we use Port Royal for this because it's it is the um the ray tracing Benchmark and with these Ray tracing cards and stuff you know it's obviously important to uh really push them because you can be stable with rasterization performance versus RT performance are very two different two different figures I can actually push this card in RT to almost 2200 or 3200 megahertz it's weird to say 3200 megahertz but in Port Royal it's like 30 40 something like that but anyway let's see where we are on the leaderboard right now because people have been out here doing things um I'm all the way down to 12th right now because as I show up to seven yesterday because of the fact that um not that many people have their cards yet even though the whole list is 40 90s now so far it looks like it's just me that's jumped on here so we have to get really creative because the whole logic behind the overclocking this time is completely different in terms of where our limits are so our limits as we showed you already in the review our voltage is voltage limited not power limited usually what we would hit is a power limit prior to being voltage limited which means to get more frequency we had to get more limit to our power so if we're only allowing let's say 450 watts to the card and we're not maxing out our voltage to get that frequency if we can up the voltage at the same power limit we get more frequency but the problem is if we have power if we are voltage limited we are now purely limited by how much frequency can we get at the supplied voltage and power not even being part of the equation and that's where we are today um one thing about the strix card is it's a dual bios card and there's a q mode and a p mode so it's a quiet mode and performance mode technically but the difference on this card now is the performance mode also unlocks 600 watt max power drop on the standard bios or the Q bios which would technically was quiet it's a 4 or 500 watt so it's 100 watt different so it's a 50 watt uplift over the Fe already out of the box it's got this giant Vapor chamber on here both of the BIOS are are sound optimized so just want to point that out so on here on the strix card we are running a 600 watt max power limit again voltage limited but one of the things I like to do when I'm starting to play around on here is the people that are above me it's like what are their settings so if I look at mine I had a 28 000 o25 my core clock was 3075 and my memory was 1494. so I want to see right now like the people that are in like first place 30 000 points already he is 33.60 and his temperature minus 35 this is actually where the temperature bottoms out the sensors stop reporting under -35 so this is for sure an ln2 at least a dry ice run but guaranteed an ln2 at 3 360 megahertz I have to assume there's going to be some sort of a shunt mod that he's done to uh apply More Voltage because of the fact that the I don't see 3360 even at Cold temps happening necessarily with the stock 1.1 volts that are available to it would BPS Customs do 28 316 he was again Founders Edition card there is a lot of Founders edition cards look at the frequent sorry I know you're panning back to me 1500 megahertz on the memory the score in Port Royal scales heavily with ram So the faster you can get the gddr6 to run without error correcting the higher your score will be in fact prioritize Ram overclocking for these before core overclocking all right let's just go ahead and do a run here so I'm using MSI afterburner although GPU tweak 3 is updated for this card specifically in fact there's a lot of functionality of this card that you get accessed through their utility from Asus which is going to be RGB control probably I believe they even said more finite clock control I'll probably mess around with that but today just to try and get myself farther up in the leaderboard I'm going with something I know which is specifically MSI afterburn basically what I'm saying is Go full Voltage all the time and that's enabled here unlock voltage control unlock monitoring and force constant voltage it will go to the 1.1 volts or 1100 millivolts and it will just stay there and that's what I want because having wavering voltage is not good because if it comes down slightly right as the clock jumps up because the clocks might if the load drops like in between a scene and the clock comes up real fast and the voltage goes down that's a crash guaranteed if you understand cars think of it this way it's like if you're on the Dyno in a boosted application and your voltage or your fuel pump is fluctuating on the fuel pressure and you drop below that safe Mark what happens detonation and it's bad right we same thing happens for the graphics card and we don't want that but just to kind of show you how crazy it is right now I have a power limit at 90. it's weird if I hit 100 right nothing happens if I go to 120 so that's 100 that's a hundred or twenty percent over 500 by the way that gives us 600. because what's 20 of 500 it's 100. so 100 plus 500 600 and they're not exceeding the 600 watt on the cable right now but if I want to find where our memory starts to freak out check this out 1450 on the ram right there 1450 that's a mess so if I go 1500 it'd probably start artifact in 1500. so let's go with 1550 on the ram oh there we go yeah see it's really hard to see but it's sort of all over the screen kind of flickering see it it's getting worse as we go oh there we go okay so I already know this particular Ram kind of freaks out uh at above 14.50 which kind of sucks I feel like I'm gonna try like 1460. remember 30 series we talked about the fact that the power slider or the voltage slider was a placebo 1050. that's the like Fe voltage right there but watch if I max out the core voltage we actually get 50 extra millivolts and that matters clock speed here will go to now we'll go 190. and then here we will go 14.50 and you see where our score is land this is what basically got me just over the 28 000. oh there was crap all over the screen yeah it clearly did not like those particular settings it reset the driver all right so we finally got to run to validate oh geez yeah well it's about 50 point or 100 points low I'm gonna go 14 55 on the memory and I'm going to go 165 on the core so while this is going let's see if it'll start let's talk about some of the logic here regarding overclocking 40 series I've already I've already said that Ram overclocking and specifically Port Royal is King the highest Ram clock that you can get without it having to error correct will get you the biggest improvements in score so my approach to this and the people that are above me may be doing this entirely differently but my approach to this is Max out the ram then start pulling up the core clock as far as you can and find where it's no longer stable because when I found maxing out the core clock and then bringing up the RAM and having the ram overall stop at a lower lower number was not getting me these scores so Ram was King all of this though at the end of the day is very minimal on your actual gaming impact it's like drag racing graphics cards like how fast can you go why well why not I feel like some of the some of the other things I'll need to explore here are repasting Steve recently showed that with the contact paper that a lot of the mounts are crooked not by Cricut I mean there's more pressure on one side than the other and you know what ln2 overclocking that's a death sentence for getting any sort of stability okay so that just passed but you can see we are not gaining anything so I bet you the 1455 was negligible where nothing happened and the 165 may not have actually gotten us another oh we got one bin so we went from that previous run right right there 30 30. starts at 30 60 to a 30 45 so I'm gonna go 175 now but I'm kind of starting to feel like this card at its current temperatures is sort of maxed out because you can find too by keeping the card colder with the same settings sometimes gets you a better score even though you can see the core clock isn't fluctuating it it does somehow scale to a better overall performance probably on the memory side honestly because the colder we can keep the memory the better it will perform okay so we gained 10 points uh if I look here we might actually be error correcting on the memory okay we are chicken walking our way up Vince would be so disappointed I'm gonna save these settings where they are it's a plus 190 on the core Plus 1450 on the ramp the ram and if I save that means I can just pick up right where I left off now we gotta pull out the air conditioner so because time is a concern today I'm not going to be making my typical cardboard Masterpiece I am just going to be blasting air right at it from the AC and I'm going to let it get nice and chilly just let it blow right at the card and then we will fire up the card and just go for it that that's actually got like I don't want to say condensation but it's got that kind of like a slight misting happening on there because of I guess it's condensation because it's so cold um but I found this so I looked at my box of ln2 parts and I'm like is the bracket the same yes just take my word for it it's exactly the same size so what does that mean we can go right to ln2 testing not today I don't have any ln2 on hand but we can go to ln2 testing to bring the temps way down to see what happens so if I fire up after burger what is the temperature of the card at right now 13. so that will help a bit uh settings are loaded remember this is where it crashed on us there we go oh that's core though that's core doing that not memory oh I bet you I know why I I haven't figured out my own brain because it's so cold when we're hitting that 30 60 30 45 remember it shoots up and then comes down to that so I think because the temp curve right now it's going way higher than where I'm setting it so 180 is actually much higher because I'm getting the whole 180. so there's something very interesting happening here um the colder I got the GPU the less it wants to run at the speeds at which I've had it running before right now it's insta crashing I can't I've never experienced an issue where lowering the temp causes a problem but I might just have to break out of my but the clocks are down mentality and just run it colder at a slightly lower clock and see what happens because there are people above me on the leaderboard that are lower clocks so I gotta break out of that the old habits die hard thing yes if I'm looking at the starting FPS right now it's higher by me dropping the clocks than it was warmer with higher clocks so that's got to mean something else is happening so maybe the memory being colder because I dropped the memory from 1450 to 1400 so maybe the lower temps is just giving better performance at a lower clock speed but it's like that logic doesn't jive in my brain but my brain is also my brain so you never trust it okay so we completed that's a start I just need to see what the score is and what the clocks are yeah see that's already my highest score because I had a 28 000 like 40 or something like that before so what are our clock speeds 30 45. and that's my highest score and that's lower frequency oh yeah 28 061 oh that's one point it's always a point can I just say that so many people get confused over the areas of fluid and being freaked out it's it's fluid does not mean liquid so I have resorted to giving GPU tweak three a shot only because Asus highly recommended it in their email and yes they're always going to recommend their product but apparently very similar as to how EVGA Precision would work in a very specific way with their cards versus just general support MSI is just a general support for scanning sensors and being able to move sliders that show available to V bios so I'm going to go ahead and try this again with GPU tweak 3 to see if there's anything else in those settings that maybe will give me an edge over MSI afterburner I should have probably done that two hours ago but you know I'm stubborn so it does appear like I'm actually getting a little bit more granular control and the FPS is definitely looking higher so I actually have both running right now which is not good for performance I have MSI for better monitoring but I want to see 28 125 okay so I just jumped up like four spots right there I don't know how or why but the card is more stable with GPU tweak 3 running I mean it's designed to talk to its own card right so 30 60 was the average because remember it drops down 1487 on the memory so I feel like I need to push this Ram if I get can't get to 1500 I'm not going to get to where I need to be oh right at the end no don't crash I mean was it enough if it passes it passes as well as all the majority of the car crosses the line right at the end it's like completely borked itself okay I mean it's a little bit lower but hey we were getting a little bit of artifacting so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna bring the ram back there's like a couple of clicks so I pulled the ram back and this is what's happening but I have a feeling that that's because of the the previous weirdness that you guys saw so I'm Gonna Save that and I'm gonna restart the system yeah we're just crashing left and right now so we're gonna call it right here for the strix we were able to get 28 125 today uh I need to throw the Fe on here though because I'm really curious as to with MSI afterburner if I can get voltage unlocked or voltage slider control on this to Max Force voltage if I can I just want to see where I can get that founders of card Founder's card to land and after like a dirty run and then we'll just see where we end up all right so we do have voltage control so this is plus 15 25 on the Rambo so the ram the ram in the Fe card is better than what's in the strix in terms of overclock ability right now oh did I get BPS customs please Brian I love you man but you gotta go down I just spent two hours with the strix card and I just did one run with the Fe and shattered that score um okay Hall of Fame 28356 yes I am going to be in fifth place so from not on the board to 18th Place to seventh place to 12th Place to fifth place okay so what was my core clock 30 60. so that's all Ram there's your proof Port Royal man it's all about Ram you've got to push that Ram as far as you can if this test does if this test passes great if it doesn't I'm done it's lunch time our food is getting cold although I got a salad so it's already cold I don't want to get it warm so that was insta crash at 30 90. um whatever you know fine with where we landed it kind of makes me wonder now if I could potentially get with ln2 a better um I guess we just have to have a chat with devour like what do we need to do on the 4090 to get you know he's already looking into this uh buildzoid could probably look at the PCB also and say Here's what you got to do but you know we need to have a talk about this card right here so the 40 90 strix the cooler is phenomenal the core goes farther than the Fe I was able to push this one to like 31.50 and like rasterization performance um but the RAM doesn't overclock as far as what it does on the Fe we do know the Fe cards are binned we do know that they use like the highest quality round these are using like SK High Knicks or something I've been taking the cooler off I'm not entirely sure yeah see look at this this is not that's not working so I'm gonna stop it there I got on the board I'm happy with where we are if you're not overclocking you don't care about the leaderboard stuff that we're all playing around with this is a 400 more card than that one a lot of people don't like the red and the blue like I've asked people not to put color on their cards and rog's like hey you know what we're put both we're gonna put 180 contrast colors what do you think about that well I think it's a fantastic card because there's three 120 millimeter fans on it but in terms of just performance unless you're pushing it it may not necessarily be worth it so the Fe card is as of right now the smallest card you can get and oh that is chili you know maybe save your money save the 400 bucks and buy a CPU with it all right or an air conditioner to get it colder but there you go guys overclocking you know other other um YouTubers are gonna get on the board besides BPS Customs sorry buddy had to take your spot but there's plenty of Headroom right there for you to take it back let the wars begin [Music]
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 1,271,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4090 overclock, 4090, rtx 4090, can you overclock the 4090, is it worth overclocking the 4090, 4090 strix, 4090 fe, nvidia, amd, 7900xt, 7800xt
Id: RdWM4vIrajg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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